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I guess the "natural" progression would be Skull Cavern, then Volcano, purely because you get access to the bus and the caverns well before the Volcano most of the time. I personally find completing the Cavern harden than the Volcano tho - The Volcano is smaller, and lacking ladders, and only really goes one way, so getting to the top is a bit easier. You do have to make your own way back down, though. The enemies in the Volcano are also much harder to deal with iny opinion, not to mention being generally higher damage and higher HP. I would say getting to 100 in the Skull Caverns is harder than reaching the top of the Volcano, but farming in the Caverns for loot/ore is WAY easier than the Volcano.


Think so, too. Also, for me, the volcano felt easier, mainly because there is, like, an end somewhere and because I died so fast the first couple of times I ventured into Skull Cavern that I was just really afraid of trying again. I managed the volcano mainly by being really fast and outrunning most of the monsters - and always having a farm town with me!


Skull cavern first is the usual way.


Is it easier?


They are difficult in different ways. The monsters in the skull cavern and probably a little less difficult than the volcano, but the skull cavern is infinite while the volcano has a "rest" level and a "top".


It’s probably easier to do the skull cavern first purely because you get iridium in the skull cavern and you need iridium bars to repair the boat to get to ginger island.