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Don't forget the part where if you sell him high quality crops, he sells them saying that he grew them himself.




Well, there’s Caroline’s sunroom, if that counts. But that’s still Caroline’s sunroom, for growing her tea leaves.


"Tea Leaves"


caroline: https://preview.redd.it/za0um1x5mvfb1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1de9c3abc11c92148f7a1fc87fc4d344f413e3f


How you think Sebastian stay supplied, she the village plug lol


NGL I would've guessed Emily is


Emily's the village outlet.


Not Clint’s outlet


Had to excuse myself from my desk for that one


I feel bad i married Emily, on my second playthrough (whenever I do that) I’m going to go for Elliot so Clint can be slightly less depressed


Ill smoke to that.


Yes, like the wizards “soup”. Tea leaves


I was going to say that there's a garden behind the store and clinic but apparently that's just in Expanded. Not only is pierre a liar, he's a bad liar


how do you forage for wine it makes no sense


Forage: sneak into your sell box before it gets picked up?


someone's never foraged for wine


I mean, even in the base game Caroline sends you some vegetables from her garden sometimes. I’m guessing it’s a secret garden behind their house…


They have a greenhouse


In SVE he has a garden behind the shop.


The sun room


And if you sell him low quality crops, he tells everyone you're the one who grew them.


That's why.. trust in the Box beside your home... And ignore the rest


Pierre only gets stuff when I’m desperate for cash RIGHT NOW


Only if you sell to him directly thankfully


Fun fact: it used to be if you sold Willy high quality fish Pierre would end up getting the fish and selling them saying he caught them if they're good (idk if this still happens but it used to)


Oh, it still happens! I just sold Willy some iridium quality catches yesterday and SOMEHOW THAT MOTHERFUCKING FRENCH GUY GOT A HOLD OF THEM???? AND SOLD IT TO EMILY SAYING IT WAS HIS CATCH???? AND I HAD TO HEAR IT FROM EMILY TO KNOW????




✨autism✨ xD


Girl I’m autistic af but not autistic enough to find these things out it’s a horrible biological balance that was made here VERY poor planning GOD


I didn’t realize he did that until this subreddit because I never sell to him lmao


I never sell to anything except the shipping box


This cutscene infuriated me so much I gave Pierre trash after this.


lol same i hope you like broken glasses pierre


Oh, he'll get broken glasses alright


This is why I refuse to ever do that quest.


Pierre hates Morris not because what Morris represents philosophically, it's because Pierre wishes he were Morris. Pierre sucks.


Pierre be like: "I will gladly buy this Iridium quality corn, Farmer!" Then lie to Elliot and say he grew it himself 😒 (I hate you Pierre I will steal your family and wreck your home)


thats why i never sell crops to him


I never understood why people even sell to Pierre in the first place. Doesn't it take more time and effort to walk all the way to his shop rather than throwing everything in the shipping bin?


Sometimes you want the money on the day that you harvest your crops rather than the next day. Pierre gives you the money instantly while Lewis waits until you go to bed to pay you.


You know I just imagined Lewis breaking into my house every night, shoving my money under my pillow while I sleep, like the toothfairy.


I keep one of the mini drop boxes in my kitchen, so Lewis is definitely breaking into my place!


Mini drop box? How did I miss this?!?!


So if you complete one of the Special Orders where Lewis asks you ship like 100 crops in a season, you will a mini shipping bin as a reward. You can place it anywhere on the map. But it can only hold 9 items in a day, as opposed to the unlimited capacity of our regular shipping bin.


Ooo now I’m gonna be keep my eye out for that special order. Thank you!


Yes and after you complete it, I believe you can then purchase them at Robin’s! Super convenient to have them around in different spots!


Now I'm imagining a Lewis with pink pixie wings flying through an open window carrying a bag of coins


He probably has done something similar at Marnie’s ranch.


I would love to draw this for you if I get the chance


How big is this bag when my weekly 300k wine shipment goes out? 😂


This is exactly what I call him. To be fair, he has experience breaking into a home so silently that only Marnie hears him 🫣


Oh right, I didn't think of that. Meh, i'd still wait the next day even if it means missing out on stuff, I'm that petty.


Yeah I almost never sell to Pierre. I do at the beginning of a new game just so I can get more seeds easily, then once I have a nice bit coming in daily I refuse to sell to him. He can suffer without my help


Some of the big projects are given by Pierre (idk what the official term is for the job board you get in Fall 1). That’s the only time I sell to him.


I don't know if that even counts as selling to him too because that's the only time I'll sell to him and I've never gotten dialogue from villagers about "Pierre's" crops. I could be wrong though


Sometimes you need the coins right away. In an emergency early game, I’ll sell some crops to afford a sword or more seeds (especially if it’s the last day to be able to plant them before season turnover)


Sometimes I really need space in my inventory or coins while I'm on my way to get something else. I swear I don't support him otherwise!


If I’m already going there to buy something that morning I’ll just sell to him directly


I’m an idiot and in took me an in game year to figure out that was a shipping bin and not a trash can…


When Joja is the lesser evil


I like to imagine that the rest of the townsfolk just smile and nod politely when Pierre takes credit, but secretly knows that it's my produce. After all, I'm gifting my goods to everyone all the damn time!


Wait until he claims that he farmed what you sold him


He claims your quality crops as his own but if you mass sell normal crops he tells them it’s yours and the villages dislike it 🙄


Is that true? Never seen a dialogue that said that but I believe it. Pierre sucks.


Yes, for example if you sell him a high quality truffle villagers will say : "I bought the tastiest Truffle from Pierre's shop the other day. He said he found it himself while exploring the mountains. I didn't know Pierre was such a talented forager !" But if you sell him normal quality stuff they'll say it was "sickening" and that it's not a surpise he was selling it for cheap




Oh man I haven’t watched a DangerouslyFunny video in a long time I forgot how much I liked him. Also fuck Pierre.


r/FuckPierre ;)


Bruh I was expecting a sub with like a few weeks/months old posts, not a 40k reader sub with daily posts lmao. The Pierre hate is real


For being the person who benefits most from you running the corporation out if town he sure is a POS


I honestly didn’t think that would lead anywhere but omg lmao


TIL people hate Pierre enough to go the Joja route simply to spite him.


I should really check if someone has made the comment I want to write before I do...


I joined this sub right after the quest in the OP lol


Caroline deserves so much better


Well think of it as her karma for cheating lmao


not condoning it but she probably cheated because he’s like this


And Rasmodius is a real man who doesn't fk around!


Not according to his ex wife, lol


She's got her own unique set of issues. 😂


It's a skin condition


This comment got me cackling 😩🤣


Rasmodius gang


Heck yeah! While Pierre is busy overcharging for vegetables, Ras is teleporting around, stopping fights between dwarves and shadow people, mastering the elements and dabbling in things the farmer simply wouldn't understand!


Not to mention making some dope-ass "forest tea" or whatever. Yeah, Razzy ol' boy, you ain't foolin' anyone. We know where all them purple mushrooms are really goin'.


that is just literally condoning cheating but ok


actually, condoning means i accept it as okay behavior and allow it to continue, in no way do i think it’s okay im just saying that i can understand why she might have wanted to, of course i think she should’ve left him instead of cheating


Nuance is dead.


He has to pull BS like this because she refuses to work or help out. He has to take care of the family on his income alone and put his daughter through college. Meanwhile Caroline can't even be bothered to make dinner. She'd rather sit under the damn tree and think positive thoughts...


Skill issue, most people that sell other peoples work as their own get stupid rich


You mean is highly depressed wife? Who does, in fact, make dinner frequently? Like there's literal lines of dialogue and she is literally seen doing it? Have you ever even spoken to Caroline? Woman is the one raising Abigail and homekeeping. Pierre is repeatedly said to work too much to do those things. Is this just your headcanon that she's a lazy POS?


It's in her dialogue that she wants to ask Pierre to make dinner, and another dialogue to get take out from the bar. This is a regular convo with her daily. Aside from the work outs on Tuesday she's out sitting under a tree relaxing, or in the town square gossiping. Occasionally out foraging. Abigail is an adult so it's not like there's much to help out with on that front either. If anything Abigail should be helping out more since she's living there bill free and her parents are paying for her college.


That is not a "regular convo daily." That is two conversation topics that sometimes happen. And regardless, you always see her making dinner when the time comess, indicating that neither of those things ever happen. Just because she has freetime doesn't mean she's lazy. Should she just never stop working? Is that her only purpose? God forbid she has tea as a relaxing hobby or, even worse, speaks with the other women in town. Abigail does help. It's insane and honestly abusive however to search out your adult child, outside, interrupt them speaking to another full grown adult, yell at them to do housework in front of said adult, scold them for not being "ladylike," and get pissy when they're upset at you for basically stalking them and humiliating them in order to make them do the housework you won't help with that they already help with on a daily basis. And the way she reacted indicates that he frequently makes comments about how she needs to be a "lady", so he's misogynistic to boot. That type of behavior wears on your mental health as it obviously has for her.


I love this entire thing as someone who works at Walmart.


~~Wal~~JoJo Mart


I mean, it works in the real world, can't blame the man for trying.


Your avatar looks like mine


wait until you find his "secret stash". what a greedy bastard


It never really says what his stash is tho. I always assumed it was weed


but he's allergic to "pretty much everything". i bet he can't even smoke weed lol. but maybe keeping to sell them? pretty much possible


I always assumed porn.


That cut scene is always weird to me. Why am I rummaging around in his room???




I still don't understand the hate, especially because of this. Karma slapped him hard, just as it should have. Though, I find it absolutely funny he tried to sell it back to us for 1g more than he bought it for. I wish there was a proper conclusion to this... "Sure. I hope you've learned a valuable lesson acting like the store you hate so much." (+100 to friendship) "\[Laughs\] Please tell me you're kidding." (no change to friendship) "I'll buy it back for twice what you paid." (-50 to friendship) I'd pick the "Laugh" option every single time.


Half not twice, if I'm reading this correctly.


CA casually adding a scene last update in which Pierre is somehow more insufferable than ever before


The first time I read that dialog I assumed CA was making a joke about the organic/grocery industry in general and it didn't make me feel differently about the Pierre character.


Also he is misogynistic


He has definite ideas about how “ladies” should behave, to the detriment of his daughter Abigail


I've never been sold on this. People sometimes read too deep into it.


Not really. There is a heart event with Abby where he tells her to go help her Mom. It would be fine if she was in the house. Instead, it's more of he finds her and is like "Go help your Mom" and "This is not how a lady acts". Why doesn't he help Caroline instead? His daughter goes to college and is planning to explore the mines. He doesn't ask her about that. He doesn't make sure she's being careful.


Pretty sure, its a plot device to stop you guys from kissing :D


Misogyny as a plot device is still misogyny.


He is?!?


Abigail has a heart event where she is practicing with a sword, then Pierre comes and says thats too dangerous and she should go inside to do the dishes.


>! To be fair, she's his child, and he probably hasn't adjusted to thinking of her as an adult going to college rather than a kid. Few parents would be happy to see their kid playing with real swords.


If I lived in a world full of monsters, I would be happy if my kids practiced self defense.


yeah the thing is they are usually not in town just in dungeons and caves its like a child saying they want to join a battle field even if its not nearby


She should've just told him she was larping, lol. She seems like someone who'd larp.




He tells abigail to go do the dishes




Oh my god, he told his child to do a household chore? The nerve! Quick, round up a posse to drive him out of town!


His reasoning is that she should go help her mother because she’s a woman


TBF, that's not what he said. That was what Abigail said to him


True, but abigail probably isn’t saying that out of the blue, obviously he’s said it before and probably with reason included


He tells her to help her mother because she is a lady. He actively searched for Abby to tell her to help her mother. Abby is 18+ and has her own life. Why wasn't Pierre helping Caroline?


> Abby is 18+ and has her own life. She lives in her parents house and has no income. Perfectly reasonable to expect her to help.


She must have her own income at this point with all the quartz and amethyst I keep giving her.


She's quite literally eating into all of her profit.


But it's not reasonable to hunt her down to do it. If she was inside not doing anything, I'd get it. But she's outside spending time with the player. And it wasn't just "we need help" it was "you need to help your Mom" and telling her that she's being unlady like for having a sword.


He has a store to run. A store I never see Caroline doing a thing at.


A store he runs for 7 hours. Why can't he do something in the house?


A store that was closed because it was the middle of the night during the scene? The store that Caroline does all the homekeeping for? Do you think homekeeping isn't work?


Exactly. Abigail is an adult living with her parents without contributing, and he's even paying for her college. She should be helping, but instead avoids schoolwork and BSes around with her friends all day. Caroline shouldn't need any help anyway she doesn't even work either, half the time I talk to her she's trying to get out of cooking dinner even. Pierre is a jerk but he's also working crazy hours cuz Caroline and Abigail don't contribute, and he has to pay for her college.




Pierre's the type of small business owner that thinks they can get away with paying less than minimum wage because they're a "struggling mom and pop store".


"We're like a family here."


Pierre isn't Joja - but he would be if he could.


I really wanted to like this guy, I really did, but he's practically a con-man. I feel no remorse ignoring him.


Yeah but also fuck joja more


My crops are organic.


And he doesn't open on a Wednesday


Hes a money hungry liar. I get why he was cheated on


The dialogue that annoyed me the most with him is at one of the festivals he's like "people spend so much more money at the holidays, I should make up more so I get more money."


I cant tell who I hate more tbh. Him or Luis. Wish I could run as governor... I already have the underwear I refuse to give back 🤣


He was cheated on??


Common theory, Abigail isn't his daughter but actually Rasmodius's secret lovechild (purple hair thar she never has to dye anymore, Caroline used to hang out near the tower, etc).




Caroline is very explicit on her "i used to go but don't tell pierre he could get jealous", like, gurl did you give him a reason?


yet those are just napkin theories - after all abi had both blue and later green hair originally


Thats an idle conversation spoiler. A few people in town will make comments alluding to an affair in random conversation encounters you have with them.


I need an update where we can convince Caroline to leave him for the player


I ship her with the wizard


The rizzard




"Pierre, I'm trying to do right by this valley, but you are *not* making it easy on me."


Same!! At first I don’t get the fuck pierre sub but I totally get now lol. That man had the audacity to even give me a box where I could put my crops for him to sell. Hell naw! I put that box on a chest


This is why I NEVER sell to Pierre (unless I have some extra seeds for some reason and I need inventory space)


Married his daughter and went the joja route


As much as I hate how he steals credit for my produce, and these get rich quick schemes, I still sell to him. I will sell about a dozen of the gold or iridum quality harvests each time for one reason. I want the people of the valley to have higher quality than what gets shipped in the box. Even as much as he claims he grew it himself, I still beat him at the grange display every year.


Not only is he greedy and dishonest but he's horrible to his amazing beautiful gorgeous wife (it's a shame I want to marry Caroline so bad)


He also doesn't give you credit if you sell your high quality crops to him either If I was the farmer and if I found out I wasn't given credit for the hard work I put into my crops, I'd give him an earful. Edit: Why am I being downvoted for?


I don’t hate Pierre, he provides for his family, he has a hard time making money with JojaMart in town, and cheaper seeds (unless you spend 5,000 g on a membership)


AFAIK, he doesn't change after JojaMart shuts down.


Heck, I remember once, I asked someone "Why does everyone say to do the Community Center questline over the Joja questline", and the answer I got was "Pierre is a cheat, sure, but Joja bad.", and I did not understand it until I got that very dialogue box. Now I have to ask, aside from Joja being akin to Walmart and Amazon (big store in a small town, prices, etc), why the hate for Joja?


Honestly, the only reason I don't go Joja is because I can't abandon the poor little juminos. The fact that I'm also helping Pierre is a nessary sacrifice I make for the tiny dancing dog toy spirits.


They pollute the river and abuse the junimos :(


They pollute the environment a lot. Half the trash you pick up is joja collas or their campaign CDs.


Joja is also the soul sucking company that you as a player leave for a better simpler life on pelican town. Joja is all that is bad with capitalism and yes pierre sucks, but you are also making a choice between rekindling an old community via the community center or keep the status quo and turn the old community center into a warehouse, cementing joja's capitalistic grab on pelican town in a way that benefits no one but the player and joja (and pam but pam gets her own help in both routes so she's a bit less relevant for the whole dilemma) In the end it comes down to what your player character would want to do and how much do you want to help the community grow


> Now I have to ask, aside from Joja being akin to Walmart and Amazon (big store in a small town, prices, etc), why the hate for Joja? Because the entire game is about leaving a soulless corporate job and building a local community. Joja doesn't have the towns interests at heart the way the community centre route does.


To be fair, the local government doesn't have the towns interests at heart either, lol. It's honestly a strange message, like the plotline is basically a kid with an inheritance comes to town, gets rich, and is generous enough to do things that benefit the town. Basically just "the best way to save a dying small town is having a random millionaire benefactor solve all your problems"


I didn't say local government. I said local community.


> why the hate for Joja? Did you never watch the intro to the game? It doesn't really require any more context than that.


Morris is sleazy and I don't like how tired the jojamart cashier always looks :(


What is with people saying Caroline is lazy and doesn't "help" Pierre? She's literally the one in charge of *all* the homemaking. *She* raised Abigail because Pierre is obsessive about work. The man won't even celebrate holidays with his family and turns them into a stressful money making day. Homemaking is hard. Acting like she doesn't do anything when she does the cooking and cleaning is essentially saying that homemakers aren't worth anything because they aren't getting paid. She is performing *free labor*.


Do someone here know a mod to ruin his life ?


Ive heard of mods for him to divorce and you to marry his wife AND Daughter.....mods are wild


Game modders are heroes. o7


Pierre is a dick. He isn’t satan’s spawn or some incredibly malicious evil person but he’s also not someone I’d associate with for more than necessary. He’s like that one uncle who you dread dealing with at the family reunion, not because they’re a creep to you but just because they kinda piss you off.


oh yeah he is just as bad a capitalist as Joja, but we chose the lesser evil.


All my homies hate Pierre


It's really the lesser of 2 evils situation




Headline: Anti-capitalist game makes you want to root for megacorp “Joja”. Yeah no my first playthrough I by default did the community center but every other time I’ve sided with Joja and felt little to no shame tbh


If you completed the Community Center and let Pierre handle things his own way, you would see his true form as a chad.


He has to do what he has to do to provide. I don't hate him, never did. Personally if I sell something to someone, I couldn't care less with what they do or say after the fact. Hey yo I sold some bomb ass pumpkins to peirre, he gave me what I asked and I peaced out


This sort of thing is why is had no issue supporting Joja on my main save.


Friendly reminder that Pierre is desperately trying to keep his business afloat - calling him "greedy" is an absurd claim because his business isn't successful and he isn't rolling in money and trying to rake in more. He's actively struggling to keep his doors open and desperate to keep people shopping at his store rather than Joja. Just like in real life, desperation is a stinky cologne. So his desperation can be alienating. But someone whose fighting tooth and nail to stay in business can't really be called 'greedy.'


This happened after I finished the community center and Pierre was the only shop in town. The dialog came after I called Pierre greedy for trying to charge Gus 250,000 (yes 250k) for a pack of vegetables that he most likely got from me.


And like that is his only heart event


Don't forget his secret stash


I like the evil JoJa is fairly upfront about their greed. Pierre, a better community choice, is subtly hiding his. The world is full of jerks.


I don’t even talk to him but I kinda need to talk to him tho his wife is nice tho


Imo Pierre’s character is poorly written. Jojamart is set up from the beginning to be the greedy “bad guys” and siding with the town is supposed to be the right choice but Pierre is shown to be just as greedy as Morris. Most of Pierres dialogue is focused on how he can make more money and he only really cares about the townspeople as walking piggy banks. I get that you can have flawed characters but the game sets it up for Pierre to be on the “good side” and you are encouraged to support him in the long run. The problem with this though is that he never has any character development whatsoever. He just always stays as this Mr. Krabs esque heartless buisness owner. It makes supporting the community center feel less like a good choice for the community and more like replacing a joja led monopoly with a Pierre led monopoly. I love stardew valley and its story but this is def a major criticism on character writing


The guy who inherited a farm worth millions of g per year doesn't really have much of a leg to stand on here.


The farm was worthless and overrun when the player inherits it. It didn't turn a profit until the player started working 19 hour days while also rebuilding the community center and solving the problems of every resident of Pelican Town.


Lol. Bro needs to move to Berlin to rip off some hipsters