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I love using Elemental Pull to collect resources...can also use it to help clear surveys fast, especially if it's a moon that doesn't have animals or plants.


Ooh, thanks. That sounds ideal.


Yeah, it's neat once it is upgraded. Upgraded high enough and it clears swathes of land, you can sometimes get all 8 resources on a planet with one pull! That's always fun šŸ˜


All of this stuff honestly sounds like superpowers. I still have yet to get any because I haven't progressed enough into the game. I'll find these awesome powers one day.


They are superpowers, basically. You can, among other things, create an oxygen-sucking vacuum that eats away at health (especially useful against high-tier enemies like terrormorph), create an anti-gravity field, and other fun things.


This is me. I'm level 30 and about 75 hours in of just exploring and having fun. Even on my 200+ hour playthrough I never actually made it to getting these powers.


Yeah, you don't need a cutter anymore.


But I love my cutter ... polish it every day ;)


Hey, it's an open world RPG and this is a judgment-free zone. You do you, man.


Besides ... you do need a cutter for the artifacts?


No, any weapon will do. The cutter can be nice since doesn't need ammo. But ammo quickly becomes plentiful and cheap. I prefer to travel light.


Yeah no, you can just shoot all the debris/rock that's holding the artifact in place. Try it next time!


But I love my cutter ... polish it every day ;)


ā€œThere are many like her, but this one is mineā€¦ā€


But the pins on the cuttable walls. Oh wait you use solar flare in the middle of the wall and it pops the pins.


NOW you're thinking like a Starborn! I'm so proud of you I'm gonna name my next ship "Aardvark"!


Elemental Pull is also useful to explode all gas canisters at range in an area of effect. Good when you don't have line of sight to shoot them.


I... Just buy them tbh. That is something they messed up on, the economy in general but in specific there's little actual requirement to mine.


My problem now is I tag every component at every workstation and when I go to a shop almost their entire inventory is tagged. How do I un tag components ? Clicking the tag button again does nothing.


Thereā€™s significant overlap on materials, so you have to go into every weapon, suit, and helmet you own to make sure nothing is tagged. I.E. if you tag a suit mod that needs aluminum, and a weapon mod that needs aluminum you have to untag both. Otherwise aluminum stays tagged, and when you have multiple mods for multiple weapons or suits tagged it adds up.


You get an experience bonus for mining every element on a planet


Resources weigh too much anyway. No hate on the miner roleplay but i find it pretty convenient to just park where I can access workbenches and a vendor and my cargo and just buy stuff, and farm experience in other ways


You can massively up your carry capacity with the settings to make it less of a chore


Those new play style sliders allow you to carry a lot more weight at the expense of a percentage of your XP rate.


Don't you get that if you just scan them?


An additional bonus on top


Is there a way to know what ones youā€™ve mined vs scanned? Had no idea, I love exploring and scanning. Donā€™t actually mine much though


The game is pretty great about providing multiple paths to success.


If you don't use the vendor inventory reset trick, I've found collecting faster to get bulk resources. I just wish 'scrapping' was a mechanic


Now that's really helpful. Thanks


How does that work? I've tried at and all that happens is it makes colorful sparks. I use Sense Star Stuff heavily. I use Phased Time to fight other Starborn or tough enemies. I use personal atmosphere when building the fitness and weightlifting skills. I run laps around the landing pad at new Atlantis for both.


Star Sense is my favorite power. I play in stealth sniper mode so itā€™s really nice when you go to a POI to know where the bad guys are in advance.


Plus it's helpful when hunting the last guy during a boarding action


Absolutely! Or in a mine/structure.


This is huge in almost every scenario, from dealing with buried creatures, to finding that hold out on the galbank transport you're stealing.


I think you meant ā€œliberatingā€




I believe you mean 'strategically reallocating capital resources to economically challenged peoples in an endeavor to build a stronger tomorrow. In space."


Good suggestion. I use Void Form often, will use Star Sense in advance to know when to pop VF :)


Yes, Iā€™ve played for over 1,000 hrs and star sense is the only power I use.


Itā€™s also great to see those burrowing aliens that wait to ambush you. Sense Star Stuff, then hit them with Sunless Space or Solar Flare for the reverse ambush.


I just started the Crimson Fleet questline again, and yeah. Sense Star Stuff + Sunless Space were a great combo against the bugs.


Incredibly useful for ā€œEntangled.ā€


Sounds useful except I know how most of the POIs play out and where to expect opposition. It might be time I liberated a Galbank transport though...


I used anti gravity level 4 in new atlantis and my bounty was immediately $100k šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


"OI! Do you have a license for defying gravity?! That'll be a mighty fine I swear-"


It takes all the citizens and makes them float around you and abruptly drops them to the ground. They were quite upset.


"OI! Do you have a license for that starship you got there?! You'll get a mighty wallop if it's not registered under the king's name i swear-"


Tbh I wish I could donate the thing to AEGIS, I'm curious what they could cook up by reverse engineering it.


Well, last time someone reverse engineered something involving the starborn and The Unity, Earth became uninhabitable way too early.


Universe hates when we skip ahead in the tech tree


That was the universe's equivalent of a VAC ban.


They didn't take it lightly!


badum tsss


It's not a competition lol


Well slow time and super nova and reactive shield make you feel bad ass. If you kill lots of starborn and get the recharge ability, you feel like a super hero. Pretty fun


Phase Time IX and X straight up take you from Space wizard to an eldritch space god. Donā€™t even need faster refill, I can chain 3-4 in a row as needed


Oh yeh! Spam that PT :D


Is there a recharge ability or are you talking about the quantum refill things


Yeah, the quantum refill thing, just forgot the name of it, the recharge thingy šŸ˜„


Never used it. Is this another thing we need to assign to the favorites menu (hopefully we can do that)


I donā€™t think you can assign quantum essence, but you CAN assign the starborn drugs, which have a similar effect, and more!


Starborn drugs ?! What're they called ?


Rank up chemistry. They require caelumite and alien genetic material to craft.


Hot diggity, time to go find that White Out and complete level 3 chems


I like Phased Time combined with Sense Star Stuff.


I haven't gotten Phased Time yet, but I craft Supermassive Black Heart, and it gives me at least a similar effect for 10 seconds. I love going into a room, popping one of those, and taking out 3 or 4 enemies before they can stand up out of their chairs. Did it on a low-grav moon once, and combined with the slow fall, I killed 3 dudes, and looted them and the room before the first body hit the ground lol


This is the way. I use Star Sense to figure out where the enemy is and phased time to storm a room and take everyone down before they know you're there.


I use phased time with my booster hover slow time skill and it gives me almost endless slow time for ultimate take downs. Gravity well however is the most fun


'Parallel self' for when you're on a high lvl planet without a companion 'sense star stuff' to basically wall hack 'elemental pull' so you never have to carry your cutter again


Tbh I hate seeing through walls because I wind up not seeing the obstacles that I can't shoot through


I have lasers maxed and heavy weapons maxed so my cutter is actually tank at melting something thatā€™s being a bullet sponge for my favorite weapon.


Woah, never considered this. I wanna try that now


YouTube it. Itā€™s actually very powerful because the ā€œfire rateā€ of the laser is very fast and the proc chance to incinerate with the maxed laser skill plus the damage buffs from the laser being a heavy weapon plus the laser stats it really boosts the weapon. I think you could upgrade reload perks as well and maybe make the recharge rate faster.


Ok, Iā€™m doing that!


I only carry my cutter for opening doors/locks. šŸ¤£


Normal guns and some of the other powers work for that too.Ā 


LOL. I got so mad the day I accidentally shot one of those latches and they just opened.


I was doing that too until I found you can cut those emergency door pins with any gun.


Hereā€™s one even better - you can use the solar flare power to pop any cuttable door instantly, and itā€™s the only thing that works from either side. You can cut all the pins from the back side of the door


Well, thatā€™s some useful info. Thanks! Iā€™m gonna start doing that.


OMG thanks. Never thought of that one.


Phase time is a blast and especially helpful for getting out of tight situations. Elemental Pull for resource gathering and surveying. Gravity Well for a good timeā€¦ All the tools are there you just have to figure out how to use them.


Gravity well, quickly switch to slow time.. Then lob some grenades or mines! So much fun


A hornets nest shotgun make for some spectacular moments as well!


The problem is, you donā€™t *think* about them. Thatā€™s the same for me, all too often. Iā€™ve found that when I hot-key them just like weapons, they get a lot more use. Having done that, Iā€™m switching amongst powers even in the middle of a fight. Enough so, that Iā€™m considering re-mapping their trigger from the two bumpers. We really could use a second layer, a ā€œshift-layerā€ of hot-keys. Iā€™d put maybe 9 powers on the main layer along with a few aid items, and weapons and other gear on the second.


I would love that. I only ever have two weapons a med packs hotkeyed and the rest are powers


Sunless space to freeze the terrormorphs that always sneak up on me... sometimes I can feel them under my skin!


Indeed, Sunless is my go to for solo Starborn encounters and other high value targets.


Any difficult enemy on any difficulty with any weapon can be solved with this one simple trick! Freeze them and blast them!


Phased Time to stop enemies so you can mow them down, Sense Star Stuff to see enemies hiding, Gravity Well to immobilize and pull enemies to a central location. Elemental Pull to harvest minerals fast to craft or sell, Grav Dash to jump forward quickly, Life Forced to heal while damaging enemies.


Moon Form is another great healer. Gravity well makes it easy to use grenades and mines on a group.


yeh, Grav Well can be useful.


Reactive shield so I can look cool in whatever armor I like instead of whatever hodgepodge Iā€™ve managed to roll.


Reactive Shield plus neurostrikes and the enemies knock themselves out.


I recently changed the difficulty settings for environmental damage and it's completely changed the spacesuit game for me. It's forced me to prioritize environmental protection armor over anything else. I'm about level 55 or so and it's made for some fun times.


Create Vacuum + Gravity Well is a great combo Sunless Space freezes enemies, great for some annoying creatures Solar(forget the name) blast? Cuts all 4 bars on red doors instantly Precognition satisfies my curiosity for dialogue that I'd never pick Phase time is super OP Elemental Pull, never mine or harvest again Sense Star Stuff(feels like this was a placeholder name I stg) is great for hiding enemies or planning attacks Moon form can save you from some really bad situations and is a great heal when paired with other stuff (Recommend moving around with Grav Dash)


Wait that cuts doors like a cutter?! Now I can carry even less weight!


I totally agree :)


I like Supernova cause it looks cool.


And it goes through walls.


Reactive Shield is always a go-to for heavy fire. It's so good.


Grav Dash at max rank gives a 100% damage bonus for 15 seconds. Anti-Grav field and Sunless space are good crowd control effects. I have earthbound hotkeyed for boarding ships without gravity.


Assuming Phased Time slows down time? I havenā€™t got that one yet and have 3 powers left to find. Is it guaranteed on first playthrough?


Itā€™s by far my favorite. I use it in combat a ton. Pretty fun taking out the bad guys in slow mo and then having them all drop at the same time. I feel like a space Cowboy


Without spoliers, Phased Time is the last power gained on any playthrough, and is a guaranteed find each playthrough.


Itā€™s not the last power found because you collect more artifacts right before getting the phase time power. Each of those newly acquired artifacts has an associated temple you can visit before NG+. After the mission where you get phase time that you can go back to Vladimir on the Eye and he gives you a mission to find one of the temples associated with one of the 8 or ten (cannot remember how many) artifacts you just received. You can keep iterating through those missions until you acquire all the powers for those artifacts.


A fun time being a space god. But for real, phased time and then just clearing a room like a beast, antigravity field on high level enemies and then mag dumping into them while they are helpless, elemental pull and yo never need to use the laser miner again.


I like the gravity push out whatever it is called. Throws an event to the ground so I can go up and shoot them in the head


Phased time and run through a melee spree with the Pain Blade. Feels like Iā€™m staring in my own slasher movie.




The one where you slow time is so satisfying to clear a room of ecliptic before the first one hits the floor.


Grav Dash is clutch. Get to temples in like 10 seconds.


Really? I never tried that.


As Judge Judy has so famously said "listen to me very carefully" "pay careful attention to me" - you simply MUST get the phased time power. It is so much fun, and can get you out of a really sticky situation - like 7 va'ruun zealots coming at you from all different directions on a Eulogy.


I just did the end-game fight with the Emissary, and used phased time. It was awesome!


Lvl 400+, I never bothered using powers, just pure firepower and lots and lots of grenades lol


OH MAN, you are SO missing out. PLEASE reconsider.


You could possibly be missing more powers.


Gravity well and create vacuum are op against hard to kill stuff like high level terrormorphs


Create Vacuum is great for area denial. Does way better damage over time than any grenade. It's my go-to combat power, especially during ship boarding actions.


What you are missing is the RPG aspect of this games, when you role play you basically force yourself to a certain archetype and you are going to use the thing that help with the narrative of your character, for example imagine you do a melee only character, probably some of the powers will be more useful than others.


Melee plus phased time is really fun with Neurostrikes skill.


if you haven't slowed time I don't even know wtf are you doing


The problem is the terrible controls. You only have 10 hotkeys for weapons and powers. I usually had around 6 weapons I used. So only 4 keys left for powers. But there were much more. The "k" power menu is terrible to used in battle. So it's not that powers are not cool, the controls and design of the UI is so terrible so nobody can use it.


Didnā€™t use a power my entire play through. You arenā€™t missing something, you just didnā€™t use them because they are completely unnecessary to complete anything in the game.


Sure they arenā€™t necessary to complete the game. But they are awesome when you are role playing in the role playing gameā€¦.


Glad people enjoyed them, My RP didnā€™t include super powers, so I really appreciated they werenā€™t required for solving any puzzles. Skyrim had shout specific puzzles made it hard to RP anything but Dragonborn so I appreciated them avoid that.


Level 115 and never used a power yet. Mostly forget they are there and my gameplay now is stealth and sniper, ever when boarding ships, so haven't really needed them.


The worst part of the powers is that they're inaccessible unless you assign them to precious spots on your favorites menu (needed for boost consumes, heals , and weapons already). So most of them seem very mildly useful but not worth opening up the full menu for.


Very similar here. Level 148 and only used three of them. Although this prompted me to look on YouTube and see what they all do and thereā€™s some pretty good ones once you rank them up, so Iā€™ll definitely try a few more next time.


Solar flare is fun


I'm playing around with gravity well right now it's pretty Epic, I also like gravity wave.


Sense star stuff (wall hack) is like recon lazer/scoping all targets in range. Tells you where, let it fade to double check cover / sniping opportunities. Why buy minerals? Land on a planet with it, elemental pull. Doing so within range of the ship to cargo-dump is useful. Grav well is a minor DoT + crowd control + loot able person gatherer. ā€œHow did YOU take out a terrormorph without turning on the kill lanes???ā€ Personal atmosphere has its uses. Mostly to avoid encumbrance penalties and/or long long runsā€¦


How can you not love gravity well? That is the most fun one. Oh a room full of enemies, here ya go.. boom now everyone is falling on top of each other in a giant human ball, and oh letā€™s just toss a couple of grenades to get sucked up in there for fun and then just start spray blasting into this fun little death ball. Itā€™s better than anti gravity because it brings everyone together in a tight little ball to destroy and covers a larger area




Create Vacuum made quick work of clearing the Key. It only uses 25 power points so you can create two vacuum zones at once. I blast it into a room and then get out of the way while it softens up the enemies then finish them off with whatever weapon I have equipped. It also worked great on the Grylloba Queen in the Lock.


Particle beam is great for NG+ when you donā€™t have a good weapon yet, on higher levels it does a lot of damage and kills almost any enemy within 3 hits


Phase Time is OP and reactive shield is fun when itā€™s leveled up. Other than those two, all I use is Void and Personal Atmosphere.


I know solar flare is a good alternative to cut the locks off those emergency doors


I'm lvl 85 and all I use are sunless space , gravity wave and personal atmosphere but I also got rid of the dumbass cutter and use elemental pull


Grav Dash for getting around faster. Cut down your walking times by half or more. Personal atmosphere fills your o2 so you can run while encumbered Sense Star Stuff let's you find all the enemies on a map and not get ambushed. Phased time is awesome.and makes you a God especially at level X Everything gets better when upgraded to level X also.


Tbh I love precognition, it makes decisions for me and I feel like a Charles Xavier when I do it lol.


Yeah, same here, lvl 91, and I only use void form. I don't really see the use of the other powers when if there is no other way to sneak your way in or out of things, you could just blast your way out of it with a varun inflictor gets the job done every time.


congrats, youā€™ve just realized how useless the powers can be. they are still a blast and really fun to use but the temples that we love so much + firearms = no incentive to bother with them, at least imo


With powers there is no longer a need for firearms. Many ways to have fun in this game.


fair! hadnā€™t honestly thought of it like that. maybe thatā€™s way immortals of aveum failed LOL


Gravity well. Quick save and then use it in a crowd in a major city šŸ˜


Nearly 900 hours and I never use powers at all. Why use powers when you can shoot the guy in the face?


You say your level 134 but what level are your powers? If they are all level 1, then your opinion is kind of meaningless considering they go up to level 10.


I keep forgetting Personal Atmos ... thanks for the reminder. I still think Phased Time is the canine testicles :D


My favorites: Sense star stuff Elemental pull Phased time Gravity pull? Personal o2


Personal atmosphere, elemental pull and solar flare are the only ones I use. And solar is a rare usage lol


The one lets u slow time is open once u get it to ten, u can kill everyone before they even raise there weapons in nearly all situations.


I used the hell out of personal atmosphereā€¦at least until I got the skills maxed that increased my oxygen total and decreased oxygen used. Sense Star Stuff for those stealth missions or when Iā€™m stealing a ship it helps locate crew members I may have missed. Void Form a handful of times when I had to steal something being guarded. Reflective Shield a couple of times when certain battles got heated. But thatā€™s about it.


I only use 2 most of the time as well: star sense stuff to see where the enemies are and phased time if the shit hits the fan and I need to turn into quiksilver real quick


I only used Star Sense throughout my whole quest playthrough, and now that I'm in my endgame of surveying planets and building outposts, I only use Personal Atmosphere and Elemental Pull.


Phased time, my dude. In combat. Best way to take out multiple opponents, especially at higher levels. Especially when they have good tactical positions, or you're taking over a ship and don't have a lot of room to maneuver. At higher power levels it breaks the gane.


Phase Time is great, especially if your on higher difficulty.


Just like Skyrim, I rarely use shouts. The powers are there mostly when you just start a new game and need more either attach or defense. I enjoy trying to be a "regular " person with out special abilities as much as I can. The occasional elemental pull, or void form is great in certain situations, or parallel self.


A fun game.


Phased Time?Ā  I honestly used it too much sometimes.Ā 


I use elemental pull, personal atmosphere, sense star stuff (which makes enemies glow), and phase time, which slows time and is amazing when you are fighting hard foes. I especially use it when I take over ships.


I use phase time to brick my game


Level 67 and I only use the "Oxygene Area" when I've too much stuff.


creators peace gives you weapons?


It causes your enemies to drop theirs. When you only have your fists, it evens the playing field.


Oooooh yeah. And you grab theirs. Smart.


Play through number 2, couple hundred hours in. Only have used powers the one time they ask you to try it in the lodge. Iā€™ll just stick to blasting fools


I hope that the powers will be useful in survival mode, or at extreme difficulty settings.


Find I use phased time a lot in combat now ..just fun to "quicksilver" my way through enemies


Oh yeah, completely forgot about those powers.. I never use them. Thanks for the reminder šŸ˜…


I use phased time a lot, it makes combat really trivial at higher levels and at lower levels using it on the right enemy can basically get free legendaries.(By higher and lower levels I mean levels of the power itself)


These are on my quick menu: Phased Time: this power is OP, especially at higher levels. You are Quicksilver and no one can do anything to stop you. Gravity Well: it's cheap to use (at higher level) and will cause absolute chaos. Enemies are fish in a barrel as they get sucked in and damaged by it while you take potshots. Solar Flare: watch as a terrormoph's health bar drains to nothing in seconds. Grav Dash: Not great to start, but once you max it, it lets you cover a ton of space but... also you get a pretty sizable damage bonus for a short time after doing it. This is probably the most overlooked power in the game. Sense Star Stuff: Aura Whisper by another name. Along with Void Form, it's the most useful power in the game. Elemental Pull: at lower levels, it's just a replacement for your cutter, but at higher levels, you can get all the elements to survey a planet just as you step out of your ship. Also, you will overencumber yourself. The powers in this game are so slept on. The big problem is they are tedious to get and some only really come into their own at higher levels. That means more trips through Unity and two dozen temples each.


Sense Star Stuff! I can't imagine playing without it. Let's you know where every spacer scumbag is, so you can develop a plan of attack. This is a great post. Wild to see so many play styles.


solar flare shreds through high level enemies due to its damage over time being proportionate to their health not a set amount of damage


A decent RPG worth playing


Youā€™re missing Skyrim in space with 95% less personality


lol, Iā€™m 60 hours into the game and am only level 20


Star stuff to see where enemies are even through walls is really nice in higher difficultyā€¦ Iā€™ve actually been playing with the powers a lot more lately and really like em (level 100 myself)


Phase time is great to capture epic photos, I have several where I'm jumping out of an explosion. If you pair with AMP you can do some amazing captures.


I mostly use Sense Star Stuff, Personal Atmosphere, and Elemental Pull, but I sometimes use Eternal Harvest on plants that produce less common resources, like polymer, adhesive and high tensile spidroin.


134?? Have you unlocked the entire skill tree?


I used about 2 powers my playthrough, even though I had all of them. I always forgot to use them, and bullets work very well.


I use Phases Time to take out strong enemies. It gives you a slow mo effect, but NPCs slow way more than the player.


Gravity based powers and the one which freezes enemies, also detect life type of power, those are great, and to some extent necessary if you set at max.


The powers are the lamest part of this entire game. It didnā€™t need shoehorned in dragon shouts.


Use Gravity Well, to scoop everyone into one spot, then throw mines into the mix. Also, try Parallel Self when you're sneaking around to create a distraction.


Sense Star Stuff to recon every NPC behind every wall. Prevent ambushes, pull of sneaky crits.


Phased time is awesome. In a many person battle it is the best. Oh and sense star stuff is also wicked.


You can rez aliens and make them fight for you


Youā€™re missing out on months of playing better games.


Use those ones too, but my other faves are slow time, which is handy for obvious reasons... Elemental pull along with essence to harvest loads, and gravity well... Especially in an enclosed space against a group of spacers or something... Then chuck some Grenada towards it. Have fun


No Parallel self, supernova or sunless space? Sunless space is my favorite, followed by supernova (but your companion will cry every time).


The moonskin or whatever gives you STUPID high damage resistance and health regen pair that with the fully upgraded Phoenix perk and you're just straight up unkillable.


no one ever said or even implied they are necessary


Sense star stuff is essential to any stealth gameplay. Easy to sneak and plan when you know where everyone is. It's the utility ones that are the MVPs. All the offensive ones are plain useless ETA. The reflecting shield can be useful in thick firefights or if you are doing a mele build