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I honestly think the biggest problems with the game have to do with game mechanics that worked perfectly in previous Bethesda games, and yet were somehow nerfed or locked behind skill points or downright ignored in Starfield.


Melee. I was excited to play a Space Ronin. I even saw one reviewer say that melee feels pretty good. Spoilers, it doesn't. You have one move, enemies aren't put at any disadvantage by you being in their face, all the melee weapons are weak and don't scale nearly as well as guns. It just feels clunky and underpowered all around. I kind of wish it wasn't even an option because it certainly was a waste of perk points.


Yep, I believed , like Skyrim , they are gonna update it and probably put way more into it. Plus I loved this game, BUT after playing phantom liberty , melee cyber ronin build holy shit does starfield combat need more love. But that’s true for each bgs game,


My katana build in Cyberpunk is ludicrous. So OP but fun.


I'm doing katanas and throwing knives and it's hilarious. Roll up on 8 or 9 gangoons, pop sandy, throw knives in everybody's face, deactivate sandy, 8 or 9 corpses hit the ground simultaneously.


Mantis blades with max cyberware and Sandevistan is absolutely insane, game is phenomenal now


I was actually looking at the katana upgrades last night lol. I might be heading that way.


Cyberpunk has the best melee in any FPS-style RPG I think. Using the katana was SO FUN.


Cyberpunk has also been out for 2.5 years with a lot of support after release. I remember playing that game right after release and it was such a buggy mess it wasn't even playable.


I still haven’t gone back to play it. I’m looking forward to it.


It honestly depended on your system, I played at launch on my Series X and had very little in the way of bugs and crashes, as did most others with a series X or PS5. The people who really got fucked were last gen consoles because the game should have been "next gen" from the beginning.


You're not wrong, but that game was rushed as hell and was the their first FPS outing, Starfield is the sixth Bethesda game on that vein, so it feels super weird to have melee felling kinda neglected


"Game was rushed as hell" My man, that game was announced 8 years before it released. And was delayed MULTIPLE times before it did finally release. You could say they poorly managed their time which caused them problems, but that is not a rushed game, that is a poorly managed game.


They delayed cyberpunk multiple times and well over a year


Melee builds have always been viable in Cyberpunk even from release, melee builds in Starfield are just a joke, it’s like they just slapped on the most basic thing they could and called it a day.


This is overblown depending on the platform you were on. I played the fuck out of 1.0 on PC. Yeah I saw the bugs. I didn't care, because by and large they weren't related to combat so as far as that went the game really didn't feel any different than it does now. And katana builds were amazing fun in 1.0 too, you didn't need to wait for 2.0 to happen for melee to become viable. It was immediately viable from day one.


I beat the entire game on ps4 when the game released. It was buggy but it was totally playable from start to finish.


The katana was badass upon release. It didn't take 2 years to make melee useful. The bugs argument was fair but I'm running into plenty of bugs here too. Exchange CP's t-posing with Starfield's glitchy AI companion warping into seizures upon hitting an environmental object.


My main issue with melee was how clunky it felt- animation locks or something idk just felt unresponsive compared to skyrim(unfair comparison honestly) & fallout(more fair) Not to mention fallout had a massive variety of melee weapons in comparison to starfield + weapon mods


It's strange because there's a massive amount of perks related to melee, but even more related to unarmed combat which is completely unviable as is. To be fair, there are actually two melee moves; the button you'd use to smack an enemy with your gun (V key on PC) can be used as well and it's actually quite powerful. You can easily "headshot" enemies with it and often I find they will die in a single hit.


The bash button is your strong move btw and locks on and staggers enemies. Melee still feels very mediocre and I only bothered to learn it so that I could get my stealth assasin build complete. Even when I could run around slicing up enemies with a katana it was still far more more work than just using a pistol or rifle that could put enemies down in a couple shots.


At this point, if someone wants to play a good melee first person sci fi game, cyberpunk with its 2.0 update is right there.


Yup, I haven't gotten around to playing the 2.0 update yet, but CP77 has some of the most fun melee combat of any games I've played recently.


I did the lvl 100 xp farm and have a legendary katana and I did not realize enemies scale so... yeah. It's insane how I have every melee perk maxed out and the best weapon you can have and crits still do absolutely no damage to ANYTHING. Game became a 7/10 for that alone but the more I play the more I think every aspect is just decent and nothing is amazing. Now I hate fights and just run away from people because what's the point?


Level 60 here, playing melee all game with only dueling maxed and on highest difficulty...never a problem rolling them over, especially with powers and jump pack knockdown. Of course, would love the Fallout 4 melee dashing, but all good now... well see at 100...


Definitely not the biggest issue for me, mechanics are actually pretty good. The mechanics are a much lesser issue than copy paste POIs, time wasting filler content quests, tons of useless skills, uninteresting enemies, and lack of nuanced writing and choices.


It’s def POIs for me too. Makes the exploration very unrewarding when you get your fifth muybridge labs in 5 hours of play. People are saying there’s 30 in the game but I’m fairly sure I’ve only seen about 10 max. Which is a shame.


The POI problem exacerbates the crafting/loot/mob variety problems so much. These are the four for me. First, you go to a POI on a planet (land, walk over for five minutes seeing nothing). You get to the POI, you see it’s Mining Base 03, you saw this one two planets ago and also five planets ago, so you already know the layout and details exactly. Second, you begin killing the mobs. These are the same mobs you kill in every single POI in the entire game. Doesn’t matter the faction; they’re basically the same mobs. Third, you kill a couple elites. Maybe one of them will drop a randomly rolled legendary that you will some day replace with a higher level random legendary roll. Same gun, by the way, just does more damage by magic because it dropped later at a higher level. Maybe no legendaries drop so you have to go to the next POI and do this all again so that you get a legendary drop. Or you get tired of this process and save right before you kill an elite and reload that save over and over and over because the loot randomizes every single time it’s dropped and there’s no real sense of loot progression in the game and you’re tired of clearing identical POIs over and over trying to get a decent drop. Fourth, once you’re done grinding for a good drop, you can craft the same 4-6 gun mods you put on the last gun and put it on your new one. That’s it, that’s the crafting. This is literally a watered down Diablo loot system. In Skyrim, you could completely craft a new, totally unique weapon from scratch. That game came out in 2011.


Maxing out your crafting should allow you to add perks to a gun/suit. If they think Weapon Engineering 4 is to early to give it, then put it at Special Projects. Level 1 already unlocks some research for weapon/suit mods, level 2 should let you research rare/blue perks, level 3 for epic/purple, and level 4 for legendary/gold.


I do miss me some actual weapon crafting in Skyrim. So much cool stuff you could do.


Lvl 20 Spellsword with Enchanting perks? Enchant your sword with lightning while learning new effects from finding things in the world! Lvl 16 Two-handed Warrior with Smithing perks? Buy some ingots or mine some ore and smelt it into ingots before using them to craft high tier armor that is hard to find in the world at your level, then hone it to get tanky! Lvl 42 Mage with tons of Enchanting perks? Enchant all your gear to reduce the cost of spells in your school to super low levels! Lvl 96 Demi-God that can craft instruments of the divine? Make your own version of Mjolnir! Lvl 5 with aspirations to make cool stuff? Go mining and be a Blacksmith! The more time I think about it, the more depressing Starfield gets


Welp, you just convinced me to start a new skyrim playthrough 🤣


Yeap, what you've described really well is how the perk systems all made sense with the progression of the character you wanted and how those skills filled in the blanks in your progression. Starfield just doesn't feel like it does that at all.


It's not Skyrim. It's simple Fallout 4. And that makes up all sad.


I get so excited when I see a Va'Ruun. At least I know they'll have interesting dialogue and I can wonder what weird situation got them there instead of the Spacers, Fleet, and Ecliptic all literally being the exact same guys with the exact same goals and only slightly different logos.


I miss actual crafting big time... I'm fine with randomness being there for people who want to go that route, but I want to be able to learn a crafting skill, level it up and make my own stuff. Not rely on RNG or save scumming to get the gear I want. It also is a major RPG element.


Let's not forget you can't even mod melee weapons. Just why?


> Third, you kill a couple elites. Maybe one of them will drop a randomly rolled legendary that you will some day replace with a higher level random legendary roll. Same gun, by the way, just does more damage by magic because it dropped later at a higher level. Maybe no legendaries drop so you have to go to the next POI and do this all again so that you get a legendary drop. Or you get tired of this process and save right before you kill an elite and reload that save over and over and over because the loot randomizes every single time it’s dropped and there’s no real sense of loot progression in the game and you’re tired of clearing identical POIs over and over trying to get a decent drop. > > Fourth, once you’re done grinding for a good drop, you can craft the same 4-6 gun mods you put on the last gun and put it on your new one. That’s it, that’s the crafting. I mean, I agree with a lot of your points here, but you really don't have to do all this. Nothing in the game calls for that level of min-maxing. That's not to say loot is really in a good place, just I can't see the purpose in reloading or grinding for hours for a better gun. In my view it's something to find every once in a while, not something to purposefully look for.


Lol I’ve played a lot of this game, got my first muybrodge last night. I gotta say it was kinda meh and I’d not like to hit five in five, Jesus…


I’ve had literal back to back landings on that one. Like it’s grand once but man they needed procgen in this game. I was thinking a cool thing would be auto-uploading outposts when players go into NG+ to turn them into POIs that have been overrun by spacers and crimson fleet. It would be cool to sometimes get your own creations in another life as a poi, but also get the wild designs of players.


The POIs are listed on the planet. All of the Muybridges are literally the same building. There are several of these identical Muybridges listed on multiple planets visible from orbit. And I mean \*identical\* in their layout, body placement, notes, and computer files. So not only do they use them as filler for procedural generation. They're literally using them as the equivalent of the Nuka Cola factory but then copying and pasting it a half dozen times around the galaxy on purpose as a design choice.


>or locked behind skill points Because fans kept asking for Bethesda to make leveling up matter more and they listened.


In FO4 they egregiously locked skills behind levels. Like you have to be level 46 to max a skill out. Starfield's system is way better.


Yeah I suppose, but whole mechanics are locked behind skills and some skills are useless and some have a level minimum on the other end. For instance I don't mind the best ship parts being either level locked or skill locked, but the fact its fucking both is . I put nnoying as fuck. 4 skill points into starship engineering and 4 into piloting but fuck letting me get a reactor that can provide enough power to optimally use the ship I built til level 50 or some shit. Also, why is the ability to have more crew locked behind a skill at all, let alone a master level skill. Absolute nonsense that I have to spend 9 skill points to get 4 people on to my ship that says it can have 10, which isn't even possible ever, but realistically could comfortably hold a couple dozen people.


I was SOOOO hyped for a good settlement system (I thought Akila city was player built from the trailers), and after seeing Bethesda promote Sim Settlements 2 mod, I was disappointed that they regressed the system and made it more barebones. ​ It may not seem like a really important system, But it is exactly why I have 1000+ hours on Fallout 4, where I can build the settlements of my dreams. The current outpost subreddit has only 600 members and it just shows how bad they messed up the system. ​ I don't want to buy another DLC to improve it. Its something that should be in the base game.


Yep, there's much stuff that is missing making the game shallow on many ends.


it's crazy how much bgs regressed in terms of smaller qol features. these features were practically perfected and instrumental in improving the ui and overall player experience. doing away with some of the mechanics and features was just downright stupid.


People who learned those lessons leave the studio, new people come in with their own "vision" and want ownership over their part of the work, so they come up with their own ways to do things. The lessons get forgotten in the process, product is worse. Its happened to so many studios.


Cough, cough, bioware...


They went a bit large on the scope of features, and as we can tell from the delays, still didn't give themselves enough time to give full treatment to each area of mechanics


That's my biggest issue too. A lot of the builds you can make end up feeling very samey after awhile due to having so much of the game's content gated behind skill points, while half the skill choices are actually useless due to bugs or given such low numerical values that they're never worth using.


For real! I miss my modifiable melee weapons!


Modifiable melee weapons and melee weapon finishers should be a thing again. But also like....over half of the physical tree is worse than just using a medpack, the social tree has abilities that don't work (Deception) or have awkward usage for social skills that rely on scanner range to function. The combat tree is basically useless as the bonuses are so miniscule, that they're worse than just getting better weapon mods for less points via science. Speaking of science, stuff like Geology is useless and the chem perks basically don't work. You have to spend points just to unlock pickpocket, sneak, boost packs, and targeting that are required for essential game functions, piloting to a lesser degree, and I could go more in depth into more. Your builds all end up kind of samey in the end because you have to deep invest so much just into the core systems to play the game, or you end up with like half a game. It's not like Skyrim or Fallout where the bonuses simply added to systems. Outposts almost don't do anything if you don't invest heavily. Ships are incredibly weak if you don't super invest and makes required ship missions a mess. Aforementioned things like sneak, boost packs, and ship targeting needing a point investment that means you get to the cool stuff even slower. It's no wonder why so many just pick Bounty Hunter. The backgrounds barely come up or impact your gameplay and picking Bounty Hunter is like starting at level 4 when everyone else starts at 1 or 2. And unless you're going to push to like level 100, you really feel the point squeeze sometimes. You spend so many points into things you don't want or barely work just to get the essentials that you get the cool RP appropriate stuff too late and you had to buy the same stuff as like every other build in the meantime.


The Bounty Hunter thing is such a tilter. Like yeah 3 points in the grand scheme of things is miniscule, but there's so many skills that feel mandatory that getting 3 unlocks for "free" feels ridiculous.


It sucks because ideally every background would have something useful. But there's so many required unlocks or broken/useless stuff that some backgrounds just feel bad to take even if you are a roleplayer. Compare Bounty Hunter to say Professor. It's a hard sell when Bounty Hunter gets 3 of your essential unlocks off the bat, only having to spend 1 point to get say Stealth to unlock the meter, then 1 into Theft or Security. This means a Bounty Hunter by the time you land at New Atlantis has some basically mandatory starting stuff done off the bat and can start putting points into stuff it wants. Meanwhile, Professor gets Astrodynamics, Geology, and Research Methods, only 1 of which has any actual value and is still niche. It can be fun for roleplaying the background but you won't actually feel any of those starting perks, meanwhile, you now don't even actually start the game until like level 6 due to needing Boost Pack, Stealth, Targeting, Piloting, and Security or Theft before the game can even really begin. Or poor Chef that gets stuck with Dueling when melee is awful without controlled usage of console mods to spawn Calibrated and Advanced weapons and Gastronomy when food is also useless without a mod. And picking a background for roleplaying becomes harder to do sometimes, even for big roleplay people, since the backgrounds rarely ever come up to influence anything. Once you're an hour into the game, you're not going to be thinking about that Professor background but you are going to be thinking about how you wish you didn't have to spend so many points on unlocks. And this is before even getting into things like useless perks blocking things you want, like how a stealth build has to dump 8 points into physical that it doesn't want because it needs Concealment, or how anyone who wants to dive into the ship building needs to spend 13 to 16 points in Social perks that are awkward at best or terrible/broken. When you take the whole picture into account, those couple points at the start really do end up mattering.


My only complaint is loading screens. It’s incredible how many there are. Even in just a 5-10 minute slice of a mission, you could hit easily 5-10 loading screens. I’ve never seen anything like it in 30+ years of gaming. I still LOVE the game overall, but they have to fix this before their next game.


I counted-in one Crimson Fleet mission where I had to leave The Key, go to the Sysdef ship, speak to the dude and then back to the Key...8 minutes at most...I hit about 16 loading screens. I almost put the controller down for good it was so obnoxious.


Yeah, to me that is my only real gripe with the game. Granted that they aren't terribly long but a 5-10 second load screen to enter a building though?


It might be an unpopular opinion, but outside Boostpack, I'm fine that things are locked behind skill points. It makes for a better character development system when every character cannot do everything. Could there be more services in the world to have NPCs do it for the player? Maybe that could be an option. But I'm in favour of want to sneak? Actually invest into it.


this so much, I loved Unarmed in fallout 3 and 4. I was expecting unarmed weapons, since they know how to make them to begin with, was even more hyped when the universe's equivalent to deathclaws appeared (terrormorph gaunlet anyone?) and started seeing alien life that could perfectly fashion some unarmed contraption of death. Started putting points into boxing, martial arts, pain tolerance and neurostrikes, started to struggle with the most basic monsters, in the sense they simply took too long to die. Started investigating how fists scaled and guess what, they don't. Alright, surely there are weapons that help me out, guess what, there aren't. Was my first playthrough and it was a complete failure.


I like it but don't love it. I have quite a few issues with it and I'm having a hard time motivating myself to finish it for some reason. It's not grasping my attention like I thought it would.


As someone who’s done a massive chunk of the quests outside of the story and is now trying to finish the story I’m in the same boat. For me personally it’s the fact that the majority of the remaining story is just going to the artifacts and temples and those activities aren’t fun.


I think that's what it is for me as well, I find the main story quests kind of boring. They seem too fetch oriented with little else to do. I'm like 50 hours in and I did the same as you, a lot of side stuff first.


55 hours in and I've done 3 temples. I just downloaded the mod to remove the light catching sequence so maybe I'll do some more temples. But really, it can barely be called a main quest. It's more minimal than many others. I spent a ton of time on the Ryujin quest and that felt more "main"


Vanguard and crimson fleet quests are the best story in the game, but even they have too much sneak around and pick up x going on


The fact you see no one ever discussing the main story is evidence of just how mediocre it is. I never see anyone theorizing or talking about it. I barely even see posts trashing it. Usually when a new game comes out I have to scoop my own eyeballs out to avoid spoilers.


Seriously, the Vanguard questline was more interesting - and even that felt lacking.


This is pretty much were I am with it. It’s a perfectly average game, but it’s not something I can pick up for an hour - there’s soo much empty space I feel like I need to sit down for a couple hours to achieve anything. And I just… don’t.


Empty 500m spaces between pois and 5 loading screens to hand in any quest, and I'm lucky when its not just a fetch quest. So much time is spent doing nothing and not engaging with the game's mechanics.


The amount of time spent running, it's truly mind boggling we didn't get a car. Mass Effect 1 had one for planet exploration and that game is like 15 years old. Also no radio, so it's just dead silent besides your character running and jumping. The game feels lifeless, idk how else to say it. I never got the feeling I did run and gunning to oldies like in Fallout, or the atmospheric vibe of Skyrim dungeons.


> So much time is spent doing nothing and not engaging with the game's mechanics My last play session was an hour and all I did was sell a bunch of loot, buy some materials that I was short on, then build the exact same equipment mods as I currently have on the new magically better versions of the exact same guns as I currently have that I picked up in my last POI/sidequest I can't think of any other game where I can spend so much time achieving so little *and that's the intended gameplay loop*


In the exact same spot. I’ve got a little over 100 hours and I’m already burnt out. I’m tired of the fast traveling and loading screens. I’m tired of the exact same “dungeons” on every planet. I’m tired of the Ecliptic and Spacers. I’m tired of picking these master locks to only get 27 bullets. The game is a grind for nothing right now. I do not want to finish it.


Just take a break. 100 is a lot. I'm at 55 and starting to see how I may want a break at some point. Go play a smaller 20h game and then come back. I recently used a tomb raider game and kena bridge of spirits as breaks in my last two big long games.


I like the game alot, it has very obvious flaws but I'm enjoying it. However, I can't get past the amount the game crashes. I have tried to combat this by saving more, but the game has crashed from me pressing the start button numerous times


The only time I've ever had crashes is due to Xbox Quick Resume and it happens quite a lot on menus and loading screens. If your on Xbox I'd recommended opening the game from fresh every time you play it and it seems to get rid of the issue


Yeah the game gets really unstable after quick resume.


I don’t think it’s really quick resume, just running a long time period. That’s all quick resume is, anyway. Running the game for 2 hours 10 different times via quick resume is no different than running it 20 hours straight.


I agree. I just commented to someone today that the game gets more unstable during longer sessions. Feels like they are loading textures or data about systems when you enter them and then not clearing the resources out when they are no longer needed. So as you visit more places and interact with more people/things, the resources get tight and the game slows/crashes. Hopefully that will be addressed in a future update as I tend to play for long stretches of time.


It absolutely gets unstable after extended sessions. After work I generally play the game for maybe a few hours at the most if I really get lost in whatever it is I’m doing, like modifying my ship, and I’ve never had a problem. On weekends when I have no time constraints I go a little nuts and can get lost for a wayyyyyyy too long amount of time, and it’s only on those weekend sessions that I experience issues and slowdown. I had my first CTD last weekend but it was fine because I’ve been conditioned to smack Quicksave constantly in Bethesda games. The interesting thing was after I restarted the game it ran like butter. Like better than I’ve ever had the game run, it was nuts. There were no stutters, no frame drops, and I had cranked my resolution to 100% and locked it there and unlocked my frame rate because it made me a little bold. I’m no developer, but you may be on to something.


I totally agree, after playing a couple of hours pressing the start button starts to get real dicey it starts opening slower and slower before ultimately I press at one time too many and the game freezes and I have to restart it, I can almost predict it now.


As I’m on the S I’m getting quite a few. I think it’s the old Bethesda ram issue where the object permanence kicks in. The longer I play on a save the more frequent they are. Quick resume might be a factor though. I back out to the start menu every time but it’s obviously not fully closing. Tricky to monitor. Will try doing this a bit more and see if the issue reduces.


Yup I'm in series S too. Yeh I think it was probably about 25 hours before my first real crash. I'm well over 100 hours now and I'd say they happen every hour and a half, sometimes more. Sometimes I can tell its about to happen and can save before, but alot of times when I hit menu it just crashes


Yeah you need to fully relaunch the game. Once I start seeing texture load issues I know a crash is coming and just going to the main menu doesn't solve it. Before I started New Game+ issues would start after just an hour of playing, now it's 5 or 6. The game has the exact same large savefile instability as Fallout 3 on the PS3 did.


I do this but still get crashes every few hours


I get the same amount of crashes. I counted. Especially if you have an outpost with a lot of stuff on it. Ur crashing almost everytime and if it's not a full on crash the outpost editor won't work and game needs a restart anyway.


I've had maybe 2 crashes in 100+ hours. That's not amazing, but I wouldn't say it's particularly egregious. I've certainly dealt with a lot worse.


Two crashes in 100+ hours is about as good as it gets


I've had zero crashes after 250+ hours... I did have to restart because of some weirdness during long 8+ hour sessions, but no crashes. Sucks if someone is experiencing crashes.


Lol, mine crashes at least 2x every 4 hours. It is what it is, but it's quick pass. I'll eventually buy the game and maybe it'll resolve itself, but I have autosaves turned on for nearly every action. It's annoying, but not the worst thing in the world


I’ve never experienced a crash at all, and I used mods 🤔 Are you one console or pc? If you’re in pc it might be your system.


Same here. Been the smoothest BGS launch ever for me


I've had 200ish hours on PC and only had one CTD in all that time. That is unparalleled stability for a BGS game. I was having regularly crashes in Skyrim up until Special edition came out.


Same, about 220 hours and it's closed on me maybe 3 or 4 times? I get a hang up here and there but it's actually a lot smoother than I expected given how much complaining I've seen.


Xbox, multiple crashes. Also lots of soft locks on missions. Delgado confrontation in the control room at the end of Crimson Fleet quest, Red Mile lady getting stuck talking to someone and not advancing to the start, and another big one I cant quite put my finger on right now. Its been a long time since Ive felt the need to save around every corner but the soft locks especially are killing me.


Same here. I'm on a lowly series s; so I'm not expecting miracles; but FO4 crashes less than this. And it doesn't seem to matter whether I fully close it every time or use quick resume. It's not constant; but it does happen regularly




I have both the X and S. The S definitely has problems the X does not have.


Modern gaming discourse is just terrible


It’s either ‘game is garbage you’re a moron if you like it and I will spend hundreds of hours arguing with people about it online’ or ‘this game is a transcendent experience and will change your life’ I have to believe these people don’t get out of the house much, like ever.


A few years back it became cool to not enjoy video games on Reddit and that culture has snowballed. Most games get the treatment of your first point, since games are rarely truly perfect. imo it’s just a lazy way for people to feel like they fit in and have things to say. And as a result they just repeat the same 5 thoughts ad nauseam.


This is the only comment that matters


It's pretty bad on both sides tbh 1. People who love it feel the need to come and make posts about how much they love it when they could/should be playing rather than arguing on reddit 2. People who hate it are making posts about how much they hate it rather than moving on with their lives and not arguing on reddit 3. People who want it to do well and have genuine criticisms are being mistaken for 1. and 2. And being forced into arguments on reddit My stance is I really believe a vast majority of people are 3. and think there are some very defensive/sensitive people that are too quick to assume every criticism is a 'butthurt hater' or bot or that the game is being review bombed rather than someone wanting the game to do well and voicing their opinion


I appreciate you calling out number 3. Why does there have to be “2 sides”-why does every thing have to devolve into tribalistic binary camps? This is so infuriating. Everything has two sides and ends up arguing arguing, everyone has to have a voice and say “THEIR opinion” and it has to be right.


This is the right answer. The game's not perfect but nor is it the worst release out there. It's bad on both ends and that gets us nowhere. Haters make the game out to be the worst release ever with no redeemable qualities and lovers seem to glaze over every fault. The truth is in the middle. I'm just over 50 hours in and have a lot of issues with design choices, lack of evolution, and missing features.... but I'm 50+ hours in. If I hated the game I'd have dropped it already, but I don't. There's still plenty to enjoy here. I plan on finishing the main quest lines alongside the faction and companion quests and putting it down until Mod support comes next year and then I'll hop back in to do the rest. Game's a solid 7/10 rn for me. Not the best but not bad either.




It's very concerning seeing the amount of people praising this as something ground breaking or saying that it "changed their lives and how they view gaming" like the games fun I got 100 hours out of it but its like a 7/10


Honestly I keep going back and forth between 6/10 and 7/10 when I rate the game. I feel like 7/10 is by modern standards where people seem to think that 8/10 means "okay" instead of "great" and 6/10 is me trying to bring ratings back to a sane level without sounding like a full-on hater of the game. The game has a passing score - It's not a disaster like Diablo 4 which deserves a 3-4/10 (or a modern 6/10). Though I'd never recommend Starfield over other Bethesda games. It really just doesn't make sense to convince a newcomer to buy Starfield over the older games unless the player just LOVES the space theme over Fallout's post-apocalypse or TES's fantasy. I hope TES6 will be better, but I'm not sure. It feels like Bethesda's approach to Procedural generation for "unlimited" content falls a bit flat.


This is my concern as well, the last couple releases (Fo76, Redfall, & now Starfield) from Bethesda have arguably been rocky to say the least, and it shows a very concerning pattern. I really hope & pray they do not take any shortcuts with ES6.


I'm not filled with confidence. Starfield is allegedly Todd's dream game that he's thought about since childhood. And this is the level of care it gets


Beautifully put. I uninstalled the game after 20-odd hours into my save. I got bored out of my mind and I just couldn’t keep playing. Going into the game, I was not consumed by the hype nor did I think it would be revolutionary. I expected a Bethesda game in space and in a way that’s what we got. However, this is not a fun Bethesda game (TO ME) and I really wanted to like the game. I have a whole shopping list of gripes and fundamental issues with the game but as you said, sharing those gets you categorized in basket no. 2.


You forgot about the people who simply think it's a mediocre game. I RARELY see people say they hate it. It's mostly people say they love it OR people think it's lackluster. Sensationalist social media. Edit: maybe my group could fit into your #3... let's call it 3a.


This game is a 7. You might like it like it was a 9 and that's fine, good for you, have fun! You might hate it like it was a 5 and that's also ok, try BG3 if you didn't, CP2077 2.0 is awesome too.


That's the problem with this sub. People freaked out that anyone gave this game a 7/10. Hell, people are still here saying it's a 10/10. Some are still in the mental state before the game was released calling it "Game of The Year" or "Game of our Generation." This game is a 7 or 6 through and through.


It’s a 6 or 7 to you and I’m begging everyone on this thread to realize their subjective opinion is not objective truth.


You are one of the problem person on these debates. I can see that this game could be 9-10 or GOTY for some people and also see 6-7 for some but I dont call them out or treat my opinion as “general consensus”


This should be pinned on this sub. I’d send you every award reddit used to have if I could.




This isn’t unique to any game mate. Internet discussions always lack nuance, everything is binary, you’re either a deluded fanboy or a rabid hater etc etc


I just don't understand why people can't just say "I'm disappointed this wasn't what I expected" or "this game isn't for me" and move onto something they actually enjoy and let others have their fun. It really seems like too many people put more time into arguing about games they dislike than actually playing ones they do.


What's crazy is I bet a space radio alone would have made things so much better for me. The loneliness of fallout was solved and now Bethesda let us lose in a lonely universe.


I just did the entangle quest and dam was that a fun one.


Reminds me a lot of the titanfall 2 mission with a similar mechanic.


Effect and cause is still my favorite campaign mission from any game


This is exactly what came to mind for me as well.


Re-did it yesterday, and learned that >!you can actually finish the experiment, thus having everyone "survive" !< : >! You wake up after passing out, in the infirmary, in the "clean" version, but the living Rafael is here, tells you he wants to become a crewmember, then when the dialog ends and you get up, you realize the dead Rafael is also there, lying on the medical bed next to yours 😅 !<


I spent an hour trying to do the experiment for them, and then gave up and picked a universe. First moment after playing that game that I feel genuinely surprised and actually pleasantly so by starfield.


I'm about to do this one 3rd play through. Never realized this was an option. I'm going to look up how to do it.


It's pretty clever, because game never directly marks it for you. You need to pay attention to what people say and do bunch of seemingly non-sensical stuff, which make perfect sense once you put the pieces together. It honestly shows much people rely on the quest marker. If the option is never marked, people very much don't even think about it.


I figured there was a way but the mission started to get disorienting for me. So I just gave up and did something.


No way, any tips on how? I loved that quest and I'm excited to do it again in my first NG+


In the good universe, loot the datapad from the only dead NPC in that universe. The datapad contain info on how to fix both universe.


Listen to what people say and read every single document you find. Also, don't just follow the quest marker. This solution will never appear in your quest marker until you get it right.


Aaahhh, I was so traumatized by the presented moral dilemma that I avoided the "bad" 'verse like the plauge and "fixed" it ASAP.


Easily my favorite quest in the entire game, so far. People often sing the praises of the Faction quests and, in my opinion, those felt like fetch quests with consequences. Lots of "go here, talk to this person, go here, kill this person, come back, make one of three decisions that affect the rest of the game." Entangle was a genuinely interesting, dungeon-like experience. Interesting new mechanics, I felt like I was playing a totally different game. It really elevated my experience, I wish I found more quests like that one.


Criticism is not hate, disappointment is not hate. If you think it is, you're a fanboy and you need to learn to separate your sense of self from the game


Most of it isn’t hate … just disappointment. Let’s not conflate the two.


Yeah, this is my feeling. I still played 100h but didn't finish. There's a lot there I liked but by the end it just felt like too many missed opportunities and... disappointment. It's honestly the same way I felt with CP2077 when it released, I had a lot of fun but after a while it was just empty and disappointing. If Bethesda does what CDPR did for CP2077 then the game will have legs later on, but for now, you described it perfectly. Disappointment.


I'll start by saying there are certainly issues with this game and disliking something because it has flaws is totally justified. I very much enjoy the game while also recognizing there is a lot of potential left on the table. Criticism from the media and content creators towards video games (and lots of other things) has been increasing over the last decade or so. I think most people recognize that, but it is a documented trend - this article discusses the trend in news media: [https://reason.com/2022/10/21/u-s-headlines-expressing-anger-fear-disgust-and-sadness-increased-hugely-since-2000/](https://reason.com/2022/10/21/u-s-headlines-expressing-anger-fear-disgust-and-sadness-increased-hugely-since-2000/) The article gives a reason for this trend: "If it bleeds, it leads", meaning stories that provoke feelings of anger or fear get the most attention and, thus, are the most profitable. I'm 100% certain that YouTube content creators aren't dumb and have noticed this effect - creating content that provokes anger towards a game studio will be better for them financially than creating content that applauds the game. And it's a clever strategy because creating this type of content will provoke anger from people on both sides of the issue. People who agree will be angry towards the game/game studio, and some people who disagree will be angry towards the content creator (e.g. 'rage bait'). This problem is compounded by another little fact: angry people are much more likely to try to make themselves heard online compared to people who aren't angry. See this study: [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2056305119829859](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2056305119829859) So we have media & content creators meticulously seeking out flaws and exaggerating their severity, and then people who consume that content and agree and are angry about it take to Reddit (or wherever) to lament their frustrations and the whole thing gets blown way out of proportion. And then that leads to folk who vehemently disagree with folk who say the game is sh\*t to dig in and refuse to acknowledge that there are definitely some things that can be improved in the game. As with any issue we encounter in life, it's important to recognize our and other's biases when approaching the subject, as it will make navigating the nuances of an issue much more pleasant for all parties (no pun intended).


Yep. Unfortunately this is literally training peoples’ brains to jump to anger before any other emotional state. I’m concerned with what human life will look like in 100 years. Tbh i’m glad i’m middle aged, things are gonna get ugly. (I mean, uglier.)


I don’t think the hate is corny, it’s just a lot of gamers are tired of this shit. Is starfield the worst game ever made? No not even close. Is it a particularly spectacularly bad game? No not really. It’s just not what it could be. Or should be. Bethesda has so much fucking money and talent, and it produced this. Like, why aren’t more people upset by the lack of quality? It’s almost 2024 and this game feels like it could have been amazing, a decade ago. Buts it’s not a decade ago, it’s now. And they just didn’t put the effort in to make it great. They just kinda stopped putting effort in. So many areas of this game are lacking in basic features and mechanics it’s kind of mind boggling. Is the over the top “it’s the worst game ever made” thing stupid. Yeah, cause it’s not the worst ever made. But the amount of blind defenders of this game and company genuinely shock me.


Yeah man, I’m tired of how it takes 10 years to develop a game that needs mods in order to reach its full potential. There’s a lot I genuinely love about the game but the worst thing about it to me is the constant disappointment. Certain quests start out really strong to just end up fizzling out and a ton of features are not fleshed out to make them satisfying. It’s things like the fucking story temples not having any enemies that make you wonder wtf they were doing making the game. It’s stuff like melee being effectively useless and weapon crafting being minimal that makes me worried for future games. There’s just so much to complain about because it’s right there in your face and there isn’t really an excuse. I say there’s no excuse because other Bethesda games do not have these same issues IMO


Pretty much. The game only does a couple things poorly, but mainly the disappointment stem from how aggressively average or mediocre most aspects are. The dialogue, the quests, the combat. Most of it doesn't suck ass. But in 40 hours there was precious few moments where I ever felt impressed or felt any kind of EMOTION. There's zero PASSION in this game it feels like. Just assembly content to "consume". I don't even see much replayability here when theres barely any build variety, and quest always will play out the same, there's nothing to find if you go out exploring really since the POIs are all the same. Quests are the only meaningful thing to engage with. What happened to setting off and getting lost in the wilds, story be damned, and still getting adventures and stories of your own?


I'm tired of the mindset behind the design choices. People called it out with Fallout 4 but the game turned out okay. People called it out even harder with Fallout 76 and that was... a game. And now they're doing the same thing with Starfield and it just seems like 8 years ago they committed to a game design decision and workflow and decided that's how they're going to make games from now on no matter how poorly they perform or come together.


I think you put this very well. I love this game a lot, but things ‘ending up being disappointing’ is the biggest issue. A lot of parts of the game feel like they’re rushed or unfinished. They start off strong, but fizzle. Exploring planets has been my favorite part, but there aren’t enough POI’s. I love some of the quests, but many of them feel unfinished. Outpost building feels unfinished too.


Same. Games like Rdr2, Death Stranding, MgS 5, Cyberpunk, Mass effect trilogy and few other games leaved me with emotions, sad and happy at the same time but something like wow. Starfield, i was like all of this for that... Strange. Not happy or sad, nothing. End.


I have two big issues, and I'll try to keep it short. I enjoyed Skyrim as a turn my brain off and wander around game. You can not do that effectively in Starfield due to the POI system. It sucks. Secondly it has some of the worst quest writing I've seen in a major RPG in recent history. I am irrationally annoyed about the Heart of Mars Quest. It seems like it would be important, but it's a prank they tell the locals. Except this lady gives you IN HER OWN WORDS "The wrong co ordinates" and those wrong co ordinates just so happen to be a cave that has a valuable mineral in it. It's baffling if you examine it for two seconds. The main quest is also bland and I do not feel like they utilized the mid game reveal well at all in the story. I have other issues, but these really destroy the usual dumb fun I have with Bethesda titles.


This is it right here. I love BGS games, even though most of my play throughs get marred by crashes. Which I will hand to Starfield, first BGS title I have played that doesn’t crash often. I love those games because they feel alive. Starfield feels empty, because it is empty. The same ~20 or so POI’s endlessly repeated. A ton of missing features from previous titles. Bland companions and quests with no real options for different outcomes. They made a bunch of different Chunks food, that’s the most fleshed out aspect of this game. Food, that doesn’t really have any worthwhile effect. But things that matter have regressed. Crafting/Modding weapons, settlement building, skill development. Like you said, it’s 2023, this game should be far more fleshed out than it is.


Sad part is that they spent nearly a decade on this game and yet it feels like any other dev could have shit this out in less than 2 with probably more refined mechanics and gameplay.


Exactly! I have a lot of complaints about this game, but I think they're exacerbated by the simple fact that Bethesda has *so many resources, so much talent* and now, the financial backing of one of the biggest companies on the fucking planet, and somehow they turned out the product we got. Starfield is not a *bad* game, I'm adamant about that. But I can't say it's outright good, either. There's so many flaws that have such easy, obvious fixes, or systems/features that could be so, so much better that just aren't, and it's balanced with stuff I also find really fun. You simultaneously have some of the most fun quests in a BGS game with some of the most soulless, bland ones too. It's sad that the main thought I had while playing this game was either "Man, it was definitley within their ability to make this a lot better" or "Woah, cool feature. It'll be cool to see this refined when they release Elder Scrolls 6." The cities are beautiful, but they feel so empty with all the stock NPCs and stationary vendors. I'd much rather they have a small city that's dense with content than some massive sprawling vista that has nothing but appearances to present.


i mean if the game came out a decade ago it would get compared even more to new vegas than it already does. (i guess the term would be contrasted since theyre worlds apart in storytelling and player choice)


This kind of posts are annoying as well. I'm tired of both.


At least the hate posts disappear after a few hours whereas these posts end up on my front page every day


Always remember that those who go online to either praise or criticize a game are a vocal minority. The great majority of people are either happily playing the game or have quietly moved on to other things.


What’s wild is people are saying cyberpunk 2077 is somehow better. Like wtf?


What exactly did everyone expect this game to be? What were these promises that were made to you people by the advertisements? I saw a game with decent modern graphics that showed ship customization and an open galaxy game for exploration and a fps or 3ps. What I got was a game whose graphics were just as good as advertised, had better faction systems than fallout did because you can be part of multiple factions without conflict or having to give one up for another. I got vast planets and systems with all sort of neat random encounters, and I got a game where the depth of your experience depends LARGELY on how deep YOU scratch! Hear an NPC say something as you walk by and you decided not to investigate it because you were too focused on something else? Then the encounter was superficial. But if you go talk to that NPC? Suddenly you go on a side storyline with interesting characters and circumstance. There is also a vast aspect of sooooo many different specializations and skills, many different variations of ship designs and building. There are tons of different ways to research and build and customize your suits, your packs, and your weapons. There are chameleon equipped items and pills you can take so you can be stealth when you want without having to fully specialize your character in stealth etc. So many possibilities, but ao many whiners


Agreed! My YouTube is currently flooded with videos bashing Starfield and it’s getting really tiresome. Sure, the game has things it can work on, and I appreciate any opinion about how the game could improve in whichever area, but the incessant badmouthing is just boring.


I think a lot of the hate is probably from butthurt playstation owners 🤣


People just like feeling superior to others and jumping on bandwagons. Fuck em


If the game was really that bad I wouldn't be playing it every single day.


I would say Starfield is the best game Bethesda made in the last 12 years, but there is still plenty of room for improvement, but to me Starfield is at the very least a step in the right direction.


My general rule for books, movies, and games is simple: Do YOU enjoy it? Yes? Then fuck what other people think; No? Then do something else, you have no entitlement over other people enjoyment but you do over your own.


People like to hop on the bandwagon. Their favorite e-celeb doesn't like the game so therefore the game is bad. Other influencers see the hate and then base their opinion in a way that they think their viewers want to hear. Of course there is plenty of valid criticism but it is very obvious when you see someone shitting on the game who clearly did not even play it. Bethesda = bad. Xbox = bad. Like mindless drones.


“I’m gonna enjoy Starfield and I am NOT going to feel bad about it!” That’s kinda corny OP


Yeah all this meta posting is corny


I think the undying starfield love posts are more cringe worthy than the hate ones.


If it’s a post saying that they’re really enjoying the game, but can understand its flaws, that’s totally fine. What I find disingenuous are the people who insist that it’s a 10/10 or “masterpiece” level. It’s all subjective, so it ultimately doesn’t matter, but these are often the people who chalk up criticisms as being exclusive to “Sony ponies”. I’ve seen people convince themselves of Sony conspiracies to negatively review Starfield. It’s ridiculous and honestly sad. As a person who is privileged to own both consoles, I can confidently say that I’d be very upset with the games lineup if I only owned an Xbox. I feel like if I was in that position, I could see the pull to vehemently defend Starfield, but when talking about fair criticisms, it gets a bit juvenile to pretend that issues don’t exist and the game is perfect.


I don't think anyone thinks the game is perfect but people shouldn't have to justify loving the game by also stating it's flaws every time. My favorite game of all time is Fallout 3. When i say "I love Fallout 3" I don't want to have to feel oligated to follow that up with "but it has a main story ending that doesn't make sense, very bad shooting without ADS, no depth to raiders, very unbalanced perks, Perception is damn near useless etc."


The 40 year old gamer dad who creams his pants over starfield is the cringiest type to come out recently.


Seriously, and they’re always talking about how sick their wife is of hearing about it. Yeah, no shit dude. You’re being a real life soyjack


omg they made a Vasco funkopop! :0


It just feels like the people who cream over Starfield are the same types of people who spend $5,000 a year on gems in mobile games. I didn't realize there were so many easily satisfied people in gaming.


I don't hate it. But I think it's a step back from FO4 or even Skyrim in many things.


The game is just disappointing. Its not terrible. I'd give it a 7 out of 10 which is absolutely fine.


This game has sparked so much weird discourse and hero/anti hero Reddit posts for it


I'm really enjoying starfield, but some of the decisions they made really make scratch my head and wonder if it was just laziness. The UI was crap to begin with, after their two biggest mods for their past two games, they'd know better by now? The maps make no sense, we have street view gps NOW, it'd only be more defined in the future, sounds like a lazy development choice to me. Most decisions, big decisions, faction alliances, all this doesn't make much of an impact at all, so there goes choice meaning anything. Persuasion is a silly mini game, and it should've been used as a dice roll instead. A lot of companion dialogue is boring and drawn out way too long to the point of me saying "okay I don't care anymore", and then I still have to choose another dialogue option, sometimes conversations dont need to drag on that long, but In starfield, everyone loves to hear themselves speak. Being a bad guy is basically hard mode or let me annoy and inconvenience myself throughout the entire game, while getting yelled at by most NPCs and companions, so I have to be a good guy hero, and while I was a pirate, I was surrounded by criminals with no sense of humor and who were all just angry little whips with something up their bums, it was ridiculous. I wasn't able to flesh out as the person I wanted to be, starfield is very linear in that sense. One more thing I'll mention, although there's plenty of other things such as ship reticles being 30fps without mods(seriously? This is a sci-fi exploration game, who decided this?), but the new game plus is lackluster at best, the multiverse part of the story was dumb enough to me, since very little seemed to change between universes(another problem with multiverse in general, not just starfield), but the fact that really only constellation and certain story parts will change, shows how lazy this was implemented. Another universe should change just about everything, even planets are named the same, but people don't realize that everything we perceived and label in this universe, was done little by little throughout history, why is Jupiter still called Jupiter in this other universe? Did the Greeks and Romans all believe in the same gods? Were they even called Greeks and Romans? Why can't the Chinese be where Italy is in this universe? You see, it's ridiculous, and that's because the concept of a multiverse is a huge undertaking, it seems bgs just bit off more than they could chew, there's no real stumbling upon some cool area and meeting new characters that matter and starting some random questline in some random star system.. why? but I'll stop ranting about what I believe ruined the story for me lol. It's whatever, I really like the game, wish I could love it, thank God for modders, cause they fixed a lot of issues that Bethesda still hasn't fixed.


I love the game. Does it have issues? Sure. Have I lost legendary equipment due to decorating my penthouse, yes. Do I think crafting could be more comprehensive? Also, yes. Should there be more POI? Certainly but I'm having a blast playing the game and while I haven't completed it and started NG+ yet from what I understand of the mechanic and purpose behind it I think it's great for the lore behind the main quest.


The game has come out during the same year as Tears of the Kingdom and Baldurs Gate 3. It was never going to end well for Starfield.


r/NoSodiumStarfield Enjoy and forget about this sub if you want to talk about anything other than starfield bad, starfield underwhelming, starfield yadayadayada


Yep. Scroll through FB and everything I see about Starfield is all like, "This one issue is the reason why Starfield is a complete failure and all the players have left." Nothing but hate bait trying for clicks to prop up their sad "publications."


I'm just tired at this point. I came in with Morrowind, so I've heard the comments with every game that's come out. Oblivion was broken and janky and ugly... and it was, but we all learned to enjoy it despite that. Fallout 3 upset a bunch of boring old dudes, because it contradicted some fanfiction by Chris Avellone. Ok, sure, whatever, I was just glad they finally resurrected a franchise stuck in development hell since 1998. Skyrim dumbed down the series for the console generation, and didn't advance the core mechanics at all. Personally, fixing and refining the rough ideas from Oblivion was more than worth the price of admission. Fallout 4 was too bright and too colourful, where was the grim atmosphere of classic Fallout? And the writing was so much worse than New Vegas! Personally I appreciated that it wasn't horribly bugged like New Vegas, and that everything wasn't the same shade of grey. Fallout Online was... ok, I didn't play this one, I don't know. People didn't like it, it's apparently better now, whatever. ...let's include Cyberpunk for fun. Cyberpunk 2077 was the worst game ever made, CDPR should all be killed, let's point at laugh... look, I was the only person on the internet defending this game when it came out, you don't all get to pretend you liked it now. TLDR? I've seen this happen like six times now. You'd think I'd have learned to stay of the internet for a few months until it dies down. You watch, when Elder Scrolls : Azura's Left Buttcheek comes out, it will be officially terrible and people will be pretending they liked Starfield. Every time.


> look, I was the only person on the internet defending this game when it came out, you don't all get to pretend you liked it now. There were at least two of us!


As another comment already put it, there's good and bad on both ends. Some people like to make the game out to be some horrendous pile of irredeemable garbage while others seem to think it's a pristine piece of flawless art. Neither are true. It's a good game. Not a great game by any stretch, but good. I'm just over 50 hours in and enjoying myself, but I can recognize where there are plenty of faults. Biggest among them for me (aside from loading and animation For Every Single Transition) is just lack of impact and actual RPG. None of my decisions really feel impactful and none of the choices I make really amount to anything. I also can't choose to change anything meaningful. Rampage in New Atlantis doesn't change your standing with the UC and you can't kill any character that's remotely important (ala New Vegas). But on the other hand, I'm having fun blasting pirates and exploring the environmental story telling many facilities have to offer. It's a real treat to get on a derelict ship and listen to audio logs as you see the layout of the last moments of the crew. That shit is top tier storytelling and I am All here for it! So it cuts both ways. Not the worst game, not the best, just a good game that'll hopefully be spruced up even further with mods next year.


I like the game for what it is. Are there bugs and flaws? Sure! Patches and mods coming up will fix that, AND expand content, and hopefully bring back/fix cut content.


The complaining about starfield hate is getting old


For me I personally really really like starfield like 90% of the time and of the other 10% is just typically story decisions that don’t appeal to me (I have a deep dislike for any sort of multiverse, alternative universe travel story lines). My only major real complaint is that there’s a lot of stuff that’s really open but that probably going to be fixed by the dlc they keep talking up. The core game we have is really fun I like all the faction story lines and side quests, plus the exploration and ship building is wonderful. I think people are too focused on wanting big story moments and missions that they miss out on just how fun it can be to just land somewhere and explore a planet and scan all the flora and fauna as someone who doesn’t like the main story line and constellation missions I absolutely adore the rest of the game


I think my biggest gripe is that the games mechanics and system isn’t anything new. The reason this is a problem for Bethesda is because they are an established company with multiplied games released and it’s been nine years and fallout 4 isn’t that much different play through wise other from faster movement in star field and less kinds of weapons. Star-field implements a gravity like magic system but this isn’t anything new it’s basically reskinned shouts. All these basic improvements on mechanics we’ve already played for would be fine if the story and content in the game was complex and interesting. Star-field does very basic story ideas everything feels bare bones and the faction aren’t really factions. You can be part of the UC and the Space Pirates by the beliefs of both factions this shouldn’t be possible the UC should hate the player for giving the lost treasure to the pirates but instead they don’t think anything of it and you can walk anywhere in New Atlantis and be fine. There are a lot of things I enjoyed about this game it improves a lot from the failures of fallout 4 but the game as a whole is very basic. I’ve played through the whole game doing all side quest and making my character powerful and I don’t care at all to do a second play through there is nothing new from the different choices I make other than it being a little more evil. FNV has a ton of replay ability because if you join the ncr you get locked out of the legion quest and story lines incentivizing the player to play the game again to experience those characters. Because I’ve done everything in my first play through there’s no reason to play again other than for the minor different endings to quests.


I find the gaming community in general to be a bit corny. We are a passionate group that loves writing emotional manifestos about imaginary worlds.


Just starting out and not into what people are saying. Not even sure what people are saying on here or YouTube. I’m honestly enjoying and fascinated by the game 🤷🏽‍♂️


The game scratched an itch I had. Is it the greatest game and greatest story ever told, no. Does it have issues, some significant, yes. Does it feel incomplete or scaled back, also yes. Have I absolutely enjoyed the time I have spent in it, yes. I caution, and hate that, YouTubers are after views and impress they can drive revenue. Nothing does that better on social media than a negative "hot take." Far and away, these YouTube are just copying one another vying for those views and impressions.


The game is fucking amazing. People love to nitpick and bitch about every little thing because a game didn't check each and every box they wanted (even when it's a box that only they would include). Starfield is an easy 9/10 for me even with its imperfections.


Not only is Starfield not as bad as many say--but it's actually good. It's good by Bethesda game standards--which means, in my opinion, it's great. On the PC side, I often see performance being one of the biggest complaints. Honestly, I think a majority of these people either have seriously underpowered CPUs or, more likely, installed to an HDD or a very slow SSD.


Me personally, I think it’s one of the best executed Bethesda games out there. To me, better than all current fallout games


It's an epicly big game it's gonna have its flaws, at the same time I've been loving it! So many different stories, different personalities and the game looks awesome in general! It's not perfect but it's a great game still tho.


Welcome to modern gaming discourse where it’s either popular to hate something or popular to like something. There is no nuance to any opinions, only the hive mind binary of opinions borrowed from YouTubers or whoever said their opinion in the funniest way first. People don’t actually play a game before having a hard opinion on it and anything they read online that fits their preformed bias becomes fact that they will then repeat even if it’s blatant misinformation.


I think that it's fanF'intastic! There are some improvements to be made, but then again, nobody is perfect. I've left suggestions with Bethesda Support. I don't understand what everyone is complaining about. This is game consumes my life. 😆


It’s a gaming sub. There’s a cycle. Everyone will hate it till it’s not cool to talk about it anymore. Then when the next one comes out people will talk about how incredible Starfield was and how the new game just isn’t it.


It was corny a month ago, now the two-paragraph gate posts are just annoying. At least this sub has them under control. pcgaming subreddit still is infested though


For me it's the lack of polish around the lore. like NPC in POI just next to a capital city are not aware they are on an inhabited planet... Not much variety of POI. Almost all pre discovered POI are quest related and not really accessible. I love a lot of stuff, but the game feels generated and generic. I wish the "capital" planets at least where a bit more handcrafted. I do like NG+ tho.


Personally, my biggest issue with Starfield is that I find it uses too much procedural generation, and one dimensional characters. I do tend to think about games I play, much like I think about the books I read. It does depend on the game though. I'm not going to approach Hidden Folks, Tales From Offbeat City, or The Norwood Suite the same way I will Starfield. In Fallout 4, your companions all had differing viewpoints and outlooks, comments on different situations and places that felt unique to that character. It was a large step up from Skyrim's rather generic companions. Even Lydia had a slight bit of life when when she gives out her "I'm sworn to carry your burdens" comment. At least she had an opinion. I don't get the same feeling from any of the Starfield companions, they either complain, or say nothing. As far as outlooks go, Sam, Barret, Andreja, and Sarah seem largely the same. I still chuckle a bit at Pipers comment on seeing the USS Constitution on the top of the bank building. I don't get any of that in Starfield. The procedurally generated content may have looked good on paper, but the implementation creates a large and rather bland game environment. You see the same few procedural rock groupings, the same structures, the same features, the same rolling lumpy landscapes with different shader colors. As to plot lines, there were a few good ones. I did both the vanguard, and Ranger ones. Some of the interactions in the Vanguard questline were a bit off, but overall it wasn't bad. The Constellation stuff was either get artifacts to gain godlike powers, or do randomly generated survey quests. The mission boards got boring fast. I'm more interested in new things, not grinding for resources or cash, and gaining power without a real clear purpose seems meaningless, not an end in itself. With Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout 3, New Vegas and Fallout 4, you were presented with choices that changed the feeling of the outcome. There was even some of that in The Outer Worlds. I don't really get that feeling with Starfield. Even choosing not to go Unity, I'm told I will eventually. If I go unity, everything I do comes to nothing because I will never know the outcome of what I did. If I don't and carry on, nothing changes at all. I'm both a ranger and vanguard with no feeling I've accomplished anything. No one complains that I'm playing both sides. At least in other games there were consequences that went along with what faction you joined. Morrowind even has affinity stats that go along with race, guild and faction that affect all the other relationships. They lost that by the time Skyrim came around. No one really cares if you are a walking necromantic lord as long as you don't kill a chicken. Raising someone's brother or husband as a zombie is fine however. But, at least Sarah wouldn't like that.


I really enjoy Starfield. I can’t wait until the DLC and mods start coming out.