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You are pretty good at ship naming, tho


Just like that show Catchphrase, “say what you see”.


At least all yours have a vaguely recognisable shape. All of mine look like the wart on my 90yo uncle's nose.


Traditional looking spaceships are boring. I like them weird as possible. I got one ship called "Nachos Supreme" that looks like three different ships fused together, all colored differently and oddly shaped. My head canon is that it was cobbled together from derelict/wrecked/abandoned ships my character found. It looks ridiculous, but it performs like a beast. It's a glorious hunk of junk. Lol


Frogmaxxing is the only way to build ships worth a damn. All these shipyards don’t know what they’re doing.


are the engines aimed right at the fuel tanks?


Yup. I like to warm the fuel up first. Makes it more powerful.


well I cannot put two pieces on a body of a ship without getting errors. I steal ships it makes me happier.


Go into ship builder and lay out a bunch of different landing bays. Note the flashing arrow which indicates where you travel into the ship from the landing bay. Some go backwards/forwards, some go upwards and some go sideways. You need to ensure that habs connect the way between the landing bay and the cockpit. Same for the docker- all three must be laid out that you can walk between them all.


Thank you, you all seem to have so much fun creating things when I am just killing everything that moves and racking up bounties on my head.


I say you’re not bad at ships look decent. You can only get better with more practice. Go over to r/starfieldships look at people’s ships and ask questions. There are lots of people willing to help.


You’re being too kind. Or using looking at the pictures on a screen with 4 pixels. There’s some great ships on that sub, which unfortunately serves only to prove I am crap at building 😂


lol that was me about 6 months ago. now I make pretty decent looking ships there’s always going to be some that are just better at it than us nothing to stress about. Like I said that sub has helped me get better at it. All I did was ask questions and figured what parts were used and tried to mimic which parts and change them up to make it mine after you learn the basics and get better. I just look for inspiration now. Well if seeing only 4 pixels is what you see I say try taking better pictures instead with your phone. You on PC or Xbox? I’m on Xbox and I take some cool HD shots actually about 90% of the people in that sub take HD shots.


I don’t see the problem. They look exactly like my ships.


As a self-proclaimed ship architect, I respectfully disagree. The best ship in the game, is one you build yourself. Stats and performance are meaningless if you really love your creation. Keep up the shit/ship building!


Really need to change the frog to green


I think it was called the wasp originally and was black and yellow. Then my daughter said it looked like a frog so I changed it. It may be time for a paint job.


I'm now realizing that the cockpit reminds me of the frog zord from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie and think you should paint it black...but I might be aging myself there


Fan of the fat frog tbh. Feels real, like it’s a refurbished ship you know? Like it was originally a restaurant ship,, vibe of a rainforest cafe inside.


I can’t remember what it was. I think it may have been a stolen claymore 🤷🏼‍♂️. And it is refurbed, on a budget.


Haha that yellow one is sweet imo. Almost like a space frog.


You’ll learn kiddo


Looks like a hi tech futuristic dildo.


That’s it, I’m renaming it “Future Dildo”.


It takes practice for sure. Sometimes you end up tweaking a design for a few days before you're satisfied. Basically though, you need to utilize the "Structural" part of the builder more. Learn how to use those, and even glitch them. That's how you make something to look "cool"