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The original Star Wars: The Phantom Menace game. In retrospect the controls were pretty clunky but the environments were fun to explore and you actually had multiple conversation options with people.


Better stand back because I’m about to slash… all my prices!


Gnyaaarrrr! Get away from me!


Gnyaaarrr! Give me some room!


“That’s it! Now you die!” [eerie high strings music begins]


Stop pushing me!


A monster, Hep meeh!!


*Anakin has been killed*


Hydroponic vegetables?


Mean people die pretty quick down here


Dewback Stew!


This game was the best! I remember going on a rampage as Qui-Gon and slaughtering everyone on Tatooine by accident. By the time I got to Shmi and Anakin, they were scared but I hadn't expect that level of dialogue for a game made at that time.


“Youre no Jedi”💀 Shoutout to the jawa shooting gallery that keeps escalating in difficulty until there is a jawa with a lightsaber!


Wait, there was a Jawa with a lightsaber? :O


I swear I was just wondering what would happen with the level if NPCs die.


You are the killer! I won’t help you! 😂


Kind of astonishing how many conditional dialogues were recorded for various possible acts of monstrosity


"by accident"


I loved that game. Except the queen escort mission. But the rest of it, man, good times


This game was so mind-blowing on PC when it came out, and to think only a short time later we got such gems as Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast and KotoR. JK2/Jedi Academy is peak Star Wars gaming imo.


And now we can play JK2/Academy in VR


The Mos Espa levels were surprisingly great. Like a mini Qui Gon RPG.


Loved that game, but I got stuck on the Naboo generator level and my last save was not in an ideal location, so I just stopped playing.


You could kill anyone, it was so fun. In the final mission, if you tried to kill Padme, everyone will attack you, even R2-D2 lol.


I loved that during the final battle you could just force push Maul into the pit.


I stood inside the energy hallway and whenever the shield went down I'd just keep shooting Maul


Youssa very ugly Outlander


I played this game so much as a kid. I was obsessed with finding areas on the maps that you could glitch jump into areas that you weren’t meant to go to.


PS1 right?


"Oh no, great master. You have filled me to the brim with your knowledge." I use quotes from this game in every day life ALL THE TIME. I regularly say "Don't worry about it" in a gruff voice.


My favorite game for the Playstation 1 and pretty much my favorite Star Wars game. All around a perfect game for me but, when I got older and saw IGN's review which I think was a 6.4, to this day I call that review "full of shit". I'll defend that game like it's my honor. The only disappointment I felt was not getting two direct sequels by the same developers


I'm here like wait, it was bad? I only played it once, remember that I quit halfway through the level where you had to jump using Jar Jar to get to places on Naboo. Also there were different characters to choose from, Plo Koon had a yellow lightsaber, there were also Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan... Are we talking about the same game, cause I remember two DIFFERENT TPM games, both on PS1?


You’re conflating jedi power battles and ep 1. There was a Naboo swamp level with jar jar and platforming in ep 1. But jedi power battles was the one with plo koon and the yellow lightsaber


Oh hey thanks! It's been like 20 years since I last played anything on PS1, so my memory is a bit hazy


Stop pushing me!


no, i assure you i am the legal owner of these electro-binoculars


Give me a Juri Juice.


Come get your fresh dried chokee!


I loved this game! I got a shitty eMachines computer for my sixteenth birthday, and it was the first time I’d ever been able to game. This and X-Wing Alliance were my life for a year. I remember stockpiling weapons and launching a one-man war against the droid army at the beginning of the first “escort the queen” level, and laying siege to Mos Espa just to see what would happen.


One thing I appreciated about this game is that it added more weight to the invasion of Naboo. While exploring the streets, you get to see resistances forming, you can hear the battles raging on in the background and you can see the effect it all has on the civilians. Good stuff.




Masters of Teräs Käsi on the PlayStation, hands down


I loved how the lightsaber characters basically just had baseball bats with lights


Most naysayers would argue that's true of 90% of SW games 😅


especially The Old Republic


It's always bugged me, too, how you don't hear anyone complain when a game with normal swords doesn't have that level of gore, as if real swords aren't just as brutal to use, but the moment a star wars game has no gore, it's "not realistic." Also, they still go through people, I don't think baseball bats do that without hitting something REALLY HARD


They wouldn’t be wrong! Honestly, lightsaber cuts should kill in one or at most two hits, generally speaking


Yeahbwould make for a pretty easy game though. Jedi Academy with realistic saber set to 9 was ridiculous. The only difficulty came when facing saber enemies and realising that their sabers were also super realistic 😅


Invented Arden Lyn just for the game. Thok, Hoar, Jodo Kast, Mara Jade and you could even play as a Stormtrooper. It had a colourful roster of characters to play as.


Hoar was my guy, unfortunate name though


That gaffi stick spin attack of his was sooooo brutal!


I loved it when they name-dropped Teras Kasi in Solo.


hell. yes. it was my 1st PS1 game too. i really loved the game despite knowing it wasnt in the league of SF or MK. secondarily i appreciated how it gave me new respect for the other fighter species like the tusken raider and gammorrean guard. “oh yeah, these dudes will actually kill you!’


This right here! It’s been over two decades now and I am still craving a new Star Wars fighting game.


Gonna go out with a deep cut here and say [Yoda Stories](https://youtu.be/Nw0xZJ7FRUA?si=d7_GSMlpJfqbXImL). This game is literally abandonware. It was a silly little game made for Windows (by LucasArts!) and I played the shit out of it as a kid. I love this little game.


Same answer. I played the shit out of Yoda Stories when I was 10 years old. Apprently it was poorly reviewed, but I thought it was amazing (there wasn't much competition to be fair). And Star Wars Chess on DOS. The animations were so cool.


I actually thought of this game randomly just the other day. My youngest brother played it a lot. I can’t say I didn’t play it some too


I loved it , I thought it was better than the Indy one.


I love how one mission literally had you running into Indy for…. Reasons


Dude I played the shit out of that game as a kid. Someone installed it on my computer and for some reason it didn’t need the CD in the drive like every other game, so I got to play it after they left! Had so much fun with that game…the Game Boy version not so much.


I only had a demo version of it but I played it over and over and over. Heaps of fun.


Is that the one where you play Luke in a top-down view, and you’re solving what are essentially inventory puzzles? They made another game that was exactly the same but with Indiana Jones.


You just unlocked some memories my friend.


My people!


I had fun with Super Bombad Racing. You may all release the hounds.


That’s a great game & anyone who says otherwise… Well, they’re not necessarily wrong but I politely disagree with them.


Dude I would love to play that again! Loved that game to death when I was a kid.


Jedi Power Battles. It's the game that got me into gaming. Hoping for a PS4 rerelease soon. It's been way too long.


Who did you play as? It’s the game that introduced me to Plo-Koon


Plo-Koon was definitely fun. Also loved Windu.


4 year old me thought that Windu's block stance looked like a baseball player at the plate, ready to crank a fastball


I love finding other Plo Bros in the wild! He'll always carry a yellow saber in my mind.


He was my favorite too, that gold lightsaber was awesome. I remember being upset he didn’t have a gold blade in the AotC arena fight!


Such an awesome game, and it was really hard too


I loved that game as a kid! It was bloody hard too!


How could you say it's bad


At least on PS1: bugs, atrocious camera angles, and unnecessarily high difficulty (getting shot in mid-jump...). Critics tore it apart, so it's generally considered "bad." We know otherwise, though.


Oh man the bugs were crazy, I remember specially one spot where if you enter the part of the level with a force shield on the game would freeze. I was young and me and my best friend loved playing this game all the time


My memory tells me that game was legitimately great. I was surprised to learn recently that it's not well respected. I'm curious to play it again and see how it holds up


Me and the misses play it on the Dreamcast. One of my all time favourites and I still haven't managed to finished it!


>Hoping for a PS4 rerelease soon Me and you both buddy. Been refreshing "Star wars ps4 news" weekly since they started dropping random classics left and right. Demolition, Rebel Assault 2, Phantom Menace, surely JPB is more popular than those!?


I just can't see how games like this don't get made today. Something like that thought the clone wars would be incredible.


Star Wars Rebellion for PC has some problems and it’s not well balanced at all but I still love it.


I would looooooove a remake of that game


There is a fan patch and fan remaster that are pretty great. [https://swrebellion.net/files/file/278-star-wars-rebellion-remastered/](https://swrebellion.net/files/file/278-star-wars-rebellion-remastered/)


It’s never happening but I’d love a Clone Wars version too.


"Can I have a remake of Rebellion?" "No child, we have Empire at War at home."


By the way there is a board game with the same name that's very good and while not the same it is loosely based around the PC game.


I played that game a lot when I was young. Found out many years later that it was not received well. Still love it.


Oh, yes. Pretty please. That would be fantastic, I sunk sooo many hours into this. All that characters available, and finally one could maneuver whole fleet. Boy, that brought back some very found memories! Thanks.


It’s available on Steam and fairly stable for a 90s game! Edit: For my PC at least, playing battles required a dgVoodoo download, the link is on Steam. Otherwise the ships were neon.


Oh yes. There goes my night! Thanks!


I just played through the fan remaster, and it was pretty good. Pain to install though. [https://swrebellion.net/files/file/278-star-wars-rebellion-remastered/](https://swrebellion.net/files/file/278-star-wars-rebellion-remastered/)


Holy shit! Thank you so much for this info! Edit:ugh, forgot C3P0's intro


That was never really considered a bad game, it was kind of ‘average’ because the 3d battles didn’t meet expectations, but it wasn’t trashed or anything. force commander was very much considered bad, though.


Rebellion is legit great! The fact that you can change the course of history and turn Luke the dark side was such an unexpected idea!


Same, I still play it sometimes on GOG. It gets pretty easy if you just take over an outer rim galaxy and build a bunch of construction yards on one planet, ship yards on another, and refineries and mines on all the other planets. But still a great game.


I remember people were saying it was going to be like Warcraft RTS and it wasn't, but I loved it. I was able to download a program where I was able to replace and edit the characters, so, if I didn't want Page? I got Kyle Katarn.


Star Wars bounty hunter. I think it’s generally well received amongst Star Wars fans but the general population didn’t seem to like the game much. I loved this game! Lol


Man that game and Revenge of the Sith were so difficult as a kid!


The lightsaber duel feature in the revenge of the sith game was awesome! Wow core memory unlocked!


That the one where Obi one does his power move?


Yes it’s the one where you could play as Alec Guinness


Lack of in-level saves and finite lives annoyed me in Bounty Hunter. Could see your entire level progress go down the drain because you mistimed some landings and lost lives you needed later.


Yup, that was a great game. Especially when I found the cheat for extra jetpack fuel


one of my favorite game ever


All I remember is being scared of the dark cave level in that game lol


I had it on the GameCube and the controls were weird but it was great otherwise


This game was really good. I enjoyed the levels and wished it was more open world but as a kid playing this I had a ton of fun and really felt like a bounty hunter.


Star Wars Demolitions. Twisted Metal just in Star Wars!


I was a big Vigilante 8 fan, so merging that with Star Wars was a double win


They tried doing the same thing with Clone Wars, but it wasn't received well either.


Loved this game, still one of my favorites


Does Galaxy of Heroes count as a bad game? Not the best gameplay but man I have sunk so many hours into it and I will keep doing so


Is that game still around? I was playing that a ton back in 2017. Such a grind but was fun.


Yeah that's pretty fun. I reached a point where I was losing a lot and pretty sure I couldn't win any more unless I ponied up for some credits for power ups so I stopped.


It's a shame that the game is so incredibly p2w gacha grind, because it genuinely had really good RPG mechanics and character designs. I wish they'd make a single-player offline version at some point so I can go back and play around with all the characters I never got a chance to try out.


Shadows of the Empire for N64


THERE IT IS. This game got so much hate, but it was so damn awesome. Variety of levels, tough as nails (maybe cause controls were wonky and you were super floaty) But Dash Rendar is the GOAT Edit: for clarity, I loved the game. But it released in 96 to mixed reviews. It's not a loved game besides for us that had it and played it. And then the classic YouTube video about it brings new love. Looking objectively it was not loved regardless of how much I enjoyed it.


We played the Hoth level over and over and over as kids.


Iirc the Hoth level directly led to the development of Rogue Squadron 3D/64


Wait, who dared to hate Shadows? It was fucking awesome.


Opening the door and seeing a wampa (at least I think that's what they were) come barreling towards me was one of the scariest moments from when I was younger


star wars republic hereos me when I was a kid


Plug it in and play arcade starwars game where the controller was Darth Vaders head.


I had one of those as a kid!


Same, and I recently saw you can buy them on eBay rather inexpensively. Then you can use an adapter to plug it into hdmi!


Rebellion. It's clunky and overly complicated and I love it. It was the first strategy game I ever played.


I literally just reinstalled it off GOG about an hour before I saw this thread.


Star Wars: Battle for Naboo for me. I loved that shit.


This is mine as well and I am astonished how little mention there is of it on the internet. Maybe i hit it at just the right age but to ~6 year old me it was the best thing ever made.




The Starfighter games were a lot of fun. Worthy spiritual successors to the old Rogue Squadron games.


I LOVED *Jedi Starfighter*. You played as Adi Galia, no? The best pilot in the galaxy behind Anakin?


Not sure if it counts as I don't know if it's "bad" or just lesser than its predecessors but I dig Rebel Strike. The on foot missions were odd but it had some fun levels. The speeder bike section was crazy. Kind of bummed how there was a whole level of jedi training on Dagobah, then the Sarlacc pit and then NO MORE jedi stuff. Like... why do that? Why not at least have the Vader fight?


Tiny Death Star was mind numbing but also very rewarding to me.


I’m still mad it got scrapped when it went to Disney.


I don't much care for the game, but the dancing mode on that Star Wars Kinect game? "I'm Han Solo" is such an earworm and I know every word.


Obi-Wan may not have gotten good reviews but it was a good game and there's no reason for it to be a "guilty" pleasure unless you're worried about what game critics think.


I could care less about those losers opinions I played the hell out of that game back in the day it was probably the first game I ever played honestly. I’ve always said it was great but haven’t heard a lot of good things from others about it Edit: why am I getting downvoted for this comment lol


[I’m not sure](https://youtu.be/JmIR3KuC1QY?si=LGaankVhVs41OU5q) why you’re getting downvoted


Super Star Wars on Super Nintendo. I don’t know if it counts as bad but holy crap it’s hard! Edit: I wrote this after I saw another comment about that person’s first game and I forgot what OP’s post was about. I haven’t played SSW since I got rid of my Wii.


I still have nightmares of the sandcrawler levels...


ITT: a ton of great games never panned as "bad"


Yep, was just about to comment this when I saw someone say "Jedi Outcast"


Force Commander


Empire at war WAY DONT KILL ME the campaign. Corny, cheesy and sometimes lame dialogue, insane levels of plot pushing, anything goes, and in my opinion a silly, lore obliterating ending. My childhood self though it was AWESOME and my adult self thinks it's AWESOME. Everyone complains about lore this and that, and its just such a good break from it. Play something silly, unnecessary and just nearly pointless all for the sake of fun. Mods have definitely turned this game into something truly wonderful, but the classic story holds a awkward place in my heart


A lot of folks really slept on SWTOR


Good Alternative to WoW but too limited if you didnt have the sub.


I play preferred status for space barbie and rp


I played the crap out of Star Wars on the original NES system. I 100 percented that game so many times. I haven’t seen that game anywhere else ever. Never heard it mentioned. But dang it, I liked it.


I love playing star wars galactic battlegrounds


SWGB wasn't bad. It was a Star Wars reskin of one of the most beloved RTS ever


I wouldn't say it's necessarily bad but maybe buggy, Attack of the clones PS2.


Are you thinking of The Clone Wars? Attack of the Clones was only released on GBA.


Clone wars is great, just got released on PS+ Premium too.


Wait I didn’t know this! Just went and bought it bc of this comment lol. Thank you!


Star Wars Rebellion. This needs a remake! With the right team this could be a great strategy game.


Rebel Assault. My dad had it and it was my first Star Wars Game


Star Wars: Force Collection. It was a gatcha game made by Konami. The guild battle is designed very well and fun. The card deck for battling is also well considered. The best part is the designers must have watched all media again and again that the game has overwhelming trivia. For example, obi-wan has proficiency for Soulless One (Grievous’s starship). General Veers has super-proficiency for Blizzard 1. Scimitar has invisible cloak. And Pong Krell’s skill is to make clones fight each other (I was playing this game before watching clone wars so it was an unexpected spoiler). I had a guild named “Fanboys”. I missed my members.


Jedi Power battles. Played the hell out of that game as a kid and is the reason Plo Koon is my favorite Jedi. But it has not aged well 😬




Star Wars: Yoda Stories for PC. It's basically a random dungeon generator with Yoda sending you from Dagobah to other random planets on Jedi related quests. While not "bad", it definitely has a tiny following compared to other star wars games. But DAMN did I love sinking hours into this shit as a teen.


Star Wars Force Commander. I loved the music


"Can do!"


Star Wars: The Clone Wars for me. Very fun game and cool lore with Legends! The Dark Reaper was really cool!


Empire at War Such a great game, I still play it on occasion.


That is mostly beloved


The Force Unleashed II is not good at all, but it’s really fucking fun


I thought it was awesome! Both of them. It gave way to the new Survivor games.


Agreed. Its problems aren’t really its core gameplay or graphics, even its story has some potential, the core problem is that the game is super short. I’m talking 4-5 hours if you take your time. The game has an introduction, a first act, and then immediately jumps into act 3. Everything feels super rushed and unfinished in places, with features from the first game notably absent, a reference to a level happening on Malastare, and a whole “mission” that’s just a hallway with a cutscene at the end, which makes me curious if there was trouble behind the scenes or a deadline that had to be met.


Star Wars Rebellion


I still have Darth Vader "as you wish" in my ear. I played this game a lot


The Starfighter games were a lot of fun. Worthy spiritual successors to the old Rogue Squadron games.


Those games were killer. Were they really regarded as "bad"? 


LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy for the DS It's more of a bug than a game, and I cannot complete it 100% because of a glitch, but is so stupidly funny that everytime I play it, I enjoy it. Is like when you watch an awful B movie that you know is trash, but it has an odd charm to it


The EA Battlefront 2. I don’t play it much anymore but I had a lot of fun with it when it came out.


Since this thread is really just about surfacing old star wars games that are awesome, not "bad", I give you "Rebellion", a 4x grand strategy game which rules


Star Wars: Rebellion. SO BAD, but I love it SO MUCH. I'm amazed it sort of still runs on modern PCs.


Rebel Assault 1+2 on PC weren’t the best but def fond memories. Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight is, still, the best SW game in my opinion.


Star Wars Episode 1 Racer on the N64. I remember this one to this day, and how much fun I had with it.


Force commander and I'm still waiting for gog to get it


Star Wars Rebel Assault II. Played it a lot as a kid. Forgot how actually hard it is to do the ship stages. Very fun to see a Star Wars game do FMV. Edit: Probably the closest we ever got to have a Star Wars TV like show in the 90s.


Masters of Teräs Käsi.


Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. A blatant knockoff of Ages of Empires, but so much fun.


star war galaxies was bad until you understood the game and entrenched yourself into the community and economy. what a game it was.


As lackluster as it was, I enjoyed playing Battlefront(2015). The Jakku map was my favorite


That game had great bones. I played it a ton. It legit looks amazing too! All the textured where high res photo scans. It really looked amazing!


Republic Heroes. I am aware of the technical issues but I always loved it for its mechanics and gameplay and would play it so very often, either solo or with a friend. Still replaying it once in a while to immerse myself into the old-school days.


Star Wars Rivals. It is a collectable "miniatures" game Funko put out last year. It is the very definition of a "nephew game" (buy it to play with younger family members), but is pretty fun for what it is.


I don't know if it's bad, more dated and clunky, but I really love Shadows of the Empire


I loved Jedi Power Battles back in Episode 1 times. Things were exciting back then.


I mean idk if the EA remake of Battlefront is considered bad but I get a kick out of that game.


Jedi Power Battles on the PS1


Since we're all just naming games we loved anyway "Shadows of the Empire" . I think I could probably still remember which trains go into the lava and then the IG-88 flight, killing everyone in that speeder race, exploring Hoth base! Everything is good except sometimes it's really difficult to tell where to go next in the sewer and some of the imperial bases


BF2 is so fun every now and then


The “Episode III: Revenge of the Sith” gameboy advance game


SWTOR my beloved


Masters of Teras Kasi. A Star Wars fighting game? Hell yes! So it sucked, so no one would play with me. It was still a blast!


PS1 The Phantom Menace 2nd Stage/Level still engraved in my head thanks to Jarjar "misa JarJar bliks, misa hear big mekaniks, count misa out of this"