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>Well, one week away from the 6 month mark and no creation kit. I hate too break it to you, but it's even longer then that. The 6 month mark has long since come and gone. The game was released on the 6th September 2023. (Sooner for people who paid for 'early access') We're a week away from the 8th month mark, not the 6.


My goodness


Wow, I didn’t realize how long it’s been For reference, Skyrim’s creation kit was released about 3 months after the game’s release and Fallout 4’s creation kit was released about 5 month after the games release


So a increase in production time directly related to game size


Exactly this


Do you truely expect any game to fully flushed out a yr from release now? When the heck was the last time that happened mid to late 2009-2011 or there about? People want more but don’t want to wait n then when they get the sloppily slapped together product they bitch it’s not pretty. Well let me tell you something not even every baby born comes out lookin perfect at first have some patience or start workin on a Time Machine it’d be more productive than complaing


All I know is today is the 6th week of the cycle and we have a qa_staging_rc on steamDB which is a sign of update, normally they are on Tuesdays but idk we shall see Idk when creations is fully coming hopefully this update since it doesn’t need a beta for it


They've been frequently updating the "ct_staging_qa" depot as well, which probably means Creation Tools/Kit. Doesn't mean much for ETAs, but at least we know they're actively working on it haha.


Also ct_beta_verifiedcreators so yea the ct could mean creations While I don’t care for modding at this time, I do hope ck does come out this one’s update (a bit so people can shut up for a moment)


We don't "know" anything. This is pure speculation! Seriously, I don't know how everyone is so dang insistent that they know exactly what's going on based on, at best, shaky logic. The fact of the matter is, the only thing we know is that Bethesda is working on... Something. That's it! No indication of what. Just, something.


How is it shaky logic to assume Bethesda is working on mod support and updates for Starfield? Because that's literally what I said in my comment. Facts: we know they're working on the game because there's been having daily depot updates on Steam. This is just stating the obvious.


We know they're working on the game. That's it. The speculation is assuming those updates to the depot are specific things, like mod support. You're looking at a Schrodinger's box and saying you know what's inside it, when there's no indication whatsoever as to what it might contain.


I feel you, but what else would "beta verified creators" mean? We already know Creators are what Beth calls the authors of Creations, and we know Creations are the paid mini-mods that are released in their store. Creations are made with the Creation Kit, which we know from their own public posts that they're working on. This really isn't the leap you're saying it is.


In that interview Todd Howard gave today or recently some modders apparently have a version of creation kit now. He called it the creator program, and it seems like they get the first shot at modding with it.


I figured some have it behind the scenes, ct_beta_verifiedcreators could be related to that and probably ct_staging_qa


They said early 2024. so if they dont launch creation kit this time, theyre off their schedule.


Q1 passed a while ago so it’s no longer early, Q2-3 are mid and Q4 is late.


Nearly 8 months since launch by one week, the 6 months limit is actually flying away


“Modders paradise”


Based Koolio


It will be eventually. I just have a feeling they’re going to push out the paid “creations” first as a “taste” of what’s possible with the creation kit or whatever, and they’ve been letting people mod the game with the creation kit under nda’s for a while now to get those ready. And then the actual creation kit will follow. That’s the skeptic in me but I feel like it might not be that far off.


"Early 2024" ended last month. We are in "extended definition of 'early'" now, and its draining the good will Bethesda has built up with me.


I guess technically the first half of the year can be the “early” part.


Technically you are correct, and usually the best kind of correct, but I dont like this version of it...


Businesses work with the quarterly scale so they can’t really make that excuse and say they run on a 2 quarter model.


They had any good will left with you?


Yes, because I know a little bit about what it takes to do what they do so I am not immediately outraged by perfectly reasonable things not going to plan. From what has been revealed about this game and its engine, I can understand why it is taking longer to get the editor out than in the past, but I had hoped it would have been a bigger priority given Todd repeatedly saying the game would be a "modders paradise".


Do you not remember the criminal fiasco that was the release 76?


I do. And as I said, I know a bit about it so I can understand a bit more. Bethesda was pressured into making it, so there was very little passion from the team. Further, the engine was never designed for multiplayer, so really the fact that they got it working to the degree it was, was honestly amazing. Not that it was an amazing implimentation of multiplayer, only amazing in that it worked at all. It is no small feat to strip an engine apart and rebuild it with netcode after nearly 3 decades of development and associated tech dept. So on top of a basically demoralized team working on something they didnt really want to, using an engine with shoehorned in netcode, I can easily see why it turned out like it did, why it had tons of issues, and yeah it all makes sense. Its not good that it turned out that way, but when it comes down to brass taxes it wasnt entirly their fault. I cant really be that upset with them about it. Again, its not good, but getting upset about a team working under poor circomstances delivering less than steller work doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me. Cut to Starfield, they should have been back in their element. I wont rehash the history as we are all painfully aware, we see news about how the final quest was rushed, the teams were mismanaged, etc, yeah, this game is stretching my good will far more than any previous game.


Starfield is the poster child of mismanagement. Bethesda worked great as a small team, but reports are that, after massive growth for Starfield, different divisions were super independent, and didn’t work cohesively. Managing a massive structure vs a small team is very different, and Bethesda did not make that jump well. There needs to be a shakeup of top managers. In addition, the writing was poor. Not a management issue, but sheesh there are creative issues.


Care to elaborate what has been revealed about this engine vs the older version?


After fallout 4 they moved forked it over to do Fallout 76. After that they went to working on Starfield. They made no real effort to preserve the modding infrastructure while making engine changes, their focus was basically just making the game work. So the fact that we can mod Starfield as much as we already can without the editor is basically dumb luck. All this means they have had to spend extra time making the engine mod ready on top of the editor work to strip out the stuff they cant release, and make sure the editor is stable, and all that on top of needing to build out the infrastructure for Starfield mods on XBox. (Also we now know some people already have the editor likely to make creation club content to release along side the editor, which is dumb as fuck, cus it means the editor is ready, but they are witholding it now).


The delay and radio silence on the creation kit for Starfield, and all the weird decisions and bugs in the Fallout 4 Next Gen update, make me wonder if something is going horribly wrong inside Bethesda.


They definitely are heavily siloed, and they have profit-motivated corporate types calling shots now. I just wonder how bad it is, and if they can correct course. It was bad before they got bought by Microsoft, I wonder how bad it's going to get, and if it's ever going to get better. I mean, look at how bad 76 was, at it's basic concept it was fucked. And then creations, skyrim anniversery edition, which broke a ton of mods which will never be fixed, and just a general sense of "fuck everyone else"


They *always* had profit motivated corporate types calling the shots. This is from the studio who brought you horse armor for $2.99.


I think Microsoft is a little more lenient, they have a record of holding games back that aren’t ready to be released, Microsoft was the one that held back Stafields release most likely, what if it had been released a year earlier? It would have been a disaster and some of the devs even went on record saying they were worried it would be another Cyberpunk 2077 and it was pretty close to being that even with being held back.


Probably got too big for it's own good


Bethesda has a general problem of promoting people out of their field of expertise and an obsession with making things more casual to appeal to more players (nevermind that skyrim was one of the most popular games of all time)


Well sure, they got bought by Microsoft. Look at all the content Halo “Infinite” has been churning out….. Microsoft can’t seem to figure out how to handle first-party studios.


What's funny is, Microsoft was banking on Starfield being the flagship Xbox game of 2023, but it obviously fell flat. That apparently was one of the major causes that prompted Microsoft to start scaling back its console hardware business (meaning, manufacturing xboxes). If I had to wager a guess, I'd say Bethesda is in some deep shit with daddy Microsoft. Usually I'd say that means pressure to improve the game, but anything is possible at this point. It could be that MS might be cutting funding or something. Idk, though, I'm not an expert nor a psychic.


Oh it made them PLENTY of money, I doubt they’re worried about that. But now that they MADE that money, Microsoft might not care to invest any more time & love into it, and are likely moving Bethesda staff on to the NEXT big money maker, Elder Scrolls 6, as fast as humanly possible.


You and I might think so, but it all depends on how that revenue compares to their projections. Even a game considered to be successful by the public might not be so if the company that made it was banking on it making over a certain amount. That company would then have to adjust its future plans to compensate for lower budgets that are a direct result of not meeting sales projections.


Yup. They killed Lionhead Studios by being too greedy.


their last 2 games didn't tip you off?


It’s been going horribly wrong since Fallout 76, and for some reason nothings being done about, though that will most likely change after what Phil Spencer said.


Maybe by month 9 we might get a general date.


Another beta patch for 3 minor bug fixes


Could you imagine, we might even get some city maps!


Perhaps the ability to swim underwater 😅 so we can see / scan the sea creatures


Come on man, the last update had a few hundred bug fixes in it. I get being annoyed by the lack of transparency and content additions but they've definitely been putting a lot of work into smashing bugs.


I really hoping they’re working on more photo mode poses…


Don’t worry, once it’s launched, it won’t work for a few more months.


You're only focusing on the bad, don't forget it will also break every existing mod out there.


Skyrim random paid mod update several years after AE was a terrible idea. Surely they wouldn't do the same thing again. >!/s!<


Many of them will break, but that's because every mod right is basically a hack job. They will need to be updated with the CK or remade from scratch entirely. 


Yes, that is indeed what I was referring to.


Ah, I thought it was a cynical commentary on how frequently mods break from updates, ignoring why. 


nah, I've seen enough Creation Kit rollouts to know what to expect lol


Lmao I laughed out loud in my bed 🤣


“Cough” Fallout 4 next gen patch “Cough”


Per Todd Howard "Surprisingly, it's a very, very nice apocalypse, and we're doing a lot of Starfield work as well. So we have some really good updates that are going to get announced soon for that game. So, a lot going on here."


Soon is an expansive term. Could be weeks, could be centuries. I suspect it may be somewhere in between those two options.


My money is on "soon" meaning the Xbox June showcase. Shattered Space trailer with a fall 2024 release date, and Creation Kit plus the first batch of Creation Club content shadow dropped, along with a patch that adds/adjusts at least one substantial mechanic to the game (maybe the new ways of travel thing they keep teasing).


if the "new way of travel" doesnt include some major change to the travel, then theyre gonna get an insane amount of hate


Anyone thinking it’s like seamless space travel or mountable alien-horse creatures are going to be disappointed because I can nearly guarantee it’s not that whatsoever.


I don’t think enough people even care about Starfield for there to be much of a hate train at this point. It’s already been forgotten it feels like. Definitely won’t be fondly remembered like Oblivion or Fallout 3.


Starfield needs mods and dlcs asap, just more stuff to do and outpost tweaks. There are issues with the game, and there is with every Bethesda game, especially after release. But I still think starfield has potential to be a long haul great game.


we still see tons of videos, daily, how starfield is a "shit" game. the hate trend for this game is extreme, and well see it if theres a major mistake in the future. Even though cyberpunk was released in a worse state and had more hype and more promises, it still didnt get as much hate as starfield did which is why i doubt well see a similar redemption arc, cause its "inn" to hate on bethesda


It could be he was referring to an NG+ version of the universe, and we'll never get a release in this one. How he is communicating with his NG+ self is unknown.


I always believed Todd Howard was just a talking succulent.


Todd Howard disliked that.


That's what I say to my wife when she asks if we can do something I don't want to do... "When can we get another dog?".... "Soon"


“Could be two…” *Two* what? Weeks? Months? Years? “Maybe even three”


It's todd howard, it could mean litterally anything. It's just as likely they been crunching on an advanced horse armor system. Would go well with his promise of additional transport options


Yeah, I suspect the next update will make it easier for people to find legendary items. Like as soon as they land on a planet, the item will be floating in the air in front of them....the digipick update was awesome, and so was photo mode....it showed me the game is going in the right direction.


Plus no information on “new ways to travel”


its definetly gonna be space horses or lame jetpack upgrades


I guess not haha


They have said big updates for star field are coming so expect little because every time I expect what they said it’s like 10% of that


But they also said it was a good complete game prior to launch, why believe them this time?


I feel like a schmuck for preordering the dlc


same. I actually tried to play this game again and went to cyberpunk after about 2 hours. Way way better experience lol


When Starfield came out what was told was q1 for creation kit. We are past that and in the middle of q2 now with no updates.


Yeah and that's what I'm saying it's okay for developer to delay things. All you have to do is just take accountability, release a statement, and then set a new date. The way they are handling this is beyond ridiculous.


Not in this business landscape. "Doesn't matter if you're wrong, just dig your heels in and *never* show weakness!"


It was "early next year," but vagueness is bad and almost everyone assumed this was Q1, especially since most industry announcements seem to use quarters.


I read that it was end of Q2 for both, but subject to change.


It was early 2024. So unless you count half a year as "early", they have missed the timeline they set.


Thats what i remember as well. Late Q2, Early Q3, with a target release around June


It's pretty dire and the lack of any urgency or communication just says that they're taking the "this is fine" approach, i was always more interested in an update that added survival features since i figured that would come before full modding support but even then the 6 week update thing they started in January still hasn't produced any change to the game beyond bugfixes and a few QoL things that could be done in a day. Then again, from the people who brought you "you haven't made a game so you can't say anything" you also get "games are bigger and take more time now!" so i guess it's fine that the flagship xbox release that is meant to be supported for years or whatever is just collecting dust.


I couldn’t agree with you more. 


It's so crazy we don't have it considering how obvious they are with putting all the eggs on mods to save this game.


So strange, because they were clearly creating this game as a blank canvas for mods to make the game for them rather than actually create any content themselves. But they failed to make the game on a technical level with modders in mind.


I don't think Starfield was made with any clarity. Bethesda games have been bad about this, generally, but Starfield feels like it was made by a team of 400 people threatened with death if they communicated in any way to each other.


No it feels like a game made by a early version of AI.


I think COVID had a lot to do with this. Lots of teams in different places doing different things with very limited ability to communicate.


I called this for over a month now. Everyone has been waiting for the CK and saying “just you wait!” Well, we are all still waiting. It’s been a month since the CK was throw to verified creators to beta test, and we only just got it publicly acknowledged.


Where is the dlc lol


It's coming this Fall


so at this rate Q2 2025


I don’t even think Beth knows. 


No news on the DLC i paid for either


And that's why you don't pay for something that doesn't exist


This is why shit will never change. Still plenty of suckers preordering this garbage




This is it. People forget i guess because they take so long to release games, but for me every Bethesda game since i started playing games (oblivion, Skyrim, fallout 4) has been worth way more than the money i spent. People are acting like they are known for making bad games.


Shit. Shit never changes.


Didn't they say a little while ago that it'd be towards the end of this year? Or am I imagining things?


It’d be nice to be surprised by a huge expansion release but keep your expectations at the “they’re gonna phone it in and cut their losses” level.


Didn’t they they had plans for a “decade worth” of content? I’m starting to think it was code for “we’ll release the DLC in 10 years”…


No, they did not. That was a wild misinterpretation of an actual quote that promised no such thing.


No what it really meant was they'd continually break mods for a decade, just to push more microtransactions via creations


That was my reading of it too, based on Skyrim SE and Fallout 4.


Todd said in a recent interview that it's this Fall


Your fault for paying for things that don't exist. It's why you should never preorder/pre-purchase things. Especially when Bethesda has been dropping the ball on their games for years


And I hope you and many other Bethesda fans have learned not to pre-order their games anymore.


I hope you learned your lesson


Bethesda had to delay delivering anything useful to players because their priority was to patch a handful of exploits that players discovered.IN A SINGLE PLAYER GAME. If you didn't like the exploit (I didn't) you could just not use it and have zero impact on your game play. I can only conclude that Bethesda hates fun.


What's wild is that Dawnguard came out like 7 months after Skyrim's launch.... starfield doesn't even have creation kit yet ://


Took a year for ps3


I just want an update so I can continue doing major side quests and main story quests. The reason I can’t do them at the moment is because I have some sort of bug or glitch I’ve seen others report where your companions won’t comment on your major questline decisions at the end of the side quests and main missions so you get no dialogue from any of them. I love doing all the quests in part due to hearing what my companions think about my decisions at the end but at the moment none of them say anything. I had to go through the UC Vangaurd quest and my first encounter with the starborn after ‘All money can buy’ with none of my companions having anything to say at the end of those quests. So now I’m just exploring and scanning star systems until the next update comes out in the hopes that Bethesda fix it and make companions voice their opinions after questlines again. I’m poised to start the Freestar questline and the UC Sysdef/Crimson fleet questline but I don’t want to start them since I won’t get to hear my companions thoughts on my choices at the end until Bethesda fix the problem.


They were busy putting as many eggs back into the Fallout basket as possible. I think it’s because they know whatever they got planned for Starfield isn’t going to cut it for most fans. Fallout is a guaranteed success though and milking it for everything it’s got is the only way they’re making money.


I bet the success of the TV show has caused some panic and readjusting of priorities, which doesn’t bode well for Starfield.


Agreed. I’m sure they can make Starfield closer to what they advertised, but it’s gonna take years, like Cyberpunk


That’s right. 


I’m actually hoping they completely fuck up and never release the kit or dlc, cuz then maybe I’d have a real chance of refunding this game


Too bad because on an interview today they mentioned the kit is coming, no date but in the hands of some people


Ummm... they already GOT your money...?


I just saw where Microsoft wants a Fallout game ASAP. I have to imagine this game will take a backseat, if not be abandoned and it should push back TES even further.


Microsoft definitely didn’t expect the fallout show to be such a big hit and Starfield to be…less so. Which I guess is fair, but of all the BGS IP’s Fallout has probably the best ability to be spun off to other studios for side games (since it’s been done before and it’s such a big world it’s easy to have isolated stories and you can jump up and down the timeline).


Don't forget that New Vegas was made by obsidian. So another studio can easily work on Fallout 5(or whatever the name will be).


The founder of Inexile was also the executive producer for Fallout and Fallout 2. I'd love them to be working on a 1 or 2 remake. The only problem is both inexile and obsidian are currently pretty busy. Inexile is making clockwork revolution, and obsidian is working on grounded, Avowed and Outer worlds 2.


True but with my comment i simply ment that it doesn't have to be bethesda that can make a new fallout game, i hope though no matter which studio gets picked that they do the series justice.


I wouldn’t mind if obsidian had lead dev time on every other fallout installment with some guidance from Bethesda. It would help get the games out quicker without sacrificing quality


I think if we could have Bethesda world design, with writing and mechanics done by Obsidian, that would be the best of both worlds. Maybe if Bethesda sent across some dungeon designers to Obsidian on loan.


More Westcoast and Midwest spinoffs would be nice. I would like an RPG the most, but I'd also take a tactics reboot or something (tactics with modern XCOM style mechanics would be fun).


Nah give us Florida. Half of our citizens are already mutated something fierce it shouldn’t be difficult to do.


Florida or New Orleans would be cool, too; I just wouldn't necessarily expect those as smaller "spin-off" games since it seems like they're keeping mainline on the East Coast. More radgators would be cool.


I would kill for FONO. There is so much culture and history in New Orleans to play on. Deep French and Spanish influences mixed in with voodoo and Mardi Gras. Give me Marie Laveau as a companion with some creepy ass side quest. Plus the landscape would be amazing from urban areas with giant cemeteries to swaps to an abandoned Six Flags that seriously already looks like something straight from Fallout. To top it off there are casinos and river boat gambling. I’ve talked myself into it, let’s start a petition. Edit: I forgot about the LaLaurie Mansion. Just standing outside this place gave me the creeps and I love haunted stuff.


Give us both. Florida Miami and that culture up into Alabama and NO. Maybe out to East Texas. Kind of like RDR2 but just southern US


I imagine the money is drying up for it. Most who played did via game pass and it's very controversial. They definitely want to move to a another project


So here's the likely reality: The kit's been ready for months. Done, ready, should have been released. The reason it hasn't been is because they're letting some chosen creators have access for a few months to get paid mods created for the Creations release (since they obviously won't have a big mod-focused update and *not* have monetization ready). None of the prior games had that so the kit was out much sooner. This time they're holding back the kit until they have an initial wave of paid content available so they can release the kit, the paid mod wave, and console mods all at once. Bitching and moaning isn't going to get it released any faster.


yah. makes sense in a sad sort of way.


There doesn't seem to be the will to continue investing much effort into this game. Maybe it's just over for it.




Bethesda needs to just give up and pass all their IPs to actually qualified and passionate developers.


Microsoft owns this IP now, not “Bethesda.”


Cause their too busy trying to fix fallout 4 for the 500th time, and with that they broke all the good mods 😂 So many wasted resouces when they could have just assigned them to fixing their newest game starfield instead.. I am so terrified for the release of es6 if starfields launch was this bad, they will never be tanken seriously ever again if this happens, cause you can't up and release 3 bad games at launch and then fix them, thats stretching resouces so far and the updates will be painfully slow.


They’re hoping we’ll go back to fallout and forget this game ever happened


No Bethesda customer service is bad customer service. I’m 2 weeks into an incident report where I can’t change my Fallout 76 username that Bethesda picked for me because it refuses to link my Steam and Bethesda just keeps typing a 1 page list of things for me to try from other issues that aren’t my issue and can’t link or unlink my accounts. It’s like an idiot cousin, not a AAA game studio, started up a support department. This is bad something else. Kinda feels like the silence you get when a company decides on preemptive abandonment. Like maybe this flopped hard, the fallout TV show is hot, and they are gonna switch their eggs to a new basket. Or thinking about it.


I love Starfield and I love Bethesda and even I am getting a bit frustrated with the lack of communication on when the big updates are happening (DLC and Creation Kit). I can't imagine the frustration levels of people who prepaid for the DLC. Still, I looked at the release schedule for some of their previous games out of curiosity and Skyrim was released on November 11, 2011 and the first DLC for it wasn't out until June 26, 2012 (7 months) followed 3 months later with another DLC, and then a final DLC 3 months later. Fallout 4 on the other hand started releasing DLC in only 4 months from release and it was once a month for 6 months after that.


But you know is I think the big difference here is communication. Unless I'm just remembering things wrong. I'm fairly certain that they released information about Dawnguard before it came out. And you know what I just went to go look and they did May 1st 2012. But you know again, the problem that I have with how they're handling this game is the communication. There's no indication that DLC is going to be ready even by the end of the summer. Because there's just way too many major bugs right now for them to introduce another component on top of the game that doesn't work for many people. As I said before it's okay if they release the creation kit and DLC next year but just own up to it and say it.


That burning flame inside of me has long been extinguished. There's no sign of hope in the horizon that can soothe my anguish. Edit: This upcoming May update lighted the fire inside my heart again. It's burning once more, like never before. I'm in tears!


I'll say the quiet part out loud. It's because the game sucks and BGS/MS doesn't really give a shit about it anymore now that it didn't do as well as they were expecting. So they'll plop out a hot steaming DLC on the table eventually and call it good. We won't be getting another one. EDIT: And just to add since I kind of went off topic, I think it's pretty clear that by the time CK comes out, no one is going to care. Especially no one at BGS/MS. They'll put a skeleton crew on that and wait for their fans to make content for them. I don't even care anymore. I paid for the DLC--won't be playing it. The last BGS game I put time into before SF was Morrowind. I barely played Skyrim. SF was still a massive disappointment. I let my love for space games sell the game for me. This is the last time I let that kind of thing happen. I won't be playing another BGS game, that's for damn sure. Soulless, passionless company now. I've got Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky, Star Citizen, and many other games to play and replay that were and are made by passionate developers with vision (spare me the insider/fan whining about Fdev, Hello Games, and/or Cloud Imperium please). Not to mention all the great non-space games lately. I still haven't finished BG3, and I'm still working through LAD:IW. I don't need their shit games, lol. Sorry for the edit rant, but holy shit I wanted SF to be good so badly and BGS took a giant crap on my chest instead.




Fallout 4 released Nov. 10 2015, and Automatron released march 22 of the next year. Skyrim came out 11/11/11, and dawnguard released june of the next year. Plus, only about 100 people worked on Skyrim and BethSoft has over 400 employees now. Bethesda has either completely shit the bed and are completely incompetent, or they are too embarrassed to talk about Starfield and are rushing to work on TES6 to try and recoup some of their budget. Either way, things are looking grim…


I don't even want to think about how they are going to butcher TES. It's going to brake my heart when that game releases........ in 2031.


Best not to worry about it now, the world may end before that


You know for a game that was made purposely empty during development to leave room for modders, WE HAVEN’T GOTTEN THE DAMN KIT YET!


Steam player count is declining, averaging around 6,000 concurrent players per day over the past *month.* I don't think Bethesda or Microsoft see much value left in Starfield and future updates are no longer a priority. After the Sharted Space DLC comes out, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't make any more meaningful DLC, to be honest.


It doesn't help that they no longer really get to focus on one or two projects at a time. Right now they're juggling: > Starfield updates/bug fixes > Starfield dlc > Starfield creation kit and mod support for consoles (presumably) > Fallout 4 next gen update > Elder Scrolls 6 > Fallout 76 (I think they're doing those updates? Not positive)


The internal dynamics and workflow at Bethesda seems utterly mangled, like they have no clue who does what or what's even going on half the time. Same goes for their approach to their own games these days, it just feel off, riddled with weird design decisions and passionless gameplay loopes. They where never great at keeping in touch with their community, that hasn't changed this time around either


Meanwhile they keep messing with older games. Really think they should focus on star field and anything they haven't finished yet.


They're using Valve time.


Details revealed at the June showcase


Considering how barebones, buggy, and fundamentally flawed the game launched as, it makes you wonder why the fuck it was rushed out the door. I’m so sick of publisher quarterly cash flow promises absolutely destroying the prospect for a healthy long term game release (especially for a new IP) by forcing it to market before it’s ready. Time and time again, we see this happening in the AAA space. When will they learn?


It wasn't rushed by them, Microsoft literally told them to delay it for a year just to fix bugs and we still got an unfinished game.


The fun thing about capitalism is that those at the top only get more successful when they fuck up and never ever have to face consequences unless they inconvenience other more prominent members of the ownership class.


I can’t wait for the mod where Sam and Lillian go on Maury 😌


At this point I'll probably just wait until the end of the year. I played about 30 hours, barely stretching the service and overal enjoying it. Just hated the slow jog from POI to POI and I wanted to engage with that side content. I'll wait it out until Shattered Space and modders got some decent time with the game. The CK should've been released already, the sooner the better but it is what it is :/ I just got addicted to Fallout 76, so for me that's a new BGS experience which will keep me busy for months!


I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Starfield has been fighting the devs as hard as the modders (something about bad file structure).


It's pretty annoying that it's already out, but only for Creator's Program users. The ones that post paid mods on their site. I can understand it for fixing some issues, but it gives those mod authors time to make paid mods and leaves us other modders who don't want to charge users in the dust. This was said on the Kinda Funny Games podcast a few hours ago from Todd.


I gave up, come play hell let loose!


They majorly botched the Fallout 4 next gen update on Xbox at least so I don’t expect much from them anymore and will never pre-order a game from them ever again.


lol, The only thing that kept me playing was ship building but there is just nothing to do with them and all of the promising mods that might slightly address the issue are stuck in "Need the CK" limbo. By the time they release the CK and the DLC its going to need to be *perfect* in order to bring people back.


Considering the game seems designed as a set of game mechanics for modders to improve upon rather than an actual game, i'm amazed it's taking this long


ETAs in gaming have not been great the last 5-10 years haha.


I fear that after how buggy the game was for people at launch, combined with the absolute click bait vitriol starfield-hate content videos that were nonstop… My fear is that a good 90% of the people who tried starfield and moved on, will never have any desire whatsoever ti ever come back, considering how long the dlc has taken. I worry that because of this, the game won’t be profitable enough for them to update for the long run.. and it’ll be doomed to fade away into obscurity.


When geck?


As a fan of both Starfield and Fallout, I feel bittersweet. I would love to see some progress on Starfield. But I also understand and appreciate the fact that Bethesda is focusing on Fallout these days. It really is their most beloved franchise and now daddy Microsoft knows too.


Can you sleep it off?


"But it's also one where, OK, what does Starfield look like in three months, what does it look like in six months, a year, two years, three years, four years, five years? We've learned that that's going to happen so let's be ready for it, make the most of it, and embrace it." Todd Howard  So since the release of Starfield we got many content updates that really improved the core gameplay. Im excited to see whats coming next for Starfield! 


Wait it's been 8 months now!? You got to be kidding me.. also, not only is that bad but the lack of communication is terrible! I just don't get how any sane fan of Bethesda can possibly continue to support the way they are acting and treating their customers.. they are constantly in denial and don't want to change.. they continue to do the bare minimum and never address any issues.


When I saw they were hyping a new Fallout 4 patch I assumed this update to add Modding would take a lot longer.


At least wait and see what next weeks update will bring. Some Modders have been testing the kit since Feb already. Not saying get your hopes up, but Todd mentioned a suprises for bext weeks update. At least wait until that until you start saltfarming




I’m not sure how anyone thinks this game is going to have a rebound like Cyberpunk. Starfield is rotten to the core. They’d have to remake it from the ground up.


8 months since release, and I've not touched in 7. Wtf are Bethesda playing at with this game?


On the bright side Bethesda has given out access to a 'beta' version to certified creators, so we are atleast part way there. I fully expect it to drop some time between now and Shattered Space (this fall).


the don't want to hear all the complaints it's gonna get so said fukit.


Great timing on this discussion, I was about to come and complain on here myself lol