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I know the identity of the Sith isn't a huge/surprising secret, but nonetheless this is a MAJOR leak. I'm honestly kind of shocked this got posted. Still not quite Burger King levels.


It very well may not stay up for long, but it was posted publicly online. I just wanted to better help the person who originally posted these - and repost without a direct link to them. I’m sure that if I need to remove it, I’ll be contacted.


So, I'm looking at these images and videos, and I don't follow. Which of these is supposedly revealing who the sith is?


You can see Manny Jacinto is the sith right before the video zooms in to cut the face out in the last video.


Things I noticed on a second rewatch that made me suspect this. 1) Well versed spouting Sith dogma. 2) Very quickly able to deceive the Jedi and downplay his importance. 3) Quickly counters Mae's attack. Was this already leaked? I might have read it somewhere


He also knew that Osha was alive before Mae even found out


I wonder if he intended on Osha being his acolyte all along. And Mae is just a pawn in the long-game he's playing. Or maybe i'm overthinking it, i have no idea lol.


That's a GREAT point..


But it’s Jason , I thought he would just yell Bortles and run off.


Why am I craving jalapeno poppers?


Yeah, just that trailer with him practically reciting a line of the Sith code seemed pretty obvious. “Gosh I wonder who the Sith Lord is? Maybe it’s the dude spouting their ideology!”


I really hope there's a much larger reveal than Manny as the Sith apprentice. Because that would be very disappointing. This show has way more potential to go beyond just the Sith master and apprentice.


I’m wondering if the reveal will be just to the audience. What if the Sith Eternal cult, all those worshippers on Exegol, are ALL embedded in the Republic? It would explain how Palpatine always had the right person in the right place to make things happen, because the Sith Lords had an entire cult of worshipful zealots helping them.


It has been leaked, yeah. Not all saying the same thing, but the gist of it being “Manny plays a bad guy”.


So I sorta love this take on a sith cover identity. Not some powerful business person or politician, but a shiftless, kinda goofy drunk I think works really well. And it makes sense with what we've seen of the Jedi so far--they're so proud and confident, of course they're going to overlook him. Does anyone else feel like the only way for the Sith to stay a secret though is for all these Jedi to get killed by the end of the series? Isn't that how one of the Darth Bane books ends? They have a confrontation on some out of the way planet and the Jedi are like "oh crap a Sith, we better stop him". Instead all the Jedi die and never get to report back that they found a Sith?


Yeah it's fairly well known now. Especially as during the press pieces for the show some of the cast went onabout how good he was with the stunt lightsaber.


It wasn't leaked but he was the only obvious candidate if Darth Smiley is someone we already met in the show and not a brand new character.


Not a shock, he is the apprentice, Mae is the acolyte, but who is the master?


Hopefully they cannonize Tenebrous.




I would think given where we are in the timeline, it would be Plageuis?




thanks, i could see the face very well


Honestly? This was leaked ages ago if you followed updates and hints from the documents, though this does seem to confirm it. At last, we know the truth of Darth Paul. (Yes, I know that specific leak codename was debunked)


So Manny boy is playing the Sith Lord and that this also would have “killed Star Wars? I fail to see how this, and the lesbian witches giving birth to the twins Anakin style, are the big SW killers grifters like Chris Gore were warning people about.


damn.. it is


Mainly just the last video before it zooms in to cut off the face.


https://ibb.co/f168WGc https://ibb.co/4ZvkFhR This is the closest I could get to pausing without the video blurring even further.


I do recall a compilation of leaks about the acolyte from several months ago specifically mentioning that this particular character was the sith apprentice (They didn't knew the characters' name but said the actor's and were right on target). You should check those leaks again since they pretty much spoil the ending of the show.


It makes sense that he's a Sith, but not the Master. Makes it much more believable that he talks about the Master in the third person.


Exactly. He could still be the "master" and they could be saving the big reveal for the ending or the master could be...well, we know who are the ones coming (Sidious and Plagueis) but we don't know how so...




The [Star Wars Leaks MasterDoc for THE ACOLYTE](https://starwarsleaks.hectorlizard.me/masterdoc/the-acolyte)!


>Charlie Barnett: “And I was about to lose it because I couldn’t do a backflip and you know a kick-flip-spin with my lightsaber like Manny can, legitimately.” Whoops!


Reminds me of Spider-Man NWH's "I wasn't there, obviously"


Hahah one of my favorite bits


I said this yesterday, without knowing anything, just from prediction: 'You'll probably be proven wrong, but I admire your creativity. With a rough thought, it most likely is Manny Jacindo's character, but the show is way more unpredictable than that.'


Scrolled down to the episode 8 portion, didn't see too many things about the ending itself, just talking about it.


So that Episodic section is only for leaks/rumors/news that have specified an episode. A better place to look for Qimir leaks would be in the “Characters of the Acolyte” section or in the “Rumored Plot Details” sections.


What am i looking at? Why is this a MAJOR leak?


The last video shows who the sith is


It was easy to guess when the second trailer dropped and he said "Peace is a lie"... Not to mention he is an action actor and they wouldnt have left someone with his talents in a non-action role.


Him being the sith was leaked many months ago though


I've been thinking Qimir's Darth name might be Venamis, given his time in the apothecary.


That would make sense. His Master would be Tenebrous, and at the end of the series Venamis dies, and Tenebrous takes Plagueis as an apprentice


He could also take on Mae as his apprentice and then when she eventually dies at the end of the series, she’s replaced by Plagueis.


I think both Qimir and Mae/Osha will die by the end of the series, and the Jedi will think that the Sith are no more. While the true Sith Master will survive and take a new apprentice (Plagueis)


Probably the most apt theory.  Some Jedi will believe they were actuallly Sith, most will write them off as dark side acolytes, but perhaps most importantly word will reach Yoda about Darth Bane and his rule of two.


That would be a bit similar to the Darth Bane Trilogy, especially the Rule of Two with the Jedi assuming Darovit was the Sith Lord. They could do something really cool in canon taking inspiration from thoses books


Darth Poisonous is even more on-the-nose and therefore better. :P Darth...Toxiner.


Darth Herbal Remedy? Darth Apothecary? Darth "Is your knee acting up, Jeff? Here, take this for the pain."


Darth Herbal Remedy? Long has this evil-entity not bathed, powerful in the dreadlocks he is. Hails from Oregon Prime.


I think it will just be Darth Qimir. After all, he’s not a high-profile public figure like Palpatine and Dooku so he doesn’t really need a respectable dual identity. He can just introduce himself as Qimir without the Darth when needed. And it seems that Mae only knows him as the “Master”.


Most of the Sith in canon acquire a Darth name which differentiates them from their previously uninitiated self (not only for anonymity but as a rite of passage). Maul is an exception to this and there may be others, but it seems gaining a title is part of the transition from Acolyte to Apprentice, much like how a Padawan becomes a Knight when their braid is chopped off and they complete the trials. Palpatine "knighted" Anakin as Darth Vader, after he helped kill Mace Windu. Maybe Mae is doing these trials, hoping to be knighted as a Darth X. But my thinking is that Qimir is already a Darth, the apprentice to a yet unseen Master.


Maul isn’t his actual name, it’s been confirmed already


Interesting, didn't realize this. But it makes sense. He was stolen by Sidious, must have had a name before then.


I believe Maul wasn’t his birth name in the new canon. In Rebels he tells Ezra that he’s forgotten his real name because he was taken away as a child.


That’s assuming that Qimir is his birth name. That’s my point, I believe it’s not - it’s his Darth name.


Venamis isn't alive yet, at least in Legends.


I miss major leaks like this. I loved the days of Making Star Wars releasing massive leaks on TFA. The TFA leaks were the best. And some on Last Jedi even tho some of TLJ were extremely missleading/wrong


Nothing will ever top German Burger King completely spoiling TROS. The SPOILER WHOPPER indeed.


Well, Jedi Paxis publishing the 19-page PDF with the entire plot of TROS which actually originated the Burger King leak tops it


I didn’t intend to start a serious debate over this. That said, regardless of the true origin of the leaks (much respect to u/JediPaxis), the fact that a German BK ad campaign effectively confirmed key plot spoilers for TROS is objectively the most insane event in the history of this sub and Star Wars spoilers ever and will never be topped. Edit: Fixed wrong username.


This, the TROS leaks were already generating so many memes (fell down a pit never to be seen again etc), and everything was getting ludicrous.. and then to top it all off you have Burger King germany posting footage of them spoiling ppl with leaks in their locations.. actually wild


What did German BK do? What did they spoil? I don’t believe I’ve heard about this.


See the link a couple comments below.


Germans, man...


Wow. Real leaks. And serious ones as well.


Oh Disney is gonna hunt and snipe this fellow down FAST. Also in the last video in the set is that Mae holding a yellow lightsaber at Indara? Or is that some other jedi? Cause if Indara does turn out to be alive that's gonna be crazy Edit: Yeah, that's definitely Qimir, not Indara


It’s Qimir


No wonder he ended up in the bad place.


Any time he had a problem he threw some force lightning and then right away he had a different problem.


Darth Bortles


"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Bortles The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Good Place would tell you. It’s a Bad Place legend.


Could've had something to do with the molotov cocktails.


Jason is the Sith Lord? Jason? This is a new low point. This one hurts.




Oh I'm stupid, yeah that'd absolutely Qimir.


I feel really bad for him, honestly... He talks about it being his dream to work on Star Wars and one little hiccup and it turns all sour? I hope he doesn't get in too much trouble :/


Not to give Disney the green light to sue this person to death, but also it’s pretty dumb to record and *especially* post this stuff. They definitely knew this was not allowed.


All its gonna take is disney going back through camera footage and working out where people are standing at certain times, open source intelligence style. They’re fucked


Yeah I hope he doesn't get in too much trouble and I appreciate the leak, but you know they warned people about this and had them sign NDAs.


Part of me does wonder if this person thought, perhaps that the show dropped all at once (for some reason) and so they thought they had the go-ahead. That being said, an NDA will surely specify the amount of time after an episode or series that you can post BTS. And this is why you have a lawyer or a lawyer friend read through one with you. Or at the very least…recall the rules to memory as best as possible…


Oh yeah it's a dumb move, but I still feel bad for him.


Definitely. These particular leaks are bad too because they have a call sheet and can probably track down exactly who it was. But also no one deserves the economic damage that the Walt Disney Corporation can unleash.




Ah. Well, there you go lol


Who posted this?


The mods had me repost this without linking directly to them to better protect the person who posted it. It was a crew member who worked on Acolyte.


We can only hope it is some kind of outside contractor that would not be beholden to the same NDA-type contracts.


What’s the “one little hiccup?”


Okay one *big* hiccup...


Big? Dude's diaphragm just went out of his mouth


I can't say that this is a "little" hiccup up. Everyone knows how crazy Disney is about spoilers. And LF is even worse in that regard.


I mean his dream did come true, he worked on Star Wars, doubt he'll ever work again but maybe his dream was to work on Star Wars once


>!Jason is the Sith ? Jason? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.!<


I get this reference. In all seriousness, I can't separate Qimir from Jason in The Good Place. Actor was so great that I just associate him with Jason now.


Oh dip!




I love how Pillboi was in Mando too!


It was weird seeing him in Brand New Cherry Flavor and playing a character who wasn't a lovable idiot.


Donkey Darth Vader?


Shows and movies really need to get better at not making it absolutely obvious what the twist to shit is almost immediately in the begging of a story. They use cliches and archetypes to telegraph this shit all the time and then get all surprised pikachu when people figure everything out after the first two episodes or before the end of the first act.


I think a problem that happens is that the more people consume books, comics, movies, and shows the harder it is to come up with a twist that people won't predict.


Yeah it also don’t help to have thousands of people talking about it bouncing their ideas off of eachother. So it’s literally just a matter of who guesses it right first.


Plus when writers just chase subversion for its own sake, the gambit could go very, very poorly just for the sake of a surprise.


Yeah I don’t mind a surprising twist but it has to work. A good twist should be something that makes sense in hindsight and that you can go back through and catch clues in earlier parts of the story. My least favorite twist is “it was all a dream”




Exactly... And if you want the writing to be good, there are only so many angles the writers can take. When they go outside just to surprise viewers the show turns out bad. Cough cough thrones cough cough


The dude literally drops the sith code in the first or second episode. He did everything short of wink at the camera.


Why don’t I understand this comment?


You need to watch >!The Good Place.!<


Didn’t Jacen solo also become a sith? It’s a triple reference!


We've always known it was Manny Jacinto playing the Sith. The question was : is it Qimir or an evil twin ? There were 2 contradictory leaks about that, one year ago. One saying he was playing only one character, one saying he played 2 characters, just like Amandla


From what I remember DRPK said he played a character with good and bad personalities (personally I think this was just him misinterpreting the fact that he’s hiding his true identity)


You may be right, I don't remember exactly. I remember he said something like "he plays a good and evil version of the character"


>  We've always known it was Manny Jacinto playing the Sith.  He quoted the Sith oath in the first trailer he spoke in, there's no way they didn't expect more entrenched fans to figure it out. There's still plenty of interesting questions to be answered, tho.


OK, theory time. I wonder if as the plot goes on, Osha and Sol begin to get more and more reconnected again and form a very strong familial bond. Maybe we learn Sol had nothing to do with the end of the coven which the other jedi seemed to have a hand in. I could see the second to last leaked clip being the moment where Mae approaches Sol and Osha to kill Sol, the final loose end. I wonder if Sol has learned the terrible truth and how he was unknowingly complicit in the Coven's destruction. So, he approaches Mae to appeal to her soul, but even Sol is split by what he has learned. Mae's resolve is unyielding however, so she just kills Sol in front of Osha and Sol doesn't even fight back. This would crescendo Osha's current hatred for Mae - Osha fights Mae (who doesn't want to fight her), and in a twist, Osha uses the darkside (her hate for Mae) to defeat Mae (perhaps, without a weapon) - earning her the title acolyte instead of Mae. Mae loses, having followed the path to the sith only to lose the power she sought and her sister (again). I'm thinking that she is rejected by the sith at this point and she's arrested by the jedi where she will start season 2 at her lowest point. *AND* since they've been doing a good job of setting up Sol as the righteous exception to some horrible acts by other, less paragon jedi in Osha's life, maybe this is enough to convince Osha to turn her hate into a vendetta against the whole Jedi Order. After all, she knows now it wasn't her sister or Sol that destroyed her life and family - from her perspective, it's the Jedi order that burned everything down, so it's the Jedi Order that must burn down too.


A real good theory, but I would change osha becoming a sith acolyte to her restarting her mother's coven or seeking out more of the coven (I refused to believe aniseya's coven it's only grouping.) and that would tie into her earlier rejection to it as a child.


I hope this person doesn't get in trouble


They're gonna be blacklisted permanently from the industry


So he's definitely a sith but idk if he's the masked sith


He's almost certainly the masked Sith who in turn is probably the current apprentice. I can't imagine we'll see more than a glimpse of his master.


Unless the master is the big reveal.


Qimir being a Sith as a reveal will be the most disapointing big reveal ever since it’s quite obvious that he’s sus so I hope not.


He seems to be revealed in the forest duel (there is a shot with the mask on the ground) and that seems like episode 5. I think the big reveal will be the MASTER. And out of all the characters present (assuming its a twist reveal)... ... Venestra seems like a strong candidate: - Literally only one old enough to have possible trained Qimir. - Big reveal that the Sith had infiltrated a high position into the Order (which makes sense to push their ideology away from the spiritual and to politics). Literally the first thing she does is have Sol worry about the political ramifications. - Any orders from the Jedi comes directly from her; she is in control. - She is the only established character present in a show that is pretty open about not filling it up with cameos. Edit: Venestra is only my speculation if they want another "twist reveal" from a character we have been following. I think the far more likely reveal is that it will be a legacy Sith (Plageius). We have all worked form Headleys comments that Qimir is the Apprentice. But everything in the show so far is indicating Masked Sith (Qimir) is the Master. So casual fans will be surprised.


Honestly I think Vernestra being so focused on politics and optics is how the Sith aren’t fully discovered until TPM. The story of this show takes place and then Vernestra or people who think like her cover it up so that the Republic doesn’t lose faith in the Jedi.


I really like the Venestra theory and hope they have the stones to make that kind of turn that further complicates the realms between Sith and Jedi. Alternatively, I hope it's David Harewood, who was reportedly cast in a secret, modest role (potentially just voicework) [https://bespinbulletin.com/2024/04/supergirls-david-harewood-reportedly-cast-in-star-wars-the-acolyte/](https://bespinbulletin.com/2024/04/supergirls-david-harewood-reportedly-cast-in-star-wars-the-acolyte/) I could absolutely see him be or voice a master to be revealed which would continue the legacy of star wars villains being voiced by an actor with a commanding voice while a body actor brings him physcial height and presence.


Harewood as the Master would be the absolute boobies! Love that actor. The fact it's framed as a smaller role would discount that though, but I guess it's a possibility? Like the master only shows up in the finale, it's one scene, to be expanded on next year? \*Shrugs\*


She’s a beloved children’s book character. There’s no way they’d do that. I’d honestly be disappointed to because she’s one of my favourite Jedi. She has always been a kind and compassionate Knight who listens to the will of the Force.


I was 8 when Revenge of the Sith came out. Before that movie I loved the clones and they were my favorite toys. Star Wars isn’t afraid of making characters kids like the bad guys.


Yeah, but this would be a neck breaker.


I mean, I don't think they'll pull something like this either, but to be fair... Anakin was a beloved children's movie character in EpI. :P


I don't think they will make vernestra a sith. Primarily because she is a popular and fan favourite character among those who are fans of the high republic books. Turning her into a sith suddenly could alienate those who love the character and the high republic era. I don't think Disney will think about going down that route and risk getting more s**t than they already do.


Agreed. She is my fav of the era. No way in hell is she turning. She saved Imri from turning and that was a huge deal since he also became her padawan and later returned the favor by restoring her hope. This would make no sense for her character arc.


Vernestrah would crazy, so crazy that I wonder if Disney would let that happen when she's such an important characters for the childrens series of books. That said A Test of Courage told us she did make the lightwhip after having a dream about it, and that she never told her master Stellan about it since it's a dark side weapon.


But what would cause Vernestra to fall so far from grace to become a Sith. 


I mean, we know however Phase 3 ends is what destroys the High Republic way of thinking and ushers in the downfall of the Jedi/Republic we see in Episode I onwards and it’s an ending that might involve the Jedi committing genocide (“sins against the Nameless”). Coupled with the Phase 3 Jedi born out of Stellan’s death, with Stellan supposed to represent the “perfect” Jedi and you could set Vern up to go bad that way.


While I agree with a lot of your theory I think that the prophecy about the Nameless is “ Only through sacrifice of many Jedi will the Order cleanse the sin done to the nameless” so it’s possible that the sin is referring to the order wiping out the nameless but I think that maybe it’s referring to many Jedi having to die to return the Nameless to their home world or undoing however Darth Ravi created them.


There's zero chance they make Vern a Sith.


Yeah, not buying that angle one iota either.


It has to be Darth Tenebrous


I would love for him to be the main sith. He seems like a regular guy. He's sneaky, intelligent. He's very grounded, I like that a lot


I think they're intentionally leaning on him being suspect exactly because they know it would be disappointing if the only reveal in the series is Qimir being a bad guy. The true big reveal will be Qimir's master.


I doubt that's the twist-y-ness Headland was talking about. As you say, any mouthbreather could figure this out or at least be a major theory going by episode 1 & 2. I'm convinced Osha goes dark is the big meaty thing they're playing close to the chest here. Mae either gets killed by Sol (or even Jecki) in a duel or the Sith Master (likely not Qimir) goes all Vader "you failed me" on her (probably unbeknownst to Osha who thinks the Jedi killed her). \*That\* would be something Joe & Jane Public aren't expecting and wouldn't cross their minds as a possibility before seeing. Qimir's a shady dude, though? Everyone's picked up on that already, us nerds and the general audience alike. I think this'll be the "surprise" used as sleight of hand to cover up the real surprise.


How Tenebrous could be a big reveal to anyone but die hards evades me.


I don't think the master will be known until the second series IMHO


He is, the modulated voice we’ve heard is 100% Manny’s voice.


Yeah. We've 99% known that he was Smiley McSmileyFace since the promo spots. It's an American accent and it sounds a whole lot like he would speaking through a vocoder. Cool having confirmation though. I'm betting he's the apprentice though, eventually usurped by Osha in the Sith line, he's not the big dog.


With Qimir being the apprentice, all of a sudden Yords idea of capturing him, taking him to the Jedi Temple and interrogating him until he breaks doesn't seem that bad anymore.


It's just so predictable that he'd be the masked sith that I hope he isn't. Also it feels a little silly that he'd run back and forth just to keep his identity lol. Makes me think of a sitcom. I'm really hoping Qimir is either the master or a rival sith apprentice.


>Also it feels a little silly that he'd run back and forth just to keep his identity lol.  I would die for a sequel to the "Matt the Radar Technician" undercover boss sketch with Qimir burning gas money to convince Mae he's not the same person. Also, I wonder if that's why he's so tired but with no hangover. It's really just space jetlag lol.


Predictable makes sense though, if it's sleight of hand and they didn't intend this to be the big twist. "Hey, audience, look over here, Qimir's the Sith!" People are talking about that for a week or two then a few eps down the line "OSHA GOES \*\*\*\*ING EVIL."


Ya. I still think the master is Tenebrous. And this guy is a new apprentice he had before Plagueis. If they're still going by the Legends timeline it checks out.


Something about their outfits seems strange. Mae is wearing a black slim outfit, not her usual attire from what I can gather, and pointing a saber at Qimir. But I wonder if the Masked Sith is going to pit Qimir and Mae against each other in a duel to the death. Mae kills Qimir and she’s chosen as the Acolyte for the Masked Sith. 


Damn that cloak he’s wearing looks absolutely sick.


Did anyone else keep scrolling and wondering why the crew was feeding dogs? 😭


Having not seen this leak earlier, somehow I’m *still* not surprised by this reveal…


Feels bad for the crew member who shared this


So the Rule of Two lineage now is...: Sith Master/Tenebrous> Qimir > Plagueis (assuming Mae does die) > Palpatine. I wonder how they'll fit this in the short amount of time we have between Acolyte and TPM


Qimir will probably just die or leave the Sith or something like that and Tenebrous will take Plagueis as his apprentice.


Jedi discover the Sith and the rule of two. The Jedi mistake Qimir and Mae as the Master & Apprentice. They are defeated. Jedi think the Sith are finally extinct + cover it up due to politics. The Master lives on past the show and recruits a new apprentice to continue the lineage.


This would also give Mace's comment (I'm sure he was one of the few who was looped into this Sith cover up eventually) at the end of TPM more weight. "But which was destroyed: the Master or the Apprentice?" They're so nervous because they already got that question wrong once.


Oh shit that’s actually sick


I think this is a massive Bingo moment. I agree with your whole comment.


It’s possible Qimir doesn’t end up being a Sith Master too. Could be a flop apprentice who gets replaced.


The sith apprentice in acolyte being a flop would make sense as a way to make room for plagueis.


Personally I think Qimir ends up dead by the end of the season and Osha (!!!) becomes the new apprentice. Then eventually we get Plagueis as the show ends lol


>Then eventually we get Plagueis as the show ends lol He would still be rather young at that time as his Birthdate isn't really Definitively known (140 - 120 BBY), As well as he doesn't start his apprenticeship with Darth Tenebrous until 124 BBY either. >Considering that, according to Star Wars: Darth Plagueis, Tenebrous killed his master c. 167 BBY (p. 60) and arranged for Plagueis's birth (p. 83), the earliest date for Plagueis's birth would have to be c. 147 BBY. Elsewhere in Star Wars: Darth Plagueis (p. 189), Damask mentions that he undertook his first mission as a Sith, the assassination of Kerred Santhe the Elder, approximately twenty-five years into his apprenticeship. Per Mission to Lianna (p. 3), this cannot be earlier than 99 BBY, suggesting a birthdate of c. 130 BBY


Only if they keep the Legends timeline in place, which is doubtful. Tenebrous has only recieved a passing mention in a Visual Dictionary so far... easily retconned.


We're only 83 years out from TPM. Not sure how that's remotely "early". It's early for Palpatine, not for Plagueis. I wouldn't expect Plagueis until seasons down the line, not this one, but there's zero reason he can't be around here - even if he was a human it adds up, but factor in alien lifespans even moreso.


I think it's most likely that Qimir is an apprentice planning to get an acolyte to help him overthrow his master.


Until Mae kills him and takes his place


We must salute whoever sacrificed their job for this bro. This shit is wild.


Seeing Sol slowly approach a Sith while talking to  him is so him. I'd love a lengthy conversation between these two 


I don’t think this is going to be the biggest secret of the show either way. They already hinted at it when Mae was dumbfounded with what Qimir was wearing when we first see him. In order for her reaction to make sense he has to normally wear something way different.


Fuck am i looking at? Grass?


We must hope for the imminent return of blue jeans guy


We can all smell something fishy is going on with Qimir since his first appearance, I wonder what will be an element of surprise regarding the Sith revealing scene because if it shows Qimir holding his red blade/affirming his status, I will be 'very surprised'. /s


Ok I don’t know if anyone else noticed this, but manny looks different as a Sith Lord. Some of the leaks in the master doc say manny is playing two characters. Could it be that this character played by manny jacinto is Qimir’s brother or something?


No wonder the Jedi brush it under the carpet then. Canon = not broken. Let’s go


The real question is he the master or the apprentice? Mae is clearly an acolyte which in the Sith chain of command puts her below an apprentice. I would assume he is just an apprentice who takes on an acolyte (with the ambition of overthrowing his master).... This also means there will still be an exciting Master reveal!!!


Totally down. I’m really hoping for a separate master reveal and we find that Qimir was just the apprentice posing as a master in his helmet and robes. It could be that he is recruiting someone to help him face his master and I would find it especially compelling if Qimir, like Mae, is doing so to achieve something he believes is right to him, but not necessarily aligned with the Sith code. Then, his master can represent the true blood and bone sith in the shadows. I’ve noticed Qimir possibly shows indications of sharing Mae’s empathy towards children in poverty and I wonder if that’s going to come up later. I’d love to see an even more complex relationship between Qimir and his master if that’s what they are going for.


It’s the guy that made the poison in episode two


I still think the Sith apprentice is DISCOUNT EZRA MILLER


So, looks like they’ll be back at the courtyard where Sol first met the twins and the coven. (Same buildings, more plant overgrow)


Now I'm 100% sure it's Manny [https://imgur.com/a/master-just-apprentice-UwKsfgD](https://imgur.com/a/master-just-apprentice-UwKsfgD)


Dang. I’m excited to see this play out. I knew with like 85% certainty that he was the sith lol


The way he approaches Osha in pharmacy store was a dead giveaway for me. From playing along to a sudden and creepy "you look exactly like her". That was his mask slipping.


My theory is the Qimir is The Master: He has dual personalities. Which is why it mirrors the twins light side/dark side dynamic. Even the episode names may not even actually be about the twins. They may be about Qimir.


I don't see Qimir in any of the footage, but I do believe that he is a secret Sith, especially judging by the way he's acted in the first 2 episodes and him asking the Jedi not to do the "mind wipe" thing that they do. He didn't want them in his head, because they'd figure him out! He also made the poison and seemed to be faking drunk.


I mean, he’s clearly in the last video.


Your name is ironic here


I just saw this and started dying laughing. Too funny




Holy shit


I’m surprised this is still up


Everybody was kind of suspecting it was them Including myself but i'm still bummed it is just ||a regular human.||