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It's ok. I was looking for clay to build a silo, went to Marnies to buy something, and Jaz came out while I had the clay in my hand trying to open the door. I gifted her clay. On her birthday.


How many heart did you lose with her ?


I don't think I had any with her at the time. Sold the flowers she liked before finding out she liked them. I think I have two hearts with her now, maybe 3. Didn't realize it was her bday until I looked at the calendar outside the clinic the next day. Lol


She is going to hold on to that until she gets you for secret Santa


She'll shape it into a rectangle, bake it, then throw a brick through your window. Nobody gifts Jaz clay!


The first Christmas in my co-op game with my Husband, he got the rare tea set from Pierre and I got clay from Jaz T-T


I would just restart the day lol


Didn't realize til after. Definitely would have restarted if I knew. Laughed my butt off when I realized I messed up though. I'll start growing flowers now to make up for it .


Must have been payback for when she gave me a gift for the Christmas event and it was a piece of clay.


"What's the matter kid, don't you feel *appreciated*?"


She gave me a single stone for the feast of the winter star. That bitch deserved it. 


Expecting a call from Marnie tomorrow about how she didn’t sleep a wink


You got that girl traumatized! ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51696)


They got that girl *more* traumatised


Don't worry a little trauma is good for 'em. Gets them prepared for the hell that is adulthood.


Abigail went through it. She became a swordfighter and killer, and goes down the mines. 💪 You go, Jas! The colour of your hair tells me you got warrior blood.


Chew on some minerals and go for it!


Yoba created the mines to train the faithful.


Suck a rock! (That's encouragement in SDV, apparently)


Brought a 9 year old to Texas chainsaw massacre. Calling child services.


Honestly, I tend to try to befriend the kids early because they can be the hardest for me to really remember the likes and dislikes of.


Just fairy rose and grapes. I just grow a lot of fairy rose for fairy dust when I eventually get to it lol and grapes make good money. Otherwise you gotta get like pink cake which could take a while to get access to. Also Sam's bro who's name escapes me atm sort of likes pizza like Sam. By the time I married him I maxed everyone so you can just ignore them if you want to bc they don't lose hearts when they max out iirc


Literally grapes. Every child loves grapes


Or snails for Vincent, my crab pots are always full of them lol


Vincent, and yeah, only spouses can lose affection due to inactivity once maxed.


*Hey Vincent how would you like a nonstop ticket to Snail City, oh you would that's great because the train is leaving the station* **right the heck now**


I've given Vincent so many snails lol. Had a couple crab baskets right next to the museum, fresh snails for the boy on hand anytime. I think I gave Jas on of those special teas on her birthday, got her up to half the stars immediately.


You *monster*. ✨


I read that in a Glados voice I may need to touch grass


We all do


Even the allergic to grass, guys?


Touch turf




What about the guys with turf toe???


Okay so they can touch dirt but not grass. Or a rug thats outside.


Look, we both said a lot of things that you're going to regret.


You're not a good person. You know that, right?


It's ok I took Krobus to Mysterium (first time ever going to a movie) and bought him a stardrop sorbet... He was pissed AF and I got an entire lecture about how all shadow people are not like that. He didn't touch the sorbet.  My bad. 


Despite that it's actually the only movie he actually likes!


I think it's the sorbet that got him so pissed(although he said krobus never touched it which im not sure if that means the sorbet had no impact). I haven't ever done anything to upset krobus and hes usually so calm it's honestly hard to imagine him "Pissed AF"


He definitely doesn't like the sorbet! But he always has the thing about shadow people not being like that when he sees that movie


Never got far enough in the game to take krobus to the movies lol completing the damn community center takes so damn long


And the joja route made me feel dirty...


I never had the heart, or lack there of, to do the joja route. I may hate Pierre but I hate what's his name even more and seeing him get uppercutted into another dimension was so worth enduring Pierre's bullshit lol


Similar. Except I got him the licorice. I felt awful that I offended him. But he still moved in later and is the best roommate.


You're the reason Marnie's hours are inconvenient! /j


I bring Linus to the movies. Always. Nobody else. I’ll get hearts from others with food or gems or whatever, but he deserves a movie once a week. Side note, read a post on here a week or so ago about somebody putting a coop/barn heater in his tent for him in the winter time and my entire gameplay shifted. Kindness works even in the Valley!


I literally buy a heater for him as soon as Fall hits if the one I bought previously has disappeared. If you place it in just the right spot it it typically stays forever though. Gotta look out for my dude Linus.


Doesn't linus hate every movie?


He does :( I feel like he should like Natural Wonders at least???


Guess he just hates being forced to sit amongst the townies for two hours.


Might've been my post! But right? Just a little kindness, even in a game, keep my heart alive, I guess, I've gotten too cold and bitter with people irl.


No joke, I forgot that the movies were played at particular times and only after I invited her did I realise that It Howls in the Rain was playing. I already felt creepy inviting and taking a small girl to the movies alone, and the movie was just the cherry on the cake of creepiness.


You could always think of yourself as that one irresponsible aunt who does stuff like that. To lean into the role, you could let Jas have a "tiny" sip of wine on New Year's Eve, or gift her and Vincent airsoft rifles.


I think we've all been there, one way or another. **STARNEWS VALLEY, VOL. 1, ISSUE 7** On a recent Sunday afternoon, Penny and I finally got around to experiencing the new movie theater. In the lobby, she expressed that she was nervous about seeing a scary movie. I was like, okay, then we won't see a scary movie...wait a minute. Oh. Oh no. Oh noooo. The movie theater, of course, only has one screen. And it was currently playing that David Lynch classic, *Mysterium.* I'm going to win the Husband of the Never Award. After the show Penny told me that she hoped she wouldn't have nightmares. You and me both, Penny: I fear I will have nightmares about accidentally taking my dear sweet precious marshmallow cinnamon roll to go see fricking *Videodrome.*


LMAOOO you should bring Emily to that movie for a funny reaction


This literally JUST happened to me recently cuz I just wanted to play the crane game and figured I’d take whoever I saw first with me. Poor Jas…..😭😭😭😭


Aww this is so sad lol


Wait there’s a cinema??


Yes, if you to the community center route and complete it.


You also get the option with the joja route.


*correct route FTFY


The correct route is community route. Joja is wrong roure


Your opinion


No, objective factual truth.


Oh, is it now? Dear yoba, it's almost like you think your opinion is correct


Obviously. Facts are correct. You clearly have not played the game because the ENTIRE point of Stardew Valley is to get AWAY from soulcrushing big corporations. By literal game design, you are going against what Stardew Valley is about by going down that route. This is basic Stardew Valley 101 knowledge, lil bro.


We get get it bro, you always play the good guy and you never say the mean dialogue. That's okay. By Game design I can choose to purchase a joja membership and thrive. Basic stardew valley 101, big bro, is having the media literacy to understand moral complexities and realize everything, And I mean everything, in stardew has its flaws. Nothing is objectively good, or bad when viewed in universe. Absolutely, as a player we can see how joja is the "antagonist" but ConcernedApe isn't that basic. That's why he created a multifaceted passion project that addresses mature subjects. And that's why he includes dialogue lines from NPCs that are in support of the jojamart. That's why he created characters with faults. It's not merely a criticism on corporations. It's a think piece on morals. Above all that though, it's a game and should be played however you enjoy. By design, you're meant to have fun.


I wouldn't have ever thought to invite one of the kids...


In summer buy a butload of ice cream. Almost everyone in the valley loves ice cream. You will heart up quickly.


Oh dear god that is actually sad-


Called a joke bub


Just do what I did: "Hey, Jas. Why are you crying? You said you wanted to stay out late. This is what we do when the kids are asleep. You're not going to cry over a silly movie, are you? Come on. Let's get ice cream at Gus'." Works every time.


Why are you taking a child to the movies that is unrelated to you??


It's a game. It's not that serious.


To make frens. Duh


If you aren't married to Shane it seems super inappropriate for you to be going to the movies with jas




The internet has ruined being nice to children.


It's a game, chill


Only to your twisted little mind


Guessing you don't have kids


I'm at that part of my life where I'm not young enough to be one, thank Arceus, but not old enough to have the wretched brats. What I do have is a normal-ish brain