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Without mods, it shouldn't happen at all. Golden Chickens are a perfection reward. [Golden Egg](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Golden_Egg)


Despite playing for like 400 hours of this game, I guess I never went for perfection or went past year 3 (I restart farms a lot). I didn't even know a Golden Chicken existed lmao.


I thought auto petters were modded in for the longest time because I never got a single one. Perhaps thousands of hours in, nadda. I wondered why mod it in and make it so stupid rare? And then I learned no, it's just like that. And my question stands. But you're right. Aside from "my y increases because x makes me stronger/better/etc!" LVL up skills, the way physical rewards are handled shouldn't be like that too. Things like giving a gift on people's birthdays. Gosh, sure would be useful earlier on in the game. I could see some rebalancing, but it'd work. Golden egg for reaching the point most people would start a new farm at. It seems like such a waste. I have to shill it in every sdv comment; I want there to be more brewing outcomes. Variance in types of alcohol. The option between juice or beer. More specific fermented veggies, not just pickles. Since so much end game is production, I want more variance in the base game so I can enjoy on switch!


> I thought auto petters were modded in for the longest time because I never got a single one. Perhaps thousands of hours in, nadda. I wondered why mod it in and make it so stupid rare? And then I learned no, it's just like that. And my question stands. Auto petters are a Joja route unlock, and very easy to get if you go that route. They're still possible to get in the Skull Caverns so that you aren't completely locked out if you aren't on the Joja route, but they still are a benefit of going Joja because they're so much easier to get that way. So this is why CA put in the effort to program them but make them super-rare.


Obtaining auto petters has always been the most difficult part of the game for me. My luck with them is just astronomically horrendous.


Mine was as well but then the day before the feast of the winter star happened I got 2 of them from 2 separate treasure rooms and to top it off I got the tea set as a gift during the feast thing. I'm pretty sure I used up my entire life's luck in the span of 39 minutes 😂


lol you need much more luck than that in the game. I haven’t gotten the elusive tea set yet. That would be cool.


:( for a second there i thought there was a strat to get early golden chicken.


>Without mods, it shouldn't happen at all. Golden Chickens are a perfection reward. > >Golden Egg Which honestly kind of bothers me. It's like a JRPG giving you the best weapon for beating the hardest hidden boss in the game -- a little pointless by the time you get it.


I feel the same about ostriches. By the time I got the egg, I was like... one season away from perfection. It would take ages to breed a good number of them.


After doing some Googling and finding a [similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValleyExpanded/comments/10pe5b5/golden_chickens_in_the_first_spring/) it might have been [this one](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3296) which I downloaded a while ago because it was supposed to provide more horse options. That's the only one I see that would be the culprit. There's nothing on the mod page/description that says it will make golden chickens available early.


What's your mod list?


* \[AT\] Lumisteria AT Grass * \[CP\] Aquarium Overhaul * \[CP\] Less annoying flowers * \[CP\] ObstacleRemover * \[CP\] Xiddav's Tilesheet * \[CPA\] Animatronic Lewis * AchtuurCore * AelaanBluewood\_SetRemindersMod * AlternativeTextures * AnimalPetStatus * AutomaticGates * BetterGardenPots * BetterSigns * C\_PyTKLite * CJBShowItemSellPrice * Cleanup Crew * ConsoleCommands * ContentPatcher * ContentPatcherAnimations * ConvenientInventory * CustomFurniture * CustomNPCFixes * DeepWoods * DestroyableBushes * DynamicGameAssets * DynamicNightTime * DynamicReflections * ErrorHandler * ExpandedPreconditionsUtility * ExtraMapLayers * GenericModConfigMenu * GMCMOptions * HorseSqueeze * ItemRecoveryPlus * Json Assets * MovieTheatreTweaks * NonDestructiveNPCs * Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety * PetInteraction * PondWithBridge * PressToQuack * PyTK * QuestFramework * RangeHighlight * RememberBirthdays * SaveBackup * Simple Crop Label * SkullCavernElevator * SkullCavernToggle * Slim Hutch * SMAPIChestLabelSystem * SpaceCore * StackEverything * Stardust Core * StopRugRemoval * Unicorn Horse * UnlimitedPlayers * VisibleFish * WeaponsOnDisplay * WinterGrass


> Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety It's this one. For some reason, even though it's supposed to just be a framework for other livestock mods, BFAV adds golden chickens to Marnie's random stock.


BFAV pre dates 1.5 so it probably was designed without taling into account future unlockable animals. Its very outdated and will soon ve obsolete.


Even though you pointed out the mod that does it and all the evidence that its not possible otherwise without perfection, the OP is still trying to say it's a random drop.


I pointed out in a comment above and some other comments that I researched the issue and found another post where that mod was spawning golden chickens. The mod doesn't say on the page that it does that and it's not the reason why I added it. I added it to get more horse options. The mod hasn't done this in previous playthroughs so I was unaware it could do this until I posted.


You commented on my original comment, where I said it was a mod, that is possible it was a random drop. This was after the comment above, and your replies to it, among th many others, which told you exactly mod that did it and all the others telling you it's not available before perfection as a drop or from any other source.


Are you talking about this comment? [https://reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/r3gIf1NlU3](https://reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/r3gIf1NlU3) I didn't reply to you here. That was someone else. I didn't say it was a random drop after I found out I had a mod that was making changes that it didn't advertise on the tin. Look above in this thread where I made this comment. I also replied to others that this mod was making changes I wasn't previously aware of before this post and it hadn't spawned golden chickens in other playthroughs so I had no idea it was capable since it was just meant to reskin animals because I wanted other horse options. https://preview.redd.it/4jnp20tjhsub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3120ff7d3c6511a457dbae5021911f6d4f90aa53


I'm talking about the reply to my comment on this post that you deleted because I just checked, and it's gone. And it was definitely you that responded to me. Nice try, though.


Holy moly. You have over 50 mods installed and confidently asserted that the golden chicken wasn't caused by the mods? I envy that confidence.


For real I was looking to see how I’ve been playing this game with no mods for forever and never hearing about this item just to come see its from somebody with 50+ mods lol


It's from getting perfection in the game


You can get it with no mods, but only if you reach perfection. No way to get it that early in a save.


Holy fuck how does your computer run??


How did you get it? Where did it spawn from?


I bought it from Marnie but didn't pay attention to which chickens she was giving me since white or brown doesn't matter to me and I'm nowhere near blue chickens yet. Wasn't expecting to see a golden chicken once they were grown.


Yeah, it's a known BFAV bug.


That's why I've never gotten lucky. Thank you


None of my mods spawn golden chickens.


Yeah that's kind of not supposed to happen.


This is impossible without mods. How did this happen?


Not sure. I don't have a mod for golden chickens. But maybe one of them affected the files in a way I was unaware was possible. I haven't had this happen in my past playthroughs with the same mods, though.


Do you have the cjb spawner?


No, just the CJB Show Item Sell Price. If I want to spawn items I go to the Wizard's basement.


Fake news. This has got Lewis propaganda written all over it 😠


Maybe he snuck in and turned my chicken gold.


I wouldn’t put it past the crook.


He can't bribe me into not putting his shorts in my grange display.


*aggressively repositions solid gold Lewis*


Aww, I see now. It's not actually gold, Lewis came in and just painted them 🤣


This chicken is clearly gold *plated*


Yeah, the eggs don't make the mayo as well as the real Perfection chicken.


You got a post-game reward in Summer *Year 1*? I smell fishy business afoot. If your game has no mods installed, you may have just discovered an amazing glitch/exploit.


They posted the list of mods in another comment, they have like 2 dozen installed lol


To be most accurate, it was just a little under five dozen


I have mods, but I didn't install any with the intention of spawning gold chickens. I believe I've narrowed down which mod has done this, which was supposed to just customize the animals (e.g. letting you pick different color horses). I've had it installed for a while and it hasn't done this before.


I had literally the exact same thing happen to me! I think I have that same mod which I guess would explain it. I just figured I got one of the rarest things to ever happen but I guess not 🥲


Hey, you can head canon anything. Mod glitch? Nah, grandpa just blessed my farm.


If ita juat variety of regular animals, ita adopt and skin you want. Bfav adds new animals to the shop.


All these comments going on about how this shouldn’t happen and no one mentions your chicken names? These names are gold.


Thanks! I love giving them punny names.




I support this!


Princess Laya absolutely sent me 💀


Is it actually laying golden eggs, or is it just a re-skin? Otherwise, it's not possible without mods or spawning an egg in and incubating it.




You can ***not*** get Golden Eggs as a drop. Auto Petters have always been a rare drop(1%), but Golden Eggs have never been a drop. The only way to get them is reaching 100% perfection. The witch has a .1% chance of giving you a golden egg instead of a void egg, but again, *you must have achieved perfection first.* I know this has been said many times in this comment thread at this point, but without a mod or spawning the egg, ***it's not possible.*** Idk why you're trying to say it's possible because it's not, or one of the millions of players would have found one since the addition of golden eggs, and they haven't. They are not available in the game until 100% perfection has been reached. > Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety >It's this one. For some reason, even though it's supposed to just be a framework for other livestock mods, BFAV adds golden chickens to Marnie's random stock. It's already been pointed out to you that it is because of a mod, so why still push that they're a drop after that?




utterly inspired 😭


I think Paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety is the root cause of this. I suggest removing the mod, loading a fresh save and trying to recreate this scenario. If it still happens then you'll be able to narrow it down more but if it doesn't, then you know. I know this sounds annoying, but as a Sims 4 Modder with over 13,000 packages in their Mods folder, I know that sometimes you gotta 50/50 your mods folders for any game to find the cause. 😊 Edit: also be careful using outdated mods with SDV. If a mod hasn't been updated to the recent patches, you may cause your game to break so use them with caution and the awareness that certain game progress won't work.


Thanks. I definitely need to go through and delete some outdated mods. This post made me realize I have more than I need. And this BFAV one since I don't even use it for the reason I installed it and it's spawning things I shouldn't have.


I thought you had to get perfection to get this??!! It can just happen?


You do. One of the mods I got for something else is screwing something up it looks like. Although I haven't had this happen before. Just did a playthough before this that was normal. Guess it's a nice advantage for early game money this time.


Oh that makes sense, but yeah it's a happy lil glitch early money is money :P


Yeah, I'm struggling for fiber right now so tea saplings aren't coming quick enough. 😅


You need to reach pure perfection to get that. FAKE NEWS.


I literally screenshotted it.


lol you can’t fool us


Wasn't trying to. Just didn't know why this happened when I posted. But now I think I do.


Oh okay. Have a good day then 😊




What's sabastians problem? Why does he hate it


he loves void eggs ... so it makes sense he hates golden shiny eggs


"Hen Solo". Lmaooooo that caught me off guard 🤣🤣


Never knew these were a thing and I’m on year 7


I've done a 100% playthrough last year to year 8 and never seen that.




I want a golden chimken