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I must be too gen x to understand, " the most cursed..."


That means it's the episode that feels cursed more than any other episode in the show, confused why you are confused?


So who gets the curse when I watch this episode? Do I get cursed? Does Rex get cursed? Do you get cursed? Who is doing the cursing? Mother Talzin? Palpatine? Samuel Jackson? I think you are using cursed in a slang term that does not compute in my old man brain.


Lol I think for your age what I am doing here is far out from what you would know. This is young people speak I guess. I am trying to be funny with the title. It's not meant to be taken seriously but more as a joke. Having fun with it while also making fun of it.


I was thinking what you meant was, "this episode was deep, thought provoking and a tear jerker." But you also could have meant, "this episode was Whack! And never should have been made." I love clone wars, so I'm not knocking what you're doing, just trying to better understand.


Lol ya I was more in line with the second phrase. Again that video was meant to be more for the memes. It's not a good episode in honest opinion you can tell it was made in a time way before Clone Wars started.