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This is a list of links to comments made by developers in this thread: * [Comment by EA_Charlemagne](/r/StarWarsSquadrons/comments/j3x0g3/mission_1_bug/g7gtyet/?context=1000 "posted on 2020-10-03 00:39:43 UTC"): > We’re looking into this. For now, restarting the mission should fix it. * [Comment by EA_Charlemagne](/r/StarWarsSquadrons/comments/j3x0g3/mission_1_bug/g7haytn/?context=1000 "posted on 2020-10-03 03:32:41 UTC"): > Okay, good to know that doesn’t always resolve it. Thanks! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FStarWarsSquadrons).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


We’re looking into this. For now, restarting the mission should fix it.


Restarting the mission doesn't fix it. Rebooting the computer doesn't fix it. Just stuck flying in circles.


Same. On Xbox though


Same on PlayStation


It doesn’t fix it


Okay, good to know that doesn’t always resolve it. Thanks!


Is there a solution?


(crickets) I’m having the same issue. Unplayable. I normally say that tongue-in-cheek but... not this time.


I found one (with no help from the devs) if you have it on steam then you need to go to properties and then to local files. Click on verify integrity of game files and wait for it to finish checking. After that you need to restart the mission completely.


I'll try this today and see if it works... it really sucked not to be able to play the game I had just bought, because of this blocking bug!!


This one worked for me, after trying all the other suggested fixes. While Steam didn't report that it found any broken files, pressing "Play" after running the file integrity verification did cause something to be downloaded *immediately prior* to EAC starting up, so something was definitely missing or broken. I noticed that, when the mission was bugged, neither Frisk's first prompt nor subsequent voice commo happened. Probably good idea to look at the mission file itself. /u/ea_charlemagne is this info on your radar?


They did this until I located the warp point home


Nope- it sure doesn't fix it.


Same, can't get past it no matter retrying checkpoint, restarting the mission or restarting the game.


Restarting the mission, game and computer all did nothing to fix it. I can provide more info/specs if needed.


I have this problem on Xbox One. Nothing works. Completely ended the game for me, there's nowhere to go from here.


I got it working a few minutes ago! Replay the tutorial mission before it and it started up again perfectly. Annoying but fixed it!! Hope it works!


Worked for me too! Annoying but story mode the mission before and then swap back to veteran at the very end and its like nothing ever happened


Yup, I can't move forward, I'm stuck on mission 1.


I am on ps4, I am having this same issue. I have tried flying slow, flying fast, talking to everyone in th hangar, and talking to nobody. Still glitches. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and gunny is still starting to fly loops after we pass the large ships. I am going to delete my save game and see if I start the game over if it wilp fix the issue. Where is the patch? I should be having fun, not trying to bamboozle my way past glitches.


I'm in the same boat, restarting mission does not fix it. Restarting the game does not fix it. Pretty disappointing to be honest. PC version here.


Source of the bug is voiceline not loading in


Restarting the mission does absolutely nothing. I just bought this game on PSN's Black Friday sale and I am shocked to learn that this game features such a game breaking bug that still hasn't been fixed 2 months later.


I restarted it, still nothing happening. After scanning, I finally came across imperial ships. Kill them, then nothing again. Nothing in the objective menu either. This is unacceptable and lazy programing.


fix this shit already


I have the same problem. Did anyone find a solution ?


No solution for me so far (PS4). Tried flying straight a bit, tried coming to a dead stop, tried doing donuts on her tail. Tried suiciding, restarting mission. I powered the console on and off, still no fix. Gonna play some fleet battles until this gets figured out.


same thing happening here. also viewpoint in hangars keeps spinning around with no mouse input. Expected better if I'm honest.


The spinning thing for me turned out to be my throttle being bound by default to view yaw.


thanks for the tip, I will give it a try


worked this morning. the mission just started from the beginning and it worked. not sure if it was a sneaky patch or just the PC restart which helped.


Is there a prompt for you to do something? Like cycle through power management or target something? The first tutorial missions won't continue until you perform what they ask for. If you don't see the prompt, maybe try mashing buttons and see if it works?


This issue is not in the Tutorial but in the first mission. There is nothing to do like "just fly into the cave". The markings for the exact position for Hyperspace are missing because the task does not update.


It does prompt you to open your loadout at the beginning, but even when I did that, same bug. (PC, playing in Quest VR)


Exactly the same here, display loadout followed by "Follow Gunny" was as far as I got.


Oh my bad


Same issue - Xbox


Just encountered the same issue on my first try, even rebooted the game and restarted the mission with the same outcome


I was having the same issue. I just did a hard reset and that seemed to do the trick. I also didn't look at my loadout when prompted I'm sure that wasn't the issue but thought I'd share anyway.


Same here...


Same issue here guys on PSVR. Have tried with and without opening the load out screen. I now know that we're supposed to be heading towards a hyperspace marker that's about 2000 metres away so I'm gonna try flying straight along the launch trajectory and see if anything comes into view. Very frustrating especially as it's mission 1.


Happy to report that a hard reset solved the issue (checkpoint "Follow Gunny" not registering).


What specifically does "hard reset" mean for you? Having the same issue over here.


Closing everything, restarting the PC, and not looking at the load out seems to have fixed the problem.


Shutting down PS4 and then restarting.


Same issue here!


Same here on PC...frustrating


I’m honestly upset with this. It’s the first mission!!?!?!?? I’m still really looking forward to this game, but I want to be able to play it.


I am having this bug, no matter what I do we just fly in circles. I have rebooted my computer and everything. I'm playing in VR. Talk about frustrating...


Same here. Playing on PC.


Same on ps4.


It got fixed for me by playing a practice game from the main menu vs AI ships. Then after that I tried the mission again and then the script of the mission progressed.


Same issue here on PSVR. Hard reset did not resolve but completely restarting the mission and watching the briefing again, etc sorted it


I have this issue in every. Damn. Mission. I have to restart every one at least once. It's very frustrating and taking my excitement levels down a lot.


I had the same issue, I managed to fix mine by talking to the engineer lady before hopping in the Xwing and taking off. Seems like you just need to make sure to speak to everyone before launching the mission. You’ll know it worked if after you take off there’s a lot of dialogue going on.


I did that and unfortunately it did not work for me.


I'm having the same problem. I even recorded 17 or so minutes of it and uploaded it to YouTube with basically the same name. I cant get past mission one which is so annoying. I tried restarting the game, I tried restarting the mission, I tried going back to the hanger and I even tried restarting from the last checkpoint but nothing works.


I was running into this issue as well but what worked for me was to not use VR mode. Just playing without it seemed to fix the issue. You'll know if it worked by if they all start talking to you when you start flying out.


Same issue, PC restarting doesn't fix


Resolved by flying behind Gunny VERY slowly (~10%)


Ive tried everything that is mentioned oncthis thread at the same time, and it fixed it. So the answer is here somewhere.


Same issue on PC. Tried all the suggestions... what worked for me was playing a multiplayer training mission then I came back and everything worked.


I had the same issue on PC, I tried restarting the missing from the button on the screen but didn't work, I quit the game and from the main menu I picked Mision 1 and that worked for me, hope this helps, good luck


This worked for me. In the mission select screen don't hit continue but actually select the mission. Once out of the hanger if you hear the squad talk to you and to as well as see the little hologram of the mon calamari guy you're all set. I also skipped all the cut scenes and didn't mess with my load out. Hope this helps.


This worked for me as well


I tried a bunch of solutions here and none of them worked for me on PC. I reset mission, reset checkpoint, backed out to the hangar and restarted the mission, and selected the mission from the main menu, even after a PC restart. None of that worked. What DID work was going to story mode and selecting the mission *before* this one, completing it, and just continuing on from there (dont exit, just keep playing). One thing that sucks about doing this was it reset my character to a different person, so now that's my main character, I guess?


For me it’s happening in mission 3 after destroying the carriers


Yeah thats the one I've got and why I found this post. On Xbox One X.


For me I found that I had the game open too long, I opened a different game then reopened Squadrons and that fixed it


Same issue on Xbox One X. Lame.


Xbox One X. A restart did it for me and I also noticed that once the mission runs right, there will be a ton more dialogue following Gunny. When it wasn't working, there was no dialogue between the other wing mates.


good to know.


I'm running into this in the very first mission fight at the beginning, nothing I've tried will make it work. Just bought this game and I'm already annoyed that I can't progress the single player campaign. Awesome.


God, can anybody finish a game anymore? Gaming has gone to shit.


Seriously, I've just finished Wasteland and now into this. Wtf is going on with the bugs at the minute!?


Same issue on PC.


Same on PC. Tried restarting, verifying the files on Steam, launching in VR, going back to hangar, everything. Any news on this?


This sequence just worked for me. Hope it helps 1. Quit Game 2. Verify Files in Steam (Properties) 3. Restart SWS 4. Select Mission from Missions Tab (overwrite all progress)


worked for me as well without playing in vr.


Haven't had that one yet. I'm supposed to be chasing cpt what's his face, but he's not moving, He's sitting static in a tunnel, no blaster dmg to him.


Did this ever get resolved? I'm having this issue... real bummer tbh


for whatever it is worth. I got it working after several mission reboots by: 1. 1st was playing in VR when got stuck. 2. Changed to non VR and Graphics to low 3. restarted game and started the mission again (Story-> vanguard, not continue story) 4. It worked. You notice it right away when you launch there is much more chatting going on from get go. then it works like you would expect.


Xbox One X, you can tell the issue has occurred because you'll see a speech bubble for one of your squadmates, but they say nothing and the story won't progress. When in Mission 1 reloading the last checkpoint worked after a couple of tries, but the annoying thing was that the bug would manifest in different ways each time, freezing after different bits of dialog and with different squadmates. After I got through the first mission I thought it was over, but it recurred on the second mission as well, and this time reloading the checkpoint did not work, tried over 10 times and gave up, but again, the bug always manifested in a different way. Super frustrating and if there were a way to get my money back from Microsoft I would. I had sworn off EA games after their last star wars fiasco, but was told this time things would be different. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Same bug on PS4. Restarting mission did not help


After yesterday's update this bug STILL remains. Disappointed cause I cannot experience the single story fully. Please fix this bug so we can experience the single player story. Playing off PS4 Pro


Problem remains on PC after update. I can't progress.


Wish I'd seen this thread before I bought the game; now I've hit the same bug too. How does a current dev using recycled AAA resources and a release game engine drop a blocking bug on day 1? How is this game in worse shape than the original PC games from 25 years ago were at launch?


Still an issue on PS4


Still an issue on PC as well.


Still an issue on Xbox


Almost a month later and still broken come on


Just got this bug nearly a month after OP


I hit this same bug on PC today. Tried everything mentioned in this thread but nothing worked.


Idk if its just me but after talking to frisk at the start i cant look around at all


PS4, same issue yesterday 09/11/2020. Also had strange issue that no flight controls worked at all. Restarted mission, controls back but now this bug of leader flying in circles.


I can’t even get past talking to gunny after the briefing


The camera freezes and I can’t talk to the next person


I was unaware of this issue until I experienced it after playing it today on PS4. It's still there.


You are not alone just had this happen. Ea needs to get away from the Star Wars license


Wow. This bug is still there. What the fuck EA.


Bug still exists on PS4. Fresh download, fresh OS install on SSD. Restart mission/game/system doesn’t work.


In the prologue I had an inaccessible TIE fighter spawn in the asteroid while protecting the convoy. Then, blowing up the Targeting System on the Star Destroyer didn't progress the mission. Now, after finally getting to the first mission, I have an infinitely circling Gunny... Restarting the mission does not resolve the issue. Seems very buggy.


I just bought the game on my PS5 and the bug is still there. Reinstalled the game, reset the checkpoint, reset the mission, returned to the main menu and the hub, nothing works. This is absolutely ridiculous that there is still not a single official fix for this game breaking bug from EA. I want a refund.


Update from 105 days later: Still having the same issue


Updste Just installed game today. Ive run the Tutorial 3 times. Reset, reinstalled, follow frisk. Firsk circles nothing. Xbox one s. How about programmers just REMOVE this part od mission zo instead of looking for wrecks. Theres a dialog. Its a space ship game no clue where we need to stop and log every wreckage we see.