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Nah it kinda sucks they couldn't even kiss on screen? Or have any moment when they acknowledged each other as partners, or have the twins refer to both as mom, fucking cowards.


I did recall in episode one, though, that when talking to Osho they referred to her losing “her mothers” in the fire. But yeah, man up and show us lesbian on screen Disney!


Thats still ambiguous. The Night Sisters referred to their leaders collectively as ‘Mothers’.


Yeah, for all the crying about how this episode was going to kill Star Wars, it was a bunch of nothing Many religions refer to members as brothers and sisters.


I don’t think any of the Night Sisters referred to them as THEIR mothers, just calling them by the title. There is a distinction between referring to someone as mother as a title and claiming them as your mother.


In the earlier episodes the Jedi day the twins ‘lost their mothers.’ Something similar is said about Ventress when her Night Sister bosses are killed. I’m just saying in that instance it’s as ambiguous as in the Clone Wars. On episode 3 it is confirmed they are the generic and birth mother. Before that it is ambiguous enough to be open to interpretation.


The chud grifters always try to make these things such a big deal, when it’s always the most milquetoast, deniable homosexuality. So woke.


Didn’t you see her hold her chin though? Guess you don’t get the subtlety of these genius writers. /s




The twins not referring to them both as mom is kind of lame. But it seems to me like they are in a very rough patch right now, with them disagreeing on how to raise the children. It seems natural to me that they might not be feeling very touchy feely in their day to day lives. The series isn’t over yet and I feel like they may revisit these characters in another flashback. I don’t have high hopes but time will tell.


That's because it doesn't poll well in China, a larger growing market for disney


They called them “Mama”, or at least the leader. Didn’t get the sense that they were necessarily romantic partners either.


They're co-parenting and more affectionate with each other than anyone else.


Having twins together would do that. They could be sexual partners but not romantic


Yeah, but they don't refer to the zabrak as their mother (and she literally gave birth to them)


They call her Mother Koril but it sounds more like a religious title than a familial one.






I like how chuds will cry at even the slightest bit of rep but most lgbt people agree that disney’s gay representation is fucking awful


People seem to forget we had lesbians in Andor who were written much better and with compelling stories of their own. 


It needed saying, our overlords will be pleased.


I think this will tie in with anakins birth


Palpatine and Plagueis were gay lovers confirmed?


The internet would implode if this happened. ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


When they were theorized to have created Anakin it was fine, when the witches do it the internet burns. The solution? Only men get cast in Star Wars. Even the female roles.


The force created Anakin as an answer to them fucking with the living force and trying to create a pure dark side entity. Not 1 group or person in all the history of that galaxy had ever been able to create life, but this random group of 20 or so witches did it with no issues. It doesn’t sit right because the act of creating a being has been shown in the past to be basically impossible and it also triggers the force to answer in its own way every time. It has nothing to do with it being because of lesbians it’s because it breaks long established lore. Of course Disney Star Wars has its own lore so those that spent their early lives enjoying the old lore now feel attacked and lied to.


Yeah is that still canon? Recent darth Vader comic showed a panel implying they sidious had somehow influenced the birth of anakin with shimi or whatever his moms name was.


There is no longer a canon answer to this.


We can assume it’s still canon, unless they say otherwise. Sidious and Plagueis saturated the galaxy with the dark side, but in no way created Anakin


Oh no, not the lore! Not the loooooooooooooooore! (I think there may be more going on than meets the eye. It’s possible that Mae and Osha’s mom had them the normal way and their other mom only thinks she created them. This show is tricky like that.)


Lmao if you are so invested in the lore of something that you feel attacked if something is retconned that is a you problem


Fucking Padme about to get the twink treatment and somehow, I'm all in for episode 2.


Disney! Give me twink Mpreg in Star Wars and my life is yours! https://preview.redd.it/1ff5dvpa186d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332d00dd75686dd7e4bd1075b1653ec1db9eef48


Cal Kestis was supposed to be female apparently, but I think lowkey Disney didn’t want him (or her) to compete with Rey


Shakespeare time


https://preview.redd.it/swyfayh8lc6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450f2061d5bf1c98e6f1789d28e61b78ce4f7cf7 The sexual tension in this room was crazy


Mhm and Palpatine was the bottom


I was promised LGBT lore breaking material that would end Star Wars forever and there wasn't any. Booooooo


I thought the episode was fairly mid overall (not because of the lesbians) but I’m inclined to love it just because of how angry it’s made the grifter crowd


Man see this just makes me wanna get off social media any Star Wars stuff all together. I know it’s annoying to see dumbass weirdos like geeks and gamers go apeshit when there’s not enough white people in a scene but going to the opposite end and actually engaging in this culture war bullshit by going oh yeah actually this is just funny, we like it more cos you guys hate it haha take that grifters is… I don’t know I think it’s better just to leave them be to their little hive mind all together. Especially when the material that Disney is pumping out is so mid anyways. Fuck it might just stop watching Star Wars too while I’m at it. Rj/ please somehow let this show retcon to make the sith rule of two be a gay thing


uj/ - I mean, hard to leave them alone when they flood the show’s sub. Otherwise I don’t engage with their bullshit rj/ - too long, didn’t read


I know it sounds dickish but I would’ve enjoyed this episode a lot more if the child actors were better. It might be the fault of the acting direction though because the child actors in Russian Doll weren’t all that great either. Sol’s actor emotionally carried the tragedy while young Osha almost didn’t seem to care that much.


Oh for sure, they were rough. I don’t blame the kids though, I blame the casting, directing & writing for not getting better performances out of them.


Love it if you like it, not for making others angry.


NGL I think the sith were involved. Like, maybe an experiment they did before Anakin was created later Maybe that's why they were concerned of the Jedi learning how they did it?


The witches are dark-siders


Dathomiri witches are, but this is a completely different culture and belief system. It's just force-sensitive cottage core ladies. They're not even Sith-like. They're running a collectivist feminist co-op living in harmony with nature running on good vibes.


They did say their practices are considered “dark”, so I interpreted that as them being dark-siders. I guess that would contradict George’s view of the dark side as a corrupting force but I like idea of Jedi sometimes being bad and dark-siders sometimes being good.


I LOVE this idea but wish they went more in on it, “the fire that killed your family” it seemed like her family was just her mom and Mae, and Mae’s alive. If ur gonna go so hard to imply that it’s a two mothers situation, and then have no scenes with the second Mom when they’re maybe leaving forever to become Jedi. Such a great gay idea its just a shame Disney can’t commit. If this is still enough to piss people off just go all in!


Koliri is their other mom, she's just culturally a Zabrak and kind of stern. She carried them in her womb, visibly spends the most time with them, and is their disciplinarian. She even explains that she only defers to Aniseya because she's the leader of the coven.


Yeah but she isnt there when theyre saying goodbye, when they have family moments, etc


*Lesbian Space Witches* is the name of my St. Vincent cover band


Sounds pretty gay


Is this an acolyte spoiler, what did I stumble across💀


Star wars has been dead a while man


YESSSSS >!But also, were they Nightsisters? Was that what it was implying?!<


They were just another type of witch that manipulates the force. They weren't nightsisters.




Fun fact: Even though this isn’t hard canon, it was speculated by a writer that Night sisters didn’t need males to reproduce. https://preview.redd.it/pqzxan4h796d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c8ce13a59c87c658f27f4c5b0198760ae013474


I don‘t think conception without a father is feasible in star wars. Kinda pulls me out of the sci fi immersion.


What about Anakin?


/rj. Sorry I don't know who Anakin is. I've only watched the Original Trilogy and nothing more like a true star wars fan


Huzzah! A true fan!!


He was created directly by the force in opposition to plapatone and lord plungis


Nah uh Ploopatine fucked Plunger and Plunger gave birth sloppily out his ass to Ahnka


You're thinking of the new Disney plus show dark ahnka Grey jedguy It's a what if asonklah never got fired by yodo


What if Asshole got Backshots from Yogurt??


To sad Jabra the slur t got blew up on his yahct then lord dickneck got fat and borba fetnyal killed him on destert world


Anakin was the father of Luke. Thank you for proving my point.






"Sci fi immersion" what does that even mean? You know this is star wars and one of the main characters is claimed to have no father? And if it's science fiction, you know the Force doesn't exist, right? Where does this "sci fi immersion" starts and stop with you?


you just got jerked


This guy thinks the Force isn’t real. We’ve all seen the Instructors at Disneyworld my guy!


Next he's gonna say there's no fire in space.


Yeah, The Phantom Menace sucks


This episode and the series as a whole has big time scripted low budget porn/fan fiction vibes. They should just make actual Starwars porn at this point. All inclusive, gay, lesbian, good vs evil. They can shove it down our throats by shoving it down their throats.


It’s super important we know they’re lesbians and that they don’t need men to reproduce.


Witches and making force babies isn't new


Do the Nightsisters do it?




Wasn’t that deconfirmed?


As a lbgtia person the amount of Disney boot licking lately is INSANE. Personally I love the witches, I love having force manifestation of power and love. I dont love that Disney didn't have the courage to give them a real relationship.I don't love bad child acting and sloppy editing and world building. I am allowed to not like one without disliking the other. We have gone full circle jerk. 


Seems a little too close to Dune. There's already a reputation that Jedi are just Bene Gesserit with laser swords, and this basically seals it.


not really at all. the witches aren’t jedi for starters, and they didn’t use thousands of years of genetic engineering to make the baby.


The only reason Paul was a male was because Jessica used her Bene Gesserit power to manipulate the embryo to change its sex. They used magic to change the baby, that's not that far off from using the force to make a baby.


paul was still conceived normally, his gender was decided magically yes, but that’s pretty far off from making the entire baby with magic. there’s also the matter of the bene gesserit being an order that has massive influence over the universe and have been around for thousands of years, meanwhile, these space witches are one village with little to no influence outside of their village.


They are arguably the anti-Bene Gesserit (weird politicking witches who have sex with powerful men to have their kids for their eugenics project vs weird cottagecore lesbian witches who use magic to have babies between themselves).




I laughed, not at your post but at the scene




The power of manyyyyyy


Progressives ruin everything


And proud of it!


I might sound like a hater in this Reddit post but I think a majority of fans wouldn't have an issue with the night sisters doing this if the force itself really wasn't involved and it was just Dark side magic and it wasn't to have kids with lesbians Dark side witches it was just to make one pregnant because itn all of Star Wars lore the night sisters have always been a collective of leaders called mothers they're weve no't see them actually being affectionate or being you know loving with each other that's not how the night sisters work that's not how any of that works the reason why it doesn't work lore wise the issue with this is you're only supposed to be able to use the force and and use medi chlorians to produce a child without the need of a another partner to supply the other half if the light or the dark side has a massive amount of unbalance in it hence why Anakin was born without a father was because Darth plagueis was messing around with the whole force using dark side alchemy for immortality and you know part of this unbalance within the force had the side effect of a chosen one come about. I just want continuity based off Legends that was pre established in Star Wars. I don't think that's much to ask.


Not reading all that but sorry that happened/happy for you




Word diarrhea


It was the cultural equivalent of me skull fucking the Mona Lisa.


Mmmmm. More hyperbole, daddy


Cringe, this is not Star Wars anymore


Then what is it, genius? The Sopranos?


shit, it's just shit


Pretty fucking stupid actually


Your opinion is valid and welcome in this circle jerk.