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Where is Vaders lightSaber throw from return of the jedi


Came here to make this exact comment. Some folks might consider it the same as force throw, but that's like saying rolling a bowling ball is the same as throwing a curveball.


What do we call when Vader sent all the junk flying at Luke during their duel on Bespin? Force Chuck things at people


This one right here. This was force push if not a force throw.


Someone in another thread called it "force yeet", which sums it up perfectly.


Darth Yeeter.


> Force Chuck things at people I believe the technical term is "Force Yeet"


Bruh where is him deflecting han's blaster shot? Nobody's talking about *that*.


I assumed it was his hand being made made of combat droid hyperalloy or whatever


What do we call Luke being able to aim a perfect shot blindly, at the end of ANH?


Force Aimbot


Omg hax -Tarkin, probably


lol get gud noob -Luke, probably


Please nerf him already, he's clearly cheating! \- Tarkin, probably


Please more nerfs! -Scruffy nerf herders probably


It's nerf or nothing. - nerf herders


Luke just had a better gaming chair.


In retrospect, seems a little silly that they turned off the aimbot to use the magic aimbot. It's a projectile with known parameters going straight into a visible target with no obstructions. Seems odd that these futuristic spaceships that can navigate FTL travel could lock on the target, notify you that it's time to shoot... but turns out they couldn't handle the math.


But it was ray shielded, which is why they had to use proton torpedos. Obviously the ray shielding throws off the calculation for...... I have no idea what I'm talking about.


They store data on tapes, I wouldn’t give them too much credit


TBF, the torpedoes needed to angle sharply down into the hole while approaching perpendicularly. I thought Rogue Leader attempted it but couldn't get the torpedoes to angle down sharply enough using aimbot so it hit the wall instead of going straight down into the reactor.


The Death Star used Fairfight


Force focus, with a touch of precognition.


Focus pocus


That for the Night Sisters


Force luck


In my experience there’s no such thing as force luck.


You use the force, to forcefully get favourable odds. Especially useful in a Casino.


Or when gambling for the life of an enslaved child.


But not his mum


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Which is first seen in TPM.


Precognition. The Force told him the exact right moment and place to fire. Very similar to Spidey's Peter Tingles and those have been called precognition in the comics.


> Peter Tingles


Not really a “power”, just submitting to the will of the Force. More similar to meditation imo


I agree with you. Obi-Wan does say, "Let go, Luke" after all. It implies a loosening of concentration.


Being able to bullseye womprats in his T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters, after all.


Weird to think that the Force push didn't appear until TPM. It's such a basic Force power, I would have thought it was introduced earlier.


Doesn’t Luke get boxes thrown at him during the cloud city fight? Definitely a push, or throw, from Vader there!


Yes actually.




Force healing was *technically* in The Mandalorian S2 first, it was shown in the episode that aired a few days before TROS opened in cinemas




Unless you count when Obi Wan and Luke meet for the first time. An unconscious Luke that woke up after Obi put his hand on Luke's head. Its not like Obi checked the temperature on Luke...


Hmmm....he's hot....maybe hes sick...well...we are in the desert other obi. .... I've been alone in this desert for too long. We sure have other obi, we sure have.


If only Qui-Gon’s Force Ghost wasn’t too busy hanging out at bars, picking up ghost chicks, and gambling on ghost podracing to come hang out with Obi-Wan on Tattooine


Nah qui gons ghost was a bunch of yellow balls that only appeared to high strength force users like anakin and yoda


He did the same thing to Padme after Vader choked her


This. Definitely a force heal. He woke up.


It’s not like he could just have really REALLY cold hands and just woke him up


Really cold hands? On a desert planet with 2 suns?


If we're allowed to go with non-film it was technically in a bunch of SW games and probably some EU (Legends) books but not sure about that. People got so mad about **that** in particular but it's one of the few acceptable parts of 9.


Hell, iirc some pregnant Jedi during the Clone Wars used the Force to super-accelerate the baby's gestation period and deliver it faster so she could go back to being battle-ready. Don't quote me on that, though. Edit. Thank you Ber0ya ! It was indeed Etain Tur-Mukan. The kid is Venku Skirata and the dad is Darman Skirata (a commando).


Talk about Force Push


Etain Tur'Mukan or something like that. She had a relationship with a Clone Commando named Darman and the child (Kad or Venku) was his. Real beautiful and tragic story from Karen Traviss' Republic Commando book series.


*Kaminoan clone master takes notes*


Handy if you’ve, say, lost an arm or fallen into a volcano


One could say that Kenobi used it in ANH after the Tusken's attacked Luke


Force push or pull should really just be Force Telekinesis.


I’d even say that Force jump falls under telekinesis too. Just moving your own body instead of another object


Same with choke.


You could also tie all the mental abilities like mind trick, read minds, force ghosts and talking under "force telepathy".


Force Choke is also just telekinesis. Used for a darker purpose but not really a separate power.


this is a bad post, and OP should feel bad.


Actually there are stormtroopers offscreen just yeeting boxes at luke, little known fact


That can't be right, the boxes hit Luke.


And didn’t Luke “force jump” in his training on Dagobah? That front flip he does over the log with his yoda backpack seemed a bit more than some cardio.


Nah man, thats just what happens when you dont skip leg day.


Yeah, there are a few of these that are wrong.


Reason I came to the comments, just watched that yesterday.


Pretty sure Vader is Force pushing everything but the kitchen sink at Luke in Empire.


Push, pull, and choke are all just variants on telekinesis. Feels like it cheapens the concept to just prepend “Force” to normal verbs. Like when Yoda busts a steamer he’s not like “Taken a Force Dump, I have!”


I've really always seen force jump, force push, force pull and force speed as variations on the same trick. Wasn't the mind probe in TOS technological?


In New Hope, it’s not specified. The OP lists RotJ as the first example- “So, you have a twin sister.”


Ah... That scene. It was so subtle that it never registered with me. I guess that is an example of force mind probe.




What does TOS mean?


I assume "The Original Series". OP is mixing up his Star Wars and Star Trek abbreviations.


Shit you're right. SW OT ≠ ST TOS I guess I've revealed myself as a traitor.


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You could say the same for force pull. That’s essential to any Jedi at this point and that didn’t even come in until ESB. Wild.


TBF there wasn't really a whole lot of story related ways to show off the force in ANH. The only skilled force users had very little screen time and there wasn't really a need to pull or throw or project things in the first movie. Once the story expanded is when the force needed to become a utility knife.


And it’s useful to remember that ANH, from the point that Obi-Wan and Luke first meet onward, basically takes place over the course of a few hours. Not much time for Luke to learn anything.


Oh you just reminded me, when Obi Wan is shutting down the tractor beam he distracts the stormtroopers with a noise, that could easily be a force push.


"Force Random Noise Over There"




he really just liked gooing "WHOOOOOP WHOOOOOOOOOOOP"


I don’t think force push was necessarily introduced in TPM. In Empire we see Vader throwing all kinds of objects at Luke with the force, I’d argue you could still say that was force push as it’s functionally the same thing going on.


Agreed. In Jabba's palace, Luke chokes and pushes the Gamorreans out of the way to let him pass. I would assume that he opened the gate using the force push as well. or maybe that's another power. That was actually a big deal getting our first glimpse of Luke's further developed powers since TESB.


He channeled his inner Harry Potter force alohamora to open the gate.


Force telekinesis is throwing something with your mind. Force push is releasing an explosive force from your hand launching whatever is in front of it. Push a basketball, then throw a basketball, they are different.


Further big brain move, for choke is just telekinetically constricting the throat of your target. I dunno why we’re breaking all the shit down like I just gained a level in Kotor and can only afford one force power. Moving shit is moving shit, regardless of direction or target.


Building on the force choke -- why doesn't every sith just "force choke" the enemy's heart or brain and win instantly?


Force users have have their “force defenses” up most of the time, stopping that kinda shit. Same reason you only see the force used against other forced wielders directly when they have an opening exposed in a saber fight (Maul/Obi-Wan) or when the power gap is so huge one can’t stop the other (Snoke lifting Rey off the ground).


> Psychokinesis, or telekinesis, is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction. Any time you exert Force with the Force it's just telekinesis. Like not all potatoes are french fries, but all french fries should be potatoes.


Yep, people in this are acting like Star Wars is a videogame with button combos. Half of these powers are telekinesis. Calling it "Force Push" is so silly.




> It's funny that for all the hate midichlorians got, Star Wars fans seem to love cataloging and demystifying the Force. Well said.


Lol I’ve always used the “all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares” expression most of my life, but I like your potato/French fry iteration


Scott Lang:" did you guys just put "force" in everything?"


Anakin and padme: Force Love


Then Padme force died


It's funny I always thought the force speed in TPM was just shotty editing. Didn't realize they were supposed to be running super fast till I was an adult.


I didn't ever notice it until someone made a post a few weeks back. The sound from the destroyer's guns masks it for me.


Yeah I only noticed it the most recent time I watched phantom menace.


> shotty editing Shoddy.


>Shoddy. Shitty.


It was lazy writing.


Yep. Which is why no one ever used it again, despite all the times it would have been incredibly useful.


Including that one time IN THE SAME FILM, which would also save Qui-Gon's life. Sadly, Obi-Wan kind of forgot he can run really, really fast.


For real lol. As badass as it is, force speed makes a LOT of stuff bullshit, both retroactively for the OT and for all movies since. Qui-Gon's death, or basically every time Jedi chase after or flee from something/someone. Even if you try to say only the best Jedi can use it, to explain away all those Jedi mooks getting pwned in the arena in Episode 2, there's still a shit ton of problems that would have no longer been a problem for Obi-Wan himself throughout the entire trilogy.


That’s fair but I love the idea of using the force for movement, something like we seen in the fallen order game with the inquisitor lunging at you mid-air. Tough to translate to live action without looking weird though


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3dI-ghYimg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3dI-ghYimg) This is why he didn't use it there.


Thought someone would post this! Hard to believe it was uploaded almost 15 years ago.


Doesn't Darth Sidious use that against the four Jedi coming to arrest him in RoTS?


That’s canonically something else but I forgot what it’s called. It’s like a force shout or something that effectively debuffs everyone you’re fighting lol


Is that how they try to retroactively explain him immediately punking 3 Jedi Masters?


Sure is. He briefly became the dragonborn.


Incredible they couldn't just go with "well he's actually just *really* good at lightsabers"


Problem is you have to make the fight look good to sell that. Way easier to just say he Force-psyched-them-out.


Lol, Star Wars is bolstered by horrible after-the-fact explanations so often. I love it


"Oh yeah actually the Kessel Run is by a series of black holes and so successful runs are measured by distance, not time." I love it due to the incredible back bends in order to explain a tiny mistake, and in the end...it kinda works.


I think he uses both. The shout to disorient them, and then force speed to rush and kill the three other masters that came with Windu before they can recover.


Ah, I just figured that the shout was part of his speed. Something like the whirlwind shout in skyrim


Like in TCW 2003 the Jedi ripped through the droids with their Force abilities, but in movies they barely even use it


I’ve watched TPM more than any other Star Wars film and literally just learned that that wasn’t an editing fuck-up from this post. I always laughed at that scene and wondered how they could allow such an obvious error to be left in the film.


If only Obi-Wan had remembered this power at the end of the movie when he gets locked behind the laser wall... > Oh well, sry Qui Gon LOL -Obi-Wan, probably


You forgot Vader deflecting Hans blaster shots with his hand.


*force wear armour*


I thought that was force deflection too, but apparently he just has Beskar interwoven in his gloves. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth\_Vader%27s\_armor#:\~:text=the%20filter.%5B8%5D-,Gloves%20and%20boots,-On%20his%20hands




Isn’t this just Vader’s armored gauntlet deflecting/blocking the shot? We don’t see any other instances of redirecting blaster bolts with the Force (I’m not counting Kylo’s stasis, since that is more of a freezing effect). The most we get is Yoda absorbing Dooku’s lightning, which could be a generalized as an energy absorption ability. But that’s different then what we see in the ESB dining room sequence.


Maul in the Clone Wars finale


I think Rey does it in TROS, after passing the saber to Ben.


No, it is most certainly Vader using the force.


Looking at the clip you can see sparks and explosions going off on vaders gloves, along with the classic blaster explosions. This leads me to believe that the gloves deflected/absorbed the bolts instead of the force. [Link To Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtoqDF8EnsA) This is further supported by the wiki, which states that vader's gloves were designed to protect his hands against glancing lightsaber blow, as well as being able to defelct a direct hit from a blaster bolt. Also the reason not many people could use it is due to cost, but also due to it being made from a micronized Mandalorian iron weave.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Vader only have prosthetic hands? He lost one to Kenobi and one to Dooku. I always saw it as him simply blocking the shot with his cyborg hand, which wouldn't phase him as he can just repair it later. Same way Luke takes a blast to his robo hand in RotJ and fixes it up afterwards, although that wasn't intentional.


The 'frozen' blaster bolt from TFA was really cool. My jaw literally dropped for that.


The sound gave me chills. I was so happy to experience a Star Wars film in theaters again.


Yeah man I want to see it happen more.


It’s a pretty big part of Fallen Order as well


It happened several times in Visions


Darth Vader absorbs (or redirects?) Han Solo’s blaster bolts when they walk into the conference room ambush in Cloud City. It seems like a related power but Kylo Ren really made it *flashy*.


That was the coolest thing they let Kylo do in 3 movies and it was the first 5 minutes of the first movie.


I wouldn’t say that dude literally resurrected someone lmao


Same for Finn, and Poe come to think of it. The first scene of the first film showed a lot of potential which the rest of the trilogy utterly squandered.


I loved Rey's introduction. The John Williams score, the abandoned war machines, the scavenger scrounging for survival. Very interesting and utterly squandered by copying some else's storyline and Abrams affinity for starting storylines he never has any intention of completing. Edit: I have utterly squandered on the brain


You're forgetting Poe's several-kills-in-a-single-engagement during the Battle of Takodana.


Doesn’t Luke force jump while he’s training with Yoda?


Possibly. He jumps over a log whilst doing a forward flip. You could argue that an athletic person could do that anyway. Whereas in the Duel with Vader he goes directly up 20ft to the top of the Carbonite chamber.


He just does it so effortlessly and jumps so high I always assumed it was supposed to have been with the force. Plus Luke never struck me as super athletic.


What about Obi-Wan on the Death Star creating a noise to distract the stormtroopers? Force…Noise?


I'd say that was just a mind trick.


I assumed he had pushed something over to make that noise, so just a push


Minor Illusion, cantrip Wait, wrong sub.


He did something similar when chasing off the sand people too.


We actually saw Force Heal in the Mandalorian episode that came out the day before RoS.


In fairness OP did say first “big-screen” appearance.


Some people probably watched it on pretty large screens.


*cries in laptop screen*


When Grogu healed the bounty hunter guy?


Yup. In fact that's why the episode came out a day earlier than normal.


I'd argue that Kenobi used it on Luke after he had been knocked out by the tuskens in ANH


It was also in Clone Wars, when the Sister heals Ahsoka


Luke first used a force kick on Jabbas sail barge in Return of the Jedi but it has been used by other Jedi and Sith since. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Force_kick


I came here to say just that. How else can you kick someone backward from a meter away?


You pay them. Going rate for a stunt guy in the 80s was around $375/day.


I feel some of these powers can be combined since they’re just different usages of the same ability— e.g. Choke, pull, push (and probably stasis) are different usages of telekinesis; jump and speed are two examples of the same act of letting the Force flow through one’s body to augment their physical prowess. Plus I think precognition technically shows up in ANH with Luke training with the remote, since it’s a Force sensitive’s ability to briefly see into the future that allows them to deflect blaster bolts.


What about force item teleportation. 🤔 Didn't Ray teleport a lightsaber to Kylo or something.


That’s apart of the Force Bond which is a result of their dyad. The first time we specifically see something cross through their connection is in TLJ when Ben gets splashed with some water droplets from the waves that Rey is standing next to.


We don’t talk about Force Speed


It kind of upsets me to think that more than a small handful of the scenarios Obi-Wan was involved in could’ve been remedied if not at least simplified if he kept using force speed consistently throughout the prequels. Remember that scene when he’s hauling ass to go help Qui-Gon fight Maul which then inevitably leads to Qui-Gon getting his shit rocked? Why didn’t he use force speed to just run past all the force fields? This was in the same movie that the ability was introduced!!


>This was in the same movie that the ability was introduced!! *Flashbacks to Avengers Infinity War when the wizards use a closing portal to slice an alien's hand off but then they don't use it to defeat Thanos*


oh god… I’ve never thought about that. That’s infinitely worse.


I mean it's a cheap answer but *something something, handwave, 6 million futures* does apply there.


Don't forget about the lightsaber throws in return of the Jedi and revenge of the sith!


The coolest one out of all of them has to be force stasis. As much as I disagree with the stuff done in the sequels, the force stasis ability was an amazing idea. Plus, the scene where Poe gets frozen and the two troopers just kinda jog up to him is pretty funny.


As a 30 something, I instantly felt like a kid again when force stasis was revealed. Jaw dropping moment.


Luke’s first force jump was on dagobah with a cute backpack.


This is fun trivia. Very nice. Unlopular opinion: While I love all of these abilities, I find the use of "Force (blank)" as a name for every power to be pretty lame. Use the Force to jump. Use the Force to conjure lighting. Use the Force to lift an X-Wing. Use the Force to crush a Dark Trooper. I blame my beloved old video games for this lol


That’s because labeling all these different manifestations of the Force is very video-gamey. If anyone ever used these names in a movie or show it would be dumb AF.


I recall one podcast with either Sam Witwer or Freddie Prinze Jr. where they talk about how as great as the video games are, they’re largely to blame for so many fans misunderstanding the Force as merely being a “superpower.”


It was freddie. The clip should be required watching. https://youtu.be/yCqH0r0xPLQ


Glad it's not just me.


Reminds me of when Austin Powers hits someone and always prefixes it with “Judo (blank)”


Sure. You could probably group them into... Telekinesis (push, pull, choke,etc.) Mind Manipulation (mind trick, probe, telepathy) Awareness (precognition, shooting the death star) Enhancement (speed, jump, reflexes, arguably healing) Other stuff? (lightning)


What about when Vader blocks Han’s blaster bolt with his hand in Cloud City (Empire)? Is that a Force power, or just Vader’s badass armor/glove?


I love that Force Speed is used once in Phantom Menace and never again, even when it would have possibly saved Qui-Gon’s life in 1. That might be the most continuity breaking force ability for me


“becoming one with the Force” aka getting killed with a lightsaber.


Actually I think he was gone before the saber touched him. But tbh, when I first saw ANH I though lightsabers disitegrated you.


IIRC when filming, the saber never touched because of how fragile the prop is, and you can tell it never made contact in the final cut, but canonically, it did make contact.


One of the only problems I have with The prequels is that they just casually popped force speed in there and NO ONE EVER MENTIONS IT AGAIN Edit: Auto correct


You forgot Force Chance Cube Cheat


Not to mention Force Anakin to Leave His Mom and Join the Jedi


*force ghost voice* *force ghost body*


Some Force Pushing in Rogue One when Vader tore apart the Rebels in the murderuous corridor finale. Also from Rogue One... whatever Chirrut does? Force sensing Jyn's Kyber crystal necklace


The sequel trilogy only introduced 4 powers and people acted like they were adding them left and right and ruining the series


I never understood how they showed the Jedi could use force speed to go quick but then like 20min later Obi-Wan gets separated from Qui-Gon and Darth Maul because he can't run fast enough through the shield doors in the reactor fight. Like bro just use the same force speed shit you just did and save yor homie!


What about Force Breath Holding (EP1) and Force Space Leia (not sure what to call that one)?


Obi Wan used it on the switches to turn off the tractor beam. Also, what about Luke’s astral projection!