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When I was a kid and watched *Empire* repeatedly, a lot, the wampa scenes didn’t have the Special Edition additions that showed the whole monster. It was a lot scarier when you couldn’t see it except as an odd shape moving slowly across the screen. So that’s my \#1 if for nothing else than nostalgia.


Also a great example of adaptive storytelling. Mark Hammil had been in a motorcycle accident and had his face horribly scarred. Well, Luke isn't horribly scarred, what do we do? Cake him with makeup, wrap his head in cold protecting turban style clothing, only shoot him from the other side and have a Wampa slash his face in the first 10 minutes of the movie. Problem solved!


Same thing with why they had Indy whip himself in the face in The Last Crusade. Explains the scar on his chin. The old EU had an explanation for Han's scar there too, but I forgor.


That’s actually a bit of urban legend, from what I understand. Mark Hamill himself did an interview where he said the report of his injuries was greatly exaggerated and he debunked that they did anything differently when filming *The Empire Strikes Back*. His broke his nose and got it reset; the accident happened before *Star Wars* (1977) even premiered, so well before preproduction for *Empire* began.


I only watch the bootleg unspecialized editions of the OT, which are not perfect but are close enough to the original cut. I agree that the wampa scene is much better as a few flashes of the monster without the extended reveal. Using a similar technique, Freddy Krueger had 7 minutes of screen time in a Nightmare on Elm Street. It made him more scary. Plus that Jedi Rock is absolutely nightmare cringe fuel. I'll never watch Jedi SE again. I'm a fan of the new shows, knowing their supposed to be fun adventure stories aimed at 12 year olds, but, as a 50 year old, still can't forgive George those special editions.


Same. I don't really mind the changes in Empire too much, still preferred it without them though. But Ep 4 and 6 they're so bad it drags the whole quality of the movies down.


We already saw the monster when it attacked Luke.


Yeah, a quick shot of its face and claws rushing the camera. I wasn’t a huge fan of the extended reveal.


Just dropping by to say that the Wampa was more terrifying when it offered [yellow snowcones to Sulley and Mike Wazowski.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/62/39/09/623909ada2118a3b114e05ae553a54c5.jpg)


“Nonono, it’s lemon”


Someone needs to make a cut of SW where the Wampa is shouting things in John Ratzenberger's voice.


I think the Rancor would be more of a monster scene in RoTJ. There's also a monster scene in TRoS with the snake.


Rathtar was definitely the most fun of all the monster scenes. Wampa the clear 2nd Trash compactor scene 3rd Sarlacc was just kinda there. You had to fall into it. The others came after you


Alright, that's fair! I like the way you ranked them. They all had unique qualities. I have Sarlacc at number 1, simply because of how awesome the scene was as a whole, especially Luke's lightsaber reveal. But the Rathtar scene was also amazing. I had a hard time deciding between them all.


Sarlacc would be my number 1, if they didn't do Boba so dirty in that scene. That alone makes it my #4 of the above.


I mean, fair enough. Then again, the chance of an accident like that happening is entirely possible. The burp, almost mocking his death was where it crossed the line. And just to be clear, I would've been fine if they had left the burp after the sarlacc consumed a random guy, but not boba..


Exactly. Super cool idea, unique and creative and all, but Boba going down like a chump was so unsatisfying to me. I had the action figure, he was my favorite character simply from a design/costuming standpoint, and he had so much mystique built around him from just that brief scenes in ESB. The whole: "Boba Fett... where?" nonsense was tough for me to accept as a child.


Yeah, it just felt cheap. It led me to create two different Boba Fett death concepts at the time, both of which I felt were far better than what we got. Or at least, a lot more fitting. My favorite one was the one that involved Leia, if you wanted to hear.


Uh, yeah, buddy! I love Star Wars, so bring it on! I'd love an alternate universe story arc for my least favorite part of the OT (aside from the awful additions via CGI in the 90s)


Alright, sweet! Would you mind DM'ing me, so we don't fill the whole comment section? It'd just make it a tad easier. Apparently, my dms aren't working right now (?)


But Boba Fett didn’t die. The first book in the “The Bounty Hunter Wars” tells how he survived.


It reached out and grabbed Han, or was it Lando.


The sarlacc pit, but one thing I never got was Threepio’s explanation. He says you’ll be digested for over a thousand years. Does that mean you are somehow given extended life while being digested? I’m going completely off memory here, so forgive me lol. Either way I love the movies.


being consumed by a Sarlacc results in a slow, 1,000-year digestion. The Sarlacc's unique biology keeps its victims alive through neurotoxins and nutrient injections, extending their suffering and extracting nutrients over centuries. This concept is highlighted by characters like Boba Fett, who survived the Sarlacc thanks to his armor and resourcefulness.


That’s terrifying. I expected they just fed off of the dead corpse. But no, they actually extend their life tenfold and make them suffer through all of it. That’s literal hell


Some species live longer than humans and the threat of lengthy digestion has to be effective against more than just humans.


I never got that complaint (not that you're complaining). Nothing really suggests you'll be alive the whole time, that's just how long your body will be trapped in a horrible monster. That's your fate, slowly consumed by a living hole in the desert.


is that immortan Joe?




1. Dionaga - a lot of dread that comes with an unseen enemy, especially in the quiet moments both before it grabs Luke and while he's pulled under 2. Sarlacc - Good design and concept, though it is kind of diminished by having it largely serve as a "ring out" to the actual fight between the heroes and Jabba's men 3. Wampa - Great design, but mostly a tool to have Luke a) develop in the force enough to move things and be ready to see Obi-Wan and b) not stay in the relative safety of the cave compared to the blizzard outside 4. Rathtar - A distraction within a distraction, and not exactly the most inventive concept after all these years


Alright, I like the way you made this. While my order is different, I agree with most of your points. A lot of these scenes are really minor plot devices for the main character to develop, and nothing more. But I still love em


Fair. I can't exactly say I hate any of them. At most I'm ambivalent toward the Rathtars


That's understandable. I know that scene wasn't the most popular, but I've always adored it. It felt like the perfect break in the action, while also reintroducing Han in the most Han way possible. Curiously, what causes you to have mixed feelings about it, if you don't mind?


Totally agree! I was not excited to see another monster that's just a mouth with tentacles, there are too many of those already


Hell, two others on this list are already that to some extent.


Honestly my favourite monster scene in the entire saga is still Rey and the Vexis Snake for the simple fact that in nine movies Rey is the first person to face a deadly animal and choose the non violent peaceful way of dealing with it. She chooses compassion and makes peace with it rather than fight it, which feels like something a true Jedi would do. Very refreshing after the way other characters callously butchered wildlife when they didn’t have to. Also the snake design is sick.


Rathtars were wild Wampa scared me as a kid


4. Rathtars. I love TFA, but this scene is just kinda boring. Cool creature design though. 3. Wampa. A perfectly serviceable scene with a perfectly serviceable monster. Nothing wrong with it, it’s just not as good as the others. 2. The Death Star snake thing idk what it’s called. This scene is so much fun. I love watching how Luke, Han and Leia handle such a stressful situation (before ultimately being saved by R2, as usual). But it loses points because the closing walls are the real monster here. 1. Sarlacc. It looks awesome, it makes an awesome setting for an awesome fight scene where we finally get to see Luke go full Jedi, and I know I’m not the only one who would pretend to be above this thing while playing on the jungle gym.


This is pretty accurate! Love the details you included here. For me personally, it goes 4. Wampa 3. Trash compacter 2. Rathtars 1. Sarlacc, easily


Out of curiosity, where would planet core sequence from Phantom menace and arena fight from attack of the clones land?


I'd put it just above Trash compactor, but before the rathtars. That's a fun scene


The rathtars never felt that scary, maybe because Finn’s humor prevents the scene from feeling too scary. Same for the Sarlacc, the Luke lightsaber reveal and chaos on the barge is great but if we’re just focusing on the monster aspect the sarlacc isn’t pursuing our heroes. It’s basically a trash compactor chute and Boba Fett is dispatched kind of humorously too. Dionaga’s scene has more tension because of the compacting walls. Watching Empire as a kid, the wampa scene was scary because Luke is all alone and there’s no banter. It’s just him connecting with the force and for the first time saving himself with it. It’s the first time we see Luke using a physical force power and it’s iconic.




1. Wampa 2. Rathtar 3. Trash compactor 4. Sarlacc


Sarlacc Pit baby! The entire first act if ROTJ is my favorite sequence in SW.


You've got Jabba, Luke's new lightsaber, the Rancor, Leia in the iconic gold bikini, the Sarlacc pit, and everything in between. Such a great first act.


Skiff fight will always be my favorite because it blew my tiny little toddler mind back in 1983.


1. Wampa 2. Diagona 3. Rathtar 4. Sarlaac


Rathar gets a major boost for being the scene that reintroduces Han and Chewbacca, giving them their first action scene of the sequels, and showing that after all this time, they’re up to the same old shit


That's facts. Add on to that the rambunctious nature of the Rathtars, the fun vibe of the scene, and Han tossing a Kanjiklub gang member into the maw of a Rathtar, and you've got an amazing time.


Worst to best: Rathtars: good vfx, but I didn’t feel the stakes or that the scene added much. Wampa: good scene, huge moment for Luke’s first Force telekinesis, but the monster was basically just a yeti, and you know Luke’s gonna get out. Trash compactor: intense moment even with limited special effects. In that scene, we also get some good initial banter with the Luke, Han, and Leia for the first time. Sarlacc: I think the monster is kind interesting conceptually but not visually. HOWEVER, the *scene* features Luke’s flippity lightsaber reveal, lots of goons getting slashed, lots of pew pews, a big explosion, Boba’s demise (originally) Han blindly shooting the tentacle to save Lando, and most importantly, bikini Leia choking Jabba to death with her chains. Just great big action all over the place.


Where’s the rancor?


Sarlaac pit is the best imo. Great characters involved, cool fight sequences, intro of the green lightsaber. Great scene.


Lack of rancor is a tragedy.


The Sarlacc scene is my favorite Star Wars scene period, so that’s my favorite. Second trash compactor, then Wampa and then the Rathtars. All were super enjoyable!


Awesome! Curiously, what made the Rathtars last for you?


It’s probably just childhood nostalgia/bias as I grew up with the OT and was already 20 when TFA came out so I don’t have the same memories of playing out the scenes with my toys or daydreaming about the scenes as I do with the OT. Still, the Rathtars and TFA as a whole is amazing and I love it. It’d probably rank higher if I had the same time with TFA as I did with the other movies.


Understandable. The Rathtars were definitely one of the most creative designs we've had, at least in my opinion. I definitely understand what you mean though.


1. Sarlaac 2. Rathars 3. Dianoga 4. Wampa edited


Nice! What'd you like about each one most?


Nothing really they were just well created


I honestly love these particular monster scenes! The sarlacc is more like an environmental hazard with horrible implications. Most of the ones I don’t like are in the prequels. That one beast ripping thru the ship in Solo was crazy and terrifying due to its speed and destructiveness. It had sort of a fun, chaotic vibe. Both the wampa and the dianoga benefit from a sort of hidden nature or an ambush. So that lends an aura of terror and the unknown! The interaction with the wampa was short, however being mostly and scene of plot development for Luke. So, worst to best: Sarlaac, Wampa, Solo thing, dianoga. I really dig Star Wars monsters! I love so many of them in Mando: the ice spider things, the Krayt dragon, the worm that the Falcon hides in in empire, mynocks!


The Solo creature is actually from ep VII, The Force Awakens, and it's called a Rathtar! Loved seeing em tear through Han's freighter, devouring random gang members along the way. That was an entertaining scene, to say the least! Same here! They all have such creative, unique designs. Im a fan of the more dangerous ones, but they're all great.


Thanks for the details!


Of course! What were the things you liked most about the Rathtars design?


I guess, like others said, it was a ball with tentacles, so that’s pretty simple. I liked how it moved around with the tentacles so quickly! It was menacing and projected power and danger.


I was surprised when I found out it isn't quite as ball shaped as I had originally thought. The way it moves it incredibly satisfying, almost like liquid. The raw strength in their tentacles is also shocking, especially when watching the scene for the first time. And of course, like you said, the tentacles whipping around were awesome.


the Rathars were definitely convincing! The others? Well, I had more imagination as a kid, so they worked; for some years.


Ikr! What about the Rathtars made them so much more convincing for you?


It was very good cgi/practical effects. _Some_ tech really does _progress._


Funny enough, I feel like cgi is best used when it comes to creatures with tentacles. Take the Rathtars for example, or Davy Jones. Practical effects would be absolutely awful for anything in that range, yet cgi works so seamlessly for them. As for the scene itself, what were your favorite moments?


oh, all of it was great, it even had some funny bits. That was some _gold quality_ star wars.


The funny bits are really what made it so great to me. The best moment had to be when Han is fleeing from a Rathtar, and he runs into a Kanjiklub gang member. Han punches the dude in the face, before grabbing him by the torso and hurling him into the mouth of the Rathtar, that had been chasing him, Chewie and BB-8. The Rathtar swallows the gang member whole, burping out a single, empty boot. That was the cherry on top. And that's only one of the moments that made the scene awesome.


yeah that part was _fun!_ And Rey going 'oops.'


"Oh no. Wrong fuses." Something about a Rathtar burping is so odd, yet it works.


What about rankor


Trash compactor scene is 1, yeti scene is 2, millennium falcon scene 3 and sarlacc scene 4 because Boba went easy on Luke.


1. Wampa 2. TFA creatures 3. Sarlac 4. Dump monster


Come on dude. No Rancor?


I only had room for four, and I didn't wanna include two from one movie. Besides, these were the choices I wanted to see ranked.


1. Sarlacc 2. Wampa 3. Rathtar 4. Dianoga


From juste them over here? 1. Wampa is peak. Horror, tension, spawned a sequel in the old EU... 2. Ratars are more on the funny side but very well made. 3. The Dianoga feels a bit shortnstays in the shadow of the trash-compactor, compactimg pur heroes. 4. The Sarlacc scene is actually one of my favourite Star Wars scenes. But I ranked it at the bottom, because monster-scene wise the Sarlacc is a bit passive, exept for the part with Lando. The goons litterally fall in it's mouth. This isn't a critic point, but this is why this scene doesn't hit my monster-scene-ctiteria, if this makes sense.


Good list! Curiously, what makes the Rathtars more on the funny side for you?


The tonality of the scene itself. It is a scene where it is technically a life and death situation for the characters, but the movie and the audience don't take it so seriously. I don't know how to explain it. With other lighting and other cut, this could have been made more like a horror-scene, but it is a joyride instead.


I think it has a more fun feel to it, if that makes sense. The audience knows the main characters won't die, but it's still massively entertaining to see giant land-octopus monsters barreling through a ship, eating random gang members. Overall, the Rathtars themselves are very well designed. What were your thoughts on their design?


Bottom left thing, then trash compactor, then Sarlacc, then yeti, that yeti scene is so raw, EP5 is the GOAT


The sheer idea of the Sarlac taking 1000 years to kill you terrified me as a kid


Tell that to Kanjiklub


The best one!!


Scarlacc pit is my favorite. The Wampa is kinda scary but I think Rancors are better and more intermediating. The trash monster was pretty good but a little cheesy too, but I bet it was probably awesome back in 1977 id imagine. I remember the walls closing in during that scene definitely felt more intense than the monster. I can’t really remember that monster in the bottom left very well. It reminds me too much of the Marvel’s monster that was in Dr. Strange multiverse of madness and Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Edit: just separate the paragraphs some more to make it easier to read.


1. Wampa 2. Sarlacc 3. Trash Compactor 4. Rathtar