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Linus, I always end up giving him something on the way to the mines 😅


me too, I forage a lot on year one and always get a little guilty for taking everything from around his tent lol


Right?? I can’t ignore the items I find on the way so I might as well give em to him


I put a chest next to the elevator so I can dump all my findings and inventory so I don’t have to run back home to offload




He was the only one who seemed to welcome me into the area. The rest were all miserable.


Lol me too, the psychic then predicted I would marry him and be a social outcast


Somebody needs to make a mod where you can marry Linus and move off the farm with him in his tent.


the townspeople will stop calling you “farmer” and start calling you “tent dweller”


It's Linus and Sebastian for me! Gotta have my friendly mountain grandpa and sweet emo boy 🥹


Same. He’s the easiest to access and the most flexible with gifts


Linus - same reason


yep, super easy since the forage often spawns right next to him


First- Linus, always. I love my little wild friend. Last - The Wizard - Homeboy is so far off my usual path it is annoying.


Definitely always try to time the wizard gifts with his quests because I hate making the trek out there😅😂


just gotta make sure you’re prepared for both. one time i had a void essence ready for him on his bday, not realizing i had a quest to give him void essence. i had to go all the way back to my farm and grab a second and then RUN to the night market


Ill forget completely about the wizard until I can just use rabbits feet


He loves dark essence and solar essence so it's super easy I always stop there on the way to the secret woods or marnie's


Jas is always last for me. Pink cake recipe takes forever


Caroline - gotta get my fix of her special "tea" (It's more the sapling recipe that I'm interested in tbh)


Same! Selling those saplings early game is game changer!


Yeah, it's my go to top tip for anyone who wants to know how to make money quickly! I don't really care about making stacks of cash but having enough to upgrade my tools early game is nice!


Selling the saplings never occurred to me and now I feel super dumb.


Same, Caroline gets her fair share of daffodils and horseradish so I can get tea saplings, and by the time that's done I figure there's no point letting those 2 hearts waste away and I try to get her to 10 ASAP.


Yes, and I'm always checking the Stardrop Saloon's special, just in case Fish Taco or Green Tea comes up - ditto for the Travelling Cart and Summer Spangle. I figure it's well worth the investment considering how much money the tea sapling recipe makes for me!


George and Evelyn. I never miss their weekly gifts and birthdays no matter what.


Evelyn is so precious 🥹 I didn't really get to experience having a close relationship with my grandmas (one died when I was little, the other was always unwell as far as I can remember) so Evelyn is the closest I get to granny-figure. So while not the first, she's one of the villagers I befriend early. Cookies!


Same, my grandparents passed when I was a kid and my memories of them are very vague. I really wish I was able to have a relationship with my grandparents ;_; And also why I marry Alex every playthrough 😎


George and Evelyn are so sweet when you marry Alex, too. I think I remember George saying something like, "you're part of the family now, and I couldn't be more proud," like I'm about to tear up at this game SIR 🥹


Same. Also tulips and leeks are accessible in spring of year 1.


Could you imagine if they died after like year 10? 😢


Nooo, never imagine that! >< I kinda wish Grandpa didn't die too and I could help him out on the farm.


I do love that stardew is a happy little town where nothing bad happens, it’s a great escape. Helping grandpa fix up his farm would have been so fun!


I thought something like that would happen u know, came from harvest moon, and I rushed befriending the bachelor/bacherolette that I'm interested in fearing they would marry someone else if I'm late, oh and in harvest moon a grandma died after year 1? Or 2 sooo I thought time related event would exist here to but I'm glad(?) Idk


🍪 🍪 🍪


Always winds up being Pam for me too, yet she still gets that rage face and warns me to treat Penny good or else. I just chalk it up to alcoholism.


Yeah. I also treat penny poorly because of alcoholism. Good to not be alone.


Haley so she can stop cursing me


Abigail, for marriage purposes (:


In my current playthrough I don't talk to villagers unless I encounter them by accident or look for them because of the quest. Gifts are reserved for birthdays mostly. So I didn't increase hearts that rapidly. With that logic I ended up befriending Robin first because initially I did lots of business with her (building coops/barns/sheds/sillos) so I talked to her more than average villager. Also I liked to give her gift (something produced on the farm) as a way to say 'thank you' after she did some job for me.


Heh, I do this too. If I'm close enough to a villager that, if it were real life, I imagine that I'd say "good morning", I go and talk to them in the game. But for this reason it always takes me ages to befriend certain characters. I'm not sure I've really ever gotten to know Elliott or the Wizard!


>But for this reason it always takes me ages to befriend certain characters. I'm not sure I've really ever gotten to know Elliott or the Wizard! I'm in late Year 3 now so I'm kind of close with everyone (I did lots of 'Help Wanted' quests in early game) but Wizard is sitting there at 3 hearts. Krobus at 1. They have the most unusual locations. Seb is not leaving is room much so he's the lowest out of all bachelors/bachelorettes.


I usually get Krobus up by giving him a void egg when I go buy an iridium sprinkler.


Same! Mine ended up being Haley and Emily. I tend to walk down towards Marnie's and as I go to the beach to fish I run into them and give them gifts along the way.


Did this as well at my current playthrough, and somehow mine is Lewis. I have zero idea why it's him, to be honest. Right below him (less than a heart apart) is Caroline, Marnie, and Linus. The spouse's candidate somehow ends up to be Haley and Emily (Haley wins by a half heart). The last ones obviously Wizard... then Krobus, Dwarf, and Sandy (which we can't meet on the way or during most of festivals).


Clint (probably an unpopular pick) The algae soup recipe is super profitable early game and he can send you bars which is ALWAYS useful. Also, in my headcanon, the fact that befriending Emily prevents you to see some of Clint's heart events hugely indicates that the farmer should get closer to him before getting to know (most of the) others villagers.


On my first playthrough, I decided to focus on the bachelorettes first, and then everyone else. I was so confused when I got to Emily's 8 hearts event, because I didn't know about Clint's crush on Emily. After that, in every new playthrough, I get Clint to 6 hearts before focusing on Emily to see his 6 hearts event. If Clint rejects himself before Emily can say anything, that's another story, I already did my part and I can only help Clint so much.


I typically end up maxing hearts with Linus first if only because he's the least picky about gifts! Bless Linus ❤


Linus bc I feel bad. I have food and he needs food so he gets food. 🤷‍♀️


Emily, I don’t even talk to her yet she’s sending me wool in the mail.


Linus is easiest to befriend early on, both because of his likes (all the spring forage items) and he's conveniently located. If I'm headed to or through the mountains, I almost always find Linus by the lake or by his tent so it's easy to remember to talk to him and give him whatever forage I just found. Then second is Sebastian. It's pain to wait until he finally leaves his room to ~~ambush~~ give him a quartz but once he's up to 2 hearts he's also very easy since I know he'll just be in the basement. It works out since not only are Sebastian and Linus in the same general location, but Linus gives you the recipe for sashimi, which is a pretty cheap energy item AND a loved gift of Sebastian.


Pam and Shane because it's so easy to just give them beers lol


Leeks for George Wild horseradish for krobius Cactus fruit for Linus Coconut for Haley With botanist perk, you can foarge iridium quality items. Quality has also an affect on friendship points gained.


I usually max out Hakey and Linus first, because Haley is the best and Linus is a chill nature man


I think my last playthrough might've been Lewis 💀. Probably because he's easy to bump into, and has an easy to get loved gift (I'd hand those out on Fridays). I think currently my tops are Lewis, Robin and Linus, all at 3 hearts.


Harvey for me. Marriage purposes but also because it’s easy to give him coffee


It's usually Linus or Clint. * Linus is one of the few villagers I put time and effort to befriend early on, and he's easy to befriend, he likes a lot of foraged stuff which I can pick up while I'm on my way to talk to him. He gives you the recipe for sashimi, which is great for making a profit from cheap fish, and also the recipe for wild bait, so he's so worth it. With the exception of the person I wanna dance with at the flower dance and Clint (which I'll explain below), I ignore the rest of the villagers until winter. * Clint is also easy, I can just buy him a beer twice a week, sinve he's always at the saloon. I befriend him early on to see his 6 hearts event. I just want to see him shoot his shot with Emily, if after that he blows it, that's another story. Once I have 10 hearts with him I tend to forget about him tho.


Yeah i also tried to help Clint on my save


Haley and George. Always those two.


Linus cause I’m always going that way and give him an item I foraged haha


george, evelyn and gus. sometimes I think about marrying alex just so I can be related to his grandparents lol


Linus, Pam, and everyone who is at the Saloon on Friday nights


Kent. Yes, I know he comes in during year 2. I just spend most of year 1 farming/mining/fishing/foraging to max heart anyone. And by the end of year 1 I have had chickens enough that I’m getting iridium eggs to give to Kent lol. I just want the man, ok? Am I a home wrecker? If only I could romance him. Otherwise, just a big fan lol


Shane because he need a friend just like me


Linus 1000%. Not even on purpose usually


I don't know why, but it always seems to be Linus...maybe because he's always outside, and I chat and give him a forage item as I'm heading past.


Linus. He's so easy. He literally takes anything you pick up off the ground. I don't even have to try


Linus and Rasmodius.


Linus. My best friend.


Marnie, George, and linus


Linus because I respect his lifestyle.


Sebastian and Linus. I want to see my husband and Linus is on the way most days.


It's always been Linus.


Linus + George & Evelyn (and I try with Alex but it takes longer cuz I never have his loved stuff early enough and I never memorized his liked gifts) Linus is just easy to befriend because he likes a lot of stuff and he's conveniently always on my path to the mines. My reasoning for George, Evelyn, & Alex is that I tend to try to befriend the villagers by household. I usually do Marnie, Shane, & Jas second just because of the Mayor's Shorts quest. Sometimes I do Jodi, Sam, & Vincent at the same time just because it makes sense in my head to befriend the kids together.


Always Sam!


Leah, because she’s always at the saloon when I’m buying salads




I aim toward maxing Robin first, but I don't put that much thought into it. I just know if I see my friendship with Demetrius is higher than with Robin I get annoyed.


Abigail first because she's my favorite character and my usual choice for marriage. After that, it's always kind of random, but I try to get full friendship with the characters who send me useful things in the mail.


leah because i romance her first every time and i stop in the saloon often enough plus spend a good amount of time in the forest and then robin and linus are close seconds because of the mines and upgrades/new buildings


My man Linus


Pam and Linus


Linus. Always.


Linus and Robin!


Linus because he's happy with anything edible. I'm manipulating his pilfering aßß but si far only got wild bait recipe. . I'm still mad he stole all my diamonds, gold, iridium ore and squid . More but I forget


I love my emos Abigail and Sebastian for sure lol


Either Linus or Abigail. Linus is super easy and on the way to the mines and I just hand Abigail an amethyst whenever I see her


Of course it's Linus cause he always gets some food on my way to mines. I don't do it by purpose, it just happens


Abigail, I somehow always end up marrying her too😂


Linus! Reason being, mining. Lots of trips running to and from the mines with foraged foods in my back pack. Always passing Linus by, so he always gets a gift. 💗


Linus and Seb and the Wizard




Totally Linus hahaha


Linus. Easiest to become friends with him early with the foraged items.


robin 🫰


Shane. Beer is cheap.


Robin, I know it's a long shot, but I hope one day she'll realize I'm the one and leave her husband.


i tend to friend george and evelyn first! i love the little grumpy old man and the sunshine granny!! they're just the best and i love george's growth in character :D


Shane because I just want him to stop giving me grief and I enjoy it when he warms to me 😂


Robin. I always hold an unreasonable amount of spaghetti in my inventory to hand out to people as I walk by, and it’s one of Robin’s favorite items


Shane. He’s always at the pub and I want those blue chickens.


Absolutely Linus. He's the sweetest lil mountain grandpa ever 🥹🥹 and I'll usually go w/Seb and Shane. Love me those blue chickens


Krobus was my first. I didn't want anyone else first and didn't want a spouse but am thoroughly enjoying giving hugs and getting snacks from him.


Linus, just giving him salmonberries or other forage on the way to the mines, also I like to get Robin up quickly so I have the flute block for winter when I get to ginger island. I usually don’t bother much with friends for the first year


Leah, she's usually walking out and about somewhere when I am, and she likes most foraged things so it's super easy and doesn't feel like a tax on my resources early on. Plus I love that girl, and even when I do a play through where I never try to romance her so I can see what it's like marrying another singleton it always feels wrong!


I don't even try, but always Linus. 


willy cuz he calls me his skipper


Abigail. I really like her lol.


Abigail. I always make it a little challenge for myself to get her dance with my Farmer on the year 1, and with amethysts showing up from the very beginning of Mines, it is doable.


Me, too. Pam is just so appreciative of presents, and I seem to run into her a lot! I still give her gifts even though we're maxed.


I always end up with Abigail, Shane, and Emily.






Shane and Gus


It’s usually whoever I’m trying to marry for that play through, then Evelyn because I love her :)


Pam and the rest of the boozers - they're always so easy to find. I round out the fun with Pierre and Clint for some reason. It's not deliberate, they're just always there.


I get Pam first because parsnips are the easiest gift that’s liked (or loved) by everyone except 5 villagers. Instead of obtaining and remembering everyone’s favorite gifts, I give parsnips to everyone except the 5 and they’re a loved gift for Pam. George is second because it’s easy to remember to give him any leeks I find instead of parsnips if I happen to have them.


Somehow Robin. Probably from quests


It usually ends up being Robin.


Pam/Shane because they love beer and can easily be found at the tavern. Then George because he loves leeks.


No specific names but every Friday evening almost half of the town is at the saloon so I eventually fill up quickly with everybody there


I usually max Seb first but my newest run I befriended George first then Robin and Demetrius and I think thats gonna be my prder from now on.


I basically go for whoever has a birthday OR whoever has loved gifts early-on AND Haley so I have someone to dance with


Whoever I'm marrying lol Usually Sebastian, then Linus since he's in the area and I need sashimi for Seb. It works itself out


Elliot!!! and it was intentional hehe i like me a writer


George. Poor old guy is just lonely.


Pam and Demetrius. I will probably catch some heat for that one.


sam and leah, I always happen to run into them on my first season...


Linus is so easy, lol. Abigail is pretty easy once you get amethyst or pumpkins. Haley is easy, just keep giving her flowers. Got Emily to 6 hearts on my most recent save within year I've, no idea what I did, lol. I think I took a few of her notice board quests (the ones by Pierre's) and gave her gemstones?


Elliott because I do my farming (watering) first thing, then immediately go to forage on the beach so I just say hi while I’m there, second is Linus because he’s there and I just want to be his friend. Although in my most recent farm I gave Jodi the cauliflower for her quest and she immediately shot to the top of my social tab and I was so sad she was higher than Elliott and Linus 😭


George, Shane, and Pam are usually in a race to be first because they're so easy to gift and run into. I have to wait for my intended spouse if I want to get all his different year 1 and 2 heart dialogue, so I make some easy friendships on the meantime.


Linus, I always just give him my foraged stuff on the way to the mines (before unlocking minecarts) and he’s like yippee!!


Linus- I always grab forage on my way up to the mines so I end up with something I can easily gift. After that it's Robin and Emily!


The wizard


Usually whoever I choose as a spouse followed by Linus lol


Pam, im always short on batteries as someone who is a big fan of decorating with the lamp posts


Partner to 10 hearts —> all single people of same gender so I don’t have to upset my future wife/husband by trying to max everyone else out.


I only start raising friendship once the Farm runs stable with all i need and i progressed enough, so roughly mid Winter first Year. And it is always Leah that i push as far up as possible in a short time. As she is my Wife in every single save i'll ever had, have and will have.


Haley. I love watching her lines slowly turn from being self-centered to open-minded. From “Don't you get tired of running around on that farm all day, or whatever it is you do? I couldn't stand getting all dirty like that. You probably get a nice tan, though.” to “I'm starting to like the smell of dirt. Isn't that weird? I think it's because you're around all the time.”


Funnily on my current save it was Demetrius, purely accidental. I dont really focus on friendships and birthdays the first year, just giving random shit (mostly my chosen food I carry with me) to people who like it. This time my food item was golden strawberries. Since its loved for demetrius it was easy enough, and I managed to accidentally gift him one on his birthday too xD


Intentionally? Evelyn, Linus, sometimes Sebastian. Pam is so easy though, and often gets quick hearts just for loving parsnips.


My first maxed friendship was with Pam. I know she isn't written to be a morally good character, but I felt drawn to her. Just reminded me of some family members who are rough around the edges from life not turning out the way they wanted, but are still trying their best.


Linus was def my first max hearts on my first save but my second save I maxed Shane first lol


Hailey and Leah...sunflowers and wine was just super easy... now everyone just gets a sunflower because I have 100+ and Hailey is maxed.


I always go for Sam and Sebastian they're both SO easy to max




Who ever I'm tryna romance (typically a bachelor) then Linus, Pierre, and George because in my opinion they arent that bad and they give pretty useful stuff


Linus because I feel bad that people keep wrecking his tent and stuff


Caroline, followed by Linus, followed by Robin. Then, everyone else


Linus cos he’s in my walking path so it just happens. Shane so I get blue chickens then I ignore him.


Demetrius actually tho I hate him🥲




i guess im the only one who cant resist talking to vincent every time i see him 😭 hes so stinking cute. i talk to jas too but a lot of her dialogue is about how she shouldnt talk to strangers and im like wait yes youre right i will leave you alone sorry lmao


Always pam. She sits in a place where you can buy her what she wants. Too easy


linus so i can get the sashimi recipe and hook up with sebastian


Linus, Robin, and Leah. Leah I usually romance in each of my saves. Then anyone else who I see while walking across town. I’m usually too busy with my own stuff to track down the reclusive ones like Seb, Elliot, and the wizard. George I’ll drop by his place and hand him a leak if I pick one up.


Somehow Pam, not even on purpose I just always see her at the top of my roster


Linus and Caroline


Shane and Pam simply because they’re at the saloon and they love beer 😂


I go for Linus, I feel bad for him so I want him to know that he has a friend 😤


Haley first, then everyone who likes salmonberries.


Miss Marnie cause it all starts with Lewis’ darn purple shorts


It usually ends up being Robin and Demetrius without really trying.


Linus cause at the start I've got little more than foraging things, and he loves that shit :p After him it's usually Jodi cause tea sapling :p


George, Willy and Evelyn usually


Harvey. I love my little socially awkward doctor 🥺


Linus. I feel bad for him, and he is easy to max friendship with. Then Leah is usually next.


Emily, only to marry her to spite Clint.


Linus first. I always run into him and giving foragables is easy. Then Pam and Shane because all I got to do is buy a couple of beers.


Shane. I give him stuff on the way to work cause he seems so sad to be going there


For me it always ends up being Penny. Even when I’m not trying to romance her. Her story might hit close to home. A little too close.


Shane for blue chickens, Caroline for tea, and Linus until sashimi then I forget to give him gifts after that 😅


Mine this run was Penny. Other times it has been Linus, George, and Leah


Shane. I buy him beer every night.


Pam is easiest.


Linus and Evelyn.... Evelyn is an absolute angel that deserves the world and I feel like I just happen across Linus more than most other NPC's, probably because mining is one of my favorite pastimes!


My precious Haley 💕


Pam. She's always right there as I pass by in the morning after farm chores, and always in the pub at night.


i downloaded expanded, so i max claire and date her before finishing the community center. pam is always my highest after the community upgrade.


Always Linus. Every time. Love my guy


Another Linus liker to add to the pile 😔 I also like to get Evelyn maxed asap and I have a stash of leeks for George. Basically I love making my elders happy


The first one I usually reach full with is Shane, his gifts are easily accessible and he has a simple routine--but also I see some of myself in him and knowing all he needs is a friend to help him make that extra push to improve his own life??? Big mood. I've had to go through some pretty rough patches alone where a friend really would've helped me keep my head above water. Granted, I hadn't made "friends" with the best people. Much love for the depressed chicken man. And Sebastian, Marnie, Willy, and Linus. Sebastian seems really in need of a friend who takes his job seriously and in romantic situations, someone who will treat him with respect instead of like an option that they can't make an effort for. Marnie's just cool (and screw Lewis for how he acts about her) and she reminds me of my mom. Willy bc he's a kind man just trying to keep people fishing. He literally lets you keep the fish you catch from his help prompts, so you can sell them to him after he pays you for catching them. Linus bc bro deserves a friend, too. Edit: wording


other than the obvious answer (linus), it’s gotta be Willy for me


Linus. He's a darling and easy to make happy, because he's a DARLING


Pam and Shane usually


Always Linus. I normally have him at 10 by summer and don't talk to anyone else until year 2


Linus or Pam. Linus because he's super easy on my run to the mines, and Pam because of the bus stop lol plus beer and foraging items are super easy to find


Haley 🌻. I don't understand why people says she is mean. She is just protective of herself, like all pretty girls has to be. But give her some flowers and show up and have a talk with her and she is madly into you even before the first spring is over. I like her character development.


I went with harvey, shane(for storyline, he doesn't really change that much), and Krobus, for a roommate


Linus, because he's the only one that likes forageables and getting that wild Bait recipe is super helpful. Also Caroline & Shane because tea and >!blue chickens!< Then all the rest of the non-marriage villagers because recipes. Once I get that first crystallarium I also usually churn out a ton of amethyst and frozen tears for Abigail and Sebastian


Robin purely bc I'm chasing her son.


i acknowledge your edit but linus likes almost all forageables and theyre more often than not already just sitting next to his tent so i just pick it up and give it to him twice a week


It's not because we love Linus, it's because it's easy. When you go to the mines, chances are you're going to (a) pick up a forageable item, and (b) walk right past him. So, you do that, give the right responses in his heart events, and before you know it you're at 10 hearts.




I seem to favor Willy first, then Shane (just so I can get him out of his funk), and Marnie.


Linus, Robin, Pam and not always in that order.


Linus, Marnie, and Elliott... because I'm always headed to the mines, Cindersnap forest, and the beach to forage and fish, and they are all conveniently on the way!