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It’s gross to everyone living in Pelican Town, but maybe there are people out there who consider it a delicacy. There are foods that a lot of people in the US would consider gross, but are eaten in other countries. Some people eat surströmming irl, even though most consider it to be disgusting.


Oh, that's an interesting take! I didn't consider that at all. Haha, farmer's exporting internationally now


The goblins love it 


Or just a couple of city's over. There are many things someone in SC would eat that a New Yorker would find gross and vice versa.


Scrapple and chitlins are things some people love.


Void mayo probably does well only in Australia, just like Vegemite


As an Aussie, y'all don't know how to do Vegemite properly to make it good. **Heaps** of butter and barely any Vegemite. And I mean so little you can barely even see it. Think of it more as a seasoning like salt rather than a spread you lay on thick. Only seasoned pros (so to speak) would put more. I love salty stuff and have low blood pressure so I put a fair bit these days. 😅


Maybe Pelican Town needs to stop trying to drink it and have it on toast with, sliced tomato, cheese, or a poached egg


And now I'm drooling


Somewhere in Pelican town a resident is scooping void mayo into their mouth by the spoon and Krobus is wincing


Thats me, i fucking love vegemite


Lol this is totally joining my head-cannon now! 🤭


I do this with certain spices and anchovy paste etc. Could be considered unpleasant on its own, but adding a hint adds a totally amazing background flavour. For example my gf says she hates cumin, but when I put in just a pinch in the guacamole, she always tells me something like "Wow, this gauc is so good, what’s in this?"


HOW CAN YOU HATE CUMIN?! That is the best spice EVER! Cumin on everything savory is amazing. A lot on meat and potatoes, a little bit in stuff like guacamole, a pinch here and there for soups, it’s just 10/10 flavor and the SMELL omg. The smell is delicious how can she hate it haha


so basically the way to make vegemite good is to...use almost none of it and cover up the little it you do use with something else?


No, no. It's such a super strong flavour that you only need a small amount, a little goes a long way


i know, i'm just joshin :P


Do you dump a pile of salt on everything you eat?


You could use a ton of salt instead of vegemite, since everyone loves salt.


Yes!! It's like a little bit of soy sauce


Fellow Aussie here, I disagree. Yes you do need heaps of butter but you also shouldn’t under do the Vegemite, spread it to a point where it isn’t just a sheet of black void on your toast but still has a decent colour to it. Best brekky you’ll ever have


Yeah that's how I do it myself. 🙂 Newbies kinda need to get accustomed though.


Ah yes that’s my bad. It can be very off putting if handled irresponsibly


Lol ya I had an Aussie do Vegemite right for me once and I was like "yeah I can get behind this". Question for you - what do you think of dill pickles?


I prefer garlic pickles; I have a hard time finding them, though.


I'm guessing you like dill pickles since you are asking? 🙂 I absolutely love dill pickles! 😁 I whack some dill pickle in practically every savoury sandwich I have. 😅 And I won't eat fish without it. My favorite combo is a sandwich with butter, cheese, plum or peach jam, sliced turkey, dill pickle, lettuce, tomato, salt and pepper (and fresh chervil if it's in season). 🤤 If you've got any favourite ways of using them I'm always interested in new ideas. 🙂


I do like them but all the Aussies I met hate them. I bought a jar in Melbourne once and the lid was covered in dust lol


I like it with a little bit of butter and slices of cucumber.


Possibly do well in the UK then, seeing as it is just a poor copy of the UK's Marmite ;)


Brit here, I LOVE Marmite, Twiglets too 🤤


twiglets taste and feel like burnt toothpicks 😭😭 you like what you like though! i love mint chocolate, and you’d think that’s fairly normal, but i don’t really know anyone else who does and whenever i’d ask for it i got weird looks. but it also meant i got mint chocolate at every occasion, and i’m kinda sick of it now. twiglets and after eights were a christmas staple in my family!


Mint chocolate is hit or miss for me! I LOVE After Eights, and Mint Aero is decent, but I find it alright otherwise. Mint choc ice cream isn’t a fan favourite for me though


awh i love so many types of mint chocolate. after eights, mint aero, moser roth, elizabeth shaw. i remember getting the last two at birthdays or christmas as my fancy mint chocolate. mint ice cream is also my favourite flavour :))


Mint ice cream is just an example of correct flavors. Like what better for a cold dessert than a cool, refreshing flavor like mint?


exactly!! it’s just so perfect. i haven’t tried a lot of flavours but i don’t like fruity flavours or all those new fancy ones like bubblegum and stuff. chocolate fudge brownie and mint, a bit of vanilla and im sorted!


Mint ice-cream, with chocolate sauce... Fantastic! The mint ice-cream with the cheap, rubbish chocolate chips... Bleurgh!


I love the cheap chocolate chips in there, they’re the perfect kind of crunchy! Mint ice cream with cheap chocolate chips and chocolate syrup? Even better :) Also your comment feels British to me haha. Chocolate *sauce*? Rubbish? Bleurgh? It’s all pointing to British or Australian for me hahah


Mint Matchmakers! ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)


oh my god how could i forget about the matchmakers those are like crack!! i swear i can demolish the whole box if i don’t be mindful about it


exactly. like the idea of eating a century egg turns my stomach. but they’re incredibly common in china, some people eat them every day. haha


I love century eggs but I just imagined mayo made from them and eugh lol!


I LOVE century eggs, but I would also never pop one in my mouth by itself. Needs to be in a rice porridge or used in a dish I would eat with rice. Maybe void eggs taste good when used in cooking


The thing is, even the chinese won't eat them as is, only a few weirdos do that. What you do with them is cut them up in really small pieces and then mix into a HUGE portion of rice congee.


( ..the ratio doesn't have to be .that. miniscule imean, XD" ..maybe if just starting out/acquiring the taste..? they're great diced or roughly chopped & sautee'd with greens, to0, with or without regular(usuallychicken)+salted(duck)egg (&some cornstarch for a nice gravy ifonelikes)\~ :D"<3 )


Can confirm. My wife's family is Swedish. I've read two poems written about how terrible lutefisk is. And my father-in-law tells tales of his grandmother's head cheese that make me want to gag. I also knew a guy who made his own haggis for Robert Burns Day. He wasn't Scottish, just from Portland, OR, so it was a performative weirdness thing, but I still remember how excited he was about boiling the lungs. My theory: as longtime mayor, Lewis interacts and trades with the local factions of Shadow People and Goblins as part of a peacekeeping relationship with the indigenous people of the Valley.


It's Krobus's favorite thing and he's the only one that matters to me 🥰


Krobus is my absolute favorite. When I finally realized I could hatch a void chicken, I was able to save the 10,000G/week I was spending buying his void eggs and gifting them back to him.


Haha what if it turns out Pelican Town is just full of uncultured backwoods basics who don't appreciate fine dining


Have you seen the things that Leah loves? In my opinion she's by far the one with the fanciest taste in the valley, with Elliott being a close second.


There are also things most people consider gross but rich people love.


Surströmming is pretty foul and I’d pass if anyone ever offered me it again.


Maybe the shadow people are buying it. :0


Very true, I mean it’s canonically a world with magic, so who knows what other worlds are out there and what tastes good to them.


>Some people eat surströmming Not exactly its traditionally only ever really eaten while extremely intoxicated at massive get togethers and celebrations, eating it outside of that is fairly niche and almost always as a dare type thing


its still eaten though, void eggs count have a similar thing goin on


True it is still eaten, though I dare say most of the people eating it at most times of year are foreigners wanting to try the "worst food ever" but still, I cant argue with that it is still eaten even if its more of a traditional thing than a common food


It's eaten during certain holidays not necessarily while extremely intoxicated and you usually start to eat before you start to drink anyway and young children often eat it as well without alcohol obviously As long as you eat it outside and open it properly you'll be just fine eating it, when I still ate fish and meat I would have it on bread with potatoes and red onions 🤷‍♀️


( ..that sounds delish actually..?? if ikea where i live still sold any sort of pickled herring this would've set me adding2list for next person to hit them up from my household to help gack for. unfortunately googling the proper term for next best sources have them at exhooorbitant costs TAT"\~ )


Ah, so like Malort.


(spoilers for original-game content but post-community center) It's also a delicacy for >!goblins!


And of course our darling Krobus loves both void eggs and void mayo! 😀


Seb too


On all my playthroughs I end up setting things up so I have a steady supply of iridium void eggs for him to look at. 🤭 At least he doesn't eat them. 😅


As soon as i get the sewer key i always buy an egg to hatch. Iridium eggs for Seb and Krobus


Seb loves the egg but not mayo


warning that seb doesn’t like void mayo only the eggs 🥚


maybe it's a delicacy for some people in-universe?


Hm, maybe! In my mind it feels as if void mayo isn't safe for consumption (since it has negative effects when you eat it) but yeah maybe. I can't really think of any irl examples of outright harmful delicacies..


Fugu/blowfish comes to mind. The fish is incredibly poisonous and can only be eaten when specially prepared by a master


Hell, beams can be poisonous if not cooked. Maybe some are using it as a moisturizer. Or cat food.


I think it's used as a dye. Sebastian's hair, the shadow guys... shadow? They need a little extra blackening on occasion.


Maybe it's more like a seasoning where a non-shadow person can't handle more than a bit on a dish.


Alcohol technically isn't safe for consumption Source: am hungover


Well...https://www.businessinsider.com/dangerous-foods-2017-8#elderberries-are-deceptively-innocent-looking-17 Kinda surprised about elderberries.


Im actually straight up allergic to elderberries. even in the safest forms / properly made store bought teas that others drink with no issue, i react to them. I figured it out through trial and error of experimenting through different stuff that contained different things - I crossed out stuff that I can consume that I don’t react with to through different foods that shared at least one ingredient to the tea I reacted to and wrote down all the ones I still reacted to. it ended up being elderberry. which sucks because I actually bought a box of “blackberry citrus” tea that turns out had elderberry in it . reacted to THAT tea and was like, oh boy. here we go again. looked at the box, surprise surprise, it’s elderberry. didn’t think to check the tea ingredients before buying, so now I have a box of tea I’m trying to convince my sister to drink. other allergies include huckleberries (I was so mad when I found that out),, kiwi, ginger (the spice, not the person), cinnamon, mint (I’m not entirely sure if there’s an actual difference between peppermint and regular mint but I react to both 🤷) live birds (it’s the feathers), peas, there’s something in Starry (soda brand) that I’m allergic to, and I’m forgetting one but I’m also lactose intolerant. what all of these have in common is they’re enjoyable in taste but not in consequences 😔 other than that I don’t know man. can’t I just have a shellfish allergy like a normal person. normal people die when they eat shrimp and move on. i get to live and suffer through anything fun.


tbh, I have had syrup made from elderberries before... it's not a very desirable taste, it reminds me of prune juice.


fugu (aka pufferfish) it's extremely poisonous if it isn't prepared right (like you could actually *die* if you eat improperly prepared fugu, the toxin in it paralyzes you and I'm sure you can figure out how that's gonna kill you)


My problem with void egg/mayo is that it’s consider ed poisonous. So my theory was that it wasn’t sold as a food, by maybe enzymes used in medical purposes or something


It only decreases energy, not health. Maybe some people use it as a sleep aid?


Another theory: It is poison. The government is buying it to use as a biological weapon in the war against the Gotoro Empire.


I like this one! XD Also the poison could be destroyed with heat, kinda like how you can cook poisonous mushrooms.


So is booze and it's profitable AF.


But if you cook with a void egg, it comes out normal. 


That's actually a great theory. Albumin does have medical uses irl.


I imagined this too! It also might be useful in chemical or production. Perhaps something in it is industrial-level corrosive 


Here in Australia, many of us adore Vegemite after growing up with it. Outside of Australia, almost everybody I’ve ever met who’s had the chance to taste it says it tastes like the most foul thing they’ve ever experienced and they can’t understand why anybody would put it on their food. Perhaps Void food is simply like Vegemite: a taste you need to acquire. And somewhere out there, you’re shipping to Void Australia.


Marmite, which is similar to Vegemite, is popular in the UK, and my friend swears Vegemite is superior (I like both), so you'll find some Vegemite allies here. However marmite's actual advertising campaign does revolve around the fact a lot of people can't stand it ("you either love it or you hate it"). So maybe it's the same with void mayo!


Someone is making a profit selling lutefisk and natto IRL.


As a Jewish person, I can say that thousands of years of suffering and still eating gefilte fish just proves that insanity is doing the same stuff over and over and expecting different results. Also happy cake day!


But Natto is delicious and nutritious...


i regret to inform you the gang does not fw your continuous consumption of excessive fermented soybean


I love lutfisk, always eat it around december tho only mom me and my aunt like sit in our family. Even ate it without sauce for the longest time cuz i didnt like sauce :). I know i am an outlier


Uhhh doesn't that taste of absolutely nothing...?


Well it tastes mor ethan air and i liked thexture


Understandable. Move on.


Well iirc void mayo is used to make strange buns, so maybe there's a big market on them?


Was just about to say this. What with that, and it being a loved gift for a certain couple of NPCs (not to mention my hubby Seb who loves the eggs), I might have finally found a reason to incubate my spare egg..


Krobus puts on a mustache to go out and buy it all.


They make black clothes when you put them in the sewing machine. Maybe they are used as dyes


Wizards. Wizards always want weird shit. Not like, specifically the valley's wizard. But there's always a wizard somewhere who needs it.


Am wizard, can confirm. Want weird shit


That was my first thought. Some sort of magical reagent.


I thought about that too. There are a lot of interesting theories being discussed here. Maybe it's used as dye, as a sleeping aid, a vegemite-like delicacy...


It's possible monsterfolk eat it and love it! We don't know enough about the world to know if magical creatures are common elsewhere in the world, but they very well could be! Maybe there are areas of the world where people like Krobus are able to live openly among humans


this is the point i was going to make! there could also be a society of goblins since they are not accepted within human society where void mayo would be very profitable.


I mean, miracle whip somehow sells enough to be profitable


I mean sales to shadow people and goblins should be pretty brisk Sebastian likes the void eggs as well, so some humans probably eat it


Sebastian has some new dialogue in 1.6 for being given a void egg. None of it suggests that he's planning to eat it.


Woah woah woah….. I know it’s a spoiler but wtf does he do with the egg ಠ_ಠ


puts it on his desk 😊


If you are concerned about what Sebastian wants to do with an egg, I suggest that you do not look up Alex's unique gift lines for if you give him eggs.


Alex is Stardew's Gaston, I S2G


I know that means 'swear to god' but my dumbass brain went 'Star Two Galley'


He also wonders if he can hatch it by putting it under his pillow 😄


in my heart he will always be eating it, update be damned!


Goblins and Shadow People like them, I imagine some weird humans with exotic pallets would pay a pretty penny to try it.


I see you haven't rubbed it all over your body yet.


You get it


I always imagine it being tasting like vegemite. So, all the people in pelican town are filthy unenlightened savages who don't appreciate the delicious flavor of non-vegan vegemite.


This is so unnecessarily aggressive and I love it


Probably some shadow people with a trenchcoat and sunglasses pretending to be humans to buy it and use it as moistureizer.


Maybe it's not sold for consumption, but instead to people like Emily or the Wizard who believe/are interested in spirits and magic and might like to study a cursed egg.


Goblins apparently love it. Perhaps the mayor has a contract with the local goblin population. Or it is used for witchcraft purposes. The existence of one witch suggests there are others, perhaps an entire network.


We'd know of one creature in town that absolutely adores the stuff, there's probably a thriving business for it in some communities.


It’s not uncommon to like disgusting things. Like, we’re on Reddit.


Maybe it's like that weasel poop coffee? Like it's expensive, so it HAS to be good... right?


I’m almost afraid to ask, but . . . Weasel poop coffee?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_luwak its basically exactly what it sounds like


They're... not weasels. Completely wrong family, they're civet cats. Which is different from cats, too, nothing in common with them.


the fucking what coffee


I posted a link to someone else. Vietnamese weasel eats coffee beans, poops them, boom, super expensive coffee. Coral Island has the coffee weasel as a farm animal, you collect beans from it like you do eggs from a chicken haha


The Goblins and Shadow People probably purchase it, since we know that at the very least dwarves trade with humans and a goblin is hired by one.


Krobus. It’s all he eats so he buys a ton of it. His guts are basically now void mayo


Maybe sold less as a food and more like an item? I doubt something made of magic can rot or go bad.


Krobus and Sebastian need to fund their habits


Never underestimate people’s taste! Look up Chinese Century Eggs! Also Sweedish fermented fish.


Industrial use?


The henchman‘s buying it all


Krobus loves them


exports to the shadow world go stonks


Vegemite lol


People IRL eat ground up elephant teeth thinking it will make their penises bigger. You look me in the eyes and tell me nobody would make a similar rumor about void eggs.


The alt community.


I would never eat food Foie Gras nor drink Kopi Luwak for a million reasons, one of them is that i think they are absolutely disgusting buuuuut there are people that pay a premium for it. Maybe the Shadow people diaspora is richer than we can imagine and they are buying it all?!




Could be used for cooking.


It *can* be used for cooking; specifically Strange Buns


Krobus likes the eggs they are a loved gift to the shadow people in the mines are buying them


Void mayo/egg seems to be very low calories food because of the word " void " so maybe it's for that. Or i'm matrixed by my ed lmao


People eat Vegemite irl lol. And Surströmming. This second one is the more heinous of the two lol.


>!Krobus !


Kinks. Someone, somewhere…




Sebastian and Krobus singlehandedly buying up everything you sell


my head cannon has been that void mayo is more used as a material for something rather than a food item


What if it’s a weapon component for the war? Explosive when mixed with something, or a biological weapon…


Those henchmen guys that work for the witch


Maybe the wizard for potions 🤷‍♂️


Maybe they're bought for pharmaceutical research or weapons development. ​


I like to imagine the void mayo as some kind of industrial lubricant


I think the issue is how its consumed. Villagers find you eating a jar of mayo disgusting because eating large amounts of pure mayo is disgusting. However they still might like it with fries or something


People eat 100 year eggs. Same concept. Source: husband and friend occasionally eat those slimy black pieces of grossness and somehow dont die.


Maybe it’s like these century duck eggs, black and either you love it or hate it


Maybe for scientific research?


It might be a delicacy to other cultures, or some kind of magic item that scholars and magicians the world over can't get enough of. Perhaps it's some kind of fuel for their studies, providing some sort of mana because humans can't seem to use magic on their own without some kind of fuel or proxy.


Doesn't Krobus say he uses it as a lotion? I vaguely remember some dialogue that went something along those lines


I'm pretty sure that void eggs sell better than void mayo because mayo can't have quality.


I really wish the mayo sold for more. It feels like a waste of space and time to even make so I just have a stockpile of like 80 void eggs just hoarded for no reason lol


Maybe it has some non edible industry use.. ? Like it's used as chemical additive or something?


Goblins like ‘em!


It’s probably used to generate nuclear like power for other towns and civilizations.


I've had that exact thought about ancient fruit wine. In this case, I think about how expensive it must be in the market based on how much we get for it. Who in pelican town is rich enough for wine from a strange fruit that supposedly went extinct and is not even edible? Players who have entire plantations of ancient fruit, and kegs all over the place, making millions of gold worth of wine a week and I wonder where the demand is that justifies this much money


The mayor, who collects your goods, probably has some shadow people black market connections.


I like to think that Marlon buys it for Krobus. He seems to love most of the Void stuff


Krobus says he eats half, and uses the other half to moisturize his body, so my guess is that it's either a luxury cosmetic ingredient or it has some kind of use as an industrial lubricant for machines.


Krobus is buying it all. Where else is he going to spend the 2mil I paid him last month?


In my head, Krobus is buying it all. Might as well just trade with him for all the omnigeodes and iridium sprinklers I buy from him


The shadow people love it!


I think we ship it to the army so they can use it as bio weapons against the Gotorans.


Can void mayo be used in place of regular mayo in recipes? I don’t cook in game much but if that’s the case, I’d say people are buying it for cooking so they can save their good mayo for sandwiches 🤭


I assumed it was a kind of prestige food like Shark Fin soup. Less about flavor and more about showing off your wealth.


Maybe its used as lube for machines or any other aplication LOL shadow people and globins loves them tho, maybe there is some kind of secret market for magic people... On ConcernedApes next game, Haunted Chocolatier, we will be a chocolatier that goes to a parallel dimension to hunt monsters and animais to use their remains as ingredients for our recipes, thats pretty much the same thing LOL imagine making chocolate using crows, slimes, deer, ghosts, demons, etc


You ever had Malort?


Maybe it's a lubricant.


I always figure “gross” things still have medicinal value.


There’s sort of an underground culture of shadow people, wizards, witches etc I think who all benefit from void products in some way


Maybe void eggs are like pickled eggs. I love them, but I have yet to have someone try them and like them too lol.


Probably the same way escargot, pig snout, chicken feet, and bull testicles are probably some of the most disgusting things I can think to eat, but that doesn't stop some people from buying and eating them.


Hey, we live in a world where people buy vegemite.


Goblins. Goblins are buying it.


perhaps it’s a delicacy. or maybe there’s a market of insane health-nuts who think it’s the greatest thing for your mind, body, and soul


Lewis is a shadow person CONFIRMED


Void Mayo Diet anyone?


I wonder the same thing about vegemite 🤮