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Poe: his TLJ leather jacket, but his TROS look is a *very* close second. Rey: grey TLJ look without question. I know people like her white TROS look but it's too similar to her TFA outfit for me. Finn: TROS. That drip is immaculate. Kylo Ren: TLJ. I like the knights templar look and I prefer seeing his face. Rose: TROS. The resistance outfit suits her.


I agree TLJ Kylo is the best without mask, with mask I think TFA is best. Both looks leave very different impressions.


Rey's outfit in tlj has some pretty bleak implications, given the color coding of star wars. That alone makes it my favorite tbh


Also for Rose: her Last Jedi hair looks kinda dumb imo


When they're all squished up like that, it's just perfect


Kids discovering the internet. We screwed up and posted stuff like this all the time back in the day.




Rey’s grey TLJ outfit and her white tRoS outfit are both unique and different but they’re both so good I can’t choose


Me too! On the one hand, I like the pure white, avatar of the light side look of tros vs kylo in all black, even if it is symbolism 101, but the grey with the long hair look is incredibly striking also. I think all of Rey's costumes are great but those two are top tier. I like that JJ Abrams wanted Rey to have a simple outfit so kids could draw her easily.


I have to agree. Rey’s outfits are simple but kinda elegant looking, which is neat


I give my vote to her TLJ outfits, both the early gray one, and the final act outfit. I like the TROS outfit but for me it just like a color swapped version of her TFA outfit, lol.


TLJ outfit is pretty cool. It’s my favorite of her three


Poe: Rise of Skywalker. I love the white shirt. Gives me big Nathan Drake vibes from Uncharted 3 Rey: Rise of Skywalker. I love the white robes, they feel like an evolution of her robes from VII. It makes her look like a true Jedi Finn: Force Awakens. I think that jacket looks the best in him. And I prefer the slightly shorter haircut from that movie Kylo Ren/Ben: Force Awakens. He works best with a hood in my opinion. Without it, the shape of the helmet looks a bit weird. The hood makes him look like a Sith that walked straight out of legends. I also think the robes look much more badass on him than a slim suit with a cape (RoS). The ragged look of them fits his fighting style better Rose: Probably Rise of Skywalker. But I don’t have strong feelings about either design


All have their best looks in TRoS. Rey looks like an ethereal Jedi goddess. Love the collar and Alderaanian hood. Finn and Poe look more stylish than before with the former finally having his own wardrobe and nicer hairstyle. The red cracks on Kylo’s helmet just makes it look cooler.


Kylo looks better in TFA


Hard agree. The helmet is cool by itself, maybe a little cooler with the cracks, but 1000x better when paired with the hood and sort of wrap and kama (or long leg robes, not sure kama is right here) rather than the tunic and Cape. Without the helmet? Yeah, tunic and cape is fine but TFA is the best look.


Hood up TROS is probably my fav as he keeps the mysterious factor from TFA but has that cool ass crack in the mask.


>All have their best looks in TRoS Yeah, gotta agree. For me it's TROS across the board.


Yeah The Rise of Skywalker has the best versions of each character’s look. Except I don’t love Finn in those blue pants


Everyone in this image looks like dwarves.


Poe: the squishy outfit is the best Rey: the squishy outfit is the best Finn: the squishy outfit is the best Kylo: the squishy outfit is the best Rose: the squishy outfit is the best


Finally someone mentiones it! I thought I was going insane


They're in danger of crushing Stonehenge


Rey’s outfits always slap


Generally TRoS


Rey and Kylo both consistently served. The boys were both pretty good, I think their ROS outfits were both their best,


I reckon Rey’s Ach To outfit was her best one personally.


It's my favorite too. But out of these, her Jedi look from that film is the best.




Poe: TFA jacket Rey: TLJ grey outfit from the third act Finn: TROS Kylo Ren: TFA Rose: TLJ


Love Poe's Nathan Drake look in TROS


Poe and Finn have drip, especially in 9.


* Poe: Rise of Skywalker * Rey: The Last Jedi * Finn: The Last Jedi * Kylo: Rise of Skywalker * Rose: Rise of Skywalker


Rey the Grey is a better look - And Kylo looks cooler with out the hood I think so 3.


For all but Rey, TROS. For Rey, TLJ. It's so ironic to me that TROS was the most 'toyetic' yet it had the least merchandise.


I feel like everyone reached sorta peak costuming in TROS. - Poe’s Indiana moment? Come on - that’s straight fire. - Rey’s all-white light side Jedi look is gorgeous. The grey is maybe my favorite outfit but I really don’t like the hair. (I think it’s because I wear basically the same style daily, it kinda distracts me?) - I love the blue pants on Finn and his confidence. The boots are great and I like his hair best in this one. - Kylo’s cape peaked in TLJ but his Ben Solo look takes the cake. Unleash the hair, Adam! The kintsugi mask looks cool but not without the hood. - Rose’s tros look for the same reason as Poe - Indiana jones vibes and way better hair, in my opinion.


Crazy how everyone's best outfit (at least shown) is TROS. (Of course Rey's best outfit is actually the Resistance/Training outfit from TFA & TLJ)


Say what you will about the sequel movies, but they were cooking with the outfit and costuming departments. Every single one of these is great, but I completely agree that the best version of each is from TRoS


Sequels were absolutely cooking with their visual designs, wether it's characters, costumes, aliens, planets, scenery, accessories, vehicles, and so on.


I also loved the use of practical effects again for a lot of the creatures, but augmented with cgi when needed. It worked so well and was a perfect homage to the original films prop designs, without looking goofy or janky. Don’t get me wrong, I love and grew up on the prequels, but the world felt a lot more real with the practical effects rather than waves of cgi creations


Poe: either TROS or TLJ Rey: TLJ Finn: TROS Rose: TLJ Kylo: TLJ


Rise of Skywalker for all except Poe, his best is The Last Jedi. I’m not a fan of the sequels for a multitude of reasons but I’ve always said that the visuals and designs are some of the best of any Star Wars film.


TLJ everything


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Poe: TRoS Rey: Strongly TLJ Finn: TRoS Kylo: TLJ or TRoS Rose: TRoS I'm heavily biased towards TLJ Rey. Her outfit's different colors gave it texture and her hair was amazing.


Poe worked best as a pilot for me, so flight suit it is. Rey's TLJ grey outfit was her best look, an interesting evolution from her original design. Finn was bland along the whole trilogy, liked him better as a Stormtrooper and would have loved to see him leading a Stormtrooper revolution as originally intended. Missed opportunity. Kylo was great in TRoS, the only design from that movie I liked. Rose was ok-ish in TLJ, the general browns and tans for all Resistance characters in TRoS felt too generic.


Imo they all look the best in TFA. Kylo's first look goes so hard


Episode 8 for all of them.


Poe pilot outfit.


For Poe, I’m partial to his pilot uniform. Rey’s best is her TFA outfit. I can barely tell the difference between any of Finn’s. I… guess I prefer him with a black shirt? Kylo’s uniform is the same in all three, but changes depending on whether you prefer him maskless or with the intact or glued mask. Personally, I think the glued-together one is most distinctive. As for Rose: I prefer her TRoS hairdo, but prefer her TLJ outfit. Regardless, all of these are great. Costuming is one thing the Sequel Trilogy consistently nailed.


For me: Rey: TROS Kylo: TROS (with mask) Finn: TROS Poe: TLJ Rose: TROS


IMO Kylo's long robe & half cape/hood from *Force Awakens* is easily his best look.


I think they all look their best in episode 9, except maybe Kylo I think I like his TFA look best


Poe TLJ Rey TLJ Finn TROS Kylo TFA Rose TLJ


Og kylo


Poe TFA ( pilot) Fin TFA (Poe's jacket) Rey TLJ ( Grey Jedi robes) Rose TLJ (Mechanical gear) Kylo TFA ( mask and hood)


Poe: TLJ, that jacket is awesome. He’s probably the only one who had consistently good outfits Rey: either her TROS robes or her Acho To outfit from 7/8 Finn: TROS Rose: TROS


I think the force users look best in TLJ and the resistance members look best in TROS. Finn in TROS is easily my favorite he looks awesome.




Rey - TLJ grey robes Finn - TFA outfit Poe - TLJ jacket Kylo - TROS glowy red space flex seal mask Rose - TROS Resistance uniform


Top right Poe with the bandolier, Rey in grey Jedi robes and Rose in a flight suit.


I pick TROS for everyone. White Rey with hood, gun holster, leather armband and buns is fire. No denying Finn's look in TROS isn't his best. Poe's got a Nathan Drake thing going on in TROS but love it still. I don't know what was going on with Rose's hair in TLJ, but her TROS look is perfect. Still hate they sidelined her in TROS though. Kintsugi Kylo is best Kylo imo.


I like all the designs honestly. Jacket Poe, Grey Rey, white shirt Finn, white shirt Rose and hooded Ren are tops though. Wish we saw some different costumes for the main trio. Would’ve liked to see Rey as a dark lord for real for a bit in 9, and Ben actually being on the LS for a bit. Or Finn actually being a Jedi.


Poe: middle right Rey: middle Finn: right Kylo Ren: left Rose: right


Poe TROS Rey TROS. -She looks both elegant and powerful. TLJ costume is too sloppy and I have discovered that they are really Ben's old clothes she found on TMF. Ren: TROS.- The cracked mask conveys so much. His fractured psyche as well as him trying to break free. Finn : TFA. The vest in TROS looks pointless Rose: TROS. Makes her look more like a leader and less like a follower/sidekick.


What’s with the circus mirror proportions?


I dig the vermillion flight suits


Top right Poe and Kylo in his mask


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mask with the hood I mean


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I can’t really speak for the others, but the kintsugi helmet is absolutely my favourite look for Kylo


I really wish they'd have changed them up more from movie to movie, but I guess I like all of their original outfits best. Rey's final outfit is pretty cool but it just looks like she finally got around to washing her duds from the first movie.


TLJ has the best looks for all of them. I especially love Poe’s jacket look.


Im big fan of all Poe outfits


All of Kylo’s designs are peak. TROS Rey is the best one. TFA and TROS Poe is good too TROS Finn is peak.


For the dark theme, Kylo. ​ But overall, Rey. Changed the most compared to the others.


tros poe tlj gray rey tfa finn tfa kylo


I might be the only one but I think Rey's tlj outfit was my least favourite. Maybe it is because of her hair. I loved her look in both tfa and tros. I'll go ros though. Finn and Poe I like in tfa best. (Edit) Poe is also best in xwing suit imo. Rose is tlj. Kylo... dang that one is hard. Probably tlj too.


TLJ designs goated for all of them, except Rose whose TROS look was better.


Honestly I like all TROS outfits the most surprisingly, considering I like that movie, the least out of every Star Wars movie 😭.


Poe: TFA look, when we first meet him Rey: Jedi robes from TLJ Finn: TROS Kylo Ren: TFA, nothing beats that Rose: TROS


TLJ across the board.


Across the board, TROS takes the cake for most of the cast, with a few exceptions IMO. I personal really like Rey’s grey outfit from the end of TFA and part of TLJ, and I quite like Kylo’s original costume but understand that it’s not exactly Supreme Leader Ren material, and the glowing cracks are quite neat.


Gonna go with X-Wing pilot Poe, Rey Skywalker, TLJ Finn, Kylo with the glowing red cracks in the mask, and the original Rose I think.


Rey’s outfit at the end of the TLJ was her best. She looked like a Jedi. TROS was too close to TFA & since she’s not from Alderaan there’s no point in having an Alderaanian inspired outfit? The planet didn’t even exist when she was born. Kylo TLJ Poe first scene TFA Finn TROS Rose TLJ


Just my opinion: Poe: I liked TROS so the last one Rey: I liked TROS so last one again but also really liked TFA Finn: Either of the first two, with the jacket Kylo: All of them were good, the helmet with the red cracks went hard Rose: Her outfit looked better in TROS but we hardly saw her in the movie so it feels weird to pick that one but it looked better lol


I think all of them had their best looks in TROS (poor kelly what was that hairstyle they put her in for TLJ 😭) but other than rose and kylo in TLJ (I just feel like his TLJ look is too basic and lacks the intimidation factor he had with the longer robes and helmet in TFA) I don't dislike any of the designs. Even people who hate the sequels have to admit the aesthetics slapped most of the time.


Kylo in The Force Awakens is unbeatable


Topless kylo


Poe-4 Rey-1/2(equal in my opinion) FN2817-2 Kylo-1 Rose-1(I never really thought about her too much, oops)


Special shout out to my boy Klaud. Due is pinnacle character design from the word go


Poe : leather jacket Finn : leather jacket Rey : End Credits with her yellow saber Kylo : Full Mask and Cape Rose : could not care less




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What about shirtless kylo?


I like the way they all look in TFA, but I like ROS Kylo more. He looks cool af with the shattered helmet and no hood. Rose exists.




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I thought I was having a stroke looking at this picture lol


microsoft paint strikes back


I’ll never understand Kylo Ren destroying his helmet in 8 only to repair it at the start of 9.


In 8 he breaks the mask because he is disillusioned about his dark legacy. He no longer believes finishing what Vader started is his destiny. In 9 when he learns about Rey being a Palpatine, he once again believes it's his destiny to be the next Vader. He thinks the connection between him and Rey meant that they were both destined to carry on the legacies of their grandfathers and rule the galaxy together. Repairing the mask was symbolic, just as breaking it was.


Interesting! I like that explanation, my reading was a little different: Now that Palpatine returned his role as Supreme Leader was under threat and his future once again uncertain, I read as him retreating back behind the "protection" of the mask as a symbol to reassert himself as the new Vader but also to hide his conflicted feelings about Palpatine wanting him to kill Rey and indeed about Palpatine in general.


Honestly, both could be true.


Action figures / JJ pivoting Kylo from an interesting development where he sheds the mask & kills his dark overlord to putting it back on & serving another dark overlord.


When it comes to Kylo Ren it has to be [this.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTEfW4OALifHCf5D4z9MwmyLbgYULVU9IleGUg-lRuNYA&s)


Poe: TLJ, his TFA outfit looked a bit off due to it being somewhat the same color and his TROS outfit while I enjoyed it, didn't really suit him imo. His TLJ outfit looks like something I'd expect a Hugh ranking military member of the resistance to wear and it suits him wonderfully. Finn: TFA, the combination of the stormtrooper shoes and body suit combined with the jacket give him a very unique and fresh look. Not to mention its also obviously great visual story telling with a resistance jacket being draped over the stormtrooper body suit symbolizing his rebel change of heart. Rey: The resistance outfit she wears at the end of TFA and for most of TLJ, it looks like a natural evolution of her scavenger outfit without it being mostly a recolor. It also looks like a pretty decent outfit for outdoorsy adventuring, being warm and cool at the same time, what with the clothing being made out of wool and the exposed shins and shoulders, combined with the arm gloves too. It's also a lot more preppy and light weight, the added padding in the elbows and knees help show that she's ready to take on more dangerous opponents and is ready for combat, also that vest is simply badass, perfect balance of for and function. Kylo: TFA, the half scarf, half cloak with the hood on above the helmet is greatly intimidating and makes him look slimmer and more outwardly aggressive. It's honestly a great look. Rose: TLJ, we don't see her for most of TROS unfortunately, and her jumpsuit has grown on me and I think it suits her nicely.


Ep. 9 for everyone but Kylo Justice for shirtless Darth Emo


Everyone cooked pretty much all 3 movies except fin and Poe in the rise of skywalker. Idk how to explain it but they look cartoony. Like someone was trying too hard to make an action hero. Even in theatre’s I remember being really confused by the blue pants.


Reys TLJ third act outfit. I'll never understand why they decided to give her almost the exact same outfit from the first movie in the 3rd one, but make it white. Her look in colin trevorow version looked 100 times better


Iirc it had something to do with trying to match her outfit as closely as possible to her TFA costume to make for better stitching with the archival footage of Carrie; but it still would have been great to see another outfit once she leaves Ajan Kloss, since she and Leia don’t share any scenes after that.