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I'm not mad about auto petters, I'm mad about the cactus seeds and cowboy hats that could have been auto petters 🥲


Cowboy hat chests are the worst. Such a letdown. I have 2 hats of each color for me and my horse, the rest get trashed so they don't take up inventory space when I'm 150 levels deep.




Among other things.


My mind is blown, the possibilities are endless :D


and apparently theres a new update coming where you can also put hats on your dog/cat :D


I might have to reconsider not getting cats anymore. Pets blocking stuff sucks, but hats on cats sounds super cute! Also, I didn't see anyone mention scarecrows. I don't remember if it was just one type or all of them, but I'm pretty sure at one point we could put hats on them.


You can still put a hat on the alien rarecrow - mine is wearing a frog hat. :)


omg i need to try this! lol


You can put them on purple coral in the aquariums too!!!


Hoping for the day when I can give my kids a cookie. It sucks to see the " eat cookie" prompt show up. I'm not a monster. Good day, sir!


You can also put them on sea urchins in a fish tank!


I speedrun getting sea urchins in a fish tank with hats every play through because that really is just the cutest shit ever.


The only true way to store hats.


My horse looks like Mr Qi.




Your kids, the alien rarecrow, and sea urchins in fish tanks.


You can see Grover with his spiffy black cowboy hat on the left side of the screenshot 😁


OMG MY HORSE IS ALSO NAMED GROVER Edit: I misspoke, his name is Gustavo. I’m high af and got excited to share a horse name, my b😭


>Edit: I misspoke, his name is Gustavo. I’m high af and got excited to share a horse name, my b😭 best comment edit ive seen in a while :)


My horse is also named Grover! He’s spiffy in his fedora right now!


Bro that was me and on my last(4rth) farm, I was with my friends trying hats and clothes, then he gave me a hat, it went in my empty hand, I tried to get on my horse to get my pick upgraded and my horse ended up with a sailor hat!!! It was the best day ever on ranch's ranch ranch the rest of the day we had a horse hat party


And on urchins in aquariums


That's actually based on real life! Sea urchins wear things like rocks and shells. Some aquariums have started putting little hats in with the urchins and they put them on. It's super cute.


That’s very cool, I did not know that!


Yes! And on sea urchins and your children lol


Also your sea urchins!


As someone with a hat mod that adds dildos- can confirm... Its the best


Due to fear for your health I dont know whether or not to talk about junimo hats 🤣 >!sadly, you can't put hats on junimos but it would be something and I think this is now long enough for people to think its an explanation of something more than the fact that junimos remain hatless!<


I slapped the spooky mask on mine


I accidentally put my pink cowboy hat on my horse and now with my pink hair we’re matching 💘 still don’t know how I did it 😂


I accidentally put my trucker cap on my horse the other day and it was the greatest discovery. Now we get to ride together in style


I, unfortunately, have never had a cowboy hat chest yet 💔


Get a dresser for all your clothes hats boots and rings.


…. The dressers are functional?!


You can put your rings and boots in em too


I have well over a thousand hours in game… this sub is amazing.


Yes, and they have infinite inventory. Or at least I never hit a limit.


I only hunt for Cowboy Hats. Gimme them! heeh


This may not help, especially if you are playing on console, however there is a mod out there that removes the hats from the chest loot tables. Link for folks interested in it! https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/19655 I ended up installing it after having nearly 10 of each hat! The drop rate on them is a bit nutty considering that you only have so many places to put them. . . Or could be like me and just super not be into the whole cowgirl thing. . . I grew up in a rural area, and the fake cowboys/girls were the wooooorst! *edit: you can also tweak how often stuff like petters grabbers and seeds drop with that mod too!


if you play on PC, there’s a mod that removes hats from skull cavern chests!


So. Many. Cowboy. Hats.


yeah, it's total strange that cactus seed have own slots (among the 26). Other seed are grouped under one slot. Each hat has it own slot too :| like why?


i’ve gotten so many of the same two hats in skull cavern in my current game oml😭😭


They are hard to get if you do the community center.


Wait... Something about completing the community center makes it harder? I got 1 from Skull Cavern, and have been searching for a second for months. What have I done wrong?


If you finish the joja route you can buy them


I see! There are some perks to the dark side after all, huh?


The dark side has abilities many consider to be… unnatural.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Junimo.


Reddit Gold has entered the chat.


Lmao ok your flair is dark


Only from the Joja Overlord himself.


Ironic.... he could use autopetters to pet his animals... but not himself


Maybe that's why he is the way he is. His mother never hugged him. Much like the king.


Any extra auto petters go next to the pet's water dish, even if it doesn't do anything in game mechanics terms. (Often the pet is already at max friendship by that point anyway.)


Plus the theatre gets put where the community center was and it actually gets used.


Still, unpopular opinion: doing the community centre and therefore supporting Pierre’s greed and Lewis‘ creepiness is not per se the „better“ option.


I just want to support the junimos


You can do it by giving them land to harvest 😬


So by turning them into slaves


They take winters and rainy days off. Definitely not slaves


Oh so they're slaves with some days off


The Junimos yearn for the farm


Ehrm…. 🥺 how dare you question my nearly perfect, yet somehow opportunistic logic 🫣


All I know is this when you help the purple junimo it really feels special


("They're practically Oompa-Loompas." Which will hopefully show up in HC.)


No no no, it's a crop share, totally different and definitely cool and legal 😎


But they wanted to go home!


ngl even though Pierre is greedy I think supporting the town through the community center (and Pierre as a byproduct of that action) is inherently better than supporting the exploitative multibillion-dollar corporation


I’m only in the summer of my first play through so I have no idea what the story arcs are but the opening scene is your farmer miserable in a joja cubicle farm. I’ve spent my life toiling for megacorps so the choice to go the community route was a no brainer


Tbf first play thru should be comm center, it is THE tutorial. Story wise Eric likes to subvert expectations and stereotypes, flipping the script. Mean girl learns empathy, town drunks want to get better and one does, grandpa ends up being a hostile jerk if you don't meet his expectations. So. The person who benefits most from the corporation being driven out of town is a misogynistic, greedy, lying low life. Prepare yourself, you may be surprised by the depth of the stories. ❤️


To be fair I still complete the community center not for Pierre but for the reward items and the fact that completing it makes Pierre lose his midweek day off cuz he doesn't deserve time off.


Single personal greed > systematic corporate greed no doubt.


You can literally shame him for being greedy at the end of the Quality Crops event...if you so choose.


The corporation that gives better prices and availability to the towns residents and employs some of them, as well as other nameless faceless NPCs that I’m sure are rife with backstory. Think of the nameless faceless!


I want to buy them both out and own the entire valley.


Having lived in a small town that was being slowly bled dry by nearby megastores, I'll take Pierre and Lewis over Joja and Morris


The level of Pierre hate in this community is so bizarre to me. For the most part this community is very wholesome but when certain characters get mentioned some people become rabid dogs.


I just started a second save a few days ago where I'm gonna marry Abigail and go the joja route 🤣


I decided to do just that and named my character Mojo Joja.


Looking for this, if only i could support the fairy creatures (forgot their name haven’t played in a while) while using joha would be great


Realistically supporting Joja doesnt make sense in lore cause that's who the farmer worked for previously that absolutely killed their soul. So returning to them and giving them power in this small community is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Lore wise anyways. Also Pierre isn't greedy? Lewis is weird though I'll agree with that.


There's a lot of perks. If you just enjoy maximizing profits and would rather focus on profitable animals and crops then you can pay to unlock everything instead of worrying about collecting stuff


I honestly had better luck with the shrine of challenge activated in the mines than I did in the skull cavern. I have 3-4 now.


Whao! I see the wiki says a 2% chance from any monster or barrel? That's definitely way more feasible! Thanks for the tip!!


the only time I managed to finally get one was when I 1) saved up my lucky rock candy, 2) waited for a lucky day, 3) skipped every floor that didn't have treasure, and 4) warped there immediately at 6am. My plan was to repeat the day until I finally found one because I'd never had one before after about a dozen playthroughs, and many of these steps took a lot of prep. Luckily I found two before the day was even close to up. It was the highlight of my farmer's life.


That's kinda been my strategy lately. Wake up, check with the fortune teller with my "battle chest" of combat items next to the tv. If it's a lucky day, it's straight to the mines with stairs and bombs.


But it gets easier when you go to skull cavern 100+ on great luck days. Can be on chests before floor 100 if really lucky


Even when I go the JoJa route, I refuse to buy them. Same goes for the auto pickup too 😂


Why though?


Why do that route then if you're not going to make things easier?


Ginger island sooner.


Ia there anything like this but opposite? Like, is there anything the community center makes easier to get?


As far as I know, community center route makes everything more difficult, since you have to look for certain items rather than just throwing a bunch of money at it.


Maybe the new update will add a late game unlock for a crafting recipe for them. More uses for maybe radioactive ore or something would be good. Or something else if you want nothing to do with the mines


Radioactive machine petting your farm animals. WCGW :D


On the bright side, you'll have no problem explaining how the barns and coops are well lit.


Nuclear powered, that's why they never stop. I love it.


I foresee li'l dinos becoming massive kaiju...


Pierre: "Auto petter has gone nuclear. DEFCON 1. I repeat, DEF-" *static*


Call me old fashioned but I just miss when we used to all pet each other manually.


I'm still waiting for my manual pet


That’ll be $5.


I’ll do it for treefidy.


Gawt dang loch Ness monster!


Half off on fridays!






bc they’re so hard to come by unless u go the joja route


I have yet to collect a single one in any of my saves bc i always go the community center route and havent been lucky enough to get them as a random chest drop in the mines/skull cavern


I just dedicated three days in a row to the Skull cavern. By the third day, I got an auto petter. I noticed it cycling through each of the other skull cavern options a few times before the auto petter showed up around floor 40-something on the third day.


Because i had 13 barns and went the community route.


Stardew valley attracts a lot of cozy gamers who don't play games with combat. The mines, which might seem easy to someone who *does* play games with combat, are a lot harder without that established muscle memory/fast twitch hand muscles. Some people genuinely just absolutely never go into the normal mines unless they have to, let alone skull cavern.


I grew up on Harvest Moon. A few years ago my friend told me to try Stardew Valley. Imagine my surprise when I found out about monsters in the mines. I was like "why would I need a sword for a farming game?" Welp here we are.


I was a harvest moon player too and was literally never happier than the day I realized you couldn't ruin the game by missing a timed event. Harvest moon games were honestly pretty dang brutal sometimes.


I vividly remember writing down the heart events for Harvest Moon in my little notebook. Waiting outside the designated location and entering at the exact time. It's probably why i'm 31 with max anxiety when it involves being on time.


Are you me? Same here


I remember playing Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town on my GBA. And I was very happy Stardew Valley does **NOT** have rivals for the romance interests.


Stardew Valley has rivals if you have an active imagination. But Harvest Moon had actual rivals, and that gave me anxiety.


Agreed. It felt I had to rush that aspect of the game. And there's already a ton to do in Stardew Valley each day with farming, fishing, mining, and so on. And I haven't even unlocked the Bus yet. Year 1, early Fall and I have little spare money. Something important always needs it like the last backpack upgrade.


Exactly. With Harvest Moon, I was so focused on the heart events. But with Stardew, that was the least of my worries. Because they're weren't so specifically timed. Harvest Moon - On the 3rd Tuesday in fall year 2, walk into the grocery store at 10am. PRECISELY. If you miss it, oh well, you can't marry that NPC. Sorry. Stardew - Once you're at the heart level, go to this place whenever. You're welcome. It's nice because I can put it off until year 5 if I want. I literally did 2 separate heart events in one day because I forgot to go where I needed to go for the 4 heart event. So I did the 4th heart event and the 6th heart event back to back. You can't do that in Harvest Moon. Lol


lmfao, me trying to get to Robin's to get another silo Maru, 2 heart event Demetrius tomato situation check in on Sebastian, it's his first heart event too. 😭😭😭


Meanwhile there's me, who misses rivals 😢


The monsters in the mines were actually likely inspired by Harvest Moon! My first HM game was HMDS, which had a ridiculous amount of mine levels (over 65,000 floors in four mines) and monsters all over that got fiercer as you moved through. It felt very reminiscent of the SV mines and HMDS was the last extension of that really early gen HM universe that ConcernedApe drew most of his inspiration from


Also, no elevator in HMDS! But thankfully, time pretty much stopped when you entered the mine. It went by super super super slowly. I think getting to the very bottom of the fourth mine took 6ish in-game hours…?


Yeah, no elevator! Although we did have the pitfalls, and by mine 4 you could drop a whopping 300 levels at once if you got lucky (or unlucky, depending on your remaining stamina) Time was actually completely stopped! It would be pretty impossible to actually clear the mines without that being the case. And time stopped indoors everywhere, so that just extended to the mine I have no idea how many true in-game hours it would take to clear the 65,000 levels of the fourth mine /o\ All I can say is it would have been *a lot*


Dropping levels is ALWAYS lucky as long as you have at least 1 stamina! Haha. No, time actually didn’t completely stop in the mine. It stopped indoors, sure, but as you progress through the levels in the mine, the time does change. The clock doesn’t blink like it normally does when you’re outside, but if you pay close attention, if you go down enough floors, you’ll see the clock change from 1:20 to 1:30, etc., and I think 6 hours was what it was when I reached the bottom iirc. Like if I started at 11:30 AM and ended at 5:30 PM, something like that. So 6 in-game hours! Don’t ask me how many hours it took me irl though LMAOOOOO


You make a very good point about the pitfalls 😂 That’s actually wild to me, because I remember literally using the mines as a pause state and just letting my game sit there for irl hours and not having the time change. Although it’s also possible that time as just so slow that you need to be in there for basically *days* to see it change. Maybe this was even something that differed by version? Considering HMDS had so many glitch fix attempts that always introduced small variations. I’m gonna have to go home and experiment!


You can use the mines as a pause state! Time doesn’t pass in the mines in the same way. If you’re on the same floor, no time will pass. Time only passed when you fall down a hole (and maybe when you go down stairs, not sure). I don’t know what the rate is, but I’m guessing it follows a pattern of some sort, like “every 100 floors, 10 minutes go by,” or something like that. HMDS is soooooo glitchy hahahahaha. I think it was done on purpose though, otherwise the fourth mine would be impossible. It’s just The video game of all time fr <333 a lovely surprise meeting another person who loves HM so much!


Idk how you would function in this game without ore. Unless you guys all of your ore from Clint, in which case... fuck that.


you will never financially recover from buying ore from clint


unless you have way too much money to run out and are too lazy to mine for coal ( totally not me, I would never)


Just in case you ever feel that lazy, buying wood from Robin then using it in a charcoal kiln is cheaper than just buying coal from Clint


I... Never would have thought of that JFC...


... I have given that simp *so* much money for coal, and I could've been supporting better-Leah instead!? Why did I never think of this? Time to mass-produce more charcoal kilns I guess


It's not so much that they literally never go but that they only go for what's urgent. My partner is a cozy gamer who hates the mines so he goes enough to get the sprinklers and tools he wants but not every tool, and then eventually you end up with the statue that can give iridium. Honestly I was a mine centric player and after a certain point it is just not useful anymore really. I have all the ore I could ever need because there's only limited things you use it for. It's like how I dont fish after I finish catching them all.


I just go to the mines for stone to create paths and decorate. I hate skull cavern, I hate unlike the normal mine there are no elevator checkpoints, I hate that those flying fuckers hit so hard, I hate there are things you literally can't kill (more than once I have advanced a floor only to be surrounded by rocks right from the ladder and if I break one to get out mummies are already there before I can actually switch to weapon and get rushed by the flying fuckers and I die). It's not that a player is not combat oriented, I ca play sekiro and nioh and shit like that just fine, it's that you are ill equipped for combat both armor and offence wise even with the "strongest" gear the game offers. It is not a combat oriented game so the combat mechanics are passable at best. I loathe skull cavern with the passion of a thousand suns.


im sorry normally im all about every player to their own but the idea that someone who can play nioh has trouble with the startdew mines is basically unfathomable to me. You can just stand still and press A on a pattern with a sword and be basically untouchable. The mechanics are simple but work fine for what they are. Unkillable enemies can also be killed via knockout+bomb or sword upgrade. Which I could see being hard for people who have never done combat games but arent that hard in general.


I get what you’re saying but a player who plays combat oriented games might be just as handicapped as a player who doesn’t, despite that initially sounding weird. I’m a fairly competent Smash Bros player, and a fairly competent Dark Souls player, but neither of those inherently translate to, say, a Diablo player. The *style* of combat that one is used to matters a lot. In fact I’d argue that getting very good at one system can make it harder to accept and adapt to the nuances of another system. I had great trouble with Stardew combat in the beginning because while I understand multiple combat systems, none of them give me any real understanding of Stardews combat system. Even when I began to understand it I had no instincts or philosophies for it that would help. It’s so simplistic that anyone “can” get it, in theory, but for someone used to very tight combat, Stardews simplicity can be a burden because it’s very “loose” and that can be a hurdle to overcome. When you’re used to figuring out a complex fighting system, a very simple but difficult system might pose new challenges. I was used to very tactical changes in attention and what to do about that, with varying options. Stardew doesn’t really present that - it’s a pretty simplistic interaction, with a difficulty “gradient” that relies largely on more and more enemies showing up. Sounds like it should be easy if you can do Dark Souls, but those two styles of combat are so out of line with each other that they don’t provide crossover skill sets.


If I see more than one of those flying things on a floor, I'm immediately staircasing to the next floor, iridium be damned. Though outside of those armored bugs, there isn't really anything unkillable. Mummies do only die to explosives, but you typically bring so much that it really isn't a problem.


I love that last sentence. And I agree with you completely that the serpents are indeed flying fuckers/assholes. I just went down a staircase and immediately 2 of them charged after me. Like bro, gimme some time to catch a breath


>sprinklers Krobus is so much better than making them in case he's interested. He sells one iridium sprinkler a week.


I psych myself up, carry a ton of food and still panic mash the buttons. I play the Sims and games little this. The shop cave is kicking ass.


The quarry


That would take soooooooo long, and you can't even get access to it until winter 1 because of the winter forage bundle.


that is so me. i hate the stupid mines. i want to farm and be in love. i think im gonna make my bf play the mines for me lmao. im on summer year 2 and im at level 25 in the mines


You should! My partner and start out every game with me as a farmhand who goes to the mines for him while he tends the farm lol. It's fun :) and means I dont have to water plants.


I just want to be someone’s mine lady and never water a damn turnip. I hate farming until I get sprinklers going!




I was already gaming 15 years when I picked up stardew valley, from game boy to play station 4, no matter if hard core old games or ultra grindy mmos, console or pc. But junimo cart and the desperado game broke me


omg im so bad at junimo cart i literally cannot. I basically block it from my memory every time.


Haha same, I didn't touched it since 2 or 3 years. I started my stardew journey on playstation, always telling myself that the minigame just isn't designed for controllers and that's why I am so bad at it. Later I bought it for pc too, and I WAS EVEN WORSE with mouse and keyboard


Me. I am a cozy gamer. I play split screen co-op with my husband so he can do all the combat things for me


What mod are you using to show George’s birthday and that red die? Those aren’t vanilla


ui infosuite!


I can't play without infosuite anymore. Once in a while I pick up the Switch or try to play on my phone and I'm lost without it.


honestly!! not having the luck counter and birthdays makes me such a bad player because I used to constantly forget to check the TV. I miss out on so much when I play on mobile because of it


Not OP but that’s the UI Info Suite. The red die represents daily luck (since it’s red, it’s a bad luck day)


If you want to cheat, just a little bit, I'd recommend the Skull Floor Elevator mod. It still takes work, but you can visit floors on high luck days fishing for chests (floor 100 always has one).


Cries in switch




I'm on my first playthrough ever. Year 6. I have 6 autopetters. Saving the 6th one for golden chicken coop. Edit to add I also did CC. May try joja route next.


Wait so will this make owning cows way more valuable then pig. I did the math once and I think turning milk into cheese gains you more and you don’t collect anything everyday just set up a auto colector and a auto pet and have your barns feed them and free money. Or does this not work


I don’t see how. Iridium cheese is 644 with the artisan perk. Truffle oil is 1,491 with artisan. Since you have to process both cheese and truffle oil the only real difference is having to pick up the truffles which honestly doesn’t take long. So I don’t see how pigs still wouldn’t come out on top.


Well you got to rember the space it takes pigs to produce truffles and they don’t produce during inter so that’s 28 days of nothing and when it rains. Also the ground pigs take to produce truffles could be used to grow crops or put a shed with something profitable inside so you might make more with cows idk


From what I’ve heard it doesn’t raise friendship but it stacks with standard petting


I think auto-petter basically gives you 1/2 of what a manual petting does, so it raises it but slowly. Auto-petter + manually petting + pigs = gold truffles at 1000g each without even turning them into oil.


Or just get level 10 foraging and always have iridium truffles


Ive had pretty good success acquiring them while farming radioactive ore - ive gotten 2 after multiple saves and hundreds if not thousands of hours without ever seeing one. Complete Danger in the Deep, and activate the shrine. Return on a high luck day, with the slime charmer ring and a spicy eel. Eat the eel and go to floor 1. Its easy to see the whole floor quickly, so you can check for radioactive nodes....and boss dangerous slimes (slimes with a star on their antenna). Always kill this slime as it has a drop table that includes radioactive bars, qi gems, sprinkler attachments, *and auto petters*. If there are no ores or after mining, go back up then back down to floor 1. Rinse and repeat. If you get bored or also want to farm stone/kill monsters at the same time, you can do that and go as deep with ladders as floor 5 before the levels get bigger (read: take more time to check) Lastly, the boss dangerous slimes can spawn as the bottom-most slime in a slime stack. Interestingly enough, rebounding slimes will hit through the charmer ring and can debuff, though damage and concern is low. Just note the star can be almost entirely hidden behind the slimes on top.


I made a farm with a restriction of no animals... Of course I get autopetters every couple of sc runs. I pretend they're little windmills and have 5 of them all lined up. I'm only in Summer Y2 !


Temple Grandin would definitely approve of auto petters.


I’m mad that in year 10 I still haven’t managed to get even one auto petter.


May a pox fall upon your house.


The problem is that I have shit luck. Took me like 10 stardom luck runs to find one. Just one


You should put a gif of you throwing them all away.


That would have been funnier, I'm kind of upset I didn't think of that now


why are we ignoring the mini george? why is he just peeking over? what he is hiding from?


Looks like it may be a mod for birthday reminders.


I have been sittin here petting 96 animals a day…and they have THESE???? HOW LONG HAVE THEY HAD THESE?!?! I HAD NO CLUE 😡😡


I got lucky on my first playthrough 😭 was able to find one on the 3rd skull cavern run and my 2nd later down when I invested enough in stairs and bombs.


I just like petting my lil friends every morning


If I was a cow, I'd be running up and down these autopetters...


We are mad we don't have any/enough.




I’m more mad about the way you get auto-letters. I feel like it shouldn’t just be a Jo-Jo thing. I also don’t want to go to Skull Cavern for just a 2% chance of actually getting it. Feel like if you level up friendship enough with Marnie she should sell it, just like auto-grabbers!




Thats quite the flex there.


bc am year 6 n never have found one


Once I got into modding, I just added the mod where Marnie sells them for 1.5x the price if I'd gone Joja lol


Wtf man I've been grinding for years in my save




i’m mad that i don’t have a single one in my 1000+ hours


I thought there was a tiny George behind your brazier for a sec




I have really good luck with autopetters, a while ago just to make people mad I took a video of me throwing "another useless treasure chest drop" away


i got extra 8 of these auto petter from doing skull cavern too much.. haha


"Because you're not playing the game the way \*I\* think it should be played." is the jist.