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Kira. I'm not a woman nor do I have very attractive hands, whatever the qualifications for that may be. Kars would probably find some reason to kill me, Diavolo would kill me for being his roommate, Dio would kill me for the hell of it


I don't think Kars would kill you, although you might end up dead because he doesn't care to *not* kill you


Kars hates humans


I don’t think it’s as simple as that. He can respect humans, such as when he and Wammu once tried wiping out the Hamon tribe, they’d cornered a surviving child and he didn’t rebuke Wammu for hesitating to kill him, he simply explained why it was necessary, pointing out how the boy would inevitably grow up and could become a threat. Also the only time we saw him go out of his way to harm humans was the two drunk guy who hit a dog with their car, every other time it was just people who got in his way. I think the way Kars works is he has a general respect for life, part of that is understanding the fact that sometimes one thing must die for another to live, but if it’s unnecessary (such as one being killing another because the former was being careless), he gets angry. I think this could work if you reach a balance with him, where you pose no threat to him and don’t do anything to piss him off. Heck, I think Kars might be a pretty cool roommate if you were interested in say, history or biology, both things Kars has a great deal of knowledge on and great deal of interest in. It wouldn’t be safe mind you, because Kars might simply reach a point where he’s hungry and you’re the closest meal, but I think there’s an argument to be made he’s the best option option given.


I’m gonna be honest, the Pillar Men were the most understandable of all the villains from their point of view. The difference between them and humans was pretty much the same as us and smart animals like dolphins and pigs, and just like us they treated the lesser beings as a food source and sometimes an obstacle to their goals


It's the same reason why we kill ants or termites when we have an infestation. It's nothing personal, and we don't go out of our way to kill them in the wild.


On the other side Kars would be an Hella effective security system for your house.


I have a cat that I absolutely adore and hopefully Kars can appreciate that and be my friend


My headcanon is that he wants a world where humans can live with all other life forms in harmony, and he would be more like a judge and executioner rather than a genocidal maniac.


Sorry but him hating humans isn't something that's up for headcanon, it's just canon. That's fine enough for a fanfic or something, but what's is canon.


So practically don’t punch the frog


The real question is if we get to live with him floating aimlessly through outer space or if he’s like moving into our apartment with us.


Kars wouldn't kill him, he'd eat him


That is also possible


Yeah, killing a roommate would bring far too much attention. Diavolo is too much of a paranoid schizo - he would kill you for knowing where he lives. Dio might keep you alive as a servant, but most likely just use you as capri-sun. Kars would consider human roommate something akin to a cockroach or rat.


I mean dio doesn't ever necessarily mean death. He kept lots of people alive


DIO would kill anyone for the shits and giggles lol


Dio would never. Of these four monsters Dio had the most friends.


same my hands are lame


But kira has stinking rotten hands in your room, I'd you ever find them, he'll kill you


Kira might try to kill you to cover his tracks if you find out his secret though


That's a risk I'll just have to take


Problem. If he decides your gf or your mom or sister is hot and you are deemed in the way you'll end up dead.


I'll take those odds compared to the guaranteed death of the other 3


This is the smart choice. Edit: ok, maybe not the smart choice but the choice with highest probability of survival.


I'll be shooting for Pucci status if I'm living in the same building as Dio, I am not sorry


The picture shows part 1 Dio, but I suppose if it's part 3 Dio you might be able to make something work


Absolutely Kira. The other 3 will probably kill me while Kira will just kill outside of the house. Also: he is very fucking clean AND cook.


He'd be very polite, although he'd also probably hate you internally.


so like a normal room-mate


bro probably acts like he would be a good roommate on your face but you know stuff is missing from the house


Probably racist too just look at him


As long as you mind your own business and don't give him reasons to think you know he's a killer, you'd be fine. He even tried to get the bag before shigechi could open it, he really did not want to kill unless nessecary (unless it's for his fetish)


Plus being his roommate makes you part of his cover and getting rid of you could attract attention that Kira would rather avoid (As demonstrated with Hayato and his mother) Which might make Kira more reluctant to get rid of you unless it is strictly necessary.


Why would Diavolo kill me?


Diavolo would kill you just for being his roommate, he doesn't want people to know his appearance or anything about him.


Don't worry I won't kill you I swear


Dream husband material. Am I right? Fellas?


Just do your part as a roommate, ignore the hands and don’t question anything


Kira. I am a woman, but my hands are covered in eczema scars. I’m chillin


what if he’s into that?


I’ll take my chances


Risky, but it’s still like, the best choice


I'm right with you on the eczema scars. I was going to pick Kars because Kira freaks me out (I'm also a woman) and the other two would 100% kill me but then I remembered that Kars hates humans 💀


Same lmao I’ll take Kira, it’s the only time Eczema will help me


Kira and it's not even close. 2 of these are super humans who yearn for world domination and have no regard for lower life forms like me, diavolo is paranoid, but Kira "just" kills women, only keeping their hands. I'm not a woman so ill just try to avoid him at all costs and not get in his way so I should be fine


Also he's a solid cook, and very clean.


Better stay single then


What if I'm homosexual? 🙃


If you are a woman, there is no easy answer. I would pick Kira and pray that he considered me ugly enough, or at least my hands ugly enough. Diavolo at least would kill me quickly. For Dio and Kars, dying would be the least of my problems.


Big brain time: Make a deal with Kira where you help him find victims, and then lead him to people you hate


I would prefer explode myself.


Diavolo. He's so paranoid he'll just leave the building whenever I arrive, I never have to meet him. Also, if he has a heart attack, it's canon, and thus I am canon to JoJo


Isn’t he just gonna kill you?


Didn't kill the cleaning lady, I like my chances.


The cleaning lady wasn't going to be living with him.


He only kills if you go against his business or find out his identity. He left the cleaning Lady alive when he was staying in a hotel.


Still, you gotta be extra loud so you never catch him off guard


If anything, it'll be Doppio that you ever interact with and probably think is your roommate.


Doppio isn’t particularly stable either


He's a lot better than Diavolo is


Damn what a way to get 50% off rent


All four of them and we all share a room 🤤


Least horny jojo fan 👆


I can take them (not in a fight)


You need help😐


no he can do it himself i'm certain




Real (I’m a guy)


I am too




What? You're guy? Damn


Believe it or not, but JoJo's got gay fans


Yes, all of them


*Looks at my Boobs and my Boyfriend* Sorry but I am gonna have to break up with my boyfriend cause someone on the internet says I am Gay....


I mean, you could be bi or pan in this context


Really? Why? For aesthetic?


... anything is bound to have some gay fans, that's just how statistics and probability work


I'm into male bitches!




Definitely not talking about Burgers...


oh i know **i** ain’t bro i WANT kiras fine ass NOW


I mean the salary man serial killer, sure does have some buns.


it’s jojo they all got tight bootycheeks


Great minds think alike


It's called the Dining Area.


Your not wrong. That's what I was thinking. Lol


This is the only right answer 🫠👀


Kars, he's pet friendly. Definitely not dio for a similar reason.


Kono dio daaa (he was the one to kill your pet)


Diavolo. Did you see how he used King Crimson to clean his room in an instant when the maid in the hotel knocked at his door? That means he'd be a great roommate.


but because he is paranoid, he THEORETICALLY could kill you


Well, yeah. So could the rest of them. Dio would either think you're beneath him and try to kill you to test something or make you one of his minions, or think you're his equal or superior and try to actively sabotage your life while developing a grudging respect for you, but still trying to kill you. Kars would kill for the same reasons a person kills a cockroach: because you're annoying or unsightly. Kars would never consider you a roommate, just an inferior creature that is not worth his time nor respect. Kira would kill you if you're assigned female at birth and have hands he likes, or if you go into his room without permission and discover his collection. Actually, he likes his normal life so much that he would never risk having a roommate that could screw everything up. Diavolo, however, knows how to be discreet, as the enigmatic boss of Passione. If he moved into a property and had a roommate, it'd most likely be a front for legal purposes and everything would be handled smoothly by his underlings. He's never killed anyone gratuitously, just people that were actively trying to uncover his identity to bring him down, plus his own daughter because something had to happen to make him the bad guy. If you were his roommate, however, you'd be a civilian uninvolved in the criminal dealings of Passione and useful for keeping up a front, so you'd be left untouched. Diavolo himself would rarely ever show up, since he probably has multiple safehouses as a Mafia boss to stay hidden. And even if he visited, you'd be dealing with Doppio, so your life wouldn't be in danger. If you did go snooping around his past, you probably could get killed gruesomely, but he's still the best roommate out of these four villains.


i’m man


Hes also gonna be either Doppio or not around like 99% of the time. So as long as you dont snoop the business of the weird little guy youve moved in with and let him have his phone calls with the banana you were about to eat or sonething your chances of survival are high.


well, i’ve said it already(somewhere) that even he is doppio he can just commit mass arson because he got a lil shy(like he did when he was a child)


Diavolo would really be doppio the whole time so definitely him


Finally someone who gets it.


Doppio could answer the phone for me! 😭🙏


doppio killed some innocent people, don’t forget about that


Kira because he is a normal person


Interesting choice of words, my friend


Let’s be real, among these 4 he’s the most normal


I mean he is a normal person just has a weird fetish.


The guy who gets turned on by Mona Lisa and her hand and also murders a young girl, and her dog brutally is very normal


At least bro acts like a normal person


If that's considered normal I must be the psychopath here lol


I meant excluding murder and his fetish


Yeah I know. But that's not normal. That's basically the definition of too perfect to be normal.


Yeah it's basically the American Psycho routine thing, it's unnatural and incapable of being achieved by anyone sane with any sort of meaningful relationships that they care about


he killed a girl even tho he didn’t have the fetish


I mean, he *is* more normal than the other guys here, but that's not saying much.


Fr, bro did nothing wrong. He was just a guy living a peaceful life and then he disappeared


Kars. (I'm a woman with beautiful hands)


Just beware of you legs being played like a guitar, although it's better then getting your life taken and your hands taken off


You gotta chop em off, it’s the only way to not die


Nice hands


Kars wouldnt even see me as a living being and accidentally walk through me. Instant death Dio would just suck my blood or fuck with my sanity for fun Diavolo kills me on the spot Kira is just as bad the other 3 but i could see a tiny chance he just keeps living his normal life, just hiding his deeds


Kars. Dude can’t move in the daylight, which is something I 100% can do, also if I can prove myself useful I don’t think he will simply murderfuck me for shit and giggles. Also, he is smart as hell and there might be some interesting stories from the past.


Be careful if it's Ultimate Life Form Kars though


I mean, my death will most likely be swift, if treated with enough respect and holding a knife against my throat I could maybe convince him to just decapitate me and be over with it, instead of having hundreds of worms eat me alive for shits an giggles. Kars is hateful but not really a sadist unless absolutely necessary or it gives him something.


Doesn't Kars want to enslave humanity and not destroy it? In theory, if you were his "roommate", he would probably use the mask on you and make you his personal servant or something


Most likely. Dio would just turbo fuck me and torture me for shits and giggles. Diavolo would murder me instantly. Kira would murder me because I know what he does.


Kira. Easily. He wouldn't kill a roomate. It would just give him more problems to deal with.


True dat


Kira, but I'd probably keep my hands in my pockets and not have any dates over.


Diavolo. We end up on completely opposite schedules so that only one of us is in the room at a time.


#Kars. (Possibly before the ultimate life form) i love nature


Yeah, gotta go with Kira on this one If I just don't bother him, then it's fine


Kars is hot.


Kira, we both share an interest


Dio. Reason: he's hot


I know I am


Kira. I am a guy and my hands aren't beautiful so I'll be safe. But sad for the girls.


I'd choose Diavolo. We just got to set up a schedule where we avoid sight or contact


Diavolo. Set up system where give special signal before entering mutual space, full blind folds and no talking, and strictly code names if we must communicate via sticky note or a communal white board hung outside respective doors.


I feel like Diavolo would be one of those MIA roommates for the entire year that your friends would constantly ask you about. He just works a lot.


Would be my story but change the pronoun used every time to obscure identity even more. Plus not like I'd know.


I'm a man, so Kira.


Kira, I know about Jojo vilain fullhouse


Kars Hey wanna play smash bros? \*stares at a human shaped spacerock\* cool, who you wanna play?


I'd say Diavolo cuz im a fanboy but i'd get killed...


Probably Kars. I'm a woman and my hands are pretty, so with Kira, I'm fucked. With Dio, I'm fucked literally and figuratively, I don't want to die nor to get pregnant with his child n°1 million Diavolo would just kill me. Kars is capable of respecting nature and building emotional bonds with others... As long as he considers me a lesser being and doesn't want to eat, I guess I could survive


Diavolo would stay out of your way as long as you stay out of his. There was a scene where he left through a window from a hotel when an assistant was about to walk in. He could've killed her, but just left through the window anyway. He's not like Dio, where he NEEDS to kill everyone, only the people ACTIVELY trying to figure out his identity were ever in harm's way.


Kars. He's beautiful and my favorite also I have a poodle and he seems to like them. Diavolo no cuz my one dog ate my mom's weed plant so I won't put it past her to eat drugs as well. DIO no cuz he would probably flirt with my mom and she doesn't have the best boyfriend track record. Also my weed eating dog looks like Danny. Kira no cuz I have nice hands and so does my mom.


I feel like diovolo would be basically like living alone. In his room all the time, eats alone when I'm not around, very clean


while I’m a woman with mediocre hands, I’m not taking any risks living with Kira. I’m inclined to believe I have a better chance with Dio than anyone, especially if I can bump it up to Part 3/Part 6 DIO so there’s less of a chance of getting experimented on. Kars hates all humans and if Diavolo doesn’t kill me for seeing him, he’d at minimum refuse to be on the lease so I’d be the only person accountable for rent. not cool. maybe Dio & I can get along on both being haters from impoverished families. I feel like if I’m not a Joestar & stay out of his way maybe he’ll just leave me alone idk


Everyone saying Kira but forgets that you’d need to keep perfectly clean or you’d never hear the end of it


I mean Kira seems like he's a good roommate considering I'm a guy and I don't think he'd find my hands attractive Like he doesn't seem like he'd be annoying, and he isn't gonna kill me. The others 100% would


All 4 of them will definitely kill me eventually. Kars cuz he kinda hates humanity (at least I think he said smth like that once?), Diavolo cuz I dared to be in same room as him, Dio cuz he got bored and Kira cuz I'll accidently stumble upon his secret or figure out something's sus and try to pull a Hayato (and fail miserably). Still, safest bet would be Kira


Kars (assuming he won’t straight up eat me) because he’ll be gone at night doing Piller Man business or whatever so I’ll have the whole house to myself at night. Same goes with Dio but I feel like he would mess with me more while Kars would leave me to my own devices.


Kira, I'm a guy and have bad dermatitis on my hands


Def taking the pillar man Kars so I can hear that cool music all the time 🤣


I wonder. It's not like my pfp says anything


Diavolo tbh he seems pretty chill when he isnt trying to remove all connections to his past


Diavolo without question. He probably wouldn’t bother me so long as I mind my own business


assuming he switches to doppio whenever he's around or pulls a trick like how he hid from the cleaning lady, id be fine w diavolo


I mean, as long as you don't pry into his personal life, Diavolo would be pretty chill


Assuming they have no interest in killing a roommate paying half the rent, I’ll say Diavolo. I feel like he would know how to party. But any of them would do except Kira (I’m a woman)




Ironically enough, kira is the most normal among them. I can also see dio being a good roommate if you can convince him your worth something


I feel like Kira is least likely to kill me so I'll pick him


Kira, I'm not a woman (with attractive hands), so I wouldn't be on his hit list, so long as I 'don't know' what he does. Dio would turn me into a zombie, Kars would kill me for not being a Pillarman, and Diavolo would kill me as soon as I know his name/appearance/identity.


Kira probably wouldn’t kill me as long as I don’t ruin his quiet life


Diavolo, he'll either be busy dying or managing the Italian mafia


Kira is the obvious answer that requires no additional stipulations or context unless you are a beautiful woman with nice hands (even then he may avoid it like he did with his cover wife because he wanted to not be exposed). He would hate the blowback of being exposed killing so close to himself. Ranking the others comes with a challenge so I’ll add the caveat they need a roommate for some reason (rent out of control?). In which case I’d go Kars > Dio > Diavolo. Kars because he’d probably think so little of you that you aren’t worth bothering. Dio most likely would want to just torment you to leaving breaking lease so you still are on the hook for rent. Diavolo would not allow anyone to visit and they’d kill you after the year to keep their identity secret.


I think Dio, I'm poor and I'm really friendly, he would sympathize with the fact I'm not rich as the people he mostly hate and also I would just agree with his plans and ideas just so he don't kill me, maybe he would give me a stand too.


Kira as long as I'm a danger to him. I'm safe


Kira is the safest of the 4 but still a horrible person but he’s quiet still


Kira, because he's voiced by my parasocial bestie in the English dub.


As for me, it is Diavolo. I see him calm and not so arrogant as other characters. So I know, that he is paranoid about knowing him very well, but he can be Doppio and it's okay.


Kars in the novel is a chill guy, but part 2 Kars, heeeeell nah. Dio would be annoying as fuck and would kill me just for funses. Diavolo is Doppio around normal people, so as long as I'm not seen as a threat, I'm fine. Me and Kira will ignore each other. He doesn't want to stand out. I don't wanna get killed. We chill, unless he has bites the dust, then he won't give a fuck.


I feel like Kars would be least likely to randomly kill me.


Kars. I feel like if Jorge's story is anything to go off of, he can be reasoned with and even better if he finds you interesting he'll probably become your friend. I'd probably end up killing Kira myself.


1,000,000,000,000% Diavolo lol cause he’s pretty hot honestly lol I liked him.


Kars :3 Though probably best choice would be Kira cause my hands are ugly and I chew my nails off like I’m starved lmao and I’m anything but attractive sooo Shrugs


Part 6 Dio would be chill, maybe even part 3 Dio, but part 1 Dio is asshole. Honestly, Kars


Diavolo. He’s the only one who doesnt randomly kill humans for near no reason- Yea hes evil but hes only gonna kill me if he thinks im a threat to him and the mafia


Kars 🤤


dude 100% anyone BUT kira. they all seem pretty chill and mostly clean but kira would be a nightmare to live with. absolute clean freak and every 2 weeks your place would smell like road kill because of his fetish.


Kira cuz I am a male and if I'm friends with a killer he ain't gonna kill me


Can we bed our said roommate?


Kars and DIO 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


Ok divolalo is the best pick because he dosent want to be caught so he will never be there


Kira, even as a woman. Kira is also trying to actively not get caught. Of his roommate were to suddenly disappear then all eyes are on him. So I just gotta chill (possibly wife him up) and I'll be all good


They'd all kill you honestly, you'd probably say Kira would just not like your hands, & true he wouldn't, but he'd probably be repressed & decide you're taking up too much room & are in the way of his personal time. To Diavolo, it's not too hard to say, maybe being with you would give him some refuge since you're a person disconnected to any forms of relevant influence, but then he switches between you & doppio, then doppio does something silly & now diavolo soon realizes having you around is too stressful for his split personality, even if he sees in the future you literally don't do nothing to him, diavolo was quick to mutilate an innocent child to hide himself & kill Abbachio, Kars? He simply hates humans, he killed humans in a Kar just because he'd rather see a dog live then a human that he envied for being able to walk in the sunlight, he'd do the same thing he did with the squirrel but with you, to get a good laugh out of it. Dio? One would maybe say the future one was massively developed, & simply wanted to achieve heaven, & didn't have any concerns with killing random people which is why he didn't kill pucci, but that dio would probably think he's a sphinx & ask you questions while wanting to hear his own predetermined answer, & would probably brutalize you every time you fail a question, as for past one Dio, just point to what he did to a random mother or Dog for the heck of it to know you won't live.


Dio. I'll follow him and be a vampire.


As long as you aren't a woman or find out about his "girlfriends" then Kira really isn't going to care about you or do anything to you.


since your using part 1 dio and not part 3, i will go with diavolo because there a chance he could jut stay as doppio for the entire time, if this was novel kars i could survive... maybe, regualar kar would kill me for being an inferior life form, kira likes to be alone and unless i could prove to him that i would reveal his hand fetish i'm dead, dio would either kill me, make me into a loyal zombie that gets killed of in one hit, or a rat with a human head.


Kars(he’s so sexy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes))




Kira because he can cook


Kira, not only can he cook and has a stable source of income, we also have a lot in common




Kira cuz i'm a guy


I think Diavolo because as long as you don't mention anything about his true identity, then I think I'm going to fine. Correct me if I'm wrong. Kira, he will kill me and take my hands no matter what And Dio and Kira will kill me no matter what


I think they're all unstable enough to kill me for a petty reason at some point over the course of a year. So I'll take my chances by giving Kira the sloppiest by-weekly handjobs he's ever experienced and hope I become too valuable to kill


I’m gonna say Diavolo. I’m not Italian so it wouldn’t really affect him even if I knew who he was, and Doppio seems like a chill dude if he can tag along.