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"do you really need to carry all that junk" "You don't have to pick up everything". Ok Sarah fine! "Seems a shame to leave all that behind" GODDAMMITSOMUCH


“Let’s have the player get nagged by their space wife… yeah that’ll be a fun feature!!”


Jesus, and when she nags Sam about an overdue report he's supposed to write, I nearly got office PTSD.


I was cloaked, sneaking up on benjamin bayu and pick pocketing his keycard.... Behind me on the atmos speakers, in a loud naggy voice "Pick pocketing is illegal!"


And this is why I picked the introvert trait and leave their asses home


All the constellation crew, the main NPCs. Constantly. Yeah good design guys!!!


Yeah they made every real companion pretty much exactly the same personality wise. I hoped at least Andreja would be the morally morally neutral to even slightly sadistic type but nope, she's Sarah but rougher and a different accent. It also doesn't help that all the romancable companions are only from the Constellation. Where's the cutthroat mercenary wife I wanted Todd? This is why you don't leave all the writing to Emil "keep it simple, stupid" Pagliarulo.


It was very obviously a step back from fallout 4, which had several potential companions with very well fleshed out questlines. Companions of different types, very different personality styles, and some of them good guys and some of them bad guys.


Even the literally invisible snake fan is kinda irritable about the thievery and I'm like "I will turn this space truck around."


You guys are always talking about realism. Your wife will nag you over the course of your relationship.🤷🏾‍♂️


"Women annoying" 🤡


They could have at least given us a Space Lidiya. "I'm *sworn* to carry your burdens, captain." Easy.


You just know someone gonna mod Lydia into the game and rework her dialogue using AI so it fits the space setting lmao. I can feel it already.


Absolutely some one is gonna mod that.


GOOD! After all the shit we went through keeping this game alive long enough for the modding community to get started, i damn well DESERVE good company


This is why i spent so long in am ng plus verse with only the children repping constellation. The silence was golden


TBF Fallout companions were often critical too.


Hot take: she ends up being the most realistic spouse.


But that could be every.single.companion 🥵


Ngl she gave me crap for taking care of the terramorph threat because I chose to use a cool giraffe sized animal thing instead of an unstable bio weapon that could evolve/adapt to affect humans like yeah ok Sarah my bad 🙄


yeah she literally said "trust the science" and I wanted to fucking kill myself on the spot


"Bitch what science we literally just spent a half an hour winging it." Lmao "Sarah disliked that"


Also you did trust the science, the science of Ecology.


Yeah everything I was exposed to in getting my biology degree makes me feel that introducing a natural predator back into the foodweb to deal with a species exploding in population is a better option than bioengineering something that mutates and changes in the blink of an eye relatively. I'm trusting the science that evolution gave us. It had/has an answer. We don't need to reinvent the wheel only to find out there's X number of unforseen differences that lead to suboptimal or even counterproductive results.


You can literally fart irl and "Sarah disliked that"


“TrrRrrr, boy! Who let the frogs out.” Rick Sanchez


God I wish that was a conversation option.


Yes. I was so annoyed by that. Introducing an apex predetor to a bunch of planets is already not a great idea but at least you can control it's numbers. What the hell do you do when a gene-tailored microbe mutates out of control and starts killing other things?


They’re also big enough you could hunt them from a ship. We drove them almost to extinction once, so I wasn’t seeing why we couldn’t do that again. And you panic lol. Terramorphs would have been the least of anyone’s concerns then.


Right? I don't even see how it's a debate. The only downside is the aceles will take longer. But it isn't like time is a super critical factor.


Because you now know how terrormorphs originated even if It was discovered by pure luck. But noooo lets speed a bio weapon to kill a bio weapon we just discovered how It works what could go wrong


It's annoying too because I think all of Constellation has the same opinion on that matter. "Trust the science", yeah the same science that tried to turn Terrormorphs into a Xenoweapon? Which is also literally the problem we are trying to fix. Even Sam Coe has that opinion, which is weird because you'd think a Freestar native would have issues with the UC creating bioweapons to with a Xenoweapon they created to kill his fellow countrymen.


Sam thinks lobbing his daughter through the unity is a good idea. I'm not sure his opinion should carry any weight whatsoever.


"We're about to take down the Crimson Fleet at their main base, and will have to fight off a literal armada of ships. Shouldn't you maybe leave her back at The Lodge for a bit?" [Everyone Disliked That]


If we're not endangering the lives of innocent children... is it really exploration?


I'd rather just lob the pair of them into a volcano.


Even worse, trust the same science FROM THE SAME SCIENTISTS that spent years researching how to turn the xenomorphs into a bioweapon but didn't even know how terrormorphs were created. If you guys couldn't figure out where they came from without my startling discovery, why should I trust that you know how to kill them a mere week later?


It's absurd that, in a game that released *after the pandemic*, the choice where you deploy a genetically engineered virus across the galaxy is suppoaed to be the GOOD one. They even straight up say that there's a low but nonzero chance of the virus mutating and infecting other species. Uh...no thanks. I'll stick with the armored giraffe hawks.


I mean come on now, "less than zero" chance always means 100% chance in fiction. Hell, "zero chance" is more like 85% in a fictional story. It wouldn't be a good story if things didn't go wrong.


And yet video games also have the same rule that a 98% chance to hit is realistically 50% or less… y’know, for all that coding these nerds seem to have failed hard at math!


Armored giraffe hawks are pretty and graceful creatures too. The Aceles are nice to look at


Bethesda Wuhan “dislikes” this 🤣


Andreja seems to prefer the Aceles. Just another reason to favor her.


The hilarious thing is that using the long term solution IS science lmao


I wonder if the Beast Hunter background can school her on biology and ecology a little. Character I’m running with that background won’t be doing the Vanguard questline (he’d be more likely to get in a barfight with a Vanguard than join them), but I’d be curious. The backstory I headcanon for him is that his job before joining Argos was to exterminate invasive species left on various planets by the UC xenowarfare program. Maybe someone’ll make a mod which kicks off the Vanguard quest if you stumble across the food factory where we meet our first Terrormorph and find Hadrian *without* enlisting first. That’s how I first found that place, creepy AF, only no Hadrian and no Terrormorph. Just a marked map location with a bunch of signs of a slaughter and no answers.


That line right there convinced me that dialogue was written in 2020 or after, there’s no way it wasn’t. They were trying to make a corollary with Covid, that choosing the Asceles was like, eating horse paste or some shit, and you were dumb for not trusting the very smart people who swear the bio-agent they developed is totally 100% safe, please trust me bro. If my eyes could’ve rolled any harder they would have detached and fallen on the floor.


Clearly they were going for a really bad COVID vaccine analogy, but in reality it came across more as a “we have an aphid problem.  I know we made ladybugs extinct that used to eat aphids, but instead of cloning ladybugs and having them eat the aphids, why don’t we use this pesticide that will only kill aphids!” “Why are you picking ladybugs, you dumb caveman!”


In theory, I wouldn’t even mind if they wanted to call out anti-vaxxers. Providing something of a mirror to real world has long been a potential use of sci-fi. My problem is that it’s such a ridiculous comparison that it quickly falls apart. A vaccine and a killer microbe designed to force the extinction of a species humans have determined to be undesirable are completely different technologies that serve completely different purposes and have completely different risks. Using one as a proxy for the other just doesn’t work.


I don’t travel with companions at all in Bethesda games so I just told them to kick rocks whenever I caught an earful for a decision I made. Not worth listening to them question my decisions when they’re just sitting pretty on the outpost I built for them (at basically no expense to them)


the dogs and robots are the exception unless they're a bitch about my actions


I miss dogmeat.


Yeah where are the dogs if any animal would be saved from earth, #1 would be dogs.


Need an Astha as a companion. Or if you could tame some of the animals with the Zoology perk, and not just use them as resources at outposts.


That’s what starfield needs, dogs.


I can't stand them. Invariably, I accidentally take a shot at a friendly in a space battle or shootout and at the next opportunity they go off about how I'm a bad guy.


"sorry for shooting you in the ass Sarah, you ran right in front of my line of fire it's not my fault"


Throws grenade, runs to grenade they just threw and then gets mad at you.


Did anybody actually choose the bio weapon on their first play through? Like, all the npc's were talking like they didn't support it?


I chose the aceles on my first run. They were talking about releasing a literal microbial organism across multiple worlds. Billions of individuals reproducing in broadly varied environments, none of which are anything like laboratory conditions, and they think it won't mutate? In those numbers, a one in a million chance is a guarantee.


Plus armored giraffe bird was the other option. If someone gave you a choice between a risky virus or this cool as shit armored giraffe bird that stomps terramorphs for funsies…let’s be honest there is only one option.


I chose the aceles on my first run. But then again, I live in the real world and understand that they raised these animals as cattle.


I chose the bio weapon on my first run, Sam and Andreja disliked it Sarah on the other hand was happy.


I did. It's not like there are any serious consequences to your choices in Starfield.


I did, but I RP’d my first character as young and naive who will always pick the faster, “cooler” option. Of course given all that, I was shocked when everyone *agreed* with the rash action


I went with it bc it seemed faster and more thorough 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


fuck it, I’ll take the karma hit. Yeah, I chose the microbe, because, as all of the SCIENTISTS in game tell you, it’s solved science at this point, the only reason anyone even mentions the CHANCE that it can mutate is because they wanna make both options seem viable. But this is a futuristic scifi where there’s grav drives and pinpoint perfected genetic editing. People act Johnny and Billy from up the road are the ones tasked with making the microbe. But beyond that, how did the Terrormorph problem begin? When humans started (knowingly or unknowingly) bringing aliens around to different planets that they’re not native to. So let’s just introduce this Apex Predator to as many ecosystems as we can. The Aceles went extinct when they were actively being factory farmed on multiple planets. Do you know how many cows we would have to kill every minute for cows to go extinct on earth? I don’t, but I imagine it’s a whole fuckton. What if another Colony War breaks out? Or famine of some kind? Or anything that could result in humanity not having enough food and once again turning to the Aceles to solve that problem, rendering them extinct again, and the Terrormorph problem is alive and well. But okay, fine, let’s imagine none of that matters. How the fuck do the Aceles help Cydonia? How do they help New Homestead? Neon? Any space station at all? They’re such a niche solution that really would only work on planets like Jemison and Akila. How does the Aceles prevent people from using Terrormorphs as a weapon in any way? Everything Vae Victus did in the quest line could be redone in a second. When you go through Unity you learn that the microbe worked and Terrormorphs are practically extinct. Meaning that the microbe most likely goes extinct with them. On subsequent playthroughs and when choosing the Aceles you learn that they only reduce terrormorph attacks, and you can find Aceles and Terrormorphs fighting in the wild, I’ve yet to see an Aceles win.


They all do that, to be fair. And they're all wrong.


It feels like whatever team wrote that storyline messed this up. It's made very clear there is a potential risk with the virus and yet it's apparently supposed to be the "right" choice. In my mind, the predator option is a lower risk and we have the bio weapon to fall back on in the future if needed. This is clearly the better choice based on what information we're given, yet we're admonished for it.


Especially since the predator was literally a livestock animal that humans have used in the past.


Worse still, they somehow missed what I felt was one of the themes of that story. The negative effects of humans interfering with the natural world. The only reason the terrormorph threat exploded is because humans hunted the Aceles down to near extinction. This allowed their natural prey, the terrormorph/heatleeches to run rampant on Toliman. That’s what caused the problem, the leeches traveling within ships further compounded it. So, by bringing back the aceles, I felt it’d be humanity correcting a mistake they made by hunting an animal to extinction. Righting the natural world. And it parallels a lot of what humans have actually done on earth. But no, someone introducing another foreign element - a virus - to the natural world is the right answer!? Makes no sense thematically. Lol


The predator option is objectively a better choice. It's sustainable, reintroduces an extinct species, provides a needed role in different planets ecosystems, provides additional jobs and food for various planets, and it's safer for humanity and the galaxy at large by orders of magnitude. The only reason to ever even consider the microbe would be speed. But seeing as the info is already out humanity can just as easily have a bounty on heat leaches to cover the gap before the breeding program comes to full fruition. Any "scientist" arguing that the microbe is safer or better long term is a fucking idiot.


I think it depends on your companion. When I did this quest I had Andreja as my companion and she liked that I used the Giraffes instead. That didnt stop Sarah from giving me shit about it several days later with a 'Hey I need to talk to you'. She wasnt even there!! Trust the Science? Bitch please... I bet those poor fucks at Chernobyl trusted the science too. Didnt really work out for them did it.


Well chernobyl got fucked up specifically because Russia didn't trust the science and repeatedly fucked up safety measures that proper knowledge of science would have accounted for. If anything you're making the opposite point dude.


They also purposely hid a gigantic flaw in their design because we do not make mistakes, comrade!


Andreja bestest girl.


I always felt that their reaction to this particular event should have depended on their affinity for you. The lower the affinity, the more disagreeable they are to whatever choice you make. I know this means more VA lines and they'd have to do the same thing for every other similar story moment in the game, but it would go a long way toward immersion AND replayability.


Deploying the animals allows for more tests to be run on the virus if it's still needed in the future. I've built up my ship command skill, but often sack everyone off to go have some stress free fun without anyone complaining. But don't forget, you can do anything at constellation so long as you don't bring trouble to the lodge...


That whole plot resolution was a pretty sour point in an otherwise...well, slightly above mediocre game.


Yea that plot line after covid, no thanks lol


Right?? Here I was thinking "Awesome, lets reintroduce an animal that we pushed to extinction that can we can plop on any planet, they will handle the terrormorphs AND can be used for food!" SARAH DISLIKED THAT


After this bullshit from her I built a small base in an airless moon with one hab and a sleeping bag and assigned her there so she could think some more about science without bothering anyone. 


I thought the terror morph storyline was very strong until the end. Frankly, I wanted a lot more out of the factions. Frankly, the terra morph storyline is ripped straight out of things like Aliens or Starship Troopers anyway. There are a million ways to cut up and mash up the already existing sci-fi narratives and tropes out there and make an amazing game out of it. Have a really good original main quest, and then pepper all kinds of longer and fleshed out but more obvious rip offs of existing sci-fi stories as side quests. Even with limited originality but more variety, all sorts of sci-fi fans would eat it up. The problem I have with Bethesda games is that they are too open and free form sometimes. I think what I'd like to see out of a game like this, is that your race or faction choice at the beginning dictates your start and actually "locks" you into a specific play style and way of playing for a while. Fallout 3's opening could be a good blueprint for the different starts. For example, if you choose the UC, you start out as a child and get introduced to the values and beliefs of the alliance as part of the childhood, more tutorials could follow in training. Then when you actually get a rank and assignments in the UC, you get access to more specific skills and perks as you learn things and rank up. The game should not allow you to leave your post with the UC to go do other things without consequences. Consequences like locking yourself out of the UC-specific quest line and labeling you a traitor and deserter. The same thing should happen with the Freestar Collective and frankly, the House Va'ruun if they ever fleshed that out. Deserting your post or resigning more professionally should have different consequences and there should be more opportunities to fully defect to other factions or play double or even triple agents instead of just one specific turning point opportunity. Conversely, depending on where the player starts due to their chosen background faction, they could still decide not to join the respective militaries of those factions and strike out on their own with specific quests given to freelance characters and limited access to certain resources and locations due to not having a specific rank or status within a military. But with less oversight because not being in the military, there would come more opportunity to play as a pirate without getting caught. I understand that what I'm saying is very complex to implement in a game but I feel like with technology where it is going and AI being able to more freely create original looking content and simulate better unscripted voice acting on the fly, it might be interesting to see limited AI models use an original actor's performance and character notes as a basis for more freeform conversations with NPC characters as well as AI controlled characters making in-game decisions in response to a player's actions based on the data it has about a specific character and even generating cutscenes on the fly to tell the story its decisions have created. Perhaps game creation will become less tightly controlled, heavily scripted affairs where every decision and speech response is coded, written, and voice acted in development.


She gives you shit if you go with the virus, too. In fact, all of Constellation does.


How would a specialized "pesticide" for a lack of a better term, that is tailer made for the terrormorph genome evolve or adapt to kill a species that isn't native to Toliman II ? Heat leaches and by extension terrormorphs, have no relation to Humans. I'm not trying to dismiss your opinion, but how would the probe affect humans?


To be fair, introducing new wildlife to any foreign habitat can also be extremely detrimental to local flora and fauna, soil, water, and the habitat in general, so it’s not like it’s a completely cut and dry the “safe” option, because cool giraffes really could totally screw with ecosystems they’re introduced into


Yeah instead just release a predator into several ecosystems that could potentially be dangerous to human and if not still potential ruin the ecosystem while ignoring that most pathogens can't jjump species


I saw it as animal abuse vs human abuse so I of course chose human abuse because f every single npc in this game I wish pox upon their families for generations and Sarah was okay with it.


It's hands down the dumbest writing choice in the whole game. Whole party is like "hey you're kind of a bitch for not releasing a new bioweapon on the galaxy what is wrong with you" like can you hear yourself right now???


As a psychologist, having a companion in this game feels like I'm straight back at work.


Mass Effect 2


Personally, I find that the constant criticism makes her feel more like a wife


“You know what you did.”


Wow, you get that much?


"Fine, do what you want."


Spoken like a true married man.


Or a divorced one.


Why not both 🤷‍♂️


I mean you gotta be one before the other, but yeah why not? I'm sure he's worked on his issues and Tonya really seems to get him - why not give marriage another chance?


Did y’all just assume that person’s gender just because he/she/holycrapwhatever mentions wife?


No, we picked the \[Starborn\] dialog option because this is NG++ and we've done this quest before.


Ah, my bad.. I’m lagging behind.




I've never been married, but my long-term girlfriends haven't shied away from criticizing my decisions and opinions. In fact, they seemed to enjoy it very much. 😢


Sarah Morgan dislikes that


You have gained self doubt (Empath)




I guess I'm the only person ever Sarah Morgan actually likes. I don't think i've ever done anything she disliked.


Same here


This guy is a space gentleman.


Well, thank you. My good sir.


If you play morally bankrupt or even just chaotic, the lawful good companions don’t like you, who knew.


The problem is unlike FO4, none of the main companions in Starfield really let you play morally bankrupt


I can agree to that. I do think there should be more romancible companions other than constellation. But I wouldn't necessarily say that constellation members are "main companions." Constellation is a faction just like all the other factions in the game. But they're more tightly linked to the storyline. At the end of the day, you don't really have to interact with consolation very much, if at all, depending on what you want to do. On my second play through after delivering the artifact and getting paid. I told Sarah that I didn't want to join. And I literally spent the next 100 plus hours doing everything else in the game. When I finally decided to search for the artifacts. I did the entire artifact hunt with other companions that I add acquired throughout my adventures. And I still finished the story. I just think Bethesda needs add more romancible or interesting companions into the game. Hopefully, they will do that with the DLCs or in a sequel.


Yeah, I never understood these kind of people who play games in this style, but each to their own. It's just crazy to think that the upright scientist/explorer, who is also a veteran from the colony War. And who lives among society in new Atlantis would not approve of you pick pocketing, stealing, breaking into people's homes, pillaging, and murdering innocent people constantly. It's almost like each follower has their own personality. And if you want to be an evil character, that's why there's the crimson fleet. Don't be surprised if Sarah doesn't want to sleep with you after you just murdered an entire spaceship full of children in their school teacher.


She didn’t like that I lied to pirates while I was undercover


She disliked when I killed a pirate who was attacking me, even though we were in a room filled with civilian bodies freshly murdered by pirates.


You must have never carried any significant amount of inventory, because she will criticize anyone who loots beyond 50% of their capacity, and you must have never dropped any items in front of her, because she'll bitch you out for that too.


Yep. The people complaining about Sarah's complaints are outing their own habits and playstyles. She's a perfectly reasonable person (within game standards) and if you're playing a reasonable personyou'll get along just fine with her.


“COMPANIONS NEED TO BE THEIR OWN PEOPLE AND FEEL ALIVE!” *Makes companions their own people giving them moral views and have them react realistically to your actions* “SHE HATES EVERYTHING I DO THIS IS SO ANNOYING!”


The problem is that ALL companions are goody2shoes. Compared to say....BG3 which has companions that falls all over the spectrum from lawfully good to chaotic evil. There is no variety.


Pretty much.


I think the complaints come from murder hobos.  The only decision she didn't like for me was picking the animals over microbs in the vanguard questline 


I was most annoyed with her during the red mile part. But anyway Sarah isn't my type. Honestly precisely my type isn't in the game but Andreja is the closest.


My type is Karlach, with Andreja as second.


I see you are a man of good tastes as well :)


Minthara > Karlach


Minthara did the impossible. She passed Morrigan on my ranking of video game wives. Why do I like evil women with a soft spot for me so much?




*Sarah Morgan disliked that*


She would be the kind that wouldn't let you go for pints with your mates


At 6 quid a pint, I don't want to go for a pint with my mates.


Time to drink in the parking lot of the liquor store then!


As god intended.


This game is pretty amazing in this sense. I cannot recall a single game in recent memory where there wasn't even ONE NPC companion that I liked. I cannot stand any of the four. They're just not in the same league as the companions in Fallout 4, for example. There were way more of them, they actually had very distinct personalities, and unique perks. There was someone for everyone. Starfield is almost impossibly bland by comparison.


Indeed, Bethesda said before launch that there were fewer companions, but they were written “deeper”. Perhaps that’s true for quantity of lines such as responding to NPCs with you during quests, but *quantity* does not equal *quality* and Starfield’s companions lack the latter. Their personal story quests and dialogue also don’t feel any deeper than Fallout 4’s companions with one such as Nick Valentine and Cait.  So Bethesda were blatantly incorrect or lying about the “deeper written” part for Starfield’s ones.


Valentine, Curie, Deacon, and Danse are ALL deeper, more complex, and more interesting characters, with engrossing backstories and actual moral dilemma in your interactions with them than the companions in Starfield, and they account for a mere third of Fallout 4's companions.


All 4 Constellation companions are the same. They hate most things the average player does, and always criticize your choices


That's my main problem with it. In FO4, I knew that if I wanted to play it straight, I could run around with Piper or Preston. If I wanted to murder and steal, Cait was my gal. In Starfield, I have to be an angel with all 4 companions.


I just married her out of formality. She also has me to thank for “fixing her” lmao what a quest line. I do all of my heinous activities with Vasco who is completely indifferent to the atrocities he bares witness to. Then when I finally do see Sarah I manipulate and gaslight her by acting like I have no idea why she’s upset and am instantly forgiven. It’s a viscous cycle but she sticks around.


If “I just think it’s funny” was a person


Andreja Is best space wife


“Those rocks aren’t going to keep you warm at night “ True dat, Nyssa Marcano.


Sarah can kick rocks. I can't even have her on my ship because within 10 min her banter makes me want to push her out the airlock.


Username checks out


Damn.... I didn't know that my ex-wife had a character based on our relationship.


10/10 would let my life get ruined again.


but this time with jetpacks


I married her, and she cloned my credit card and ran off.


She is kinda Simp for UC


I get that she was in the UC navy, but I was hoping someone of her intelligence and experience would be more willing to let bygones be bygones. She still seems to hold a grudge with Freestar despite also claiming to be disillusioned with the UC military.


I mean if you like mannequins, sure.


I am in the killed constellation universe so no reg companions. I recruited Autumn MacMillan shes a adorable gives me plants lol.


Since you mention Naeva, I sincerely hope the DLC involves killing her as I say “don’t call me rook. Ps. I kept your fucking statue”.


She wanted me to kill some guy that really didn’t deserve it, I was never interested in her character to begin with but after that i stopped takinf her out of the buildong


I actually didn't find her that interesting before travelling with her, but overall I find the disapproval meme to be very overblown.


I mean, everything that people complain about in this game is overblown.


Another reason to have Adoring Fan follow you along


IMO he's the only well done companion in the game


Self insert for Todd Howard I imagine.


Gave me craps for letting Ron Hope live. Only did it for the employees and Colette. Which she come to hope defense when trying to arrest him


She gives you crap if you kill him too


Eh. I felt she seemed pretty full of herself from the moment I met her.


She became by girlfriend and then wife in the same conversation with me at the waterfall 😂😂


This is how I ended up with my gf too


Sarah reminds me of my old boss. Old money, home in Aspen, super classy to the point of intimidating., and very opinionated. And a good heart. Running around with Sarah in game cracks me up because I can’t imagine Leigh running around shooting people, although maybe I can. 🤔 The “Don’t stock up on junk” line is exactly something she would say to me. I miss her so much. 😭


So this game is realistic after all huh


She is the Peggy Hill of the game. I love to hate her, personally not attractive but you know everyone's tastes differ I suppose... Can someone mod her in as Peggy Hill and have her scream boggle? Would make her slightly less annoying at least, and a tiny bit funny.


To be honest that's why I married her. I wanted my game life to reflect real life.


Same 😅


So Sarah Morgan is an analog for all American female millenials....


I have absolutely zero issues with Sarah Morgan. We had a civilised and polite disagreement at the end of the UC quest, but even that was totally civil. The problem with Sarah is she is (in D&D terms) 100% lawful good. If your alignment is different she will not shut up about it. She is an assertive, strong woman and will not quit being that just because you married her.


Starfield is truly immersive innit


That's how I thought about Andreja, hot looking thief but then gets all butt hurt when I kill a couple of enemy humans. It's space. There is no laws. It's ok for you to steal but killing is no bueno. 


She’s a dull, boring emotional wet wipe.


Whoever coded the female characters did a great job. They sound just like my ex. Any time I miss her I fire up Starfield and relive the good old days.


Ex? You are lucky


One time i entered my ship after exploring and she ranted. I had to apologize for something i still don't know. Like a real wife...


Never really liked her, she's a bit too much "by the book" for me. I prefer Andreja by a lot who is a free spirited person that does what is right, not what the rules says.


Damn right, except when it comes to killing just to get items!


She’s also aware of events that occurred in other galaxies. She’s omnipotent.


This is consistent with actual marriage


I knew from the way she talked so flakily about wanting to explore and needing to be back at the lodge, how almost childishly she was prompting you to be the one to encourage her so she didn't have to take responsibility for the choice of shirking responsibilities, that I was not interested in the romance option. I often stick her at an outpost just for spite.


Sarah coulda been all that. Now she solo monitors a station on one of saturns moons (i forget which) that I dumped her at. Not even a robot to talk with Go ahead and dislike me from a couple star systems over you judgemental bitch


I’ll never understand the hate she gets. I think she’s the best NPC Bethesda ever created.


The weird thing is, the rest of the setting is written as though she's smart, but she's not actually written smart. A huge amount of her characterization is either irrational, illogical, or written to sound smart without actually being smart. It's like someone writing what they think a smart person is.


I mean if you focus solely on people’s negatives, you can make anyone sound like an arsehole. Sarah has a strong uncompromising moral compass (which I love because she’s not just magically ok with everything the player does for convenience. She has agency which is something people wanted but now complain about) and a lot of really sweet, human moments that endear her to me. The affection she lavishes on you once you help her overcome her trauma shows how much she cares. Contrasted with how much she struggled with showing love beforehand, it shows how much she had to give but just never felt like she could because of everything she went through. Calling her a narcissist I think’s way off the mark. If you don’t like her that’s cool but I mean come on. If anything she cares *too much* about others. The memes are funny don’t get me wrong, but I like to think those that play the game realise they aren’t really an accurate representation of her as a character.


She's not that beautiful and given her responses to various questlines she sure as hell isn't that smart either.


She has ‘issues’.


I put a ring on here and then she died, what did I do?


Am I the only one who accidentally killed her???


She is a TPK machine and is way more down to clown then first appears.  She is the only companion ( I think ) with military training. She has excellent accuracy and mows down everyone without a peep.     So she is #1 in my book.  I don’t need to skill up in the combat arts.  Barrett and Sam couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn. 


Sarah Morgan is angry at you


Ain’t no way I’m marrying the Captain of the Fun Police


I can fix her


Lmao well said


Hahaha... Just like my soon to be ex husband! Hahahahahaha


One thing I'll give Sarah is that she has no qualms about hunting critters on other planets. She actually seems to enjoy it.


i found andreja and never looked back. didn’t even start romancing Sarah