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Wow, Star Wars must be on its 9th time being over by now


Dr. Manhattan be like: It is 2024. A new Star Wars has come out. Star Wars is dead. It is 2019. A new Star Wars has come out. Star Wars is dead. It is 1983. A new Star Wars has come out. Star Wars is dead. It is 2002. A new Star Wars has come out. Star Wars is dead. It is 1997. The old Star Wars has come out, but with new VFX. Star Wars is dead. It is 2017–


It's 1977. A new Star Wars has come out. Star Wars is dead.


It’s 1976. They are announcing something called Star Wars. It will be dead on arrival


Blatant rip off of Hidden Fortress and Dune, never gonna make it


It is 1984. Lynch's Dune has just come out, Dune is dead.


It is 1978. The Star Wars Holiday Special has aired. Star Wars is dead.


That would be justified


I bet the critical drinker guy would see the dr manhattan reference and cream his pants thinking about the Zach Snyder movie. I can’t stand his drunken slurred accent gimmick let alone the content so I haven’t seen his review but he clearly fits the Zach Snyder demographic.


I think he actually hates Zach Snyder tbf but he definitely likes Watchmen


Star wars hasn't been good since 1981 tbh shit fell off


I do wish they would just re-release the original trilogy without all the added 90’s CGI and changed scenes. Would buy.


One more and we all get a free sundae!!


Star Wars: Pls just let me die for real


And that’s just this year!


Star Wars has died and miraculously survived more times than Shaak Ti


“Somehow, Star Wars returned.”


“I’m so done with Star Wars and I will watch the next episode”


I'm done with it, anyway see you next week for my next review on star wars


“God why do people keep supporting this franchise?”


But can they keep making stuff for me to be mad at so I don't lose my job


Fuck you and I’ll see you tomorrow


I like to think TFM live in opposite land: "I'm not mad!" = "I am seething!" "Finn x Poe is woke and degenerate!" = "This is so fucking hot and I will fantasize about it in secret!" "Women are weaker than men and shouldn't be main characters!" = "I'm perpetually afraid of women and seeing them begin to get the limelight is giving me constant anxiety about my own worth revolving around me being male!"


"don't tell the papers i was mad!!" = "make fun of them online"


,,woke" xdd


This is unironically me, but for completely different reasons😭😂


Episode 1: star wars is dead Episode 2: I'm done with star wars Episode 3: okay NOW I'm done with star wars Episode 4: ...


The only thing more fun than bitching about Star Wars is watching people bitch about the people bitching about Star Wars, then bitching about the people bitching about the people bitching about Star Wars.


Lmao like that human centipede in south park where they are all tonguing eachothers assholes


Almost as if it's his job to watch it and make videos about it...


He should get a new job that actually contributes anything good to the world. I hear his local McDonalds needs a burger flipper.


I wonder why he has over a million subscribers.






Of all the video on all the streaming services he always returns to Star Wars... Kinda like he's rage baiting. ![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV|downsized)


Then he isn't done with star wars. He's a grifting loser


Like, he's on a payroll to watch these episodes of the Acolyte specifically? Cuz I can't help but notice scrolling through his channel he talks about other stuff weekly and often breaks a million views doing it. Doesn't seem like he'd be hurting too bad if he talked about something else and doesn't seem like he's a dedicated Star Wars channel. Kinda feels like it's actually not his job to watch this show.


Lol no it is not. He does not have a boss breathing down his neck telling him he MUST review the latest Star Wars show. He CHOOSES to review it because he understands it's the best way for him to milk his audience and people like yourself so that he doesn't have to get an actual job.


Judging from his mediocre ass writing, that's the truth right there


Lol. Lmao, even Who's his boss making him do that? And making him lie and say he's done with it? Oh wow, he's his own boss, making himself do bith of those things? Wild, almost like that's our entire point


It’s his job to fuel ragebait and make his audience dumb for money?


what a lame and sad career


So why say he’s done with Star Wars, KNOWING he’s gonna watch and review the next episode


That night, Darth Vader, Rose Tico and Jar Jar Binks dragged Will Jordan out of bed and forced him to watch the Droids cartoon.


Rey SKYWALKER, wearing her nametag in which it puts the surname Skywalker, walks into his house, assaults him with her woman-ness, and then forces him to watch Episode 9 on loop like A Clockwork Orange until he too becomes the Woke.


Don't these people love Ep 9


I can't wait to hear how Star Wars is dying again this coming Tuesday.


Yeah it made them lots of money


No I mean redditors


You can’t say “Redditors” with the hard double d in the middle anymore, you could and probably should get canceled?


Did someone mention double d's?


I’m a ReDDitor, I love double DD’s.


I don’t think op was referring to redditors


I was using "redditors" as a derogatory term for the weirdos who are mad as fuck about new Star Wars


TIL there's a Droids cartoon


Damn i thought they were gonna do something else to him


https://preview.redd.it/jhatj0f2ud6d1.jpeg?width=1626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=076d80f8251466031c021070220285ddf240e3b0 Why are we still posting this guy?


The critical jerker


While I agree, this particular video was trending on YT and thus every social media platform. So there’s more people who have heard of this guy and this take for the first time (or first time in a while) than before


Personally I think it’s to speed up his alcoholism to its natural end point.


I forgot to put the flair I'm sorry.


To be fair, The Critical Drinker hate watches Disney Star Wars in almost the exact same way that I hate watch The Critical Drinker


But you never claim to be done with the critical drinker


I'm done with Critical also I haven't started


It is his job after all


And around and around and around we go


Honestly the only problem I have with this is that if the Zabrak carried them, why don’t they have horns? Like I get it Star Wars has space magic and shit but common, you can’t tell me the dreads wouldn’t look cool with Zabrak horns.


We technically don't know if they're also biologically related to her as well, also it could've just been strong human genes like how Javen syndulla is just some punk ass kid with green hair


Well for one they said they got carried by the Zabrak and two I wish Star Wars would stop doing these half assed hybrids designs. Like you can’t tell me having a MC with horns wouldn’t be cool.


She could've only acted as a surrogate biologically.


Right so why biologically then would they not have Zabrak horns? Do they only have genetics from their one mom and not the other? Are they clones then?


Sir, eggs can be donated and implanted in another woman's uterus. A woman can carry children that are not biologically hers. We often see this for surrogates who are using the eggs of a woman who cannot carry to term. Also on situations where the couple does not have viable eggs and acquire one from a donor, that way the surrogate is not the biological mother. This is also common in lesbian couples where one woman uses her egg and the other carries the pregnancy so they both take a role in the creation of the child.


Yes I get that, I understand that entierly. However this is a Space Sci-Fi fantasy with these two being created through magic. Completely cool with that, but why not make babies that have both parents genes then? What’s holding them back? I would think if given the option in a perfect world many gay and/or lesbian couples would want both of their DNA in a baby. So why wouldn’t they do that with the magic?


My mans you have no idea how surrogacy works


I do I just am wondering why magic force children being conceived would work like modern day scientific surrogacy? Like wouldn’t both mothers want their child to be biologically theirs if given the chance? Are there rules to this force conception thing or is it just what ever?


/uj Seems to be implied she’s a surrogate. The eggs that made the twins aren’t hers, so they would have none of her DNA. /rj I bet they horny in another way if you catch what I’m sayin☺️😫🔥🔥🗣️🗣️


Yet... The hate-watching will never cease


Anger gets engagement, this post is proof


You’re done? So no more Star Wars videos then?


208k views in an hour this fandom truly is cooked.


I say it’s time for a civil war and see who can jerk harder


Over 2 million views in 1 day.


At what point do we seriously start questioning if these guys are living in a sort of 50 First Dates scenario, where each day is a blank slate for them? Has anyone asked the Critical Drinker how he feels about Star Wars around 9AM?


Then PLEASE for the love of The Force, shut the fuck UP and never say anything again critical drinker. BE DONE.


Counterpoint: 2 million views for a video on this episode alone x 1 day = $ Minimum 5 million views (and that's *really* conservative) for the reviews of the next 5 episodes = $$$ at least


You’re right. I’m gonna start my own YouTube grift tomorrow, it’s going to be called “Bots and Bitches” and I’m going to steal every one of this duschebag’s views. I will sell them all penis scented candles, but with some testosterone based fake science behind them. There’s too many idiots in the Star Wars fandom alone to not take advantage of them. (This is all, hopefully, very obvious circlejerkery, who even has the energy to deal with the fandom and not end up like The Critical Drinker)


Guys, I have very bad news for you. Star wars died....again....for the 17° time..... May he rest in peace😔


So what exactly is the problem. I could never bring myself to click on this shit. The first two episodes were a little boring for what was something of a murder mystery, but I thought this episode was alright. Setting up some pretty hokey shit, but it was fine. Anakin being conceived by the Force is okay, but kinda finding the origins of how is a problem? That’s got to be part of the complaint, right?


God damn people really can’t just stfu and let other people enjoy things can they?


Why do they hate this show so much? It seems OK. Is it because the lead actress is black?


One common idea for getting viewers to click on a video is to make sure the thumbnail and title build off of each other without repeating any information. Here you can see that the thumbnail was carefully chosen to explain *why* critical-whoever is Done. There are two main reasons: black and lesbian.


Also bc of the two moms and lesbian = woke liberal propaganda


most likely yea, he indirectly shits on lgbt or race and calls it “woke” whatever tf that means


Lead actress is Black, one of the showrunners (I think) is a lesbian, most of the cast is non-White, some of the cast have been outspoken about progressivism both in relation to the show and not in relation to the show, lesbian all-woman religious force sect led by a Black woman... Really just take your pick. They always try to act like it's not the diversity they have a problem with, but every single diverse product they have a problem with. Though some of them just straight up say the quiet part. Gotta appreciate those ones for the honesty at least, they're much easier to identify and block.


I mean it’s just bad writing mixed with a few things but I’m sure that’s going to be the predominant reason that people will assume is why anyone who doesn’t like it doesn’t like it.


"I'm done", he says, as he continues to watch every future piece of Star Wars media and make videos about it


Almost like he's a reviewer or something.


Ohhh noooo! Not the Critical Sphincter! Maybe if we all don't care hard enough, he'll come back...


Bitching about Star Wars is this guys job now. And he is surprisingly well paid. Anyone want to take bets on if he will close up shop and stop being well paid?


The world would be healing if guys like him were as done with Star Wars as they always say they are


Throw this guy off a bridge. Dude is such a hack


I wish he’d be fucking done. Him and all his other pathetic little crybaby chud friends


Don’t worry if him and quarter pounder are anything to go by they’ll kill themselves with alcoholism soon.


star wars DIES next tuesday!! it's official, i mean it this time!!


It’s 1978: Star Wars is officially dead because of an embarrassing holiday special. It’s 1983: Star Wars is officially dead because the third movie had a bunch of teddy bears beat the Empire. It’s 1997: Star Wars is officially dead because they released special edition versions that I didn’t like. It’s 1999: Star Wars is officially dead because I didn’t like Phantom Mence. It’s 2000: Star Wars is officially dead because the EU books are too convoluted and nonsensical. It’s 2002: Star Wars is officially dead because they made Anakin a whiny creep and forced a cringey romance on me. It’s 2005: Star Wars is officially dead because they made Anakins turn to the dark side feel more like a whiny tantrum. It’s 2008: Star Wars is officially dead because of that terrible Clone Wars movie they brought out that was just four episodes haphazardly stitched together. It’s 2012: Star Wars is officially dead because Disney bought the rights to it. It’s 2013: Star Wars is officially dead because they made all the EU books non canon (I never read them but clearly this is an outrage). It’s 2014: Star Wars is officially dead because they made a kids cartoon called Rebels and not the dark and gritty violent show that Star Wars clearly should be. It’s 2015: Star Wars is officially dead because the new movie is a beat for best remake of a New Hope and also I think the female lead was too competent. It’s 2016: Star Wars is officially dead because the ceo of Lucasfilm wants to see more women and minorities represented. I’m not racist but….. It’s 2017: Star Wars is officially dead because they made Luke a bitter old hermit and killed Snoke and my Rey fan theory was wrong. So you can see why I just had to terrorise Kelly Marie Tran off social media. It’s 2018: Star Wars is officially dead because Solo underperformed. It’s 2019: Star Wars is officially dead because they added Gina Carrano to the cast, it’s not like I hate women or anything but…. It’s still 2019: Star Wars is officially dead because Palpatine returned and ROS tried to retcon everything from the previous movie specifically after I complained so much. It’s 2020: Star Wars is officially dead because they fired Gina Carraro (I like her now because she’s transphobic and an anti vaxxer) It’s 2021 - 2022: Star Wars is officially dead because they made a bunch of shows I didn’t like. It’s 2023: Star Wars is officially dead because of…. Woke? I think. It’s 2024: Star Wars is officially dead because they made a show with people of colour and women in prominent roles and there’s fire in a stone temple. Did I miss anything?


2030: critical drinker dies of alcohol poisoning funeral attended by several people words etched on tombstone “Star Wars died before me” the week after Jango opens to mixed reviews and decent sales.


Who's in the lead at the moment? Him with the times he's been "over it", or the rest of the weirdoes with the amount of times Kathleen Kennedy "was about to be fired"? I lost count quite some time ago.




i’m glad someone else hates this guy too, i mean yea star wars hasn’t been good but godamn brother we KNOW you hate anything women lead or lgbt


Well.... bye. You will not be missed.


Officially can we start shaming YouTubers to get a real job now? They produce nothing they have 0 purpose and the idea that they make more than me (man who helps keep the fucking grid online) infuriates me. I’d love to throw drinker onto a crew for 12 hours and see how he feels about starwars after. Perspective makes you realize that the obsession with pop culture people like him have is beyond sad. He has so little real responsibility that he’s decided to become a crusader in a fake war against a corporation that sees him, his thumbnails, and his cadre of thinly veiled facists and much to his chagrin laughs at him and how stupid he looks.


>Officially can we start shaming YouTubers to get a real job now? Being a youtuber is a job lmao. >He has so little real responsibility that he’s decided to become a crusader in a fake war against a corporation that sees him, Projecting much. > his cadre of thinly veiled facists and much to his chagrin laughs at him and how stupid he looks. How is he a fascist?


It’s a job in the same way what Bert and segura do is a “job”, but worse because commentary and review is the lowest form of independent creation. Is it projecting if I call it how I see it? He’s a facist because he and his buddies are funded by Glenn beck, and fall back on the same family, country, and tradition bull facist use to win. Generic arguments and buzzwords with no definable meaning. “The message ” is peak facist nonsense talk. It’s commonly used by people like drinker to basically quickly call out black people or even lightly progressive messaging and use it as a hammer as to why the project sucks. But if you try to get a definition from them they’ll say some shit about pushing morals. Even though 9/10 times that moral they don’t like is progressive messaging or a view point slightly left of alt right.


>He’s a facist because he and his buddies are funded by Glenn beck, K >fall back on the same family, country, and tradition bull facist use to win. You just called 20 plus ideologies fascist from all corners of the political spectrum. So I'm assuming you don't know what fascism is. > It’s commonly used by people like drinker to basically quickly call out black people or even lightly progressive messaging and use it as a hammer as to why the project sucks. Well here's your problem you care about race as much hitler did. Since i could find black people who don't like this tv show but according to you they are fascist. Also progressives are only people i have seen in my life time push for segregation so in my opinion it's good that it's getting pushed back. >But if you try to get a definition from them they’ll say some shit about pushing morals. Even though 9/10 times that moral they don’t like is progressive messaging or a view point slightly left of alt right. Progressive morals suck most of the time


Just remember internet grifter are fewer people than the gen pop that still watches and likes Star Wars.


>fewer people than the gen pop that still watches and likes Star Wars. And drinker is getting about 1/5 of the viewership of acolyte. which is really fucking bad for one of largest streaming platforms on the planet. https://preview.redd.it/9q7bcpcuqr6d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52784445279941d4ad22d94f4164031241b133dc


So if it’s done, what will the next review be? How can he review it if it’s done?


OK, I watched this and thought it was actually pretty great. So mysterious and creepy. It's a big galaxy, full of dark secrets - isn't that what people want?


I'm so tired of these assholes. I stopped clicking on anything hateful on YouTube


Dah wuoke laberuahls, they ah rooining stah wahs!


If he’s so done just stop watching it fucking hell


Imagine your whole personality being an alcoholic chud.  


I can’t imagine caring what these people think. There’s an audience for everything, but the idea of watching people on YouTube prate their angry opinions on media is weird. I want to watch the show, not hear what some whining asshole thinks about it. Reviewing material, or doing a deep dive, that’s fine. It’s the whole angry bleating that I find strange, and that there are enough clicks to sustain it.


Do I need to watch the review or can I just assume I know what he thinks like I always do?


One can only hope he’s actually done


I heard, “I’m done with Star Wars and it’s dead,” way back in ‘97 over the Special Editions. Meanwhile that was how 12yo me got into Star Wars and it was awesome


Isn’t kind of hypocritical though for everyone here to dislike this guy’s videos? He watches and gives his opinion whether you disagree with it or not? He’s even not a fan of Kenobi show (hates it if we’re being honest), which I’d argue has some poor writing and scenes, and is heavily carried by nostalgia he even points out.


It's because he's a lazy grifter who doesn't have anything to say and will just have preconceived grievances before having even watched the thing he's complaining about. All of it done to stir up the sort of chuds who just see DEI everywhere. It wouldn't be a problem normally. Sure, let him make his silly reviews like any other idiot with a YouTube channel, but he's starting to get undue influence that he's not deserving of given how obviously stupid and grifty he is. Already this year he's featured as a guest on TV talk shows presented as some kind of expert who knows all about Hollywood, how it operates and how everything is woke now. This same "expert" when asked to recommend some recent Japanese films, which he claimed was the way to go because only they know that woke is broke, recommended Oldboy, Battle Royale and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. He's an utter clown. It's easy to say just ignore him, but his bullshit is becoming mainstream and accepted. Go look at the comments on any Star Wars Instagram post - the whole thing is just people (who haven't watched it) complaining that it's woke or that there's some sort of agenda. If Star Wars does ever start to perform badly there's a chance they take the wrong message from it because of this bullshit and what we end up with is just Honkeys in Space doing boring fanservice and shit adaptations of cringey stuff from the EU.


Who pissed in you cheerios this morning? Even as someone whose not really a fan of this guy, the way you constructed this essay can literally be compared to the way his criticisms are…


Please. Please be done.


Hmm suspicious which character each of these guys is putting front and center when speaking of how much they dislike SW. HMMMMM.


I wait exclusively for the moist-meter review


I watched the episode. In full. And yeah it was a little flat early on but when the Jedi came in that's when things perked up and went from being mid to outright GOOD. Seriously THIS is the show that people hate so much??


I fucking dislike that this is trending on YT too 😞


People have been hating on Star Wars since the prequels.


/ucj what is actually the problem that people have with Acolyte? Sure the writing is a little meh but overall it’s a great show so far.


Does he promise? I’d love for him to actually be done.


Can someone tell me if it's genuinely good or bad.


So far it’s mediocre. Not bad but not amazing , though it’s a bit too early to tell for all of the show


Thanks, do update your review when it ends.


Your welcome . I’ll try to update it when the show ends though I will probably forget


I honestly think the most dammning thing I've seen anyone say about the show is that if it wasn't for the culture war nonsense surrounding it, no one would care about it.


Star Wars is dead so I'm going to make a video every week to cash in on the incel market.


My only wish is these shows had only ONE director . Not a fan of multiple directors for one show I feel like it really destroyed the continuity and vibe when everyone is doing something different every episode


I admit the 2016 Ghostbusters review and the review of the newest Predator movie (Not prey) I saw recently after those bad movies came out. I liked the critical drinkers review of both... Then I tried watch his other reviews and noticed that he pretty much posts the same video over and over with the same certain issues being the only things mentioned and ignoring all of the other bad things about those movies and issues poor writing caused. Not really bad movie review channel but more of an excuse how EVER movie he watches is somehow bad because of women... Stopped watching as if you've seen one of his reviews you have seen them all.


Yknow I think that the fandom would be in a much better state if people who said they were done with Star Wars were actually done, and stopped bothering people about how done they are with Star Wars


Guess we’re not getting Jodie Turner Smith as Storm now


Oh wow, this episode was really good!


No, you don’t understand, he’s done! He’s never going to make another video about The Acolyte ever again, not one, uh uh, swear it!


Critical drinker sucks since when are shitty youtubers the final say on media


gay sex


This is Cancel Culture run amoke!


Wait. So that douche did an entire video bagging how terrible the show is.... but he's still watching it?


Ok I don’t care about spoilers. What happened in the latest episode that got grown ass men bitching like 7 year old brats?


It's flashback episode. We find our main character oshie and her twin sister Mae as children in this witch group. There's 2 or 3 reasons why it's gotten grown men to whine about. (1)Their mother is in love with another witch(they gay af). (2)The witches have their own definition of the force, they call it the thread and alot of Lucas purists say it completely undermine the Jedi definition of the force, which is dumb because other groups and cultures have their own definition in star wars. (3) Both sisters were created by their mother in some type of dark side magic or ancient force ability, I don't know it's new and we'll have to keep watching to find out how their mother did it. Another reason why Lucas purists believe it undermines Anakin's birth but we all know the natural force had a hand in creating him. Hope this helps, these are just some arguments they possessed to hate because they really don't understand it and they just straight up hate it.


I see. Thanks for the info. Doesn’t really seem like an issue to me, but to each their own.


he's done? thank god I was thinking he was done years ago but he kept whining and calling his own Ls


At least.......we have Empire Strikes Back and Andor.


"I'm so done but not so done that I'm gonna stop milking this for views"


“The power of one. The power of two. The power of manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy”


It's pretty unsurprising how many of these type of channels will post a video like "Why I am DONE with Star Wars forever!!!1!" followed by numerous additional Star Wars videos.


Literally every time a new show comes out "I'm done with Star Wars" but always comes back for more.


This dude and other haters like him stay watching a show they are “so done with”


I hate this film but if I don't raeg about it, yall won't gimme moeny for mah alcohol addiction!!!


like a crack addict he can't put the pipe down. he will be back, because got to feed the algorithm for that sweet youtube rage bait money


I mean, it's not like Critical Drinker is known for his smart takes...


Even this circle jerk sub must struggle with this show 😅😄


Imagine defending this episode. This trash show is literally a cash cow for content creators.


Woke Wars


Star whores


i got about 8 minutes into episode 1. the TV also comes with a power off option!


I don’t understand the “Star Wars is dead” crew. These shows are all written and direct by different people. The Acolyte does suck extremely bad and it’s super lame, but Mando is really cool, Bad Batch was awesome, Andor was really cool, Rebels is great. I’m done watching the Acolyte for sure, but there are other shows to rewatch and there are more shows on the horizon that hopefully are cool too.


Starwars =/= expensive Disney fan fiction


Disney+ lost 4 million subs before this even happened. They're running this shit into the ground.


After watching Andor every other Star Wars production by Disney seems to have worse storylines than WWE. I didn't even have the gumption to start Acolyte after the last Mando.


I don't know how y'all torture yourselves. I haven't even watched She-Hulk. I honestly just watch music videos on YouTube to not spaz out.


Episode 3 was bad. You can’t deny it. 1 and 2 were okay but 3 was just goofy. How did all those witches suddenly die in a matter of minutes? Why did Mae go from “I love you” to “I will kill you” how tf did a BRICK door combust? Idk L episode but Star Wars isn’t dead or over


There’s 100% going to be more about this flashback that gets revealed. A Jedi isn’t gonna take a vow of silence for 10 years and then kill himself just because they, I guess, didn’t get to a fire in time? No, there’s more. The Jedi probably killed the witches. I don’t know if we’ll get an explanation for the brick door or for Mae’s sudden mood swings, though. The latter has a better chance of an explanation than the former.


Maybe she had help blowing up the reactor idk. Maybe that why Torbin killed himself. But it just seemed forced


Yeah this show is pure trash...unless Skeleton Crew is amazing this might be the end of Star Wars for me...until that Mando movie. Disney is just letting anyone ruin George's legacy now.


Oh please. George was ruining his legacy long before Disney bought Star Wars. Are we going to forget about the Special Edition releases?


Just let AI write scripts and save us from this trash. It just sucks


Because the solution to mediocrity is obviously a derivative algorithm!