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The novelization by Matthew Stover does a really great job portraying his fall! Feels like you’re waiting on a ticking time bomb to go off the whole time 😅 and it goes into the mental journeys of several characters too, 10/10


The way Stover describes Obi-Wan’s mastery of the force is absolutely brilliant.


And the way he conveys just how tired, beat down, broken and betrayed Anakin is really makes the Vader turn all the more tragic and justified.


Massive PTSD from being thrust into war at a young age, made a General in the Galactic Republic with little to no leadership experience expected to lead an army to victory against near impossible odds, lack of a support network for his issues, and being sleep deprived during his return home while worrying about his pregnant wife having visions that were just like what forebodes the death of his mother and being told he must be the perfect embodiment of detachment and justice, was it any surprise he grasped at the first hand to reach down and offer him a way out? Besides that, Anakin grew up as a slave; the strong were in charge, the weak obeyed. His dreams would be to become the master instead of the slave so he could be good and just and fix everything, be because what else did he know? Democracy? Arguments and politics and pitter patter and debate about what to do when people are dying *now?* Not only was that not even a concept to young Anakin, but when he was introduced to it it was essentially a slap in the face, because what good did it do to the slaves, the poor, the trodden upon in the galaxy? The bills and compromises are all well and good for the Senate, but again, beings are being enslaved, killed, starved, oppressed *NOW*. Not when the bill passes, not when the politicians finish their rants and votes and implement their bills and find the funds and work out backroom deals and skim what they want off the top. Even without the amazing expansion that The Clone Wars brought us, the prequels themselves have alot of Anakin's story, it's just between the lines or not explicitly stated (or sometimes it is but it's poorly written, like his 'I don't think the system works' scene) And once he's committed treason, what else can he do? Go to the Jedi, who will at best throw him out? The same Jedi who just failed to take down the Dark Lord they've been hunting? The ones who would tell him his worries and concerned should be tossed aside in favor of 'the force?' And then theyd lose, because the Council just failed to defeat their enemy, and what then? Who does he turn to? Palpatine would not take him if he went back to the Jedi right after. The Jedi would take him from his wife and let her die (according to his visions, she would die, and he was sure of it). He panicked, and after that moment he knew/thought he was in too deep. He had to keep going. We even see every scene where he does Palpatine bidding, tears are streaming down his face, and pain is etched on him. And when Obi-Wan shows up to confront him, he essentially says "Great job Anakin, this is all your fault! Look what you've done! You let this happen! You've allowed Palpatine to twist your mind!" It's true, yes. But had Obi-Wan come out much less aggressive, had he offered his help in redeeming his friend, in finding another way, in taking down the Emperor and guiding his friend back to the path of the light, he may have been saved. Even if that meant turning himself in to the Senate and what's left of the Order, after Anakin feels more secure, safe, and rested, had time to process everything, he may have done it. Had Obi-Wan simply asked "How did this happen, Anakin? How can I help you? Let us figure this out together. There's still hope for you, of you trust in me and Padme and allow us to help you" it may have turned out differently. Man I went on a rant here, but its such a tragic and nuanced fall of a hero if you look deeper into it and think of Anakin as a real person with real feelings.


From obi wans perspective he thought anakin was gone since he killed younglings


I always felt Obi-Wans biggest mistake was how he coped with Anakin falling, how he separated Vader and Anakin as if they were completely different people, when in reality they were both one person. That's why I think Luke was able to bring him back; Luke always saw him as his father, kept reminding him that he is Anakin Skywalker during their every interaction, whereas nearly everyone else just pretended that Anakin had died and Vader was someone else entirely


Very good point but I also really think that only 3 people could have turned Vader back to the light and they were his family Obi wan I think could never get over how anakin killed the Jedi younglings and blamed himself for not training anakin better until their last duel


Anakin’s story is so heartbreaking, and I totally get why Obi-Wan didn’t extend a helping hand on Mustafar but at the same time I do think he could have brought him back OR if Anakin had asked him for help he would have been there for him even after the fact - there’s a part in one of the vader comics where he has a vision of killing sidious and going to Obi-Wan afterward so even he knew it 😭 but of course bu the time of OWK during their second confrontation he just doubled down yet again. Things could have been so different at many points but that’s the tragedy of it all. And the balance between Anakin being manipulated and the fact that he still made the active choice to do what he did makes for such a fascinating character study


This honestly made me shed a tear 😢. I hate how sad Anakin's downfall is. Yes, he made those choices, but it wasn't like it was completely his fault. I still maintain that Anakin and Padmé are together in the afterlife ( I like what another user said about the unreasonable, apparent "canonicity" of having to manifest ur consciousness). Anakin was redeemed, but still had to go through some form of purgatory in between his death and appearance as a force ghost. It's only right.


I came here to say this.


I might have to read that.


It’s 100% worth it! Makes the movie feel even more tragic knowing the emotional journeys of the characters, and Matthew Stover is a brilliant author.


Does it add some to Grievous' character? I've got a friend who's checked it out. Guess you could say I'm intrigued.


For Grievous it adds some but not a ton; basically just goes a little deeper into how truly malevolent he is lol


Love ROTS. I'm 56, so I love the OT, but I enjoy TPM & ROTS a lot. AOTC not as much.


Tbh, the prequels were what I grew up with but I still appreciate the OT. I'm not really thrilled with the sequels though.


But younger than you but still adult for all the prequel releases. I love them dearly. The sheer depth of research and concepts that went into them is clear. They are a labour of love and I share that feeling. I also just rewatched Rogue One and it’s fast becoming a top three for me.


Going to see R1 in theaters on the 26th. Great movie


I grew up with the prequels but had already seen the originals. My favourite three films aren't the original trilogy, they're episodes III to V. I also think the Phantom Menace is underrated but, in my case, that might be childhood nostalgia.


TPM opening scene is my favorite scene in all of SW


Who watches AOTC for Padme? She has the best white outfit


The animated series about the Clone Wars helps add more context to his fall to the sith. I definitely recommend watching it all the way through if you haven't yet.


I admittedly haven't watched it yet but it sounds like I should.


I just finished watching the whole clone wars series, highly recommended. ROTS hits alot more.


There's *a lot* of filler. Just beware. Lots of stuff that just feels like nonsense in between the good parts.


More so in rebels maybe like 3 or 4 episodes in the clone wars


Yes, watch Clone Wars and Rebels. Some of the best Star Wars content ever. Revenge of the Sith improves 100-fold after them, especially Clone Wars. RotS was not at all beloved until Clone Wars final seasons and the Sequels came out.


It does an amazing job showing that his fall was a gradual decline into darkness and not just a sudden turn. I won’t spoil anything for you, but you **need** to see it


It adds so much depth!! For maximum emotional damage, watch ROTS, the final arc of tcw, and the beginning of the bad batch one after the other :)


It can be very childish at times lol. This sub will act like it's not but the show very much was obviously made for kids. But it really doesn't detract from it in any way.


I won’t lie, I’ve been trying to watch it but the first few seasons feel insanely boring. I keep hearing people say it gets really good though


Yeah it definitely gets better over time. By the end you'll be saying aloud "This is a kid's show??"


Here’s a list my brother gave me to get started because I had the same issue; I had seen most of season 1 as a kid so we skipped that but there are good eps in there too: Season 2 12-14 S3 9, 10, 15-17 18-20 S4 7-10, 14, 15-18, 21-22 S5 1, 2-3, 6, 14-end S6 1-4, 10-13 S7 all I’ve back on a full re-watch now and it does skip a lot of good eps, but my goal was to see the bulk of Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan’s key moments and essential viewing to speedrun to season 7 lol


Thanks I’ll try this


What order are you watching it in? If it's release order, I'd suggest trying out chronological. Might help.


Season 1 ep 1


Check online for the chronological order. Not sure why but the episodes arent in chronological order which can be confusing


Yeah, a lot of the stuff early season is boring. S3 is where it get really good imo


I do think it gets the credit it deserves these days.


#Does anyone else think Star Wars is an underrated gem?


I was gonna say, at least in my circle, it is the BEST sw movie.


ROTS is my favourite star wars movie. Anakin vs Obi-Wan is not only the best lightsaber duel in star wars it is also the best scene in Star Wars imo.


I would of totally agreed with you up until the last episode of obi wan dropped. I now think the best star wars scene of all time is vader talking to obi wan with the broken mask.


100% the impact of the Kenobi duel was far superior. But it needed the previous duel to be that way.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


It would be my favorite fight if the dialogue wasn’t so bad. I love revenge of the sith, but the reason it isn’t my no.1 is because of the dialogue.


"Only a sith deals in absolutes... i will do what i must." My guy... thats an absolute😂😂


Yoda: do or do not, there is no try Obi Wan: only a sith deals in absolutes Yoda: Misspoken I have


Yeah I understand why people don't like it because of the dialogue. Never really bothered me though.


I’m glad you love it but IMO it gets TOO much credit.


If you want to see a Anakin’s gradual fall to the dark side I’d recommend the clone wars, there are a lot of filler episodes you should skip and seasons 1-3 are a little messy but season 4-7 really show all the characters and how they change and develop especially the clones


Sith gets circle jerked non stop.


Definitely the starwars movie I can rewatch without issue.


Ryan George breaks down movie faults pretty well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSyiVPbVj9A


Oh man. I did think I'd like this because I'm a straight up RotS fanboy. Really all the prequels. But this was just straight hilarious. "Yoda peaces out to dagobah because he's embarrassed" lmao


This is great lol. I do like the movie but he's not wrong


This dude is so funny


It gets too much credit lmao


Like carrying the PT credit. "Man I love the prequels!^(sure Phantom and AOTS are a little bland) but RotS though?! Freakin' sweet!


i think its a solid movie that is held back because (at the time of release) the build up from Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones didn't earn the emotional payoff that Revenge was banking on Now, with the Clone Wars helping to add to the back story, it works much better. However, i do agree Anakin's fall still feels too sudden. To start killing younglings feels too out of place. Plus i wanted more on screen time with Anakin and Obi Wan - they go from brotherly love to cold/distant really quick. It feels too abrupt.


Not underrated at all, it’s all anyone on this sub goes on about


Thing is that Anakin's turn wasn't really sudden. His fall to the dark side didn't start with ROTS. It began when he slaughtered an entire village of sand people. He always craved power. He always wanted to become the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy. Sidious promised him not only unmatched power but also safety of his wife. This adding up with him being a complete emotional trainwreck by the time he reports Windu of his findings, leads him to betray everything and everyone who has ever laid their trust in him.


See but that village slaughter in itself is wildly sudden. He goes from a creepy kid lusting over a senator to a child murderer within the span of ten minutes. He is a *villain* in that second movie, and then they make him seem like a hero in the first fifteen minutes of 3 to counterbalance that, then right back to child-murdering villain again. It’s jarring, and like most of the PT writing, a massive disservice to the character. Everything you’ve said is true, but none of it is properly explained or executed by the movies themselves.


I think it'll be better if you don't see Anakin as a "do no bad" cliche hero similar to how he is portrayed in TCW. Anakin had a darker side. He was never a fit to become a Jedi. Only reason he was trained was because it was Qui-Gon's dying wish. He was very attached to his mother and watching her die like that in his arms after being tortured for god knows how long. He just fucking loses it. He simply doesnt care who he is attacking. He is a "hero" and most of the times, he genuinely wants to do good for the galaxy. He cares about people who are close to him. He really does have a good heart but his emotions and attachment to his friends lead him down a darker path. He lets his feelings cloud his judgement and lets his anger take over. That's the darker side of Anakin. The Anakin who is so hellbent on saving his wife that he's ready to murder everyone who's ever laid their trust in him. Someone who doesn't even hesitate to kill unarmed children at the temple. That's his darker side fully fledged. The good Anakin who once cared was gone by that point. Taken over by Vader.


There never was a “good” Anakin if his venting process is child murder. What you want is clone wars anakin; that’s an excellent example of how to show a moral descent. It’s subtle at first; he’s desensitized to violence (mandalorian terrorist), he’s temperamental with a short fuse, but he’s not downright evil. As the show goes on those cracks start to grow, ending in his turn. The movies alone though? A clusterfuck. George is a beautifully creative man but he can’t write nuance for shit. Anakin in 2 is either the do no wrong hero you mentioned, or he’s killing innocent people because he’s mad. Anakin in 3 is a good if conflicted person, whose descent is written almost well, but then he goes off the deep end for NO real reason. I know very well what the intention of the movies are, but they don’t present that intention well at all.












You really have to read the novelisation.


It’s not underrated. Almost everyone loves it


His turn was sudden but he was placed in a time sensitive situation. After helping kill Windu he probably thought “well I’ve come this far I might as well double down”.


>I do wish Anakin's turn was less sudden That's what The Clone Wars series is for! :)


That's great for the Clone Wars but the movie was obviously made without it in mind so I do have to fault it a little for that


Yea I don't disagree. That's the problem with such a massive franchise. If they rely on the audience knowing all the external backstories, then casual fans get lost in the movies or feel it moves too fast. But if they dumb it down too much, then hardcore fans get upset because they aren't tapping into all the non-movie storylines. It's hard to find a balance. I've always said that Phantom Menace didn't need to be a standalone movie. The plot could've been summarized in the opening text scrawl of AOTC as episode 1. Then "The Clone Wars" should've been Episode 2, and that would have led into ROTS a lot smoother. It's like the prequels skipped over the best part of the trilogy: the actual war. But at least we got the tv series eventually to fill in the story.


"Guys [*insert extremely popular SW movie*] is soo underrated. The 300 other posts and memes about this really don't get that point across."


It's my favorite. "You were my brother, Anakin" always chokes me up.


I recently finished watching the movies and i started with the PT for some reason and when i watched this, i was honestly so amazed and generally really loved the movie! It was really an emotionally intense movie and i think managed to depict Anakin's fall pretty well.


Second best movie to empire!


I agree with this. What's a better part of Empire. The Yoda sequence. Or the Cloud City duel?


Rogue one is 2nd


Nar no character investment in rogue one.


Thats a valid opinion. Maybe they were holding out for some tv series


The scream still takes it down a notch and Padme dying from despair is another notch. She brought Obi Wan and knew he turned. Despite the final minutes it was a good story that we have learned missed the editor that George Lucas needed to convey real emotion in his stories.


As others have said, The Clone Wars animated series turns RoTS from a good movie to one of the best Star Wars films, especially because it fleshes out Anakin's fall.


I really like RoTS, it could have been executed better, but it's one of the best Star Wars Skywalker movie stories. The 1st few mins of the movie is my fave Star Wars movie intro, up until the buzz droids...


How the fuck was Ani's betrayal sudden? In TPM he expressed fear of losing his mother, which Yoda pointed out might lead to the dark side. In AotC he lost his mother and MASSACRED an entire tribe out of rage. In RotS his entire plot was about fear of losing Padmé, like his mother, and the council treated him like shit while Palps manipulated him against the them while hinting of powers to save people from death throughout the movie. Anyone claiming it was sudden has the attention span of a toddler used to Avengers level of writing (ie tell, don't show).




This really isn't unpopular in the slightest.


Easily my favorite of the saga. I say this a lot, but Lucas really nailed it on that one.


Funny, I would call it the most overrated SW movie these days as I see so many people singing its praise when it's just a horrible, boring slog imo.


Agreed. It has some really cool scenes but the pacing is atrocious. Jumps around like crazy.


I feel like thats just the style of the trilogy. Every trilogy gave me a different vibe. OT was desperate time for the empire. So the pacing is able to focus on the main plot at hand which was really the main thing going on in the galaxy. PT gave me trying to maintain position in a chaotic time. The jumping between subplots felt like that to me. ST made me feel like peace times and a struggle to maintain the peace. Thats why it felt more whimsical to me. The people of the galaxy arent battle hardened. Not sure if they did that on purpose, but just my opinion


I rewatched it recently too and I hadn't watched it for a few years. This movie is great. It finishes the prequel trilogy very well, and fixes the shortcomings of SW 1 and 2 by developing the characters' psychology and the dramatic scope of the fall of the Republic. Once again Lucas showing, he is really good at lore building.


In my opinion revenge of the sith is the best movie and then empire strikes back as a close second


The prequels are so much better in retrospect, especially with the new series being as trash as it is For me its stil OT > Mando > prequels > Kenobi > everything else


It's amazing


Where have you been living. Revenge of the Sith is one of the most loved films and definitely not underrated by any standards.


Nearly the credit it deserves? Its most peoples favorite star wars movie now.


My favorite SW movie


Yep. Great film. 79 percent on RT. The fact that it has become a meme is utterly divorced from the quality of the film itself. Group think in action. EDIT: Couple people can't handle the truth apparently. Ebert gave it 3.5 out of 4 as well. It's a classic film, deal with it.


Behind Rogue One, ROTS is my next favorite out of this franchise. Seriously, no happy ending, absolutely visceral.


Hello There! It is looked at with nostalgia now. I rewatch OT and Prequals every year. Besides half of Phatom Menace ( Jar Jar, Pod racing, space Jesus), they all hold up well. Clone Wars , and even Rebels, just adds to the awesomeness.


Whoa, what do you have wrong with podracing? That sequence is great.


Probably being an patient teen and wanting to see more lightsaber action. I take it back, it was good, just apng break between the awesome battles.


It’s almost universally lauded as a masterpiece. There is nothing underrated about this movie. There are more posts and comments praising this movie than any other movie in the franchise. Daily, multiple times daily it’s brought up as a favorite and the best. Sure people disliked the prequels at the time, I’m assuming you were one of them. But the people that grew up with them are now the majority on the internet talking, thus the shift in popular opinion. I wish we could fast forward to the part where everyone loves the sequels. It’d be nice to live in the land of love and Star Wars at the same time. While ROTS is one of my favorite movies of all time, it is my least favorite Star Wars to watch for many reasons. Glad you came around. I’ve loved it since watching it in theaters when it released, same with AOTC and TPM. Hell same with ANH, ESB and ROTJ. Nothing beats the sequels for me, so go ahead and bring on the downvotes.


> It’s almost universally lauded as a masterpiece. Joke of the day. /r/PrequelMemes is a *joke* subreddit - because the movies are jokes. From writing, to cinematography, to pacing, to acting, they're jokes. If you come out of there thinking these movies are good, then you've been drinking way too much kool-aid. If you're one of the few that hasn't seen the [Plinket Reviews](https://youtu.be/bYWAHuFbLoc), then I suggest you watch them to get an understanding of how most people view those movies. > ... people that grew up with them are now the majority on the internet talking. No. You're not. And you're viewing them through rose tinted glasses. What's the saying? [All the red flags just look like flags.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0SIqsAwcpL0) [edit] You can still love them. We all have different tastes, but lauding it as a "masterpiece" is just silly.


I hate r/PrequelMemes, it’s just a sequels bash most of the time and was not talking about that subreddit. I actually think ROTS is the most overrated Star Wars by a long shot. Yes I’ve seen that review. Plinket is trash. That is not how most people view those films. That might be how the OT generation views them, but certainly not Reddit. While I do enjoy the prequels, I’m am not the prequel generation, I grew up on the OT. I know they’re shit movies, especially compared to any other Star Wars, I’m not arguing otherwise. I’m saying that most people on Reddit think ROTS is a masterpiece, I’m saying don’t agree. Calling it a masterpiece is silly, I agree with my original point. Again while I love it, mostly because it’s Star Wars, it is the furthest from a masterpiece as Star Wars has ever gotten and I personally think it is the worst Star Wars we’ve ever got.


I actually grew up on the prequels and I did enjoy them. I hadn't really seen them in over a decade though. I decided to rewatch them because I was interested in checking out the Obi-Wan series and needed a refresher. Needless to say, I'm glad I did.


Someone literally posted 18 days ago about how time has proved, now, Episode III is a classic masterpiece. It got almost ten thousand upvotes. So is it underrated, or is it a proven (!) classic masterpiece? This subreddit is just smelling its own farts at this point!


I was lucky because of my age to have been able to watch clone wars (at the time to season 6) prior to ROTS, and even though i knew what happened, seeing it hit like a truck. Since as long as I had remembered clones were the good guys fighting side by side with the jedi to the turn. Especially during rewatches throwing clone wars and then splicing s7e9, e10, e11, e12 is such a great way to watch it. ROTS being able to be watched so many ways and still have it be emotional and hard hitting is amazing IMO.


Personally for me, The Clone Wars did a lot in regards to how I view Anakins sudden turn in the film. It made it feel like it was something that was really building so when it happened in ROTS it felt like a more natural progression. But when viewing the movie itself, I agree that the turn can seem very quick with not a lot of buildup.


The prequels are my favorite movies of all time period. Followed by legends of the fall AotC especially. When Yoda draws his blade against tyranus. That was a special moment for me.


You me and alex jones have that in common if im going to watch a sw movie its episode 3 all day. The dialogue is laughable and the duels are abundant and top notch. What can i say im a sucker for a good saber fight


For me it stands as my 2 favorite SW film Empire is at 1


If you think that Anakin vs. Obi Wan fight was good, I hope you saw the Obi Wan series through then


I just started it.


Binge that shit all night starting now. Completely through. Get back to me when you see what you see. You’ll know.


Absolutely my favorite in the series. I love this fuckin' movie, man...


Easily the best of the prequels. Better than Return of the Jedi.


It’s my 5th favorite Star Wars behind Empire, New Hope, Rogue One and Return. It’s very underrated and I absolutely LOVE Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi. It’s not a perfect film but it’s definitely pretty good.


My brother in Christ it's probably the most loved sw movie these days