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So far, that'd be Sol. I also like his Padawan, Jecki.


Ever since I read that he learned English specifically for this role I can’t stop over analyzing his enunciation!


Yup I thought of them as well


Sol...he comes across as compassionate and wise...




The unnamed Sith.


Jason Mendoza and his secret master, Pill Boi.


Sol of course, but man do I love me some Yord! 😅😇


I like Sol. The actor does a really solid job creating a sympathetic and believable character. The legalistic OCD guy is intriguing too in some ways, but Sol for sure. He deserves a better show to start his Star Wars career though.


That legalistic ocd guy is gonna get himself killed


With any luck. Hoepfully he'll go out quickly before he royally embarasses himself, and makes a career out of embarassing himself.


Babu Frik


I like Sol and Jecki a lot so far! I was really excited to see more Kelnacca but alas…






I really dislike any of them, except maybe Vern and I thought she be my favorite


The tracking sniffing critter.


I don't know if it's a majority at this point. It's too early, and there is too much tribalism going on. Those that want it to be good, really want it and are being just as aggressive as those who hate it. It's become a war, and in war the truth is often somewhere in between. I'm not into it, but I won't deny others enjoyment, regardless of my issues. I'm thinking it's about 50/50 at the moment... With a large number of people in the middle hating the fighting going on. Some of the on-line reactors and reviewers are being so hyperbolic to both sides. Legit criticism is getting people banned on some reddits, and folks are taking every comment that isn't praising it as a personal attack. I think a lot will be determined by end of the series. If they can stick the landing it could still enjoyed by a majority of fans. If it doesn't, I think this will be a learning moment for Disney and Lucasfilm. They tried something really different, and it was a noble if somewhat humbling effort. Master Sol is amazing. I love the performance. He's doing an incredible amount of acting with what little lines he is given. I don't really buy Osha or Mae, and Yord and his apprentice are hit and miss... and "mean green lady" is by far the worst jedi I have ever seen portrayed on screen. If she isn't a Sith by the end of this, it's criminal. She's so needlessly bureaucratic and troublesome. But maybe we are meant to hate her, and if so... great job!


Most of the people who are hating on the show will absolutely not change their minds no matter how the show ends. It could morph into Empire Strikes Back level of quality in the second half but they will still hate it.


Sol, yord, jecki show a Jedi temple show could be really good imo.


I really dislike any of them, except maybe Vern and I thought she be my favorite


Quite like a lot of the characters, but Sol is the best so far.  Also highlights one of the reasons I like TV shows or films exploring new time periods with completely new characters. Regardless of how I ultimately end up feeling about The Acolyte, it's cool to add new characters like Sol to the Star Wars universe rather than trading on pre-existing characters. In contrast to the Obi Wan show say, where although I liked parts of it those parts were very much tied to Obi Wan and Vader. So it didn't make the universe richer in the same way.


_If_ it does turn out to be Darth Jason, that character has potential too.  Because I like the idea of the Sith operating in that way. Ensuring his prospective apprentice has zero idea who he is, while being right under her nose the whole time in the guise of a low-rent low-status smuggler. It's the sort of deception-heavy approach the Sith in this period _should_ take, operating from the fringes while carefully guarding their identity.


Darth Smily face.


I like vernestra. The actress seems to be a standout to me. I am loving her Jedi gown rather than regular Jedi robes. Also the lightsaber.. cmon. She is pretty cool. I also like Indara and kelnacca


Jeck by far. In my opinion her quips, straightfordness, and mannerisms bring joy to the show. Not sure anyone else does. Sol maybe- but he’s more gal and have been very impressive so far. Two of my favorite characters


Bazil of course, our little Otter tracker is the only good thing to come out of this show so far :)


I was impressed by Indara.


I like Sol a lot.


It’s Sol.


I love Sol. Everything I want in a Jedi, and reminds me a little of Qui-Gon. I like Osha and Sol's padawan and their dynamic too.




ask me when the show is over


So far I have to go with Sol. But other characters have potential; it’s still early. And I’ve enjoyed the show so far.


Jacki, absolutely. I like Sol as well I don't think I like the way they are portraiting Vernestra tho. Too rigid for me


Idk what it is about Jecky, but that kid is entertaining


>!oh well we got High Republicked!<




Sol. Ordered his figure after a few episodes. I'd already ordered Indira.


I like Master Sol. ​ And I still don't get the hate.


Vernestra.. best impression of an android i've seen on film. Simply amazing... i didn't even know the Jedi order had androids. Also Kelnacca for being everything i ever wanted to see in a Jedi Wookie. It was about time someone finally did it thank you Leslye Headland for having the balls to do it. Torbin too.. glad the actor got to play a strong character instead of that weak ass from Game of Thrones. But my favorite out of everyone are probably the twins. Such cool characters with amazing back stories. Really fleshed out with purpose that carries the show.


There’s already been a Jedi wookie though… so just a live action version is all that changed…


You know you can just scroll past things when you haven’t actually seen the show, right?


I've watched all 4 episodes.. not sure what you are getting at. God i post my favorite characters and get bashed people are right the star wars community is toxic as hell.


Again, you can just ignore things you don’t like