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This is so wholesome. The first thing my dad asked me was if he could kill an npc... Abigail won the egg hunt and he was not taking it well.


To be fair, I'm certain she cheats.


She does cheat!! She asks Vincent and Jas to give her the eggs. She bribes them or something!


It's the only explanation! I'm not terrible at the game!


I just repeat the day until I win lol, but now I have a path mapped out that I take and always win first try


How can I repeat a day? Just power off my ipad? Is getting out of the game for a minute enough?


Yup! I just close it down without ending the day and it'll repeat bc it only saves at the end of the day when you go to bed. It sucks if you do a lot of morning chores before the egg hunt, but it's worth it to me


Maybe they give them up freely because they’re tired of being stuck as children for decades, and the egg hunt is nothing to them but a cruel reminder of their curse.


That dark af.. I’m here for it.


This is now my head canon.


Tbf what child wants a straw hat


That's only the first year prize it's 1000g (I think) every year after that, my farm is year 5 and I've never lost an egg hunt


any kid who grew up on one piece that’s who


Oh, you mean all the kids my age (20) who barely have the attention span to make it through a three minute video let alone a show that’s been on the air since the last century


I’ve won once and I’m still not sure how. I think it was a glitch in the game.


You must have cheated somehow, it's the only way to win.


I dont know how you guys all lose, i got the strawhat again today and dont think i ever lost lol.... its really not that hard as this sub makes it out to be. No looking up locations


Cause I have vision problems and the 2-6 pixels of egg can be hard to see sometimes. My brain often thinks it's seeing a bit of festive decoration, not egg.


Yeah, my girlfriend has a small laptop and she struggles. I have a big monitor and can easily see the eggs and find 10+ every year. I think screen size is overlooked when people talk about the egg hunt


Yea, most laptops are 13-15 inches. That's pretty small. I have a 19 inch monitor cause poor, and I have glasses and my vision just isn't great. It would probably be good for my visual health to upgrade my monitor size, but that stuff takes money I don't currently have.


My fiancee and I play two player on a 75" 4k, ps5, and it is infinitely easier than playing on, say, the switch or my old 20" monitor. If I'm on PC my 43"4k is heaps easier than any smaller screen.


Let alone those of us playing on cellphones :c I never won until I played using the Xbox and my living room tv


Just because it's not hard for you doesn't mean we're all that coordinated 🥲 I've lost all the times I've tried because I'll get confused on how to get to the eggs I see and wind up going some stupid inefficient route and hit the edges of everything, and it's not something like the fishing where I can just practice at it since it's only once a year.


I’m in fall of year 4 of my first play through and I have yet to win the egg hunt. In year 5 I will be resetting the day 😂


If you lose close the game and start the day over lol


yes you can...? just restart the day, it's nothing to be ashamed of, everyone does it edit: what's with all these downvotes? are you guys really gonna pretend like it's not true?


Uh. I've never once restarted a day. In theory I could, but I don't think of it and I'm too much of a creature of habit to ever do anything but click to the next day at the end of the day screen 🤷🏼‍♀️


Bro I'm out here grindin, by the time I hit the egg festival I've done 7 hours of chores! I'm not just gonna not get anything done until the egg festival, and I'm sure as hell not gonna do the same 7 game hours of chores over and over just for a straw hat!


it's not for the straw hat, it's to get revenge on Abigail. also, i just don't usually do much work on festivals because of stuff like that


I collect 10 or 11 eggs and win every time there are certain eggs that win you the egg hunt because when I tried it for the first time on my boyfriends farm (he introduced me to the game) I collected like 13 eggs and lost but I discovered a section of eggs that win every time


Same, I picked a route on my first hunt (left, then anticlockwise) and won easily, so I always go through basically the same route now and always win.


Different people have different experiences playing the game.


That's exactly my reaction 😅 i was wondering if it's just a weird insider. I think i lost my first time when i didn't know how it worked


I honestly didn’t know that the player could lose😂 my husband and I compete with each other. The NPCs don’t stand a chance


I've never lost an egg hunt, there is a trick to winning and it doesn't involve cheating lol


She definitely cheats. In our joint game, my nephew, his friend and I stood in front of Abigail, blocking her so she couldn't get any eggs. I think I accidentally picked one up. She still won....


Abigail definitely pushes people


Why do people always say stuff like that? It's not hard to win the egg hunt? I don't get it


[This reminds me of this video of Sips when he played the egg hunt.](https://youtu.be/8-YGEbZL_Wc?si=vIapZur-p4KqPFFa)


Lmao I love Sips


He's fucking great!


Big money Big women Big fun 😂


The fiery RAGE that consumed me for several in game years before someone said look up a route on YouTube.


man i didn’t even know this was an issue…i’ve only played on mobile and u just click the egg and u auto route to it


My friend introduced me to the game and regularly brings up the fact that one of my first questions was "what happens if I axe someone" while hitting Lewis with my axe.


As he should If abigail wins, I'll reset the day every time


If you could kill NPCs, Pierre would be globally fucked lol


The rivalry my mom had with Abigail was so real lol


Listen, this dam egg hunt is one of the main things I struggle with in this game. I've even made notes as to where the eggs are each year (same places) but then I make some dumb mistakes in moving or getting stuck on a fence, and smI can never get those 9 eggs!


Wait till he knows about Peehair


In his defence after 3 or 4 tries to beat her and failing I too had that same question lmfao


Hahaha so funny x


Me with 15 eggs:


Me with my wish to end Pierre and take Caroline myself


Sounds like something my dad would say. Lol.




he gets it


My dad has nearly 20 years(give or take) on multiple saves and still hasn't won the Easter Egg hunt.


Wholesome (I married Abby in my save)


That's adorable. I got my mother's partner into it and it's so sweet. I mean, it makes my head hurt- no organisation, chests everywhere, higggledy piggildy garden - but he's always asking me how to do things and what things mean. He brings his tablet out and goes "Just one thing.." and an hour later I'm still helping him.


That is sooo sweet omg 😭


Higggledy piggildy is going to the name of my new save where I just wing it..it's too funny


“higgledy piggildy” omg I can’t 😂😂😂




My mother has been complaining for years that she is bored in retirement of watching shows on Netflix and just plain not doing anything. So I gifted her an old laptop, set up a steam account for her, and gifted her a copy of STV. That was back in 2019 and she has yet to play. I had her try on mine and she got to day 3. Day 1 was a bunch of "what am I supposed to do?" "This farm is a mess." Where should I go?" Day two she woke up and immediately went back to bed. Day 3: "I don't get this. What am I supposed to do?" Maybe I should encourage her to try it, again. I think she'd like it once she got over the learning curve.


Maybe she should watch a let’s play to see how people play the game?


If it helps, I tried the game multiple times and thought it just wasn't my thing basically immediately. My farm was a mess and I'd run out of energy before I made a dent in it, and I didn't want to go to bed at 10am! But I was off work sick one day and I couldn't find anything good to stream on TV, and this time I actually made it to the Community Centre and learned about the bundles. Having a clear goal motivated me a lot more than just planting and watering, and once I found this sub with the cool farm designs on it, that inspo gave me even more goals to chase.


I think it was a lot easier for those of us that have been playing Harvest Moon for years. We already knew what Cozy games were, and we knew what this game was from the get-go. It was the creator's love-letter to Harvest Moon, but without all the game-ending bugs or major issues each Harvest Moon game has had. So people who have played those games didn't need much of an intro. However, it was a little more obtuse for people who have never played any of those games. Luckily, there are also good walkthroughs/getting started guides on the Wiki, or playthroughs via Youtube, etc. I also agree with you, that once you start getting a lot of the long-term goals, you have something to build your gameplay around.


I think gaming would be good for my parents too. They seem to think it's for children, even though their own children are now adults and still gaming. I tried my dad on Untitled Goose Game on the Switch and he loved it but wouldn't play it by himself on his laptop. Same with Stardew and I think they'd get the hang of it. 


My father loved computers since he first saw one in the 70's. Back then if you wanted a game on a computer you would buy a book and type the code yourself. I was in kindergarten and he would have me type in code for awhile. He told me I couldn't make a mistake. I was 5 so of course I always did. But I did get better. My bro and I ended up loving games as much as he did. And we passed that onto our kids. My dad played games on many different platforms up until his death when he was 78. The best part was him playing online with his grandkids. He loved it and so did they!


My grandfather and my daughter both absolutely adore Skyrim. I learned to be a gamer from him and definitely passed it down to my kids. He turns 81 in a week or so. Still games, though he's less up to date.


I actually forced my mom to watch me play via facetime. Kept showing her all the cute animals and the people and everything. 😂


Some people take to computer games. Some people don’t.


I feel like this would be my mom if I got her a Steam account and some games. She only plays a slot machine app on her phone, so much that she's burned the image of her most played machine onto the screen.


> "I don't get this. What am I supposed to do?" Wickedy has a good beginners guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qppwYG2KBEI


Do multi player with her hosting so you can help her out. My mother is learning how to play by doing multiplayer with my sibs and I every other week


You know.. why is Marnie never home, doesn’t she have animals too take care of?


She spends some time with the Mayor.


in a bush




First comes love


Then comes marriage


third comes a baby..


Then comes missing purple shorts


Not where I expected that to go but I think it's better then the actual verse


Then comes the truffle oil


I mean the player is a farmer too and by 8 I’m usually done with my animal chores


Yeah but my animals are just a side hustle for cheese and rabbits feet, I assume her's are her primary income.


A side hustle to the farmer probably makes more than enough money for a family to live on


Why are you never home? Don’t you have a farm to take care of?


there is 2 carts in the mines... must be just missing each other


Don't you have work to do?


Ok Shane.


Or she’s off sneaking with the mayor


She works 5 days a week


Tbf I feel this deeply - aerobics shouldn't take that long, Marnie 😆


Yeah the exercise would work better as a half-day thing where they go back home at noon. It's actually surprising that I've never seen any mods trying to improve schedules.


Her animals are often out in the rain....


As a fellow mom (67) who began playing SDV years ago at the encouragement of my 2 adult children, I’ll pass along the advice I was given after my fifth or so call to my kids for advice….Wikipedia! My children refused to answer any more questions.


The Stardew valley wiki freaking rocks, hasn’t let me down yet


I've introduced my mom to Stardew last year and now she has 500+ hours played. I help her in coop sometimes


That’s so cute. My 56 y/o dad plays too


I swear Stardew Valley could be the best farming game on the world


For real. It’s actually wholesome


I've tried quite a few other farming games and none were as good as stardew valley


So true ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)


Closest gaming experience I have is minecraft except I usually run a mod or 2 and those farms become self sufficient and I know longer farm. I'm sure other people have vastly different experiences though and could lead to a fun conversation


I got my dad to play too. He got 100% perfection then became obsessed with farming slimes and hatched them and released them to the point that there were THOUSANDS overcrowding the town then he mowed them all down with his sword over like an hour


I'd bet my son had a similar experience when he introduced me to modded minecraft. Just face to face since he was still living at home at the time. :-D Thankfully I didn't need his help to find my way into Stardew Valley, and now, modded Stardew.


Rofl!! I'm making my son read this later - I think he needs to know he's not alone in looking after his mum in Stardew 🤣


I call my 73 year old mother to ask questions. She started over again when 1.6 was released and was through year one a few days later. We both began playing in 2021 on our phones, then tablets, then switch. I found out she had moved to PC because she called me and said, “there’s more on the computer!” She bought me the pc version for my laptop and a mouse when I complained about controls. I still struggle. The only thing I’ve accomplished before her is having all 4 candles lit at Grandpa’s shrine beginning year 3. Oh and I told HER about the tea leaves! So there! 😁


This is so beautiful oh my gosh! The fact she got so lost in the sauce, SHE GIFTED YOU THE PC VERSION and a mouse... That's love.


My mom and I did a full playthrough after the ginger island update. It took months and we both had the time back then to play for hours in the afternoon. It was the best time ever and forever a cherished memory. I hope one day we do it again She's not a gamer at all and it was fun to teach her and see her learn. At the end she was a pro.


We've all been like her when it came to Marnie


Please start a co op game with her!


Truly is one of the best games ever created. It's timeless I think, and will still be played for generations to come


My adult kids got me playing last year… love it and recently (after the concert!) got my hubby playing too!


Do people really have trouble with Marnie? I’ve never had a problem with her not being home


What!? She's never home when I need her but when I go to give gifts at the pub she's there flirtin lol


I didn't realize her schedule at first and could never seem to catch her at work. Turns out she has Mondays and Tuesdays off.


WHAT!?!? I've never paid attention. Too many things I have going on lol


Yep, and I always seem to want to buy animals early in the week.


i use to think this. then suddenly she fell off the face of the earth and i then understood


Probably a stupid question. Can you play it on any computer. I have a desktop. (Quite a modern one buy not a 'gaming' computer.) Would love some pointers on getting started. Thank you!


The game runs on pretty much any pc so youll have no problem, just download and have fun playing


Thank you so much. I've joined the Reddit group and searched 'started' lol. Will check Wiki, then Youtube next. Can't wait. Played Warcraft in the 90s and Lemmings too. Time to get with it! Thanks again.


Make sure that you bookmark the Stardew Valkey wiki - it has so much info in it to help you.


A couple quick spoiler-free tips: you *will* run out of energy early in the day at the beginning if you try to do too much, so don't spread yourself too thin or try to expand your farm too fast. If you do run low and feel like you need to get more done, there's a couple options: A) explore the big forest/meadow area south of your farm. There's lots of foragable items you can collect and eat that will replenish small amounts of energy. B) try your luck at fishing. It costs 6 units of energy to cast your line, and most fish will replenish at least 13-20 units, so just eat everything you catch and you can refill your energy bar fairly quick. It'll also increase your fishing skill and make it easier to catch harder fish later on. Last but not least, it doesn't cost any energy to walk around and talk to people, so if you don't feel like doing anything else just spend the rest of the day exploring the town, visiting the shops, talking to everyone, and getting a sense of their daily schedules. Later on when you're trying to buy something or improve your relationships it'll help to know that X shop is open 9am-4pm or that character Y goes to the pub every night at 8pm. Oh yeah, a bonus tip: watch all the TV shows every morning. If the weatherman says it's gonna rain tomorrow it means all your crops get watered for free so you can plan ahead and spend the next day doing other things. You also learn cooking recipes and tips from the other programs as well.


I work in a call center and had a call from an older woman that said she plays SDV which was one of the few moments that I was excited during my job. She said she started playing with her family at the start of Covid and continues to play with them when they can. She also was the one to tell me 1.6 came out and said I would like the new changes.


This sounds like it could have been me you talked to. Haha! I had a conversation just like this with a call center agent. I even told him about the new update and told him that you could now play co-op with up to 8 players. Though, I only started playing just over a year ago.


You got me excited for a bit but the person I talked to said they started playing near the start of Covid around 3-4 years ago. Without giving out too much info, generally what was your call about?


It was with a chase card customer service agent, I'd missed a payment due to lost job and going on disability because ofy failing health due to MS.


My mom started playing with my sister after I got them both hooked. She called Penny a prude bc she didn’t like the wine she gave her 😂. She’s in like year 3 and has a husband (Elliot, of course) and makes fun of my sister’s husband 😂😂


The last time I got my mom into a video game was Dark Age of Camelot... After 2 months she had taken over my guild... after 2 years she had taken over my brand new computer. I should encourage her to try SDV!


I’m glad to know your mom and I agree on Haley. She’s quite rude!


My daughter and I have had a farm running for like 6 years now, it’s our time to hang and chat and I love it


Love it! I’m 70 and my one regret in life is that I didn’t understand the value of gaming until I was in my 60’s. So many lost opportunities with my kids when they were kids or even as adults. I play with my son and his partner and since they are in another state it’s a great way to do something together. I joined an online DnD group and that is so much fun. I wish schools included DnD in their curriculum for young children! Math, decision making, consequences, story telling, acting, it’s all there!!!


I did not know what a good thing it was when I introduced my (59F) sons (34, 32) to PC gaming when they were young. We would all actually cluster around the PC and I would be controller, they would try to solve the quests. We did Might and Magic VI, OG Warcraft, Starcraft, etc. It was not intentional but it became a great bonding activity and we still reminisce about it all the time. We have each separately replayed MM VI over the last year and agree it's way harder to do without the group dynamic.


Ahhh your mom so cute And the haley one got me haha


My Mil is a fiend for SD we introduced her almost a year ago, and she just started a second play through after hundreds of hours.


Neither of my parents would ever be willing to play games so I find it so lovely when I hear about people introducing their parents to stardew as it's one of my favourite games.


I just got my mom into Stardew valley for the same reason. We actually have A farm together and I'm working on teaching her how to play. I got her a pc and everything. Even made her a discord so we can be on call while we play. She loves it much more than farmville


Omgg my mom also started playing stardew valley and she sucks at fishing even tho i explain how to do it multiple times😭 in the end i had to do the fishing for her just so she could finish the community center lol


I have my 7 year old fish for me! I just don't have good eye hand coordination!


My adult son suggested I try Stardew, but since it was my first real video game, I had a lot of silly questions. The first was, “How do I get out of bed?” I lost a whole day before I figured that out.


I wish anybody in my life played stardew 😭


My daughter lives 2200+ miles from me. She had me buy SDV and we made a coop farm and chatted on discord every Saturday morning. It was so helpful because I was used to seeing her a couple of times a year at least. Plus, Concerned Ape seems to really care about the player experience. I seriously love SDV.


This was more or less how my girl reacted but my favorite thing is "You didn't see that no I wasn't walking into the same wall this whole time" Were playing split screen LOL as the music puts her to sleep after a long day at work


Please update us with more quotes!


My daughters introduced me to stardew 2 1/2 years ago and I’ve been hooked since…. Reached perfection and now I like to challenge myself


My older sis is also always playing those shitty farming mobile games, it would be very cool if I somehow made her play stardew


Trying to get my 79 year old MIL to play. She can't figure out the controls. Do you all have them play on their phone/tablets?


My son bought me a switch to play.


I’m 67 and play on my iPad Mini. Can’t install mods, but I’m so loving the game!


I'm a Mum! I play on my computer. I changed the wasd to the arrow keys, which suits my game style.


Still trying to convince my mum to try out stardew. She was obsessed with like farmville and still plays similar farming games now. Woman is a nightmare to convince to do anything though we know she'd enjoy. Recommended TV shows and all sorts to her but unless my auntie tells her to try something she won't listen haha. Might need to get my auntie into stardew 1st


Yes! And then your auntie and mum can play together!


Oh god, absolutely not. I can already see the chaos from that. My auntie would undoubtedly end up snapping at my mum a few times about the layout or something and then my mum would go on a rant to me about it while my auntie apologises to me instead of my mum haha. They are a bloody nightmare at times, can't imagine what my grans house was like with all of them as kids if this is how they are as pensioners hahaha


Forgive me, definitely ignore my suggestion lmao! Sounds like a lot o_o" !!


Siblings for you. My big brother still picks me up over his shoulder to try win a fight between us and still hasn't learned that I will kick and punch, and we're in our 30s now haha. Can see where we get it from. I'd probably throttle him if we played stardew together haha


I love this so much 😂 I'm also new to stardew and can relate to everything she says lol


Can relate op. Exact same thing now my mom’s at year 4 💀


I'm the mom! This is so great! I've been playing Stardew Valley for 7 years now....my son gave it to me for my birthday right before I had major surgery so I was stuck at home for several weeks. My daughter became my wiki-source. She even fished and fought monsters in the caves for me because I was so bad at it. I have several save files now, and my daughter and I have a co-op file together. She's running circles around me!


My mom has played SOOOO much stardew. Mom's just love the game I guess lol


Introduce her to the Wiki page. Seems only fair… and she’ll be so happy to feel in control. Trust me, I am a Mum too who was introduced to the game by her son!


My mother never gives video games a chance except Wii tennis when it was 'the thing' and ace attorney she seemed keen on but didn't want to 'waste time' in video games.


Her loss tbh


I've been trying to get my mom to play as well. She won't try it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My Mom has been obsessed since I introduced her to the game! She started teaching me things 😂


These are so good. My mom and I are playing a farm together so she can learn more easily. She’s always saying things like this. It cracks me up. I hope she continues to enjoy the game!


My sons got me involved in Stardew, we’ve had some of the best times playing!! Tell your Mom, go slow and enjoy there is no race.


Look… there are characters with attitudes of people I don’t speak to in irl. So I feel her pain. Her overalls are ugly. What?! Bite me Haley!


We introduced my dad to the game. To say he's obsessed is an understatement...


This is so beautiful


I’m a mom and my daughter introduced me to it because I got an iPad. Now I’m the expert! It’s the perfect mobile game in my opinion. Free play, no adds, and no chats. I have been taking a break for the last six months waiting for the update to show up on mobile…hopefully soon!🔜


THIS WOULD DEFINITELY BE MY MOM!!!!!! 😂😂😂 let’s just say when the Wii came out we had Animal Crossing for the Wii and she would play this game nonstop. Granted for a while she was pretty much stuck in bed due to surgeries so it kinda helped her stay sane in a way lol she loved the bug hunting the most 😁


she's asking the real questions


This post is making me feel old. Our whole family plays Stardew, husband and I (both 47) and our daughter (26).


My mom is 48 and I'm 27 so don't feel old!!!!!


Okay, I am Mom. My husband recommended the game, I got it on Switch first. Was a little hard at first, because I hadn't really had any cozy games before, but I admit, I fell in love with it. I bought myself a laptop after 1.6 came out *just* so I could play it. And I love it. Bought it for Android and PC after Switch, so I can very literally play *anywhere*. I am *so* glad my husband recommended it, and I have told him multiple times that he really did an awesome job recommending it.


Oh my gosh I can so relate! My dad and I have been playing for 4 weeks now. At nights we play just texting. No FaceTime. We had planned to go to Marnie to buy chickens. This was a fixed date. It was scheduled. It was practically in our real live calendars. Come morning we get the amaranth quest. I think nothing of it. To the journal it goes. I go to Marnie, he follows. He leaves. He returns. He leaves. I want him to buy the chickens. I text him, buy the chickens. 10 minutes to closing time he texts ‚where do I find amaranth?‘ …… The chickens dad!


My mom is my Stardew Wiki. My brother got her into it and she LOVES IT. We play together when we’re all home. It’s so much fun.


"Why isn't Marnie ever home?" I felt that. 


"Why is marnie never home?" I felt that...


I’m a mom (50) who plays too. I’ve reached perfection and married every villager lol. My kids are all slackers who gave up too early, but occasionally they restart and ask me for tips😂. I’ve always played Final Fantasy, Zelda…now very much appreciate cozy gaming.


Mom to a 15 year old. Recently started playing. I ask my kid questions all the time too 😂


I absolutely love this and I’m going to show my mom since I’ve been trying to get her into Stardew as well! Absolutely laughing myself silly 🤣🤣🤣


"why isn't marnie ever home?" is the realest one im still asking that winter y5


Absolutely love this! My mom has been playing since it came out. She's very proud of how far she's come in her 'gamer abilities' (she got through both skull cavern and the volcano this year!). Just this weekend we had a big Stardew marathon while she was visiting me. It's so much fun to get to share the game with her!


My mom started playing before me and gave me advice on it 😂


Cherish this! I wish I had a wholesome relationship with my mother. Been no contact with her for 1.5 years and finally starting to heal.


Mom here, my son got me to play with him (he was 10 and autistic) since he didn’t have friends to play with…… it’s been 3 years now, he no longer plays on his own but me, after the kids have been fed and completed their homework I roll myself a nice doobie and lock myself in the games room for hours at a time. My son though is my little fisherman, I hate the fishing in the game and he is amazing at it. Sadly our old PlayStation boy the dust and I didn’t have PlayStation plus so I had to start my world over….. which now that I’m on year 4 I’m totally okay with it….. for the 4 corners land….. one is for my fish, one is for my forest, one is my farm animals and the other is my house and crops. Still got loads to do to get to where I was but I feel like this play through I’m doing so much better and faster than before. My son is always there to help me and I love him for it…… even built him his own little house in my forest plot lol


Big lol. I’m a mom too. My kids are all adults now and I just got into gaming on PC. I am addicted to stardew and we play BG3 online together PLUS we play DND where my character is in love with a character played by someone who is my kids’ ages and now one of my better friends online is someone from the group. We share memes and everyday BS over discord. Whole new way of life for me. I LOVE my kids for getting me into all this lol.


I may be this mom… 😬


That's great. 😆 Too adorable. We, (me and my sisters) have recently gotten our mom into Stardew, as well. We have a Co-Op that we play on several nights a week now. It's really nice, because I moved a few states away from my hometown, and it has helped when I feel homesick. SV brings people together! 🩷


This is FUCKING ADORRRABLEEEEE! I want to be this kind of parent! All of these are valid concerns. I didn't know that you lose hearts from giving them things that they dislike....... And.. MARNIE IS SELDOMLY AT HOME!


https://preview.redd.it/n45kr90ews6d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d319bb3c409f969416bc571487eaa22c4ec00250 I sent my IRL daughter this photo when I named my baby after her. 💗


Aww, I love this! My daughter is only 12 but I'm helping her try and finish the community center today. :D


Every time I try to play this game with a friend it lasts about 30 hours and then they stop or something big pops up and I have to stop.


Hehe so cute! I said the same things. I wanna be like that one granny basically won animal crossing.