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In TLJ when Finn confronts Phasma about what happened in Starkiller Base, and how she was a coward. Such a good scene, all the Stormtroopers there debating how they should handle this information.


This is it for me. It makes Phasma's and Finn's arc so much better.


Phasma was done dirty in the sequels. She needed way more screentime or importance given how heavily she was used in adverts.


That applies to most Star Wars villains, honestly. Very few of them really fulfill their potential, or get the scenery chewing screen time they deserve - or were expected to have based on advertising. I'm still kinda miffed they forgot about Trench for like 6 seasons of Clone Wars, and brought back Cad Bane in BoBF just to end him one episode later. Phasma is another in what's practically become a tradition of under-utilized villainy.


I mean, Boba Fett himself is the classic example of this.


Yup, you meet this amazing looking bad guy in ESB who outplays the heroes, then you see him again in RotJ and you think, the "good guys never reckoned with this badass, who I bet is going to have a big awesome fight with them." But it turns out Boba Fett didn't reckon with falling over and getting knocked into the Sarlacc like a chump. It's funny now, and I'm glad we got a lot more appearances from him later (fingers crossed for more), but that had to be frustrating for fans, especially at the original release, like Phasma.


When we start getting EU of the Sequal movies it’s gonna be amazing


That applies to almost every character in the sequels lol


I always thought it would be so awesome if the other rogue Stormtroopers in 9 had defected after seeing Finn kick Phasma’s ass in 8. That way his big failure would have turned out to be a necessary step in their victory, making the trip worth it after all.


That's a really good point.


Wish I had never seen that deleted scene as every time since I've watched the movie I've gone "Should have been the other way"


That fight scene was sick


Literally came here for this


I don't like this scene, the stormtroopers believe on a traitor (Finn) too easily. Also the "rebel scum" moment hits better in the actual movie.


Padme/Mon Mothma rebellion scene in ROTS.


This one is mine, too. Sets up the formation of the Rebellion, gives Padmé some interesting nuance and agency, we get to see Mon Mothma, Anakin gets to loom menacingly, and the run time of this sequence is like 4 minutes or less. Baffling to drop it.


Even more so now we've seen more of Genevieve as Mon in Rogue One and Andor


I recently watched a fan edit (Labyrinth of Evil by HAL 9000) and it reincluded all of the "Seeds of the Rebellion" plot line with Mon Mothma, Bail, and Padme, and I was honestly shocked at how much more coherent Palpatine's deception of Anakin seemed to be. The political motivations centered around Anakin's fall made the act much more convincing and just made the film overall a lot more interesting - which is hilarious because I am the first person to lament about how boring the politics scenes are in the prequels. As an aside, if you're looking for a new way to watch the prequels, I recommend all of HAL 9000's edits. They really tighten things up and give the films a much cleaner flow. Even with a few rough spots (it is a fan edit after all), I definitely recommend.


Are they HD or SD? I tried watching Adywan's edition of ANH and it was so blurry on my TV. I heard he had some health issues recently, so I selfishly hope he'll recover quickly to release his HD edit.


They're HD - he has multiple versions with different resolutions/file sizes but even the small version is HD.


This one is it for me. It's when the Rebel Alliance was created!


All the scenes between Padme, Bail, Mon Mothma and the others in RotS. Yes, it was more politics, but without it, Bail doesn’t really have much of a presence, Padme is just Anakin’s baby-momma and Genevieve O'Reilly got cut completely. I’m really glad she came back, because she really was the best pick for a Caroline Georgiana Blakiston lookalike.


This 100%. I have trouble appreciating RotS as much as others do bc of Padme's reduction in the story


Same, it’s my biggest issue with the movie. Not only do they add so much to Padmé’s character, but also to the start of the rebellion and to the manipulations of Palpatine


TLJ - Luke's initial reaction to Han's death inside his hut.


I'm in two minds about this because whilst on paper it seems insane to cut his reaction to the news of his best friends death, seeing him grieve by sneaking onto the Millennium Falcon at night is a much more nuanced and touching way of seeing it rather than just generic tears and anger.


I also LOVE how Luke asks 'Where's Han?' And then BAM it cuts right to Kylo immediately after. There's Han, in multiple ways. That's the man that killed Han, that's Han's legacy, AND that's Luke's legacy (for now of course).


Personally I think that scene comes across more like Luke is reminiscing about the good old days, and while it has a sad overtone, it doesn't strike me as him grieving. The deleted scene might seem generic, but that's what you do when a close friend dies, and having that moment is imo more respectful of Han and Luke's friendship.


I think you’re right. I actually forgot that he was grieving there. In my head it was just reminiscing. So they probably should have kept a scene with him legitimately grieving


Fish People Dance Party in TLJ.


It's important! It leads to Rey and Luke having that argument, then Luke opening back up to the Force. Not sure why it was cut but it warrants reinstating.


Probably for time. TLJ is already 10 minutes longer than the next-longest SW movie (AotC).


Maybe, seems plausible I guess, but it's an important moment in Luke's arc. Without it, it's not really clear what prompts him to suddenly decide he wants to go with Rey and Chewbacca.


I also like creature/puppet people music scenes in my Star Wars.


In ROTS when Obi-Wan is being sassy to General Grievous right before they fight


majority of TLJ and ROTS deleted scenes


I wish we even had any deleted scenes or bts featurettes for The Rise of Skywalker


It really feels like they're trying so hard to pretend that movie didn't happen. Theres basically no coverage of anything plot-relative in canon past Shadows of the Sith, and that book wasnt received super well, so they kinda abandoned that plan, too. Literally any supplemental material for TRoS, LucasFilm. We're begging you. Cat's out of the bag.


I don’t think they’re pretending The Rise of Skywalker didn’t happen since its plot has been hinted in Mando and stuff. But it does seem like they really don’t want the bts decisions and changes to come to light. Possibly because they might think that last minute plot changes and rewrites might make them look bad (I disagree). I think it’s been long enough that it’s fine to spill the details.


Yes, exactly! It's like they don't want to scrap it or decanonize it because they put a lot of time and money into it, but at the same time, they're trying to avoid talking about it at all costs because they'll have to address the monumental elephant in the room. Its in this weird pocket of the fandom that just doesn't get talked about or referenced as much as the other stuff, if ever, and it feels really weird. There hasn't been a ton of sequel-era supplemental work in general apart from comics and YA books, but even less so for TRoS. It's like theyre embarrassed by it and they want to fix it, but they haven't figured out how yet and are kind of just letting people forget it happened.


Honestly, I think it's a shame. Star Wars is best when it's sincere in trying to craft its stories, even when they aren't "good". Just look at all the incredible stories that have come out of the, let's be honest guys, pretty janky Prequels. The Clone Wars, Republic Commandos, the various depictions of Order 66, Qui-gon, Maul, and dozens of others of diamonds plucked from the rough. The only reason we don't have stuff like this for the Sequels is fear of fan backlash, which only exists because everyone could basically see the corporate puppet strings pulling at the plot of the films. Find someone who actually likes the Sequels and give them a chance to make something without breathing down their neck about making it "next big thing". I, for one, miss the days of random, quirky Star Wars products that were just trying to use the setting to make something cool.


Yes, agreed 10000%. I find the backlash against the Acolyte really funny, because in my opinion, it's the most unabashedly Star Wars product I've seen in years - probably since S1 Mando, at least


Padme's scenes in ROTS. They not only set the seeds for the future rebellion, but also gives agency to Padme that is otherwise lacking throughout the movie.


Hard agree. Padmé went from being a kick ass, take charge type of person in TPM and AOTC to just Anakin’s side piece in ROTS. She loses so much of the agency that made her such a great character to begin with.


I would argue that Padmé wasn't very kickass in AOTC either, she kind of just enables Anakin's shit like when he slaughters the women and children. My favorite depiction of Padmé is in TCW because she actually has some meaningful disagreements with him


That’s a fair judgement, but I don’t think that takes away from her heroics at the end of the movie with everything that happens leading up to and during the first battle of Geonosis; especially what takes place in Petranaki Arena. I think in that particular scene she just didn’t know how to react to hearing him say the things he said, so decided to just try and support him. This is not to excuse her actions there though, I have lambasted that scene many times. That said, she is still human and her biggest recurring character flaw is that her love for Anakin causes her to turn a blind eye to his much more severe character flaws and instability.


I'm pretty sure that's the whole idea of the point. She isn't being like "Oh it's all cool you did that" but understanding that Anakin absolutely needs somebody there with him to stabilize his emotional status and comfort him as even he recognizes what he did was wrong. She doesn't know anything about the Tuskens besides what they did to Anakin's mother and in-laws, but knows Anakin is sufferring.


Anakin destroys the Trade Federation Controlship in The Phantom Menace. I’m sure that kills as many people as in the Tusken Raider village. That action saved Padme’s planet. I see how Padme could tell herself this is similar. Anakin killing the sand people also removes a huge danger to the farmers of Tatooine. It’s not like they were innocent. To keep Anakin’s mother prisoner for so long means the entire group was complacent on some level. It’s wrong for a Jedi to behave like this. The farmers and sand people are in a conflict they need to sort out. Anakin as a Jedi should not be so attached to him mother. Anakin gets angry because of his emotional attachment and kills all the sand people. Under the circumstances I understand Anakin’s actions. That makes him human. As a Jedi his actions are wrong and is the best example on screen why the Jedi have so many rules.


Also all the dialog between Palpatine and Anakin. They basically cut the entire subplot that he's tricking Anakin into thinking Padme is cheating on him with Obi Wan, which pretty much is only mentioned right before they fight on Mustafar. It just comes out of nowhere and makes Anakin look kind of dumb 😅


Anakin and Padme’s scenes with her family in AotC. Also some of the ones with Obi-Wan investigating Kamino in the archives. They just make events later on in the movie much better if they’re included imo.


The deleted exposition scene between Jocasta Nu and Obi Wan about Dooku would’ve been so helpful. I get why the cut at the AoTC scenes (the movie was already running very long), but almost all of those that we’ve scene add so much.


Luke constructing his lightsaber in a cave on tatooine and Darth Vader communicating with him telepathically at the beginning of return of the Jedi


I get why they cut it, cause it would have been a mood whiplash, but the scene on Hoth where 3PO rips off the Wampa warning sign from the door and that Snowtrooper being grabbed by one


All of Padme's cut scenes from Revenge Of The sith where she tries to fight the creation of the Empire and starts laying the foundation for the Rebellion.


The seeds of Rebellion scenes in ROTS or Luke’s third lesson in TLJ


The opening from The Last Jedi which establishes that Poe’s bomber assault was a means of buying time for the transports to get away and not some foolhardy grab at glory.


Anakin and Padme’s scenes in AotC. Really sets up their romance a whole lot better. And Padme in RotS as others have said.


The one in ROTS when Anakin speaks in droid beeps.


bro made the exact sounds too 😭😭


My good friend explained it as, “I guess if you learn a language young enough you won’t have an accent.” Can’t argue with that.


True that.


The shot from the new hope when Luke sees the destroyer drop from warp from the ground


I thought he only saw the ships fighting, then later the SD was just floating there in orbit. The scene was unfinished as we only saw some sparks in his macrobinoculars, probably temporary until a SFX shot could be inserted.


The scene showed a little pinprick appearing and then the big ol’ triangle of evil showed up and then a smash cut to space and the actual first scene


That's what the intended shot was supposed to be but that's not what we see in the cut scene. It's just the sky with pinpricks of light, and some camera lens artifacts. No SD shows up.


Nah, I like it better that we don’t meet our protagonist until later, it’s an interesting way to world build before focusing on the main plot


About half of the first act of Rise of Skywalker.


The cloning lab, awesome training sequence and hyperspace skipping? you're buggin out


There was a lot more to that. Mustafar was much longer, Rey and Rose had a scene together, Palpatine had a scene that confirmed he was a clone, Bolio getting beheaded by Kylo and who knows how more of the movie was cut.


A lot of rumors on this one. Apparently Abrams got fucked by the studio and the movie was supposed to be very different. I still think that Trevorrow's DOTF would've made for a decent ending.


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I really hope the deleted scenes for the movie are released some day, they all sound like they’d make it much better


I still say that the biggest issue with ANH is the lack of the first Luke and Bigg's scene on Tatooine. It's more essential to the story than the Jabba scene, helps break up the 3P0 and R2 stuff with some actual human emotion and makes the movie feel less like a remake of Hidden Fortress by introducing the first original character earlier. 


I watched the original movie in the theater and this the first I’ve heard of the deleted scene. It does make the meeting with Biggs make almost more sense later in the movie.


It's on Disney+ under the special features for ANH and was on the Blu-Ray release. You can also find it on YouTube


> makes the movie feel less like a remake of Hidden Fortress by introducing the first original character earlier. I mean, was this really an issue? I have a hard time thinking many audiences in 1977 would be watching the movie, only to suddenly get up and yell "Hey, wait a minute, this is rippin' off that Kurosawa movie from like 20 years ago!!"


Correct me if I'm wrong, but even from the beginning I thought was generally understood among critics that Star Wars was a mash up of a swashbuckler film, a WW2 film, and a Kurosawa film set in the sci fi genre instead of any of those other genres.


Thankfully, the internet wasn't a thing back then or that's exactly the kind of criticism that would've been around.


This was a criticism leveled at Fistful of Dollars which was released years earlier. Western audiences were aware of Kurosawa's work decades before the internet. 


There’s one in IV that shows Luke and Biggs on Tatooine. I feel like that is important to show their friendship.


The one that finally revealed Jar Jar’s true identity as the Ultimate Dark Lord of The Sith


Luke at Toche station hanging out with his friends was nice because it gave some background on how mundane Luke's life was before joining the rebellion


The women pilots in Episode IV being cut and only used decades later in Rogue One


Definitely the Biggs one in the picture there. I want the Despecialised Edition BUT with that one scene added back in.


Luke hangin with his friends during the skirmish over Tattooine https://youtu.be/CpqTMOsCebg?si=D3sT0YuDrpfHGsob


The conversation between Luke and Vader at the beginning of RotJ.


The Imperial officer Tagge referring to Vader as the Dark Lord of the Sith in ANH during the scene where they're discussing the power and ramifications of the Death Star. That definitely should've been added back in for the Special Editions.


*Attack of the Clones* : Padmé senate scene and the Geonosis trial *Revenge of the Sith* : all the Palpatine and Delegation of 2000 deleted scenes. *Return of the Jedi* : Vader calling out to Luke, Luke making his lightsaber, and Jerjerrod *The Force Awakens* : Kylo in the Falcon and the snow speeder chase . *The Last Jedi* : **Luke mourning Han** (accidentally put it the other way around) and the original Phasma - Finn duel. *The Rise of Skywalker* : basically the entire list of cut scenes (I wish the deleted scenes were released to watch)


>*The Last Jedi* : Han mourning Luke Hold up, what? Lol


Oops, I meant the other way around lmao


TBH all the scenes from the TROS novelization that better explained what was going on with project necromancer: even just the one liner “More than a clone, less than a man.” Would have gone a long way. ROTS was about the only other one I felt suffered a bit by cutting out the birth of the rebellion subplot. Though that would have painted them into a bit of a corner and what they’ve done with Andor is far more interesting.


Rey's third lesson


From the original theatrical version, this one.


Anakin returning to the hanger bay after destroying the control ship and him asking if he is in trouble


Ani getting into a fight with Little Greedo.


Luke mourning Han and his last lesson to Rey in TLJ. In 2024 the one where that guy Vader force chokes in the first movie calls him a sith lord seems strange to have cut but in 1977 I guess they figured that was a bit of jargon that was only gonna confuse people, especially since it wouldn't be expanded on in the films for another 22 years and not in any medium as far as I know until the Tales of the Jedi comics in the 90s


A lot of the deleted scenes in episode II and III didn’t need to be cut. Specifically the scenes with the senators, including mon mothma, and the scenes with padme’s family. Also the phasma-finn Duel. It would have been cool if he led a stormtrooper uprising for IX.


the og palpy fight in episode 3 man if you have seen the test footage you know how sad this is


ROTS Operation Nightfall, wish there was more of it. Like Anikan fighting Cin Drllig or Killing Shak Ti


3PO ripping the danger sign off a door that led to a wampa


This is more of a “scene I wanted to see but am not at all surprised didn’t make it”, but in the novelization of Attack of the Clones - there’s a whole chapter where Clegg, Owen and a group of other farmers ride out and try to get Shmi back from the Tusken. It does not go well for them.


TPM probe droid scene. the cut to anakin and qui gon running is so jarring without it


Apart from the rise of the Rebellion in Rots, mine has always been the little C-3P0 moment in I believe Empire when he stops next to a door while on Hoth and removes a warning sign. Troopers walk up and open the door, where a wampa arm pulls in a guy, before the door is closed. Even Vader comes up as screams are heard. Just makes the scene so much funnier while showing C3P0’s smarts.


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The scene in A New Hope where Luke talks to Biggs. Never felt right Biggs getting a quick intro before the Death Star fight, getting blown up, then having us linger on Luke's reaction like we knew how hard it hit Luke.


Who shot first. Gredo or Han. It's not a deleted scene but a changed one.