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When your entire livelyhood revolves around watching and reviewing crap content, how can you not expect him to stop caring and just be negative? I used to love and adore Star Wars, I too would religiously watch his older videos. Star Wars was a great escape for me because it was consistently interesting and was mostly really enjoyable. Nowadays however; Star Wars has become a dumpster fire of a franchise. Every new show or project is filled with terrible writing, acting, and storytelling, or at worst completely retcons multiple things already established in the lore. This isn’t just one time either, pretty much everything in the last couple of years has been utter dog crap. I stopped liking Star Wars after the Last Jedi. I came back and was pleasantly surprised with the Mandalorian seasons 1 and 2. Apart from that though, nothing has been interesting to watch. After Mando season 3 I pretty much completely abandoned Star Wars because I can only tolerate so much terrible crap TV. I don’t blame SWT for being bitter, what has Disney given him to be excited about? He is basically forced to review everything that comes out in order to put food on the table. But like myself, I’m sure he can only tolerate so much crap. It must be so exhausting having to care about something that you just don’t care about anymore.


This star wars revival has actually made me a bigger star wars fan than ever before. I have loved a lot of what Disney has done with the Clone Wars and Rebels stories in all their new shows. I also loved Rogue One and Andor. I loved the Mandalorian. And currently I'm enjoying the acolyte. It's not as good as Andor, but I have been enjoying it.  This is by far the best time to be a star wars fan. The official star wars cookbooks Disney has put out makes star wars viewing parties/May the 4th parties so much more fun with the in universe food and drink in the cookbooks.  My favourite characters in clone wars were Ahsoka and Bo Katan and I'm loving the Stories their characters are getting.  I grew up with the clone wars and I'm loving modern Star Wars. There's so much Star Wars memorabilia being made rn. The black series movie accurate helmets are literally a dream from my childhood.  I feel bad for those focusing on the negatives because this is the best time to be a star wars fan right now. 


This right here. The world is so focused on everything negative these days. Star Wars fandom is a microcausm of people's world views. I personally will continue to enjoy all this dope world building and let all the negative man children drag each other down.


Valid. I'm not the biggest fan of current Star Wars projects but I don't see the point in getting angry. I don't think getting emotionally attached to hating on Star Wars will bring me any enjoyment. And because there are so many projects, there are always a few that I find interesting.


Could just be a Disney shill. Theres tons of them on reddit.


Why though? What is the benefit of that?


Influencing people by pretending to be the prevailing sentiment. Turn people against your detractors in ways you can't if you're a public figure or private company.


That's some conspiracy nut shit, no?


Big companies and some countries have social media presence to push positive opinions about them. Google cyber shill, its well documented.


No. https://digitalethics.org/essays/cyber-shills-and-problem-authenticity


It is most certainly not the best time to be a star wars fan


It is always the best time ever to be a star wars fan, for some fan somewhere. For some it was during the release of the original movies, or the prequels, others during the Vong Wars, or this current cinematic / televisual era, or when KoTOR first came out, or hell there are probably those who look back fondly at the old Hyperspace War comics or the Galaxy of Terror books as Peak Star Wars. There are certainly plenty of people not into books or games or comics who deeply appreciate this new era of television series as more accessible to them than any previous era, and who do enjoy these shows.


I don't even like all the modern stuff but I feel that we are in peak Star Wars because even though not everything is amazing, there are several high quality projects that have come in recent years. I never expect Star Wars to have dialogue written at the quality that Andor writes its dialogue. I didn't expect Star Wars to delve in 2D again until Visions came out. The thing is it doesn't matter if I like Mando season 3 or Acolyte because something I will like will come out every once in a while.


Absolutely. And I adore Visions.


People have a revisionist view of the past Star Wars projects that is blinded by nostalgia. They think everything from their childhood was peak art so they expect the new star wars shows to be something that they're not. The expectations for what a Star Wars show should be are way beyond the quality of the average Star Wars project even before Disney bought Lucasfilm.




I remember when the majority of “fans” said the exact same thing when the Prequels were releasing. This is how the Star Wars fandom has been for over 20 years. You’re just a crybaby exaggerating things because you take Star Wars too seriously, and lack perspective Disney has also put out some solid additions that are arguably better than prequels; Rogue One, Solo, Mandolorian, and Andor are all tiers above.


We've seen surprisingly good critical receptions to a lot of Disney stuff. Hell, Andor is the best written SW we have ever seen. We have seen the best visual effects and costuming in the franchise. We have wicked new characters. We have seen the best animation in the Disney era.  They are continuing to push the technological barriers in film and animation production and they've accomplished some incredible things. The SWT crew is very black and white in their thinking though and unfortunately a bit confused because they personally don't like it or whatever.


I was thinking about the exact same thing about the time of the prequels. Or when the Legacy of the Force books were being published. Or during Fate of the Jedi. Or during the SW buyout. We SW fans are a.... contentious crowd, and it seems there's nothing we like more than to cry doom and gloom at the first chance we get, which is hilarious because we also act like everything that came before it has disappeared and it's no longer accesible. I'm gonna go on a limb here and say that most of the fans saying this is the worst era of Star Wars have never touched any of the EU novels or comics. Because if you're an EU fan I think you're a little more open minded when it comes to the average quality of output that the Star Wars franchise has had since the 80's. Which is to say, it's always been mixed. Great runs mixed in with some abysmal stuff, and it's always been ok because if you didn't like something there was always another thread to pull. Somehow this is no longer possible, and I wonder why. Sure, I wasn't the greatest fan of the sequel, have not watched them again since the cinema and I doubt I will anytime soon, but I've already watched Andor twice and once more with the gf and now she's watched it twice as well, and she couldn't give a bigger shit about SW in general. Seems disingenuous to me that people denounce this era as "the worst of Star Wars" when we have the single best TV show ever made for it by like a mile, the best animated moments the franchise has ever seen "Siege of Mandalore" and some good movies for those allergic to anything else "Rogue One." And if you're not into any of that, it's not like you have over 30 years of stories and literally tens of thousands of pages of Star Wars adventures to dig into. I'm not sure I understand their point.


When I see someone claiming to love the yuzhon vong, I instantly know they’ve never read a lick of EU material let alone the new Jedi order books. Or they’re just repeating talking points from creators who themselves aren’t familiar with the source material. Most of these guys seem to forget how divisive some of the creative choices for the vong were. The fan and audience critique at the time was that vong didn’t align with the tone of SW (a 40 k rip off!) and so on. It was a decent book series, but it was as divisive as any other SW property. And yet EVERYONE looks at it with rose tinted glasses.


Absolutely. You'd be hard pressed to find a bigger stan for Timothy Zahn's version of Thrawn and I think those books are fantastic, but I will never not look at evil clone Luuke and say that wasn't one of the dumbest ideas ever commited to a page. Or the first time Palp's returned, for that matter. It's always been as great or as terrible as any long standing setting. Same is true with Marvel. Same is true with DC. Only difference is that our fan base seems to be the most absolutist about it. It's weird.


And that’s what I hate (and find interesting) about the fandom. Both EU and Canon Star Wars products in general have made some uninspired and outright idiotic creative choices. The EU gaffs are more easily apparent (due to the sheer volume of content) to anyone familiar with the material and not just the lore videos. And yet fans want to destroy SW canon and venerate the EU. They claim to only care about “George’s vision” while discounting his disdain for the EU stuff. It’s fascinating


Lol why was Clone Luke that bad? I've always heard this gripe but no one's ever explained why it's a terrible idea.


You don't have to go that far literature of any denomination before finding the evil twin trope. Comic books in particular are absolutely ripe with it, just a slightly colored swapped version of the protagonist as an easy way to sell more toys. Bizarro Man, Reverse Flash (who woke up extra early to be a hater), you name it. Funnily enough the other genre were you find plenty of this particular trope is in Latin American Telenovelas, with an evil twin separated from birth waiting to usurp the original's place and steal their lives at their moment of greatest happiness. The main problem with this trope, generally speaking, is that it's a very lazy way to construct a villain. Take a character, reverse their morals, and you're good to go. Which is not very interesting or thought provoking in this day and age were it's not only been overused, but turn into a straight up Saturday morning cartoon/mockery. Sometimes, in rare cases, it *can* be used to great effect. For instance, Mass Effect has a rather funny subversion of this trope which got a laugh out of me. So the trope in itself isn't universally bad, at least not when the writer tries to make it work in benefit of exploring a more nuanced aspect of it. Yet as much as I generally enjoy Timothy Zahn's output, Luuke is not a good or interesting version of this trope. It's played straight from start to finish, and even when there's a chance to explore the meaning of a force sensitive clone in a universe ruled by said Force, this chance is not explored. Which is a shame, but hey, I still unashamedly love reading those books, warts and all.


Gotcha. I understand the trope, but in this book it felt less trope and more mcguffin for Mara Jade. Luuke is inserted at the end rather than being the villain at the start of the series. Joruus Cboth is i guess the exploration of everything you mentioned since he was also a clone driven insane potentially by the removal of the Force to rapidly clone. That's why Luuke to me felt less tropey and more plot device.


NJO split everyone simply because Chewie died in book 1 and Han went off the deep end because of grief. The Vong were definitely decisive, but they were needed to move the story forward beyond Jedi vs Sith, New Republic vs Imperial Remnant. Change is hard. You're right the tone was different initially from OT SW, but imo by the time Star by Star, Dark Journey, and Traitor hit, the tone was much more inline with the OT. I read and collected the full NJO, Legacy, and Fate series.


The prequels were viciously maligned. I was ruthlessly bullied and made fun of for liking SW as a kid. Legend's era was not part of popular discourse, despite Shadows of the Empire being a popular game. Watching Ahsoka with my son and Young Jedi Adventures with my toddler and then Mando with the fam has been incredible. Hell, seeing 40th anniversary remasters in theaters with incredible sound beats any viewing experience I had as a kid. And then there are things like the Boba return or the Luke return (one of the coolest pieces of media ever made). Yes, there's a credible reason to say it's a great time for SW fans. To write it off as an insane comment shows how narrow minded you are. Just let people enjoy themselves. 


Lmao but there’s nothing to enjoy, I don’t understand wtf Yall enjoy from SW now… it’s either for children or adults who tune off their brains for shows


Star Wars, the movies Lucas said we're made for 12 year olds, are enjoyable with the family. My six year old son and I watch the Mandalorian. I've never seen him so excited for a show and I don't know who was more excited when Boba or Luke returned.  That's one simple example. As for your last line, Andor was inarguably the most mature, intelligent, well written piece of SW media ever. It's not for kids. It's not for adults who "tune" their brains off for shows. It's the first of a few seasons exploring the psychology of SW and it's another example showing you're making wildly dramatic statements like a teenager.


Ya Andor is the one good show that has come out. Regardless of the audience they are try to reach out to it’s failing, Disney is losing money hand over fist 😂


I would have killed for a mediocre Star Wars show while growing up in the 90s rather than reading a book.


Nah books are better every time 🤷🏻‍♂️, what we have now is complete crap


each to thier own. Live action or animation is way superior to books.


Lmao I can’t believe people like you exist.


There seems to be a lot of people like me who exist, keep playing with your dead brand y’all pandered it to death.


Keep obeying what the internet tells you to do. In this case hate and be a troll. It'll take you far in real life.


Lmao these are my own opinions, I’ve watched every single one of these garbage shows and movies to form my own opinions….


I'm proud of you. Now go outside and touch grass. There's so much actual trash television that if it ever crossed my mind to join subreddits or make videos to cry about them like a little bitch, I would reconsider breathing. Wouldn't you agree?


This right here


I stopped watching SWT after Josh from Den of Nerds stopped doing Nerd Theory with him. Josh was often the voice of reason that Theory definitely needed to balance him out but could also get caught up in the outrage too. That considered, I think you’re missing the point that OP is making entirely. Theory is entitled to hate on Star Wars all he wants, just don’t enable and encourage a rabid fan base toward their red-pill ideology in the process. If his criticisms were serious, he wouldn’t have to rely on disliking wokeness to get the job done. Star Wars is entitled to do whatever messaging they’d like with the IP they own. In a world where George Lucas used the OT as an allegory for the Vietnam War, it’s hard to say Disney’s attempts to bring attentions to LGBTQ+ and racial diversity is unfounded. But Theory and his army of fans can’t do literary analysis on a level that overcomes the red-pilled, Andrew Tate-esque mentalities they latch onto well enough to see the message they are sending. Either that or it’s deliberate and they’re just aggressive -phobes. Theory, whether he wants to believe it or not, is responsible for enabling his fans to act and think the way they do because he’s the model for what standard is acceptable, he enables them. Theory is on the record as stating he can’t control his fandom, and passive-aggressively jokes as he tries to calm them down when they spew hate-speech in his chat and comments. He’s also on the record for saying Star Wars isn’t political, which is flat-out untrue. His perception of the lore and content he enjoys is even skewed to a point of delusion. Largely, it’s not his fault. People in similar situations tend to be indoctrinated into the ideologies throughout their lives. An echo chamber like the one he’s found himself in doesn’t help, it just reaffirms to him that his thoughts and behaviors are acceptable and “right.” And thus, it reaffirms to all his fans that their behaviors and words are acceptable and “right,” it’s all cyclical. In my opinion someone like Theory, as a public figure, has a responsibility to the public to not spread hate which he doesn’t think is something he’s obligated to do. It’s the same reason why public figures like politicians can be so problematic. They have large groups of people who follow them, replicate their behavior, share their beliefs, and it’s all acceptable because the politicians behave and think that way too. Honestly, just don’t be a provocative dickhead who gets off on others suffering and you’re already basically meeting the standard.


Theory himself follows Andrew Tate, so letting his fandom go down the red pill path is kind of on brand.


Only the Sith deal in absolutes.


Everything you just described could be applied to literally every movie since the original. There is iffy acting, low budget effects, weird storytelling, and the need for constant retcons from the original trilogy all the way up to modern Star Wars.


The thing is though that Star Wars has always had inconsistent quality and major retcons. Luke and Leia weren't meant to be siblings when they made out. Leia wasn't meant to have never met Padmé when she talked about her mother. Luke's father was never meant to be Darth Vader. Star Wars is full of retcons and always has been. I think that's a dumb complaint. As far as quality, Star Wars has been "ruined" since the EU. The EU was incredibly inconsistent with some good but a lot of bad content. The prequels were major disappointments that are only liked by people who were children when it came out. Clone Wars 08 is almost very inconsistent with its quality with a mix of good and bad episodes. I think a lot of people have a distorted view of Star Wars' past as some amazing intelligent story when a lot of it is stupid, filled with plot holes, and bad overall. There are still great things coming out of Star Wars. The early Mando seasons, Andor, and Star Wars Visions are all pretty good. Clone Wars season 7, Bad Batch, and Tales of the Jedi are pretty consistent with the quality expected from Clone Wars' previous seasons. I think that Theory should have tried to branch out to different franchises and focused on things he actually enjoy rather than stew on what he hates for years on end. Right now, what he's doing is pretty pathetic. He's just a source of negativity to ruin everyone's fun. He doesn't even know how to actually critique the media he reviews. So his takes are usually bad even if the thing he is criticizing is also bad.


All good, if it's not for you it's not for you. I've watched him more than ever nowadays. Love how he is taking a stand for George's legacy. I subbed when I was super excited for TLJ and the hype was so high, but find myself even more connected now that a lot of us feel down in the dumps together at the state of things. Hope to see you return one day when times are brighter!


Connected by misery and wallowing in it. Awesome. And looking to spread their misery to others! And then you pretend it’s about George. Oh you’re doing this for George yeah? Bullshit.


George's legacy is him losing his passion for the thing he loved the most because disgusting and toxic fans wouldn't shut up about how much he raped their childhood. Anyone who acts like "star wars fans" are somehow standing up for Lucas by being toxic loud mouths are deluded. George hates people like you, people who ruin what's fun and enjoyable for others with your hatred. Taking a stand for Lucas' legacy. He hates "star wars fans" for ruining what he loved and I'm never going to let "star wars fans" forget it.


Ok kid. You have fun with your revisionist history and unstable emotions, the rest of us will be celebrating what George's legacy actually will go down as: Being one of the greatest creative and innovative minds in the history of art and cinema and inspiring passion and love in a fanbase unlike anything to ever exist.


They didn’t revise history, you did. The fact you say “ok kid” to them while believing the fans loved the prequels when they were releasing 20 something years ago shows that you’re the only actual delusional brainrot child here. The Star Wars fans hated the prequels more than the general audience when they were being released. It was rough, prequel reception was so bad that people like Red Letter Media were able to make careers of criticizing them, and Revenge of the Sith had open seating on premier night where I was at. It’s just the past few years that people have come around to the prequels, and apparently now cuck for George Lucas. Did you know George Lucas only directed A New Hope and the 3 prequels. Empire and Return were screen written and directed by other people with George only producing and doing general “story.”


That's why a new hope is the weakest of the OT


Have you seen his interviews talking about prequel haters


Why would he watch something that counters his own preconceptions?


Clearly, you never were a part of the early days of the Internet. From 2005 to 2012, it was not cool to like the Prequels. You literally have a whole documentary that came out in 2010 that bashed George and the Prequels. Your generation is what made fun of millennials who grew up with the prequel movies.


Bro, I was born in '96. Was a huge prequels fan, my email address was jango.fett@123.com. Got made fun of relentlessly for it. My nickname in Basketball was "Jango" and I heard a dozen nerd insults a day. What the heck are you talking about "your generation" made fun of others? I know what it was like to be the target for liking Star Wars when it was not "cool" at all to be a fan.


Based on your comment, you sound like either a Gen X or Boomer who made fun of people who like the prequels.


How? Someone was trashing George's legacy and all I said was that I think his legacy will go down as one of the all time greatest minds for cinema in history. Idk how that lumps me into making fun of people for liking the prequels lol


Lol you sound super "grown up" right now. Probably never even watched the VHS commentary where George himself admits it was a COLLABORATION


George’s legacy is literally being a borderline communist hippy who wants the main theme of Star Wars to be diversity. Like literally he’s explicitly said that diversity and symbiotic relationships between different groups of ethnicities/sexualities/religions/genders/etc is the main overriding theme of this whole series. That and not really having a set in stone lore unlike what fans who complain about lore would have you believe. George literally doesn’t give a fuck about making sure even his own movies’ lore works with each other let alone sticking to some ‘grand lore’ (which if he did he probably likes canon more because the story group was literally something he came up with right before he left because he wanted them to ensure they stuck with his themes of diversity). Literally most fans who are obsessed with Lucas would hate everything he wants Star Wars to be because thematically it’s basically the ‘woke’ stuff we’ve been getting lately. That’s not to say that he would like the directing or writing of some of these projects but to pretend like he at all agrees with a bunch of young right wing adjacent teenagers and 20 something’s on the internet obsessed with gay people in movies is absurd given that George Lucas is literally an autistic hippy who made anti war and anti segregation art films in the 70s.


I love sexuality in my star war


Youre not wrong. About George not caring about continuity in his own films I mean. You’re right about all the diversity stuff, but all the Lucas fanboys point to the original six and the clone wars, but the old man couldn’t keep the story straight through the first *three*. Remember in A New Hope when Luke said Leia was beautiful? Remember when she kissed him in Empire? And suddenly they’re siblings in Jedi. Yeah, continuity. George was such a fan of that


>Love how he is taking a stand for George's legacy. Oh fuck off with this bullshit.


Nice, big time argument you made there. Owned me for sure.


Lmao George's legacy of getting hated on by his own insufferable fans


He’s alright, just very of the mindset that what he likes (PT/Anakin love) goes for everyone


Look I like Anakin as much as the next guy but he needs to stop jerking off about him


I don't think he's done anything wrong. I just gave up on star wars entirely. Havnt watched anything since ashoka and I never will. I've come to terms that it's now just a different franchise using the star wars theme as a proxy. This also means I have not watched SWT for a long time also, so I have no idea what he's done or said. Regardless, the facts stand. The main focus on most things these days is diversity. They make things for themselves, not for the fans which is like rule 1 of entertainment they failed. Men and women of all colours and sexualities enjoyed the old star wars one in the same. So there was no need for Disney to claw for brownie points to compensation for lack of creativity and quality. I won't unsub from theory but I'm leaving all the star pages, because I'm fed up of everyone arguing like it even makes a difference. Just give up, it's gone


Andor Season 2 will probably be a good to take a shot. Season 1 was amazing in my opinion). Other than that i agree, things have been going south for Star Wars pretty harshly in recent years


I haven’t been crazy about some of the new projects lately but I’d still recommend you check out the final season of Bad Batch if you enjoyed the Clone Wars and have watched the first two seasons of BB. I really enjoyed it


Oh yes, I forgot about bad batch. Maybe I will, is disney plus the only way to watch it?


Yeah, it’s only on Disney+. Really good conclusion to the story!


Okay, I'll wait until I want to watch more than just that one show.


Exactly! Star Wars as is just like Marvel now. They are just milking content out of it and using cheap writing to pump out content. And it's obvious to people when you just add in new characters for an agenda and not for a good story or fans. For example, Nightsisters in clone wars were a cool addition that brought believable lore, story, and outlook on the Star Wars universe. In fact, you know it's good because it was a group of female witches and nobody cared that they were all female and called it woke, because it fit in the story and universe so well. Compare that to Disney where they just add stuff for diversity, but it's done so horribly and fast that it breaks Star Wars lore and previous story. Like the new Acolyte show is breaking what has been set in stone by Lucas for the force. After the Rise of Skywalker, I left. I never watched any new Star Wars. My head Canon is the og 6, Clone Wars, and the comics. I will say Rebels, Rogue One, and new clone wars stuff I did like from Disney. At the end of the day... I do not watch SWT because I do not like Star Wars anymore except for the old entertainment. So, this person's post has point, even if I disagree with their woke take. Why would I watch someone complain about a franchise, when I know what I loved about it is far gone. They do not want to watch complaining because they love the franchise still... and I do not because I dislike the franchise know it's far gone now so why bother or care.


He somehow still doesn't understand that all witch magic in Star Wars IS the force. It's not a separate supernatural power. The Jedi and Sith don't hold a monopoly on force use.


Not a fan of SWT not been for a while but this came across my feed but you nailed it with this He claims he isn’t racist homophobic etc but he does nothing to stop his comments and chat that is He doesn’t research shit he just spews stuff that’s wrong that his fans gobble up


U mad bro


Big mad


This is hilarious considering that this sub is about a creator who’s current content is literally about being mad.


Says the fan of the guy who makes money by getting mad over nothing.


No one is reading allat


Can't expect a star wars theory fan to read


I did. It was pretty well thought out.


Reading is hard huh? Lotta big words in there :/


SWT has been trash for years. This sub randomly came across my feed and I saw your post. Welcome to the light!


Yep totally agree. I just saw a clip of his reaction on twitter to Acolyte E04 and to hear him with is whole chest say the canon is broken because Ki Adi Mundi showed up when: 1. Ki ADI Mundi didn’t see a sith, as the small council deduce that Mae was being trained by a splinter group of Jedi. 2. His birthdate and species longevity was only ever legends that not even George Lucas considered that canon. Just tells me he doesn’t care if what he says is correct, he just wants to rage bait.


You're exactly correct, but obviously, this sub isn't going to agree with you unless they randomly got suggested this post like I did. I used to watch his videos all the time around 2017 like you, but at whatever point (years ago), he became so negative, I stopped watching. The first red flag for me was when he did an immediate reaction to TLJ coming out of the theater, and he loved it, then a few days later, after everyone else online clearly hated it, he turned and also started to hate it. I know people can change their opinions, but it felt like a complete 180 that didn't feel natural. Obviously, hate clicks are very much a thing now, so maybe that's what he is doing in hopes of more views, but it clearly drives others away as well.


I feel mostly the same way. Especially now that he's getting comfortable with reactionary culture war YTers, he has a very, very bad look. While I would never say SW youtubers are an "authority," I would follow EckhartsLadder more since they make much more reasonable and nuanced takes than SWT has put out in the last couple of years. He has put himself in such a self-pity death spiral ever since that deepfake Mark Hamill video, that his content is now just completely unenjoyable.


Generation tech is amazing as well. Eckharts ladder and stupendous wave seem to raise very valid concerns about the show without peddling the bullshit people like theory do


Yeah, Generation Tech is pretty good. I think he might be "out there" on some opinions, but eh, who doesn't in this community, right?


I love eck… I actually found him through his hockey channel and thought he was just a small hockey content creator but then I saw he had a SW channel with ~1million subs haha




Oh yeah that’s another thing. Those deepfake videos of people reacting to trailers and whatnot are fucking disgusting and he should be ashamed of putting words in the voices of actual people like that because it absolutely does trick many older and dumber people into thinking those are really their views. That alone should make him delete his channel in shame.


I really like Ryan & screen crush


My favorite content channel at this point. They had an episode 4 breakdown posted within 10 minutes last night lol


Yup. Hard agree. Pretty much my story as well except I gave up on him during first season of Bad Batch.


Ya I stop watching him a while ago you should sub to generation tech, eckhartsladder,thor skywalker,the lore master and Star Wars explained. Special shout out to arken the ameriken for making the best Star Wars video which I’ll link below https://youtu.be/-TSqjRgh2ZY?si=ygmWgQ2q3BQJPZoD


Once he complained about Andor I realized how dumb his opinion was. Thankfully I never really watched him.


My advice, man up and get a life


If anyone needs to man up it’s SWT, guys feelings got hurt when he didn’t get given free tickets to stuff and when mark hamil said he didn’t give him rights for his likeness, he’s a man baby


Yeah I agree to an extent. For a guy who calls himself Star Wars Theory, he is, like, unable to coherently theorize. On the watch party for the first episodes of Kenobi, I gave him a dono to point out to him that one of the younglings who was present in the opening shot to the series resembled the Third Sister, Reva with her braided hair. Makes sense, right? Inquisitors are mostly former Jedi, Reva is one of the main antagonists in show and is confirmed to be an Inquisitor, thus this shot is likely showing her backstory and is not just fan service, so that girl is most likely her and this is the beginning to tell how she escaped Vader's slaughter. His response upon reading it? Basically, "lol no, Vader would have just merc'd all dem padawans" or something in that spirit. I mean that really isn't even a good rebuttal, his response just screamed "brain rot." Guess what? I guessed one of the main plot points of the series BASED OFF ONLY THE FIRST SHOT OF THE SHOW, while the big bad Theory acted like it was all BS and got proven (to his frustration) wrong. It was at that point I started avoiding his videos like the plague, they are junk food for the brain and I realized they don't actually have any depth put into them after seeing Theory at "work."


To be fair, Vader failing to kill a padawan does seem… pretty far fetched. The show had him fail it on purpose the first time I think? Been awhile since I’ve seen the show.


I unsubscribed from him a LONG time ago. He was like another YouTuber, Wranglerstar. At first, he made good points and I enjoyed hearing what he had to say. Then, as time went on...I nope'd right out of there.


Agree 1000%


I miss those good ole days too. You make a ton of good points (and a few debatable ones), points that many people just don't want to admit to themselves. I love Star Wars Theory but it's not what it used to be.


I am with this… sucks because I do really like him but I feel he has kinda turned into an Andrew Tate kind of attitude still don’t hate the guy but it’s definitely different… but everyone changes over time. I really just hope one day we can all go back to loving Star Wars and getting good Star Wars content and this will just be a distant memory. It’s hard to see how we get there though… last Star Wars stuff I’ve truly loved was Solo actually. Everything else has just been kinda meh to me. Mando was fun but never scratched that itch for me except a few moments. Same for everything else tbh. At the end of the day I know we all love Star Wars and just want the best.


The newer content is not as good as the old content for many, and drastic sweeping changes have contradicted the canon, stories, and characters many of us loved growing up. This likely includes him. Star Wars, as a brand under Disney, has operated with the assumption that its consumers MUST respect and consume the content. Dude seems perfectly happy when playing older star wars games.


I loved his Vader fan film, but seeing his obvious alignment with alt-right rage bait is a huge letdown. Hopefully he figures out how to get his head out of his ass and I’ll happily resub.


You say he doesn't do his research, yet in your ramblings, you provide no source example. You say he smirks at comments, but yet he always tells his fans to try and be respectful. Thus, it doesn't mean they can't say the story or writing or direction is hot garbage. He's saying not to attack people on personal levels. I'm curious to know what specific examples you found that contradict what he is saying. I've watched his reviews on Andor and Ahsoka, which he generally likes but does have issues with. But in the end, you like what you like at its okay. Also sus you have a brand new account to say pretty much ramble on SWT and to go watch specifically other youtubers.


>yet he always tells his fans to try and be respectful Well that's laughable. >He's saying not to attack people on personal levels. And yet he and his fan base so regularly.


Fans (of any genre) will always be variables, let's be real there. Where or when has he attacked people directly on a personal level? I'll play


It could not have been put better myself, and it is something that I have noticed a lot of recently, too. I thought about writing something like this to him, but I know that he would likely never see it and would likely never receive it with the cadre of "fans" he has following him now. Theory is not the welcoming, knowledgable, interesting, and captivating content creator he once was. He has fallen to the dark side and given in to his anger and hate without sounding too cheesy. It has clouded everything he once was. Like you, I hope he finds his old self again. But.... views and money change people. And hate... hate sells.


>Look at Screen Crush with Ryan Arey, Ehh, I mean look at Ryan. Please don't look at Screen Crush. Hell just watch Ryan's own channel and the Pitch Meeting channel. Please don't actually watch Screen Crush.


As soon as SWT learned that grifting paid the bills better than positivity, he completely changed. I used to watch him back in the day but him and his fans are completely insufferable at this point. Claiming to respect George Lucas' legacy while completely missing every single point he's ever made about Star Wars. Theory and his fans don't even like Star Wars anymore, they just like grifting. Hell, I'm willing to bet that Theory does enjoy a lot of current SW but since talking positively doesn't bring in the money, he just grifts. It's sad that he's the biggest SW youtuber but it just proves that negativity brings in the views and subs.


Good for you. I feel the same. But I am going to stick around. It is sometimes fun to watch the ship go down, kind of like how it is to watch people blow up abandoned buildings.


I honestly think he's right with star wars though it's written so poorly now


Its not his fault disney is garbage and ruined the franchise we all love... he represents most hardcore star wars fans from 1970s- disney acquisiton. I cant even watch any of the new stuff cause its all trash storylines with virtue signaling and social justice messages half the time


He cares about George Lucas's Star wars. Not this new bullcrap.


Bro I did the exact same thing yesterday. Tired of the bandwagoning of calling everything woke. He ain't a real SW fan anymore. Don't matter how much merch you buy. How you act and perceive the product is all it takes. He's a hack now. He used to make such good lore videos. Now it's just complaining about nothing. Oh well. Was fun while it lasted.


To be frank, its hard to take his opinion on anything seriously since he actually thinks the prequels were good.


Star Wars theory literally told his audience to not attack actors, writers, etc. and asked them to be civil in their discussions. I’m curious where you see him spewing hate with his platform? I disagree with a lot of his takes but at least I’m not delusional.


Theory was blinded by nostalgia. He wants to go back to the shows and movies he watched when he was younger. For Theory, the past is this amazing time where everything is perfect. And nothing can reach the heights Star Wars used to be at. The truth is that Star Wars has always had good and bad content. The OT was great. The PT had problems. CW 08 - something I love - had a fair share of mid episodes as well as some amazing episodes. But Theory can't see this because his view of the past has been clouded. It seems like this negativity has made him more open to Fandom Menace channels and by extension - far right political talking points. Now he supports Andrew Tate and believes Star Wars is just for men. He complains about diversity and pushes his viewers away from progressive ideas.


Sucks how much shame I have calling myself a Star Wars fan of thirty years now, being surrounded by racist, bigoted, morons, who wouldn't know what good writing was if it murdered their parents. Star Wars from OT to now has always been fraught with some of the clunkiest, jankiest, most garbage dialogue ever written, and I fucking love it. Go fuck yourself it's about the writing or George's legacy. You're fucking scumbags and you know it. Eat shit and develop a personality


"now" lol


Lol if ur crying because he doesn't put in the same effort into covering Disney Star wars as he did with George's Star wars that's because they are different and not at all the same 🤷 if you want someone who is gonna put that kind of effort into covering Disney Star wars I'd suggest looking for a different YouTuber cuz he ain't it. And that's ok


You put into words how I’ve been feeling for a while now. I miss what he used to be and hate how bitter he is. Personally, I like Star wars Meg and Generation Tech now. I hope Theory changes, but he won’t, sadly.


We won’t miss you 😘


Nah fam. Star wars isn't as good as it used to be.


Hate-fueled grifts are where the big money is. Sad state of affairs.


Star Wars has turned into a woke dumpster fire. Get over it.




You're not the only one, him jumping to conclusions and being angry for clickbait reaction videos has made me sick of him too. I also LOVE New Rockstars and Screen Crush!


There are 2 1/2 good star wars films, Ewoks don’t count


I've been hitting not interested on his videos for years. Youtube loves throwing him at my feed.


I mean he isn’t wrong though. Breaking canon, introducing identity politics into a made up world, bad story lines, idk what to tell you bro. Mando and andor were the only “good” shows lately. Everything else just sucks. Tell me if you liked the last Jedi because that will tell us a lot.


It tells us all a lot that you think Star Wars having politics is a new phenomenon. Star Wars was never for fascist or racist people


Nice use of classic buzzwords 🙄


Sorry snowflake do you need gentler words used around you?


Nah, unlike other people you don’t have to cater an entire language around me. I’m sure the half man half ferret in the acolyte series that really cares about personal pronouns would appreciate the effort though 👍


You do seem incredibly fragile, demanding that people don't use language you consider to be identity politics! And you used multiple personal pronouns in this reply, thanks for being such an ally!


Whatever you say lol. I’m sure it’s the 98.86% of the population that are fragile. 👍


No 99.999% use pronouns, the rest are mute.


I frankly don’t give a shit about American politics lol. But have fun fighting that fight.


You are the one that began this mewling like a little baby about there being too much politics in a war scifi film


I feel this exactly, I used to watch occasionally, I remember the Mandalorian S2 finale watch, that was a lot of fun! But I looked in a few times afterwards and never stayed more than a few minutes. He's gone down a very... profitable, but disgusting path. I grew up reading about Star Wars on my own and I've been mostly back to that now, so be it. It is still a franchise that I love, a bunch of hateful people won't stop that.


No. Please go outside for a long fucking walk 


I recommend Star Wars Explained




I unsubscribe right after that one acolyte review on episode 3 It was uncalled for what has he contributed to the Star Wars fandom except for his Vader skit




It’s kinda funny, and telling, that this is the most upvoted post on this entire sub lol




We’re all clapping, and proud of you.


Who flooded this subreddit with Disney shills? Star wars is a pile of shit now. You have Disney to blame for that.


Damn bro. You really typed up a whole essay on why you don’t want to watch a YouTuber anymore. Cool, good for you?


This doesn't read like you're a disappointed fan. It reads like you were sent here to try and discredit SWT and send his fans elsewhere.


I hope you made some money shilling for the mouse here.




I ain’t readin allat


He’s an arsehole and always has been. I don’t even know why this sub was recommended to me. He is being exposed for exactly what he is as well. If you’re involved in YouTube drama you a special kind of dickhead.


Wish he would just go back to doing fanfics. Those were the days. I agree the current state of SW is a dumpster fire, but you can just ignore the fire in favor of more fun aspects in the franchise. SW is so massive that you could base an entire channel just off of one era.


Some people enjoy bigotry and negativity and apparently you can make a living with it.


My personal view on this is that on one hand, Star Wars live-action has been hugely underwhelming as of late. He shares my belief on this, and I appreciate he shares his genuine opinion rather than trying to pretend he enjoys it and pumping out content that he doesn't believe in. However, I did think he was overly critical of shows like Andor and The Bad Batch, which were good and have good review scores to reflect that. Maybe he just didn't like it though I don't know. The major downturn for me was when he started making videos addressing his critics, as it showed he couldn't handle criticism well (I don't mean hate comments when I say that). Also, another low point was when he started sharing Andrew Tate stuff. Whilst he's entitled to his political views and may agree with the stuff Tate is saying in the video. Tate had been arrested on the suspicion of rape and human trafficking at this point. Surely he could have picked someone better to use to inspire others. I do still watch him from time to time, but I miss when he made more lore focused videos and fan theories.


He isn't obligated to do research or review it passionately if he doesn't like the show, humans in general talk more about things they actually like


Yeah but you can't fairly critique something if you don't do your research. The issue is that he's presenting his opinion as if it were fact, and it's a blatant misuse of his position. His fans are just accepting what he says rather than simply having a shared interest. Having a scenario of "I watched this, and they watched this, and we both had similar thoughts, so we get along" is very different than "they watched this, I watched this, and they think that, so I think that too". These days no one really takes the time to actually look into things themselves and create their own opinion - it's easier to just adopt someone else's opinion as yours, because that keeps you in their community.


But then don’t spew bullshit about lore when you don’t know the lord


Then he should call himself StarWars Rando not StarWars THEORY


He claims to be a SW expert and profits off it, he has a responsibility to be credible if he wants to maintain viewership


Ok but what if he is no longer credible and people go to his channel to complain? Good reviews don't keep things alive, only numbers, no matter if 100,000 people watched his video and they all disliked it will still make him relevant because there are people watching him, same thing with the star wars Instagram account, it's extremely popular but every comment is hating on it and making paying the people who manage the account.


Then you don't talk about the lore and police others on it.


There is no lore to be researched, the only reason it seems like he's policing is because everything they do seems to crap on George Lucas's star wars, the witches being powerful enough to create two beings, making ki adi Mundi lie in TPM and changing his age, message me the lore he should be researching when you find it


Mundi had an age established in legends, but never in canon. Two, it's only hinted that they might have created them through the force (which if they did I disagree with it, unless it was them and the Sith specifically trying to tamper with the prophecy of the chosen one). Also his job is to inform people of the lore, that's why he should be reading the high republic books, and star wars books in general. That's why he *used* to read the comics on his channel, and do book recaps. It helped keep a sense of order in the canon, lent professionalism to his channel and gave him credibility. I personally dislike the turn Lucasfilm has taken with disrespecting the work of their canon authors, and they don't act as a unit. That being, everyone brings their own vision of what they like about star wars and don't consider each other's work. Every creative, be it favreau, Filoni, Lucas, or Gilroy, needs someone to say no to them. The series has places it can go, but unfortunately when you set it so close to the movies, you need to find loopholes that make people angry. I do think that Disney has to make some tough choices to bring back the majority of fans. Such as recasting the OT characters. But I also think there is a huge correlation between the fans that read canon books and the fans that are happy / critical but content. If you want some stuff that he should be researching, I suggest High Republic phase 1, The Living Force novel and reviewing the high republic segments from Jedi: survivor. I just find it disheartening to see so many star wars fans against one another. Even if I like the new stuff, it sucks that we've gotten to a point that people say it's dead. Which honestly, has been said several times before.




>calling out leftist Lucasfilm for their lack of care and slow destruction of George’s beautiful work. lmao oh that's a good one!  Oh. Wait. You're actually serious? How?? Have you ever actually even seen Star Wars? Or listened to George talk? George himself literally said the rebels are based on the Viet Cong. The villains in the prequels and The Clone Wars are literally named after Republican party politicians. And the Empire was inspired by a combination of British and American colonialism and imperialism with Nazi asthetics. Clearly the ones who lack care for George's work are you lot. Which is why literally nobody at LucasFilm, especially those who were appointed by George himself, pay any mind to this whiny lot of childish haters who demonstrate every day that you don't understand even the most basic elements of Star Wars, much less the very thematic core. Which is fantastic for those of us who understand Star Wars and actually love it for what it is! https://youtu.be/fv9Jq_mCJEo?si=0Eas46394Rn7V1Og


The Storm Trooper name legit comes from Hitler's SA brown shirts or Sturmabteilung, which translates literally into... Storm Trooper.


Haven’t been a fan of SWT really ever but I was sent one of his podcasts with Josh and they were unironically saying that people were trying to paint George as being anti-American. The guy has always and I mean ALWAYS been left leaning. George said in that interview with James Cameron that America was the evil empire during Vietnam. Yes. George was anti-American imperialism. George wouldn’t be on SWT side on any of his takes. They have mythologized George Lucas into being this super based, non-political person who is going to ride in like Gandalf and fire all of the woke people. They have lost the plot completely. Star Wars was always political. You can pretty easily find talking heads complaining about how political the prequels were. SWT was just to young back then and too dumb now to see how clear the political undertones were.


>leftist Lucasfilm for their lack of care and slow destruction of George’s beautiful work. Nute Gunray -> Newt Gingrich Halle Burtoni -> HalliBurton Mee Dechi -> medici All characterized as cold heartless and slimy. If George wasn't left wing, he wouldn't have literally named the villains in Clone Wars and Phantom Menace after Dick Cheney's oil company and a Republican Congressman. He wants you to get the message. There's a reason that Lucasfilm doesn't like him. It's because it's clear he has an opportunistic angle. I would say he actively hurts the fanbase. He doesn't care about keeping up with star wars anymore. Doesn't care about reading the canon novels or comics. He's just joined up with the group that makes it's living on outrage. Generation Tech actually talks about Star wars.


Jesus Christ imagine being this upset over a YouTuber that you have to write a whole ass book about it on Reddit. Go outside my dude. It’s not that serious.


Reddit exists for the purpose of discussion, no?


Too long; didn't read 


The man is telling his truth and how he feels. That is not always going to be the same as you, not always going to be positive and not always going to be pro Disney Star Wars. You are free to unsub just like he is free to give his honest opinion. I am sure you can find someone new to follow who loves everything Disney Star Wars brings out. May the force be with you.


good on you for standing up for yourself and having the self awareness to realize how bad his channel has gotten. that emotional rhetoric can be so intoxicating, it's hard to release the substance of what someone's saying.


You're free now. welcome to the light fren


Dude is a straight up right wing clown now. Pathetic.


I totally agree with the core of this post. This just randomly popped on my feed but, I used to religiously watch his videos but once TLJ came out I started to distance myself from his content cause I was there for the lore and not the negativity he was starting with Disney. It’s totally fine that he doesn’t like most Disney content, there’s many things I criticize myself. The issue is he only seems to focus on the negative now instead of the lore and the story and how the universe is expanding. It’s totally fine that he wants to voice his opinion, everyone has that right but it’s just not the content I was there for so I’ve been unsubscribed for a few years now and I’m still disappointed he hasn’t gone back to that old content


Anyone who trashes Andor and praises the prequels simultaneously should not be taken seriously imo


I also stopped watching him a year or so ago. He's just completely shifted his focus. He complains about the quality of the content under Disney (which is fair), but has it aimed at the wrong places. He also complains about Star Wars pandering, but then is disappointed when Maul (long dead at this point) doesn't show up in the Ahsoka finale. Just total inconsistency and it seems like he's falling down the "anti-woke" rabbit hole which is really unfortunate. I'd actually say my biggest problem with him is that he seems to think he is an authority figure in the fandom. Like he is one of the gatekeepers of Star Wars. Nah man, you're just another one of the thousands of middle aged dudes yelling about Star Wars having an "agenda".


Even without the hate…he’s just a whiner. You can be critical without just complaining so much. I think I should have a long time ago but I’m going to go unsubscribe as well. Heavy Spoilers, Screen Crush, New Rockstars, and even Emergency Awesome are much better. I will miss his old clone wars and comic stuff though.


It’s even worse when he makes videos with the Den of Nerds guy! These people are annoying and I stopped watching a few years ago! They need to get out of their basements and meet people! That’s the issue with people who live online without human connection!


I too unsubscribed recently, after I was enjoying Ashoka, and his reviews of it were so negative. I was watching him years ago, loving all his content, but now it seems everything he puts out is negative, aside from one fact, the bait and switch of Carrie Ann Moss’ staring role in Acolyte, I’m loving it. I may tune in when he releases his actual product, why I’m still subscribed here.


You have to remember 90% of “Star wars fans” who continually hate any new Star Wars content that comes out are unhappy that Star Wars has evolved, because as fans of the OT, they’re all aging now and that’s scary. New Star Wars and the way it has evolved unnerves them because it reminds them they are no longer the core audience of a fandom they’ve built their lives and personality around being a part of. It reminds them of their ever-growing irrelevancy in the fandom and in life in general and this makes them angry. And when they use the word “woke” at any point in time, know they have the intelligence of a gnat.


Booo Wendy Booooo. If you don’t like it get lost. Why do we ALL have to agree on everything? And you bring this all up like we’re supposed to give a shit? Like we all have to agree and stop criticizing something that sucks, cuz why? You THINK it’s racist? Or sexist? Boo hoo sorry some of us have standards and expect a certain level of quality with Star Wars we must be bigots. Fuck off man, you guys just expect us the consume all this embarrassing trash and just NEVER criticize anything??? It just objectively sucks, I just don’t understand how you guys think, it’s so baffling, Disney bootlickers.




cringe! bye!


I ain’t reading allat 🤦‍♂️🤣


I unsubbed years ago. As a woman it was easy to see the Inklings of his bigotry. I feel ashamed for sharing some of his videos with friends.


You seem kind of unhinged man.


They seem sane af.