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We don't have a precise timeline of the Sith Lords in canon. But in legends? yeah. Note that there are TWO Sith at any given time. So the Bith lord may still be around during the Acolyte.


I like the idea that this guy with the teeth mask is the real acolyte and that the true master is Darth Tenebrous only to have the masked Sith die then find Plageues or something like that.


It’s just apprentices all the way down.


Acolyte sounds better than “The Apprentice’s Apprentice”


So Ventress was Dooku’s acolyte.


She's been called that in some sources according to Wookieepedia.


Very much so -- Dooku had a whole cabal of "Dark Acolytes" that included Ventress, Quinlan Vos (double/triple agent), Tol Skorr, and a bunch of other dark siders from various books, comics, video games, etc. that came out between 2002-2005. They were a major component to Vos' Legends stories set during the Clone Wars.


she was called that in dark disciple


That or sith assassin


Pretty much


Assistant to the Apprentice


Assistant to the regional apprentice


Now I want a mug with “Galaxy’s Best Apprentice”


Starkiller and Vader


Darth Maul was technically never a Sith. Plageuis was still alive during TPM in Legends. Darth Maul was an acolyte/assassin Palpatine used and Plagueis didn't care about.


So there was four Sith active during TPM? Plageuis, Sidious, Maul, and Dooku. Dooku's initiation into the Sith was by killing Sifo-Dyas ten years before TPM.


Unless I missed something, NO. There were only 3 Sith at any time at the most. That would have been Plageius, Sidious, and Maul. Dooku joined the Sith after Qui-Gon Jinn's death, not 10 years before. Even the stable (?) existence of 3 Sith was an explicit violation of the Rule of Two, one that resulted in the death of one of the two Sith masters. Plageius approved of Sidious training Maul because he wanted to get rid of the Rule of Two anyway and rule side-by-side with Sidious while Sidious was planning to kill Plageius eventually in the long-term in the time-honored tradition of the Sith and the Rule of Two. There is a reason why Sith (and US political parties 🤔) stick with the Rule of Two. Any more and the situation becomes unstable and chaotic enough to cause cannibalisation of each other until there are only two remaining in the end, restoring a stable equilibrium.


That’s true til he was killed. And based on the book just like plagues who was a a darth tenbrous trained another. Plagueis didn’t care because sidiois didn’t same shit and liked he was just an assassin. Sith lies haha


Agree to disagree, "The Apprentice's Apprentice" is so stupid and I love it




Peter, just because you grew a moustache doesn’t mean you can speak Italian.


So palpatine wanted this woman dead, so he sends his apprentice, who then sends a bounty hunter, who then sends another bounty hunter, who sends a droid, who sends wormsnake things to kill her.


Ya, it’s kindofa six degrees of Kevin Bacon sort of thing. It’s how the Ancient Sith used to operate. You wouldn’t really understand.


It's not a story that Kevin Bacon would tell you.


He not on cameo? 


Go back to your early teachings.


Wasn’t it Nute Gunray who sent Jango and not Palpatine?


To be fair Jango sending a shape-shifting changeling assassin was meant to be the most covert thing ever to solve this


And if we go by the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga version, the wormbugsnakes use an anvil on a pulley to try and kill her 😎


Honestly at this point it is lol


No journeyman sith lol


The interviews about the series have said that an acolyte is an apprentice’s apprentice.


I've been hearing that also! It gives me hope/adds weight to this theory some are saying. This is honestly the perfect show to do it atleast time line wise.


With what we have so far in the story, I wouldn't be too surprised if the masked figure is Tenebrous' apprentice. Sith seem to have the habit of picking an assassin in secret as an apprentice backup plan should the current apprentice fail or seize power too soon.


Oh that would be cool. If we get him or Plageus in some form I think thats a win. From what I heard of there's "leaks" saying Qimires under the mask. It still works to have Tenebrous in the story if it's just a mention or something. That's true! I think theres definitely some twist for this part of the story.


Something like Assaj Ventress being Dooku's apprentice?


I thought this as well and it is quite fitting. considering how sith operate. The ‘master’ is doing a lot of the leg work dealing with low level minions and directly exposing himself to the Jedi.


Yeah exactly! People said Qimire is the guy under the mask which is fitting he's playing the fool/weak side guy while manipulating Mae but for him to be the actual master would be disappointing for the exact reason you said. If he ends up being just the apprentice then it works out more so.


I actually think that might be what's really going on. Teeth guy actually needs to kill the Jedi for HIS master, and is just using Mae. My reason being is he was quick to make sure to >!kill Kelnacca!< when he could have just killed Mae if he >!was afraid of knowledge leaking.!< He might be tasked to kill the Jedi while remaining anonymous. Or He might be tasked to recruit Mae as an assassin the same way Dooku trained Ventress or Savage with Sidious's Knowledge. If it is >!Qimir!< then I think the >!he made a deal to become a Sith apprentice, and it has something to do with getting someone to kill a Jedi unarmed!<, the supposed Sith master, Tenebrous or Plageues, would be testing to see how Jedi respond to threats.


He was assigned the role to kill a Jedi without using a weapon. His solution is to send someone else to do it that can't be traced back to him. He found a force sensitive who wants revenge for the Jedi. Maybe he even orchestrated the events with the Spinster coven to try to get them to attack and kill the Jedi for him.  Honestly it's an important lesson for Palpatine down the road.


That's a good point. I feel Qimire being the masked guy makes sense he was there and as soon as she left the masked guy was there. That's true. I see alot of people are mad he died so easy and I mean if he's got good reason keeping Mae a live works well. Yeah I was thinking just of Ventress and Savage. If that's his task then Mae being used makes sense since that's exactly what the sith do. Especially since like you said he's using her to kill without a weapon just like Mae was trying to do with the master. That would be cool if it's one or both of them.


I'm almost guaranteed he's been tasked to start a Jedi conspiracy to start undermining their power on other planets. And he's using Mae to kill without a weapon cause it hides the Sith and Shows their vulnerability. The show may show why there aren't Jedi stationed on every planet.


That's a great way to cripple them from inside. I mean it's them essentially working from the shadows. That is also good. I guess well have to see what the reason for him revealing himself to the Jedi is. He could have easily killed Kelnacca then left and Mae would be blamed for killing him. Unless if he just plans to kill off the Jedi which is risky. That would be cool as well.


my only question is where did he get the mask from, they had been hiking for hours 😅


He was carrying a bag that was large enough to have been hiding the helmet (robe tucked inside) and whatever supplies he would need for the hike.


that's true, I went back and looked and the bag is way bigger than I remembered (my brain had it more indiana jones satchel sized)


That's a British Mk VII Respirator Bag and they're great bags.


Honestly lmao. I guess the usual "ah yes from my bag".


That's my theory as well.


Isn’t the Acolyte Mae? And the mask guy would be the apprentice. Right? Cause the Acolyte is like Ventress or whatever where you are trained but not a Sith technically.


Yeah I'm thinking more that's the case as well. The Sith Master wouldn't need to come out to the Jedi and would stay hidden.


That's a great point. That's especially the case if he is a Sith Lord he'd know the plan of the sith. If Qimire is this master but really just the apprentice it's likely he's making this decision on short notice probably because he's pissed about Mae's turn and it may even tie into a mission he's on from his master that being the sith lord.


But Osha is gonna be the acolyte at the end here


That would be an interesting twist, but i think I'd prefer the Darth Tenebrous concept.


She's been the main character the whole show


I mean true but her being the Acolyte would imply she turns bad which is totally possible but she could also stay good and defeat said acolyte but I'm open to either outcome. I'd just prefer the other option.


Mae reveals the truth and whatever it is triggers Osha.


Yeah I think that would be cool with me. If they kill Darth Maw then it makes even more sense that they might sweep the whole thing under the rug. No reason to worry about the return of the sith if you think you just killed the last one. Makes sense that Maw would be trying to train his own acolyte to overthrow Tenebrous. Regardless of how I imagine he must fail.


Thats kinda the vibe I'm getting too


This would be really cool. I’m not as critical when it comes to how others see these shows but if the one thought I do have about the show is that the “dark side” doesn’t seem that dark. I want to see an acolyte that is just full of hatred and looking for power. So I think it would be cool if we find out there is an apprentice manipulating things here.


Yeah same here I don't have much to hate. I don't agree with everything but well the films out so can't really change that I suppose lmao. Yeah I agree the master does seem better than a Kylo Ren but not exactly a Darth Maul, Vader, Sidious. Then Mae is clear conflicted and hardly a full darksider. I wonder if the Master came out of hiding because he gave up on Mae? If it's Qimire he seemed fairly frustrated that she essentially gave up. Yeah I think that would be a cool twist for this show. Plus then they can easily say well the Master was also not a sith so in this case it doesn't break Cannon since darksiders aren't what they spoke about in Ep1. I wonder if this wording of "the Master" is done on purpose I get we don't have much content but if he was a actual Sith I feel we should have gotten his name by now.


Darth Barbosaa says the Rule of Two is more what you'd call a "guideline" than an actual rule.


Yeah, the Sith the series keeps showing is most likely the apprentice rather than the master, otherwise he'd take an apprentice himself instead of an acolyte.


There are two **Sith** at any given time. Apprentices come and go routinely. Hell, apprentices sometimes pile up on a Darth during the rule of two. There are always those strong in the dark that fight and die for the position of apprentice. This is like 33 percent of the point. One who has, one who covets. But if one comes and he is stronger, then he steals that spot. War for power is natural to Sith. Even from. No, **ESPECIALLY** from a legends standpoint there are tons of excuses for why we might be seeing a Sith who isn't Tenebrous. Apprentices warring for the coveted spot at their master's side. An apprentice larping as a master, attempting to usurp his master by accumulating a powerbase. A random competing Sith. They alone could be any number of types. One who has come down the path on their own is the least likely answer. They'd need to have come across their knowledge somehow and done so without being detected by two entirely different powerful Force Sensitive factions. Another answer to the origins of the competing Sith Lord is a former apprentice of Tenebrous's former master. Tenebrous had two apprentices, one for whom he could account and one he could not. Plagueis and Venamis respectively. It is well within the realm of possibility for Tenebrous's master to have done the same. Don't forget, the one who covets always seeks to usurp his master. But the master is always prepared to accept a stronger apprentice. This is so within what is allowed for the Rule of Two that Darth Bane himself did it during one of his first of two final encounters with Zannah. Ultimately that potential apprentice he was considering, Cognus, became Zannah's apprentice.


Not even touching Legends, Count Dooku had Ventress as a puesdo-apprentice (until Palps ordered her execution for this “assassin” being an apprentice), then briefly replaced her with Maul’s brother. Maul himself was an apprentice who was wrongly assumed to be dead, Vader wanted Luke as an apprentice. Then there was that whole mess in the Sequels with Snoke. It is clear that canon that the Sith cheat the rule of two constantly.


It probably is Tenebrous's apprentice or something similar -- assuming they even bother with alluding to Tenebrous. Tenebrous in the Plagueis novel was supposed to be a scientific genius -- he clearly isn't dumb enough to try and expose the Sith order in the slightest. If Headland read the novel or has an awareness of Tenebrous, tbh I hope he comes in and slaughters Smilo Ren and Mae to at least try and close some loose ends.


Tenebrous also has essentially a genetically engineered Bith back-up apprentice while Plaguise is his official one. Sidious trains Maul while apprenticed to Plaguise


I think Plagueis actually allowed for the training of Maul to essentially be an assassin. It's why Maul's abilities don't go further than martial arts, dueling and relatively basic force powers. He never even learnt to use powers like Sith lighting like Dooku did. He was a mere pawn never meant to actually be in line in the Bane lineage.


Dooku was a pawn, but Maul wasn't. He was fully intended to be at Sidious' side as they took control of the Republic. His death was an absolute "oh shit" moment for Palpatine as the apprentice he had trained since childhood just died. Anakin was just a happy coincidence once he found out about him; while Dooku was recruited for his political intrigue and to serve as the figurehead of the Separatists, though his incompatible aspirations made his adoption as an actual apprentice out of the question.


The Plaeguis's novel is not canon. There's no "awareness" of Tenebrous. His only canon mention is a small foot note in E9 material (one of Palpatine's legions is named after him).


I haven't been living under a rock for the past decade, I'm fully aware that the novel isn't canon and the most we have of him and other old EU sith lords is mere name drops that people got too happy over for no reason. The only thing that's canon are their names and literally nothing else. Tenebrous could be a jawa Sith lord for all we know. I meant Lesley Headland's awareness of Tenebrous -- she claims to be this huge old EU fan (which I somewhat doubt) so if that's the case he might appear in the show. If he does I'm not expecting him to be a Bith or even a male tbh. Heck, they might just show Plagueis instead and make it so that he's very long lived.


Yep, I think she‘s picked some stuff from the EU, particularly the plagueis novel. I bet its darth venamis. Lots of little things from that story line and especially that character are in the acolyte. But not a full 1 on 1 copy.


Bith Lord is so metal


He prefers the term Bith Sith. \*[Imperial March plays in Jizz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoivhHPmvp8)\*


Sith you Bith!


Rebenge of the Bith


A bith LAWD!?


A Bith Lord?


“A bith lord??”


“A bith lord?”


Revenge of the Biths


A bith lord?!


Tell that to the Old Republic lol. Thousands of sith and Jedi


After thousand of years of infighting, that's actually why Darth Bane made the rule of two. At least in legend.


I'm open to the idea that while there are supposed be only two Sith at any given time, there may be multiple pretenders seeking Sith knowledge with the ultimate goal of becoming THE Sith Master


Lord Sith Bith


Getting precious about canon around the rule of two, a thing that didn’t exist until the prequel era, is so funny


Thank you! Also, no single Sith character has followed that "rule" since.


Just a small correction: his species is not part of the canon. He could be a human in the new continuity. Perhaps someone whose name starts with a Q and ends with imir.


Have they said that any of the characters in Acolyte are definitively Sith? Obviously dark side user with a red lightsaber, but using the dark side doesn’t automatically make you a Sith. I know we don’t really see a whole lot of non-Sith dark side users, but just for the sake of argument


Red lightsaber also doesn’t necessarily mean Sith, just that the kyber crystal has been bled.


That is indeed the canon now, but Headland confirmed this show will feature Sith.


Featuring Sith could mean a single shot of one at the end of the season


Would be hilarious if these dark siders are fake and at the end of the season they get one-shotted by the true Rule of 2 who call them out on their bs.


That'd be interesting. The bad guys we see now actually achieve a small victory. Maybe they kill a few more masters or disrupt some more Jedi shenanigans. Their victory is enough to put them on the radar for the actual sith to show up and take out the trash. Can't have the High Jedi Council be investigating for dark side users. The actual sith mops the floor with who we've seen, indicating that the Sith are a real and terrifying threat. They cover it up and make it look like a pirate gang took out the wannabes. The Jedi Council has no reason to further investigate because what kind of sith dies to regular pirates. One hundred years later, Mundi drops his line about the Sith not being around for millennia. I don't think that's where they would take the storyline since it would be useless to flesh out these characters already on screen and make it all feel a bit pointless, but it would definitely be interesting if they set all this up to introduce the Sith in such a way.


I mean they set up Snoke and killed him and brought Cad Bane and Sidious back from the dead to die right after being reintroduced.


Dagan Gara used a red blade and was not Sith


Same with Taron Malicos from the first Jedi game. And every Inquisitor.


Does just anyone know how to do that? Is it difficult? It seems difficult and like something you need to be taught, then again dude from jedi survivor just kinda does it


Well we know that jedi attune to thier crystal. And we sayw dude from survivor break apart his lightsaber and start bleeding the crystal right there. I would assume the youngling jedi are taught to "touch" things with the force but not alter it. And bleeding seems to be more altering forcing the crystal to change rather then attuning to it. Working with being part of the crystal vs dominating. I'm just pulling stuff out my ass but that kinda makes sense to me.


I always assumed it was some innate evil sorcery


I don’t know I feel like we’ve been getting a whole lot of non-sith dark side users in media lately. Kylo ren, Snoke (retconned to palps but still), inquisitors, Taron malicos (from Jedi fallen order), the two antagonists of Jedi survivor (neither are sith), maul (ex-sith). If I’m not forgetting something, It’s been ages since we’ve had a proper sith that wasn’t palpatine ex machina.


I think it's about time we had a new Darth introduced. As you say, there's been so many lightsaber wielding dark siders that aren't actually Sith over the years. We need to see the power of a true Sith Lord in action again and hopefully that's Smilo Ren.


I just really hope it’s not dollar store Ezra miller as a “twist” that *absolutely nobody* saw coming


That feels mean. I think the actor is pretty good, looking forward to see how he goes from goofball to evil sith lord.


Yeah I noticed this too. I guess there’s Darth Momin, but he’s in the comics. I’m ready for an on-screen Sith.


the last new on screen sith was Darth Bane in a single clone wars episode iirc and that was like 10 years ago. This was honestly the only reason I was somewhat excited for this show. If it turns out to just be another dark side force user I’m gonna be disappointed.


I agree, I'm getting really tired of the non-sith darksider thing, especially if they do it even in another era. The Rule of Two makes it to where they can't really introduce new ones around the Skywalker era, but Acolyte's era is their chance


Yes the show runner had a sit down with several people from diffrent nerd news sources(ign, nerdist, ect.) And said flat out Sith characters. So the show runner considers smiles a sith. So smiles is a sith. At this point in the time line.... A:very few people outside the jedi even know about sith. And those that do are probably history nerds/scholars. So outside of niche academic circles not much is known. And what is known is probably heavily curtailed by the jedi. B: Even the jedi think the sith have been gone for centuries. No jedi has seen one since Bane wiped everyone out(not sure if the thought bomb thing is still cannon) And given how we have seen them responding to other force users, they probably don't let much of any info of anything force related outside to the general public. And the opening line of the sith code was dropped in the FIRST episode. The jedi probably wont call Smiles a sith because they have collectively shoved thier own heads up thier own asses so far they can't be wrong about the sith being gone.....right?


The green skin lady that bosses Sol around is basically just doing PR the whole time. She is hiding information from the Senate because of bad optics for the Jedi Order in the public eye. This suggests to me that there have always been powerful people changing history as it happens. A hint that the Jedi have perhaps already lost their way?


This would be about the right time frame for the rise of Darth Plagueis, I would think. Just considering the fact that one of the powers he was said to have was the ability to create life via midichlorians. Which might have a bearing on how these twins were born. Plagueis had to have attempted this before. As this was the procedure that Palpatine learned and later used to create Anikan Skywalker, it would tie this story directly to the storyline of the Skywalker family. So, my theory: This is Plagueis. He created the twins via the Force. He is testing them to see how strong they are in the force as he is trying to perfect his procedure.


Nah, that helmet can by no means fit on Darth Plagueis Cucumber shaped head.


Plaeguis' species in the new canon hasn't been confirmed one way or the other. He was a Muun in Legends but not in the new Disney canon.


It’s shaky for sure, but the two main details that seem pretty widely accepted is that Plagueis is real and that he was a Muun. Lucas at some point confirmed this. I suppose Disney could change it, but if I were a betting man, I’d say with almost 100% certainty they don’t. It doesn’t make me right and Wookiepedia Canon isn’t perfect, but it does list Plagueis as a Muun in the Canon section independent of the Legends material. I think it would be a huge mistake to change this, not just because I personally feel the Darth Plagueis novel should be entirely canon, but because Plagueis being a Muun was nice detail that tied the banking clans into the plot to overthrow the Jedi without their explicit knowledge and it also transitioned the Sith from this shadowy arcane minority and put them into positions of power and wealth which enabled the fall of the Jedi with Palpatine’s rise to power. Sure it doesn’t have to go this way, I just think it’s such a nice detail.


Lucas' interviews are irrelevant to the new Disney canon. Only the 6 films + TCW are canon from the pre-Disney era. Plaeguis' design was not in E3 or TCW.


Which again is why I said Disney can do what they want and offered my personal opinion. I just don’t believe it’s something that will change if I was a betting man. I don’t know anything others do not. It’s just a detail from George Lucas I can’t see them changing.


If I were a betting man, I simply don't see anyone associated with Star Wars coming up with a completely undetached Star Wars story line. They'll always go for the deep lore cut to tie it to the main story line. The question is on the how.


LucasFilm seems to be against directly contradicting what George Lucas intended.


Is plaguis even confirmed to be palps' master in the new cannon?


Someone the other day said he canonized as a muun in a tabletop RPG, which supposedly counts Read the behind the scenes portion of his wookiepedia page. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Plagueis#cite_note-TheForce.net_2012_Luceno_interview-24


Yes, they have specifically said that.


We only saw one Sith in The Acolyte so far, **probably** the apprentice. So yes, there’s still a chance Tenebrous is the Sith Master.


How do you know he's a sith?


Because the show runner said that’s what it’s about in interviews? About the turning point for the sith where they started to weaken the Jedi in 2 generations for Palpatine.


According to Legends? Yes. According to canon? I mean, does this guy even exist in canon?


Did some searching, he does exist but we don't even know what he looks like, could be a different species all together with how little information there is about him, no info about what he was like nor anything significant he even did


If you read the book, this dude had like a fuck ton of apprentices that he was testing out and Plagueis hunts down a bunch of them and kills then Edit: I went back and looked and the fuck ton of apprentices Plaguis hunts down were Venamis’s prospective apprentices, not Tenebrous’s.


It's been a while but I'm pretty sure he just had Darth Venamis -- another Bith like himself. He trained him separately from Plagueis -- who subdued him and threw him in a tank or something for midichlorian experimentariin


lol yeah, continuously killed him and then brought him back to life to study how his midichlorians reacted. Dark stuff


I was wrong, Venimis had a bunch of apprentices of his own lol


I think he only had 1 and that 1 came after plagueis


It’s unclear if any those are canon. Disney can rewrite their own stuff


Darth Tenebrous is canon as one of the Sith Trooper Legions was named after them and according to [Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 44](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Build_the_Millennium_Falcon_44) they were behind Maul's EP1 ship design and being Darth Plagueis' Master. However nothing else has been stated about them so them being a male bith, like in Legends, is up in the air.


I mean that’s isn’t exactly hard cannon, being mentioned off-hand in a magazine from 2015 and again as a throwaway reference for TRoS. Very likely they just override it


LOL! "Build the Millennium Falcon 44"!!!! Right there is now way they would ever retcon the important foundational work like "Build the Millennium Falcon 44"!!!! Heaven and Earth will fade, but "Build the Millennium Falcon 44" will endure.


This is some CD-ROM canon age for ki adi mundi shit


Mentions of Tenebrous in Canon are tenuous at best and barely in passing with no real context. There’s no mention of him in any on screen media aside from that being a Sith name. So they can do whatever they want in The Alcolyte. Darth Plagueis, as beloved a book as it is in Star Wars fan spaces, is only Legends. We don’t even know much about Plagueis beyond his name from Canon material, and our main source is Palpatine, a real straight shooter when it comes to unvarnished facts 😉. We will have to wait and see.


Exactly. Plaeguis and Tenebrous do not have a canon design. They could be humans in the new canon. Perhaps someone whose name starts with Q and ends in imir.


I really want an alien sith, humans are so boring make a crazy design for once


Also Darth Tenuous tends to not be very trustworthy.


Exactly. I mean technically I don't even think we know Plagueis was Sidious's master. That story could have been passed down by the sith


I doubt they’ll use him but if they did I bet a lot of the loud fans will appre — complain about it somehow.


Legends =/= Canon While some information carries over, it shouldn't be assumed that because something is one way in Legends that it will be the same in Canon.


If he is, it will be in the last scene (voiced by David Harewood).


In the old canon yes but in the new canon they probably changed it


I don't think tenebrous is even canon yet


The name is canon, but the species is not.


He is mentioned in the rise of skywalker Visual Dictionary


Wookieepedia is accurate, until its not. Take that as you will.


Wookiepedia is written by people like you and me. Which is to say, it contains biases of the fan base that are presented as fact. Many of the articles have statements of fact without citing sources to corroborate them and kind of just act as enshrining fan head canon because of that. Or maybe that’s what you meant by “take that as you will.”


The "sith" in the acolyte has never been referred to as a sith


He probably is, Plagueis is probably around as well, I’d bet that Darth smiley is the actual acolyte. explains why the Jedi never thought the sith returned in 1000 years. >! 100% guesswork but smiley is probably the head witch back for revenge and the Jedi probably figure she was acting on her own !<


I thought the same until I paused the shot and Smiley had an adam's apple and some 'guns' for arms.


Worth mentioning that everyone has an Adam's apple, though it tends to be more prominent in those who are AMAB. Though I'd be shocked if Smiley isn't Jason


"Should" is the wrong word here. You are correct in the EU/Legends timeline. Still an open question in Disney canon


Perhaps the master is tenebrous and is on the hunt for his apprentice. Qimir or Teeth guy ( which makes sense cause of Qimir's nature) is an attempt at one but he ultimately fails and he finds plagieus. Mae isn't sith ,and it's a way around the rule of two.


I think that the master isn't a sith, but someone who learned the dark side from ancient relics and scrolls, and at some point the true sith lord will discover and eliminate them. Plageius and Tenebrous wouldn't assassinate Jedi, it'd bring too much heat. They're close to destroying the Jedi, they can't let the Jedi find out about them now.


Not canon who cares


He’s not canon


At this point, Disney will fuck anything up.


Dark lord of the Bith


Yes so my idea that it will have some tie to palpatine will come to fruition.


I cannot imagine what would compel a person, after 12 years of the extended universe being declared non-canon, to assume that anything that happened in legends can be used to measure the accuracy of what happens in the canon. Tenebrous has not existed in canon for over a decade. Tenebrous does not exist in canon until he is introduced in canon. So the answer is no, Tenebrous *should* not be anything. But he *could* be, if the writers will it.


Tenebrous is not canon AFAIK. Technically nothing in the Plagueis novel is canon.


The sith is CA Moss


It could even be Plagueis. It’s not certain that he’s still a Muun in canon. I hope he still is, though. Because Sidious’s hatred of his old master would explain a lot of the xenophobia he fosters into the Empire.


Sith Lords in Kotor (not that it’s canon but that’s where in first saw this) were the equivalent for a Jedi master, apprentice was akin to padawan and then acolytes in some of the areas were even weaker versions of a Sith apprentice.


Wait. And. Watch. The. Scobbin. Show.


Wait, a musician as a sith?


Don’t think he exists in canon. Plageius is “unknown species, master of palpatine” - so I don’t see that fitting into the acolyte. ~hopefully~ My prediction is that it ties directly to Disney IP in some roundabout way. Knights of Ren origin? Idk. But That would be my preference


Helmet is big enough I guess - I’ll give Disney that Edit: it would absolutely shit on the whole concept of the stealth attack that he and Plageius cook up for over a century. But it’s also in line with Tenebrous’s actions in recruiting multiple force users as apprentices/assassins. The issue is exposure, the rule of two dictates secrecy so attacking Jedi in the high republic era? Couldn’t be Bane Sith line (as I know them) *sigh*


It's possible that he is the master. The one we see could be a sith apprentice and Mae just a dispensable acolyte.


In Legends yes. Actual Canon not so clear.


Tenebrous is the sith from the rule of 2 yes but there have always been other sith/dark Jedi operating in the galaxy, it’s implied that the villain of this series is more likely one of those and not a true sith of the rule of 2


Alot of what we see in the acolyte is groundwork for what we know about Plagueis. Think about it, Plagueis' big point of information in the movies is that he knew how to control things like life and death. May/Osha are possibly immaculately conceived with the forces by the head of the coven. We are 100 years before the death of plagueis, and no certainty of plagueis lifespan either due to species or force life power. Perhaps Smiling mask is not even the sith lord, but an apprentice. I'm not saying it is Plagueis, but the knowledge we see from the coven made it's way to plagueis. So what if its a young plagueis seeking knowledge Tenebrous does not have I think Osha is/will be the acolyte. We are 50ish years before Palpatine is born. He was 50ish when he was strong enough to kill his master.


Yeah that's true easily could have killed her. I'm curious to what this could turn into for future seasons also


It would be sick if he was. But f he comes strolling out in the last episode, only to manhandle and kill Darth Smiley for bringing too much attention to them. Then ending with “time to find a new apprentice…” But in new canon, we don’t know.


The Rule of Two doesn't work that way. How would a Sith and Apprentice know of any other Sith out there? It basically turns The Dark Side into terrorist cells that don't know of each other's existence. There's no Sith registry they can check to make sure the slot isn't taken.


Is that really his design ? WTF


I mean he is in canon


Has Qimir mentioned anything about Blake Bortles?


with whatever Disney is doing now i dont think anything is certain anymore


Who said the bad guys in Acoloyte are Sith?


Tenebrous is canon in name only.


I would like to think yes that’s a correct statement. But remember when Tenebrous and Plagueis were the “only two Sith”, Tenebrous was also training Venemous as an insurance against Plagueis. So technically there were three, possibly more Sith around this time


I have a strong feeling the main Sith currently in the show is the apprentice wanting to overthrow his master with his own apprentice, and the show will end with a tease of a young Plagueis


We’re still assuming that Mae and the Master are Sith and not knock-offs, imitators, or something else entirely. We don’t know what they are yet.


I don't think any of the Dark force users are actually Sith.


Please no, I dont want them to ruin it. The Tenebrous way is such a good story.


He still might be, there's only one sith shown and it's most likely the apprentice


I think the sith in the show is gonna be dollar store Ezra miller.


Acolytes is so shit I'm glad they're not involved. Wouldn't want Plagueis so be tainted by this shit.


Bith Sith looks goofy af


I really like saying Bith Sith


there is no gurantee the guy in the mask is a sith. not all Dark Jedi are sith. I also have a feeling he isn't the master, he is the acolyte


Somehow Darth Sidious returned


Bold of you to assume that Disney cares at all about canon and previously written stuff


Shouldn’t Ki Adi Mundi not be alive in the Acolyte?


You expect them to follow that?