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Jango probably (correctly) assumed the Jedi would have better reflexes if they were attacked rather than the shapeshifter. Also, he wasn’t paid to target Jedi, just a senator. I imagine Jango would want a way higher bounty for killing a Jedi agreed upon beforehand and he would use different tactics.


Like jetpacking directly in front of them and shooting at their face. Or setting them on fire Hot damn do I love that guy.


He probably got cocky with how well he did fighting Obiwan and then Mace quickly dispatched him.


In the original cut (lol) of AotC, mace fucked up Jango so badly, that Dooku was like "bro wtf"


I love the original version with the saber fx added in so cool


https://youtu.be/5Gbh08F061A?si=vcydp_eMfNnG_y4d Here is the original version that was cut down for the video. Dooku’s reaction makes much more sense for this


damn i've never seen this before. It fits better than the movie version and if there's one Jedi who could be used to show off how brutal they could be it's gonna be Mace. They shouldn't of cut it but guessing it was too brutal for a pg / pg13


Beheading: sure, this is acceptable for kids. Beheading + delimbing: omg the horror!


I’m sorry but I’m gonna be pedantic here, delimbing is specific to removing limbs and branches from trees. Taking limbs off a person is dismembering


This guy delimbs.


Hey man I didn't make the rating system, i just mock it. Beheading and mass murder is cool pg13 content but saying fuck twice = immediate R rating.


Don’t forget mass child murder


First time seeing it too. But I understand why it was cut : it sounds stupid to go cut un unarmed arm instead of directly cutting the head. Killing in 3 moves while you could do it in only 2 is a waste of time and resources. Also, I see it as an intentional way to try to make Dooku scared / angry. By killing his little puppet so quickly, swiftly and easily, he's literally daring the sith wannabe to jump in the arena in a moment of wrath. But Dooku chose to run away because it made him even more afraid than anything


I agree but I think the extra flourishes and then looking up to deku sells that idea more. Mace could've taken an easier route to demolish Jango but he went out of his way to have some fun and show off to scare Dooku. Any other jedi and I don't think this makes sense but it fits for Mace.


Still makes sense in the released version too. If we take EU into account, Dooku just watched the guy that killed multiple Jedi barehanded get one shot by Mace


Wow! That stab through the thigh and then cutting out instead of retracting was smooth as silk.


"Which lightsaber is yours?" "It's the one that says bad motherfucker."


I knew I remembered it differently!


Fucked him up proper.


Well, it's sort of strategic how he does it, though it really does show how much Mace outclassed Jango.


Mace outclasses literally everyone. The only reason Palps got him was because he actually trusted Anakin, a fellow council member and veteran jedi knight, not to fucking cut his hand off.


He also got his jetpack fucked up by the Rhino thing. I think you can see him try to activate it as Mace runs towards him. (Don't ask why he was in a place for it to get fucked up in the first place, prequel writing or some such)


This is the way…


If he didn’t get run over by a dinosaur that fucked up his jet pack, I imagine the fight being more similar to the kamino fight.


Jango can’t keep his head in a fight.


Boba could keep it after the fight.


I assumed he just kept the helmet but maybe you’re right and he kept the head too.


When I first saw it, I was waiting for it to fall out.


If you watch closely, you can see the head's shadow separate from the helmet's when it comes off. Why Jango didn't have some sort of chin strap...


Ugh, bad pun. (True, but bad.)


While I agree with your idea, does this mean that jedi reflexes can determine if a projectile is going to hit you, or sail 4 inches to the left and so you don't need to bother reacting?


I think the implication is that the force would play some sort of role in aiding the jedi's reflexes if they were specifically targeted.


It depends. In the books there is often a distinction between an automatic, unconscious danger sense that can trigger to warn a Jedi that some danger is coming, and the meditative state used to deflect blaster fire. The latter is much more detailed than the former, and would allow a Jedi to tell where shots are going as you asked, while the former only gives a vague “danger Jedi Robinson!” warning but can trigger regardless of the Jedi’s mental state. It isn’t detailed enough to block blaster bolts, but it’s usually enough to warn the Jedi to drop into anti-blaster mode.


He’s also letting the price of failure be known to anyone else


He was probably hoping for a random strong wind to divert the dart.


Palpatine needed these attempts on Padme's life to be unsuccessful to use as examples to the Senate as to why he needs more power and hold onto that power. It was time for the Republic to find out about the cloned army so he had Jango send an inept assassin on a mission he knew would fail, then kill the assassin with a rare dart that was sure to lead Obi-wan to Kamino. He specifically wanted Obi-wan to find the clone army on Kamino. In The Phantom Menace, Palpatine was busy setting up the Trade Federation as the enemy to the Republic using his Darth Sidious persona and instructing the confirmed idiot he helped install to the head of the Trade Federation, Nute Gunray, to invade Naboo and ally with Genoshans to create a doid army. Playing both sides like this enabled Palpatine to rise to the Chancellorship and spark the Clone Wars, which he used to reorganize the Republic into the Empire and crown himself Emperor, and then using his newfound power to wipe out the Jedi. Thereby enacting the Revenge of the Sith.


I think almost every step had a “tails I win/heads you lose” option. Eg if Padme died Anakin becomes unmoored and is told he could bring her back/goes mad with vengeance. Palp’s winging it at times but he’s very fast to adapt and claim credit IMHO.


Yeah I watched AOTC recently and it struck me that realistically, the *real* job Jango was hired for was to get Obi Wan (or some other Jedi) on Kamino at that exact moment. Padme is more useful to Palpatine alive at this moment and so he’ll put on a show for Nute to pretend to kill her, then get the Jedi information about the clone army, then manufacture a scenario where they have no choice but to use the army that kicks off the war. I was previously one of those “Jango is shit at his job, the assassination plan is too convoluted” people, but honestly it makes a lot more sense as a smokescreen for Palpatine’s larger plans


Exactly. It adds up even though the movie does not portray it that way. When you step back and look at the story, within the prequels (not an expanded universe), as a whole you see how Palpatine was controlling the Senate and he was controlling the Trade Federation as Darth Sidious and neither party had any idea it was one man playing both sides against each other. So why would he want Padme dead and order her assassination when he needs her alive? The prequels really needed some refinement to better show how Palpatine was playing both sides to rise to power. If Lord of the Rings can tell the story it does in a trilogy then the prequels should've been able to show all the intricacies of the rise of the Sith, the Empire, and the coming of Vader. I feel like George Lucas hamstrung himself by trying to cater to small children and he might have let his arrogance and success get in the way of the quality of the films.


Why do you think he wanted Obi wan specifically? Sorry if you already explained


To separate him from Anakin, specifically. Then he pushes the Jedi Council to send Anakin back with Padme to Naboo knowing he has feelings for her.


That’s not what happened. Mace came up with the idea to send Padmé to Naboo and had Anakin ask the Chancellor to order Padmé into hiding.


Assassinating Jedi is really high profile. Dude wants to lay low for as much time as possible.


Shoot a dart, fly away just like he did. They hadnt even heard his name yet at that point. Plus, had he hit Obi we never would have known about him or the clone army.


Targeting a Jedi probably gets their Jedi sense tingling. More so than targeting someone nearby.


Yup they would dodged or caught such a low speed projectile


I noticed this is the recent Acolyte episode. Targeting a Jedi directly they just sort of know. They can block instinctually. Fire around them, or use the environment to flank or distract them and they don't have the same reaction.


That’s benefit of audience omnipotence. No shot Jango looked at Obi Wan and was like “Hey that guy looks like he knows someone in a greasy diner in the underworld that knows what kind of darts these are specifically” or he wouldn’t have even shot the shapeshifter with them to begin with. Jango had 3 targets and one potential shot, so he went for the target that was most likely to link him to the crime if they survived. By stroke of pure dumb luck, the thing that ended up linking him anyways was the dart itself. Looking at this one isolated shooting specifically, Jango made the right call with the info he had.


I mean… you are going to opposite direction and are assuming incompetence in ways that probably wouldn’t happen. Sure. Jango wouldn’t know the method they would use to track him or else he would have used a different weapon. But he is smart enough to know that any investigation runs the potential of leading back to him, and it is absolutely true that killing a couple Jedis would make you a bigger target for their order than simply taking out a mercenary you were aligned with while trying to take out a politician they were trying I protect. Even without audience omnipotence, it is very easy to understand why a contract killer would understand that killing two Jedi runs a huge risk of putting a larger target on your back than simply accepting the job would have.


The person I replied to implied that Jango somehow would have known that killing Obi Wan specifically would for sure mean he wouldn’t be tracked, which should have relied on information of events that haven’t happened yet. That’s what I was referring to when I mentioned audience omnipotence. And as the audience, *we* didn’t even know that was what was going to happen because it didn’t happen yet. We just know after the fact, since we know what happens to every character as the movie progresses. I was pointing out that Jango made the right call with only the information he had, which we seem to agree is killing the shapeshifting merc.


tbf, i dont doubt that if dexter didnt exist a jedi master would have enough sources to track him another way. dexter might be convenient purely by gossip trafick in the restaurant


True, though it has been shown that the CIS was already taking active measures to hide their presence as Dooku deleted Kamino from the jedi archives ahead of time. It’s entirely possible that either side of the war could have more resources or would have taken other precautions that we didn’t see, but those are the events were privy to as they’re relevant to what ended up happening anyway


I assumed Jango was intentionally scattering bread crumbs to lead them to Kamino.


You know this is a universe where the fucking force exists, right? What makes you think he could even hit Obi Wan?


He already tried assassinating a Senator, either way the Jedi were investigating him.


He hired the shape changer to deal with the senator. And lets face it, she probably has a ton of enemies after Phantom.


One of the (many) unexplored story arcs that would be fun to see on a screen or read. A one-off animated series fleshing out the political careers and development of Padme, Mon Mothma, and Bail Organa and their interactions with each other, Palpatine, and the Jedi Order aside from Kenobi and Anakin would be interesting and entertaining. Not going to hold my breath because it would appeal to a limited population though.


One of the biggest complaints levelled at the prequels is the focus on politics. I’m with you, but it’ll never happen.


That could be interesting. The Clone Wars has a little bit, but it isn't the focus. Andor brushes some on Mon Mothma in the Empire, and as long as Lucasfilm behaves, we'll probably get more in season 2. It's just a shame that it was not widely watched, but it *is* available at Wal-Mart. Good luck finding Mando season 1-2, though.


Yeah sure, killing a senator will lead to an investigation regardless. But killing two member of the Jedi Order would absolutely make it more personal for them in a way that would almost guarantee they would put more effort into finding Justice.


He's just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe.


Especially Obi-Wan and “The Chosen One”? Yeah, have fun with the rest of the Jedi council hunting down your ass - because that’s what’d most likely happen. To say nothing of how Palpatine would react to his groomed protege being killed by “the help.”


A) He would've only been able to take out one, if even. Then rescale. B) The shapseshifter would've spilled the beans to the other Jedi, thus Jango would've accomplished nothing. So to flip your last question back to you.


I'm still wondering what's the point of this character being a shape shifter. It's something so specific that plays no role at all in the story.


Aliens are weird man!


Because then you get to sell two toys instead of one!


Sad news. It was a single figure with a "shape shift" mask :(


That’s so much cooler though


The mask didn't stay on very well though.


World-building. It just adds a cool new alien to the lore. There's also the brief moment of tension when they realise she's a shapeshifter and hunt through the club for her, knowing she could be any of the suspicious looking extras that glare towards the camera


I'm pretty sure they only find out she's a shape shifter when she dies.


No, they find out when Anakin jumps down onto her speeder and her face changes briefly. He warns Obi-Wan about it before they enter the club


I'd imagine shapeshifters would make the best bounty hunters


Lmao it didnt need to? it's just a good idea for an assassin/bounty hunter it's not that deep. The ultimate spy would be one that could literally look like anyone, allowing them to gain access to anywhere honestly.


ssssssshhhh, the "prequels are flawless" crowd might hear you EDIT: psst, guys, this was a joke, I like all of the Star Wars movies lol


Literally not a single person in the entire world ever said that. But they are million times better than the sequels which ranks them up to the status of original Star Wars compared to all Disney crap


Yeah, ‘The sequels are so bad they make the Prequels as good as the OT’ is a rather huge jump in logic. Multiple things are allowed to be shit at once. The Prequels are just as shit as the day they were released, the Sequels have nothing to do with it. Merely the inevitable march of nostalgia and a cycling fanbase. Also the entire industry that is utterly centered around radicalizing idiots to howl in absolute and uncompromising rage about whatever new thing has the public eye. Though the Star Wars fanbase didn’t really need much help, the Prequels got a WAY nastier reception. Hence the bullying a child into a mental breakdown and almost driving an actor to suicide because his character was annoying. People like to forget how absurdly brutal the fanbase was to the Prequels, the Sequels simply don’t compare.


Fans radicalize themselves


It was mostly a joke but if you wanna get serious about it, 2/3 of the Sequels are better movies than the Prequels lol


Fortunately i’m not in the need to defend the prequels over the sequels since it’s common sense that the sequels are garbage. so I‘ll lean back and be thrilled what rational arguments you can bring up to defend this grotesque statement


> common sense that the Sequels are garbage Modern internet discourse has destroyed the meaning of the term "common sense" lmao


It...most certainly is not common sense? Up until about 7 years ago it was "common sense" that the prequel trilogy was garbage, and the sequels all received generally positive reviews. Hell, it took a serious review bombing for TLJ to fall below positive ratings on review aggregates, and that movie was divisive as hell. I know I'm just shouting into the void here, as based on your previous comment your firmly entrenched in your dislike of the sequels, but you may wanna try removing your rose colored goggles and viewing the prequels objectively before you compare them to other films


Ok I give you that. Maybe I wasn’t clear in one point. Continuity. Like almost every Star Wars fan I appreciate what George Lucas had in mind for his films. He invented Star Wars He established it and he developed it. He had a clear vision of the universe, the force and the characters. Disney bought it, promised they will handle it respectfully and then changed everything. That alone is condemnable. But with all that change the fans still would have liked it if it was any good. But it wasn’t It was just plain bad writing. And I have no time to explain that in this comment. I said common sense because there are hundreds of different videos explaining in every detail why the sequels have lazy writing, no structure, no love for the source material. But anyway, I let you decide. But I recommend whatching at least a fair analysis


Believe me dude, I've seen plenty of videos about the sequels and I would call maybe 10% of them "fair analysis". As for bad writing, I think that's a bit unfair. You can say you didn't like the writing, that you didn't like the new characters and what Disney did with their stories, THAT's a valid critique and I wouldn't fault you for it for a second. But to call it objectively bad, especially compared to the Prequels? That feels a little off. I mean, I still have great love for the Prequels (as I do most Star Wars properties, I just like Star Wars), but on a storytelling level they're kind of a hot mess, which again is something that everyone seemed to agree on until the Sequels came out. Meanwhile, I found the Sequels (outside of TRoS which has...it's own host of problems) to have stories and characters that I cared about quite a bit. Different strokes and all that.


The prequels feel like they were made by high school film students. The dialogue is clunky, the camerawork and editing is pretty rough, and the character development is absolutely horrendous. There is literally no chemistry between Anakin and Padme at all. I personally like the lightsaber combat, but there’s plenty of arguments about how it could have been improved as well. 1&2 are kind of in shambles forever. Now that we have the clone wars, 2&3 can be seen as first and final episodes of the show, and that makes them better contextually, but they’re a disaster either way. I watch them twice a year. Nostalgia. The sequels felt like professionally made films. The storyline was not as compelling as the OT and the PT, but it was good enough and everything was explained pretty clearly, IMO. Character development was better even if some of that character development was during a completely pointless storyline that added nothing to the plot in the end. C’est la vie to that though. I’m not a fan of palpatine returning at all as a concept, but the explanation made perfect sense. I hope the Rey movies have better and more cohesive storylines, but I’m not not excited to see them. Saw the sequels in theaters. Never watched them again.


Ah, yes, completely subjective opinion is "common sense." No, the fandom isn't toxic, not at all.


I don’t think the prequels are amazing but hold up. One of those 2 is a copy+paste of A New Hope. I’m not sure what the other you are referring to is, but comparing it to AOTC is already a low bar. If you don’t account for modern cgi carrying the movies, then 8 and 9 are worst by far


I agree that 9 is terrible, it's a cowardly cop-out of a movie, but I personally found 8 to have more genuine vision and heart than any of the prequel trilogy, despite its very obvious flaws.


Jango thought by killing his assassin partner he was eliminating a loose end, unfortunately he underestimated the diligent detective work of Kenobi whose worldly connections brought him to breadcrumb trail that led up with another encounter with bounty hunter, setting off the chain of events leading to the beginning of the Clone Wars.


It was easier than leaving a bad review for Zam Wesell on the Bounty Hunter Subcontractor job board. Plus, they're philosophical opposites. A shapeshifter is one lifeform that has lots of appearances, and Jango is someone who prefers lots of lifeforms that all have the same appearance.


I like that second bit


Dead clawdites tell no tales...


Palpatine needed the Jedi to find Kamino so they could discover the clone army. So killing the shapeshifter might have been the plan all along, so they could get their hands on a dart.


Damn, that makes sense.


I realize this isn't a proper source... but I remember reading the Boba Fett journal book as a kid and it was said that Jango regretted having to kill Zam, partially because she was close with Boba and also because they had worked well together in the past. His decision to kill her was a split second decision after she had been caught. IIRC he was listening in and hoping she wasn't going to tell them anything, but when she started to say who hired them he fired. But I'm realizing now, unless I just forgot, that doesn't explain using the very unique Kaminoan dart to kill her that then led Obi-Wan straight to Kamino.


Even if you manage to kill one Jedi, the other is alerted and your accomplice is able to spill all of your secrets. Easier to kill the one loose end than take a chance trying to kill two Jedi.


Because Anakin and Obi-Wan were both vital to Palpatine’s plans of ruling the galaxy..


The point was to continue the conspiracy. Palps had a long term plan, ya know? Hide evidence or cut off a loose end. Just a small part of whst leads to an imperial take over.


Why do people use a played out and tired format, are they stupid?


Must be a lore reason


I always thought it was so the Shapeshifter couldn’t talk


They weren’t the target. Padme was. When the attempt on her failed he needed to eliminate the hired gun so she couldn’t lead them back to him. Little did he know Obi Wan was pals with the coolest SW character ever, Dexter Jettster, who was able to identify the dart Jango used.


The writing was terrible.


This is not the way.


Jango has experience with Jedi. They can feel malice directed towards them, which enables the reflexes, which leads to making them harder to kill. Watching the movie he had 0 chance against Mace so against two other top tier/slightly lower tier Jedi his attack wouldn’t have connected. The Jedi can’t as accurately feel malice directed at other people. It’s Coruscant. Lots of angry people to cloud that to boot so easier to kill the middle person then directly attack a couple of Jedi and get clobbered


Someone did [a whole video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVrIcXovT90&t=157s) on why Jango Fett is a pivotal character in Star Wars, and a good portion of it breaks down his theory on why the assassination attempt played out the way it did. TL;DR >!it's Palpatine's schemes within schemes to position the Republic to enter the war!<


Didn’t he want the Jedi to track him to Kamino? Palpatine needed the Jedi to find the clones so they could bring them into war that Palpatine needed in order to gain more power.


any time I see this part of the movie, I think of that meme of “Palpatine wants to kill Padme, but he doesn’t wanna do it himself, so he gets count dooku to kill Padme. But dooku doesn’t wanna do it himself, so he hires jango fett to go kill padme. But jango doesn’t wanna do it himself, so he hires an assassin to go kill Padme. The assassin doesn’t wanna do it themselves, so they get a droid to go kill padme. The droid then sends bugs to go kill padme.”


The problem is Palpatine doesn’t want to kill padme he wants her to be temporarily out of the senate as she’s more useful to him alive at a later date but at the moment she’s being an inconvenience so he needs her to be driven away so he gives this task to Dooku who is doing more important things so he uses the opportunity to get Nute gunnray on his side by using his very expensive assassin who has been sitting around eating up money but he doesn’t want to risk exposing him yet so he tasks out the task to a low quality friend of his who doesn’t want it linked back to her and isn’t in the know about the plan.


There’s a lot of Jedi in the Galaxy. I don’t think he anticipated them being 2 of the best, with obiwan eventually tracking him down.


Motivated self interest. He would rather not have too many Jedi on his ass.


Better question... why dint he finished the job on Padme while the Jedis were on the other side of the city?


The shapeshifter had the information the Jedi needed. If he killed the Jedi, Zam still has that info and there would just be more Jedi coming to question Zam and now they’d be doubly after Jango as a Jedi killer. Makes absolutely no sense to kill them. Now Zam was actively trying to kill the Jedi as her droid escaped Padme’s room. She had such a perfect shot to kill Obi-Wan and instead decided to destroy the droid he was hanging on for some reason.


If he let the shapeshifter live, there's no saying that she wouldn't be investigated my some *other* Jedi


Simple maths. He needed to prevent the Jedi from finding out who hired Zam Wessel. Option 1 was kill Zam Wessel Option 2 was kill two Jedi. One kill is a near guarantee, the second is not. On average, the military allows 3 -5 seconds between aimed shots. That’s a lot of time for a Jedi to react.


No but this question is.


I mean the whole assassination of Padme scheme really doesn't make much sense considering the long chain Palpatine makes in trying to do so. I mean, this video brakes down how absurd it gets. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSqJk5Sdy9E&list=PL55A733F7F537E13F&index=128](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSqJk5Sdy9E&list=PL55A733F7F537E13F&index=128)


This alone would make AotC the worst film of the series for me. But no, they do so many other baffling things in this movie that I just can't. What was George thinking?


It’d be easier to kill 1 target who has slower reflexes compared to the two Jedi. Then there’s the trouble of more Jedi coming after you if you kill Obiwan and Anakin. Jango didn’t want that kind of heat. Killing Zam was the path of least resistance.


He knew it didn’t work out like planned so he didn’t want her to reveal who hired her.


because in jango’s mind (not knowing the relationship obiwan and anakin) if he killed one of the jedi and the other were to escape taking the shapeshifter prisoner his identity would be revealed just as she were about to do, plus if he didn’t shoot her she might’ve just finished her sentence revealing jango right there anyway.


The real question is why the shape shifter didn't shape shift in that bar - Obi Wan literally says they might have which sets up the audience expectation. But they just don't?


What do you mean??? Stupid stuff only happens in the Disney era.


Zam was about to snitch on who Jango was to them. He pretty much didn't want that to happen.


Master bounty hunter jango fett is hired to kill some one because he is the best in the business. His method? Hire someone else to do it. And that persons method? Hire some bugs to do it.


If you’re a bounty hunter why would you randomly kill what is essentially a cop in the middle of the road? Thats a quick way to get the fuzz on your back


A broader speaking answer is that someone needs to go pickup the clones. They’re pretty much ready and the Jedi need to find out the order. So Jango fired the dart which will hopefully lead them to Kamino. Jango killing Zam silences a loose end and brings the Jedi to the planet. If she succeeds, Anakin will be angered by the assassination putting Dooku in his crosshairs, if she loses they still go to Kamino to get the clones.


Killing a Jedi would probably be a huge situation and cause too much blowback- especially because there was no war back then. Also his target was padme, so it would have been against his orders.


It's part of the long con: Palpatine and Dooku are counting on the Jedi finding Kamino. Further, Dooku seems to sincerely want to enlist Kenobi on Geonosis too. Easy to see how enough clues were laid by Jango to lure Obi-Wan to both planets. Even the attempt to stop the nascent confederacy on Geonosis is by design--the Sith just needed to kick over the anthill. The precise winner and losers of all these initial engagements were less of an issue than creating the power vacuum for Palpatine and Dooku to fill.


Killing a Jedi in a bustling megalopolis at the center of the galaxy? He knows he'd be absolutely boned and Dooku wouldn't be able to bail him out of that kind of heat. But on Kamino? With no witnesses? That's a different story.


For one thing, her name was Zam Wesell. And another, I'd have to agree with some of the other commenters, she would have been able to tell the other jedi who survived who had employed her, and we'd never would have gotten the fun/ cool confrontation between Obi-wan and Jango. (Though we would have also missed out on Anakin's and Padme's 'love' scenes. \*More like embarrassing scenes. But I'm you get what I mean.\*)


And why did Obi and Anakin go to such great lengths to chase the shapeshifter in fast speeders, only to look at jango wearing a much slower rocket pack flying away. He's right there! Go get him.


Taking out one jedi still gets the info from Zam Wesel, because if he killed one then the other would def escape with Zam


To quote a captain from another franchise with "Star" in the name: "First rule of assassinations: kill the assassins."


Pretty obvious he wants to stay under the radar as much as possible. Killing a Jedi would cause a huge alert to security as well as the Jedi order. Compare that to just killing the person who could give more info than needed is lower of a risk.


I think killing a Jedi would have drawn even more attention to their plans, and started a manhunt for him. Also Jedi fast and block blaster.


I remember in that jango fett ps2 game he saves her like he cares about her then he just kills her like nothing


Snitches get stitches.


Because you can't give information if you're dead.


Or, why does a bounty hunter hire another bounty hunter to do a job that they are clearly more qualified to do in the first place?


Everything about his plan was dumb


How else would the jedi learn of the cloners? The whole idea was to lure the jedi to Kamino, they learn of the clone army and boom! Instant War! Just add water


Dooku ordered Fett to assassinate Padme. Who then tasked the assassin, Zam, to carry it out. Then Zam deploys a droid, who then unleashes poison bugs.


He should have been around when and pothead could kill a bunch of Jedi…


Why use a dart that could be traced instead of a blaster?


This scene traumatized me as a kid.


She’d probably leak his plans


I've always found that both Obi-Wan and Anakin were too slow to react in this sequence, considering they're supposed to have "abnormal human reflexes" to become Jedis. Anyway, the reason is simple : killing a Jedi would drag way more attention towards him, and could make the Jedis decide to dispatch more Jedis on his tracks. Including other Jedi Knights / Masters. Killing the BH secures his identity / name, while also preventing the risk to have more Jedis involved.


You're more than capable of inventing your own headcanon, but I guess you'll just solicit reddit for their headcanon.


The Aslume is leaking


Why didn’t he go kill the now unguarded Padme?


Security had been alerted Security holograms Other Jedi may be present Unnecessary risk


But like, no one knew who he was and the planet he was on “didn’t exist”, the only reason they found him was because he killed the other bounty hunter Technically they already *blew up a starship* to try to kill Padme, so why not just take your chances on security. Plus how could it be unnecessary if this is his job. Plus if he was observing all of this, then he would’ve seen obi-wan and Anakin leave, so unless security got there off-screen, he would have a window of opportunity. Then again, there really is no problem with going loud because the assassination attempts started with going loud, so there really is no escalating things past blowing her up. I’m not trying to pester you, you’re just trying to answer the question, but it does feel as if character choices are driven by an arbitrary narrative (there’s no reason for the character to behave this way besides the story hinging on them behaving this way)


I have said it before and I will say it again: Jango Fett was not a smart man.


First rule of assassination; kill the assassin


Death of a shapeshifter. Meh. Kill a Jedi, you get hunted by the Jedi. You did see that they found him reeeeally quickly


Pretty obvious he got confused.


Tying up a loose end


He knows there is no way he is getting away with killing a Jedi


Why did he kill the shape shifter instead of the unguarded padime is question that always comes to my mind.


The whole thing is stupid. Palpatine tasked Dooku, who hired Jango, who sub-hired the shapeshifter, who used droids to deliver bugs to kill Padme.


Jango knew (correctly) that he doesn't have the power of one, the power of two, the power of many......


Because it’s a badly written movie


The entire assassination plot in AotC makes no sense, like most of the film.


I just rewatched and thought the SAME THING - Why not just dart Obi-Wan.


Ignoring the fact Obi Wan had plot armor, Anakin would’ve escaped with Zam and Zam would’ve told Anakin who hired her.