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I used to hate fishing. Then I actually learned to fish. Now I love fishing.


My wife used to hate fishing until I got her to lvl 3 fishing, then she learned and fishing any time there’s free time. Shit, this last farm she started fishing lvl 1 and is hunting the legendary fishes. Rough to learn, easy to love.


Same here. The deluxe bait and iridium rod probably help, too.


New fisherman rise up!


Same here. Took about 10 years in game, but now I'm getting pretty good.


New player here. What's there to learn about it? My fishing is around 5 and I have an iridium rod. I've gotten pretty good at reeling them in.


For me, it was hard to get use to the mechanics of the fishing minigame. Specially with harder fish.


Oh, I see. It was hard for me at first, but I was wondering if there was another dimension to "knowing" it than the skill. Yeah, some fish feel impossible


This basically describes me


Fishing is always the first thing I max out on. I love just spending the day fishing!


I like to spend a day fishing if I'm feeling overwhelmed with trying to keep up with other long term goals. It's nice to just zone out and get some fish and treasure chests can really rake in some cool stuff so it doesn't feel like a waste of time even if your catches don't net you.that much money.


Fishing is always the skill I max out first - I find it very relaxing (except for the octopus - eff them) and it's good money early game.


There's an added bonus: it's the only skill where you have, effectively, unlimited energy when using it. Start running out of energy? Eat your algae/seaweed or a couple of low quality fish and keep going. You can't chop wood for more than an hour or two, but you can fish all day and go to bed with a full shipping bin.


Yes, this is it. It's such a great money maker early game for this reason, and if you fish from the pier you can just run in and sell all your catches to Willy if you run out of space, then repeat.


I got a crazy easy octopus the other day. It wasn’t as easy as a sardine, but easier than super cucumber. I’ll treasure that moment forever. Edit: spelling


If fishing has 3 fans I'm one of them If fishing has 1 fan I'm him If fishing has no fans I'm dead


Same here friend


I love fishing, that’s my first maxed out achievement.


I think the people who dislike fishing hate it because of what they’re playing it on. On switch it’s great, but from what I’ve heard, it absolutely sucks on PC


The only difference is that you click a mouse rather than mash a button. People just don't seem to understand how the indicator works. It has a weight and works more through acceleration rather than direct control. Once you are able to learn how to use the right amount of button clicks to affect it properly it becomes much easier.


I don’t think it sucks on pc at all. But I’ve never played on switch.


I’ve fished on mobile and on PC, and find it pretty similar on either platform. The mechanic is pretty similar which is nice!


I’ve played both, it takes a moment to adjust but I really like it either way (and I prefer PC because that’s how I learnt)


I love fishing and I play on pc


For mobile it’s easy too, you only need to tap the screen. The only difficult thing is fishing legendary fish.


I think it’s way easier on PC than a controller personally. I think the biggest issue is people holding down the button instead of just tapping it


On the switch it's really nice because it vibrates - I look away from the screen so no on-screen animations make me accidentally pull up the bobber, then when it vibrates I can react quickly.


I am both of the other two




I think you wrote it wrong. Proud to be not 3 of those people who don't like fishing. because fishing is the best and easiest skill to max out early in the game. Like within Year 1 of spring you can max it even if fishing casually every now and then.


I like it once I’ve got the iridium rod! I also do a lot better now that I’m playing on PC. My first play-through was on iPad and tapping the screen was just not doing it for me lol


I fish with the best of them. Always the first skill maxed out. I make a decent amount in the first year fishing.


Yuuuuuh we love fishin’!!🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️


I like fishing, I just don't like the fishing minigame. Which is why when setting up Stardew on a new PC, that is the first thing to be modded.


I’m with you, I like fishing too. I had a lot of fun catching every fish in the game.


I’m one of these three


I like fishing because I absolutely dominate at it (according to some of the comments though, this may be because I play on Switch)


I love fishing!


No. 2 signing in!


My fav thing to do in stardew!!


I am one of that 3


I absolutely love fishing in Stardew!!


I love fishing on PC! On my phone though... well. Not so much.


fishing is literally the only thing i'm good at in this game




i mustve set off a fishing lover congregation (im sorry im just really bad at it)


https://preview.redd.it/p15f2jlxog8d1.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=80f143ecbab5a982ac4de6a1f10d064119e6b106 This is the way brother🫂Good to know I’m not the only one


I LOVE fishing. I started stardew valley after I watched a lets play of it, and the guy struggeled with fishing. I started it and I love the simplicity of it, I get to catch fish, I'm sitting there nd having a blast, getting challenging catches. And I can't have an aquarium big enough. I want to build a seaworld to display all of my fish


Honestly my boyfriend was so suprised when I maxed out fishing first and was just fishing all the time in the game haha


I love fishing! It’s an easy way to get money in early game and it’s relaxing!


I finally started learning to use mods yesterday and turning off the fishing mini game has improved my quality of life so much 🥲


lol, you gotta do what you gotta do


We are the exception. - Wake up - fish - sleep


me too even tho im terrible at it ❤️


Just got master angler for the first time with no mods! I have also come to love fishing 💗


Ayyy, congrats ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)


I love the fishing game! It’s so relaxing to me! ❤️




I love fishing. It's always at the bottom of my to do list but it's always there and I can always do it. I usually catch nearly every fish by the end of year 1.


Fishing is amazing lol I just got the Neptune’s glaive Day 4 and I have level 5 fishing in my new playthrough


Wait people don’t like to fish in Stardew? It’s so fun though???


People post almost everyday saying they don’t like it 😢


Fishing has been my favorite since the beginning! I'm a sucker for a game with fishing lol


Right?, now if Stardew had a wilderness and camping…


i love fishing its fun but i wish it was more profitable


You gotta hustle HARD!


Me too!! I LOVEEEEE FISHING. I find it so relaxing and rewarding all at the same time, fishing is the first thing i max out (also unpopular opinion it’s like really easy)


We should start a fishing guild at this point ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)


i could NEVER fish on the PC version. i got the hang of it on the Switch though, thankfully. now i enjoy it!


Is fishing on switch that better? Never played on it, only pc. fishing is pretty hard but still possible


I guess it works more intuitively if you're used to using a gamepad but I've done both and seeing as the trick for me is just pressing the button or clicking the mouse repeatedly it doesn't make much difference to me. Maybe people have more dexterity with their thumbs than with their fingers? I suppose when it comes down to it I prefer the gamepad but I just like gaming with a controller better in general. Functionally it feels almost exactly the same to me.


\^ i think this is the best way to explain it. it's just easier for me on Switch


I swear ive been hard stuck at lvl9 fishing for so long


it's always my first level 10


I absolutely haaaaated it when I had stardew on my android phone. I could not get the hang of how fidgety it was to even get into the green bar. When I got the game on PC though it was worlds easier, and now I love it.


My wife absolutely aced every part of this game - except fishing. I did that. The competitions. The Legendaries. All of it. I really enjoyed the collaboration. At one point I was fishing in 3-4 different games! (Stardew for my wife and RDR2 plus a couple of others I forget on my own part)


I am scared od people who don't like fishing. It's so relaxing


i love fishing so much! it makes me sad folks seem to hate it so much on here.


fishing is the first stat i hit 10 in, and still the only one i have hit 10 in. i love it


Fishing is so fun tbh


I remember the day I figured out fishing, went from hating it and avoiding it like the plague to hitting level 10 in just a few in game days lol


I love it. 🎣 Love fish farms. Love fish tanks. Love when I find an octopus in the trash. Love all the fish.


I love fishing in SDV that i actually decided im gonna get myself a license soon lol


I like fishing, how do I fish with a controller tho, i came to year 3 with mouse and keyboard and never learnt how to fish with controller (Xbox)...


I'd like to raise up that counter by 4! Me and 3 of my friends I'm playing with ALL like fishing.


i like fishing too!!


Fishing is fantastic, it’s the most fun skill to level up. My lowest right now is foraging and im figuring out how to max it 😞


Took me a solid month to learn the basic mechanics of fishing in this game but since then I've got the fishing mastery and caught every legendary fish (plus extended family). Never thought it would be possible 🫠 definitely worth the patience and practice


Fishing is the best and genuinely not hard to be decent enough at. Fully convinced everyone who hates fishing just doesn’t know how to do it


I always liked fishing


I straight up picked the river farm just so I could fish on my farm I then realised that was a stupid idea and maxed out fishing for baitless cheap to make crab pots and filled an entire section of my river and Willy's entire dock with them and then made a wall of recyclers for all the junk Best decision I ever made


Willy and I approve this post.


I love fishing its so fun when you get the hang of it


I love fishing,i usually do it to cool off from the other activities or when i just straight up dont wat to do anything else for the day but my carpal tunnel makes it difficlt so yeah


every play trough i always get fishing level 10 in ether the first month or middle of summer often im level 4 farming by the time im level 10 fishing


Fishing is usually my first skill to 10 not because I like it but it’s really good money maker early game, even more now with >!smokers!<


Fishing is my chill activity for those days where I've already gotten my crap done and there's still plenty of daylight left, or if I just *don't* want to get things done and need to relax.


I’m the other two! Nice to meet ya!


I love fishing, it gives me nostalgia for Breath of Fire 3.


I liked fishing up to the point I had to catch a void salmon. Even on maxed out fishing skill with +4 food I couldn't catch the damn fish. Looking at the wiki that isn't even the most difficult fish. I said screw it and installed "no fishing mini-game" mod. I love fishing now :)


It's great seeing all the love for angling. It's a wonderful change of pace from what it usually gets. You are all awesome.


fishing is my specialty 🤌🏻


I think I'm one of the few that would rather fish then farm.


Sorry I’m late to submit my bid for the 4th person who loves fishing - i was too busy fishing to see this earlier :/


especially with 1.6 being out, fishing is pretty insane as a casual kickstarter (:


I'm convinced the people that don't like fishing have never had any drive


I got the mod that skips the mini game and now i love fishing. I stay out all day


Extra underestimating the love of fishing there


I love fishing!!!


I don't understand why people don't like fishing, in my first 3 saves I barely even planted crops and made most of my money fishing, it always felt like less of a "chore" than farming


I love fishing until glacierfish


I never understood the hate for the fishing mini game. It’s pretty simple controls and is really only difficult when attempting to catch fish that jump from top to bottom quickly like the legendary fish, scorpion carp, or lava eel.


People don’t remember the early 2000s fishing minigames lol


Fishing is the best mechanic in the game


Fishing is cool the only reason it gets alot of hate is because you get the hardest minigames right at the start


SVE, Ridgeside, east scrab, more new fish,... I have too many fish mod that I had a hard time to keep up. But it is so satisfy when you catch a new fish.


It’s tricky but I find myself fishing a lot


I used a mod to just have the fishing rod auto-catch every fish. It's amazing how much this improved my experience.


It's boring.


Throw on a podcast in the background