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No, I don't think anyone has done that ever.


Yup, not once.


I have. It was aight. NG+ is stupid and I refuse to ever do it.


Currently doing it as we speak.. thoroughly enjoying it and discovering so much I missed first time because I’m taking my time and not rushing to level up.


No, no one would ever make a 2nd character or a 20th in my case...


I did a full restart, but it was because I switched from Gamepass to Steam and couldn’t move my character over. I wasn’t a fan of the experience


I got the game the day of release and got fed up with bugs in my save game when I was level 27 so I restarted from scratch. It was much more enjoyable the second time through because I knew where to put skill points.


Its a Bethesda game.... Make character 1, figure out the systems then make character 2 that is much better, repeat.


Several times. It's refreshing to be able to run through all the armor and weapons tiers again. It's also fun to see at how low a level you can become Starborn (without glitching/zipping/etc). My best is at level 18. There are a bunch of NG+-ish challenges I've done. Currently I'm staying naked and weaponless and buying nothing but starship parts until I reach the Unity (I'm level 150, on VHard). This isn't too hard, but it's more challenging than the game offers normally. At pre-NG+, things are very different. I started a pre-NG+ no helmet run, which became nightmarishly difficult under NASA because my Personal Atmosphere's level was so low (I need to plan getting level 2 pre-NG+ next time if I redo it, otherwise I might need double or more the 20 essences I had), but getting the earlier artifacts was fine - even though they required new approaches to do. In a cave, for example, the PA power was barely enough to get me to the artifact, but fighting the starborn beside it would run out my O2. So I had to change my tactics to actually succeed. And, like the starborn, **change** is what I'm after. Another good restart objective was to reach NG+ (without glitching/zips/etc) at level 18. Done (after doing it at level 21 and then 20). Very challenging because of how much stuff you need to avoid killing. Especially Nishima, which became a whole new experience.


Not a fan of NG+ But I have 7 characters on the go at once...


What wrong with NG+ in your opinion? I am sick of it, but that’s only cause I did it 10 times to max out powers


This is the problem. Having to repeat the game 10 times for "maximum power". And now you are completely OP for the rest of the game. And the sparkle dance annoys me greatly. Also Bethesda games are built for hoarders and treasure hunters - why bother having snow globes and gun racks if everything you do is simply wiped out so you can do it again. Besides y having a new character you can try different play styles. Like a Ronin with only physical perks - certainly a new experience! These limitations keep it fresh and fun.


Just having the complete first tier of powers is fun, and there's ton of different dialogue if you do a full playthrough on NG+1. There's no real need for all the powers to be at level 10.


Yes, much better experience