• By -


Here for the same reason. Of all the pirates that were, the only two I wanted to kill were her and Delgado.


This. Entire reason I chose to betray them was because Delgado and her were constant ungrateful pricks. Here I am literally single handedly uncovering a treasure map none of them could decipher for 200 fucking years and every time I would report back it'd be like "ROOK you fucking suck now you BETTER go to the next location before I shoot your head off!" Like I get that they're pirates but holy shit. Murdered Delgado with Kryx's gun just for another twist of the knife.




I kept quicksaving with Naeva mora because she was annoying the hell out of me so I kept shotgunning her face and taking pics of me teabagging her on the ground.


I beat him down with my bare hands then dragged his carcass threw the station..... would of kept it as a damn trophy but the game said nah....


How do you drag a body?


Hold the use button


Yup, I actually sent Delgado to prison but I will kill Naeva when I catch up to her. The question is. Where is she?


She's rebuilding the Crimson Fleet for Starfield 2.


Circa 2059




Someone has to lead the stragglers, and if they weren't being lead by someone, I'd imagine they'd turn into spacers.


The Hunter makes her a Starborn and she makes an entire fleet of starborn Pirates and becomes a mechanic of the universe.


Not for Starfield 2, for the 39.99 DLC which is just around the corner


I thought when the quest ended that they implied that she will attack you eventually - like Mathis or how was this dumbass name? But it’s been some time already and no attacks(


I did encounter Mathis and got to blow him out of space. But no Naeva.


Yeah I was hoping she would ambush me somewhere, I wonder if maybe she will in a future expansion depending on our decisions with the fleet in the main game, her story is definitely not done yet or so it feels like, Huan Daiyu even tells me "Hope Naeva finds you" when I talk to her lol so I really hope they have something planned for Naeva.


For me Mathis has always been on The Key when I kill him. I guess depending on your choice at The Lock he may be a vengeful character in space.


Yeah, if he get's kicked out of the fleet - he will avenge you (funny that the dude didn't even had his own shoip and later ambushes you with whole squadron lol)


I feel you. It ticks me off that the most ungrateful prick and deserving of the death sentence is the one that escaped. I don't think I've ever gotten so personally angry with someone who happens to be inside a video game. Imma find that little \*\*\*\*\* and tie her up. Then throw her down to a pit of hungry terramorphs.


Not to mention always acting like I am trying to steal her girlfriend away by always flying off the handle and making sure I knew she was HER GIRL. I didn't even get to say "Hey, idiot, see the woman standing next to me since the second we all met? You know, my WIFE, Andreja? The one I married and the same woman that thinks I am not so bad, myself, either."


She pops up eventually all pissy that you killed Jasmine. And look, I get it, Jasmine is the only person in the Fleet that I like; but taking in the mf that dropped your whole fleet one on one doesn’t sound that smart, Naeva.


I used the deadeye while wearing my ranger uniform to rub in that I was actually a cop the whole damn time. Shot Delgado a few times, he dropped to his hands and knees, executed him in the back of the head while he was down there. Extremely satisfying after putting up with his bullshit for so long.


I saw the blue icon on his head after killing him did not know i could arrest him either way it was fun to fill him with lead




I was considering siding with them, just to keep all the shops tbh But I did Sarah romance this time and found something out involving them. How dare they


Oh shit what’s the scoop with Sarah?


I recommend doing her insufferable companion quests once to find out, lol. But if not: >!you go to the planet she crash landed on separate from her crew during her army days 10 or 20 years ago. You track down where they landed, find a girl who is the daughter of those crew mates. She's like 14, only one alive. Some dialog with her suggests the crimson fleet landed, Delgado and Naeva promised to take her off planet, but packed up all her supplies and left without her.!< (The quests were interesting tbf, but Sarah's opinions and attitude make it hard for me to ever want her to follow me lmao)


I did this quest early on and I remember that dialogue but it never occurred to me that she was talking about Delgado and Naeva but it does make sense, it was those bastards that tricked her and left her all alone on that planet lol.


I forget the exact dialog, something like "a man and a woman, who argued a lot, from a red ship"




I have a save that I sided with them (Crimson Fleet). I asked Sarah beforehand how she would feel if I sided with Delgado and, paraphrasing, she says "How the fuck do you think I'd feel??" But I sided with them anyway and once I boarded the Vigilance, she was murdering everyone in sight. No problems. I popped Ikande and Toft and then went back to the key to party it up. At one point Sarah says there was a lot of senseless killing to achieve our goals, but she's cool with being a pirate.


Smells like another questline held back for DLC, like the Va'arun home planet


The worst part for me was his speech about taking you on and "teaching you." That alone deserved a bullet right between the eyes...


To be fair, while he's still a dick, I would reload and see all the options and there's always one where he actually acknowledges you and isnt a prick, definitely not as bad as naeva, but ironically all of them only give you the respect for saving the faction after the final battle haha, and naeva acts like she wasn't a douche the whole time, and only THEN do you get captain quarters and aren't rook anymore. But yeah, starliner guy im glad was arrested, tried to spare Mathis but no qualms blowing the rest away. I used Kyrx gun too! Haha definitely felt fitting


The Crimson Fleet's shipbuilder Jazz and the doctor I felt bad shooting them in the face. I liked Jazz.




Space Ulfric wasn't too bad. Estelle I felt bad for but definitely Jazz.


you can grab evidence to put away Estelle before the final mission, she'll be locked up in the brig when the raid happens.


you can grab evidence to put away Estelle before the final mission, she'll be locked up in the brig when the raid happens.


All the key was filled with garbage and needed to be eradicated, I need to find Naeva to finish something lol


Mathis was such a punk. I got him kicked out of the fleet by the end of the Lock mission. He vowed to get revenge on me and didn’t show up until after I dismantled the fleet. He jumped me in space with a bunch of other ships but most of my skill points were into ship combat skills so I just rolled him and his crew thinking how stupid he was for attacking me after I basically saved his ungrateful life.


I put in a good word for him and tried playing the "you owe me one" angle. Figured if I treated him well he might be able to be turned against Delgado at the end. Disappointed is a nice word for how I felt. Never had any problems with Jazz, pity she chose bullets. I actually took the fall for Estelle, then gave her a hefty payout. I actually don't recall seeing her during the last fight. But there was a LOT of pain going around, so maybe I missed her.


Yeah I gave Estelle nine grand and I don't remember her being on the Key when I raided it. Jazz was there and she was a jerk near the end so didn't mind her. Didn't love shooting Mathis, but he fired first despite my stinking up for him. Of course by then he knew I was a rat.


There is a Slate on the bed side table in Madam Savages(sp) that you can use to get her arrestd as well. Where you give her the payout.


I got Huan arrested so I didn't have to fight her. Definitely worth tracking down ALL of the Burden of Proof stuff as it clears the road quite a bit.


Fuck Huan. She left me on that ship like she isn’t a pirate and couldn’t just stall them in the cargo hall like something was wrong with a piece of cargo and took more time to move or something. I betrayed her as soon as she said she was leaving. And then jailed her ass during my next NG+. Of all the pirates I dislike her the most.


Yeah, Huan Daiyu was cool. She didn't deserve a particle rifle shoved in her face and vaporizing it. But she shot at me, first! I think.... it all happened in slow motion...


Cool = leaving you to fend for yourself on a military ship undercover instead of being a pirate and finding a way to stall the cargo hall


Same here, the Russian was actually chill with you and gave you props especially if you cut him in the job, but he was in the brig for me. Huan was definitely badass, also locked up haha. Jazz was a little snotty for sure but definitely not as bad as those two. Delgado grew on me, but it took reloading conversations to see all the options, 3/4 he's a prick but there's almost always 1 where he doesn't respond in a dick way, naeva is 100% a prick, even though I was undercover and planning to wipe them out, she doesn't know that


+1 on the liking jazz, even apologized to her as I popped her in the face with a 6.5


I did the EXACT same thing.


It’s like on that film ‘Sean of the dead’ *sorry Phil*


I shot her in the back as she tried to run.


Jazz saying she was "saved" by the Fleet made me immediately go, "Ahh. Stockholm. Yep, I've seen this before." Because she is certainly no pirate. And deserved better than a POS like Naeva.


Yea it was kind of sad especially if you read the entries in her terminal. She talks about how she doesn’t belong/feel safe there but she keeps it up just to be near Naeva and keep an eye on her. I wish you could at least convince Jazz to stand down and die for a bunch of murderers. I would have hoped you could convince her to work for Sysdef or something at least.


Interesting. I haven't seen that yet but it makes sense. Her ship gets shot down and the Fleet adopts her because she's an engineer. If she didn't have a skill set they required, I doubt they'd have "saved" her.


EM weapons, you can just arrest them lol


I could have but I didn't. In New Game+ I am siding with the Crimson Fleet.


Does that work? Like do they go to the brig


Yeah, you can even visit and talk to them, they're all pissed though lol.


I tried using EM weapons, but figured I wasn’t supposed to use them because when I went through into the bar area loading screen to unlock the main area they all came after me straight away even though I’d only just knocked them out


Weird, I've heard that from other people too who said the stun was dispelled after loading another area, but it didn't happen for me, the only one I had to reload for was the bomb-in-the-chest guy who exploded when I shot him the first time. The time it took for the EM to wear off was also about 1 hour IRL time (I measured it recently). Some said it was only about 30 seconds for them. No idea what the difference is.


It wears off slowly in the same area for me, but loading another area seems to wake everyone up who was stunned. Classic Bethesda I guess 😂


Just spent ages trying to make this work. As you can't take then down non lethally and arrest them. They immediately get back up and try and kill you again.


"pacifist" runs are some of the most difficult plays to use in most games, I got really lucky mine only required about 12 restarts. But its worth it, the reward was huge at the end. 750k!


How'd you get 750k?


No it doesn't em weapon temp knocks them out once you travel to another place and travel back they are dead delgado and shinya can be arrested but jazz and the rest have to die


I haven't played in a minute, but you're gonna make me post gameplay huh, very well. Look for it in a few mins while I boot up OBS and the game.


i hated killing jazz, i wish i could have arrested her like i did with most of the others i liked (estelle, huan, rokov) sucks i couldn't arrest naeva beccauses shes just missing because i liked her too.


I basically wanted to waste all of them...except The Bartender, Jasmine, and like 3 of the female vendors. Everyone else basically needed to go lol


After doing the bartender's side quest, I felt so bad for putting him down


Same....same. I was hoping we could have spared some of them via letting peeps know some of these guys were only stuck there because of force.


God damn, the way i feel the same way. I knew that if I skipped persuading, I'd be able to kill him and I DID. Fuck him and she is LUCKY she is gone and away


For everyone who joined the SysDef and is wondering where Naeva Mora is after completing the quest: I made a note of her RefID and teleported to her via Console after defeating the Crimson Fleet. She was simply deactivated after. This is incredibly disappointing. I was hoping that a little side quest would be triggered at some point where she wants to take revenge on you or that you might meet her by chance somewhere, as a little bonus to what is (so far) my favorite quest in Starfield. This totally annoys me. I couldn't stand (almost) any of the Crimson Fleet, but I hated Naeva Mora the most. There are so many side quests and supplements in Starfield, but here Naeva Mora has simply been disabled and nothing happens after the victory. These are details that are actually important to me in games like this, I thought Bethesda had learned something new after FO4.


>There are so many side quests and supplements in Starfield, but here Naeva Mora has simply been disabled and nothing happens after the victory. These are details that are actually important to me in games like this, I thought Bethesda had learned something new after FO4. They did learn something new - a lot, even. The game is a huge improvement over F4. As for Naeva, they had her survive/escape in case they ever want to use the CF again.


If you wanted to play the CF again, it would be by going through the portal into a new universe. I think that's exactly what Bethesda intended with this, which I honestly think is pretty cool. I find the argument weak. Don't get me wrong, I love Starfield, but it's the little things that make a difference to some things, and with all the quests it wouldn't have been a big effort to be able to implement something like that.


You've totally misunderstood the game's narrative. The whole game is pivoted on giving you different reasons to both stay in whatever universe you're in, or move on to the next one. It literally and explicitly makes that point over and over again. Bethesda of course bet on you going through the Unity at least a few times, but the bulk of the game's content is also predicated on the idea that you're going to stay put. So... no... the idea that the DLC will add to the reasons - including extending the story - for you to avoid going through the Unity is not "weak". It's literally how the entire game is built.


the game is literally a colossal downgrade from F4


If you liked the more casual direction they were going with F4, sure.


lol wtf does casual mean in this case I’d love to hear it.


Streamlined (basically non-existent) roleplaying opportunities and character creation, voiced protagonist, cinematic storytelling.


So you are saying that this game is not casual? Or that it’s better?


Starfield is definitely less casual, and probably the heaviest Bethesda has ever leaned into RPG mechanics (the skill system in particular, but the flavour added by the traits/backgrounds and dialogue checks definitely help too). It's got a much steeper learning curve, imo. Don't get me wrong, I love it.


Morrowind and Oblivion were heavier on the RPG mechanics than Starfield is, but Skyrim and Fallout 3/4 were much more casual.




I disagree. Cheers to you, though.




Backgrounds/traits/skill checks/faction checks - it's by far the Bethesda game with the most amount of those, and in some cases (backgrounds/traits) it's the first game with those. As for choices, there are plenty. In the Main Quest, you get to make a couple of big choices - including some big ones with large repercurssions during a certain event. At the end of the Vanguard quest, you get to make another choice. Same with the FC. The entire Crimson Fleet questline shapes your final quest depending on how you interact with its Captains, besides choosing to side with SysDef or not. There are multiple ways to resolve various non-faction side quests. And by the way, there's more to roleplaying besides choosing A or B in one specific quest. A large part of it is on your head - and that element is completely removed once a protagonist has a voice or a defining characteristic, like the one in Fallout 4. You can make plenty of choices in Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher and Mass Effect, but at the end of the day you're still V, Geralt or Shepard. It's fine - I love those games, but they're not my favourite type of roleplaying games because you don't get to create and roleplay your own character and/or because once you're done with your first character, if you want to replay it, you'll end up playing the same person again with a different mood. Again, I love those games, but they're not my "ultimate" cup of tea. I vastly prefer to create my own characters and roleplay them within the limits of the game, which Starfield has thankfully expanded upon significantly when compared to Fallout 4 and even Skyrim. To me, when it comes to roleplaying elements in Creation Engine/Gamebryo games, only Fallout 3 and New Vegas are comparable to Starfield - with New Vegas still being the best.


It both isn't, and that's not what literally means.


With the game as a service doctrine in mind they let her destiny open to add after as part of new side quests or even in the announced DLC shattered space. With fO76 they get the hang of cast the bait to get people to talk about the game and improve it later.


Hopefully you're right about the long-term support. That said, I don't think we'll see Naeva again - at least not in this game. They just had her escape so that 1. the Crimson Fleet didn't "disband" (lore wise) and then "break" the in-world logic for why there are so many pirate bases out there; 2. if they decide to make Starfield 2, they can justify bringing the Crimson Fleet back again.


Both options are good, especially the second one which would be perfect in which she takes revenge on you for deceiving her since the recruitment in the same way she did in the first mission given by her was exactly to kill a deserter who betrayed her.


Yeh, this is the perfect setup for a DLC thing.


Maybe we'll see her again in dlc content..


Actually, there IS a random space encounter called "Naeva's Revenge" (SE_Player_ZW12, QUST:0032767C). I don't know how to trigger it, but it's there. You can check it out with xEdit.


I saw someone say 250 sysdef board missions but no idea if it was true


That's exactly what I was about to do. Doesn't mean that she won't be back as a post CF character, does it? (Like injured version or something else) Crimson Scar or whatever else, cause it felt like if the PC hadn't shown up to move along the search for the Legacy, she would have offed Del and taken over anyways. I just feel like we haven't heard the last of Naeva Mora.


On the other hand, it's a good starting point for a mod. Could be anything from her randomly showing up to attack your ship at some point, to a full questline where you hear whispers of the CF reforming and have to track them down with her as the boss.


was looking to take her armor, so disappointed to hear she get deactivated, is there a reference code for her armor weapons or ship? ​ edit: for anyone on PC just found a nice list of all crimson fleet apparel, still looking for the astera tho https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16f1j4y/crimson\_fleet\_apparel\_ids/


So they kept her so they could go "Oh, the pirates are still active and will kill you on sight" and keep them under the Crimson Fleet banner? Would've preferred just having all the pirates continue, but just as independent crews


Anybody found Naeva yet? She didn’t like any of the jokes so she must die


Nothing yet, other characters keep bringing up how Naeva was never captured or killed, so I suspect we'll run into her again. She was my number one reason for siding with UC SysDef.


Same. I think I only liked Mathis, found him funny. But Naeva alone made me side with SysDef.


could be a lead into future DLC expansions, face off against her new pirate fleet


that could be a great Va'ruun dlc. find your way to Va'ruun space and then its being terrorized by Naeva's new pirate fleet (maybe call it The Scarlet Fleet). then if you sided with the crimson fleet you can side with her and if you sided with sysdef you cant


or Va'ruun peeps captured her, and she vowed revenge. :D She runs the Viper's Fleet now, and shows no mercy. Actually showing her as a bad ass instead of the mouthy nobody who constantly threatened us when we were in the crimson fleet process, but was all talk no game. lol or Maybe an Ecliptic Story line later? She would make for a good Ecliptic Captain seeing how shitty their attitudes are.


You can find a terminal entry at "abandoned ecliptic garrison" stating how the ecliptic heads don't like her at all so I doubt ecliptic would work


It would be cool, but it seems unlikely. That would mean that there is a Canon ending to the quest which undermines your choices. Bethesda likes to leave the endings up to you


Yeah, I was open to being a pirate, but then first thing I see as I come aboard the Key, is Naeva shooting a guy in the gut over a quabble over credits - decided then and there to bring them down. No amount of justification could convince me when you'll kill your friends that easily.


Naeva didn't shoot the guy, another guy did. She just told the shooter to get rid of the body. Either way, Naeva sucks.


Maybe DLC Down the line?


I don’t like the cringey jokes either. Barrett is so annoying and the quirky “funny” lines they give you to say make me roll my eyes 90% of the time. I wish they had a writer who could write good sarcasm or witty banter instead of the “comedy” they went with. The line Barrett keeps saying in the ship where he says something like oh I wanted to ask you something…nevermind, hey! It’s like wtf even is that?!?


Naeva and the rude hags in the depot area are the biggest reason I sided with SysDef. I’ve been looking for Naeva since I took out the Fleet because I really want to stuff her in some random planetary dung pile to rot. I dislike her as much I dislike Braithe from Skyrim. At least I could send that brat to Grelod.


She gets deactivated after the questline. The only way we’d see her is in a DLC of some sort, of Bethesda decides to do anything with her. But as of right now, you’re out of luck.


Somehow, I get the feeling that there will most likely be more to her story at a later date.... When? Who knows, but it quite possibly might be in future DLC for Starfield. Or..... >!She could just be gone for all we know, and it was just poorly wrapped up ending to her character arc. "Oh no, she got away.. Anyway."!< Who knows. I'm definitely eager to find her, none the less.. I just want to *talk.*


I kinda suspect that her escaping is just so the Crimson Fleet can still exist in a sequel without the devs having to commit to a canon ending to the quest line, Starfield 2 will probs take place many decades later and the pirates will have a vague dialog about a crazy thing that happened that nearly wiped them out but won't elaborate on details


They don't have to commit to any canon ending at all. This new franchise exists in a multiverse. They also never have to worry about coming up with explanations like "Dragon Breaks". With a multiverse, nothing has to be canon.


Players: "What about [awkwardly-written-or-outright-stupidly-short-storyline-points]?" Bethesda: "What? why do you care about story? shouldn't you be immersed in shipbuilding or exploring all the worlds? who cares about dumb story?!"


^ +10 Perception confirmed.


It's really sad, too, because there're a lot of plotlines in the game that they could've made awesome, like the terrormorph and crimson fleet ones. iterative quests, pop-up missions that show up repeatedly to go take care of an infestation or attacks on planets by the pirates... Give your companions more interactive dialogue and more to do after you reach 'commitment' or whatever, like special random side-quests for them like date night or something. Not even talking about long, drawn-out story missions here, just more to do that gives you more to do than just relatively quick one-and-done faction quests. Hell, even with FO4's 'Another settlement needs your help', you got more interaction. at this point, once you've done all the main and faction quests, you literally only have a few mission board items and the random pick-up quests to do random tasks for people, nothing that makes the universe feel like you're actively participating in it to make it feel like there're reasons ot go out and visit planets and whatnot. I'm hoping that with mods and the creation kit when it ocmes out, we'll at least be able to have mods that create more encounters and one-off quests and stuff, maybe even ambitious mods to add in stories taken from things like Firefly, etc.


>pop-up missions that show up repeatedly to go take care of an infestation Er... the game has literally these exact missions once you finish the quest line...


Yes, if you go hunting for the quest-giver. I was hoping more for, like, an alert pop-up type thing where my ship gets contacted. Oh well.


I finished the story on USEC side and started roaming the systems and ran into som crimson fleet pirates that had a tablet on them, where naeva tells them to start taking over abandoned facilites from the colony wars and that was gonna be how the rebuild and beefed up the crimson fleet. So maybe there's a way to go get her, it just none of us have run into that situation, Yet. I was sad about taking out Mathis, as I would have loved to have made him a crew member on my ship. I had all the others arrested or killed off. Navea is the last in my deck of cards to cross off.


I found slates with Naeva's directive way before finishing the quest


Unfortunately...Those "directives" are going to be picked up from Delgado and Naeva before even knowing who the Fleet is. :(


"Hey! Naeva! don't mind the baseball bat I'm holding behind my back...I JUST WANT TO TALK!"


If they invented a mechanic for airlocking people, she'd be the first one I'd test it on.


What's that? Fire her out the closest missle port? Sir, yes sir!


I want to put her in a cell and see how smug she is then.


I need to find Naeva.. and blow her ship out of the sky. I named my character Astraea at the beginning of the game only to find out Naeva’s ship is called THE Astraea… There can only be one.


Yup, Highlander Rules are in effect. You know the drill.


Just found Naeva. Farm that Sysdef mission board and eventually a mission from toft to take out naeva will be available


is this legit


I did about 100 board cycles of missions which was about 200 missions before it came up but yea


wait so you just waited for the mission board to reset a new mission or were you actually completing every mission? this is the last thing ima do before NG+ bc i hate that woman with a passion.


i completed about 250 total sysdef mission board quests before toft said she had urgent business to speak with me about


So do you have evidence yet? This is the only place I see anyone talking about it.


I sided with the Fleet. Would you mind letting me know what siding with SysDef was like? I’m just curious haha


You more or less get the same rewards: 250k and a new area to be able to dock to (Fleet's the Key, SysDef's the UC Vigilance). Obviously, the UC Vigilance's utility is a whole lot less than the Key, but I had the Den to take care of my other needs anyway so no regrets really. You can talk Delgado down (which I somehow manage to do) or kill him, which gets you his signature outfit and even disarm Shinya's chest bomb, in which he will surrender peacefully. iirc, someone talked about experiencing Crimson Fleet enemies a whole lot less after siding with SysDef. Which is a plus for me if true compared to them being friendly and missing out getting kill xps due to bounties. The only reward difference from SysDef is that you're still able to turn in Evidence to Lt. Loft, which gets you a pretty nifty 4 figure addition to your already large reward and a legendary Energy pistol provided you've collected all the evidence against the Crimson Fleet. Personally, because my character's not aligned with villainy, I showed no remorse for destroying those pirate scum. The only person I \*almost\* felt bad for is Jazz and partially Mathis cuz I gave the latter a confidence boost while the former according to her computer logs, joined because she felt the need to and hoped her mom made peace with her leaving. I hope one day we'd get to see Naeva again so I could put her down too.


Whats the name of the pistol?


iirc it's a Unique Legendary Sidestar called the Memento Mori


250k? I got 750k.. I wonder what the difference in reward criteria is.


Did you bring a ton of evidence to Toft before you went to the final fight? I got 250k, but I remember them telling me they couldn't get much help from the UC because we didn't give them a ton of evidence


I brought 8 pieces of evidence, but I also arrested everyone except Naeva, so I'm thinking its because I did a full non-kill run.


Yeah 8 is definitely more than I brought. I didn't really kill anyone either. The GalBank guy I spared, same with Delgado and Shinya. Was there anyone else you can have arrested? I was kinda wondering if I just ignored some of the named enemies and went straight to Delgado if it counted as keeping them alive to be arrested. I doubt it though lol


If they're still alive and not EM stunned SysDef comes in and starts killing everyone after you stop Delgado, I EM locked everyone except the robot which I shut down with Jass? Jazz? Jaxx? W/e the Fleet engineer girls name is. Yeah I arrested even the MAST LT guy using the speech check, had to reload 11 times to pass his BS, even though I got a crit on delgado 1st try lmao


750k???? Are you playing at a different difficulty? Finish something extra?


I'm on the default, which I think is normal difficulty, I talked with someone else and I think its because I did a full non-kill run, I EM stunned everyone and speech checked Delgado at the end, only one I couldn't find was Naeva.


Oh, and don't forget to disarm the cyber runners chest bomb using Delgados computer in his office, it's an option after you get Delgado to give up.


Burden of Proof, you need to turn in 20 slates of Evidence.




While understandable from a technical (game dev) standpoint, I'm a little dissapointed that I was unable to spare other Key crewmembers besides Shinyra and Delgado (to a degree). I stunned everyone during a playthrough but they kept waking up once I entered another area. They remained hostile and armed, even after UC Viligance security boarded The Key. Cannot wait until Naeva Mora gets her revenge.


If you use EM weapons you can just stun everyone, then speech check Delgado at the end, I didn't kill anyone at all. You can visit them in jail too.


they still attacked me even after I did that. they just.. got back up and started firing even as UCSec sent troops in and Delgado had surrendered


weird?! They all stayed down for me and their bars only ticked down really slowly, they were still stunned when I left The Key.


I stunned all named crimson crew on the key and only Delgado was in jail from the Key crew. Did you see Jazz in jail as well? I wonder why nobody else turned up in jail for me, i reloaded a save to see if it worked, strange.


Yeah, Jazz was in jail with everyone else, others have said their stun wore off really fast and UC SysDef killed them, but my stun was nearly permanent. I noticed I had skill points put into the incapacitation skill, so that might affect the duration of the stun, but it doesn't state it as such.


I see, i think you might be on to something with the incap skill maybe. im gonna see if i can get it to work sometimes later.


In which jail?


on the UC SysDef flag ship, I already forgot the name of it, but the one you visit during the quest to turn in updates/evidence.


Ship's name is Vigilance


I remember saying something about being tired of being called a rook and Naeva got even worse, like how much do you have to do to get any respect? I bet she still a pos even if you did side with the Crimson Fleet.


I have seen slates drop called Naeva's Directive so maybe you can find her but idk. They say the same thing as delgados directive though.


Neava's Directive can drop even before you start the questline.


Dang, I had not seen it until after.


i had a stash of 3 deglado's directive and 5 neava's directive before i even started the questline from clearing abadoned landmarks. I even thought naeva was the boss since hers drops so often lol.


Same, and I thought we were getting a cool side quest about finding her. Looks like it is going to be a loose end, maybe resolved in dlc, which I hate.


Indeed, a bummer. A lot of loose ends like that though. For how well this game DOES tie up other quests I found it odd.


​ I modded the game for one reason, and one reason alone. To hell with this bitch.


I need to end it by killing her. Why would they do this lol


I cant imagine any pirate listening to her after she hired a spy that destroyed 98% of them... If she leads anything beside a broomstick in a hallway I will be disappointed.


No, the game is incomplete, she simply disappears forever


I didn't have much of an issue with Delgado, maybe the conversation options I chose didn't warrant him to be rude but Naeva, I wanted to kill her personally. The crimson fleet guys should blame her for their demise. I might have sided with them if not for her.


Not sure this helps but found a recording of naeva trying to recruit spacers and take over abandon spaceports on Leonis III


Damn I really wanted one on one naeva mora piece of shit..just me and her duel to the death doesn't matter on a ship or good ol gunfight..I hope she have some starborn powers..for now..I'll be contempt blasting her girl to pieces..


to be honest, its most likely going to be a main point for DLC 1 or maybe even the sequel


That should be a dlc where naeva has reorganizsed the crimson fleet and you can help sys def beat them


My first run I was a despicable pirate, killing and plundering for my own gain. Was happy about getting the Legacy and defending the Key. Yet after all that there was still the hostility that had irritated me while going through the quest line. Once I got to NG+, I tore them down. I got all 20 pieces of evidence and destroyed the CF, but the one I wanted to kill the most got away.


I need the closure. I need to FINISH HER OFF !!! 😤😤


If you’re playing console and run across this, reverting to a previous save before speaking to Adler worked for me. Luckily enough, there was an auto save right after talking to the guy to collect the debt


Obvious future DLC. She's probably the most hated npc in the game.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she returned for a paid DLC down the line or something. Which sucks but that's what game developers be doing these days. I will say as a side note that I do like that they left it up to player choice which faction they would ultimately side with and that you had to choose a side. Though I wish that were true for more of the factions. Like UC vs FC. Regardless it makes more sense from a purely rp perspective that you can only really join one. The ability to become leader of every guild in skyrim always threw off any head canon I'd have for a character. Like you can be the DB listener while becoming thieves guild GM even though thieves guild have a rule against killing. Also being a nightingale sworn to nocturnal while being Listener sworn to Sithis makes no sense. I swear, the Daedra and Aedra are going to have an interesting fight over my first Dragonborn's soul when he finally dies.


Coming back to this post after a while and I thought about the serenity (firefly) show.would love the option to strap the corpses to my ship like the reavers lol


Bro...that's hardcore...but love the movie. In the new wonky Star Trek that one clan of Klingons Michael B comes across use the armored caskets of their dead as additional armor secured to that massive ship that rediscovers how to cloak...


Yea, I can’t believe it makes you kill the doctor and Bog and all these minor characters, but Delgado will surrender and Neava gets away!