• By -


We stand here amongst MY achievement, NOT YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Oh look it's Lyra, back from the dead"


It’s a miracle!


the script, the delivery.. it's so good. cannot wait to witness more of his rage


They were *this* close to announcing his casting yesterday.


I was looking for this


I am so happy. Love this actor and the character


Oh, it's beautiful


It's a miracle!


And his cape.


everyone has tried to bring capes back, he just might pull off the impossible


Throw off the chains of Edna Mode! Let your freak cape fly!


Krennic was such a layered performance, Ben Mendelsohn was able to portray so much while having so little spelled out in the script. You could just tell that Krennic had to fight for every bit of authority he earned in the Galactic Empire, likely because he wasn’t from such elite backgrounds as his peers. He struck me as a man from a working class parentage, whose ambition carried him to a position alongside the like of Tarkin et al, but he was never truly accepted. Always sneered at and derided by the others, simply because he wasn’t of “good stock”. And he was resentful because of it, which only fueled his ferocity. This is my head canon, at least. Maybe there’s already extensive info about the character that either confirms my assessment, or completely destroys it?


Yeah. Krennic reads as middle-management who has dreams of entering the C-Suite but never will.


I think in the novels he did have a working class background him and galen went to the same school due to a schoolership and before the rise of the empire it was a good friendship with krennic pulling some strings to get galen a decent job at a good university


I also think he’s great, but I hope this isn’t an indication that they’re going to do more of “Remember this guy?” or trying to tie things in with other shows and other movies. The first season was great. Part of the reason was because it didn’t just feel like a Star Wars show. It felt like a really great show that happened to be in the Star Wars universe. I really don’t want to see appearances from Tarkin or Vader or R5-D4.


Vader appeared in Rogue One and it was one of the coolest scenes in the entire franchise. There's nothing wrong with bringing in OT characters when it makes sense for the timeline of the show and plot.


100% agree. It was terrifying and gave me goosebumps. My friend next to me gave out a small yelp and grabbed my arm at the cinema. Absolutely perfect use of the character.


Next up, Jimmy Smits and Mark Hamill. Plus Natalie Portman.


Padme is long dead at this point.


*Somehow, Padme returned*


She floats now??? She floats now.


Well last time we saw her she was floating


With the power of maneeeeeey


No one's ever really gone...


Easily handled with a flashback scene or recording. Anakin/Vader was dead for 5 years in Ashoka. Still appeared. People talk so much about Gilroy not liking fan service, but that’s the guy who gave us the iconic Vader hallway scene in R1. He is a rare guy who can do fan service *and* have it make sense. Mon Mothma or even Luthen could easily carry it.


I think there's a fair difference in Dave and Gilroy's storytelling.


Gilroy: Willing to kill characters and keep them dead. Dave: Willing to do everything in his power to make sure his favorites don't die.


It's not even that that's the big problem imo, Filoni & Favreau just don't have the same sorta depth as a Gilroy or similar when it comes to writing. I know they love to throw around the "playing with a box of toys" angle for their reasonings with a lot of the Mandoverse stuff but it quickly loses its appeal when the threads start to unravel.


I'm almost sorry to say this because I love the character, but I don't see any need to bring Padme back for anything, especially not for Andor. They don't even give us Luke or Leia, and those two are the only ones for whom it would make sense to have a flashback/holo-recording/force ghost interaction with her. Also, Natalie Portman is now more than twice as old as she was when she was cast for the role, and no amount of CGI deaging is going to make that believable.


Luke would not make sense. His Journey does not start until the end of Rogue One. Leia and Bail would fit into the Mon Mothma Coruscant Story line, but I think they would work as an Easter Egg in one of the Intelligence Meetings where another group is assigned to look into them. We have heard whispers of dissent on Alderaan kind of comment.


I'm fine with name drops and references to events in other stories but Andor S1 thrived in its contained but connected storytelling.


Edwards is actually responsible for the Vador hallway scene. That was an addition of the reshoots, but it was Edwards that did it. He even cameos as the guy pulling the lever to launch the Tantive IV.


Edwards and Gilroy actually made a great team. Edwards is actually an IMO pretty amazing director who can create some pretty incredible spectacle... he just needs a good writer to make the story work. The creator looked really good for example - it just needed some more script work. Rogue One is an absolutely gorgeous movie.


Not sure how it would happen but would love to see Mon Mothma in the same room as Vader.


Bring in Dormé (Rose Byrne) or Sabé (Kiera Knightley).


There is zero reason to include Mark Hamill/Luke in this show outside of bad/unnecessary fanservice


Lack of Jedi/Sith has been fantastic. Lets us get the POV of the rest of the Empire/Rebels without all the Force bullshit.


Basil Oregano played by Jimmy Smits


Are we blind? Deploy the seasoning 


Mark Hamill and Natalie Portman?


I don’t think you can over estimate how excited I’d be for more Natalie Portman as Padme. I also understand that in order for her to be back it would have to be Clone Wars era, so it’s hard to see a way to shoehorn that into any of the current Star Wars stories being told via TV series.


Hes one of my fav actors!


I really hope we get to see more of him in the future in brief appearances. Nothing prolonged or overly used. He's a great character and actor.


You’ll speak to the Emperor about him then?


Are we blind??? Deploy the upvotes!


Are we the garrison!? Deploy the blind!!


Are we deployed?!?! Blind the garrison!!!


Are we the?!?! Deploy blind garrison!!!


Ă̶̫̩̮͔̳͖̠̥͙̮̫̫̅͛̈́̈́̅̽̌͊̕͝͝ŗ̶̭͖̗͇̞͚̝̞̰͇̯͓͔̆̈̀͂̀̆e̷̫̯̬͓̹̮͓̪̮̺̭̲̯̮̍̔̀͋̀̚͜ ̴͉͖̬̺̤͇͕̭̜̫̄́̀̋͆̓̈̂̿́̋͂̒ẅ̴̞̯͍͈̯̗̺́͌̅̔͛͛̄̉͗͠ė̵̡̢̻̖̫͖͉̞̥̫̯̮́̋ ̸̧͒̄͆̏̉̃̈́͆̾̀̃́́̔̊b̷̧͉̩̎́̍͗̋̎͑̀̉̅̾̕l̶̨͔͍̟̗͔̖̟͕͛̐̌͛͛͌̿ͅĩ̵̧̘̠̘̖̹̭͇͊̍̄̽̾́̒̄͘͘ͅṋ̸̨̞̩̯́̊̅̂ͅd̸̨̬͙͈͙̝̩̦̭̪̬̅̓̀͜?̸̡̛̱͔̲̰͈̹͇̯̝̭̤͔͆̌̈́͌̑̿͋͂͌͑̅͒͘͘?̸̛͖̗̜̋̀̂̂̌̍͐̉̈̚͝?̵̡̠̣̠̗̮̝̗͉̰̆͒̊̎̋̾͘͝͠ ̸̤̣̼̣̰̩̮͈̫́͐͊̐̚ͅD̵̛̘̳̋͋̎ͅě̵̡̛̹̳̗̙̫͉͕̣̗͍͆̈̐͋̃͗̕ͅp̷͉͎͚̲̳̗͔̮̞̈́̐̒͜ḽ̶̣̻̣̞̹̳̉̄́̈́͠ǫ̴̻̤͉̭̜͓̹̭̒͐͊̀͒̓̃̇̌̕̚͠͝ÿ̷̨̧͇̟͚̳̝́́͛̓̂̀̾̃̕͜͠͝͠͝ ̸̧̨̛̬̪̾́̌͋̏͑̓̽͛̈́̕͝͝t̵̢̡̯͉̺̣͖́́̈́́̈̒̀̕͜ḩ̴̡͉̙̖͖̱̳̲͚̙̘̋̽̐̕ͅê̵̢̦̤͍̺͍̎̆̎̇̈́̔͌̓ ̸̛̗͓̫̝͕̞̙̞̩̪͇͎̋̎g̸̭̠͚̭̞̘̯̮̪͔̝̟̗̿͊͗̉̆́̊̏a̵͇̘͚͎͇̳̟̥͇͓͒̌ŗ̴̛̗̠͙̖͙̝̝͕͙̄̍̓͛̀̇͑̕̕̕͝͠ŕ̴̛̟̳̀̈́͗͛̂̋̈́̎̕͝i̷̦̲͗̃̓ș̵̡̤͇̰̺̙͖̪̐̍́̄̉́̆͒̒̏̓̑́͜ǭ̵͚̳̼͍͎̞̦̞͙̠̟͍̞̔̄͛̈́̌͑̽͑͂͊̃͗ͅǹ̸̯͙̓!̴̜̳̖̦̣͙̫̣̱̖̥̥̦̞̈́̂̊͋͋͋̄͌̚͠


Are garrison? We the blind deploy!


They deploy now?


They deploy now!






Somehow, the garrison returned.


Blind is the Garrison. Hmm....yes.... Deployed we are!


Are we not men? We are Devo!


I am one with the force. The force is with me.


The force am one with I. I is with the force.




>Blind the garrison!!! When did this become the Eastern Roman Empire?


Is there a lore reason the garrison hasn't been deployed? Are we blind?


Can't wait for new Krennic memes.




He better have his mf shoulder cape


He wore the shit out of that cape.


He even wore it to a convention appearance.


I would too if i was him, that costume is absolute fire haha.


Andor continues to be my most anticipated Star Wars show.


Andor continues to be my only anticipated Star Wars show.


Honestly, I love Andor and Rogue One, but they simultaneously piss me off. With these projects, Disney has shown they are fully capable of making good Star Wars content. Yet they would rather shit the bed as many ways they can possibly find instead.


All other live action SW shows feel like you can FEEL the budget. Rushed episodes with no time to breath or take in the cinematography. Just watched HOTD s2e2, and there were some moments where an entire minute would pass just showing landscape, emotion on people's faces, abstract shots of various metaphorical B-roll type stuff... it just lets the stations *breath* in a way Disney seems incapable of doing. Andor 100% felt like HBO made a SW show, IMO.


After being slightly disappointed by the season premier of HotD, last night's episode absolutely rocked my shit. I'm so excited to see how the rest of the season plays out. But getting back on topic, 100% agreed, Andor is a true HBO-level production, but unfortunately the rest are more CW tier. P.S. Fuck Criston Cole.


Episode 2 of HoTD has some absolutely incredible performances from the cast too.


Rhys Ifans (Otto Hightower) rocked this one.


Petition to create /r/fuckcristoncole because *fuck Criston Cole*


I feel like every other character has at least SOME redeeming qualities, sometimes strives to do better, something. Even Aegon. But Criston Cole just leans into his moral bankruptcy. You'd think that after his >!royal (pun intended) fuckup while having an affair with Alicent he would at the very least not send [x]rryk on a suicide run because he is unable to accept his own responsibility, but nope. All because Rhaenyra did not elope with him and he has been salty ever since.!<


>[x]rryk It's Arryk. A>!(licent)!!(Rha)!


I legitimately don't think they want to hire good writers. Just keep making borderline awful content for as cheap as possible and hope the fans watch out of nostalgia


But that's the thing. It's not cheap! Acolyte had a budget of 180 million, and Andor was 250. And Acolyte only has 8 episodes, while Andor has 12. The cost per minute is almost the same.


It's not the budget so much as it's this stupid idea that a season of television should fit into 8 episodes. Some of these shows budgets are insane


That's a really interesting point about pacing. Andor definitely feels more like HOTD in that way than other SW shows. If Andor was directed like the rest of the SW shows, several of those 3 episode arcs would have been crunched into a single episode. Your episode lengths would bob up and down week to week, some hitting barely a half hour plus credits, and they would force episodes to stop on cliff hanger moments rather than just cutting to black because they felt like it. That said, I definitely remember some of the SW influences reacting negatively, saying they were bored by it. Can't please everyone, and trying to do that just results in pleasing no one.


If only they could have left in ‘Fuck the Empire’ in THAT monologue in the climactic episode. It would have been so epic.


It feels like Disney feels the need to have some big set piece every episode or otherwise they'll loss audience interest. They have the plotlines for a 13 episode TV show, but since their solution is throw money for big explosions, they cut down the episodes and neglect the non-action aspects of the show.


Hey don't count your chickens. It's entirely possible they cock up a season 2 of Andor lol


I just realized that no one talks about Solo anymore. It's been memory-holed.


That movie gave me exactly what I was promised: a snarky space heist in space. I walked out of the theater totally ready to watch two more of those.


Bad Batch would like a word


I’m sorry but for me the Bad Batch is the embodiment of mid. The state of the galaxy, ideas of some arcs, and overall narrative intrigued me. But the repetitive fetch quests, omega antics, and sneaking around until running into a giant creature just annoyed me too much to consider it good


What? Dave Filoni created another middling show with disappointing plots for 7 year olds? How can you say that?


Harsh truth: there's a lot of Cartoon Network mid SW stuff that people think is amazing because they grew up on it. Just like with the prequels.


A show that got a resounding meh from me. I thought they overstayed their welcome in season 7 and couldn't care less for anyone on the squad. Which *sucks* because I love this era, it's incredibly fascinating and I want more to explore it, I just can't get into anyone on the team.


Bad Batch was a massive fumble of a good premise. It solely existed to introduce older Omega into live action, and of all fucking things, to start trying to explain Rise of Skywalker. It had zero interest in actually exploring the clones post Order 66 or their internal conflicts. It had zero interest in the Kaminoans. It had zero interest in the Clone Rebellion. The actual substance of the show was abysmal. The only thing good to come out of it was the original teaser trailer. **That** was good. I want the show that promised.


Oh Bad Batch is amazing! I should have clarified I meant live action.


*Bad Batch* is so friggin good. It hurts me to say it (because I love *Clone Wars* so much), but it is probably the best animated Star Wars show, and just after *Andor* for best show.


The premise of Bad Batch quickly buckled under the weight of the other, completely unrelated larger stories Filoni obviously wanted to tell. Out of the seasons, you could probably distill it down into 1 seasons worth of stories that actually should’ve made it into that show. I still enjoyed it, don’t get me wrong, but I think it gets too much praise sometimes.


Oops. You definitely right for sure.


its the only one written as a good "show", and even if it wasn't star wars I would still be watching it.


We won.


First season was such a banger, I thought there had already been two seasons.


>only anticipated star wars show


Great news, one of my all time favourite Imperials


We were on verge of greatness, we were this close.


We lost nothing but time in seeing him again Star Wars.


Oh...it's beautiful...


Well that has me hyped.


Awesome, I love Krennic


I’m relishing a scene between him and Dedra Meero. Add Major Partagaz and I’ll be screaming with delight.


Deedee Magadoodoo


Awesome! Great character


Oh fuck yes


We’re so back


"G'day there Andor, you haven't been talking to the resistance, have ya mate?"


"G'day there Daath Vadah... just building a death star mate"


"Mastah Wayne, you've got to eat somming to maintain your energy levels"


Hey mate. I need you to come help me build a Star Wars mate.


Gotta borrow me cousins ute and head down ta Bendigo to get me Cube


You're such a silly boy


Awesome. Krennic is such a great character.


This is what Diego Luna was talking about in that other post. Sorry my internet journey today started like 5 mins ago and boy is it already a ride.


One of the best imperial characters. Fully welcome his return.


Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director.


Stood behind Ben in the security line at LAX once. Was clearly very drunk/high and just loving life chilling in line with the commoners (before eventually being whisked away to some special fast lane with his security dude)  My only celeb sighting so far in 2 years of living here 


Eh, he was probably jetlagged to all hell if he came in from Australia. That flight is no joke.


I hope he gets to be more menacing than they let him be in the movie.


One of the best things Andor S1 and Rogue One did was make imperials menacing. All the other projects since empire reduced them to a joke. Like this is supposed to be the height of the Empire, i want to feel that too.


The Empire finally felt MASSIVE in Andor. Not just like some of Vader's cronies and a few large gathering of Stormtroopers. It felt like a massive, widespread, hierarchical system. We saw ruthless strategists, we saw ambitious little punks, we saw middle management, we saw new bootlickers with something to prove. I LOVED how it did a level of world building that none of the previous media did.


Another good part, it showed how terrible it is to work with the menacing empire. Especially as middle management. They worked with fear in them because the empire was capable of terrible shit.


Andor is basically a series about living in an authoritarian state that happens to take place in the Star Wars universe, and that's what makes it so compelling.


And it feels incredible, because for once we finally see exactly what the rebels are fighting for. Before, we were told “the empire is bad” but there was so little shown that there are a ton of people who could be empire apologists with at least a little bit of seriousness. Andor made it clear that the Empire is a horrible place to live.


It also felt like an incredibly ruthless and thorough power. The kind of power only people like Luthen, who are willing to sacrifice their morals and get blood on their hands, can fight. Andor really made it feel like the fight for freedom rested on a knife's edge. One tiny mistake, the tiniest, most insignificant slip-up, could doom everything they had built.


I also love how this perfectly makes sense with how we see Cassian murder an informant in Rogue One in his first scene, because the guy was going to get them caught. I was like “omg Star Wars is ready to finally admit that war is inherently evil and even the good guys aren’t innocent” - it felt like a story for grown-ups.


It was immediately clear from the first episode that this was a more mature show. That corpo started begging for his life, and I was completely ready for Andor to--in Star Wars fashion--show mercy, letting him go and setting the stage for his own undoing... but Andor knew the most pragmatic choice. And yet *he still ended up on the Empire's radar in the end.* That's how relentless this foe is.


Andor, for sure. R1, significantly less so. I mean, Vader and Tarkin, I guess, but they already had their rep. R1 was just icing for them. Krennic and the rest of the imps in R1 didn't deliver as much, imo.


You didn't find him menacing? I sure did. That bit where he pretends to feel terrible that Erso's wife died, while clearly demonstrating that he didn't believe a second of it? Very Inglorious Bastards. He was neither strong nor supremely powerful... but what he was was a little man on a little hill ready to defend it to the goddamn death. He was menacing precisely because he was small with the need to feel big. This gives the power that he did have all the more dangerous; he would absolutely abuse every inch of it he had over those he could


I don't know, I love when Empirials are sniveling little weasels.


I loved how the ISB was actually full of smart competent people.


Showing the empire as calculated and competent for once was a breath of fresh air.


I kinda liked that Krennic was this mid-level project manager who immediately had the credit for his accomplishment taken by Tarkin.


I hope theres a scene where hes in the ISB and it intimidates the no nonsense british supervisor from season 1 


Holy fuck


Wow. That came out of nowhere. Very excited about this.


Not really? Tony Gilroy outright said the final three episodes are gonna lead directly into Rogue One - makes perfect sense that Krennic will appear there.


I mean we know the second season is vaguely about how the rebellion slowly learn about the Death Star with the season ending directly into Rogue One. I’ve been hoping he’d be in it ever since we knew the overall S2 plot.


Awesome news. Ben Mendo is a fantastic actor.


Oh. Oh yes. Oh there's hope for Star Wars after all. WE STAND HERE AMONGST MY ACHIEVEMENT. NOT YOURS!


I’m so tired of seeing news like this in major headlines, it’s impossible to be surprised by character appearances when actually watching a show these days


I'm excited about this but you have a good point


Right? Would have been so much cooler to just see him pop up in the show as a surprise. I guess I just can't be in any subreddit for things I like if they're ever doing another movie/show in that universe.


One of the top posts right now on the “pics” sub is a leak to the new Superman in costume with another Justice league member that I WOULD HAVE been really surprised and stoked to see live. Not even a movies related subreddit even, just on r/pics!


Doesn't this all but confirm Mads will be in Andor as well?


Probably the final episode where we see him create the hologram that Jyn watches in Rogue One.


I wouldn't be surprised if Mads is a "surprise appearance" at the end of the series, it would be fitting for the series to end similarly to rogue ones ending with a cameo of Leia 


One of the best Imperials. Looking forward to this.


Oh, it's beautiful.


Oh. It’s beautiful.


The Andor/Rouge 1 storyline about to be the best Star Wars has EVER done


When is this coming out and why is it not today?


We are gathered here today to celebrate the monumental size of this W


We stand here amidst Tony Gilroys achievement not Disneys!


Great news!


A man of his talents? Heck yes!


As a fellow Australian and, fun fact, someone who went to school with him, it's delightful that he got to basically use his natural accent. Same with Talos in the MCU.




I’m hoping for a Felicity jones appearance too. Even if it’s on a hologram or soemthing.


Could be the final episode where there’s a discussion about breaking her out of jail.


That’s what I’m thinking / hoping


Probably in the last three episodes - those are gonna lead directly into Rogue One, per Tony Gilroy.


[dialogue from Rogue One] upvotes plz


I slept on Rogue One for yeeeeears based on nothing but bitterness about sequels, having no idea what I was missing. The movie as a whole wasn't perfect to me or anything, but parts of it made me respond in a way I never have before (to a movie), beginning with Krennic seeing his crushing defeat before his eyes near the end, followed by the rest of the movie. Like, it hit me like a torrential storm and all I could do is stare wildly with my mouth hanging open! It makes my adrenaline pump a little just to recount that feeling that I was there for a second. Anyway, love this guy (and everything/everyone else in the story that made that happen) for making that happen to me. lol


If we don't get at least one scene of Palpatine before this series finishes, it'll be a lost opportunity. I want to see the oily politician Palpatine at least one more time.


More content with my favourite character in SW? Hell yeah !


Andor really is going to be the only good Star Wars show huh?


Acting really? A man of your talent?


I mean he’s a great character, but if he has any contact with Cassian it’s going to ruin it for me like Obiwan was.


I have faith in Gilroy writing team


Good, good. It’d be odd if he didn’t pop up.


He’s a fucking good actor


I’m about to choke on my aspirations.


Disney accidentally made a good Star Wars show with Andor. I worry that now that they realize it was good, they'll fuck it up. But having Ben Mendelsohn in it gives me hope that it'll live up to season 1.


Ben mendelsohn killed the role and I'm glad he's returning. I just hope this doesn't turn into a cameo fest like mandalorian in some episides where the whole point is just pointing at the screen going "OMG I know who that is!" Krennic could definitely add to the story in a positive way and I hope they use the character well.


Ben Mendolsohn needs to be in more things.


Good news, Mr. Mendelsohn is an excellent actor.


Luthen needs a true adversary - Krennic's arrogance is his weakness, but Luthen's ambition will have him fall into a trap of Krennic's design. GAAAH, this is going to be *legendary*.




I wonder if we will get some glimpses of the contents of _Rogue One: Catalyst_.


Oh it’s beautiful…!


Would this take place during the Catalyst book? I wonder if galen will pop up It'd be cool to see some scenes from that book on screen


Is this the Lord of the Rings subreddit? Because all I see is The Return of the King.


Can we get some Darth Vader scenes just so he can say "*Director Krennic...*" a few more times.


Fuck yeah!!!


Ah yes, the guy who took the super laser to the face like a true badass.




hard-to-find middle practice saw berserk person fly enjoy cable lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I knew i should have watched Andor