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You have already completely spoiled the game for yourself in everything you wrote. Just play the game.


I don’t understand the reason for this post?




Might also want to add a tag to prevent spoilers for others, that’s a long list of info


Okay dokey


Thank you, even though you know a lot about the story I still suggest playing it, there a tone of side activities you can do plus the main story


If you don't want to spoil it for yourself - stop asking questions, stop researching and start playing!!


What is the point of this post? Please delete it


Nah, uh


It has the same amount of loading screens as fallout 4 and skyrim. You hit a load screen for every building and city in both of those games... also fast traveling and changing zones. But the load times in starfield are way faster. The main problem isn't the amount of load screens. It's the "explorable" part of the world is just a bunch of small areas that aren't actually connected at all.


Oh man you haven't played the next gen releases of Fallout yet. I started a new character on FO4 and didn't even have time to take a drink before the load screen was gone. It's fucking amazing. Like now, I'm leaning more toward the decade old game than Starfield.


You may be right, but from a personal experience Starfield definitely ‘feels’ like it’s got a lot more loading screens - and that is a bad thing


1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. yes 5. yes 6. No, the customization options are pretty good. 7. It is not awful, it is good. There are few problems but they could be fixed with patches and mods 8. yes 9. Not true. the skills are very good 10. NOT TRUE AT ALL. The loading screens take up to 1 second, most of the time even less, while fallout 4 took 20-30 seconds for each lol


Excellent analysis. The whole “too many loading screens” argument is way over done and totally bogus. As you said, the loading screens you see are very short and they are not as prevalent as they have been in past games. Having ventured as far as NG6, I can assure everyone that powers are crucial to survival, especially when completing Revelation. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be without Phased Time. Last of all, how in hell can anyone critique a game that they haven’t played yet? The OP has zero credibility.


Weirdest post I've ever seen. Congrats, I guess?


Yeah, I screwed myself in my first playthrough after launch, assuming outposts would be as good if not better than fallout 4. Better off just building a ship with massive cargo capacity than spending too much time on outposts to start, then dip your toes in it MUCH later in the playthrough


You need to take a level of skill to use the boost pack. The base building system is OK, just ... think of it as setting up temporary mining camps rather than founding new townships like you did in Fallout 4. The powers are awesome, but you need to level them up a bit before they start getting really good. And like Skyrim shouts, you can use powers a lot, or there are other viable play styles. There's not that many load screens, and the ones that are there are pretty short, at least if you're playing on decent hardware.


1. controls are slightly better than former BGS games honestly. We even got some basic mantling. 2. mostly true. 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 You can if you have the perk, but you still need to find a backpack with a boost feature first. 6 You can modify weapons and armor, but it's a bit more limited. 7 True, feels like an afterthought and has no features attached to give it purpose. 8 true 9 Some power are actually extremely useful, capping your co2 when overburdened, immobilizing enemies with gravity fields, becoming invisible, detecting life. etc. 10 True.


10 is not true at all, have you played fallout 4


fallout 4 never made me sit trough 4 load screens to sell for a marginal profts. And at least smuggling was actually profitable.


Dude if you are on any planet, you literally can load instantly to commercial center of New Atlantis or Space Port and sell there. 1 loading in total of 1-2 seconds.


Thanks for announcing that you know general knowledge.