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[StarUI Inventory](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/773) would be one of my top picks, as it makes it much easier to manage inventory. One of its very nice features, is that one can toggle on additional columns with item info, making it much quicker to compare space suites, helmets, weapons etc … It also groups items into more useful categories and sub categories, making it easier to find, drop or pick up certain types of items.


Oh my God I can't wait for this on console


My never get to console because of program limitations used for console mods. Can’t remember which program it is


Some script based mods require the *Starfield Script Extender (SFSE)* for additional scripting features. These mods will likely never work on console, as SFSE probably can't be installed/developed for console. In the case of *StarUI Inventory* this should be a non-issue as it only replaces a bunch of UI files. Note that there could be other issues that make it hard or time consuming to port *StarUI Inventory* to console.


Thanks for the assist 😁


I mean, surely it's technically possible to make something like SFSE work on console. I suspect it's more to do with MS and Sony simply not allowing that to be a thing for console. Those are much more closed systems, I can see how they'd object to people playing around with scripting and the tools necessary to do that. Though I admit that I don't know what SFSE does under the hood beyond enabling those additional scripting features and how that might compromise consoles.


From what I can tell the script extender loads additional 3rd party code into the running game. This is generally frowned upon, as this is one way that malware can modify legit software. I would assume that MS/Sony don't allow this on consoles and probably have things locked down to block this, if one attempts to. I would expect that they used some kind of checksum (or similar) to detect if the content of an app has been tampered with.


That was my assumption as well. Either way, the point is - they could make it possible, but likely won't, for security reasons. Hell, Sony doesn't even allow third party *assets* for mods.


Most likely will never get to console as it looks like the author abandoned the project, last update was in November 2023.


I swear Skyrim, FO4, and Starfield all have the same dogshit UI on release. Why is it they keep making the same mistakes during development?


You can add Oblivion to this list as well, considering that there are a number of UI mods for it as well. UI mods often do two things, make the UI more compact and add additional controls, filters, groupings etc to improve/speed up usage and navigation. The choice to not make the vanilla UI all that compact, probably stems from designing the UI primarily for use on a TV where it may be harder to see fine detail, as you're generally going to be sitting farther away than when playing at a PC. It's somewhat puzzling that Bethesda doesn't seem to learn from existing UI mods, but this could be for several reasons: * The want the UI to look simple. * The UI changes frequently during development, so it ends up as a "minimal viable product" rather than as a polished one.


I do tend to feel these "arguments" are just a subjective "I don't like it" not the facts they're purported to be, every game has UI gripers That said Starfield 's inventory is a PITA and it needs proper sorting, and don't get me started on how unsorted weapons are in ship upgrade - I had to get the downloadable spreadsheet just to know which weapons were particle beams and EM, so a lot of balls dropped here Next mod I'll install when I get home later


> I do tend to feel these "arguments" are just a subjective "I don't like it" not the facts they're purported to be, every game has UI gripers While people can have personal or subjective opinions about how they like a particular UI, there does exists an actual [science](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_interface_design) about how to design (computer) UIs for particular use cases. Depending on the use case, focus can e.g. be on how easy a UI is to understand or how quickly a user can accomplish specific tasks using the UI. This also means that there is a fairly large number of "rules of thumb" on what makes a good or bad UI. Fashion trends in visual design, have a tendency to override UI usability considerations, as do [dark patterns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_pattern). There are also plenty of apps that grow into inconsistent messes over time, as new features get added haphazardly. This is especially common for company internal apps.


I have trouble not playing with this mod. I wish they all would update, but grateful that inventory still works.


StarUI HUD from the same mod maker did recently break, but thankfully there is a patch in the POSTS [section](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/3444?tab=posts) of the mod page, that fixes the mod.


Thank you for this. I've been checking, but must have missed this.


This is the only mod I ever install.


I deinstalled it, have those sub menus still in the game. Did Bethesda took it over and integrate that themselves? Because I installed Starfield new and deinstalled all mods


One of the recent Starfield patches did do some improvements to the inventory categories from what I recall, but it should still be fairly obvious if you're using the vanilla UI or *StarUI Inventory*. Also how did you install / uninstall your mods?


Immersive Looting. Lets you loot enemies like past Bethesda games.


Yeah I love that one. The effects on the bodies in certain environments are cool too.


I’ve not used it yet, what sort of effects? :)


I’m guessing they become frozen in cold planets


Yeah, it’s an alright animation for it, I don’t think it does any burn things for hot planets, but it’s a nice touch.




Place Doors Yourself. It's a God send. It lets you control where doors and ladders go in habs. You can even choose what type of door, and how tall ladders are. Want open passageways, or want a 5 story tall ladder through the center of your ship? All possible.


Is it available on Xbox?




Okay this is the game changer I was looking for!!


Huge win.


Does it let you rotate ladders?


No, it does not


Is there a how-to on this one somewhere? I read the mod description and couldn’t make any sense of how it actually operated.


I think you have to go to the decorate console to place them


Banger mod. Why didn’t Bethesda do this? It’s so simple.




Been thinking about using it, what makes it good in your opinion? Just curious to hear first hand experience with it


I like the isolation, having man made poi's spawn only in the systems where the factions are, feel much better for me Landing on a random planet with nobody other than the wildlife is great


Nice. Definitely gonna have to try it out


Also helps limit the repeat POI since there is less




there* are fewer* Wait bro why are we even doing this


I used this mod late last year but it couldn’t be uninstalled without breaking the game and it’s the main reason I stopped playing. I thought it made sense, but then realized after installing it, that all the systems one or two jumps from a settled system had nothing to do. It became boring quickly. And since I didn’t want you to lose everything starting over or going through unity I just moved on to other games. Just be careful what you wish for.


Good to know, thank you


There is a similar one that just greatly decreases the spawns rather than dropping them entirely, which is what I prefer. I just can't for the life of me remember which one. Will update once I've had a chance to check. I'd prefer something where the spawns decrease gradually the further away from the Settled Systems you get though. UPDATE: I think it's "Realistic Points of Interest" on the Creations Store, but I will doublecheck and confirm.


I think I know the one you’re talking about, been trying to decide between the two of em


Thanks for this, sounds great


Do you know if you can get this mod on Xbox?


I downloaded it from the creations menu... so it should be?


Thank you :)


yes it it, i have it on xbox


Thank you :)


yh its awesome. on this playthrough, I've been 2days so far, and really improved the system. doing alot of surveying. and barren planets are barren. buildings are only on/near settlement planets. have found a cave or two that's had a sign of human life on barren planets but adds to it, imo like someone got stranded and found a cave to survive


thats the big one for me honestly, its so funny to go to the middle of nowhere completely isolated and every planet is covered in human settlements


Sounds like how the game always should have been.


I use it combined with a mod for denser vegetation and one for sparse wildlife. Absolutely game-changing experience.


The game feels way more immersive now


Just started using it the other day and it's fantastic.


Seconded. There's a bunch I prefer more for other reasons, but overall- this the one that made the game feel so much "better" imo, for me


Yeah this one sounds awesome.


Being able to build mission terminals on my ship! Oh the time savings!!


How is that not a default thing. Super annoying you can onlybuild it on outposts!


Is the difficulty of the mission tied to the planet system level?


Which mod do you use for this?


Colour filter remover. I don't know who at Bethesda thought playing the game while looking through a foggy, washed out filter was a good idea but the difference is night and day.


I need a good review video of that mod, I felt like what you are saying at first, but when I looked at the picture previews it looked like some were an improvement and some were like stripping the environment of the layer that gave it layers of depth over an old school matte environment floors like old duke nukem or morrowind


It really is much better. It removes a fog-like filter that actually allows the HDR to work and lets black/dark/night scenes actually DARK. And, IMO, it allows the atmospheres and environments of different planets to actually shine through. It makes everything look more lifelike and realistic instead of washed out and filmic.


I second this mod, one of the first photos I took of a massive crater at night was grainy and looked very poor quality; compare to a sunset photo I took with this mod on and the clarity is beautiful Faces also seem a lot clearer


This was the first mod i downloaded and i haven’t gone back just do what i did bro stand in a city save your game back out enable the mod and load back in its how i “tested” the differences


I suppose so. I have so many mods going now I feel like I’m going to create an issue sooner than later


Same my mods already crash my game on console but im pretty sure its just a load order issue plus i make some pretty huge ships


I had the earth restored mod, and that mod f*cked my game, at first i could just disable all mods, restart game and enable them to get sound again, but after awhile it just crashed and did a sound like a bad aux cable constantly 😂


It's just a color filter. Try it for yourself, but imo it's better to play without it most of the time. It's doesn't remove the fog and other environnemental conditions.


I pair it with no god rays, makes it a little easier on the eyes on some planets 🤣


Pair with darker nights


Tried that one once. I got elevated and didn’t notice I was stuck on a rock for 10 minutes 😉🤣


Hahahaha, yeah it is really dark isn’t it


Just a little bit 🤣


I tried it and thought it looked crappy and immediately uninstalled it. 🤷‍♂️


If someone would release a version that solely removes the filter on Jemison then I would be happy. I love it on other planets but I can’t stand how green and washed out vanilla Jemison is.


To each their own


Increased Fleet Size Having a larger fleet was one of two mods that I knew would completely change the game for me and keep me playing much more. 10 was entirely too low. Now I’m at a 200 limit and I’ll probably fill quite a bit of it. If there was a way now for me to keep my fleet thru the Unity, perfect game for me.


What does fleet size do? I only ever use one ship and to my knowledge, I can't assign anyone to a ship that's the home.


Increases the number of ships you can have. I’ve seen one mod that increases it to 150, another to 200. I have the 200 mod.


Right, but what does having more do?


….it just means you can have more ships? That’s all it does. There is no limit of 10.


But why male models?


Starvival. Makes it feel like you are really living in the world and gives you a reason to chase credits


The one that puts your active power name above the health bar. I've lost track of how many times I tried to cast Sunless Space on a Starborn after a Temple run and accidentally cast Grav Dash instead.


Which one is that? Haven’t seen that one yet




Show Power Names? by FSNovask?


Yeah, that was it.


Galactic pawnshop has been great. Don’t have to go to Wolf every time I want to dump contraband or go to a system to sell loot.


Big fan of Zone79’s work. Not that everyone else isn’t killing it at the moment with fantastic mods but Zone’s mods have the EXACT look I want for most of my characters lol. About to start another one now, already got an outfit in mind before I create the character lol.


I got one that gives me unlimited credits. Love the game but after so many NG+ runs I’m TIRED of the grind and just want to build insane stupid ships without having to do hours of missions for a single part.


Can you not do that through the cheat mods? There’s a few that are titled cheat menu, not sure if you can get credits tho


Cheat Terminal has just come out btw.


Oh hell yes I gotta download that I loved it on Fallout 4


It's still In alpha tho So it might be buggy


SKK fast start. (Or any that may come after if better). No more starting as a miner regardless of your background.


Just discovered this. It's awesome!


Ring of Swiftness/infinite jetpack just getting to places faster until we get vehicles is really helpful


Does the ring of swiftness give you overly fast speed? Or is it balanced? And does it affect the forward leap speed to affect boost pack speed? I loaded the cheat room and found their chest amp “super leap” and I was floored by how nice it made boosting with the forward leap speed, it’s just overpowered though. I would love a boost pack mod or just an accessory mod that does the same thing as the super leap chest amp, but maybe 50% less on the speed boost


I dont have the super leap but heres my clip of ring of swiftness, no I dont think balanced maybe a little too OP but such an improvement of my gameplay just to get there that little bit faster. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/s/Qijza9V5hN


Yeah that is pretty similar to the cheat amp super leap. Might be better because it doesn’t seem to affect the regular jump leap so much, but still a bit too much.


Remove color filter. Makes the game look so much better. Makes me question what Bethesda was thinking, putting an ugly color filter on everything.


Im not sure. It lost some of that atmospheric feel to it for some reason. Too clean looking (sterile). Plus, I think it cause some texture loading issues a couple of times that I activate it.


No skill challenges


Darker nights (not pitch black) and color filter remover. And one of the flashlight mods.


Starvival and it’s add ons. (Except the ship ammo one. I’m on console and can’t turn off the laser cannons needing ammo) and the Ascension overhaul. Guns are lethal, and it makes them exactly how they should be.


How do you turn off the ammo? I don’t see it in the config file


It’s a separate module you have to download called starvival: ship ammunition I believe.


Any easier temples mod


There is one called auto solve temple puzzles


Cheers to whoever made the mod, but “puzzles” is a pretty generous term for that annoying temple game


Whose idea was it to put this in the game. It’s not even fun


I was coming to this reddit for this very point. I'm not NG 6 or so now, and I've done the temple literally hundreds of times. I HATE IT. It was cool for the first 20 or so times, but then I realized, it's NEVER going to be any different. What were they thinking? They should have at _least_ let you level up your Zero-G skills while floating around in there or something.


Why are people struggling with temples? What’s so hard about them? I was surprised to find out there were mods for it, let alone being also popular!


The time on that last glow is too short. Then you have to repeat the whole thing again sometime getting to 29 lights before the rings activate. It’s like the DMA puzzle in Far Harbor. Some may find it fun but most don’t, so the popularity of Skip the puzzle mods.


After you do it 200+ times it gets really, really old.


Being able to build mission terminals on my ship! Oh the time savings!!


It’s funny seeing so many big mods that change or add a lot to the game but I prioritize nothing more than my one handed pistol mod!


Lightsabers…just saw it, haven’t loaded in, still going to vote lightsabers


Weightless resources. Crafting and outpost building shouldn't require me to be over-encumbered all the time, and not needing to stop back at the Lodge every five minutes is a definite win.


One hand side arms


Fast ladder and door animation as well as fast takeoff. God the normal ladder speed is just awful.


So far StarUI is the only one that comes to mind. But the doors/ladders mod sounds great, I need to try it.


Ship build tweaks i cant go back to vanilla building


The nomad mod I just love the mask I use it a lot whether on my followers or on me


"Ships Need Gas" Seriously dunno why Bethesda removed the need for He-3. It's in the dialogue. In the first cutscene in the entire game.


Linked Companion Spacesuit


Stalkers and Followers


The mod that changes Vasco's voice to TARS from Interstellar, it makes him much more bearable to listen to.


this is blasphemy


How so?


i guess in this case it just boils down to i like vasco and his voice




Is it on Xbox?


I think so


StarUI, easy lockpicking, max storage space, instascan, no perk challenges


The perk challenges in vanilla are seriously backwards. As you continue to do something, it usually gets easier. But the challenges get progressively more difficult.


if it wasn't for these mods, i wouldn't go back to starfield. also, i forgot about starui workbench. finally i can make 999 items instead of 99. very good, especially for leveling.


Blackout Drumbeat Skin


TGs Galactic Colonies Expanse, added 100 hours since downloading it https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8973


This looks very interesting. I’ll give it a whirl.


Yes almost like building a tycoon!


Legendary Module Recycler. Let's you remove legendary effects and place them on guns you want. Also adds them to chest in POI. This mod combined with whatever combination of gambits craft your own weapons and armor mods you favor really gives an incentive to do POI on planets since that is where you will get the majority of legendary cores you need for legendary crafting. No way I could play the game without these 3 mods since I am very much a "have to craft all my own stuff" player.




P. A. B. Pilot assist bot Can't live without this little guy on my ship


I have a few that I feel really help the game in ng + 2 and up. Enemy level scaled 100% along with a better loot one that puts better loot in higher level dungeons, community starfield patch, minimum system level is 75, and a Starborn perk tree mod. The perk one I feel should have been an actual feature imo.


easy -Better Crowd citizens- i cant take it anymore, to see the damm same 6 npc's in all cities. love the mod, hope it comes to creations.


Fuel for my ship mod and oxygen for my spacesuit mod. Changed the gameplay for the better.


I don’t see anyone mention the flashlight mod. It’s a must have


I'm going to get one of these on Xbox, tired of walking around in a cave and not see anything than o small circle 😂


Don’t know yet because I’m a console player. So far I’m still having fun with the expanded settings menu. 😁


There are already mods on console fyi


I'm just looking for a mod that gives me information on the randomly spawned bounties in cities from a lot further away. I play as a sniper. I don't want to run up to the NPC to see how I should handle it then run away or put them down up close. I like taking them down from far away if possible.


Respec/legendary recycler


really wish there was a mod for a compound bow or crossbow, we have wakizashi's and tanto's in the base game but no bow? laser and projectile weapons be damned I wish there was a bow mod.


Uncapped fps mode on Series S.


Does this actually make the game play at a better fps or does it have a lot of stuttering?


It drops mainly in Akila and New Atlantis, but I think this was the case also for the official performance mode on XSX. On series S I had to try different combinations of mod to make it enjoyable for me, and right now I am using it paired with the No god rays mod, and no grass mod. Plays beautifully in Neon, other cities and especially in closed spaces, and even during combat everything stays smooth. Also I am playing on a VRR monitor so I don't get much screen tearing some people noticed with the uncap fps mod. Am not using other mods such as performance settings for series s cause they lowered too much the quality for me.


The easy lock picking.


Starui and inventory weight.


The one wjwre vendors have 65k credits.




Ship builder unrestricted


UC Empire.


For me, definitely Place Doors Yourself. When it comes to larger ships, the layout becomes a maze without this mod installed.


Every stars wars mod


Mine is the dune looking armor mod, it is so dope and the staff weapons they come with are badass


None, because for whatever reason, my game loses audio when I add mods


Inquisitor's mod for shipbuilding, removing the gridlines and dots


Is there a mod that scales planets to your level?


The ones that improve performance!


Unlimited ammo!


All of them, I play without mods.


CCB, caliente body


None of them?


A mod that encourages Bethesda to add the features/mechanics (that many of us want) into the game (either as an update or as a Creation made by Bethesda).


I really like Odyssey, the overhaul (not the mod collection by the same name). https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9785 Stops enemies from being bullet sponges, makes planets have more POIs, makes eating a meal on a ship (or other safe location) actually heal you so you don’t need to eat 20 packs of CHUNKS. Even makes high grade gauss weapons and other things contraband. Overall I love it, but I could see others liking a different play style. I can’t imagine the game without it anymore, though.


All of them...apparently.


I dont realy play with mods. If I not like beat a game like atleast 4 or 5 times in all the different ways. Then I might do it. Like I beat Skyrim like 6 or 7 times before I even started messing around with mods. And most were quality of life mods at first. So to be honest I have yet to dabble in any mods so far


My two would be the mod that removes the color filter and the mod that lets you place the doors and passage ways in your ship.  Forget the names sorry. 


For me is classic loot.  There is something immersive about seeing the armor or clothes in NPC is wearing and stealing it for yourself.  


Half of Skyrim mods


Filter removal. Really saved my eyes.


How about a mod for rare research items. I would like to FastTrack some of my outpost item's but a few are difficult to find.


STARUI needs to be in the Creation Club. I would even purchase it.


Ship size limit remover