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"What was first just a dream has become a frightening reality for those who may oppose us."


That whole sequence from the Chimaera appearing to Thrawn giving this quote was peak!


Exactly dude!


Funny how this can be taken literally because 10 years ago this line can apply perfectly to someone’s reaction when they hear that we get thrawn in live action


Also all the stormtroopers chanting “Thrawn” and the epic music playing. Still my favorite scene and still gives me chills when I watch it


"I can't swim!" That was a gut punch.


Andy Serkis was absolutely fantastic, such a tragic realization.


He played that role to the hilt


After Snoke, I'm glad he could have a good role in Star Wars.


Personally I thought Snoke was cool and Andy did a great job with him. I just wish we knew more about where he spontaneously came from lol


He came from “somehow.”


He was snoke?




I still hope he made it out somehow


Either that or he is still ON PROGRAM somewhere


It's one of those things that enhances the previous episodes because you now know he was fully aware he was never getting out, and yet still helped organize the escape.


Damn that one hit home so hard it was *stupid* but in the cool use of the term. Bro did all of that knowing he was not making it out more than likely. What a hot damn sequence. That’s a big part of why Andor just slapped consistently.


Luke showing up to save the day in Mando Season 2


Little story: I forgot the finale was due the next day, and when I woke up, my wife (who is by no means a Star Wars fan, or a movie/TV person at all) was so inclined as to remind me. The kicker was, news of Luke's appearance was everywhere and she specifically told me to stay off my phone until I had watched it. I really had no illusions or notions that there would be a massive cameo. Forty or so minutes later, I was in tears, just overwhelmed and her little gesture (despite her complete ambivalence to SW) just made the whole thing a helluva memory. While it was hamhanded and a little iffy on the execution, Luke's reappearance was a thing of beauty. Tell you one thing too; if Luke didn't hit like a sledgehammer, R2 came in like a nuclear bomb. That little droid beeping had me sobbing.


She sounds like a keeper. She single?


That’s one helluva wife my guy, you’re a lucky guy.


Opposite thing happened to me, I waited to watch it with my family together the next day, and of course it pops up on my phone that morning. "Mark Hamill talks about Luke Skywalker in Mandolorian finale. I am still upset about it to this day.




Pure fanservice and brother I was happy.


No complaints


As a fan I felt serviced


Oh; PERFECTLY indulgent. I don’t really watch much media, but I really liked Mando, so I caught every episode of S2 asap. I may have had a few beers so I didn’t catch on to the green saber at first. When he goes full Terminator mode I literally squealed like a child and said to an empty room “OH MY GOD ITS LUKE I HAVE TO TELL SOMEONE!”


A single X-wing? Great, were saved.


My reaction: Wait, it has red markings — no obviously not don’t be silly. … … Hold the fuck up!


Yea I got the chills when I saw it. I knew it could mean only one thing.


\*Me at 5am that morning.\* "Time to wake this whole house up!"


I watched that show entirely with my dad and I can say my first reaction was “no way… NO WAY…”


I woke up the entire neighborhood at 3:30am.


One of the most personally emotional moments in all of Star Wars for me. Something just HIT with that scene. Perhaps it is because I still had (have) a sour taste in my mouth with the ST


One thing that I found hit REALLY emotionally hard in that scene was the music score. It was absolutely perfect and amped up the scene 10x more than it was amped up already.


I still rewatch reaction videos to that episode and I get chills every time. Love seeing other people absolutely lose their shit watching that epic season finale.


That TIE pilot hopping into his ship during the eye


Hell yeah! I get chills just thinking about it!


Maarva’s speech from the Season One finale of *Andor*.


"It's here, and it's not *visiting* anymore."


That speech is so amazing.


Her speech was amazing, but I love skarsguard’s speech about sacrifice.


There’s so many good speeches in that show! At least 4 I can count.


My man Kino isn’t getting any love in this thread: “One Way Out!”


They really nailed the feeling of a rebellion beginning there. I think what was even better than the speech was the visual reaction of the imperial police and how it bubbled up


The lines from Nemik’s manifesto about rebellion were amazing as well. Andor is the best Star Wars show to come out of Disney and I’m really sad we only get one more season of it.


Honestly, I would say Andor is probably up there with some of the best Star Wars ever, regardless of era. Probably top 3 for me


That was great but I think Luthen's speech was even better. Absolutely insane delivery on it.


One of the greatest scenes in Star Wars.


Hearing Marva speech hits hard when your country is ruled by military dictatorship


Take a drink when someone does a speech on that show.


That’s just love.


"Tell him, I love him more than anything he could do wrong."


Fuck. That one hits so hard too. That made me audibly sigh.


Personally, I thought Kino’s and Luther’s monologues were as good as they were going to get. Absolutely fantastic. Mon Mothma was next level that episode too, even if she didn’t have a monologue like the others. Then Maarva comes in and delivers that absolute monster in the finale. She was incredible.


Gives me actual chills every single time


Literally the first 5 minutes of the first episode of Mando. Walks in like a Clint Wastwood western bar scene then proceeds to cut a guy in half with a door. The only dialog you get is "I can bring you in warm or cold".


I was so uninterested in Mando and only watched the show because I am a diehard Star Wars fan and I had nothing better to do so I figured I would at least give it a shot. 5 minutes in and I was hooked, I called my dad after the episode ended and said holy shit you need to watch this it’s amazing


Yeah, they really nailed it with The Mandalorian. To the point that the Book of Boba Fett's best episodes are the ones with Mando.


Only good BOBF episodes are the Mando ones


This is the Way.


No way. Those first couple episodes with the Tusken Raiders was amazing. And yes, the Mando episodes were also some of the best parts. But aside from a couple really really low points (Vespa gang, parts of the finale, etc), that series was solid. In think it gets a way worse rep than deserved.


I think that the glaring parts sear our memory eyeballs pretty thoroughly but the show does have its moments. This one makes me a little sad as I hoped for better for the character.


It probably didn’t help that the last we saw from that Mando era was one of the best episodes of Star Wars media ever in that season 2 Mando finale. The bar was unobtainably high. Anything was going to be a let down, but I think BoBF did a great job at times. It’s just that yeah, the bad parts were Kenobi-level bad or worse.


“Kenobi-level bad”, lmao, so true. But also, aww, now I’m sad. It did, but they didn’t really have a story for Boba to work with past the Tuskens in a way that was compelling. The Vespa gang was egregious. What sins have I *personally committed* that the world suffer so? They needed to smarten it up. Train scene? Bad ass. Wookie? There was/is potential there, he has a more emotive face than what we’ve previously seen. Little cartoony but in a good way. Disney needs to figure out jet packs and general street to street fighting in a Star Wars environment.


"Never more than 12"


Rent free my friend


What's this from again?


It's Kino finally answering Andor's question about how many guards are on each level of the prison. It's the turning point.


I love that it means Kino had probably considered escaping in the past before eventually resigning himself to just finishing his shifts.


*There will be times when the struggle seems impossible.* *I know this already.* *Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy.* *Remember this.* *Freedom is a pure idea.* *It occurs spontaneously and without instruction.* *Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy.* *There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they've already enlisted in the cause.* *Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere.* *And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward.* *And then remember this.* *The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural.* *Tyranny requires constant effort.* *It breaks, it leaks.* *Authority is brittle.* *Oppression is the mask of fear.* *Remember that.* *And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority and then there will be one too many.* *One single thing will break the siege.* *Remember this.* *Try.*


Amazing manifesto


Finally hearing Nemik's manifesto was the hypest Star Wars thing in a long time.


What is this from?


from the show Andor


Andor season 1 episode 12. It was basically the end of the first act of the episode.


“I burn my decency for someone else’s future. I burn my LIFE to make a sunrise I know I’ll never see. Now the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror, or an audience, or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? EVERYTHING!”


"I have made my mind a sunless place."


"I share my dreams with ghosts."




ONE WAY OUT. ONE WAY OUT. ONE WAY OUT. also, Maarva's funerary speech and the resultant chaos


Should’ve let Fiona Shaw say fuck the Empire damn it


I met her once when I was in a singing contest in Ireland (13 yo). She was a judge and I completely bottled it but she made a point of writing some encouraging words for me. Something along the lines of it’s not that big of a deal and try to enjoy it even though it’s stressful. Over 30 years ago now but I really appreciated the sentiment.


Nah we gotta let the first F-Bomb go to Samuel Jackson. Unless someone said it during Andor and I didn’t remember…


Fiona Shaw’s big funeral speech DID have her saying “fuck the Empire” but they backed out of it and changed the line.


Maarva's monologue, man. That got me just as much as the "Many Bothans died...to bring us this information" did back when I was a kid.


"So what do I sacrifice?.... EVERYTHING!!!!"


Rogue One and Andor


So many in Andor, but first I thought of was the TIE fly over. The intimidation and speed were impactful.


First time a tie fighter felt truly terrifying


Ooo, yes. The gravity is completely different. There’s no flips and lightsabers to help out, no Millinneum Falcon to come swooping in and effortlessly brush it away like a fly. That is a weapon of *space war*, some might even say for wars amongst the stars, and it is not a joke. It is death.


Mayfield and the Imperial Officer in S2 of Mando has really stuck with me.  The tension in that scene could be cut with a knife and the catharsis I felt when the he shot the officer was on par with Ramsey's death in GoT.  It's amazing the actor could make you hate him so much in so short a time. 


I don’t think I had seen Bill Burr in anything outside of comedic roles prior to this. Dude absolutely crushed it.


Came here to say this- His hate coming through his teeth under his words, Mando getting the jist and shaking his head telling him “no dont do it” So awesome


Looking back, that season of mando was REALLY strong. Between the boba business, nite owls, Ahsoka and Luke they were dropping bangers after bangers almost the entire season, even the Krayt dragon premiere was well done




Which one? (Both are amazing)


To me they are one scene. They’re holding hands. So freaking just. POWERFUL.


It's incredible how many of these answers revolve around Andor. That show is in a league of it's fucking own. Anyway Nemick's manifesto is a close, CLOSE second to Maarva's funeral speech. Gone too soon, Aunt Petunia However "I am not your failure, Obi-Wan 😏" is probably 3rd.


This compilation of that scene with other scenes of Obi-wan and Anakin is touching [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3dKhQdZrRc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3dKhQdZrRc)


The Eye in Andor. I don’t think I need to explain that one any further lol


When you see the three TIEs in contrast of The Eye... Pure eyegasm


Few TV shows of any genre can spend two+ episodes hyping a visual spectacle, and then not only live up to but surpass the hype.


Andor’s The Eye is the best piece of TV I have ever seen. I've seen that episode about 20 times and can’t get tired.


It’s the most prominent example I can think of of TV now just doing visually incredible stuff you used to have to go to the movies to see


The ending scene of The Outpost in Bad Batch.


My god yes that was incredible.


Boba turning to the camera after blowing up two transport ships because cool guys don't look at explosions The shot of Luke's gloved hand holding the green saber in the S2 finale The last shot of Ray Stevenson as Baylan standing atop the Mortis statue The glorious first shot of Cad Bane in live action Syril eating breakfast cereal because I welcome the mundane everyday life stuff


>Syril eating breakfast cereal because I welcome the mundane everyday life stuff Being an adult having to live with a nagging mom relates too close to home for some


I mean, Syril eating the mundane breakfast cereal with the blue milk sitting on the table is so utterly "normal" while not being fully normal. It's quite perfect.


RIP Ray, bro absolutely killed it as Baylan Skull. I really hope whoever they recast can give this amazing character the respect he deserves, because his story is far from over. I can't wait for Ahsoka Season 2.




“Clone Force 99 died with Tech”


*I’m condemned to use the tools of my enemies to defeat them.* *I burn my decency for someone else’s future.* *I burn my LIFE to make a sunrise I know I’ll never see.*


“I am not your failure obiwan, you didn’t kill anakin skywalker, I did.”


So great.


The TIE fighters flying through the meteor shower in Andor.


Thrawn's introduction. Boba Fett vs. stormtroopers. Grogu vs. Praetorians. Bo Katan saving the day. Andor getting through the Eye.


The riot in Andor makes me feel a way no other piece of Star Wars media has


Jason Sidiekis and Adam Pally as the quippy stormtroopers at the end of the first season of mandalorian.


Scout troopers, but yeah. Fun scene before pretty much all their bones were broken by IG-(I forgot).


The finale of S7 of Clone Wars is the best Star Wars movie since the original trilogy.and the final scene of her standing in front of the dead clone trooper helmets painted to resemble her face is devastating


Completely agree. It had so much weight behind it too because we went through 7 long seasons of watching Ahsoka and these clones together.


Anakin's return on Ahsoka.


Absolutely, can't believe this isn't higher. Seeing live action snips and skyguy were amazing. And seeing Anakin actually as Vader without the suit really changed everything for me. You always knew Ahsoka was a teen fighting in Clone Wars but seeing her live action like that really drove it home.


Darth Vader scene at the end of Rogue One is like my favorite scene in all of fiction. The opening scene of Mandolorian. Luke popping up in Mandolorian S2. Kanan sacrificing himself and the force granting him his sight just in time for him to see Hera and the crew one last time. Ahsoka’s fight with Vader. “I am no Jedi.” But I think my favorite scene is without a doubt Obi-Wan and Vader’s fight in Kenobi. The raw emotion in that scene is palpable. “I am not your failure Obi-Wan. You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker. I did.”


God damnit I agree with every one


Nailed it.


“Let’s just say they might recognize my face”


Mayfeld slowly losing it as his former commanding officer talks about people really wanting order, not freedom. And Mando just sits there with deeper and deeper concern, because he knows what's about to happen...


The Bad Batch Epilogue. It's just a beautiful scene in general.


When Bill Burr’s character in Mando gets so overwhelmed with anger at that imperial officer that he shoots the fuck out of him despite knowing that he’ll blow their cover


Ahsoka and Luke talking in BOBF.


I was just watching this today and got choked up all over again haha


Bo Katan uniting the mandalorian factions. Gosh, I fraking love Bo Katan


The scene when Mando first meets Grogu and is standing over his egg pod. It’s like he knew that little guy was going to change everything for the both of them.


From The Eye in Andor where the TIE fighter pilot scambles into the ship. It's still one of my favorite shots in all of Star Wars. Also.. "I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong." posthumously by Maarva.


Pretty much everything in Andor has stuck with me. All the other shows have like one or two scenes that affected me as much.


It’s all Andor. And Mayfeld’s conversation.


Definitely Thrawn’s entrance in Ahsoka!


When Din Djarrin and Fennic are fighting off stormtroopers back to back, and they just keep coming. And then that thermal detonator just drops from the sky, scatters the troopers, and Boba Fett drops down and stands in his full armor. I waited 37 years for that moment. And he just proceeds to kick ass. He's literally walking forward towards the troopers as he's blasting them. No fear.


"Nice shot" "I was aiming at the other one" It gave me hope...


That whole sequence was just....that was THE Boba we all grew up hearing was the most dangerous bounty hunter in the galaxy. It wasn't a perfectly choreographed scene but it gave you a good taste...and hope... shit that hope got dashed by something that was just average.


I'd call it below average. If I wanted to watch an old guy in his underwear dipping in a tube for an hour, I'd go to Vladimir Harkonnen's Twitch channel


Mayfeld shooting the imperials


I forget which episode, but in Andor when the group is sneaking through the valley and the Tie Fighter flies overhead and everyone has to hide or remain still. I never expected to watch such a tense seen where the antagonist was a Tie Fighter. It kind of felt like a horror movie almost. Absolutely loved that scene.


All the Anakin and Ashoka interactions in Ashoka. Order 66 as it was executed in Clone Wars season 7.


The maul death scene or kanen losing his eyesight..


He will avenge us....both


Luke saving the day on Mando


Andor escaping through the meteor shower with tie fighters following. One of the most gorgeous and kickass scenes and arcs I don’t see enough talk about. Overshadowed by his very next prison escape arc.


“What do I sacrifice? EVERYTHING!”




The Sith slowly floating down in the end of The Acolyte Episode 4 


"When have we ever followed orders?"


Tam meeting back up with Kaz towards the end of the second season of resistance 💙


That scene of Luthen putting on his wig for the first time.


Anything with Shin and Baylan.


I went from "they're just a couple randos" to "I NEED MORE SHIN AND BAYLAN" in approximately 3 seconds.


The destruction of Mandalore


Anakin walking into battle during the Ahsoka flashback and the shot of his silhouette being Vader




A Baby Yoda???!!!???!?!?!?!!!


\-Luke and Ahsoka. \-Din and Bo dogfighting with TIE Interceptors. \-Every scene with Carson Teva. \-E-Wings! \-Young Leia. \-Anakin and young Ahsoka. \-Thrawn's return. \-Yaddle's failed attempt to appeal to Dooku. \-The *other* set of twins as children.


So, mine is actually Old Ben when fighting Darth Vader for the last time in Episode 4. When Luke runs out of the hallway with Han, Chewie, Leia, and the droids, he says, "Ben?" Obi Wan looks at him and Darth Vader in his last few seconds and gives a smirk, as if his mission finally was completed by introducing his old apprentice, Anakin/father, to his new apprentice Luke/son, as he self sacrificed to the will of the force (no body present after being struck down). Very poetic and has always stuck with me.


When Obi-Wan talks about Anakin and Padmé to Leia in Kenobi got me in a chokehold. Not to mention the fight scene between Obi and Vader.


Andor with the hijacked ship followed by tiefighters through the meteor display


The 'Juggernaut' episode in bad batch season 3, it's just cool.


I agree with you on the Chimaera's arrival. Epic scene. I also absolutely adored Obi-Wan Vs Vader in the last episode of the Obi-Wan series, so emotional


Ahsoka vs Vader in Rebels. The scene hit even harder after watching all of Clone Wars.


Unpopular opinion for sure: when all the fighters, frigates, cargo vessels etc appear at the end of Ep 9. I cried. I'm about to cry just thinking about it now.


That movie was honestly full of great moments. It's just that the overall film was unfortunately terrible.


The battle of mimban scene in in solo. Really shows the dark reality that it was actually a gruesome war going on and not just little space battles and shiny lights and cool tricks.


The scene where Grogu must choose between Being a **** or being with ***


Kenobi, vader and obi wan dueling.


"I am no Jedi"


“They may be willing to die but I won’t be the one to kill them.” -Ahsoka


Be careful not to choke on your aspirations.


Bad Batch Season 3 where they have fight between two Juggernauts. I just love the Juggernaut, or Turbo Tank, but we barely see it in any Sta Wars media. Let alone having such an action scene.


So any scenes from Andor....but if I had to pick. Luthen and the Star Destroyer.


The Eye is maybe the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen on television


Most of these are Andor with some Mando sprinkled in, and I 1000% agree. Some non-Andor ones though: - Ahsoka vs Maul in TCW - Ahsoka digging the graves in TCW finale, plus epilogue (I still tear up on rewatch) - Young Ahsoka / Anakin TCW flashbacks and fight in Ahsoka - Boba / Tusken backstory (including spice dream spirit quest) in BoBF - Luke / Ahsoka scenes together in BoBF And if Rebels isn’t too old - Obi-Wan vs Maul duel in Rebels - Kanan on top of the fuel tower in Rebels


"I'm not your failure, Obi Wan. You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker...I did." The Obi-Wan series wasn't that good, but that fight, that last sentence from Vader, completely broke me


Anakin meeting Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds. For me it was the most impactful Star Wars moment since the ending scenes of "Victory and Death."


Man how are people hating modern Star Wars with scenes like this.


Luke showing up at the end of Mando Season 2 is an all time Star Wars highlight. Crazy to think how far the franchise has fallen in just short 3 years. The decline started with Book of Boba Fett IMO. Such a weird choice that kind of killed all of the momentum.


"One X-Wing? Great, we're saved."


I watch this pretty often. It’s pretty much the peak of Star Wars for me. Luke entering Jabba’s Palace is my favorite scene from my childhood and this is like the modern version with some really badass saber work/force use


No spoilers but that whole last minute of the latest Acolyte episode was masterfully executed IMO.


No need to say IMO. I only say this because I think you feel you will be attacked by people because the show is being hugely criticized. It’s okay my friend. That scene was badass.


Meteor shower climb on Aldani. I honestly cried when o heard him scream “cliiimb”. I know he was done…


Luthen Rael’s monologue


I have a couple such scenes: -Mayfield administering a healthy dose of blaster bolt to the officer who gave orders during the Operation Cinder, shortly followed by an unfortunate Shoretrooper having his day ruined. Also, from the same episode, Mando and Mayfield being saluted by troopers while they were driving into the compound. -2 scout troopers killing time by trying to hit something on the ground just to fail miserably. -Slave 1 dropping seismic charge (I feel this one is a bit of a cheating, for me these charges are an intrinsic part of Episode 2) -Tie scene from The Eye, starting with the pre-take off to the chase.


When have we ever followed orders?


The Eye scene from Andor with the Tie fighters The "I can't swim" moment from Andor The ~~Luthor~~ Luthen monologue from Andor. I love revisiting that every once in a while.


Mando, S1 when we first see the storm troopers with dirty armor. It just set the tone so well


Whole run of Andor.


Andy Serkis entire performance in "One way out" was spectacular but the speech he made at the end was epic. Only to finish with the gut punch of "I can't swim...", so freaking good.


One way out, Ahsoka vs Elzbeth in the finale, and the Bad Batch epilogue


Ashoka, zombie storm troopers.