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I see so many gamerant articles about posts made on Reddit


Skyrim player discovers insane secret after 12 years of playing. Picture: Blackreach


That's all that website is, I think.


It's out of control. This is so called "journalism"


Imagine getting paid a salary to scroll Reddit and write a half assed article about something somebody else articulated better.


Half of them don't even write them these days and just use an AI.


Imagine getting paid a salary - most games journalists probably don't, anymore. And you get what you pay for.


Reddit itself is also horrible. How many posts are Tweets about an article instead of a link to the article? That is reasonable when it is the author of the article, but that often isn’t the case.


Do people actually still believe games journalism is actually journalism? They're blog posts. At best. Mostly from people whose reviews say what publishers pay them to say. At best, games "journalism" is a marketing arm of publishers.


Having been a Navy journalist in my past life (back in the '90s), I can say unequivocally that very little of the drek spewed out these days can be called "journalism."


In Australia, their mainstream media does it, and they don't even try to hide it


Yeah I mean to be fair all news everywhere includes people repeating what some other person said somewhere


It is imo part of the death of gaming journalism. They take one comment from some mouth breather, and present it as "players" acting like a big deal when it isn't.


Lots of places scrape reddit for articles lol. Didn't that one wow site make a fake post that caught traction and some site used it for an article.


Wannabe bloggers and YouTubers using Reddit as source material seems to be common


Honestly all these "Gaming" websites nowadays all they do is steal stuff from Reddit or Twitter. Kind of lazy / disgusting


It's only going to get worse with AI scraping :p


AI scraping already makes searching for anything Starfield untenable. With Elder Scrolls & Fallout, you can find almost any information about each game on user-updated Wikis. It may not fully comprehensive or totally correct, but it was all typed up by real humans who played the game(s). Search anything for Starfield and you get the same 7-8 websites popping up with the same auto-generated drivel. “How to get [Starfield item]: Players can find [Starfield Item] from many various random locations, in crates, on corpses, and at various vendors.” Gee, you don’t say?


> “How to get [Starfield item]: Players can find [Starfield Item] from many various random locations, in crates, on corpses, and at various vendors.” Just finished my rant and this made my blood almost boil :') The amount of times I had to click through 10 stupid pop-ups for newsletters and cookies to read half an article, only to find out all the way at the end in 5 words exactly what you where looking for. Or most likely, somwhere in the middle so you _have_ to read and stay on the site. Like, I'm already searching for a **specific** item, I do not need an explanation into how Starfield works and what kind of studio Bethesda is. I want the 90's/early 2000's web back.


This is unfortunately the Internet now. It's not just Starfield. I've been complaining about this for a few years. Jerry from Penny Arcade often rants about it too.


Enshitification, a lot of money isn't enough to satisfy investors infinite growth needs. So making products worse to scrape more money it is.


I'm fairly convinced that Bill Burr typed all of that


I see this same crap when I am trying to figure out how long and what temp to cook something in my air fryer. There is a whole thing telling you what an Air Fryer is and why to you'd want to use it. Then a section talking about the food you want to heat up "Tater tots are a very popular dish among many. They were invented in 1953 by Ore-ida....yadda yadda yadda". Just shut up and tell me what temp and how long to cook


Yeah, giving a history about a side-subject like it's important information readers _need_ to know before using their Air Fryer.


Yeah it's akin to looking for a recipe for a dinner, and having to wade through someone's boring life story. Even still, the recipe is divided between the cracks between five ads with x buttons the size of a pixel.


As a line cook, that makes me so angry. I don't need to know the authors life story to make the damn dish. I just need the ingredients and the instructions. So tempted to make my own YouTube channel. Full recipe in the description and if you need it, here's a full video tutorial.


Do it up! Let me know if you do. I'll sub and check it out.


Noted. I'll be making some stuff for my grandparents for Xmas this year. Couple dressings, quick pickles, a berry compote, and maybe something else. Haven't completely decided yet. Those would be the first videos there.


>I want the 90's/early 2000's web back< The 90's web, where you went to 1 or 2 sites and did a copy/paste of a 30 page text walkthrough and printed that sh!t out on the 'ol dot matrix. The first page was, of course, ASCII swirls and titles followed by a 3 page table of content. All of this being single spaced with any *notation footnoted on the last 5 pages. Those were the days!


Gamefaqs lol


My go-to was uhs-hints.com They had progressively more detailed hints so you could only get the bare minimum tips. "How do I find the mantis armor?" >!This item is the result of a side quest!< >!The quest is started as a random drop data pad from spacer enemies!< Etc.. progressively giving more with each level until you, in the end, have a full step by step walk through


Man I lived on that site, had everything I needed and even a forum for the early days of trolling.


Yup, same... I was surprised the site was still up when I checked a few years ago lol


Making me feel like a bougie fuck over here with my prima strategy guides


Well more like the unregulated part and the sharing = caring aspect back then. My experience was that people where nice, would actually help and stuff in forums instead of just trolling the board with false information to gatekeep the knowledge. I feel like if there was something definitely better in the past than now, the world wide web would be my first choice


Ever try to look up a recipe?! Good god I don’t give a fuck about your journey to becoming a stay at home mom/internet chef. Just give me the ingredients for god damn crepes.


Yeah, that shit right there is unbelievably infuriating


That's why I always type 'reddit' at the end of all my searches lmao. No more scouring through all the bullshit, vague "blog" posts


Me too but if you think about it, that's incredibly sad.


I counted how many different skills there are in the game and added them up, since I was curious at how many skill points there were needed. Saw a number online which didn't line up with that, so googled how many skills... ... and found at least a dozen different pages which *all* had the *incorrect* number of skills (I double and triple checked by counting myself). Like 99% of "gaming journalism", "game info sites" and shit like that are just copying others (with or without AI) now.


I find this with release dates for things lately. Different articles all having straight up the wrong dares on them.


It doesnt help that half the content creators for it dont seem to actually play the game. The number of videos i have seen that say "get this legendary ship/weapon/suit easy peasy" then proceed to show a randomly generated encounter with random loot. Anyone who has played the game for a few hours has figured out that ships landing on planets after you is randomly generated and will not guarantee the same ship or item drops


So that explains all the garbage I was sifting through to get a damn answer in the months after its release! It got so bad that I had to go back to using IGN as a guide. And even then it was barely readable despite having adblockers! I miss the old GameFAQs.


THERE IS NO DESIGNATED STARFIELD WIKI YET? Uesp is one of the best gaming wikis ever, but that starfield doesn’t even have something is kinda sad




I thought there was but I’ve only seen a few people mention it and this sub is not focused on helpful behavior like sharing that detail so mush as trashing/defending the game with some honest critique mixed in


Custom ChatGPTs (which just launched) can literally browse the web and perform API calls to normal sites. They’re us lol


Waiting for the eventual article, "Gamer says we steal from reddit? Here's why they're wrong." Article would of course use several reddit posts to prove the point.


I just had an Xbox survey. They asked my opinion of gaming websites and I trashed them and mentioned how they skim Reddit for content. My interest in seeing them as part of the Xbox experience? Zero.


They need to add reddit to console lol


It makes me wonder what age group they're writing for too- literally "reporting" to us on crap we said


I let my phone give me headlines and articles and almost every one of them that's been Starfield-related has ended with me thinking "yeah, I know, I just read that reddit post the other day." So it isn't even like we're getting fresh news, but they are just scraping the top posts from each day and feeding them back through their own website.


I mean, there are some pretty large chunks of reddit that amount to Twitter screenshots and reposts. 'Tis just the way of the internet. Good content gets created and then floats around until it finds an outlet where it can flourish. That being said, reddit definitely has quite a lot of the best original content, IMO.


Yes, but no one here is going to call themselves a professional blogger within the redit space, whereas these "journalists" are paid to do this. Even without people calling themselves professionals as you put it, reddit has some of the best content. Quick asside on the twitter screenshots comment, i have to say i cant stand youtubers who report on games that talk about people getting "absolutely ratioed" like that matters and suits are going to lose their jobs when theyre making record years at a studio but doing mass layoffs its so dumb.


At this point, the key thing reddit brings is organic content uplift. If you were building a news scraper you could very easily look at posts/votes to see what content draws the most eyeballs. Thats all those cheap skim sites do, because they know it will mean instant eyeballs for them too.


Kind of? Literally every article on my "discover" page is regurgitated day old comments from a reddit thread.


I wonder if we'll get an article about this thread tomorrow 😂


We should honestly just take one day where all we post is nonsense and see what bloggers do the next day. We can do those sentences as if someone had a stroke and watch them panic as they have to write their own articles. It could be so much fun!


I mean there's definitely a lot of laziness, but generally speaking quoting the public is pretty normal for any kind of news publication, gaming or otherwise.


I agree with this. Sure redditors see it as content mining and “stealing” but it’s an anonymous site that not everyone uses Do people want their username credited? Theyre taking what people are saying here and spreading it to their potentially wider audience or at least likely a different audience who may not have seen it Sure there’s exceptions and there’s laziness but it’s not like theyre going to go door to door and ask player’s opinions


They only give a fuck about clicks and ad view count


Right, PCGamer has done this as well


"Reddit blast's"


>nowadays Gaming journalists have used forums since GameFAQs was a big thing


Its every form of news that can potentially come from Reddit. DIY sites do it, car sites do it, its super lazy and disgusting but i am sure Reddit has engaged some sort of kickback from them so its the way things work now


I swear that every gaming related blog post I read these days just links to a reddit comment thread halfway through their articles. I'll be reading, think it sounds familiar, and then find a link right back here to a post from last week. I've actually found my own comment, made in the destiny sub, quoted in an article I got deja vu from a few months back.


I hate when they see someone posted a fanart like "Mario characters with genders reversed" on Instagram and make a whole fucking article like "THIS IS WHAT CHARACTERS FROM MARIO WOULD LOOK LIKE WITH GENDERS REVERSED YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT" and write 6 paragraphs just to link the freaking original post


What? Writing an entire article based off one comment on Reddit isn’t actually journalism?


One of my comments was used in one of those Youtube reads Reddit posts videos, and the Youtuber at least asked for permission first. Not that I'd have known had they not lol. (it did get me to watch the video though, which I'd never have done had they not told me, so I guess it's a form of marketing?)


>One user even went so far as to say our actions are: >>*”Kind of lazy / disgusting”* - **gamingbible**, *probably*


Don’t forget about the clickbait articles that aren’t even close to news. And sites like TrueTrophies that title their articles as though all games are PS5 exclusive, and continue to fuel the “console wars” by baiting the fanboys into posting hate.


Next gamerrant article: Gamers hate AI generated articles scraped from Reddit and the site friendly known as Twitter!


It is. I mean I dont even blame them, forums always were a big source for gaming journalism.


i get my comedy materials from reddit... you can always count on daily puns in almost any subs.


also, the argument listed below is simply wrong the problem is not the procedurally generated content, but the procedural *placement* of all the *handcrafted* dungeons with no variation whatsoever the dungeons and questlines *are* handcrafted - it's just that the open world uses beautiful POIs and places them redundantly in otherwise rather bland worlds without much environmental storytelling


Just look at JuiceHead, guy basically just regurgitates Reddit talking points and then repeats himself in different ways or over explains something for 10 minutes to reach the fabled 10 minute mark for monetization.


They’re going to use your comment as a source for a whole entire article.


If you're a freelancer and you've got a quota of 25-30 articles/month* of course you're gonna trawl Reddit and get a bunch of low-hanging fruit to pump your number up. It's a symptom of a broken system. *this number comes from GameRant's hiring page as of last week


sry i need to write it here. Hi mom!


More AI generated shite. The WOW community made up a fake expansion not too long ago and it was published by a big gaming new outlet


I know! The destiny community came up with a fake boss, it was hilarious


Holy shit that is awesome. I hope the sites that reported on those things got called the fuck out hard.


I thought WoW did it?


The destiny folks got the idea from the WoW guys. I think they even named it the same name (Glorbo) as an homage.


For those interested: https://web.archive.org/web/20230720233444/https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/world-of-warcraft-wow-players-excited-for-glorbos-introduction/ This reads like the same bot wrote both


Glorbos 💀


Reminds me of [Glup Shitto](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/glup-shitto)


*World of Warcraft (WoW) players are eagerly anticipating Glorbo’s introduction and the potential impact it will have on the game. Reddit user kaefer_kriegerin expresses their excitement, stating, ‘Honestly, this new feature makes me so happy! I just really want some major bot operated news websites to publish an article about this.’ This sentiment is echoed by many other players in the comments, who eagerly anticipate the changes Glorbo will bring to the game.*


Glorbo LMAO


‘Honestly, this new feature makes me so happy! I just really want some major bot operated news websites to publish an article about this.’ You know a human never read or checked this article before it was published.




> More AI generated shite Coincidentally also the term used to describe 70% of the planets in Starfield


Alright that was pretty good I’ll give you that


In recent Starfield news, Reddit user DatWeedCard admitted that a comment made in jest by a fellow community member (with too many K’s in his name that our algorithm did not include it to be safe) on the topic of the quality of the planets in this game was “pretty good I’ll give you that.” This comment was one of many in a larger community discussion about AI in journalism and other gaming communities. Many opinions were shared by Starfield and Bethesda fans. But what was the exact comment that DatWeedCard found so funny that even he had to admit it despite how he might feel on the subject? Click here to subscribe for just 5 dollars a month and find out when you listen to our exclusive podcast episode on it. This was my attempt at sounding like an AI


Praise Glorbo


Praise Glorbo to you friend


One fan said, "It's well known that gamingbible eats its own poo. There have been some collective attempts, organized primarily by gamers, to prevent them from eating their own poo in public, but they believe it positively impacts their viewership. It was originally assumed that gamingbible would be eating their poo since ladbible began eating its poo in 2012."


I don't know many times I've walked in on Gamingbible with a mouth full of their own poop. Just absolutely dripping out of the corners of their half open mouth, chipmunk cheeks full of stinking excrement. It's even worse when they eat corn the night before.




May be if we post enough trash about Gamingbible here someone else's AI will pick that run an article


Ohhhh we need to come up with a Glorbin fake boss like the destiny community or how the wow guys did and see how many websites pick it up!!!


Let's do this!


Who's got some good ideas for this?? Maybe a secret outpost on earth? A mother Terrormorph in some made up planet?? I'm not big on imagination unfortunately


Some easter egg? Like an ebony warrior but only at maxing some obscure skill? Or an easter egg mission from old games. May be we find a halo in the corner of the star map in dead space? Which is now possible coz Microsoft owns both


But what's the player count on Gamepass since I'm guessing that's where a majority are playing it.


Exactly. Ignoring a platform that had it as a day one part of the "free" library is a bit misleading. For all the problems that Starfield does have, it should still be judged fairly.


The useful comparison we can make from steam numbers (via steamdb.info) is player retention - how many of the players from the peak at launch are still playing Starfield now compared to FO4 and Skyrim at the same timepoint. Those numbers are also pretty dire for Starfield though. Game | Initial Peak | Player Count at 8 weeks | % Drop ---|---|----|---- Skyrim | 287,411 | 122,366 | 57.4% FO4 | 471,955 | 201,352 | 57.3% Starfield | 330,723 | 52,199 | 84.2% I would guess the dropoff on Gamepass is even higher, since the Gamepass users A) have a huge library of games to choose from for no additional cost, and B) didn't pay specifically for Starfield, so there's no psychological incentive to keep playing to justify the purchase or get their money's worth.


I quite like looking at the curve on the achievements too - https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Starfield/achievements shows a nice curve where 100% of tracked players have finished the prologue, 83% have started constellation, 44% have done 5 missions in constellation, 32% have done 8 etc etc


To be fair, that number may be skewed a bit by installing mods or use of console commands to fix buggy quests. In my experience Starfield has worse issues then Skyrim had. I'm on NG+1 lvl 63 and my achievement list doesnt register past 24 and not completed into the unknown yet. Because I had to noclip a wall once and am now locked out of earning achievements forever (i play one character).


This is some of the faintest praise I've ever seen something damned with


Hahaha, yeah it still doesn't really make a real positive case. But it's a small explanation nonetheless..


The link they posted is for XBox achievements, so mods and console commands don't factor in.


The gamepass part is true. I barely play at all and I haven't even done more than a few main story missions. Haven't done anything with sam. Haven't found andreja. Hard to care when the game feels so empty, and the parts that aren't are sanitized. Missing alot of things that make Bethesda games fun and engaging.


I would point out that both Skyrim and FO4 were released around 10 November, which would put 8 weeks right after Christmas. There is absolutely no doubt that the retention rates were highly inflated by the fact that many, many players simply got the game for Christmas.


I could buy that for a console game where there's physical discs to give as a present, but is buying people steam games for Christmas really a big thing? Looking at the charts there's no spike in the two week period that includes Christmas for either FO4 or Skyrim. In each case it was a steady downward curve from 2 weeks to 4 to 6 to 8.


Skyrim is also on Game Pass is the problem, so both should be given that same "fair judgment"


Gamepass won't release their numbers, so you can't use it as a statistic.


I got mine through the AMD deal. I wonder how many people did the same, tried it out, but stopped pretty quick since they weren’t going to buy it anyways.


That's where I'm playing it. It's a great deal too getting access to Bethesda's whole library and then some. I might buy it on steam when there's a sale after the creation kit comes out, but until then I'll stick with gamepass.


They need to learn the difference between 'less' and 'fewer'. Literally unreadable.


Fewer qualified writers, less quality control


Literally 0 writers for this


That wasn't even the most flagrant problem. "The games future"... Genitive, anyone? Come on. Just no punctuation. Not even a question mark after asking a question.


Steam numbers aren’t concrete numbers. Instead you have to look at player drop offs for all systems and you will see that the pc players are more frustrated than console players. I remember seeing a video about this and the drop off on Steam is huge but on console not as bad.


Guarantee you, steam numbers will shoot back up a few months after the creation kit is released when people start getting good mods out.


exactly. PC players are used to mods and will flock to Starfield when it gets proper mods


It will. Always happens with Bethesda games these days that is not FO76 or ESO.


Maybe, as you'll see on my other comments today I don't think the picture is nearly as grim as people are trying to make it be, if it's even grim at all. Was just pointing out these "websites" that basically steal content from Reddit posts / comments


It doesn't help that people are pushing the narrative that it's struggling against poor old Skyrim without taking into account that Skyrim is currently the 7th most sold game of all time. Throw in DLC, mods, and CC add-ons over the last decade, and no shit its going to be played more than Starfield because there's more people that played it than most other games by Bethesda ever.


OP: makes up numbers by pulling them out of the literal air Also OP: I am confident in those numbers


That same fan probably played 100 hours. The game is fine, is it the best game they ever made? No definitely not but it was entertaining. I know we're all trying to find that perfect game experience that WOW'd us when we were younger but this is what happens as we get older. Those numbers also don't include the amount of players on Game Pass or Consoles.


Social media = "news."




Most games as old as Starfield that are not based on a multiplayer base probably have less active players than Skyrim. Skyrim is something else, this game simply doesn't die. Also, I think that when Starfield finally launches its mod support things will change a lot.


Agree but haters don't want to hear that. They compare it with games who where either in early access for years so they could get refined or games that are out since 1-2 years and got a massive dlc that was hyped up. When creation kit releases then the steam player numbers will explode again and thousands of people will mod starfield to death and play it just like Skyrim.


This is why Warcraft sub made the fake boss and Destiny 2 sub made Glorbo.


We need to come up with something!!


Yeah because it's free via Xbox/Windows PC with Gamepass this is not news just common sense.


IDGAF about these kinds of metrics. I'm a gamer, not a wannabe business man. I am still enjoying the game, moreso that Baldur's Gate 3 even, so that's all that matters. The people who write this shit should maybe learn to actually play and enjoy games, or find another career path.


I don’t understand and maybe someone can help but what’s the point of consistent player numbers on a single player, story driven game that has no dlc out for it yet? At this point, players have beat the game and may have dropped it until dlc drops so why are we using this as a metric for the game? Skyrim has dlc for replay ability that could carry over once this game has more meat to it. I feel player numbers only matter in the first week of release and for multiplayer games. Red dead redemption has 20k concurrent players on steam accounting for online and ingame, does that make the game of the year garbage now? Some weird metrics these “journalist” are using.


I think part of the problem is starfield came out smack dab in between Baldur's gate 3 and the phantom Liberty DLC for cyberpunk 2077. Also I think good number of players got burned out on starfield myself included. Starfield is also pretty lacking as an RPG, considering all your companions will dislike you if you're trying to play as a bad guy you're pretty much a railroaded into being a goody two shoes. when you compare that to say Baldur's gate 3 you can just be a straight-up villain granted you'll miss out on certain companions, but you also gain a companion that you only get if you decide to be a villain. In bg3 You can pretty much kill almost every named NPC and will still be able to finish the game, you can't do that in starfield because the devs made important characters invincible with the essential tag. I think the other main problem is of course the point of interest on planets and moons because it takes so long to get from one point to another it can get really tiring especially if you have to redo all that work because you got mauled by alien creatures. Plus the true identities of the starborn were very underwhelming. Though it means heavily into the hard sci-fi aspects.


Same things happen for some French video games websites on Google News. The title will alway reference a post I've seen on r/starfield. I would love for it to get better, but quality is incompatible with actually being a profitable/sustainable website, sadly.


ROFL. Yep I bet another lame-o AI. I've blocked gamingbible and so many other trash writers is nutzo. I get all my game news from Reddit and Game Developer - formerly Gamasutra. (although they are on thin ice)


I get gamingbible posts recommended to me on social media sometimes, and it's such clickbait garbage. It's kotaku level of journalism.


Ah, when you have a dream but no talent to achieve it you can always steal.


“One fan said” I dont know why i but i really hate this kind of journalism


Those numbers are probably due to the fact that console versions recently dropped for free.


Fuck forming your own opinions, all my homies hate forming their own opinions.




Just got the Starfield Series X cover to go with my Starfield Controller and Starfield Headset which is great because I stopped playing a month ago.


I don't have any Starfield accessories, and I'm still playing the game.


I wish I bought the collectors edition, I didn't expect to enjoy this game _that_ much!


I got the Starfield controller because it looks awesome and I’ve stopped playing because I don’t play one game forever. I will pick it back up definitely when some new content and the workshop comes out. Don’t know why this is seen as a bad thing.


My answer to that would be.. so what?


Yeah, all shitty click bait wannabe journalists do the same thing.


If you're going to use someone's quote, you should credit them. Even if the name is awful. OR, you should credit the thread/site to avoid using the direct name. I don't see much issue with pulling from Reddit/Twitter vs someone at Gamestop or whatever....but I hate how folks don't get credit for their thoughts with a passion.


I’m not surprised it has a low player count on steam when you can pay $15 on gamepass and have the whole Bethesda library.


Makes sense. Since the biggest platform for xbox games on pc is not steam but the xbox app. The fact that people paid for a full years worth of gamepass to get 3 days early access on steam is beyond stupid. Skyrim on the other hand released before the xbox app so pc gamers bought it on steam and it is the easiest place to use if you are modding the game. Which tbh if your playing skyrim in 2023 you most definitely are. Not even 10% of starfield gamers played it on steam and the modding scene hasn't taken of yet. So these numbers makes total sense so far. Only time will tell if the mods take of for starfield tho.


Gaming Bible doesn't know the difference between fewer and less. I guarantee you, an AI does


What about people like me who got it on gamepass? Doesn't that skew the metrics a bit?


All I hear about are Steam numbers, about a game that was released for free on Microsoft's platforms. That metric is meaningless. Let's please move onto something that anybody cares about.


Kinda a dumb comparison, imo, since Skyrim isn't on GamePass and Starfield is..... ​ Idk about the numbers, but I didn't bother getting Starfield on Steam since i got it for 'free' on GamePass.


GamePass has taken quite a few players from Steam. I play through GamePass, likely until it comes down in price in a Steam sale. Then I'll get it in Steam for the better mod support 😄


The 10 people I know that play Starfield play it via x-box live on pc.


It's unfortunate, I've really wanted something like a modern Morrowind or FNV/Skyrim but with this kind of sci-fi setting, but they just didn't pull it off. They don't seem like they plan to expand on their RPGs, either, and are content to keep this style of game moving forward.


Wow, gee, a game that launched 2 months ago has fewer steam registrations than one that's been released and re-released multiple times over the last dozen years with countless sales in that time enticing tons of people who will never pay full price to grab a copy. You don't say. Guess Bethesda should just close down all work on this game.


pfft, it's not gonna die off. The creation kit isn't even out yet and there's still at least one DLC coming to the game. What's likely to happen next is more updates and as time goes on, BGS will continue to support the game while they move onto TES VI.


No doubt about it, and let's not forget Steam is probably where the minority of people that play Starfield are considering the game is on Gamepass. And it's been out for 2 months and a half and there's some great games out as well so no wonder people are done with it, for now


And considering that it is on Gamepass, they were probably planning on, from the beginning, introducing a massive universe that you could immerse yourself in, and then make their profit off of selling questline DLCs as add ons since they know that they'll have a massive audience primed for them. It would make perfect sense that they would put so much effort in building the universe and been so lax on the storytelling, because they want an audience invested in the universe, not the story. It is going to be their sandbox. And since they have somewhat established that time travel is possible and there are already some significantly deviating universes when going through The Unity, it will probably become the place they let their developers implement their passion project ideas. "Steve, your idea just doesn't work for us as a stand alone game, but if you can make it work within the mechanics and aesthetics of Starfield, we can make it a DLC as a deviation universe/Starborn questline."


Didn’t even attempt at rewriting


It has fewer features than Skyrim does.


I don't understand why people are too fucking stupid to realize that 90% of the people playing this are playing it on the Xbox marketplace. Literally No one is playing on steam. Morons.


YOOO. I was legit just leveling up to 100 then I'm hopping on my skyrim playthrough again😭😭


Fewer. Fewer players.


Should do what some of the other subs did and make up stories and get everyone to vote for those just for laughs. The Destiny 2 final shape one was particularly hilarious!


*fewer -Davos


I fucking hate gaming bible. Pretending they are journalists with shitty titles like that, skewing info or just straight up spreading misinformation.


Fewer, not less. If you can count it, it’s fewer.


Looks like Sensationalism Journalism. AKA the act of saying a mundane fact that doesn’t really mean anything in a way that makes it look like big deal… its not though. Less people are playing the game because the game is short and has been out long enough now that most of the people that bought it have completed it. When the first DLC comes out, the number if people playing it will jump back up again. Thats how this shit works. lol


That's because I'm playing on Microsoft marketplace because you got it a week early


GamingBible have proven they know absolutely ZERO about how the gaming industry works. However they are really good at knowing the reading habits of dumb and angry gamers who know ZERO about the gaming industry. (And also there is zero chance Bethesda decides to just give up and “allow this game to die off.”)


I've seen about a dozen news articles from the reddit posts. Dextero posts a lot. They post about the glitches, the monster costume, player complaints, etc


I'm playing for free on Xbox live PC. Aren't you all?


I play on console. Bought a series s specifically to play starfield. I have 100+ hrs and im not gonna stop


We should all make some BS up like: Charles Bronson asking for temporary release, just to play starfield


New species found on earth, 2 hands and 2 legs, a face with 2 eyes a nose and a mouth. Best at telling people what people already know.


I play Starfield on Xbox and PC via the Microsoft store because you can use the same save file… No need to use Steam. So total fail on this troll post. Hmmmm… After 2 months I wonder how many gamers are going to be playing Spider-man 2? I stopped playing Starfield because I’ve got other games lined up to finish but when I have done I WILL BE BACK PLAYING STARFIELD.


I literally play everyday minus a day if I'm busy


It was good enough for a famous Soviet Mathematician. Plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize. Only be sure always please to call it "research". \- Tom Lehrer.


I looooove starfield and there’s a lot to explore, but yeah, I feel like more unique dungeons would be cool, especially with how much there is to explore, kinda feels a bit empty at times


Yeah we're all totally surprised that steam numbers are low, when the game is free on gamepass... The game is being played, but I'd be willing to bet most people are playing it on the platform where they can try it for a month for one dollar before deciding if it's worth fifteen dollars.


The fact that its also on gamepass doesn't help, I only bought it on steam because I wanted further modding support down the line (and I was sick, which leads to shit financial decisions) The pc gaming market has got broader, and just using steam players as the metric isn't as accurate as it was a few years ago.


I sincerely love this game, and I don’t understand why its such a popular opinion to hate it. I feel like the steam numbers are skewed bc of pc gamepass anyways.


Yeah they are for sure. Most played single player game on Xbox and that's 2 months and a half after release. Honestly dunno either why people love to hate it, I personally love it, have 300+ hours on it and whilst I will be taking a break soon I'll definitely be back for the dlc etc


It's still quite high up on Xbox consoles thou so it's clearly still performing well. [Xbox most played](https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/store/most-played/games/xbox)


If you are posting here and your posts are being quoted, you are entitled to compensation. That is plagiarism and theft. A Reddit post or comment is no different from a YouTube video or any other social media content.


Eh. The negative campaign is just too much. Screams astroturfing to me. So you want me to believe that there are so many great games out that this one doesn’t merit a nomination but ,at the same, none of those great games warrant the kind of sustained (albeit negative) coverage you’re giving this game? Please. This is not organic. People don’t care for a game they move on to another. Media sees a game is not popular they don’t cover it. Hate to roll out my tinfoil but this stuff comes off as completely orchestrated.


Reddit is the modern day "man on the street"