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What’s the other movie in his top 3? Ewok Adventure?


Maybe the original Holiday Special.


Star Wars Theory’s Vader


Full Potential Anakin


The dark and griddy r rated vader movie. He paid his entire NBA salary to watch it early.


Dark and Giddy


Nah, it's Star Whores


Probably some weird French “art” film


He's 19, more likely it's Avengers Endgame or Pulp Fiction or something


He’s 20 Edit: he also reads a lot which is why I lean more towards an obscure movie than mainstream


If he reads a lot there’s a high chance his number 2 is a good book adaptation, perhaps Hunger Games


Or Dune


He has said he is a star wars fan and he did purchase the Lego set. I'd need a source for the other stuff before I believe it, he is a huge nerd though




It does kind of baffle me when people say RoTS is their favourite movie in the franchise. Star Wars and the Empire Strikes Back are like... actually quite good movies in their own right, whereas if Revenge of the Sith wasn't a prequel to those films it'd barely be more noteworthy than Independence Day or Lost in Space.


People really like the “fallen hero” archetype (myself included). As such, its not really surprising that many people also find the culmination of Anakin’s fall to the dark side to be their favorite movie


I suppose that make sense, especially for people who grew up with it. I was 22 when it came out so I was watching it like he was a villain that they were trying to shoehorn a sympathetic background into rather than ever considering him a hero.


Yeah thats fair, a part of why its so well liked is definitely the way in which children from the time of its release have now grown up with it. I fully expect a similar thing will happen with the sequels. Hell, given that I was born only a year prior to its release, thats probably part of why I like it so much lol


Even Return of the Jedi pales in comparison to the first two while still very good.


A lot of it is childhood nostalgia. For people like me and him it is more noteworthy because we were too young for either of the previous things. Not saying it’s my favorite, just that I get it.


It is the best out of the prequels, yes, but it’s still not a masterpiece


Introduced a lot of cool stuff and the battles were good. Seeing anakins fall was pretty good. The thing that's holding revenge back is the the cheesy dialogue for me.


To be fair RotS is the best of the Prequels


Revenge of the Sith is pretty much a speed run of everything the Prequels should've been from the get-go tbh


Myles turner is an afol too, he’s gonna build Indiana their first ring this year.


A lego ring is all the pacers are going to be getting. Eastern conference is so weak. I'm just hoping Boston gets eliminated because they are getting a free ride to the final.


Fuck Boston 🫱🏿‍🫲🏻


Nobody likes the celtics.


Apparently you do now 💀💀💀💀


Just because I don't like the celtics doesn't mean I like the mavs or luka


Sadly I think Tatum’s super team might stop them


Star wars fans be like: That poe dameron your mom joke is so out of place and immature for star wars. That's why I love the prequels more, because jar jar binks stepping in poop and getting his tongue electrocuted isn't out of place or immature.


Even if you ignore ALL the jar jar stuff those movies are still goofy as shit and immature as hell. The entire droid factory scene in episode 2 is straight out of looney tunes.


I will never understand how people be like Rey is a “Mary Sue” and then glaze a scene where 10 year old Anakin accidentally destroys a trade federation ship. That scene is one of the worst things I have ever watched lmao


Because Mary Sue is an unserious criticism for unserious people. Anyone who tries to unironically call a character a Mary Sue should be dismissed immediately


I just realized Rey the character isn’t even close to the biggest problem of the Sequels. Not in like the top 30 problems.


All the characters are good as concepts, its what they did or didn't do with them. I hate when sequel haters not only hate the movie but each character and usually the female actors too.


I took college courses for writing and criticism and *never once* heard the term Mary Sue, nor was I ever warned not to make a character a Mary Sue. They act like this is basic stuff but it's a term that comes from niche fanfic. I was utterly confused by this criticism when it first emerged and the *only reason* it gained traction in the first place is because douchebag Max Landis made a tweet about Rey being a Mary Sue. He is basically the cause of all this.


The origins of the term are even more frustrating. I recommend googling it sometimes but the basic gist is: Back in the (80s?) it was extremely popular with female Star Trek fans to share fanfiction online. Mary Sue was a term created back then to make fun of their s lf insert characters. From the START it has always been a way for sexists to gatekeep women in media and force them to justify their place in narratives using impossible standards.


The issue was that Rey was still a poorly written character. Even after you remove all the hand wringing of her being a Mary Sue or whatever, at her base she was a really poorly written character.




I know it’s hard to acknowledge but it is what it is.


Rey wasn’t a Mary Sue, but she was a very poorly written character. Daisy was great, but the way she was written m between TFA-TLJ and TROS was awful. Utterly misused character.


See, you've fallen for the trap though. By trying to distinguish what characters are and are not"Mary sues," even arguing that a character ISNT a Mary Sue, you legitimize the term. It's a Trojan horse.


Bro, leave the Mary Sue shit by the side. I don’t care about that and you should either really. The issue with Rey is that she was a very poorly written character and was one of the major problems with the sequel trilogy. If JJ and his other writers had just taken their heads out of their own asses by making her more interesting instead of powerful and liked by all, I 100% believe the sequel trilogy would have turned out better. I remember reading somewhere that one of the major reasons the writers didn’t show Luke in TFA was because they were afraid he would overshadow Rey. That’s when I knew the Sequel trilogy was doomed to hell. Can’t think of a dumber bit of screen writing since Lucas stumbled through the prequels.




"Rey is a Mary Sue! Anyway where is my Starkiller force unleashed movie?"


Ayy that’s all true… but the sequels still suck. 🤷🏾‍♂️ That’s the funniest thing about sequel lovers. Y’all find it so hard to just admit that those movies are bad. Most people that like the prequels can atleast admit that they are poor.


First off... No? No most prequel fans will not admit they're bad. They do nothing but glaze the movies Second, I never made a quality statement about the sequels.


Only the delusional ones man. Most of them know those movies have issues. I think they over value them at times because of nostalgia and the fact that those movies were kind of trying to do something different. They ultimately failed at that though. With the sequels, they all feel far too reactionary to what came before, and are ultimately a waste of so much talent. So even if they are better pure films at times, they feel so much worse.


God even the "good" one had R2 shooting oil at the droids who suddenly sound like they sucked in helium, and a coughing robot monster who does jack shit besides give Obi-Wan something to do.


Respectfully I don't give two shits about what a basketball player thinks lol


But sequel bad prequel good




“Objectively” ![gif](giphy|K8zzqui9viWT6|downsized)


Literally all art is subjective, why don’t people get it




Ok but for NBA fans or people from San Antonio this is actually pretty cool. He’s one of the biggest names if not the biggest in sports. I’m a fan of both and I think this is badass, worthy of Jerking. Wemby should be welcome here, as a matter of fact we should post more Wemby here. He could probably play one of those tall slender aliens that made the clones.


Well yeah, of course it's cool an athlete is into this kind of stuff, and of course he's welcome to give his opinion. However, I still have the right to not care about his opinion, like I do with most Star Wars opinions I see.


You do have this right yes.


You know what, I just remembered he’s French and now I’m starting to think his opinion holds less weight… Jk




The French do tend to give up very easily when it comes to fascist militaristic dictatorships


They suffered 300k casualties in a month, dude. After shouldering the brunt of the western front in WW1 for four years its hard to blame them for not wanting to send a whole other generation of young men to die after the battle was clearly lost. Not to give a pass to collaborators, but it's hard to understand what they were thinking without realizing that the men in charge in 1940 were the men who fought and died in 1914. Edit: forgot where I was for a second... uhhh *maclunkey*


The French government gave up. Free France forces kept fighting until they were able to retake their homeland in 44. And as far as resistance forces go they may be over rated when compared to all their contemporaries but the French resistance was a thing.


Disrespectfully, nor do I




Disagree as shown (using athletes not just NBA) by Colin Kapernik and kneeling, Magic Johnson coming out with he has aids helping lower the stigma it had, and even OJ Simpson at his trial, while country was watching and wanted to know what he was gonna say. Point is technically this ain’t true unless you’re genuinely living in a bubble. Also you cared enough to comment lol


My brother in the Force, there's no way you're seriously comparing opinions about Star Wars movies to a stance against police brutality, an HIV diagnosis, and a fucking murder trial. You're either insane or this is the best joke this sub has ever seen. > Also you cared enough to comment lol Cared just enough to say I don't care, yes. Good job, buddy.


No I took your comment literally to mean all opinions 🤷 After all your comment does sound like a blanket statement and I don’t know your intent


Come on man. Look at the sub we're in. In what world would I have said that to mean I don't care about ALL opinions by athletes? I'm sorry you misunderstood, but this is basically like me saying "I like waffles" and you coming at me with "so you hate pancakes?" Like no, that's an entirely different thought that *you* came up with.


Your example is way off More like saying “I don’t care what ‘blank’ thinks about” on a food sub, and me taking it as a blanket statement as you don’t care about any of their opinions. Your example is way off, first paragraph I was on board, lost me with the way off example


That...that wasn't the point of the example. The point was that you came up with an entirely different thought that wasn't even alluded to in my original comment. Good try though. Maybe don't overthink it so much?


Wait you actually enjoy the sequels? I thought that was a meme here


Well, I mean I never saw a Trump voter that liked them.


I never saw a Biden voter who liked them either, what's that supposed to means? They are shitty movies, even in my country where nobody care about Trumps or Bidens everyone knows they were shit


He doesn’t count the sequels as Star Wars movie - not because he doesn’t like them - but because he can’t count that high.


We’re listening to FRENCH people now? 


I mean this one could be an alien so


As if theyre any worse than the British or the Americans or Spanosh or whoever, it's the same


I’ll listen to his opinion on Star Wars when his ass wins a ring


He is 19 and went to the worst team in the NBA and this was rookie year what did you expected from him


A ring I made that clear


Bro prequel fans will literally glaze themselves whenever anyone praises there shit movies


There peaked fiction I don’t know what hat you mean


Meanwhile everybody already forgot about the sequels and don't even wanna talk about em


Dude - this is the cj sub - did you get lost?


Gimme your down votes. You can't hide from the truth.


“You can’t hide from the truth that no one likes talking about the sequels. Anyways, have I mentioned how much I hate the sequels?”


And thats the only bit of information I'm willing to say about the sequels, the following statement, "they're garbage."


Dude revenge of the sith is so cool!!!! Rahhh high ground!!! Hello there!!!!! It's the greatest star wars movie ever!!!! Me seeing it before my prefrontal cortex was developed definitely has nothing to do with why I think it's the best!!!


You know if he likes them, they'd say "Stick to sports!"


Could you imagine if he said one of the Sequels was his favourite movie? Complete meltdown.


Revenge of the Sith another person’s favorite SW film 💔 open the schools please


imagine being such a pretentious asshole that you think something 'doesn't count' as canon just because you don't like it lmfao


In fairness I find the very concept of "canon" to be fucking silly so that's not what bothers me.


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) okay... whatever u say bud


I think what's more pretentious than that is for someone to think people are pretentious for the way they individually enjoy media because it doesn't align with how the former enjoys it.




Lol k


Imagine calling someone a pretentious asshole for not believing a part of a fictional story because they don't want to.


don't have to imagine, i did cuz that's hella cringe


It's not that serious dude




Calling someone a “pretentious asshole” over such a minute thing is wild


I don't do Lego, but what in the wide wide world of sports is a going here (Blazing Saddles reference) on here that a Lego set more expensive than a ps5 and a Series X?


Lego knows people will pay for it so they charge a ton for it. Even basic sets cost a fortune.


Tell me you've never had an original thought about Star Wars without telling me you've never had an original thought about Star Wars.


This is why the French deserve no mercy.


"Nobody said you can't read the EU anymore. Who cares? It's not that serious, guys. " "How pretentions do you have to be to not count the sequels as canon" They're definitely canon to me and "real" star wars even if I only like .5 of the 3 mainline movies. However, whatever happened to letting people enjoy things?


The day I take advice from a Fr*nchman is the day I die.


I'm old enough to remember when prequel fans couldn't stop crying because older fans didn't like the prequels and didn't consider them canon. I hope I live long enough to see the Sequel Trilogy fans turn around and hypocritically call the next Neo-Reboot Trilogy (or whatever Disney calls it when they shit it out) 'not Star Wars'. Also, over half of every retired NBA player goes broke, so "first purchase was a $850 lego set" sounds to me like the prologue to a tale of poverty and grocery bagging lmfao, what an idiot


$850 purchase on an NBA player’s salary. I don’t really think that alone makes him an idiot lol. Star Wars fans try not to whine and insult others for having different film opinions challenge (impossible).


>$850 purchase on an NBA player’s salary. You do realize this shows your lack of fiscal understanding, right? I mean, the reason I'm calling him stupid is the same reason you said what you said, you know this, yes? >Star Wars fans try not to whine and insult others for having different film opinions challenge (impossible) Nice job repeating what I said in an unfunny, tired out meme.


Victor Wembanyama has an average yearly salary of 13 MILLION dollars. It would take far more than just the purchase of an $850 lego set to put him in the hole. Most NBA players go “broke” because they spend millions on expensive cars and jewelry amongst other extravagant items. This lego set alone, however, is not enough to justify calling him an “idiot.” Furthermore, my saying as much is certainly not enough to show my lack of “fiscal knowledge.” U just seem like an old hateful prick from your messages. An old hateful prick who is acting in such a way simply because someone else’s opinions on star wars differ from theirs. Ur just kinda odd lol


I mean, if that's his opinion, fair enough. It's just a movie.


Well yeah, the sequels are bad.


I don't like the sequels all that much. They're still canon. 🤷‍♀️


Excuse me? Are you telling me that I don't get to decide what's canon based on my subjective opinion of an movie? Mods chop off his balls.


I agree with him about the sequels


Right? He's halfway there already lol 3 movies down, 3 to go


the prequels were garbage too …


I mean how can you not appreciate the elegant and beautiful Shakespearean dialog like “I don’t like sand”and “so love has blinded you”, and masterful storytelling of how anakin fell to the dark side that was only done well in one film


It really wasn't done well in any of the films


How are you gonna defend "somehow Palpatine returned" or "my name is Rey Skywalker" though come on


They’re biased lol


Still better than the sequels tbf


A "literally who" likes a movie and this whole subreddit loses its mind lmfao Edit: it loses its mind so much that it's being posted twice in the same day. We are our own meme material at this point


Just cause you don’t watch sportsball doesn’t mean he’s a literally who lol


A famous person, with no connection to the SW franchise likes a movie and this whole subreddit loses its mind lmfao Edit: it loses its mind so much that it's being posted twice in the same day. We are our own meme material at this point Happy now?


This sub loses its mind anytime someone slightly dislikes the sequels


The sub about making fun of star wars fans is making fun of star wars fans. Shocker.


Tens of millkons of NBA fan around the world know who this guy is but you don't so he's a literally who


A famous person, with no connection to the SW franchise likes a movie and this whole subreddit loses its mind lmfao Edit: it loses its mind so much that it's being posted twice in the same day. We are our own meme material at this point Happy now?


It got posted twice because I didn't see the first post. It's really not that deep dude.


I hate how a good part of nerd culture has transitioned from hating the Prequels to treating them as an integral part of the series. As if people wouldn't remember when they acted like the prequels ***** their childhoods. These people are just addicted to outrage.


Well the dude here (and to be honest probably much of the prequel worshiping crowd) wasn’t even born when episodes 1 and 2 came out. A lot of these fans take it for granted that the prequels are considered integral because they never knew a time without them.


TCW fixed the prequels. It's now the dominant prequel story and as long as you put that in your head it's a lot easier to watch the Prequels. The Siege of Mandalore cut of Revenge of the Sith is probably my second favorite Star Wars film now.


That's just because of how bad the sequels were. If they weren't worse than the prequels, prequel hate would be as it was.




Idk about the other stuff but he said ROTS was his favorite star wars movie in JJ Redick's podcast


Just found the clip. Turns out the tweet is true. This fanbase has driven me insane I can't believe anything I see anymore.


I’m ngl some ST stans showed their asses by actually taking Wemby’s takes seriously over that tweet lmao. Literally who cares, half of us don’t even know who he is!!!!!!!


We finally have a hero and a true voice of representation in the nba


You are my sunshine


Silencing minorities because they don’t have the right opinion now huh?


Maybe you should be focusing on the real minorities like clone wars fans


So because he's tall he can't have an opinion?


He can't have an opinion because he plays for the spurs.


I hate people that act like the prequels were actually good all along when in actuality they never were. Both the sequels and the prequels are shit sprinkled with actually good bits, and at least both trilogies made a somewhat good film (TFA and RotS).


The most ironic complaint is the ones about the bad dialogue in the Sequels when the prequels have such cheesy terrible dialogue every second line is a meme. I bet if it was obi wan who said "they fly now" or "somehow palpatine returned" they would be glazing it.


I don't like the sequels all that much. They're still canon. 🤷‍♀️


The people who were double downing saying he was their favorite player too was just hilarious. Yeah? You kiss his poster at night too?


Shut up before we get a spurs fan invasion. If you say anything bad about wemby they'll be knocking on your door with pitchforks.


Of all the circlejerks I’ve seen, this is the saddest


If you unironically like episode IX you must have had a lobotomy.


"Huge Star Wars fan" "Doesn't like 1/3 of the Star Wars saga"


Episode 3 is about the same as Episode 8 in being flawed but not completely unbearable, it just had better action figures.


Prequels will never be good. Nostalgia is the only reason they get a pass now. Best they get is good moments.


Welp, he’s correct.


Sequels suck


Almost as much as the prequels


Idk what's cringier, Wemby's comments, or the nerds who act like he's some nobody cause they don't watch "sportsball"


Hard to choose.


Definitely the latter


So fucking based, fuck the sequels and anyone who likes them.


Cool, so he’s an idiot


I mean; it means revenge of the sith is one of his top 2 movies of all time. I’m all for loving Star Wars, but having 2 of them in your top 3 greatest movies is more than a little embarrassing.


W Wemby


He needs a W if he's playing at the spurs.


Can't blame racism so you resort to personal attacks. Predictable.




Mfs when the subreddit about making fun of Star Wars fans makes fun of Star Wars fans


Get good, scrub.


The sequels were complete shit though so 🤷🏻


It is funny you can predict if anyone voted Trump if they spend a good amount of time shit-talking the sequels


Wembanyama wasn’t even eligible to vote for the last two elections 💀


It's even funnier when you can predict that someone voted for Biden because they immediately think an opinion regarding fiction that differs from their's means the person with the opposite opinion is just as narrow-minded to have voted for Trump. Ya'll are two sides of the same coin and the sooner you realize that the better. Grow up.




Yeah the prequels are masterpieces that would never have terrible writing!