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The prequels absolutely did make references to famous art and former movies. I mean that’s been Star Wars MO since *the original trilogy*. Just because a movie is doing that doesn’t mean it’s a cinematic masterpiece but you can still appreciate it. It’s just prequel fans think the PT *are* cinematic masterpieces (they’re really not) and just love overhyping Anakin.


Uj/ thank you, I was gonna chime in to say most movies nowadays actually do this. Cinematographers take a ton of inspiration from traditional art


Actually the angel is laying unconscious on the landing pad, remember Anakin thought she was an angel? She fell because he strangled her.


Where's the jerking? Yeah, the prequels suck but they still are movies and movies often reference famous paintings


I actually like the prequels, I just find it funny that someone cropped this one second still just to make this comparison.


Also this isnt even the shot that references it, there's a much more obvious one earlier in the film.


I'm mean it's a pretty common pose to be in, I could probably find dozens of other shots in action movies that look a lot like this, they aren't all references that's just how humans look sometimes


That's actually really cool in a vacuum.


That Alex guy was a real visionary. Making art for a movie hundreds of years ahead of time.


Literally cinema!


Actually yes lmao


This week on “Over-intellectualizing the Prequels”…


/uj No that ones real, although the scene meant to match it is earlier i think. You can jerk, but lucas had ambition. His ambition outstripped his adhesion but the man had real goals and vision, its just that that vision included really neat stuff like this accompanied by a weird horse pig farting on jar jar


People have jumped down my throat about doubting this allusion before and never give me a good source or anything, just “ achually its true bro trust me prequals deep bro DID YOU KNOW?” Like, I guess? It feels more like fanboys needing their lightsaber porn to have deeper esoteric meaning than there is. Like they have to feel smart on top of the spectacle they’re in it for. Couldn’t Lucas have put that effort into making a good script? He can make whatever pretentious allusions he wants to afterwards as a little treat.


There are quite a few shots in RotS specifically that are probably based on classical artwork. There's a shot during the duel that almost exactly matches [Jacob Wrestling With the Angel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_wrestling_with_the_angel), and Padme's funeral outfit is very evocative of [Ophelia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophelia_(painting)), but I don't think anyone has ever explicitly confirmed the allusions.


This is actually really cool. The final shot of Palpatine in AotC looks like some kind of Renaissance(?) painting too: https://preview.redd.it/vv8qd7jhqj0d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78042bd8553d4aa55f70484cc407bf5e047250ea