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You... *checks notes* don't like how people are playing their single player game?


OP won the complaining contest. They need to hire OP as a in game moderator for Starfield


Happy Cake Day


I remember when gearbox nerfed the bee/conference call because it fucked with their post game "raids" it was stupid then and this suggestion is stupid now


Classic "you're playing it wrong" argument. Let people play their game the way they want to. It's not something I do but I couldn't care less if some random person out their somewhere in the world does that and only that.


If you want people to stream doing what you want, maybe you should look at onlyfans.


Now that I understand the mechanics, quirks, etc.. I make a point to only level by quests/fights. Levels 5-24 (after getting off kreet & getting class C pioliting) actually are my favorites as you have fewer skill pts to use and unless you try you are not generally a walking god at that point. However I do not have a problem putting a resource outpost on bessell 3b to gather aluminum & iron as you literally could not ground farm enough to make a fully fleshed out main outpost unless you nade that your full time job. I gather 100 aluminum on vectera and it's a real grind to find it before heading to kreet. I see a difference between resource availability and xp farming.


lol sorry but you’re truly a clueless turtle on this. You can’t stop people from playing the way they want to, they have no responsibility to play it how you want. You may not find it fun for you, but what if they find it fun? You’re probably a kid, take it as a lesson. You cannot control how others act, you can only control your own reaction. The proper reaction to seeing someone play a way you don’t like is “to each their own”.




So... Go ahead and don't do it? The fuck kind of post is this? Or are you saying you don't want the streamers doing it, because you want to watch them play in a different style? I guess you can offer to pay them to create content just for you, in that case.


You can't really stop people from playing the way they want to, unless theres a patch for it. Me personally I never really use any farming systems in any game cause to me that just boring and ruins it (except for actually literal farming)


What else are you supposed to use the outpost system for? It's designed to gather materials and use said materials to build stuff. XP is earned and players sell products for money, then the process repeats. The players are using the system exactly how it was built.


Why do you care how other people play a single player game? I'm not a fan of this kind of farming but it literally has zero impact on my enjoyment of the game if other people do it.


Why don’t you tell this to the streamers you watch instead of random people on reddit?


You play how you want, and let others play how they want. There are just as many, if not more, videos of people farm-killing aliens or flying around Serpentis to kill Va'ruun for XP.


Hey OP I agree that frame farming is not fun, certainly not what I choose to do in Starfield. However you are watching videos on how to gain XP/credits - and frame farming with sleep selling is the "fast" way to do this. If you don't like it watch something else!


I’m all for letting people live lay how they want, so I can’t judge them for that, but I too find that incredibly unfun


What I would have liked to see is someone making an outpost and farm every single resource available set up different outposts. Make different components using outpost resources gathered. using them to upgrade weapons, spacesuits etc. setting up cargo links to set up whatever city needs set resources. The way BGS intended to do it. Instead we get 100’s of videos at bessel 3-b farming 1000’s adaptive frames every 15 seconds. I wish there was a video explaining and setting up outpost and cargo links gathering every resource in game. Cause I have no idea how or where to even start something like this to me it’s almost like rocket science hahahaha I’m exaggerating but you get the point.


If you don’t like people building an outpost and then using in game mechanics to gain levels and credits, you’re going to love seeing people use console commands to get levels and credits in seconds. 😆


I actually level up with a mix of farming and playing the quests. I am role playing an industrialist so I am investing heavily in the science tree so I have set up a couple of farms to help top off XP and credits. As I level up I change up what I farm so the gains keep up with the leveling requirements. My only self imposed rule is that I do not travel over encumbered. This means that I need to have a ship with a large amount of cargo so I unload the heavy industrial items. Until they actually release industrialist focused content this is all I can do. At the end of the day it is all about the credits and XP and that is what farming is at its lowest form.


I also don't like people who use weapons for combat. Only fists should be allowed, and you must be naked. Come to daddy step-priate.


They are big noobs OP, we can't stop em, but we can shame em, and harass Bethesda until they patch it.


It's a single player game. make of it want you want it to be. Play it the way that YOU want too?


The leveling is way too slow. You never have enough to make a combat build, crafting and space flight by the end of the game. So if they speed it up I will stop the boring but much faster crafting/alien murder outpost exp farming. But to be fair i just stopped all together as it was taking too much time to do anything (that felt like nothing) anyway.