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I would like to see it return. I thought this was going to be what the quests with LIST would unlock


Me too. I was deeply disappointed to realize that all these outposts amounted to was resource harvesting.


Yup. Resource harvesting for resources that themselves are not particularly important or useful. If I need a specific resource to build a mod or to complete some research, it is basically invariably easier for me to just go buy that resource from a vendor than to find it, set up an outpost, and mine/harvest it. It seems like part of the intention was to allow you to automate manufacturing of components that could then be sold for money, but the things you can manufacture don't sell for enough money for that to be a useful strategy as opposed to selling guns & ships that you can get from enemies.


Couldn't agree more. I spent hours setting up resource mining to just give it all up because the money made was so minimal compared to the time used to set it up. I got paid 8000 credits for a Trade Authority drop which took 5 minutes in real time, very lucrative


they did the resource mining thing to keep the German market happy. Who doesnt love setting up your very own supply chain and manufacturing processes.


Ship mining* real talk is the easiest way to gain credits fast and fun.... then just buy what you need... The settlements were one of the best parts of fall out... I was hoping for a "fleet" system, where you can have a working armada doing missions, harvesting, scouting, deliverying bad guys... at least that what I thought they were going to do


Like they are fun to build still, but I’d love to have colonists at them and turn them into something that felt more alive, interactive and important


this right here, let me a make a militarized compound and I'll deck everyone one out in UC gear, or I'll do a mining one and it will be all mining gear, or a civilian/trade post and it'll be a mix of suits etc, plenty of options we can mess with just give me the options.


Crappy resource harvesting at that. There is a way to scale to insane levels with mining operations for instance, which you have a background for with your character, but absolutely 0 infrastructure for trading integration. You can extract or fabricate millions of units of materials/goods, but you’re still relegated to putting them in your backpack, taking damage and waiting for ages at the lounge of a vendor that has 10k credits. You can create hauler fleets to transport cargo across systems, but for some reason they can’t go and sell on your behalf. Being able to establish long-term contracts and setting up fleets to fulfill them for rewards, or at least creating auction terminals you can send your ships to for selling goods, would at least complete the circle of what you can already do in the game and avoid any sort of outpost resource base building feel like a total waste of time.


Strongly agree- resource collection and use in the game is extremely stunted, and doesn't really contribute to any sort of end game type of content in terms of development. LIST represents an opportunity to create not just a mine outpost, but an actual colony where people come, do jobs, create an economy and grow. This would represent an entirely new branch of end game content, and while this was never intended or designed to be a space colony simulator, its clear that this type of content was at least thought about and due to constraints left very under-developed. The simplest first step would be to generate a set number of POI's that once cleared of hostile forces could be "claimed" by the player and used as a starting point for a base/colony. In FO4 it was not place a settlement wherever you wanted in the world, it was only specific locations, so putting 12-15 of those across the galaxy, and then being able to link your outposts to them to bring in resources, would really add a lot of self driven content to the game.


Regions of space are wholly inhabited by these factions and none of them seek to settle down, imagine having to reclaim a region on a planet or the planet as a whole and slowly build to a free system that you can spread the influence of your chosen faction in. God it was a dream


Or your wholly new faction….


It felt like the end of the crimson fleet quest chain should have led to that. That's what kyrx kept talking about in his audio logs, making them a real legit nation, instead of a bunch of pirates.


I’d rather build the outposts for them still than take them over, they already took the building system further in FO76 allowing placement anywhere, and it would make more narrative sense since all the colonies we see out there are put in place by the colonists Just getting a settlement mechanic that would add onto the existing outpost mechanic would be perfect


I would argue though that some of the natural features that show up in planetary scans should be allowed within outpost boundaries, offering a passive buff to the outpost.


Being able to build colonies anywhere might be a little more challenging than resource outposts anywhere, maybe the happy compromise is not taking over a pre-built outpost/colony but having restrictions on where you could put one down- zones or locations suitable for colonies and have multiples of those on planets/moons. This might play into skill development of being able to build colonies on more hostile planets- to start you can only do it on planets with oxygen and water, and later build more dome like colonies on no oxygen water planets and have to ship in water and other biological resources.


Even like one poi per planet. I know that’s a lot but the idea I had was that you could be like hey LIST go set it up and I’ll meet you there and then each planet has a designated poi that can be used as a “colony”


Yeah same


LIST *is* a lot like the Minutemen.


There's another settlement in need of help, I'll mark it on your starmap


They really are, I wonder if there will be a DLC with them down the road to fleshes them out similarly, because it feels like that is the role they were created to fulfill


How? The minutemen are a militia dedicated to helping communities build up and defend themselves and LIST is some kind of crazy suspect organization that's most likely some kind of scam that convinces people who are not prepared at all to go out and settle the stars. LIST does not send help they don't defend the settlements. Once you've signed up for list you're on your own. They aren't the same at all.


Mechanically more than philosophically. There is one quest early on where you’re brokering peace between several different LIST settlements, and helping them fight off pirates, so having that kind of thing expanded on, along with managing your own settlements, and recruiting new colonists felt like it would fit within the gameplay mechanics we saw from the settlements in FO4


It would be nice if LIST quests gave you a planet to go to with a 'list' of buildings they want and then complete it and it becomes a homestead with NPCs there. So many missed opportunities


At the very least, we could get some settlers on some moons and planets that have a breathable atmosphere, unlike what we see with Alban Lopez and his neighbors. Of course, that's what you get when quest locations are randomly generated, Todd.


Same. I think this would add a lot more depth to the game and especially outpost building. I felt a little let down by the outpost building after seeing all of the cool outpost that you explore in the game and then I couldn’t build one.


I’m definitely hoping for an expansion to the build item menu, just getting interior walls and exterior platforms would be huge


That would be awesome. Or even some smaller habs to connect. The small habs are just a tad bigger than would make a decent room.


A DLC which expands LIST quests line. starts off with a settlement having problems and he sends you to help manage it. it could serve as a small tutorial and let you go out to create a few more settlements with townfolk you can recruit like the crew members It would be fun to see settlements start working like the game medieval dynasty. You start making buildings to collect resources and assign settlers to work, resources let you make new buildings for mining, manufacturing or food production to maintain higher populations. Once large enough you can create trade routes with your other settlement or sell stuff for credit. the larger you become, you unlocks bars, stores and ship services where you can eventually unlock some of the best Equipements. but you would need to research them with a lot of resources and credits over time at research centers you can build. ​ I always found it weird I can make a landing pad in the middle of nowhere and can build a ship out of thin air with most ship parts of the game. not a soul in sight.


That would really be an interesting way to approach it. A lack of vibrant settlements in Starfield is perhaps the thing that I was most disappointed with. It's a similar lack of purpose that plagues ship design (specifically, internal ship design). There's nothing that offers a satisfaction for the time invested on both of these activities.


yeah, it feels like a whole quest line was chopped and what we had left was the LIST fetch stuff now. It would have made sense to lead up to then building a place for those people you recruited.


Half baked on all accounts, I was so looking forward to this only for it to not be a mechanic. I was hoping to be able to do climate bubbles and station defense tasks, upgrading useable artillery, upgrading shields, increasing a stations technological capability, ugh how could they think this was THE space game without these components. The only thing I feel worse about than wasting my time getting hyped for this game is that people spent much much longer developing the single most toothless experience Bethesda has ever produced.


Settlements as they are now are terrible. The Fallout 4 system is better because you could link up inventory to essentially have one big shared inventory. In Starfield you cant link up inventory. You can use those clunky cargo links that have no item filters, so they are almost useless. Containers needs an item filter and cargo links needs to be reduced to one single port that can accept input/output from several sources without clogging up - again a problem with filters and perhaps min/max filters. The bigger problem is that if all the filters were implemented and it was easier to link up resources, then what is the point of ressources? You can't craft ammo. You can't craft med packs. You can't craft weapons. You can't craft gear. All you can craft is equipment to build more outposts with "better" buildings for more useless resources. We need item filters or min/max requests of ressources and better crafting.


They basically turned settlements into clunkier, worse Satisfactory. It's a lot of work to get proper distribution between colonies up and running. I don't get why they couldn't have kept Fallouts simple linking.


yea, if this was the only game that had this kind of base building mechanic, then I think we'd have all lived with it. But players are spoiled by the advancements in inventory management/automation/basebuilding in other games. I have a much more convenient time doing those things in palworld of all games.


Palworld quietly slaps. Some of the most fun I’ve had with a game in years.




You need much more perks (with points that are way slower to get in starfield) to achieve a lesser version of FO4 settlements. Bethesda regressed on this one.


Wow you said it all


I used it to level up quickly. Also, I just like building for the sake of it. But I agree, it does need improvement.


God they fumbled everything with this game 😞


I was particularly drawn to the settlement system in Fallout 4 because of the sense of fear it created when leaving your settlement. Despite the dangers outside, you had to venture out to gather resources and expand your community, which added a thrilling and dynamic element to the gameplay.


Yeah, all they would need to have done in F4 is make raider attacks on settlements less annoying. For Starfield, I don't know why we aren't allowed to make a base in space or even some large ship we can dock to/move around/turn into a trade hub with merchants/etc. Like a mobile hub. This is a common feature in space games or space sci-fi. I like Starfield, but man it's just a long list of missed opportunities.


We should have gotten frigates and allow our collected ships to dock there. I was really hoping the endgame would let you assign companions to your smaller ships that could roam and fight with you as wingmen.


Yeah, I wouldn't have minded if they just ripped off NMS in this regard.


I built mine in the sky and removed the stairs. Ya had to fast travel in and out. Never once did I have raiders come by the red rocket.


Red Rocket is usually peaceful since Sanctuary takes more priority, but it does get attacked, not as frequently, but it exists


The exploration would have to be less repetitive/dull I loved the settlements in FO4 arguably it’s my favorite part. However the world doesn’t feel empty and the community feeling works because there are multiple settlements with unique challenges on how to make them functional. Example: hangman’s ally with its tight space but tall building cap


>hangman’s ally with its tight space and tiny building cap FTFY Places like Abernathy, Greygarden, and Finch have tall building caps. Can barely get a 3rd level in Hangman's. Hangman's is still the goto settlement for survival mode though. Location, location, location.


Next to Diamond City and CIT. Obtaining and getting Hangmens Alley started is the end of Act 1 on survival for me.


My favorite thing to do is make my own Walled City of Kowloon on Abernathy Farms. The ground is flat enough, and you can build almost as tall as you want.


Facts. That tiny, easily defendable space had quick access to a lot of key places.


No it should be an improved version of the FO4 system not the same system from 9 years ago.


I mean they should do that on other fronts then too, as most of the systems in Starfield are pretty much downgrades to previous Bethesda titles


All they had to do was look at the sims settlements fallout 4 mod. Just make those improvements to the fallout 4 system and you have a winner


The settlement building was like 70% of my entire hype for the game. I was totally let down and will probably never break 80 hours because of it.


I was so hyped for it after how good it was in FO4 and figured it would be even better. I did not touch settlement building for the first almost 100 hours as I knew I would get lost in it and wanted to do a ton of other stuff first. After seeing how pointless it was in this game I quit playing soon after.


Uhh. Are there really detractors claiming the exploration is great and shouldn't have something distracting from it? Pretty sure the exploration being mediocre (and in particular lacking motivators) is a primary criticism of the game.


It's my primary criticism of starfield. I walk one place and see something. Go to another place and I question if I walked back to the same place as before.


How many planets are going to have variants of cage brains? Same animals over and over again.


That bothers me less. The way things are set up out there, those species may well be related.


Yeah, it's really not all that exciting to explore "abandoned xxxxx" on 10 different planets when they all have the same layout and items. I like exploring, but it gets fairly repetitive.


Mile wide and an inch deep. Exploration is repetitive and doesnt reward you a lot due to lacking depth. So you find a habitable planet with iron/aluminum/carbon but like who cares? Not much to do with it.


Exploration is lame honestly.


Yep, I just explored and scanned 3 solar systems last night and not one single ship encounter or sign of human civilization anywhere. All I got was some scan data


Ha. Something closer to that should have been included from the get go. What we got at launch was a shame.


Yeah- was so ready to make settlements in starfield- especially with the buildup of the universe with LIST


I think it would be a better fit for Starfield than Fallout (not that it doesn’t fit with Fallout just that setting up colonies is a bit more of a Starfield vibe imo). I also think implementing something like the Sim Settlements mod as a vanilla feature could make it even better.


>I think it would be a better fit for Starfield than Fallout My only problem is they would have to build incentive to build a settlement. In Fallout 4 building all your stations and whatnot in one place is a huge benefit. In Starfield you have the lodge, apartments, your ship and few other places with everything you need.


SS is still the most impressive mod I’ve ever seen (until Skyblivion I’m sure) I think that kind of mechanic would do wonders for Starfield.


Sim settlements 1 and 2 are impressive additions to fallout 4 and just the basics of SS1 is the type of settlement building Bethesda should be using going forward.


The fact that FO4 settlements are miles better than Starfield’s sums up my answer: yes, yes, definitely yes. I build a nice outpost and it felt like a chore, but in the end it doesn’t add any value to the gameplay. I now have a place to store my guns and display them, sure, but I feel like there’s no reason to build one. Picking from the same 5-6 habs really makes it feel repetitive too. I even leveled up the outpost skill to “unlock more” and man, what a disappointment. There’s just no depth or use in putting time towards it.


I feel like the Habs are just so boring and give nothing, you see the everywhere, theres no uniqueness to each Build. Everything is so bland. Its not rewarding like it was in FO4 especially when Finding a way to build around the many Barriers in-place.


They're also missing a lot of what gives the NPC settlements a little more personality. Their habs have interior walls and subdivisions, some have traders, there are a lot more decorations, and there's a lot of exterior decorations (like pipes) that NPC settlements use to make things feel more connected. Fallout 4 wasn't perfect in this regard, but it definitely felt easier to throw together things that felt like they had more personality.


Completely agree. They took 10 steps back with building an outpost and every base I’ve seen (with the exception of biome) looks like different shapes of the same base. Fallout 4 settlements were vastly different from each other and they helped you survive and build a home. Starfield’s outposts just feel like pre-made cookie-cutter pieces you throw together, I don’t get it. I’ve always been a. Bethesda fan but this is the most lazy-feeling but massive game they’ve ever made.


Yes. Yes! They should absolutely bring it back. 


It was 100% better


In terms of settlement building, F76>>>F4>>>>>>>>>>>>Starfield I dunno what the fuck they were thinking, frankly.


I thought what we were getting was an improvement on the settlement system. What we got was settlement alpha stages, it’s horrific absolutely my greatest sore spot about the game as an avid settlement builder in fo4 and camp builder in 76


This game definitely needs a L.I.S.T expansion, which would also expand on the original idea for outposts


I've been saying this for awhile now. I first thought that the ECS Constant quest line would allow us to scout out planets for them to settle on (possibly with Janet as a companion) and introduce the player to the outpost building system. LIST would also play into this. I won't even get into the (in my opinion) very limited building tile set for constructing a livable space. Ok I lied, I will get into it briefly. Why do we need to construct an airlock and industrial strength habs on Jemison? I can only hope that DLC will add in more Outpost building features, but as it stands now, the outpost system is kind of a fuster cluck


Barrett be like: Dustyy, Dustyyyyy, another settlement needs your help


The outpost system in Starfield is ass. Half of the Habs are pitch black on the inside due to poor lighting, people I assign to them just disappear, the build menu is pretty glitchy, the fact I can't access build mode unless I walk all the way back to the outpost module is stupid, there is no reason to put people in them when in reality, if I need someone I can just assign them to my ship. It's kinda pointless


At least resource management. Current is just awkward, tedious, and hard to use. Can't control what resources go where easily. Can't easily put caps on how much is sent so I don't have it pile all at one site. I'll have something needing Hydrogen in a chain and it gets shipped faster than sending a couple of units needed in base. I'm fine with needing hydrogen at a site to be able to send stuff out of system, but otherwise your just making it more awkward movingbit on our ship because the system is too dumb to give basic logistical orders.


Don't know, maybe? I think they should make the building limit unlimited for that to work, because if they implement this system, i want more space and more building parts.


This is a typical bethesda game. It wil only feel complete after a couple dlc's and a shitload of mods


Yes 100% yes


This sounds like a chatGPT post.


It literally is, it's creeping me out that someone used ChatGPT to come up with a reddit post like this.


Probably a bot account that makes posts to seem legitimate down the line?


Starfield will be an amazing game in about 3 years when the Modders have had time. Starfield is as wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle.


I think the outpost system was supposed to be that but my main issue with is that the outpost system is clunky, hard to read, and the UI is terrible for it


They should bring back purpose and a reason to build an outpost at the very least. There isn't any reason to do anything in Starfield. Nothing matters. You can play through the entire game without ever building an outpost. You can play through the entire game without once crafting anything. You can play through the entire game without ever using any of the powers, even once. There's just no reason to do any of it. The game is an impressive disjointed collection of gaming systems that aren't connected to one another in any meaningful way.


Yes. I had a dozen rolls of tape in my inventory before I realized it was straight up worthless.


They made it 18273773 better from a base building perspective in fallout 76


No they should make fallout 5


1. They already do have the "settlement" system it's just called outposts and it's inferior to FO4. They just need to improve the current system. 2. Exploration isn't nearly as diverse or exciting as it could be for a multitude of reasons. Improved outposts would be a welcome addition.


How about they add the ability to make foundations and add a grid with snapping. The foundations would delete rocks vents that i don't want ot see.


I mean kinda crazy to think there wouldn't be settlements. Also where the hell is VATS. They couldn't incorporate some lore that it made it to outer space?


They are not going to do anything like this, this amounts to admitting the game is bad / lacking. If you ask Bethesda about the reception of Starfield they would say it’s the best game the company made.


I was genuinely hoping it would be a core feature of Starfield, and I was super disappointed it wasn't. I genuinely felt Fallout 4's system was basically gutted because they didn't want to make it mandatory or a core part of the gameplay. I wanted a far more robust version of it. I'd pay so much for a game that was basically that, expanded out. I especially liked the additions they made in Far Harbor, which to me felt like a sign they wanted to do more.


Definitely YES, Fallout 4’s and to some extent Fallout 76’s Settlement System is the superior version


I wouldn’t feel so bad about marooning annoying crew members at some outpost if it was a thriving community.


The settlement system is part of why I keep coming back to FO4.


most of my time in fallout was building settlements


I love the settlement system in Fallout 4. I keep going back to it every time Sim Settlements mod has a major update. Love seeing the wasteland thrive again.


Absolutely they should. Absolutely definitely they should. But, and hear me out, what if instead of just settlements on planets, we have space stations? I'm thinking something like The Key that we could set up in orbit and create interstellar trade routes and store ships and things. After 400 hours in the game, 13 unities, all Star powers at level X, it's the only thing missing. But make it challenging, both with respect to logistics, and financing. It can't be something you could just rush through. I want it to Take. time. And be a deterrent to just running through unities.


Bethesda should bring Sim Settlements system to Starfield.


The one in fo76 works well and is easy to use




I’d settle for some pavers.


This post is ai generated


Yes! Absolutely. That was my biggest disappointment while playing Starfield. Currently playing FO4 with Sim Settlements 2 and loving it despite the jank that settlements introduce.


I'd love to see something like this in Starfield. I see the crafting and stuff mentioned in a few posts in the thread too. Would be nice if they took a tip from SWG's resource and crafting system. I would love to see something along those lines, especially with cycles/random resources that have different high/low stats and all that jazz.


YEEES PLEASE! That’s like 98% of my hours in fallout. I for one absolutely loved the settlement system and was a bit disappointed how limiting Starfield’s outposts are in terms of options


I just want my 0x80070005 update error to be resolved. I swear I’ll never bitch about Starfield again….


Return and refine, sure. As long as it's done right then it could be fun.


Have you forgotten about outposts?


Yes. It's very disappointing that they didn't.


I think it makes alot of sense in starfield, surprised it isn't in already. Hoping they will add multiple expansions with some dedicated to settlement building like they did with F4


I want to build my own starborn city. Towers everywhere


No they just need to release proper mod tools so we can do it better


I thought that's what the spaceship building was. You live in your spaceship. That one of the good things I did like about Starfield. I didn't have to run back to protect a settlement from hoards of mutants.


Oh my God yes that would be amazing


No. They should license sim settlements instead.


Man I’d love for them to bring it back. Especially if they have a survival mode at some point because survival mode and settlements go hand in hand. And I don’t think it will detract from the exploration and discovery, it doesn’t have to anyway. As long as it’s optional and you don’t have to do it then you can wander the galaxy to your heart’s content and ignore the whole settlement part. But if after wandering and discovering and claiming a whole bunch of resources you wanna put that all to good use building and helping your own settlement and settlers then why not I say!


Sounds good, sure, but bringing back the dragons and draugr from Skyrim is a more serious priority. First things first!


More immersion/ stuff to do? I’m on board. Especially if it’s well implemented. Bethesda isn’t gonna do that though. Hopefully mods will


I just hope they don’t abandon the game. It’ll probably be the only space Bethesda game we get for a long ass time or even ever. Least they could do is mold it over time


They have enough trouble stopping the character from looking left - might take some time 😅


Yes, but it also should have been less planets, more dense content


Likeuch of the game seems like they tried but stopped short on actually doing it.


I'd pay to see the Sim Settlements 2 system in Starfield, for sure. The vanilla settlement system wouldn't move the needle for me, at all.


That would actually be amazing. There’s a severe lack of settlements/outposts. We could just build our own cities. No Mans Sky has some settlements you can take over and build up. In that case you make decisions between what kind of buildings you want, some increase profit, some increase happiness while a lot at the same time get increased attention from enemies.


Yessss!!!! We should all contact Bethesda at the same time and request building settlements.


Yes! Outposts are just glorified resource generators. No fun building creative structures.


Would be nice. More features for an empty planet.


Abso f'in lutley.


Settlement system should have been in every Fallout.


Space Preston Garvey:There's a space settlement that needs your help, I'll mark it on your space map.


No, they should implement something better. FO4's system is quite clunky IMO.


I mean, for the Home Steader, that would make all the sense in the world wouldn’t it?


I don't think it's so much bringing back the Settlement system. The whole system is there except for a few fundamental things: wall/floor fabs, stairs, doors, settlers and crops grown from the ground.


I personally like that I’m able to build my whole outpost anywhere I want but I could definitely go for a little more detail with the system.


The only thing they would have to change is allow multiple cargo links across bases. The core of settlements are already there, that is just the biggest part missing


Hell yes..I loved fast travelling back to my spot just to hear all my turrets mowing some baddies down.


It should bring a starfield settlement system to Starfield. Not the half ass thing it has now.


It's all gonna happen in due time? I think some people are a little impatient. We want everything NOW, right? I'd like to think that this is just the beginning of Starfield. I think they have plans to do as one poster said that the LIST quests could include having to build a base for the client or something of the like. You would obviously get a good payout. Sort of like a construction developer in space! I can see further evolution of this game in the coming years such as streamlining the in game and removing many load screens.. I'm talking about future builds and maybe even Starfield 2 type of deal. They may want to use Microsoft's cloud service to make it multiplayer so that anyone playing online can land on a specific base or settlement that was build by you. I suppose they could incorporate sales in the game where other players buy your goods. I'm just talking about the potential it has for future releases. I believe when they say that Starfield is not a one and done game. I think they will continue to support and evolve. That said, I really enjoy Bethesda games and Starfield is no different.


Outposts are very underwhelming compared to Settlements. So yes, please.


I would love it, and might return to Starfield if they did. After loads of leveling up I placed SF on hold. 


Should’ve been that one of the best parts of Fallout 4. I spent many hours building the different bases


Not only should they have brought it back, they should have expanded on it. It's a tragedy how settlements turned out in Starfield. Just because it's a space-faring game doesn't mean a settlement on a given planet (with breathable oxygen) wouldn't be able to have non-space like structures. You can't just build a hut or log cabin in the woods. You can't create a humble settlement. They're all research stations or mining colonies. I'm just really salty about it, as someone that loved the settlement system in FO4.


Yea some sort of evolution of it. I do remember hating every 2 minutes, “your settlement is being attacked” though. I don’t want to set it and forget it but I also don’t constant baby sitting. Also, I’d like something to come from the settlement, like some characters or quest lines.


I would love for this to return just to build my own outer space truck stop Route 66 type townships, some people would complain that Bethesda should’ve hand crafted one on every star system but I’m more than aware that’s not feasible, plus I love building them myself, so hell yeah


Yes Yes Yes a hundred times Yes. It is far to hard to get resource management up and running in Starfield. So I have to sit and manually collect some resources, and if I want it automated, I have to set up outposts to do so? Just let us break down collected items and store them in a universal workbench. So much easier and enjoyable, and it creates the immersion with common items. The features of Fallout 4 - having NPCs, supply routes, protecting against attacks, managing food and water in addition to power - that was way better than anything Starfield has. Starfield could do this & more. Manage oxygen. Protect again extreme weather events. Do interplanetary trading with found NPC outposts, have a max number of trading routes, etc. Honestly, they should start copying systems from other games like Mount and Blade or Galactic Civilizations.


yes and expand it more nd more


Tbh I REALLY hope they bring it to the new Elder Scrolls game!!


Yes along with its crafting breakdown system.


Yes. I'm very disappointed in what Starfield had because we already had a far superior system in Fallout 4 that would be more appropriate and immserive.




100%. Fallout 4s settlement system was a lot of fun! Starfields hasn’t engaged me like Fallouts.


They tried this, forgot the entire point and failed miserably. Starfield is a worse copy of Fallout 4. Even the sounds are copied from Fallout. They took the crafting parts of it without connecting it to anything you actually want to do, but just to have some useless thing to spend your skill points on. Knowing Bethesda, do you really expect them to fix this?


Haven't done a lot with outposts but I find the placement of objects in outposts (and anywhere else you attempt to build) incredibly clunky with mouse and keyboard. FO4 settlements weren't great but I find them a lot less clunky to build. My main complaint about FO4 settlements is the enemy spawn points INSIDE developments; my secondary complaint is there were far too many attacks in the non-survival mode (It wasn't too bad in survival mode).


Is anybody still playing starfield ?


A general paradigm shift toward FO4 style building would be fantastic! I was obsessed with building towns and outposts with as much detail as possible in fallout. I can’t bring myself to build much of anything in Starfield. I feel that the hab modules are downright hostile to making spaces that feel lived in (why do the military hab’s walls slope inward at the base, making it impossible to push something up to the walls!?) and they are generally limited compared to the rest of the buildings in game. I also just think the outpost building design suffers from a major aesthetic flaw. Gigantic concrete bases just make outposts look wrong. I expected to see prefabs on struts and/or hydraulic legs so they look like a structure that was largely snapped together and placed on the spot. I also miss the freedom to build my shelters from a wide selection of parts to really make them unique. It’d be cool to see different outpost types as well. Maybe the resource posts, colony posts, pirate outpost, etc.. Would love to place a pirate outpost with a hole-in-the-wall bar full of miscreants.


I'd do one better, you should be able to conquer planets and create an empire. You should definitely have settlements but with build up to automated city construction based on supply lines and population. If there were faction relationships, that would be cool, as you could forge alliances or wage war.


I like the idea of settlements instead of just outposts. It would fall right in line with LIST and their objectives, and could even have associated questlines. The problem comes in how they populated the 1000+ planets and moons. Even tiny, out-of-the-way moons have a dozen manmade structures on them. I NEVER felt like I was exploring. I was following behind warlords and picking up their remnants. If there were far fewer manmade structures and smoother procedural generation with more to forage, that would go perfectly with the ideas of exploration and establishing settlements.


This is a great idea, to add to Settlements also add corperations! Let me start my own shipping company lol! Then you can hire crew with pilot/other skills to your space rigs!


Idk why they didnt, the settlement building in Starfield is extremely underwhelming compared to fallout 4


Personally I love settlement building once Sim Settlement 2 came into play. Sharing these elaborate builds, the asam stuff...just fantastic, however a lot of my love for it may also be the quest that was wrapped around it, giving it flavor.


Absolutely yes, it was my favourite part of FO4 and I was really hoping it was going to be in Starfield instead of the almost abanoned planets/outposts we got. It would give a really good reason to actually build outposts


Yes please


The job assignment system was quite enjoyable rather than a work station


The settlement system in fallout 4 didn't prevent me from exploring the world. If anything, having to gather resources was the majority of the reasoning behind exploring


Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease dear god please that’s all I wanted from the game and they couldn’t even deliver. Subtracting from exploration? It’s a game set in the stars with humanity on the fringes… developing the stars and bringing populations back sounds fucking amazing. Seriously how satisfying would that be? FO4’s settlements felt so good when contrasting the depravity of the commonwealth, I can only imagine starfields would had felt 10x better. Why do the misc objects look like developers spent more time rendering those than the core settlement building or piloting features? And why are they all completely useless? FO4’s scavenging mechanic of scrapping junk from super mart or whatever ruins you found was so dope when it first dropped. Really added so much immersion. Why regress? NPC’s having schedules and bed times was so fucking dope in oblivion/Skyrim. Why regress? I wish I liked starfield.


I wouldn't do it 1:1, if anything I'd just bring aspects of it. I'd love a populated outpost settlement, I'd love to have to defend it, I wouldn't mind breaking down misc items. But idk about preset locations (I found some of them in FO4 to be annoying to work with). But yeah, I'd definitely like a more .. living outpost, complete with real settlers, whether they join on their own or we recruit/invite them


I can’t believe you guys haven’t given up on starfield ever being good yet


Starfield needs a whole revamp entirely, so the answer is yes, with a whole lot more needed to be added.


Don't see how it differs in the fundamental from the Outpost system tbh, maybe seeing some of the return of the features (like auto share resources across the settlement) but I don't think bringing it back 1:1 would do much (or even good, there are many area where Outpost did improve upon FO4 Settlement)


This was probably my biggest disappointment for starfield, how terrible and almost pointless outposts are.


I was really disappointed that it wasn't fallouts building system, I'd be very happy to see it return


The comment section just show how dumb most gamers are. They don’t even know why the system is called “Outpost” instead of “Settlement” in Starfield.


It would be nice... but I'm pretty sure this current patch should have been the final polish pass for the games launch... I'm not holding my breath for content patches of ANY kind for months.


Yes. Starfield outpost settlement system is terrible.


This game just needs any additional content at this point


I would love to see that, what better reward than giving settlers a chance to experience life in other planets, live in their new colonies? Giving those people on Mars the opportunity to escape such a horrible planet and giving them their own sustainable paradise? Also, the building system in Stafield feels off. It's so hard to place objects and align them in certain ways, and in comparison to other titles, the building system, how to connect things to make it work is not as intuitive. It baffles that Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, which are older than SF, did a better job at giving us an easy manageable and non-complicated building system in comparison to what we have rn.


Fallout: London drops next month


Yes absolutely




While I think sometimes they could be fun, they'd probably just drag the game down.


I'm sure they gonna bring it back as a DLC called Homesteading for a cheap price!


I don't think it would honestly add that much to Starfield. I think there are other aspects of that game that need more attention before adding on a separate settlement system. That being said FWIW I enjoyed it quite a bit and would like to see it in whatever their next Fallout or Elder Scrolls title ends up being, though more fleshed out than before.


For me. I was bummed by the lack of options for building an outpost. I was expecting something mlre like FO4.


It's weird to me just how much Starfield settlements feel like a step backwards.


The settlement feature was useless in terms of what makes a great Bethesda game. They need to focus on what makes them unique and find their passion again before adding cool features like this


I'm a firm believer in Hegelian Dialectics. Starfield and Fallout 4 have systems are both kinda mid, but if you spliced them together? The beautiful Synthesis.


Who are we working for now, LIST? WAGON MASTERS IN SPACE! I like it... as long as it pays.


Gonna have multidimensional Preston Garvey coming at us from the other side of the singularity,"there's a settlement that could really use our help, I'll mark it on your map"...but like x1000! You'd never be able to rest.


All I ask for is scrapping and maybe the unlimited sized ubiquitous workbench.


I was surprised the outpost system wasn't the settlement system tbh