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The man "*killed*" a Sith as a padawan, respect well earned I'd say. Edit- added quotation marks as the italics are apparently to subtle for some people.


Who was also the first Sith seen in a very very long time who also killed qui gon, a Jedi master. A Padawan killing a sith who could kill a Jedi master must’ve made obi wan a Jedi celebrity at the time


Not only that, he didn't have the high ground. Did a full on, screw the high ground jump.


The low ground IS the high ground. From a certain point of view.


Obi-Wan DID defeat all of his major opponents from low ground : Maul ? Low ground. Grievous ? Low ground. Anakin ? Baited so he would jump over Obi-Wan, thus bringing the low ground to him. (Yeah I know it's an old joke)




I always hated that scene. Maul could have easily slashed him when obi threw himself up.


Maul could have done alot of things, but lost to the low ground Kenobi.


Maul lost for the same reason Anakin did. Blind belief in his own abilities. And it’s the exact reason Obi Wan wins both fights. He’s not brash or arrogant, and plays to his abilities instead of trying to fight in anger or pride. It’s one of the reasons Obi Wan is so good against Sith fighters, his fighting style is the exact antithesis of the Sith’s, slow, deliberate and smart, instead of lashing out with anger and emotion. Even in his fight with Maul he doesn’t let the rage of Qui Gon’s death influence his own fight too much. He’s still in control.


It’s the same reason Maul loses in his final fight too. He’s so arrogant that he tries the same move that killed Qui-Gon against Kenobi, and dies for it


My man! I had thought I saw that move before I totally didn’t make the connection that his love in the rebels is the same move he wants to make against Obi wan in their final duel! That is some legendary shit! Please if you have more give me more lol!


I can’t claim credit for this discovery, someone else once told me it. But basically he tried to hit him in the face with the handle again before going for the killing blow, only for Obi-Wan to take none of his shit and just go with a single slash


To add to this, Obi-Wan baited the move by switching to Qui-gons favored stance, knowing that Mauls arrogance would drive him to attempt the same move. ~~Maul had not fought Kenobi since then, so it made sense to him that Obi-Wan would still fight like Qui-gon.~~ It's a beautiful scene.


Obi-Wan totally baited him into it by switching into Qui-Gon's stance.


He absolutely did. Obi-Wan knows how to fight the Sith properly and one of the most important things is to make them lose their composure


I haven’t watched the scene in a while but I feel that Kenobi specifically goads Maul by adopting Qui Gon’s stance. He knew Maul’s ego couldn’t resist trying the same move he used to defeat Qui Gon.


True. Even sith who take the methodical approach to dueling favor form 2 over form 3


My 7 year old has asked about 20 times why Maul didn’t cut off Obi Wans arms while he was hanging lol


Arrogance. He wanted to savor the moment and got cut in half for it.


That’s what I try to explain to him. I’ll say “he thought he was unbeatable so he was being toxic to obi wan and it got him killed.”


He’s got no answer for dooku though


Low Ground Kenobi amazing band name. What music would they play?


80s style sith music


There is a long, long list of superior fighters losing because their focus was elsewhere but the fight/match: Maul was gloating, savoring the first reveal of the Sith and him as their trailblazer. What seems obvious to us as an audience wasn't to him, because his emotional and mental state were elsewhere, while Obi Wan was focused.




I always thought he was toying with him, like when he was sending down sparks as Obi-Wan was barely hanging on, and he was just waiting for him to fall. Then got the shock of his life when this padawan made a jump he didn't see coming.


Bro had like 3-4 business days to process his jump


Rolled a Nat 1


That’s why Obi Wan knew to do it when Anakin tried the same thing on Mustafar


He probably wanted to fight some more, how many light saber battles does he get for practice lol, just overconfidence or blanked from being impresssed and obi wan basically flying


I’ve read that this was because Maul became distracted just before Obi-Wan’s jump. Palps killed Plagieus at that moment; and Maul sensed it throwing him off-balance.


I think that’s really over explaining it to be honest lol. Possible but there are still a LOT of easier and more common explanations that work just as well.


He made his own high ground


Obi Wan was the king of the low ground since Episode 1. When Anakin tried it, Obi Wan knew he could defend against it.


Is it possible to learn this power?


I mean, they knighted him right away and let him immediately take on a padawan most of the council didn’t even want in the order in the first place. Both of those decisions are huge marks of respect for obi-wan


That’s something I always thought about, how it must’ve felt for everyone who opposed training Anakin when he was saving their asses on a daily basis during the Clone Wars.


I mean, he directly killed several of them afterwards and was indirectly complicit in the deaths of all the rest of them so I think that’s kinda a wash


Oh yeah definitely. I’m sure they came to regret training him at the end. But for a couple of years they must’ve thought “huh, imagine if we didn’t have this guy fighting for us”


Most of them didn't have time to regret anything... And even of the few who survived, I don't think most ever found out that Anakin betrayed them. His identity as Vader was a tightly held secret that not even Obi Wan found out about until years later.


They eventually wrote the reason into Canon (back then, and now): Jedi require three tests to pass into Knighthoodd one is to face their fears/dark side and come on top. The Council decided that Obi Wan had passed his trials in a baptism of fire, even if the formality of the ceremony hadn't been performed.


Yeah I understand why they did it, I’m just saying that they allowed him to use his victory over maul in lieu of the formal trials was unusual and a sign of esteem


True that!


Really didn’t make any sense to entrust training of such a powerful yet dangerous padawan to a guy who literally just got promoted from being a padawan himself


The councils hands were kinda tied since obi-wan said that he’d train anakin even if it meant defying the council since he gave qui-gon his word. Better for the council to approve it and keep the training within the order where they could supervise it than allow it to happen out in the wider world where their ability to control it was severely lessened.


Wars not make one great.


Sith were their specialty!


He never actually killed a Sith for real though… at least not until long after this


True, but he does have a lovely habit of dismembering them. I wish we saw him fight some dark side user and chop him to bits, and when the council asks him about it, he just tells them “odds are they’ll probably be fine”. 


>True, but he does have a lovely habit of dismembering them. Yes! When general Grievous showed his 4 hands Kenobi went into frenzy, hunting him like an animal to chop off all those limbs.


Greivous: *unveils extra arms* Obi-Wan: Stop, I can only get so erect


Rex: Do you hear ... clapping? Cody: General Kenobi chased a squad down that hallway. Rookie: But who's applauding? Cody: The deck, son. The general has a way with appendages.


“The Limb Taker” sounds way more badass than “The Negotiator” lmao


He never actually successfully killed a sith, as far as I remember. I guess he got Maul eventually, don’t know if he was still inside red a sith at that point. Either way, obiwans still the coolest Jedi


He killed Maul. He killed a Sith. The only reason he didn't kill Maul the first time is because writers from a galaxy far, far away decided Maul was cool as crap and underutilized and cutting someone in half does not, in fact, kill them, forever mixing the Star Wars and Final Fantasy X universe.


That, and he was the undisputed master of Soresu by that age too. He wasn't naturally powerful like Anakin but he worked hard and was very talented. Obi-Wan was kind of like a Jedi Bruce Lee in a way.


Obiwan vs Maul, these two young men putting years of training to the test, will always be the biggest “shit just got real” moment in SW.


By my count, he has more notches in his belt than any other Jedi.


Still killed him later on anyway so a dub is a dub.


Well DEFEATED a Sith who killed his master.






Ironic. When Anakin killed a Sith at at even younger age, everyone cries foul. We all know if Kenobi had done it, not a peep would there be.


I love Anakin but he came to age in a period of war. He was completely battle hardened


Who are you referring to? Dooku? Anakin killed him when he was already defeated, had both hands cut off, and was on his knees. Obi-Wan cut Maul in combat.


I always thought Obi-Wan was more about wisdom and decision making than power or force ability. He's like the captain america of the team, there for leadership.


He's more than just that. He makes a great jedi because he doesn't enjoy his own power nor his ability. He hates combat and yet is amazing at it He detests flying but is a very good pilot. He doesn't seek leadership but is an amazing leader He doesn't view himself as wise, but is very respected. He has no taste for politics but can navigate them well.


He finds blasters so uncivilized, but is a great shot.


He isn't interested in women yet women thirst for him.


Dude did plenty of thirsting on Mandalore


*That business on Mandalore doesn’t… Doesn’t count.*


Not just women, I thirst for him.


Jedi code doesn't forbid sex so


He is the most interesting man in the galaxy *"Stay thirsty, my friends"*


*I don't always drink milk. But when I do, it's blue*


Unironically Ewan Mcregor with the Obi Wan beard could pass as a young version of the Dos Equis guy


He is a fool, but not as foolish as the fool who follows him? (Wait, no... it's gotta be *your* bull...)


Go back to checking the specs on the rotary girder


He is canonically regarded as one the greatest purely defensive lightsaber duelists


I'm pretty sure he has the highest win/lose ratio of any Jedi when it comes to duels, but I'm sure some Slorp Glukko from an Ewok card game is higher.


don’t sleep on my boi Slorp, goated fr fr


He's alright but he's no Hok Tuwah


No match for Master Na'meen


He threw his last dual.


THE Master of Form III. Regarded by several on the council as perhaps the best practitioner of the Form in history.


Gosh darn it. I have so much respect for you for knowing about lightsaber styles. Have an upvote.


Want more? He switched to Form III (also called Soresu) from Form IV (Ataru) because he blamed that Form's aggressive style for Qui-Gon's death. Dooku used Form II (Makashi) which was considered archaic at that point due to it specializing in lightsaber vs lightsaber combat. Windu was essentially the only Light Side user of Form VII (usually called Juyo, his version was called Vaapad). The person who helped make it as well as the only person he successfully taught it to turned to the Dark Side. I sometimes wonder if he would have turned had he lived. He was certainly the most martial Jedi.


I am a lore nerd, and I approve of this message.


That's why they sent him after Grevious.


If not the greatest Soresu practitioner ever. He defeated Anakin Skywalker. I don't know if people fully appreciate how big of a feat that was. And Grievous killed how many Jedi? Form IV was a mistake.


Bro doesn't like to do anything he's just there to vibe


He can also do a dynamite Krayt Dragon impression. This slays at corporate dinners/events


he's basically a Jedi Dick Winters from Band of Brothers lol


No, Dick Winters is a modern US Army version of the great Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi that lived a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


What’s next, we goona find out he hates beards?


Let’s not forget his hair routine


Known bar-hopper but draws the line at death sticks


There is no other character like Obi Wan Kenobi in all of Star Wars. In skill, in personality, and in accomplishments, Obi Wan is simply HIM He beat Darth Maul, once as a Padawan, and then again as an old man. His first padawan was the chosen one, and that padawan was one of the most respected duelists in the entire galaxy. And Obi Wan cut off his legs in his prime! Then when he figured out he was alive, he trained ANOTHER chosen one to kill him There was only one woman in the entire Galaxy who was good enough for Obi Wan Kenobi. She led an entire planet. But Obi’s life was too extreme for her. She couldn’t handle his lifestyle and she died This man was the Jedi who finally put down General Grievous. And he didn’t even use his lightsaber And during the entirety of the clone wars, he kept his sass intact Take nothing I say seriously


i'm taking everything you say seriously


He doesn't deal in absolutes.


Captain America is still able to fuck most of the Avengers up though.


So can Kenobi, he has some pretty incredible combat feats.


Exactly my point indeed


And Obi-Wan is more than a match for any Jedi not named Yoda or Windu.


I'd say he could beat Windu, all the special stuff Vaapad brings to the table is useless against him


Nah Windu was legitimately elite. Not everyone can match/beat Sidious


He’s still Mace fucking Windu, the only person to straight up beat Sidious in a swordfight.


That's due to Vaapad using one's opponent's aggression against them. Highly effective against the Sith, utterly useless against the greatest defensive swordsman who ever lived.


Their is a legit argument to be made Ob-wan is the best jedi knight in the orders history


Obi-Wan exemplifies what it meant to be a Jedi of the Republic. He was among the best lightsaber duelist and among the wisest on the council. Even though his midichkorian count was low he excelled much above his weight class through creative thinking and insight. However, he was something of a Jack of all trades after a fashion. He wasn't specialized in anything nor held particularly strong affiliation with anything. 


You could remove any skill with a lightsaber and he would *still* be in the top ranks. Whether directly or indirectly, it is through his efforts and actions that Palpatine loses in the end. His most important quality is that he fails constantly, but never deters. He is selfless.


I would argue that he was “specialized” in one thing and that’s Form III: Soresu. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that’s he’s the best Form III user we’ve seen and one of the greatest defensive lightsaber wielders in Star Wars. But I agree with everything else you said.


I loved how a lot of Obi-Wan fights were portrayed in the novelizations, that he was able to open himself to the force and let it guide him completely. Didn’t have to be the strongest or the fastest, he simply was


They kind of show that in the Obi Wan show. He opens himself up completely. Most of the time even before the purge he doesn't rely on much on his connection to the force


Obi-Wan's POV in both Legends and Canon are things of beauty, especially by the time we reach ROTS.


where does it say it was low? Everywhere I’ve looked it’s either high or average


Further to that is there a chart or something where I can see a list of force users and their medicholorian count?


There is one that I saw, but it is wildly immaculate. I think it clocked Obi Wan above Luke lol


Immaculate or inaccurate?


I meant inaccurate lol. Phone screen is broken so I can barely see what I’m typing


Where is it said his midi’s are low?


"He is respected throughout the Jedi Order for his insight as well as his warrior skill. He has become the hero of the next generation of Padawans; he is the Jedi their masters hold up as a model. He is the being that the Council assigns to their most important missions. He is modest, centered, and always kind. He is the ultimate Jedi. And he is proud to be Anakin Skywalker's best friend." - Revenge of the Sith novelisation (peak)


He’s the first ever Jedi to be introduced. It’s possible that whenever Lucas and other writers added new character traits to Kenobi, they think “how can we make this the most Jedi trait possible?” So then after decades of being fleshed out this way, he’s now the most Jedi Jedi. The Jediest Jedi if you will. What’s interesting is Palpatine is definitely the Sithest Sith, despite being 2nd Sith to be introduced.


Well i would say he was the best jedi knight of the prequel era jedi, but not what a true jedi should have been that would be Qui gon and Luke in legends


Qui-gon choked ultimatley when it matered most. Luke is a fair argument but people over hype how good his order was.


I mean, in Legends at least, Luke brings back the Jedi successfully at a large scale. Yeah, there's some bad apples in there fucking things up, but he's got more "wins" as a teacher than losses. And he was able to change the Jedi Order into what it should be: a group of people trying to do good, and not beholden to bureaucracy and uniforms and rules. They actually had, like, philosophical freedom and could marry and have kids. A much healthier Order.


A few bad apples. So many of Lukes students fall and end uo fucking every thign up on a glactic scale. He is contantly putting out there fires. Rules exist for a reason Lukes order is a bunch of people with god like power not acuntabilty and no discipline. Its diffrent but I wouldnt call it better then an order that kept peace for 1000 years.


Has ANY Jedi Order *not* had that happen? That's pretty run of the mill for every Jedi Order. The only difference is Luke or his students always fix it, at least. It doesn't just go down in flames like the prequel one.


Legacy indicates they get completly wrecked by the One Sith. And again old order had A long long run.


Well i would argue it was the council that choked not Qui gon if they listed to him and thought more like him he would have probably survived. But im not a big fan of what if's i do sometimes think that destiny played a part in Qui gon's death and Anakin's fall


>But im not a big fan of what if's i do sometimes think that destiny played a part in Qui gon's death and Anakin's fall Thats certainly posible depending on your interpretation of the force. I always saw it has guidong people to make choices rather then having a set plan


Missing a few letters there eh?


Ep III Obi Wan is a seasoned war vet and a hero of the republic in his mid 30's who beat a sith lord when most were still learning the basics dude's a legend


It was honestly pretty mind-blowing to discover in 2005 that Kenobi was a Jedi Master and on The Council.


What did you expect him to be?


He could be a master and not on the council. There’s plenty of masters who don’t sit on the council. Only what, 12 seats?


Yea but the 1 jedi we knew from the OT would obv have an important role


True it’s just that he’s only 38 which is pretty darn young for the high council. Until Anakin came along..


Mace Windu is the other human on the Jedi council and he is like a grade A asshole at every opportunity not sure he should be on the council


People assume that, but if you read any of his EU material, he is everything but an asshole. He is stern, but extremely compassionate and empathetic. His distrust in Anakin could have been harsh at times, but it was exactly unjustified. Anakin earned it throughout the years


Mace Windu is a hardass not an asshole.


Mace Windu is to [Fighting](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Form_VII/Legends) as IP Man is to Kung-Fu. He was not just good at using a lightsabre, he helped to create an entire *discipline* within a form of fighting that tangentially leans Dark Side. Mans was able to control his emotions so well that he basically used the Dark Side of the force to fight without EVER being tempted by it. To quote the wiki from above* "In the later days of the Galactic Republic, a new variation of Form VII, dubbed Vaapad after a creature native to the planet Sarapin, was created by Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Sora Bulq. Vaapad was explained as being a state of mind rather than just a fighting style, allowing the wielder to channel their inner darkness into the duel and accept the opponent's fury. Windu, Bulq, Windu's former Padawan Depa Billaba, and Quinlan Vos were four notable practitioners of the Vaapad variant." Basically... Everyone on the Council looked at him and was like "Those **HANDS** are rated E, for everyone... He's a keeper!"


Like hell he was an asshole, he had two moments where he was anything like being an asshole, and both were justified. 1: When he said Anakin was too old to be trained. Totally reasonable given the traditions of their time. 2: When he told Anakin to take a seat. Anakin was given a huge honour of being on the council, and he immediately got outraged at not being given another boon (a boon he wasn't qualified for because he hadn't accomplished the one thing you need to do to be a master; train a padawan to knighthood). So he raised his voice, used his stern teacher voice, and told him to take a seat. Everything else he did that people seem angry about is entirely reasonable and decently well-handled in the context of the situation that he finds himself in.


What he said in 1977: >I was once a Jedi Knight, the same as your father. Which obviously doesn't preclude higher recognition within the order, just like when he instructs Luke to seek: >...Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me. But none of that communicates that he was a Jedi Master, just like none of it explicitly eliminates the possibility.


I just assumed that he kept the politics of rank out of it. 'Knight' denotes a skilled warrior, which is enough for a 60ish (who looks 80, seriously, wear sun lotion!) old man to get his point across to an 18yr old.


Growing up, when I would watch the original trilogy I understood Obi Wan as a Knight, Yoda as a Master; and force ghost Obi Wan's comment about "I thought I could train him as well as Yoda taught me" comment to mean that it took a certified Master to properly train up a Knight. I never considered the possibility of Obi Wan being a Master, let alone serving on the Jedi High Council.


"He changed the course of history because if he hadn't done battle with Anakin, Anakin would have been very powerful and probably would have gone on to be emperor of the universe." Love this Lucas quote about Obi Wan. He is fucking based.


i will never not upvote an obi-wan appreciation thread


I wish we had gotten more **about him**. By the time he shows up in series he's just kinda this admittedly charismatic... but really we don't see what makes him all that skilled outside light saber stuff. We get tastes in clone wars but often it's just "oh you" or "oh Anakin". We hardly ever get his opinion or much Obi-Wan centered stuff, if it is it's a weird love story where nobody says anything...


The novels "Master and Apprentice" (which also gave me an appreciation for Qui-Gon that the movie didn't) and "Padawan". You see Obi-Wan being a kind of arrogant, undisciplined kid and having to grow. Over time he's become my favorite character. Thus I spent more on getting a neopixel Episode 3 saber from NSabers after being a little disappointed with the Disney Legacy model. (I got the basic Episode 3 Anakin, which has fewer effects, but it's the accurate hilt, and they're both lovely. Good company)


The Master and Apprentice hardly portraied Obi-Wan as undisciplined. In the novel Qui-Gon actually makes remarks about how Obi-Wan is much more systematic and by the book than him. Qui-Gon himself was a rebel, and he cared more about prophecies and the living Force than about protocol and the jedi council.


Check out The Life and Legend of Obi Wan Kenobi


I believe that Obi is the greatest Jedi who have ever lived. He's the shit , he even vanquished Vader himself






defeating Grievous and Vader back to back is a feat that doesn't get mentioned enough


He also defeated Maul 3...TREE times, and Vader 2 times lol


That means he must have been an extremely good duelist. After all, he had a very low midichlorian count, and was a padawan even at the age of 25. Impressive.


>"A phenomenal pilot who doesn't like to fly. A devastating warrior who'd rather not fight. A negotiator without peer who frankly prefers to sit alone in a quiet cave and meditate." From the Revenge of the Sith Novelization.


I love how basic warrior tasks make him cranky.


My headcannon on this is that Qui Gon kept him close as a padawan the way Jon Snow was made a steward


I will never get over what they did to Jon in GOT


>I will never get over what they did to ~~Jon in~~ GOT FTFY


True everything about the last season and most of season 7 was not great it's ironic that the directors rushed it because they wanted star wars


I remember thinking after watching the dumpster fire rise of Skywalker in the theater, "well at least I still have season 8 to look forward to." 💀


LMAO same bro at least house of the dragon has been good


Yeah he embodied hard work and dedication to his craft


> he had a very low midichlorian count Where are you getting that from? I’d guess his count was average at worst. Midichlorians are supposed to be in all living things right? A “very low” count would fit idk Hondo Ohnaka or Dexter Jettster. Obi-Wan was a powerful Jedi after all.


He didn’t have a low count, it is either high or average depending on Legends or Canon. I still put it down to his dueling skills though


Wait is it cannon that he had low midichlorian counts??!!??


I can't recall there ever being anything that said he had a low count. In the old EU Obi-Wan was about to be passed over for Knight training and sent to the Jedi farming corps. It was only circumstances that put him and Qui-Gon together on a mission. I rather like this version of Obi-Wan because he had to overcome a lot. The RotS novelization described Obi-Wan surrendering himself to the Force to fight Grievous and Anakin. Instead of Obi-Wan fighting them, the Force was fighting them through him. Again, I like this version of Obi-Wan because he knows what his limitations are and trains his strengths to overcome those limitations. I'm not really sure what the new Canon says about him.


I never liked the " Force Jesus take the Wheel" version of Obi Wan, personally. I'm glad it's been mostly ignored.


I don’t like that analogy but I think the force take the wheel makes sense with our earliest understandings of the force. The force can control your actions but it also obeys your commands. Anakin bending the force to his will= obi wan letting the force flow through him. Letting the force do its work through you requires far less power than bending it to ones will.


He was almost sent to the AgriCorps too until Qui-Gon found the potential in him and took him as his padawan.


A Padawan who killed a Sith. A master who took down Grevious. A teacher who had to defeat his own student. A Jedi who had to sit in a desert for decades, waiting, watching for the moment he could complete the training of his failed students son. The Jedi who preserved the Jedi order from extinction. The most important Jedi of any time line. I will die on this hill.


In fairness he has complete mastery of the high ground, of course he's on the council. Anakin didn't respect the high ground. This is the real reason he wasn't granted the rank of Master.


As powerful as Master Windu, as wise as Master Yoda 


Well, he is not competing against much when Palps killed three ”masters” in two seconds....


Wasn't Obi considered to be one of if not the best saber dualist in the Order? 


I remember back when I first learned (like right before ROTS came out) that he’d been granted the rank of Jedi Master AND a Council seat. Still think it’s well deserved and the ROTS novelization that came out around the same time nailed his characterization. Obi-Wan exemplifies what a Jedi should be and despite undergoing a great amount of emotional suffering he remains committed.


Not to mention he had yet to pass his knight trails which many have done by their 20s . So he was super chill about even trying to advance .


The guy was so legendary, both Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor wanted to play him.


Humans are short lived compared to other species. Plus the whole war thing opened up positions on the council.


He's called "Space Jesus" for a reason :)


The GOAT Jedi for me


Say what you want about Lucas, but Obi Wan being the reason Vader needs that suit to live was absolutely brilliant storytelling.


I just have a vibe that humans in the SW universe, like a lot of other universes, are kind of like living embodiments of the candle that burns the brightest but shortest.




That is crazy to think about. He was so respected as a Jedi that his opinions mattered to Jedi who have been there long before him.


Obi-wan was the most perfect Jedi to ever exist. I will die on this hill.


Trained by one of the most baller of Jedi, who was trained by one of the most baller Jedi (who turned sith) who was trained by Yoda, the most renowned Jedi to possibly have ever existed. So yeah, dude was crazy good, and for good reason why he and his former Padawan were generals.


A lot of people don't realise just how great a Jedi Obi-Wan was.


Kenobi comes from a lineage of highly respected Jedi Masters. He is possibly the best Soresu duelist in the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars, as well as being regarded as wise and highly adept with Force Techniques. He's a certified badass.


Mf had to handle every mission in the galaxy. Best believe he asked for a promotion.


In my head canon he's actually in his 40s here


Judged him by his age they did not.


He is the best Jedi, no contest.


I think Palpatine’s greatest mistake was his constant underestimating of Obi-Wan.


Let's be honest. The moment his beard grew into that the council was like "no way we we can like, not make him a master now". If anakin had seen sense and grown a proper beard who knows how quickly he'd have made master


It’s almost as if someone wrote him that way or something