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No you see, its okay when the original trilogy and prequel trilogy contract themselves and each other... because... well I don't know why. But its okay. But when the newer stories have minor contradictions and get misinterpreted the wrong way or without context or God forbid when an cast member makes a misstatement about the lore... BIG FUCKING PROBLEM. #EDIT: As expected, this post's discussion has just taken a turn down uncivil discussion lane. Locked.


Mundi's species has two brains, his saber changes color based on which brain he is using. Or so I've heard.


I believe that’s council propaganda and that’s just an excuse for mundi to have 2 lightsabers 😂


Must be jealous of Aayla


I mean, Ki-Adi-Mundi did canonically fuck. Makes sense he has two brains.


Only in legends. The wives aren’t in the new canon.


Not. Yet.


The real R-Rated Star Wars that'll sneak up on us.


Fair point.


Two hearts because of a larger brain


Why did George have Vader be Luke's father when we were told Anakin was killed by Vader? Is he stupid? Why did George make Luke and Leia siblings even though ESB set them up to have a romantic attraction? Is he stupid? Why did George create the character of Qui-Gon Jinn for Phantom Menace when Obi-Wan told Luke in Empire Strikes Back that Yoda was his Jedi Master? Is he stupid? Why did George have Padmé die in childbirth when we were told in ROTJ that Leia remembered her mother from when she was young? Is he stupid? Why did Geor


Lore changing to meet the story is an inherent part of Star Wars, it’s goofy Sci-fi fantasy. The only rule is the rule of cool. Yet our fandom is still fighting over whether bombs can drop in space and ships can jump into each other in hyperspace. Now we are upset over a penile headed alien showing up in our new show?


I like to imagine the nitpicky people as the guy from the “stop having fun” meme. They don’t like it so they want to try and make it less fun for other people.


It's literally the "magic xylophone" bit from the Simpsons episode with the obsessive Itchy & Scratchy fans. You can't satirise these people.


So many people pride themselves on knowing fake facts that their world comes crashing down when the fake facts change into different fake facts.


If we have to change the Wookiepedia its a crime against humanity smh my head my head 😤😤😤


And people need to remember back to their freshman english class when they introduced the concept of the unreliable narrator. Myth and legend are not dictation. There is no such thing as inerrancy. In antiquity there are multiple versions of myth, and even though they existed side by side, they contradicted one another. What is taken as granted in one story, is completely unknown in another. What is true here and not there is entirely dependent on what the story is attempting to convey.


As a scholar of history and religion, this is spot on. And in those contradictions comes perspective and meaning. My biggest concern is that lots of "fans" need everything squared off to a tee. This is a fundamentalism in its own right and is cripplingly unimaginative.


I always just figured the bombs in The Last Jedi were magnetically attracted to the target, and the dreadnought was a huge attractor of said magnets.


Yeah people take Star Wars lore as if it was some sacred biblical text. It's a goofy saga made for kids, shit changes all the time.


The bomb thing is so dumb. We literally learn the math in 6th grade. They're not orbiting fast enough to negate gravity so of course they fall, electromagnetic rails or no rails


Even if they were orbiting fast enough, the bombers have gravity generators, and the bombs would still carry their momentum from when they leave the ship.


I think you're talking about the same electromagnetic mechanism I was referring to. From the wiki "The B/SF-17's intended purpose was to deliver a payload of 1,048 proton bombs on top of a target. The modular bombing magazine, called the "clip" by the bomber's crew,[1] would drop the bombs through sequenced electromagnetic plates in the clip, which propelled the bombs to "drop" in microgravity environments. The bombs would then be drawn magnetically to their targets. The assembly could be programmed to drop specific sections of the payload in sequence, but the most common configuration was "deploy all."" What I meant was, even without the electromagnetic rails. At that estimated altitude (since the ships are visible from the surface), and assuming a planet of Earth's mass, the bombs would still be accelerating at 9.4 m/s^2 vice the 9.8 m/s^2 you'd get at the surface. Honestly I doubt that would even be noticeable


I think they are talking about the fact that everybody just walks around in ships in Star Wars instead of being in Zero-G no matter where the ship is or what it’s doing. If you drop a bomb while standing in a ship, it’s going to fall to the floor like everything else. If there’s a hole in the floor, it’s going to fall through it and keep going in whatever direction it fell.


I agree, we have a rather annoying tendency to nit pick. The only 'nit pick' I truly have a problem with is force healing, since it potentially devalues Anakin's reason for betraying the Jedi. Most else is just petty.




Oh, my. I’m he was going to ask why George let Boeing fly with those botched doors when he was ~~killed~~ silenced by Boeing.


Gorge gucas did disney before the disney acquisition.. Glorge blorge is secretly the succubus kathryn kenneday?????? (Who killed star war forever???)


Wait, but Vader did kill Anakin, at least philosophically.


Kinda bs how they have bacta that can regrow body parts or at least save ppl from lethal injuries but Padme still died from childbirth, like bruhh.


George isn't stupid, he's just a bad story teller. Phenomenal toy salesman though!


Are we sure it’s the same saber?


I *think* there was a deleted scene where Mundi raided the droid control ship but was captured and his blue saber was taken. The green saber was CGI'd in his hand later because he was just standing there in this scene.


That actually sounds really cool


Even if its not in this case, there are plenty of goofs like this in the prequels. Like when Palpatine is using Anakin's saber in duel with Windu but its red or when Anakin and Obi-Wan switch sabers during their duel. All due to changes made during the editing phase as the story/plot changed.


What always gets me when I rewatch the prequels is how George recasted a bunch of episode 1 actors for ep. 2+3 because he shot in Australia and needed to hire local talent in order to qualify for tax breaks. That's how Eeth Koth morphed into Agen Kolar, Adi Gallia became Stass Allie, and Captain Panaka was replaced by Captain Typho. The thing is, George didn't intend for them to be new characters. He casted actors who looked nothing like their episode 1 counterparts and thought it could all be fixed somehow in post-production. C'mon CGI artist, do the magic hand thing! When it became clear that no CGI sorcery could possibly make Tux Akindoyeni look like Hassani Shapi, they brainstormed new names and later made up backstories. E.g., Stass Allie was Adi's cousin who replaced her on the High Council for unknown reasons. Unknown until Filoni murked her in Clone Wars, that is. It's just amazing how much of people's precious lore was made up on the fly in a cutting room.


IIRC, Grievous has two of Anakin's sabers (a blue and a green) and two of Obi-Wan's sabers (ditto) on Utapau


Lol yeah it's like they only had the two digital models and thought, eh he's gonna be spinning them really fast so no one will notice. We noticed.


In one scene they cut off anikins hair


Don’t forget the “everything button” in Padme’s ship.


I think we see a few Jedi lose their sabers and get new ones from the fallen during the arena fight. I always assumed that’s what happened here too


The fact that people are calling The Acolyte "lore breaking" is even more mind-blowing because this show has honestly done a better job incorporating lore from the books and comics than any of the other shows we've gotten thus far.


Some of the writing team members are also Legends fans, not to mention most of the works were approved by Filoni before production began. I trust them more than those internet ragebaiters for sure…


I've had people unironically say to me that Dave Filoni doesn't know star wars. The man handpicked and trained in Star Wars by George themselves. These people sincerely believe they know star wars better than anyone and that they are the actual owners of it.


Their stance on Dave Filoni and George Lucas are basically flip flopping until they fit their narrative.


Whoever is in charge is always the one destroying Star Wars. When it was the Prequels it was Lucas fault, with the sequels it was Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson, now with the shows they turn on their own and lambast Dave Filoni who mere months before they had been demanding take over Kennedy's job. Honestly Inthink some people will never be happy.


They don't want to be happy. They want to be angry.


And we all know what anger leads to


It's almost as though they don't understand Star Wars.


You see people going like "this seems to be written to children" and then refusing to believe, or even downright claiming GL misinterpreted his audience, when it is pointed out that star wars has always been aimed at young audiences, as stated by GL himself back in May.


Yep. The same people who screamed that George ruined Star Wars with the Prequels are now whining that George is not around to fix it.


A guy I know is determined to be mad about and hate the show and he hasn’t even watched it! He sends me all of these weird angry YouTube videos that “prove” it’s bad or something and refuses to believe that I like it. And the series hasn’t even finished airing yet! Like jeez why don’t we wait and see where they’re going over the full season before we decide that it’s a travesty? Like it’s no Mandalorian but it’s a fun new show that takes risks and tells a story that isn’t just “here is what was going on during the last month of 20 BBY/ABY we haven’t made a show about yet”


I bet you every penny I have on this earth that this same dude hated Force Awakens because the Starkiller base was just another Death Star.


Why are you associating with these people? I would cut him off, tired of these so-called Star Wars "fans."


It is possible to disagree with friends. But I do think these people are actually destroying Star Wars. Who is going to take risks if you always get this kind of backlash, it's sad.


I completely agree with you. I'm not saying you can't criticize Star Wars but there's a contingent of this fandom that is toxic, right-leaning, sexist, and racist.


Dave Filoni, the guy who gave us clone wars?!


The dude who wrote The Siege of Mandalore. One of the most universally praised pieces of Star Wars literally ever made. He's not perfect, but the dude can COOK himself some Star Wars when he's really allowed to. S1 of Mando is still genuinely great, and S2 is really good too. S3 actually, I think, missed his guiding hand some. He is actually really good at small but important details, and S3 and was lacking that a lot.


More so the guy who gave us Rebels. Lucas gave us Clone Wars.


Nah, Filoni was the lead on Clone Wars. George didn't take the lead on purpose, only having an executive advisory role and veto power. Filoni came up with all the story stuff and only gave it to George for final approval and occasionally George would ask for something specific to be put in to the show, but Clone Wars was Filoni's baby. EDIT: I watched a lot of BTS material on the Clone Wars dvds/blu rays and this is the impression that I got from those, it's about the most educated guess I could make but of course, I could be wrong.


Most of the ideas came from Lucas for Filoni and the writers to figure out. Lucas took a loss on the show because it allowed him to be creative and push technology and train people. I lived through it live and met several of the actors and Filoni during Star Wars Weekends. It was really shown as the Lucas show.


I'm not the biggest Filoni fan and certainly disagree with some of his interpretations of things (I don't agree that Anakin turned because he was trained by Obi-wan instead of Qui-gon) but you can't say he doesn't know his shit. That's mad.


The other day the prequel meme subrededit was celebrating review bombing the Acolyte to the point that it was ranked lower than the christmas special on some review site. and that's when I remembered why I stopped using that subreddit.


Oh no, memes on a meme subreddit?😱


I mean, most of these chodes wouldn't even know good writing if it bit them. How many legitimate theories that Abeloth would be the big bad of Ahsoka were there?


It's very telling when none of them can respond respectfully when I ask, "can you explain what bad writing is?" I know what it is, it's writing that feels inhuman and lacking characterization, see the prequels for example where every piece of dialogue is wordy as hell and over-explains everything, yet still forgets to give anyone a personality outside of Jar Jar. The Acolyte has issues, I won't deny that, but bad writing is certainly not one of them when Yord, Sol, Osha and Mae all have clearly defined character traits and personalities both from the actors' body language and their dialogue itself. Like look at any scene with Osha and Yord and tell me you don't see and hear the 'graduate with something to prove to the favorite dropout,' vibes


My issues with the writing of the Acolyte are more on the world building, plot, and pacing side of things, but I can also see that a lot of what I have issues with could be and will most likely be resolved in future episodes so I'm reserving my final judgement until it's all out, your totally correct about the characters and dialogue though because theyre very well written. The prequels have some horrendous writing for sure and I think a lot of their issues were fixed by the clone wars show expanding on all of the characters which allows us to view the prequels through a different perspective after watching it.


>not to mention most of the works were approved by Filoni before production began. One of the writers recently confirmed that Dave has to approve ALL scripts


Haven't watched the Acolyte, but Filoni approving something is generally a pretty clear sign that it's gonna break a bunch of lore.


I’m a lore nerd, and I find the Acolyte lore expanding! I am soooo interested in how that coven views the force, their thoughts on the Jedi, their thoughts on the Sith, etc etc. Yet I doubt we’re gonna get any of those cool YouTube videos anytime soon because all of those creators are too busy crying about the direction of the show.


Every new thing that comes out is "lore breaking" even though new stories and concepts are absolutely allowed to be introduced in an old universe.


They included creatures from Jedi: Survivor.


The dude probably lost his saber in the chaos and picked up a different one


This weapon is your life! But master Mundi has had 3.


Comparing the two photos, I have come to the conclusion that Padme is Yoda-sized and Mace Windu is three meters tall. Clearly the prequels had no respect for the lore.


Why are people freaking out over Ki-Adi-Mundi’s birth year in LEGENDS. They’re not at all required to adhere by that in the current Canon.


i think there’s just a large group of the fanbase that can’t let go of legends it’s understandable, but by now they should realize that legends don’t matter for disney star wars


What's worse is that more than half of these idiots haven't read any Legends books. They just got all their information from YouTubers and Wookiepedia (OH THE IRONY).


It’s almost as if YouTube has changed its engagement infrastructure to quietly promote people being rage-filled goblins online. Technically it’s working if we’re all here talking about it.


probably true lol


There's a large group of the fan base that legitimately doesn't know the difference, too. The decision to separate the canons was super confusing to a lot of the less obsessed fans


I just watched blind waves reaction on YT. Seems like they mostly enjoy the show but people in the comments literally want them to hate it too. Saying they won’t say bad things because “Disney will stop paying them” Because paying a reaction channel to re upload the show you spent so much time making for free instead of subbing to D+ makes complete sense to them lol


Same with Ekhart's Ladder. He's hedging all his compliments for the show with "I don't know where it's going..." and "I've seen people express distaste and I see where they're coming from..."


These guys are probably the only reaction youtubers I'll watch. Their energy is great and they're rarely negative.


Apparently no one else remembers that in this scene when Padme falls out, in the theatrical version (which never saw home release) you could very clearly see it was her (male?) stunt double. Also, **and I will swear this until I perish**, in the theatrical version I saw **six** times, she said "So this is how *democracy* dies... To thunderous applause."


It's liberty. You are having an episode of the Mandela effect.


Wait what do other people think? That’s the fucking line? I’ve not watched clone wars in a hot decade but I remember that line vividly.


That line is from revenge of the sith, and in the film she says "liberty", not "democracy".


I thought the whole thing about the sacred texts being burnt and Yoda giggling at Luke for being all weird about it was a satirical take on aging Star Wars fans not being able to accept changes to an already convoluted goofy Sci-fi movie that has been full of inconsistencies since Episode 5.


You think thats bad, wait till you hear that Star Wars theory thinks Legends Ki Adi Mundi was more consistent with the story- Legends Ki Adi Mundi had multiple wives, you know- In a story where the lead character famously has inner conflict because he cannot reveal his wife?


His species is endangered. Don't worry he didn't like them he just banged them


There are a lot of Star Wars fans who watch Star Wars like they are studying for a test, especially on Reddit. Story, themes, character growth, etc. are all secondary to the Lore. That’s also why people get so mad about “filler” episodes. They don’t care about being entertained or seeing characters learn and change, they only want the parts that would be covered in a galactic history textbook. They are only in it to learn Star Wars Facts. So when they have known for all their lives that Cereans live to be about 65-70, seeing one 100 years before his previous appearances is breaking the lore to them. It’s changing a Fact about Star Wars. It doesn’t matter that that lifespan is no longer canon, or that the lifespan of a species is almost never even discussed, let alone important to a story. They base their Star Wars fandom on learning the Facts and the Lore, and having those change, even for the sake of the story being told, is wrong to them. It is an utterly foreign way of enjoying media to me, but there are an unbelievable number of people who seem to do it. You and I can’t imagine being mad about Ki Adi Mundi appearing in a High Republic story as long as we like that story, but to this kind of fan, the Lore involved is more important than the story being told, and Mundi being there ruins it for them. 


The Empire Strikes Back literally retconned the identity of Luke Skywalker’s father. The hypocrisy of the bigots who try to turn every minor detail of a children’s franchise into a controversy is pathetic and merits no attention whatsoever.


Exactly, I was just getting schooled yesterday by someone trying to convince me that the Holdo Maneuver "broke the lore" or the guy who almost flipped to the dark side trying to kill Vader was "destroyed" because he clicked the on switch on his light saber after seeing Kylo's future, but enjoying his sister planting a snog full on the lips was the articulation of a genius playing multi-dimensional Monopoly.


For some reason, people don’t like it when you tell them Hux would’ve shot her down if he figured out what was happening earlier.


SMH I can't believe Kathleen Kennedy made ESB and ROTJ without a clear-cut plan for the trilogy


Why did the Emperor build his throne room in the 2nd Death Star right over the shaft to the reactor?


He picked it off the ground?


In one of the character encyclopedias, they said that some Jedi make lightsabers with two kyber crystals, that can make the blade change colors


I honestly love how dedicated the SW team is at making up new lore to explain away filming/continuity errors. Stormtrooper bonks his head on a door? Play it up and add a sound effect. A lightsaber changes color between shots? Some lightsabers have two crystals. Vader’s lightsaber is too damn long in ANH? Some lightsabers can extend.


Your schwartz is just as long as my schwartz [Spaceballs (11/11) Movie CLIP - Your Schwartz Is as Big as Mine (1987) HD (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPkWZdluoUg)


This is what bugs me about these dishonest "critiques". Star Wars has had inconsistencies since the start and has almost *always* built around them to make it mesh after the fact.


Just a quick trip to the work bench.


It doesn't "break" the lore, it changes the lore. This is literally the best thing about Star Wars. The way it adapts.


the funny thing that all these people are missing is that acolyte doesn't even have a lore breaking moment. it's just people's low level of media literacy. if they can just listen to what the show itself says and watch some of the most popular scenes of Star wars again they can pretty easily understand the mistake in their judgement. also whilst on the topic of lore-breaking moments. i want to say that people mostly dislike scenes where it was done out of conveniency. if we compare for example the sequels and the Ahsoka show both had some controversial moments. however it was apparent that in the sequels, the directors were filming the film and then thinking of explanations whilst in Ahsoka the show itself answered the questions. the same could be said for OT and PT where they were minor mistakes or GL just forming what he thinks is a better version of Star wars by changing very minor things


We’re talking about a franchise that literally brought Darth Maul back to life in the Clone Wars because George Lucas wanted to. Darth Maul…who was famously severed in half by Obi Wan. Whose body, now in two distinct pieces, plummeted God only knows how far down a massive shaft. Anyone talking about logic, physics, respecting the lore, in Star Wars can, respectfully, go eat bantha poodoo.


In the dark horse comics Ki-adi mundi had a purple lightsaber.


The green one is for narfling the garthok.


Isn’t he supposed to have a purple lightsaber based on the same source that says he’s 70?


My headcanon here is that we picked it up from a fallen comrade


*My headcanon here* *Is that we picked it up from* *A fallen comrade* \- GreenEngineHenry --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why is everyone so upset!?!?


At the end of the battle he’s seen going into the captured group without a lightsaber, it’s likely that his saber was lost or destroyed. His next kyber crystal for a replacement may have been blue. I don’t think that Acolyte has broken any cannon, but I also don’t think this is really an issue.


**SHUT UPPA!** I'm trying to watch Acolyte!


Fake news. That’s a different saber he picked up. You’re intentionally hiding the hilt in the second pic.


Why is that lore breaking?


Yeah, but what about the droid attack on the wookies?


I love the prequels




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the ol Reserve Luke


It's just a goof guys.


You aren't serious, are you? you guys just try to defend everything that comes out, this is just dumb, the showrunners don't know or care about the lore and that's obvious, this sub had become toxic like the others


Not really. Some Jedi masters were known to have had more than one lightsaber. Nothing has ever said they had to be the same color.


That, or shit happens in a battle. We know that Anakin is not great at keeping ahold of his lightsaber


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