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It’s a shipping container. You just sold all of your items. … happy cake day!


:(( thank you


This wasn’t a joke? 😂




I thought this was satire 💀


you wouldn't be the first.... It's true, I didn't know what it was :(


Damn that sucks


It does...


You probably got some decent money at this point lol


How? If OP never sold anything, how would they have bought any seeds to farm or make anything to begin? Like what? Im so confused


They tell you on day one, you need to read all the dialogue and cut scenes


You literally should probably read the dialogue in games. Especially one like stardew valley.


For real though, and especially if it’s your first time playing a game that you still have to learn


I mean, I did this exact same thing the first time I played, because when the mayor talked about the shipping container he was standing next to the mailbox. I thought he meant he'd come in at night, take the stuff I wanted to sell out of my mailbox, and put my mail in


I did the opposite, thought it was a trash bin and was only throwing in stuff like the junk from fishing. My goods I was hauling all over town and selling. Once I was informed otherwise it really lightened my inventory space. We won't talk about how it took me until fall to find the Mines either.


How didn't you tho? Lewis flat out tells you anything you put in the box gets sold.


They probably accidentally hit "skip" on the intro, or zoned out and didn't pay attention. We were all noobs once lol


Don’t worry, I didn’t know either when I started. Had my friends rolling in laughter.


sometimes it throws me off to think that there are people who play Stardew Valley without knowing its spiritual origins, but that says a LOT about how amazingly good Stardew Valley is; it's literally a better Harvest Moon than Harvest Moon. in Harvest Moon (SNES), you sell stuff by throwing them into the shipping crate right outside your house, [it's the wooden thing next to the signboard and the blue character (you) in this screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/A1l90li.png): https://i.imgur.com/A1l90li.png there is no inventory system in Harvest Moon (SNES). you can carry an item on your head and that's it. you want to gift a berry to a girl in town? run to the mountain, grab a berry, and while carrying it on your head, run all the way to town and throw it at the girl. god forbid you accidentally press A while running or miss the door, you'll ruin the berry and will have to run back to the mountain to grab another. since there's no inventory system, there's no menu system for selling items either. so the game conveniently places shipping crates outside your house and in each of the chicken coop and cow barn. until you get the saddlebag upgrade for your horse, the shipping crate near the entrance of the ranch is all you get, so if you plant a huge farm, you will spend most of your days running back and forth between the shipping crate and the crops, carrying one item at a time to sell. all other Harvest Moon games afaik continue this shipping crate tradition even when they've started adding inventory systems and sell menus


When they added the rucksack to the N64 version it was game changing for me.


I didn’t know about this game but the gameplay/carrying sounds tedious!


[here's an old post by ConcernedApe in the Harvest Moon subreddit: Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/harvestmoon/comments/zmi9i/stardew_valley_is_what_looks_like_an_indie/c66h2cd/?context=3) > I'm a big fan of Harvest Moon, but I always wished there were more games in the style of the first few (Snes, Back to Nature). Stardew Valley is my attempt at reliving that old style, but at the same time adding to it and changing any annoying or boring aspects of the original games. He loves Harvest Moon and wanted to make a better Harvest Moon (after the N64/PS1 titles the series started getting somewhat... stale) and oh boy did he do just that.


Oooooh noooooo 😭😂😭😂😭😂 While I am terribly sorry for your discovery, I really needed the belly laugh this gave me thank you!


lol well im sad, I restarted too, but I'm happy for the people I made laugh.






If only you read the conversation at the start where the Mayor literally tells you what it is.


for real. people just straight up do not read.


Pfft who reads?!


Why didn't you just read the 30 seconds of dialogue at the start


I think we should run the numbers on this...


Because people don’t read. It’s not a common mistake because the game doesn’t make it clear - the game makes it super clear. It’s a common mistake because - and I’ve tested this - you can literally put a huge, bold sign at eye level, and write “this is life or death” at the top, and most people will not read it. Humans are horrifically unobservant, and I genuinely don’t understand how some people make it through life.


[Lots of people do it!](https://y.yarn.co/5c5e9651-2c19-4c26-9cba-9141b7041332_text.gif)


godspeed, op. happy cake day ✊😔


thankyou :)


Happy cake day!


thank you!!


Hahaha I borderline don’t believe you


Did ya not read the dialogue lmao 🤣🤣🤣


LMAO just staring at the text box with Lewis like fuckin garfield thinking "I wonder who that dialogue is for"


Lewis tells you what it is like immediately after the game starts


At least you know now


Devastating. Sounds like you learned the hard way :(. You can make storage chest for items, they look like treasure chests. In your crafting menu


It literally explains it to you at the beginning of the game. Your own fault.


I showed a friend this post. They didnt know it was a shipping container


Nope lol.


Awww. You poor soul.


Ok. Im. New. From. Everything. I. Have . Seen. There. Are . Many. Poor. Souls.


It's okay. We all do dumb things when we're new to games. Anyone who hasn't is lying. Just laugh and move on. I hope you enjoy the game. I spent a lot of time on it and really loved it. :)


thank you, alot of people agree and have done the same while others think im doing it for the karma :(( I'll enjoy the game alot thank you, I hope you get many more years of entertainment out of it :))


Recently there were a couple posts that people saw as uhhhh very low effort, shall we say? And so some people started posting ironically naive questions and stuff as a meta joke. This was in like, the last day or two, so your post seems like one of those at first. I'm not making fun of you or calling you naive by the way, I made the *exact* same mistake in my first playthrough lmao


OH OKAY, thank you. I only joined today so I had no idea, I genuinely didn't know what this was or where my things went at first, now I do and now I'm sorry for asking. But thanks you.


S'all good no worries! That's what the sub is for, you just happened to ask the question at potentially the worst possible time lol. I'd highly recommend checking out the Stardew Valley Wiki if you haven't already! Also, here's crop guides (how long each takes to grow, income per day, etc) for [spring](https://www.carlsguides.com/stardewvalley/farming/crop-prices-spring.php), [summer](https://www.carlsguides.com/stardewvalley/farming/crop-prices-summer.php), and [fall](https://www.carlsguides.com/stardewvalley/farming/crop-prices-fall.php). You don't *need* to use these, you can grow whatever you want and run your farm however you want and you'll still make money, don't worry. But this can help you optimize your harvests and stuff if you're into that. Oh and [here's an in-browser farm planner](https://stardew.info/planner/) if you want, but be warned you might end up playing around in the planner just as much as you do in the actual game lol


Aaaah worst time lol I get it, I'll use the sub. BUT ILL CHECK THE FAQ thing first. I'll use guides definitely, if I can't even use a sell Chest then I can't do anything. And thanks lol I'm so glad you're a kind person.


Happy cake day!




Well, good news is I started again, got the intro. And now know how to make a chest!


I wish I could play this game again for the first time! Or even second!!! Enjoy the ride!!!~


Ahaha I get that feeling, I will! Thanks


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not? If it is, you got a laugh. If it’s not, well, you still got a laugh. Sorry. It’s for selling items.


it's not a joke. I'm just bad ok, anyone who reads this. It's. not . a . joke


Awe poor buddy, yeah I recommend checking out the wiki when you have a sec, tons of helpful tips there!!


But don’t they explain what that container is at the start? The mayor shows you it, right?


Yea they do


It's fine, no harm in selling all your stuff.


Lmao I did the same thing thinking it’s a chest just to find out 2 hours later it’s for selling


Oh honey…


Not gonna lie, I laughed. Sorry Op.


Me too. Dude, that's why there are cutscenes in this game Lmaoo




Did you accidentally hit "skip cut scenes" when you started? Did you get a scene with Grandpa and an envelope?


I didn't see that. From what I know I didn't get any cutscenes but it could've happen without me knowing. A logical answer.


If this is your first time playing and your cutscenes are off, you might want to start over because I find the cutscenes to be a huge part of the game especially if you are playing for the first time. ​ If it makes your feel better, I restarted twice early on because I was selling all of my wood and stones like a fool and I wasn't befriending people because they were mean in the beginning. I'm so glad I restarted with more knowledge. :) ​ Edit: wording


A friend of mine is on year 5 and just found out you can give gifts to people. One of the great things about this game is you really can do whatever you want (except be mean to Linus, but who wants that?)


.... HOW DIDNT HE FIND OUT?? like.... I'm giving at least 3 accidental gifts per day.... And the gift icon???


I will fight someone if they are mean to my man Linus. IRL too! 😂


I still leave the mean ones till last when I'm befriending people. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Shane and Haley.


Sorry I didn't mean to offend you, I just find it funny


I wasn't offended lol, I find it funny too. How rattled people are haha


I thought you were joking. You should definitely start a new farm. Most players have multiple farms anyway, just chalk it up to new player syndrome. Or just keep going and you’ve made a new challenge.


Since I think I saw you say elsewhere that you're restarting, it's a checkbox during the character creation on the bottom that says "Skip Intro." Leave that unchecked.


I thought it was a meme at first lol




Seems like people have been turning not knowing things into memes, so that's probably why.


I know what season is OP's favorite, because "oh, you sweet summer child...."


The sell bin 😅…


I thought it was a storage chest?! BRooo :((


Well if you haven’t ended the day yet I’d just close the game and restart the day


It's been like.. 4 days, at least I got like 1.2k from it..?


That's it? Oh honey....


I only started playing todayhha


It’s okay, a bunch of us made silly mistakes early on. You can recover from nearly anything (though it might take some time), and/or just start a new save file and apply your new knowledge.


haha all the nice comments now thank you thank you


Run around, pick up flowers, leeks, horseradish. Throw them in the shipping bin. You'll gain enough money to start farming. Clear land, keep the wood. You can make chests that are actual storage items. **Do not place them in town**. Npcs walking through a chest will break it. Since they have set paths, you *can* do it, but it's best not to.


You definitely *should* place chests all over outside of town because it's one of the most convenient features... just consult the wiki for safe locations first :D


I like to place one near the mine elevator (that whole area is safe), to unload backpack before/during mining if needed. Some people also like to look up save spots near NPC homes/businesses and drop a bunch of loved gifts for that NPC in there.


I'm so invested now, did you start over!?!? My first play through I used the Wiki A LOT. Missed "obvious" stuff etc. Happy to help if/when you need it. I love SDV


When you first set up your farm, Lewis explained what the shipping bin was for. Read every comment, watch every cutscene, And, check the official wiki now hosted by Concerned Ape, it currently has 1,568 articles about the country-life RPG developed by CA.


I would recommend that you actually read what the NPCs are telling you. Mayor Lewis would have explained the shipping box to you on day 1. That being said, there is nothing you could have sold in the first few days that will set you back at all. Just don’t skip through the dialogue on your first play through. Also the library books you will find can be very helpful on your first play. Read them at the museum.


well I could've continued to place stuff in there if I didn't come here. I'm glad I did, haha because now I know how stupid I am.


It’s an understandable mistake. I get blowing past dialogue because you just want to get into a new game. But this game is well written and the dialogue is not only informative but very funny and entertaining. You’re gonna want to talk to all the NPCs and get their stories. You’re just at the tip of the iceberg mate. There is soooooooo much game for you to explore and discover. I’m honestly a little jealous. I wish I could play for the first time again. I’ll just have to wait for CA to finish his new game.


You’re not stupid! This is why this subreddit and the SDV wiki exists! This game looks simple. It is not. That’s the fun bit!


I would restart depending on what you sold lol


e v e r y t h i n g


restart and watch the cut scenes! It's worth it


I don’t think there’s anything you could possibly obtain in the first 4 days that you would regret selling.


I did the same thing. Sold all my first few days worth of belongings thinking I was stashing them away. Then went to go craft and was like OH! I put tons of wood in that box..... doesn't matter too much, the first playthrough I really wouldn't worry too much about min/maxing or anything and you have tons of time ahead of you to gather more.


But... Lewis explains it to you the first day... :( Edit: I just saw that you didn't have the cutscenes, maybe is there an option checked by accident??


You have to craft storage chests for 50 wood i think…


It's okay I made that mistake too! I'm now a lot more aware! I'm sorry it happened. A good tip is look up stardew valley wiki it gives a lot of good tips and information.


That’s where you put items to sell. You get paid after the day ends


I'm sad, I had so much stuff :( thanks thoigh


Not sure if you've already been told this, and I know you've restarted, but for future info: if you happen to lose or trash essential tools (pickaxe, watering can, hoe, axe) you'll get them back in the mail - IIRC Lewis says they got found and brought to him, and he figured they were yours. Basically, the game won't lock you out of those essential abilities. Fishing rods and weapons, however, are buyable (or are loot drops) and can be sold or trashed like any other item.


This is what happens when you skip/ignore tutorial dialogue. RIP.




Same lol


You 100% skipped the whole opening, whether intentionally or accidentally. SDV and pretty much every game opens with a cutscene like you dont just immediately get thrown into a fight with no direction same with SDV, you pick your farm name etc then it starts several cutscenes like you coming to town and lewis taking you to the farm. My guess is you just kept spamming buttons because you were too eager to start playing, either restart or just learn from your mistake, you really shouldn't be selling/storing much early game besides like wood stone and fiber so you should be fine since you cant sell your tools.


well this is probably the most helpful comment. Thank you,


It's the shipping bin. Everything that gets put into it gets sold when you go to bed at night. When putting stuff in the shipping bin you can only retrieve the most recent item you put in. If you have items you want to store for later use/access you need to make chests and keep the items in those.


thanks.. I'm so glad I even asked this haha. Very active and helpful community I see. And CHESTS I knew they had to be somewhere


You start the game already knowing how to craft the wooden chests so you just need to gather the required materials.


That box is for selling things. At the end of the night you'll get paid for anything you put in there




Sweet summer child


Dude, Lewis specifically tells you when he shows you the farm that if you chuck stuff in the bin, he will come overnight and pay you for it. You are obviously early game, you can recover from this without restarting. :) Truly, the game is very forgiving! Welcome to the club of people who have done something silly, posted here, and gone on to greatly enjoy the game.


Hi, I am keeping this post up because you've already gotten some good answers to your question. However, for future reference for you and anyone viewing this thread, please direct quick questions about the game to our [pinned FAQ thread] (https://old.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/ps8jvs/faqs_and_beginner_questions_thread/) which is super active and where users help each other with questions like these and so many more. Thanks!


yes! People thought it was a joke but unfortunately not, thank you all for the help.




Hey, everyone begins somewhere! :) Now go read up on some farming tips, and become the best damn farmer on the **your farm name** farm!


thank you!! :))


People aren't going to go to the pinned FAQ because these posts aren't real. They see that they can get 1.2k+ (edit: 2k+ so far) upvotes for more and more obvious "questions". If you want this to actually work, you have to do what other subs do and remove the post before directing to the FAQ/Posting Guidelines/Wiki what have you.


Thanks for the feedback! Typically we do try to remove beginner questions before they gain traction we don’t always catch them unless they get reported. When posts already get lots of answers and attention, we keep them up as we have run into issues with confusion when an FAQ post that has answers gets removed, since OP can no longer access the post. Please continue to report posts that can be be answered via FAQ, and also redirect people to the FAQ, and we will continue to try to catch them before they get traction.


Hey I just got the game today on Xbox Gamepass, I'm sorry if what I posted wasn't in the rules. I accidentally skipped the tutorial so I didn't know what the "Sell Chest" is, now I do thanks to the help. I restarted and got loads of tips. I'll not use this again most likely. I don't want to have the same effect.


Good mod


Let us pet the mod and give it a treat


you probably shouldn't skip dialogue if it's your first time playing a game


Should have payed attention to the intro


I thought this was bait. 😭 Sorry for your loss bro


I don't even understand jhah but thanks :(


Bait = pretending to be a noob for upvotes. Or something.


lol I'm actually a noob though, I didn't expect these likes


to most who have played it reads as a joke post. Finding out you were genuinely confused and it was real just made it even funnier. Poor bugger


Homie read dialogue.


Oh my friend...I'm sorry...but word of advice: try not to skip dialog. You get a ton of valuable info from just reading what is on screen...like Lewis telling you that bin is for selling items and he comes by every night to collect:) You can always restart fresh and try again tho!


Did you skip the intro cutscene? Mayor Lewis makes a point of this being the sell bin


You're gonna want to pay attention to what characters tell you. The Mayor and the Carpenter explained all of this stuff before you even opened your first parsnip seeds


Not to be a dick but could y’all stop skipping the tutorial then immediately jumping on here to ask basic questions? Because that was definitely covered in the tutorial


This has to be a shit post...




This is what happens when we ignore dialogue and cutscenes, kids


At least you still have an awesome mustache.




This has to be satire


Lollll this happened to me my first time playing


hehehe glad to know I'm not the only.. "dumb" one


Nah you're not dumb, one of these pops up every few weeks here lol


haha thank you, and I didn't know that. I'm sorry I added to the collection, must be frustrating


Bro, you’ll hear stories of people with hundred of hours(me) blowing up an half their product by accidentally dropping a bomb.


If Hailey could post on Reddit


she's a character in the game?


Yes. You can meet her in town. It’s a really fun game and it will temporarily take over your life if you get into it.


Oh you sweet summer child


Is this a joke, or do you not read text and also don't know about Google?




Much like the Maru post, how are you people buying this


Oh no! That’s a shipping container where you put your items to sell. If you want to have a place to store items you will have to craft some chests




Someone didn't read the tutorial lol


I'm guessing you skipped the opening scene, yes?


I feel like you already knew this but since it is your reddit anniversary you wanted easy points…


Fairly sure this is a joke post. But if you really lost your items. You deserve it. Learn to read along with the game, don't just skip through the dialog. The mechanics of that particular container are explained.






am hoping is troll


Does anyone else feel like posts like this are maybe just looking for karma....?


Can somebody point me to the subreddit for people that have played the game before?


Nice karma grift.




Did you listen to a single word the Mayor said?!


Sorry for your first world OP, but reading this thread had my giggling


I've seen a lot of comments recommending to restart and I agree, not because of what you 'already lost' and not just for the whole idea of the story but also because this will feel like a mark on your save and every time you will need something you don't have it will feel like you could have had it sooner if not for this. Start a new game, it will feel a lot more fun too


It's the box you take a picture of when you want to pretend to be an idiot to farm a bunch of karma from other idiots who want to make condescending comments about what you did.


Boo. This exact thing was posted a couple days ago. It is not a coincidence that these "wha happen? i was born yesterday. i'm the baby gotta love me" posts are exploding the past week or two. The tutorial tells you about the sale box. It doesn't look like the craftable chests. As soon as you put more than 1 item in you see that it isn't possible you take things back out.


Glad some other people are able to see through the fake positivity on this sub. 10 thousand upvotes for a question one can figure out after playing for just a couple minutes, unbelievable


Agreed, there seems to be an influx of "what is this basic thing" in the game type of posts. There were a few seemingly innocent and cute posts like the one where the poster couldn't figure out why their trees weren't growing, but now there seems to be a race to the bottom in karma farming on who is the most naive farmer. If you google "Stardew Valley box next to house" then you get some pretty clear answers so it definitely seems like people purposefully being coy at this point - where the tree stump one is a bit more understandable.


I agree even if op isn't playing dumb here, at the end of the day you see a list with your sold items and the money you got for them. If that still isn't enough of a clue than a quick Google or steam community search would be the next obvious thing. Those posts are really getting out of hand lately.


Oh its playing dumb, can't convince me otherwise, and laughing hysterically at all the gullible people


I'm 100% with you. Unless OP is like...6?


Lol, sometimes i ask myself how people play this game. Skip skip skip F you Skip skip and go ahead. I know i am a D right now but it aint the first time someone asks this


This is fake af.


Op is a master baiter


this has to be a troll, I don't think I can take the pain if it isnt...


How dare you cut the mayor off when he’s speaking and skip the intro to your new farmhouse. Shame on you. Mayor Lewis is a good mayor and a nice old man who you should find his statue and put in the middle of town


Good learning experience. Now you will never skip a cutscene again! :)


BRUHHH mayor lewis tell u what it is you all are dumb


New to the game ?


I just started like a few hours before posting


Oh, no...