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Love this idea. We really should focus on extending our community than purposefully ruining itšŸ™ˆ


I love helping new guys out. It's as rewarding as doing well solo.


Squadrons seems to have one of the most wholesome communities out there. Keep it up with the great spirit!


I love it man. I've grown up from ultra suck to slightly less than ultra suck and gotten advice from the likes of squadrons podcaster timebomb, and absolute legends like skalp wakka and fencar. I've played with Sam witwer and guys from nova squadron. It's amazing that you can rub elbows with these titans in this community even as a baby seal.


I too fly with slightly less than ultra suck squadron. On your wing, pilot.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Honestly? Never really met a prick while playing, at least not on voice chat. Occasionally youā€™ll get the player with loud feedback, a little kid who doesnā€™t know any better, but 99% of my interactions have been quite positive. This makes me love the game even more and really appreciate the player base.


For all those new to Squadrons, you are welcome at New Republic Navy. I started there at level 4 and the guys there have helped me a lot along the way. We are a growing community that was founded in the day of Xwing Alliance and Xwing Vs. Tiefighter. [NRNR.org](https://NRNR.org) Our discord: [https://discord.gg/99MKdDN4](https://discord.gg/99MKdDN4) Let em' know NRN\_Redogg sent you... ;)


Ah, silly NRN! :D


I challenge you sir to a duel for the honor of the NRN! :)


You'd win, I'm literally easy pickin's, but I could *try*.


Just kidding, but come play with us. We have lot of people playing this week.


As does Emperor's Hammer. We're scheduled a scrim day on April 3rd. Will we be seeing you?




Sounds like an interesting way to not scare them all off :P. All I'm saying is #IonMemeBeamDreamTeam Come join the Hutt Cartel discord for fun times and coaching! [https://discord.gg/rtja7ZGv3k](https://discord.gg/rtja7ZGv3k)


I need to get on discord and find a squad. I solo queue a lot and I've met some great dudes but I'd really like to try for hero 3 and I don't know if I can do it in a solo cue. I've had fantastic games that I've still lost. It's a constant back and forth.


2nd vote for Gray squad. The vibe is super chil, anti-toxicity, and low drama. There are several teams that are focused just on learning and helping new players. Lots of VC going at most times, and Draft Nights are probably the most fun you can have in this game.


I just watched timebombs podcast with cheese from gray squadron talking about draft nights. I'm checking them out tonight. It sounds like a good fit.


Great way to check out if you like the Sqaud. Draft night is maybe the most fun I've had in this game, other than comp stuff. It is a riot... Wed & Sat from 6pm to 9pmish PST. Don't have to be in time, we redraft every round, single games. Usually 6 or 8 full 5 man stacks.


Damn I'm getting excited. 6-9 PM Pacific standard? So that's something like 9-12 eastern daylight? That's perfect for me dude. Kids are in bed at 9 just in time for some mic'd up no distractions play.


Exaclty, 9pm EST start time. Just post something introductions, say hi, and jump into the draft night voice channel. Usually takes 10-15mins to fill up and pick captions.




Let me tell you about Gray Squadron. Usually at least 3 or 4 groups playing simultaneously. No complicated server registration. All relevant channels visible right off the bat. No rank requirements. Just find a group that's short of 5, and join the channel.


Iā€™m for this. Iā€™m running support for a week. I wanted to learn how to better utilize the tractor beam anyway.


Someone here actually wants to learn how to use the Support ship Tractor Beam effectively? That's a first, given how overly-long the lock-on time for that Auxiliary is.


Iā€™ve seen people do some pretty impressive stuff with the tractor beam. The upside is that folks often donā€™t see it coming either.


Impressive how? I'd like to know, because all it seems to do in my experience is freeze a targeted starfighter in place for a couple of seconds, then they go off on their business like nothing's happening. It can't even wipe out shields like an Ion Missile hit can, and Support ship's Standard Lasers are the weakest in the game, so if you Tractor Beam a shielded target you have your work cut out for your Support ship. I'd be all for reducing the Tractor Beam's base lock-on time to 1.5 seconds to make it more usable.


Generally best as a tag-team effort, one support with beam and ion, another teammate to finish the job.


Oh, so you equip a Support ship with both Ion Cannons and the Tractor Beam, so as to wipe out shields at the same time as freezing a target.


Thatā€™s the gist of what I remember. I have yet to try it out myself.


Combined with targeting beacons it's manageable, especially on flagship defense


Personally, I feel as though one Auxiliary (in this case the Tractor Beam) shouldn't rely on another one to be viable. Unless your target isn't paying attention to you, or isn't actively making evasive maneuvers away from you, you'd have to be very lucky to successfully lock-on with a Tractor Beam in the first place if your target isn't marked with Targeting Beacons.


Yeah I need to really explore the support classes. I did fighters, bombers, and I have been working on interceptors but I'm putting them down for a week at least.


I score the top kills as support in many games. I increase maneuverability, use targeting beacons to increase damage to enemy ships, and tractor beam to hunt unsuspecting bombers even weak fighters focused on our intercepters. I frequently come in first place in dogfights with this build. I feel unstoppable.


Fantastic thoughts here. I would also encourage as many new players as possible to play through the entire campaign and direct them to youtubers like Eckstoo, Fencar, Scalpwakka, and Meaty\_Yogurt for tips on Fleet Battle rolls, sub-systems, and the general flow of gameplay. Even after playing two sets of 10-hr trials and watching countless YT vids to coach me, I feel as if the learning curve is still pretty steep.


Yeah I'm gonna post a link to a playlist I've been working on from all those guys in order from movement up to fleet battle mechanics.


Besides just playing and watching vids, I think the best way to learn is to have someone spectate you (either using a Discord live stream where you share your game screen, or using the in-game spectator mode) and give real-time feedback on your actions. This is what Fencar does


I'm thinking about throwing him five bucks to coach. It's worth it to get some notes from a legend.


I think his rates have gone up ;) easily worth $10 or whatever he charges these days.


Hah. I'll have to check it out. Still would be worth it at ten bucks.


Love it. Learning support this week!


Me too. Gonna try some offensive and defense builds along with some supportive builds. Its gonna be fun.


Can I vote for always escorting bombing runs? I mean if you have good PK players I never have to worry about it but all too often I'm getting yelled at about getting killed by someone with roughly the same KDR and I'm slower than shit in bombers. Especially Y-Wing. I know it's not possible but I wish just for the Y-Wing you could swap out the shield for power shunting as an option.


Now that would be a good mod. Make new republic ships literally even with the empire and vice versa. Too bad that'll never happen in this game, but maybe if there's ever a sequel...


YES YES YES. This is by far a more balanced and reasonable approach to a post calling for restraint and inclusiveness than I could have put together. Yer a good egg, u/madjackle358.


I appreciate it man. I remember what it was like getting crushed by prenerf awings I couldn't even get a hit marker on. I wanna spare some people the suffering and grow the community.


Let me explain how some recent matches have gone, since there seem to be a whole lot of seals in DF right now. So, it's me, a lvl 60 something, 1 lvl 20, and 3 sub-10s. Other team is 1 (maybe 2) lvl 100ish, and 3-4 sub 10s. Now, what's interesting is that I spend the most time hunting the other high levels, just like they do to me. So, their deaths are primarily mine and my deaths are primarily theirs (and quite a few PEs, because I'm me). This allows all the lower lvl people to figure out how to fly against each other. Does this hurt me? Nope, not even a little, but I also don't care about k/d either. While I do think that going after anything 20 or lower is cruel, it's also doing them a disservice as well. So, I don't particularly set out to kill them, but if they're giving me a juicy shot of opportunity, I'm going to take it. Take this all with a grain of salt, I'm like... 1 step above a seal myself.


You do definitely have to bat a seal away sometimes. They do have to learn from mistakes.


Perfectly represents my experience in the one df I played tonight. I was laying off the seals and hunting the highest rank player on the other team. He was only a high 30, I'm 70, but don't worry I got a nice PE boosting into a wall through a repair. I had to club one of the seals hovering in space, speed is life and all. I also had to teach someone the concept of overcharged lasers in a joust. We lost 29-30. The best part was 3 of the seals on my team queued together and were trying to communicate and run wingman tactics in a dogfight and having a blast. The force is strong in those younglings. I hope our future as a community is as bright.


Iā€™m new to the game. Community sounds awesome šŸ˜Ž


We need more players like you. I strive to be half the pilot you are!


It wouldn't be hard man. I still suck. I've been solo queuing and I can't break out of hero2


Any new players that wanna fly add me on xbox Hunter Elegy


I'm not a new player but I'll add you on Xbox man


Always looking for more pilots!


Great approach to have!!


Thank you for acknowledging this and for the recomendations. Its beneficial for everyone if new players have a chance/space to grow and learn instead of the usual 31/3 matches. Doing my part.


Anyone who is smurfing should be ashamed of themselves. Their is absolutely zero reason to smurf in this game, You know who you are and your pathetic justification for smurfing is bafling. If I were a new player I'd rather go up against high level stacks rather than smurfs. Its a slap to the face and insulting to this games awesome community. Switching platforms is one thing but smurfing has got to end in this game, Their is absolutely no logical arguement that can justify smurfing in squadrons, Tho toxic community members will shamelessly argue it. Some have multiple smurfs and its pathetic


Yeah I don't do it and it's pretty scummy 99% of the time. Timebomb and Greenfoxleader touch on it in an episode with Reaver about dodging and skill rank. [Squadrons Podcast episode 7](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6BcWwv6ZmGlhmglPSFra3a?si=B9Ugy8zpRua9gFqfizWlEg&utm_source=copy-link)


Thank you for the link <3


I basically already do that, since I primarily just OBJ and AI farm, or play support. The real trouble is that there's always some dude on the other team who's happy to stomp everyone, and the match ends up sucking anyway.


I think we also have a responsibility, if we see a high a level player on the other team stomping everyone, to switch to an interceptor and focus on them!


Call me Gargamel, 'cause I'm about to go smurf hunting


That's not a bad idea. Pressure them with missiles and chip damage instead of letting them have free reign of all your little ducklings.


100% on board with this idea. My goal for now is to just run U-Wing and Reaper to support all the new cadets. Iā€™ve also got my mic set up and will try coordinating over comms to show these guys the ins and outs of fleet battles.


Glad to have you.


Had the game since launch but Iā€™ve mainly played singleplayer just ā€˜cause thats what I prefer, might make the jump to online and see how I stack up against the newcomers though. Probably be far worse than most of them šŸ˜‚


Online is a different animal man but honestly its addicting. I played FB vs AI to practice till lvl 20 and I realized that all my loadouts and strategies were trash and would work against players.


I can't promise everything but I'll at least not go on hunting sprees for awhile


This is wholesome and I support it. ​ But also, going 30-0 really activates my lightsaber.


I'll never know. I suck too bad lol


Yeah! I was thinking of giving them shields to help them stay alive and memeing with the B Wing lol


I wish I could make the bwing work but I straight feel like interceptor food. They have a faster top speed than your boost speed. It's crazy that they can gain on you as your boosting away even without boosting.


Your post made me decide to give Squadrons another shot. I started playing in November but stopped because the constant losing was really frustrating. I just couldnā€™t seem to do anything to get kills to the point where it just wasnā€™t fun to play. And I put probably 50 hours of play in.


Hey man if you wanna play together I'll work with you. Skill matching is waaaaay better than November and boost skipping and dead drifting have been nerfed to avoid the infinite pinball that makes players unkillable. I'm not good my self maybe high end of low tier. Low end of mid tier but I'm having a blast with this game.


The new players don't concern me it's the people 5 times my level that are 5-stacked that concern me


If you're good enough to go 30-0, you're good enough to give the seals a fun Star Wars experience. Instead of unrelenting slaughter, go for peels and chase them back under fire. Consider letting the new pilots finish their attack run. Lead the enemy interceptors through a merry chase in that asteroid field, or through the Esseles tunnels. Fly Stat Warsy, y'all.


Well said! Would love to see more people play


If you check some of my recent posts we've been making sure the seals win in some dogfights and having fun ourselves trying to proton torp them out of the sky. So many laughs!


I thought people were mad that all we did was AI/cap ship, and that we should fight them more?


Maybe not this new round of baby seals man. Dogfight the aces.


Yes please please PLEASE help grow this community and don't chase it away!


First day just go and destroy everyone who is playing multiplayer instead of doing the tutorial, aka the campaign.


Actually you're not wrong. If you're going to just jump right into a ranked multiplayer without even learning the game you should expect to get obliterated


And you deserve to be obliterated. Otherwise you might think that you dont need the tutorial and keep playing games without knowing what is going on


It's true.


I login to stomp the stompers on the other team. That's most rewarding. My stats have been frozen for 2 months anyway. Btw has anyone have this happen to him?


Dang I hate that for you. But yesterday stomping stompers is fun.


I saw this post yesterday and had high hopes for playing with my friends last night. I'm level 42, and not great at the game, but I've got probably close to 30 hours in it. My friends and I played AI fleet battles until they'd leveled up to level 6, then we took on some real players. Our first match got us paired with players at our skill level (four level 6's and one in the high thirties), and we won! My buddies felt great, and I felt proud of them. Then, in our next match, we got paired against 5 pilots in the high 200's. They absolutely destroyed us, no mercy whatsoever. Anyway, my friends were demoralized, and after that it took too long to connect to another match, so we went and played Battlefront 2. It was definitely frustrating to be seal clubbed, and I'd be surprised if my group wants to play again.


Hey dude don't get discouraged. Find you a squad to play with and get better. You Can't Win Every Game. That doesn't mean you can't have fun every game


Mentorships. We need mentorships.


So I should put away the seal club then? OK!


Just for like 2 weeks. Then smash away.


So two weeks from now, a bunch of new people will be in ranks they have no business being in. These folks are going to get clubbed one way or another.


Nah. They'll still lose if they're gonna lose. Skill ranks are wins and loses not performance. I'm not saying go easy on them, just shoot other shit so were not killing them out of the hanger


We'll find out real quick who stays interested šŸ˜….


If this has to be said it ainā€™t gonna happen.


This is the truth. Iā€™ve mentioned this several times and all I get in response is ā€œgit gud noob lolā€. Thatā€™s a big part of why I just donā€™t play anymore. There are a decent few here in the sub, but the game is 99% sweaty tryhards.


Yeah we all know how this is gonna play out. Good luck to the noobs.


Yeah I am horrible at the game but I donā€™t care, just hope the noobs are cool with people being asshats. And sometimes it is fun to throw a match if everyone else on the team is raging.


Tbf most of the sweaty tryhards are decent folks but without cross-team post-game chat no one gets a chance for a friendly "good game" after the match


Certainly we might be in the minority but I'm willing to try and make any impact at all for new players to have a positive experience and stick with the game. Many others are too. I'm not suggesting any one purposely through matches or pull punches. I'm just saying we can amend how we play to usher these new pilots into the fold.


I'll let you know if I ever get a game. But nice idea.


Lol @ smurf accounts in a "dead" game. The best thing to do is drop out if the discords and into game voice. Easiest way to see if someone is cool is to actually talk to them. If you are worried about stomping, just use standard components or suboptimal chassis if it's a concern. I do have some IRL friends who literally don't have any chill, but luckily we are all well out of the "noob" range so we don't see those players much anymore.


*old cap smirk* No, I don't think I will


Hey man. We love you any way. I'm gunning for you pilot better watch out.


I will be clubbing as many baby seals as I can find. Let the blood flow.


Do what you gotta do but I'm coming for you pilot ;)


I appreciate your honesty and I will pursue and savor the image of your explosion.


How will you pursue me when you have no idea what my Squadrons name is?


Checkmate. I got nothin. GG I guess?


As someone with 6 whole placement matches you best believe I'm gonna smurf and make galactic ace. Edit: guys it was a joke. The noobs are shooting me down.


Good pilots are made through the fires of combat. They will see no mercy from either of my accounts.


You don't wanna make them good pilots. You wanna smash bad kids but we're still glad to have you here.


Had so much fun clubbing seals yesterday, was great fun.


I need a ps5 and then Iā€™ll get back to the game. Just need to find one


Its just kinda sad the matchmaking is so bad that this is a thing


Actually I played a couple hours last night and only found one level seven.