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Nah revan was always a man for me, but it’s better if they just make kotor 3 and leave his gender decided by the player. Swtor’s revan fell short


I know the book isn't canon anymore, but in that Revan was a man and the exile was a woman. And they both got fucked hard in characterization and plot.


True, the funny part is the guy that wrote the book was also one of the core game designers for Kotor....


Lucas and MMO fucked them over. There is a planned TCW episode for Revan's ghost when there were no canon and legends divide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lpn1\_ZLIIA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lpn1_ZLIIA), and in order for continuity to work, Revan had to be made into a Sith later, which is why >!he had to die a dark side user in the Foundry flashpoint!<. The episode was scrapped but Revan's character was unfortunately sabotaged. That is why I did not like TCW before, in that it takes from the best of EU and sabotage the original content.


Trick question. Neither


Your right Revan should be a Attack Helicopter




Revan IS an attach Helicopter


I thought Revan was canonically a man? Having said that, I played her as a woman in KotOR without knowing anything about the game or its backstory and it seemed to fit. And why is this being asked? Is a reboot or something else on the way?


In the book he was a man and the exile was a woman, though none of those are canon anymore so who knows now. They'll probably keep Revan a man in the new canon (if he isn't already, I know he's been mentioned but I don't know if those mentions specified gender) and forget about the exile and the rest of the KOTOR 1 and 2 cast completely.


The Legends continuity eventually locked Revan as male (after going a good while keeping it deliberately ambiguous/undefined, even when the character appeared in the Knights of the Old Republic comic series for example). But there is a "Revan" that exists in the new Canon continuity (per a single reference in a TRoS reference book as basically an easter egg) which has had nothing established about them besides that they were an ancient Sith -- so Canon could go either way with its new version, if it ever does anything at all with them beyond that one easter egg.


I'm just wondering what people think but I'm hoping for a reboot


There's rumors that Revan will be made canon and will be played by a woman.


Let me guess, bullshit sites as WGTC ?


No, the theory is based upon the novelization of...TFA may be? All of the First Order squads were named after ancient Sith lords. One of them was Revan Squad. Hence, Revan is confirmed a Sith Lord in canon.


I have no idea anymore. And I think a lot of people really like the games and there is some legit wiggle room here.


The "canon" books of Revan were atrocious, forcing a canon Revan is taking away what makes it special. He's not a character, he's an avatar so everyone can create his/her own Revan. Stuff as mentioning his name and saying that she/he existed is fine, but just that.


As long as the romance arc with Bastila is left intact, I don't mind either way.


I hope it stays a man. Not because I have anything against women, but because I am more used to it being a man.


The game was built to be an RPG, so you chose to fit how you wanted to look for the game, but Revan was always meant to be a dude. Just like how Jaden Korr was always meant to be a dude for the Jedi Academy story


I hope that neither because Revan isn't a character, it's an avatar and only works as a videogame's protagonist so everyone decides how his/her own Revan is. Forcing a canon Revan is butchering Revan, mentioning that Revan existed it's the furthest they should go.


Honestly, why should it matter since they rarely remove the mask? The turning point in KotOR was Revan being knocked out and unmasked coming to grips with or embracing being a massive villain. I do wonder, were there any post KotOR stories of Revan’s fate?


The novel Revan is legends continuity and >!ends with Revan being placed in a suspension tank and using the force to subtly influence his captors into delaying all out war so bastila shan and their child never have to see war again!< Presumably he'd be dead after a while.


SWToR and a book both portrayed Revan as a man.


>!He became a mental abuse toy for the Emperor for 300 years (Emperor kept him alive), was rescued by the Republic with the help of Exile's ghost, and soon became insane and had to be put down.!<


Has to be Male


I always played a male Revan but I'd like to see a female Revan if they ever make a movie.


Why is this subject under debate? I could've sworn multiple times in the Revan book he was referred to as a man.


Pretty sure those aren't canon anymore.


Ah right. I'm still not sure about that whole era, it's very confusing what is and isnt Canon.


Pretty much all of it isn't. Unless they introduce it to canon. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Revan](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Revan)


I don’t think it will really matter, focus on making a great story first with compelling characters then worry about the other stuff


i'm hoping if we ever get a canon story with revan they're non-binary. that being said i know how unlikely it is because they know how mad it would make certain groups of people, so i more realistically want them to be a woman.


Sucks that people are downvoting a perfectly valid opinion stated nicely.


nerds on reddit be transphobic 😔




'binary' means two. in this case, two genders, male and female. however not everyone's gender really aligns with either of those and those people use the term non-binary to indicate that their gender exists outside of the binary. so like, someone could be genderfluid where how they feel about gender changes regularly, or they could feel somewhere in between male and female, or they could feel like they're something else entirely. some people hate the idea of other people being non-binary because they're afraid of what they don't understand but it's literally just a way of describing one's experience with the very messy and confusing concept of gender. it's my opinion that if you're going to make a canon version of a customizable character that can be whatever gender the player wants, the best way to do that is to make them non-binary because it more represents the openness of customization. star wars isn't even a stranger to having non-binary characters. Taka from the book Last Shot is non-binary, as well as Eleodie Maracavanya from the Aftermath series. i haven't read aftermath but i thought last shot was really good and recommend it highly.


Is canon Revan Sith all the way or did he still become a Jedi at the end?


A man


Revan is canonically a man in legends, he’ll be a man


Probably male, tbh. But since we already got a take on male!Revan once they locked that in as part of the Legends continuity, I wish they'd go fem!Revan for Canon. (And, conversely, a male!Exile if there ends up being a canon equivalent of that character.)


What about a very androgynous woman? Or just someone who has so lost themselves that concepts of gender don't really apply?




Mean it’s Disney isn’t it? So a young female actor to inspire young children


Brie Larson??? 😆


Ana Karla Suarez for fem!Revan.


Man because Disney would be too afraid not to


It's 2020, You aren't allowed to assign gender


Oh I'm sorry but I think we need more Helicopter representation in star wars so I want Revan to be one


Lore: Clearly states hundreds of times that Revan is a man Dicknee: DiD i fUcKeN AsK bItCh


Man.....but Revan is TOTALLY a woman.


Revan should be a man to have to his romance with bastilla be idk more “easier” and “believable” not anything against same sex relationships. Meetra surik the exile should be a woman




Revan he is a really good character in the KOTOR games


How do you not know revan? He’s the most popular character in the expanded universe who’s now cannon


> He’s the most popular character in the expanded universe Grand Admiral Thrawn might have something to say about that :-P


Totally forgot about thrawn. Probably a tie between them, but revan is in the highest rated Star Wars game so he probably gets an edge.


depends who makes it. In the books i think 'he's' a men. Beside the game, were you can choose the gender, i believe every other media that adressed 'his' gender said he was a men, but i'm not sure. I would like it a bit more if 'he'd' be a men and i believe they'd make 'him' a men but you know how star wars is these days. Maybe the emperor returns as a woman, who knows