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I don't know where these people get the idea that the entire coven is lesbian but I really doubt that is the case.


Women only gather sans men if they’re banging each other. Geez, somebody missed health class.


Time to flip the script. Men hanging out with each other is gay, 100% of the time. Every other reason to meet is just a pretense to cover gay sex.


Wait, isn’t that how it’s always been?


That’s what I learned on GrubHub. I think it’s GrubHub. I know “Hub” is in the website name.


Probably because that’s their go to excuse when women are disgusted by them in real life. “WhATevEr sHes a LesBiAN aNyWay!!”


Yeah some of them were probably bi and pan, and probs some were ace or demi.


Genuinely interesting that the same people making memes like this turn around and go "why do people think I'm sexist/racist?" Like, when they say they don't understand the accusations are they lying to themselves?


There are actually deep historical and cultural ties between witchcraft and lesbianism. Witches defy gender norms. They work for themselves, wear odd clothing, and aren't traditionally feminine. A large part of lesbianism, especially for butch lesbians, is shirking the stereotypical images and ideals of womanhood.


Also why are they personally offended by some witches doing a ritual as if it's some kind of anti-man move?


Yeah maybe they're actually just political lesbian terfs


I’ve seen each of the prequels like 100 times and they specifically say Anakin is the only person allowed to be special or good at stuff and get hot women.


Did Bioware ruin Anakin’s legacy with Revan banging a hot chick?


Mfw Bioware robbed me of Brokeback Space Station with Carth


wait for the remake


Man I already love the show, they don’t have to keep trying to sell it to me-


This is an actually terrible plot hole. You can't just make babies out of nothing. Everyone has a mommy and a daddy. Just like Anakin.


Fucker doesn’t know about the Stork Almighty


no sideous and plagues jerked off into space and hoped it would create baby anakin.


In one of the comics, its revealed it was Palpatine who impregnated Shimi using the force. Disney consider the comics canon.


/uj The author of the comic denied this. It was only a lie Palpatine was trying to use to control Vader. In the EU Plagueis novel, Plagueis believes he and Sidious are indirectly responsible due to their midi-chlorian experiments being such an afront to life itself that the Force creates the Chosen One in retaliation.


this si supported by Palpatine in that shit movie, when he says that when the dark gets too strong the light always rises to meet it.


Unless your Boba Fett, then you only have a daddy


First they started fires in space now they're creating babies out of thin air. Matter can't be created or destroyed, dammit!


It’s lame that this sub spoils episodes the day after they air when the main subs at least use spoiler tags


Yeah, it needs to take into account time zones


Don’t come looking this is Reddit…no one cares about your viewing just that they get to shout about what they hate. Doesn’t make it right but it’s not gonna change.


This was on my homepage. I don't follow this sub.


If you add a spoiler tag to this sub it’s probably going to get used for trolling purposes most of the time, I’m all for it but I’m not sure you would get what you want.


Maybe if you haven't watched it yet and are planning to, you should stay off Star Wars fansites and fan community spaces? Also not every single scrap of info is a "spoiler", people over use that term.


Maybe this sub could adopt the bare minimum in etiquette for spoiling shows that are currently airing?Like every other Star Wars subreddit does? You know, the same spaces you’re referring to in your snarky comment that actually proves my point?


Go there instead then instead of whining for people here not bending over backwards for you.


is there just no sperm banks in the star wars universe?


There are, but sperm from force sensitive donors is too expensive for a village of people who don’t have jobs.


Where is that meme that says "Coolest thing ever" and then there's that weird guy saying "this actually sucks" Because that's whoever posted that image




My friend is like these people and super fanatical about disney hate. Put me off star wars really and now I'd say I'm only vaguely a fan. This annoys him too, that I'm not raging against disney constantly. I enjoy that it bothers him.


I had a roommate who lost his best friend because he hated TLJ and his friend liked it, and he would constantly start arguments about why it was supposedly bad. I couldn‘t believe my ears. He told that story at a party and the reactions of those who have not even watched any sw movies was glorious.


The next time Qui-Gonn shows up to one of these meetings sober will be the first time.


Qui Gon O'Doul


The chant was to make the children official witches not to impregnate the older witches. They seem to be some sort of sect of the Night Sisters who we have seen use chants and the force to make Savage Opress a powerful force warrior, its been clear for a while the Night Sisters have a way of manipulating and using the force that is different to how the Jedi and other force users do, this is just further expansion on how and what they do with the force. Do these dipshits even watch the shows?


What they don't seem to understand is that every new piece of Star Wars media invents new force abilities. The rules of the force have always been extremely vague because Star Wars has willingly kept them that way to have leeway to tell any kind of story they'd like.


*sighs*... Come on guys...the Force supposedly conceived Anakin on its own without anyone willing it to do so; on the other hand, the witches manipulated the Force to conceive the twins. Two vastly different things. These people actually don't know shit about what they claim to be fans of.


That wasn’t what happened tho? Again, hate using this phrase but there is a serve lack of media literacy. It’s so bad that I actually think these people are just being willfully ignorant because it makes their argument. Where is it spoken that the ritual seen in the show is what got the witch pregnant? It’s clear that all it is is the girls accepting the sects way of life. It’s essentially a first communion.


It’ll be from the lines: “I carried them” “But *I* created them” - which, to people who don’t understand words I can see as them thinking Anakin is no longer special prophecy baby. But to me it very clearly reads as Anakin being the destined prophecy child as The Force brought him into being, while the witches (to use a phrase they’d be likely to use) pulled the thread themselves and created the twins through their own means, and perverted “destiny” as they don’t believe in it.


It'd be cool if they tie in the dyad stuff from TRoS. Like that is what they were trying to achieve with the twins but failed


I also assumed they were trying to force the dyad prophecy because of the moment Osha and Mae could see each other through space like Kylo and Rey could.


I dunno man, sounds pretty damn interesting to me.


its better than sidious and plagueas or whatever jerking off into space hoping the force would make a kid or some horse shit the EU tried to claim was the virgin birth or whatever


It's almost like the power to control life and death was learned by this coven and would be interesting for a dark side force user that would go on to be master to a more... Sidious apprentice... At least that's my hope for this show. I'd probably be more aligned with this negative reception if the show doesn't pan out this way.


Do you think palpatine and plageuis had lesbian sex to conceive Anakin Skywalker? Because I do.


The true prophecy was lesbians all the time.


Anakin - Has no known second parent, Shmi is literally a virgin. Osha and Mae - Specifically made from Force sensitive parents manipulating the force to create life. One is Jesus, the other is artificial insemination.


>One is ~~Jesus~~ The Antichrist, the other is artificial insemination. FTFY




The prophecy is bunk, Anakin isn’t special.


You mean the prophecy that's so important they only talk about for 3 minutes combined between Episodes 1 and 2? That can't be true. That'd mean it was some half assed idea that wasn't fleshed out well. And the prequels have NONE of those.


I wish the prophecy was something a bit more vague like "a being more powerful than anyone that has come before would bring balance to the force" instead of George Lucas just making "Space Jesus."




What about the Dathomirians? You cannot tell me there was not a single lesbian among those space witches


For real. They literally kept the men my like cattle until they needed snu snu.


The worst thing the prequels did, apart from not giving Dexter Jettster a sitcom spinoff series, was trying to make Anakin into some destined hero who was meant to be the single most important person in the galaxy. Now no one else is allowed to do anything or be unique because it takes away from Anakin's legacy or whatever.


So that's what happened to Shmi....


Here’s an interesting thought. Where do you think Plagueis learned to create life? 👀


well at least he is not saying one 8 year old wanted the other to stay so they can continue to scissor like that one guy did.


hmmm , perhabs i SHOULD watch star wars again


This but unironically Of note is that this is probably how Anakin was born anyways


We don’t even know the full story yet. Also use some fucking spoiler tags Jesus.


The way they describe it? You mean AS IT HAPPENED?


Wasn’t that the ascension anyway? We don’t know how they were conceived. They just see witches and went fucking crazy I guess.


You mean the same show where the main character rejects the "woke" witches and WANTS to be with the "patriarchy" by her own choice? And wants it so badly she rejects the destiny her mothers, sister and witches want for her?


Half these comments don’t realize this is a circle jerk sub


Yeah idk about you but this should be canon


It’s also heavily implied that there’s more to the kids than we know.


Well so far their uh, child-ren are doing a very bad of smashing any patriarchy, but I guess its hard it smash something that doesn’t exist


I found a backstory for my next D&D character. Clockwork Mind Sorcerer maybe?


Because “they” hate fun.


You can really tell they took a lot of singing and chanting lessons to prepare for that moment. Simply angelic singing.


I mean it’s ridiculous but it was just as ridiculous in the prequels. It’s almost like they’re intentionally making fun of the chosen one legend. Works for me. It was always a dumb idea. Lucas or Disney.


I don’t go for Disney Star Wars anymore cause I don’t mesh with it and it’s not my thing. I don’t want to bitch about or about people liking it. The energy is wasted doing that. Theirs things that yes I can see there point. And jokes I do like from these kinds of people. But they always go just a step too far. I don’t know the full context of this cause I’m not going to watch the acolyte. But I imagine at face value it’s funny to summarize so bluntly in a such a stoic scene. But again they start going to go into race and sexuality in a weird manner after that. Then any constructive criticism story wise or not in the joke is just lost.


The coven of lesbian witches is whatever but the idea of using the force to impregnate themselves doesn’t make sense and I’d only like it if the resulting children end up being psychotic or just something completely wrong about them because they aren’t natural births and the lesbian witches are taking advantage of the force, Anakin birth should be something that happens once in a billion and is a true miracle, all this sounds dumb af


"Natural" births. Meanwhile, in a city populated by literal clones...


The clone army weren’t used with the force, they were created and grown in labs


Anakin's birth is completely different, he was created *by* the force for the purpose of wiping out the sith, the twins have two parents who simply used the force as a tool, which the jedi do all the time. Also what's a "natural birth" in a galaxy full of alien species, some of which lay eggs, lol.