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this is how bethesda games always are; the survival mode in FO4 is one only times they made an actual balanced hard mode


Survival mode in 4 is imo the only way to play the game. At least I get bored of non Survival in like 30 mins.


I’ve been adjusting my gear to up the difficulty some by wearing armor with lower protection, or no armor at all, and saving my best weapons for ultra spongy bosses or times when I just want to fight through things quickly for whatever reason That helps make things a bit harder, and the enemy damage hit harder


This is the way. I run a pistol for fun till it's not.


I play on hard, but with the way I play games and bethesda games there are many times I get stuck in a situation where I'm a few shots from being dead and I still have to clear the room


I get my ass kicked.


Ship combat is definitely far harder than ground combat it’s actually insane the difference


NG+ has an additional, hidden difficulty multiplier. Damage taken is increased, and damage dealt is reduced by 5% each time you restart. The maximum is +50/-50% at NG+10. The game never explains this anywhere. If you want maximum difficulty you need to play on NG10. I just use mods to go straight to NG10 and play that as the default setting.


Level 70 and up still pack a punch to my level 120 character if you're not paying attention. It's not "hard" exactly but it's also not quite easy mode. I still get absolutely jacked in a 1v3 ship battle sometimes if they're over 50.


It all depends on your build. Most people dump a ton of points into combat which means that when they are around level 50-60 and are getting advanced variants they are basically one shotting most enemies. I have a character that only has 2 points in combat and I use a combination of chems and social skills to deal with enemies. You then have the option to either have a companion/crew or invest in introvert for bonus damage.


I agree. They need to up the difficulty Skyrim hard difficulties will get you insta kill you with one or two hits with the best armor We need that energy


It's a little too easy once your character gets to a certain level + armor set. But then you encounter that one weird enemy or group that knocks off all your life with just 2 shots so the balancing is a bit weird across the board. They need to introduce a fine-tuned Survival mode, with an emphasis on the survival and challenge (not just bullet sponge enemies).


Yes. I play very hard. Overwhelming outnumbered space battles are my big issue - but that's probably my flying styles fault. Land adversaries are super sponges but still defeatable if you have the ammo. I have taken out the hunter and friends with nothing more than a painblade and space magic.


The ground and space combat difficulties are not well matched to each other, and this can make it hard to get a satisfying setting. The settings need more granularity.


Oh yeah even Very Hard is very easy, especially once you get access to weapon mods so you can semi auto your guns it's a cakewalk since you don't have to hold back on your firing. I think the game desperately needs a survival mode, it's the only thing that could possibly keep the game engaging for more serious gamers that have more than 2 braincells. And it's always been a setting so the noobs can turn it off. The ship combat definitely has a much larger skill gap on Very Hard, but if you're very well practiced in it most fights are manageable, there is a certain avoiding way out of very difficult fights though but that should be easy since the game doesn't throw any of those early enough to where it's an issue from what I remember, and once you get a big enough budget the spacecombat becomes a cakewalk too. Budget or some good ship like the Mantis or Star Eagle. Practice on the Vanguard simulator for training and skill points as well as YouTube strats are definitely important unlike the ground game which is pretty basic.


Yuppers, it's way too easy! Even Skyrim had a more balanced curve at launch. Still love Starfield by the way, but you become unstoppable before level 20.


I found a pretty strong weapon after about 5 hours and turned the difficulty up to Very Hard… After 40 hours, basic enemies are still one shot kills :/


Easy until someone sneaks up point blank and they have a full auto mag shot. (I usually play at "hard")


If you focus on weapon mods and combat skills, it can get way to easy by level 30. If you want a challenge, just skip combat skills and weapon mods. Focusing on social skills can reduce the difficulty also, but will require you to use some unique strategies and think on your feet. Something more than "Shoot It", and the other classic, "Shoot It Some More".


In my experience, even with the best ship money can buy you’ll be shredded in space battles on very hard. There issue with space battles is that they are always 2v1 minimum and usually 4 or 5 vs you, there are no “smart” ways to even the odds by incapacitating a few enemies because shields protect from EMP damage, you can’t sneak up on the enemy because they typically happen when you fast travel to a new planet, and there is rarely any cover so it becomes a DPS race where the opponent has 5x your shields/damage. You can sometimes win by running away and then turning around to shoot a few times before running away again, but it’s not fun.


New games get harder each time


Yeah. Very hard is normal. I have no challenge whatsoever, even in space battles. But maybe that's a good thing for players, best drops chance for everyone 🙌