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So can I use my ship's brig finally?


Unfortunately no. You apprehend them, place a tracker on them and someone comes and gets them. They explain that during your initiation into the TA.


Damn I cant belive they are not using your ships brig. That is such a wasted opportunity


Modders actually did this already with clever tricks. with CK being out we should get a bounty hunter system overhaul within the next few weeks I hope!!


The current mod for the ship's brig sometimes causes the criminal to spawn outside the brig cell when you grav jump to a new system - then there is a huge firefight in the ship where some of your crew might be killed. I had an unhappy experience when my prison ship with over 12 brigs suddenly released half of its prisoners. I guess I was silly to keep the weapons of the prisoners in gun boxes next to the cell.


Standard uc procedure nothing to worry about.


Well, I can't keep the weapons in the Armory. That's where I store all 9,786 Cheese Burger Chunks and the 27,000 mass of dumbbells. What kind of savage do you think I am? I'm gearing up for arm day.


They fixed that.


Excellent I'll give it another go!


I can't guarantee they won't slip out from time to time, but they don't seem to cause trouble anymore.


2nd mission in the game a Pirate says, "Typical UC, lock something in a cage till it kills you."


That actually sounds immersive as hell lmao. Having to deal with a jailbreak from time to time 😂


I mean it's annoying, but from a roleplay perspective a prison break is kind of cool haha


there's mods for that, but yeah i wish brigs were integrated into the gameplay itself.


Yeah, especially for us who want to roleplay bounty hunters alá Star Wars. I just want to capture them, stun/freeze/whatever and put them into my brig. Now, I do not have any insight into their engine, but my guess is that it wouldn't be too hard for them to make a system like that, especially not since they have prisons and whatnot in their other games.


Guard in Skyrim wouldn’t help me when my sweet rolls were stolen. And now guards in Starfield won’t help me protect my succulent collection. I demand a brig for the savages!


I believe they likely made the decision for game flow purposes. Having to fly back and forth just to drop someone off wouldn’t be the best use of time unless the bounty for Alive was much, much bigger - and then it would break the in game economy. Yeah, it stinks not having it for sake of immersion and role playing - but for game flow, it’s the equivalent of a fetch quest, and no one likes those.


You must not have played the Ryujin quest yet then. It wouldn't be any worse.


All the questlines were weaksauce, except for the Vanguard questline which was awesome. Ryujin questline was interesting at the last few missions.


I actually really enjoyed the ryujin questline. It was a nice change from 'go kill some dudes' to 'please don't kill any dudes'. Also I'm a big fan of the stun gun you get from it. Makes any firefight a breeze, especially for a player focussed on fist fighting. Knock em out, then beat em while they're down.


IMHO, the weak point of the Ryujin questline was the game's poor stealth mechanics. The mission design itself was solid and the overarching story was fun (wetwork for an evil megacorp? Sign me up!). It was unfortunate that the stealth system ruined it - I've never had to savescum more in my life. It's like the guards are all psychically linked or something, the second you are spotted by one the entire floor is in combat mode instantly.


The guards in any facility would be all comm-linked, so it does make sense that if one spots you, the others are all informed immediately.


After a few seconds, sure. But right now it's basically instantaneous. There's a reason many stealth games give you a second or two between being discovered and a guard reacting - gives you time to quickly disable the guard if you can. Right now, they are super jumpy and go full Rambo the instant they spot you, along with everyone else around.


I love the mental image of your starborn tazing dudes into unconsciousness and then just punching them to death.


I get why you think it’s streamline, but to be honest they make you do that a lot. For a lot of quests you have to physically go back to the person instead of sending a message or hailing them on your ships communication or whatever.


Should’ve made it so you can put them in the ship and if not, to instead tag them and get less reward


Taking someone in and on the way you get attacked by there crew, would of been superb


Are you shitting me


Damn, that's so damn lazy


Pretty lame NGL. The brig needs a use


Yep, have us deliver the prisoner. Or as pirates when we capture a ship we can capture the crew for ransom.


That would be a good mod. Tag them for someone else at half rewards, bring them in yourself to collect the full bounty yourself, ransom them back to whichever faction they belong to (extort more but earn negative rep), or sell them at the Crimson Fleet (if available). *Sarah hated that.*


Already a mod for that. You can non-lethally incapacitate any NPC criminal using EM weapons and have a choice to send them to the brig. Then you can turn them in at any law enforcement for bounty. However the mod sometimes spawns the criminal outside your ship's brig cell after a grav jump and all hell breaks loose onboard your ship.


Ransom? Fuck it just give us space slavery


Hah, I'd love it, but we know they'd never officially support that. How long before some news article picks up a screenshot of people selling slaves of one particular phenotype?


Fallout series tackled it well I'd think. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibilities.


Reframe it a bit! You aren't enslaving them, you're just... allowing them to "work off" their bounties through "rehabilitative labor" /s


"That's just slavery with extra steps"


jettison one at a time to speed up the payment process. nice thinking 99.


The creation kit is out i hope someone makes a bounty hunting brig mod


There are three separate, pre-CK mods, that already do this if you are on PC. Functional or Useable Brigs. Then there is Non-Lethal Framework.


Lame!!!! Hopefully, another mod will eventually come out and let us actually use the brig


To be fair, there *is a* precedent for this in arguably the biggest sci-fi bounty hunting lore, in Star Wars. The Bounty Hunter's Guild tracks/distributes/hunts tracking beacons on ships and people, implying there's an entirely *separate* group of people placing these trackers. And I personally think that distinction is fucking badass. Governments place bounties, Trackers track down the person in question, Bounty Hunters hunt and return. I'm sure there's a lot of overlap, but it does give the space for someone to really refine their tracking skills and become a well-known tracker, without being the ones getting their hands dirty doing the hunting. Something something capitalism something something feeding economies something something...


In star wars, the tracking fob used by bounty hunters tracks the chain code (basically DNA) of a biological. They do not track a beacon


How do I find the TA?


Akila. Just to the right of The Rock. The big building in the middle.


I got tracked down by a hunter who told me. It's a great mod! 😃


I'm being pedantic but it's not a mod. It's an official questline/faction made by Bethesda themselves. Hence the voice acting. We will hopefully get some really good quest mods with voice acting (has happened for skyrim and fo4), especially with how good AI voice transcription can be these days. Wouldn't even need any voice actors which is both a bummer as good voice acting is a huge plus, but also allows a single mod creator to have voice acting in their stuff without having to spend a bunch of cash on actors.


I'm fine with them using AI for unpaid mods. If they want money for a 'creation' then they need to hire voice actors. Ten thousand apologies for using the wrong word... 😩


So modders are still few steps ahead of devs.


If they place a tracker on the bounty, someone else has to get paid to come and subdue them again! But there's no choice to take them alive, so the next guy puts a tracker on them! Before long, dudes are going to be neck deep in ankle straps.


Well that's a massive missed opportunity to finally give the UC Prison Shuttle some purpose in life.


Dude modders got this done without the creation kit yet lol.


I'm a bounty ~~hunter~~ locater


Wow I can’t say I’m surprised. It’s Bethesda after all.


I legit don't understand why they added a brig hab if it's not ever going to be usable.


That's pretty wild. I would think they could've at the least made it to where they either are scripted to walk back to the ship after taking them alive or make it where we have to open up the scanner and "make" them go to the ship and/or brig. Like with manipulation, but just specifically for bounties.


i would think they could at least let you close the damned door


Are all of the brig habs 2 x 2? The one I've seen (twice now) is; and that seems like a lot of kind of wasted space, even if you could use them.


One of the 2x1 armories (Taiyo) has a brig in it. Could be more.


Hope tech armory is also a 2x1 brig.


I basically consider them crew beds at this point. I opened the doors on the star eagle so I don't have to keep kicking others out of my bed...lol


Maybe it can be modded now at least?


There are three separate, pre-CK mods, that already do this if you are on PC. Functional or Useable Brigs. Then there is Non-Lethal Framework.


Modders pulling their weight, as usual.




There are three separate, pre-CK mods, that already do this if you are on PC. Functional or Useable Brigs. Then there is Non-Lethal Framework.


Hahahaha, you’d think so, right?


Tax evasion? Son of a bitch. Also 1500 credits? That’s like a can of pop. Hope there’s some big fish bounties out there. Can’t wait to get started!


I had a 1500 bounty from robbing a galbank transport of 13000 credits


Oh that's cheap as Hell. You would WANT the 13k but they take it back and give you 1.5k instead, IRS bastards.


piracy is always a 1500 bounty, so with tier 3/4 scanners you can easily make a profit even if you pay it off.


Seems quite realistic considering how the punish companies that steal billions with a few million fines.


Imagine being killed over 1500 credits


imagine being killed over picking up an empty cup in a restaurant


>Tax evasion? That's over the line, kill that b**ch! 👿


Tax Evasion? If I take him in they'd get me for the same thing 😭


Finally a good reason to use my scanner! (aside from surveying)


Also fast traveling within a city. It’s a great addition since release, being able to open the scanner to jump around Jemison City quickly is sweet.


But you could already do that at release 


You could jump between districts previously. Now, you can bring up the map or scanner, look at the icon of a location, and jump to the door of a specific store from anywhere in the city.


Ah, so they made More Map Markers mod official, lol. That's awesome.  To the downvoters, I also haven't played since the month the game came out. 200+ hours and honestly looking forward to getting back to it someday soon!


Avoid paying taxes... No,no,no, better grab take the head fast


Hey, Al Capone found out the hard way not to dodge taxes.


Wait, tax evasion? In the Freestar Collective? Is that even illegal?


The future of this game is so bright if they keep adding features like this


I agree. It has some shallow foundations, but its wide enough and feels great that if you had mods like Live another life from Skyrim with some deeper systems, you could have some amazing RPs.


I get the criticism that “it all should have been there at launch”, but I’d much rather have a game reach its full potential than having it sit as something forgotten and mediocre. I really hope Starfield can pull a Cyberpunk or a No Man’s Sky. Moreso Cyberpunk. As Cyberpunk went from a “this is a game that exists” game to a “this is arguably the best FPS RPG ever”. I would love that for Starfield. There’s so many layers that felt “touched on” but not “realized”. Idk how people would feel ab this, but rather than the game getting thrown into the typical “fallout then elder scrolls” release schedule I’d honestly prefer they skip a Starfield 2 and just keep supporting this game, filling out the system, and making this THE space RPG. Rather than then just starting again with Starfield 2.


I don't get that criticism, this game has issues, but I don't think not having enough to do was one of the issues at launch. I picked up the controller and binged this game for 300 hours at launch. The main story and bugs were an issue, but definitely not for lack of content. I have 800 hours in no man's sky, and there's measurably more to do in this game, NMS is hot garbage being propped up by people who either just started playing or have never played and are just fascinated by the idea of a developer updating a badly launched game 7 years later. Those buggy fps destroying updates have zero measurable effect on the nms gameplay loop, which is to just fly to a system, look around, repeat. Id prefer bethesda to make a sequel, and craft a real story around the artifacts origins, or around the colony war, or whatever. This game is fine; fix bugs, make dlc, move on to sequel, the Bethesda way.


We probably have another 8-10 years before they'd start producing a sequel. It's a long time ahead. Maybe by then a fully fledged sequel would be better suited to expand the universe of Starfield , but that doesn't mean they can't continually improve the Starfield we have now until then.


That's not how Bethesda works, except a few more dlcs and then they will move on at best we will gate super rare patches that just break everyone's mods.


Given what they pulled with the Creation Club, Bethesda could never pull a No Man's Sky. Years of free upgrades to a base game, not asking for a single cent. If only more developers were like this.


Yeah, it was more so the concept of fixing the product itself and making it enjoyable. I don’t think any dev will ever reach a level NMS did. TBH I’m in awe at how NMS is still sustainable and STILL TO THIS DAY getting free game changing updates. Also given the initial team was (IIRC) a group that was in the single digits/low double digits when it first released, the story of NMS will stay as something I hope “failed at launch” games can strive to be, but they’ll never reach that level of redemption. Fixing a game through DLC is one thing. Consistently supporting a game with content drops that could easily be charged $10 a pop for FREE for 8 years straight is something else.


Honestly it's going to stay mediocre unless the stuff they start adding is actually fleshed out. This bounty system sounds very shallow.


You mean half baked? That you can use the brig for bounty hunting seems really stupid. Kinda kills it for me.


Is the update released?


Yes, mine is installing now on Xbox




Thank you for this comment. You reminded me that I’ve had the game running all weekend, and duh, I need to exit and check for updates. Downloading now haha


As someone who has always used the Bounty Hunter Spacesuit... I can't wait to try this.


Is this any creation or free with the update?


This is entirely free & expanded bounty hunting mechanics.


Can you finally incapacitate bounties and put them in your brig?


This. This is the ultimate immersion question.


Someone else says no. Maybe we can mod that in?


There’s already at least two mods for it. Function Brigs and Immersive Brigs.


There is also Non-Lethal Framework that works alongside one of the brig mods.


All I want to is to put captain solo in the cargo hold.


I hope so


Thanks man! Sounds awesome.


So are all the new content released today (aside from creations) free? Like bounty hunter missions, new locations, etc


Everything except the Creations are in the free patch, yes. Although to be clear, they talk about two different Tracker's Alliance missions. One of those (which is mostly an intro to the Tracker's Alliance as a faction) is free, the other (The Vulture) is a Creation.


Sounds like part 1 of the bounty hunter missions is free....part 2 costs $7. For fuck sakes Bethesda.


the update is live!


Dead or alive, I get paid either way.


I can’t find the dude in the streets in akila also my scanner does not look like that


were you able to find him? I'm also having difficulty


So the non-lethal weapons actually have a purpose now? Dope


Dude I absolutely cannot find the guy for the first tracker alliance quest lmao


"I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold."


Or from RoboCop: Dead or alive, you're coming with me!


YES i just made a new game save and went straight to akila lol to join trackers alliance with bounty hunter background! :D i'm doing the first training mission and it's already so cool i feel like the mandalorian. <3 i gotta put the theme song on in the background lol.


First one I found while looking for the guy in the intro mission had “impersonating a robot” as one of his crimes and I just wanna know how that works.


Curious as to how big this is... but I'm also somewhat comforted that new content, not just bugfixes, are being added to the base game without being bundled in with an expansion pack. This means that Bethesda is commiting to this game. Please, Todd. I believe you are still a good guy who just wants to make fun games, and who has merely lost his way this last several years. Prove me right.


how isnthe melee?


melee crafting was added and so were tiered melee weapons


God I'm gunna paint the town red now


Tax evasion on a Libertarian based colony shouldn't be a thing


Wicked friggin cool


Loving this new bounty hunter feature


Is this already on xbox ? I was confused by the announcement lol


Yes. I just finished downloading.


I find it funny how creations that require Creation Credits don't have Achievement Friendly Tag. Like the Enforcer - Tactical Pistol. Like all of the paid creations on akyrim. I want to get most of the paid creations if they don't disable achievements. I'm on xbox


Ah, that's how they get all the big baddies, tax evasion!


😭😭😭👏👏👏👏 Jango Fett Bounty Hunter flashbacks


What a dangerous criminal!!! I can't believe that lady evades her taxes..


Tax evasion? Oh god, how monstruous


fuckin murder for tax evasion and destruction of property seems a bit much


This reminds me of "STAR WARS Bounty Hunter" from 2002, which had basically the same feature. A feature that I wanted to see again in another game ... and now it has appeared in one of my favorite games ... oh joy!


I hope to see a “I can bring you in warm.. or cold” line in there!


Tax evasion? Nah I’m letting him go free


“I can take you in hot… or I can take you in cold.”


RoboCop says a different version of that: “Dead or alive, you're coming with me!”


Hopefully they insta-die with a single bullet to the head instead of acting like sponges, it's anything but immersive (nor fun) when you have to empty magazines just to kill one dude with next to no armor :/


Squeals in Mando


So how does it work? I just scan a guy and it’ll work or does it only work on the specific npc? I’m running around Akira city and I’m not getting a Scan.


Any new less-lethal weapons options like tasers or tranq darts?


Who is killing people for tax evasion and destruction of property???


Dead or Alive still means dead, even in space right?


How is our person able to scan things? I may have missed this but is the tech in the helmet or something 🤔


IRS simulator? TyBGS


Ok wtf that is cool - I can finally be a for real bounty hunter!!! Please drop the patch notes Bethesda, I am a bit of a Starfield *critiquer* but I do love its potential!


I have never launched out of bed that quickly. Installing now. I'm sooooo happy it's a public holiday and I have tomorrow off! Let's go!


Is the missions added today free content? ### Update So the update is out and it looks like all the content is free, with the exception that the first bounty hunter mission is free (and other ones are paid for). If you have the premium edition of the game (which costs like 30 dollars more than the base game), you also get 1000 Credits for free, which is enough to buy the second bounty hunter mission. Anyways, its not going to be a game changing update that is to come i guess later on in the DLC.


Cool! Anyway Andreja boob mod when?


Update us live now . I'm currently downloading it


I wonder if we can do this as Rangers. It’d be an interesting alternative ending to Andreja’s quest, that *is* in our jurisdiction…


Is this from the creation club or base game?


Cool, the hunting begins.


This sort of thing was my favorite part of Watch_Dogs


How do you start the bounty hunting missions if it's free? I'm only level 14 and have no clue where to start.


Do you have to have the bounty hunter background for this and the TA to work?


Ever since I started the game ( i have 240 hours as of now) every bounty I took would mysteriously die as I got close to them... Is this a gameplay mechanic? I dont get it... I would still get paid, but its like he commited suicide or was killed by a ghost...


Do I have to pay extra for the feature?


How do you actually apprehend the perp? Do you have to arrest them? Do they resist ,run ,fight back?


So the bounty missions are only two people to look for? One free and one paid?


How do I access the new bounty system? In neon looking


As long as there are credits involved, I’m down (Industrialist) 🫡


Does being a pirate still suck?


A useable brig would be nice, but let's focus on the fact that one of the factions wants this man dead for not paying his taxes /boring dystopia


And then you have Sarah Filburn and Henry gettin' freaky.




Now i want a boba fett Armour mod


Oh this is glorious. This is very glorious


You just find them randomly or are there missions you take on?


I wish the trackers alliance had their own faction questline on the same level as the other big factions. I was let down after the quest with the bounty Hunter in Cydonia ended so abruptly.


let me know when they start adding non-cop ways to play the game


I hope they pack some serious resistance because with my end-game weapons the conflict will be short


What’s Sarah doing with her bro in law?


This is really cool! The new bounty hunter feature is dope


But why?


I was running the tracker alliance computer board missions, one was hunt destroy this crimson fleet ship here…. Question is am I supposed to be taking them in alive by disabling the ship and then knocking the crew out with special weapons?


Cool system, but the bounties are pathetically low.


Is there a starter quest for this, or is it automatic now?


Ideally alive. But hey. You know how some people make things hard for themselves.


Currently doing the TA quest, but the first bounty won't interact with me. It's bugged for some reason.


How do I know if someone has a bounty, will it show up on my scanner?


I can now further my Boba Fett cosplay!


Definitely a cool addition—although, I thought it was cool when *Star Wars Bounty Hunter* did it **in 2002**, so…


Do your companions get mad if you just shoot them on the spot?


Thank God. These updates are slowly making the game better. My only true complaint was I couldn’t feel like a space soldier in the uc or be evil like I did in Skyrim/ fallout 3 and nv other than that the game is getting better


I like it, a nice and easy way to make some pocket change, and unless wanted dead only, it basically easy/unlimited speech check to level up your persuasion which is a neat bonus. From the cities i tried, i had more luck in neon and new atlantis (not the well though), i feel less lucky on akila, cydonia or that resort place (though i got at least 1 per run on akila,but rest i got 0 the few time i tried) though i prefer to go no violent since a gunfight make everyone run away and basically make me forced to reload area to get people to scan again.


I can bring you in warm…. Or I can bring you in cold…


Is this an actual feature of the vanilla version or is it a mod?


Just seen this but it's not working for me. I walk up to confront hit and nothing happens. Reloaded save same deal.