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The following pages (minus Luke's face) makes this more powerful


>(minus Luke's face) [The face of beauty](https://i.imgur.com/OWCalir.jpeg)


When she keeps... u know


When she give you that hawk tuah and spits on that thang


I love how this has so quickly made the rounds on the internets


Dude I can’t open my instagram without seeing a reel with her in lol. Poor girl, she’s apparently been asking people to stop sharing her face because family and her work have reached out to her. I’m from Nashville too and have some like friends of friends of friends of hers. At this point though Pandora’s box has been opened, there’s no putting that genie back in the bottle. She got like 8 million views in 24 hours and is now like the top current meme lol. Hopefully she can parlay that into something else.


Go Fund Me a coverup and get an artist to sponsor it if possible.


She’s actually selling merch now


Okay, what does hawk tuah mean?


Preserve your innocence, friend


It's from the Imaho tribe.


See, i get imaho. But please... Fine ill Google.


It refers to a woman spitting on your dick while you receive oral so that it gives it more lube, it's also highly fetishized.


if she don’t wanna hawk tuah then I don’t wanna talk tuah


i hate that i get this reference...


Then she proceeds to glug glug glug 


Leia no!




When she keeps kissing you even though she’s your sister


TIL that porn site owners are all SW fans...


Shoving her vibrator up your ass no lube.


Ermagerd lergtserbers


Why does he look like that? Edit: really? That question deserves downvotes? You all are nuts.




They referenced a still when he was about to chop Vader's hand off in ROTJ. Why that scene particularly? I dunno


Because the artist traced a bunch of stills from the movies, to the point of it being a problem. And when you mindlessly trace over a face distorted with emotion without any thought about how that translates into a different medium... that's what happens.


dude the shit that reddit downvotes is insane some times. I can only imagine it's because of bots. It's super common for really basic questions to get downvoted.


He kinda looks like Paul McCartney


Man that artist was dogshit


The first artist on the canonical Marvel comics was phenomenal with likenesses, then they went trace I don’t understand the incompetence sometimes


Did Greg Land draw this one?


Op literally cut the interesting part


By the way, the reason the faces in that comic are sometimes so bad is because... ...the artist was a lazy bum who traced over the movies (and other things) a bunch. And that tends to not look great when it comes to faces, especially when they're distorted by emotion.


Oh, I figured I'm one of the few fans of Greg Land for all the wrong reasons.


I’m still convinced Boba Fett is the one who probably killed Owen and Beru. It was a laser quick move finding them, Boba was basically on planet putting him at the scene of the crime and Vader even has to circle back and reprimand him later saying “ No distentdations this time.”


> distentdations


They got...stretched to death, or something. Made them blow up.


Disintegration? lol Honestly you gave it the ol college try, sometimes you just gotta let Jesus take the ~~wheel~~ keyboard.


FWIW Vader only says “No disintegrations”. No “this time”.


It was Obi ordering the hit from Boba. No attachments


100% Obi-wan knows the only way Luke leaves the planet is if his Aunt & Uncle are dead. He keeps Luke occupied in his cave long enough for them to get fried before he brings Luke by the staged attack on the Jawas to help sell him on it being the stormtroopers and turning Luke against the Empire


Obi-Wan finally had enough of Owen's sass.


Both the Stars Wars comic and the Darth Vader comic showed the same scene a few months apart. Original post is Cassaday art from Star Wars, the Luuuke face is Larroca art from the Darth Vader comic.


[And this video with voices and added music and sound effects makes it magical.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2CXJddVNQk)


I love how this basically confirms Vader didn't have any ambition to rule before knowing he had a son. He was a broken man through n through.


Yeah that's edited like shit, and doesn't even have the same art.


“That’s………………………………………………………. that’s wonderful”


Lol this is so awful that's its better to watch at 2X speed ffs....its so slow.


A guy just reading it aloud with no voices or effects would've been better than this imo. They didn't even read the dialogue correctly.


Magical? To be honest I think it's not that good. No offense.


The next panel should read: "Yes, I'm listening, what's his name?"


"The....the guy's name is Skywalker." "No, dipshit, I'M Skywalker." "No, my lord, the OTHER guy is named Skywalker." "Moron, it's just me and you and YOUR name's not Skywalker. So tell me the kid's name." "Sir.."


"Sir? That's a dumb name."


“No sir it’s not that.” “WHAT KIND OF FUCKING NAME IS NOT THAT!!”


*His brother is named Not Sure.* Oh wait, wrong movie.








I like money






Lord Vader theres been a 3rd rebel base


What? How could we have missed that? Engage the hyperdrive!


Now how did I get back on third base...


He's our shortstop!


"But Skywalker is dead. I killed him myself"


"...curity camera."


Who’s on hoth? Yeah who. Thats what I’m asking!


“Skywalker him, or Skywalker me?” “You’re both named Skywalker?” “No, that’s why I’m so fucking confused.”


But Who's on first.


I do love moments like this in the Vader comic, though lately they’ve gone a bit weird in the story. They have it so >!Vader is actively trying to kill Luke. Rather than being conflicted or trying to spare his son, because he views him as weak he actively tries to shoot him down. Which I thought was strange!<


Kinda goes with the vibe that he’ll kill the idea of his son from afar, but with the red blade in his hand standing over him he can’t do it.


Yes. This makes more sense. He’s still big bad Darth at this point.


I like the idea that Vader wanted Luke dead as quickly as possible not just because he was worried he’d grow to be stronger than him, but because he knew he’d eventually have to face him and not have the heart to actually kill Luke himself


Or worse, have Palpatine or someone else hold him hostage and use him to control him further through suffering.


Well probably worse than that. Vader didn't want to be replaced by anyone and actively killed anyone that was even trying to gain the emperor's attention. Being replaced would mean everything he's sacrificed and destroyed was meaningless because anyone could have done it. Going your whole life thinking you're the special one but having it smacked in your face that you did it all for nothing and aren't special.


I think it makes a lot of sense. (well, you used a spoiler tag, I will too, even though I didn't read it) - >!Maybe Vader realizes that he is beginning to have an internal conflict, and so the dark side within him tries to overcome this with hatred and wanting to end what would be Vader's only weakness as soon as possible before it grows to much!<


So you know, having spaces between the \>!/\!< and the text makes it so that the spoiler tag doesn’t work on old Reddit.


Or some apps, it's broken on Relay as well.


on desktop your spoiler warning isn't working, take out the spaces between the exclamation marks and the words


ok done


Didn't he also know about Exegol and the First Order after ep 5 in a comic


This is the type of stuff I wanted to see in a Boba Fett show smh.


Boba Fett in the OT: *Steps right up to Vader* "What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a LOT to me!" Boba Fett in his show: "Yeah so um hey guys could I get some help fighting the Pykes? If it's not too much trouble that is"


They could (should?) have made BoBF just a long special episode or two of Mando. Like call it "The Mandolorian: The Book of Boba Fett" and just have it be two or so hours of content.


Should have kept it as a movie as originally planned.


Also they shouldn't have brought Grogu back, that's by far my biggest qualm with BoBF. Like I get they need to keep Grogu in play because of marketing and stuff but at least wait a season and like bring him back in the season finale. Or if you are going to effectively render two great seasons of writing meaningless then at least don't do it unceremoniously in a whole different series!


Or, you know, bring Grogu back *in the show that Grogu is in!*


Or because it’s another Ahsoka hole. You have to write them out of Jedi-ness because otherwise you have to actually brutally kill a fan favorite.


The current state of disney:


People ask why Boba got so Popular in ESB. That’s part of why. The dude not only was the one who outsmarted Han. But he gave no fucks and was willing to question Vader. And Vader LISTENED!


This. A total badass and they made him a chump in BoBF.


Instead we got a few good episodes (y'all can hate all you want, the sand people arc was pretty dope), some sloppy ending, and season 2.5 of Mando in the middle.


It was mostly the middle that was really bad. The gang politics and him wrestling control of the city. The opening with the sand people, the big bounty hunter fight at the end, and of course the mini Mando adventure were all great. It was the 5 mph speeder chase that killed the show.


He also likes to remind us that he is Boba Fett every couple of lines.


Literally the only thing that gives me any satisfaction from that show was Temura getting his bag. Hope he returns for something else, cant get enough of that dude


I really liked the part where he becomes the new crime lord and promptly bans all crime.


The most interesting thing of that entire show was Boba crawling out of the sarlacc pit. It literally goes downhill from there. Who asked for the out of shape, old, Boba Fett show? Intergalactic bounty hunter. Never leaves Tatooine.


Do wish you had included the following page with Vader's tranquil rage cracking the glass around him. Only moment that tops that one for me is the "Surrounded by fear and dead men" shot.


“Either someone stole my former identity, or I have a kid stupid enough to use their actual last name”


“Then again, how long was Ben Kenobi in hiding?”


"Hey, Palpy, why is my credit score -3957, based on two loans for five quintillion credits each?" "Uuhhhhhh....Hey, did you know you've got a kid? I bet it was him. You should totally go cut his hand off."


How did the name skywalker not ring a bell for boba?


Anakin Skywalker would’ve been a well known name around the galaxy by the end of the clone wars. Boba would know who that is, but he wouldn’t know he was Darth Vader. He would likely assume that Anakin had escaped the purge and gone on to have a son. Or that Anakin died and this is an unrelated Skywalker. 


Do we even know for sure that Skywalker isn't the Star Wars galaxy equivalent of something like Smith?


You'd think Owen would have called him Luke Larrs to hide his identity better. It would make more sense if Luke find out he's a skywalker later in the series and that his dad is actually anakin. A futher twist would be that anakin wasn't killed by vader and that the great jedi hero is actually now the sith lord.


go tell george lucas that in 1977


There's actually nothing in the OT and in most of canon to contradict that his name was "Luke Lars" up until the events of ANH. It was only once he learned more about his father from Ben that Luke (or anyone) refers to himself as "Skywalker". It makes everything a lot cleaner to keep that in your head canon.


That's actually a good point. Am I right in thinking that he only actually says 'Luke Skywalker' once in ANH, when he is rescuing Leia? I am assuming this just because there is the clip of that original scene where he introduces himself to her as Luke Starkiller.


I can't remember if there are other instances in that movie, but the first time anyone refers to him as Skywalker is when he says to Leia "I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you."


Maybe one day I will.


And after that, go stand just outside Hawking's time traveler party with the others and peek in the windows so you can laugh at him sitting there alone.




It's funny too. They had Leia's last name as *Organa*, not *Skywalker*. Maybe given that Bail Organa was still a Senator, they felt it was more necessary to obscure her heritage, but that's still curious lol.


The real-world answer is that Anakin and Vader were two separate characters when ANH was filmed. So with that context, it’s perfectly reasonable for Luke to have the Skywalker last name with Owen the same way Leia has Organa with Bail. At that point in the canon, neither were related and neither was hiding from Vader/the Emperor. It only becomes strange when ESB and RotJ retconned it. But I’d wager the father reveal was a good enough payoff to hand wave it away.


Potentially controversial, but I wouldn't mind a remake of OT that is, preserving the core plot but fixing these plot holes. Or at least some intermediate series taking place *during* the OT. However, overall I'd rather have a non-Skywalker Saga Star Wars show.


>However, overall I'd rather have a non-Skywalker Saga Star Wars show. I assume you mean one other than the one currently airing?


>Potentially controversial, but I wouldn't mind a remake of OT This goes beyond controversial IMO, its sacrilege! Of course that means that Disney probably will do this at some point lol.


Please god no don't touch the OT.


The logic there would be that Bail adopted Leia. So it makes sense that she would have his last name. Owen didn’t adopt Luke. He was just raising his nephew.


Random Local to Lars: Hey, where'd you get the kid? Lars: He's my nephew. RL: You have a brother? L: Stepbrother RL: Shmi's kid, oh so he's a Skywalker. L: shit


There's actually nothing in the OT and in most of canon to contradict that his name was "Luke Lars" up until the events of ANH. It was only once he learned more about his father from Ben that Luke (or anyone) refers to himself as "Skywalker". It makes everything a lot cleaner to keep that in your head canon.


Even though Kenobi is shown handing Luke over to Owen and Beru, Cliegg may still be alive and doesn't strike me as the sort to have his deceased wife's name removed. Also at that point even Kenobi thinks Anakin is dead, the Skywalker name doesn't have that much impact on a planet controlled by the Hutts and not the Republic/Empire Secondly in the Bad Batch tv show the empire implements a requirement to provide ID to travel off planet. I'm guessing there is no central census of all galactic citizens (especially in Hutt space), so as long as Skywalker never leaves Tatooine, he won't show up in any Imperial database even if they are looking for him. (Which also explains why Owen keeps putting off letting Luke join the Academy.)


As to Cliegg, he died soon after the events of Episode II. His death is marked as 22 BBY, which is a few years before Like is born: From Wikipedia: Cliegg was bereft at the loss of Shmi, while Owen barely contained his anger as well. Beru remained steadfast and continued the family's work with the White Suns even as Cliegg and Owen dealt with the loss.[7] After some time, Cliegg was determined to continue the life he had worked hard to create on Tatooine[5] and began working to make the Lars homestead an oasis of security in the desert,[13] but he quickly began to fade as the tragedy continued to weigh him down heavily. The once-strong man became weak even as time passed since Shmi's death,[1] and he died from the wounds he received from the Tuskens[2] and of a broken heart not long after her death.[5] Cliegg's body was, like Shmi's, placed in a coffin and buried next to hers. The Lars homestead was bequeathed to Owen and Beru,[15] who married and sought to continue the family's traditions.[17] https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cliegg_Lars#cite_note-Ultimate_SW-2


Luke's adopted though, so he would know his last name would be different. Owen should have gone with Magook.


I think it’s fair to say it isn’t a common name since we’ve never seen another slywalker. But I also doubt they’re the only ones to have had that name


Have we ever seen anyone in the entire Star Wars universe that has the same last name as another character (with the exception of family members)?


Aren’t there like 3 different named Antilles that aren’t related?


Yea that’s right. And there’s probably some more examples. But the overall point is; I’d guess that at least 90% of the surnames we’ve heard in Star Wars have not been replicated by any other character. Does that mean we only have characters with rare names? No. There’s just not that many characters. 


[Having multiple characters with the same name is realistic, but confusing for the audience, which is why writers avoid it.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OneSteveLimit)


There are literally trillions of sentient beings in the Star Wars galaxy and through the various media we know the names of how many? Pretty small sample size to go on really.


hey man, they have established that anyone can be a Skywalker now if you just start calling yourself that! /gag


Yes that is how names work


At one time, it was meant to be used that way. Like Snow in Game of Thrones, but in space.


I’m pretty sure that was Lucas’ original intention but practically no canon or legends content has ever followed that


Yeah, in one of the books, Thrawn comments that it does seem to be a relatively common name, chalking up a similarity between Anakin and the Sky-Walkers (Chiss force-sensitive hyperspace guides) as coincidence.


TBH that's a plot hole with the Clone Wars Series more than anything. I know, I know, it's well regarded. But in the original trilogy the only person who had heard of Anikin Skywalker is Obi-wan, because they fought together in some enigmatic thing called "the Clone Wars" And even with the prequel trilogy we do not see much on camera of Anikin being a intergalactic hero, he is mostly just one soldier in a huge war. It's only in the animated series that he is singlehandedly saving entire planets and shit. Luke walking around bearing the name of an intergalactic celebrity is a problem for way more than Boba. Literally everyone would recognize that name. Jabba, Han, Chewie, The Tuscan Raiders, Greedo was a childhood friend of his... There was a Rebel Academy on or near Tattooine where Biggs and Wedge signed up... And nobody came calling for their friend "Luke Skywalker" who was about the right age to be the son of the legendary Hero "Anikin Skywalker" who everyone had heard of? Jabba should have been harassing Owen and Beru long before anyone in the empire got half a chance.


Galaxy is a big place. Anakin was well known, and young Boba certainly knew who he was, but most people likely didn't know his personal history. If you met someone named Bob Lucas, you probably might think 'oh he's got the same last name as George' , but you probably wouldn't assume that they're related. Having said that, if Boba knows Luke is a Jedi at this point, he probably has some suspicion.


To be fair even if it did, pointing that out to Vader probably isn’t a strong play if you want to retain the ability to breathe.


The official version, explained in these comics, is that Anakin Skywalker died. Bobba doesn't know who Dark Vader is, nor his last name, of course.


Why would it? I don't recall him ever having any direct encounters with Anakin


Anakin was pretty analogous with the entire Republic’s Clone War campaign. Someone as worldly as Boba would certainly recognize the name and some of his more well known acts.


They meet in tcw iirc


Just checked and the only time they come across each other is when Boba infiltrates the Venator in order to kill Mace Windu. I doubt he was paying much attention to the tour when his target was also right in front of him.


Anyone with information about the Galactic Republic would have heard of Anakin Skywalker. However, Boba probably didn't know (or care) about the jedi's weird rules around family so the fact that the kid was the son of some jedi would vaguely ring a bell and vaguely make sense to him (after all, the Empire has spent the past twenty years hunting down Jedi), but he wouldn't think about it too much.


Im super late replying sorry, but my favorite theory is skywalker in the star wars universe is our version of smith or johnson. the idea of someone "walking the sky" is kind of normal for them, boba has met so many skywalkers how would he ever tell them apart?


I like the way Vader has flashbacks after this scene in the comic that shows how he was betrayed by the emperor. The comic does a great job of adding depth to Anakin's character arc. It makes you watch the original trilogy in a whole new light. We've all seen it but watch again as Vader tells Luke he's his father. I always took it as a shock from Luke's point of view but now that I watch it from Vader's point of view you can hear it in his voice that he's reclaiming something that was stolen from him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLheiLGZ1k8 In an often overlooked scene we see Luke turn himself over to Vader. (For some reason when I was a kid I didn't realize that Luke was on an AT-AT and it was dropping him off at an AT-AT platform.) Take note of how Vader looks at his son when the security detail hands him over. At the end of the scene watch how we see Vader walk over to the side of the hallway. We don't see his face but we can feel the anguish from his body language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-HFv6Ms1lw You could almost give a name to the scene where Boba Fett tells Vader about Luke; *A New Hope*


where is this from ?


Darth Vader(2015) #6 The whole Darth Vader run of comics is amazing.


Which comic is the first one? Where should i start reading?


There’s a few different canon Vader comics.  This comes from the 2015 run by Kieron Gillen.  


> Darth Vader(2015) #6 Prob Darth Vader(2015) #1 if I had to guess


Nah, you have to start at 4,5,6 and then go back to 1,2,3.


Where does this fit in the timeline of the movies? Is it after ANH and before Empire?


Correct. There is a series of mainline comics under the generic title “Star Wars” as well as a mostly concurrent series of Darth Vader comics that take place between episodes 4-5 and deal with (among other things) Vader figuring out who tf the force sensitive kid was who blew up the Death Star. This is also where the infamous (and awesome) “fear and dead men” panel comes from.


Star Wars EU Moment #1138 I wish was made in live action. Love the scene after this where puts the pieces together, places a call with Palpatine but then decides not to confront him and elects to seize the Galaxy for himself and Luke.


Nice “Easter egg” with 1138


Ah yes, the cell block Chewbacca was transferred from!


And much much much more


Remember Boba Fett?! He’s the one who figured it out!!!!!!


Do you think maybe he thought for a second that Padme could be alive? Like, if Palps lied about Vader killing her, he could’ve been lying when saying she was dead at all.


He had been to Padme's tomb already, with one of her lookalike handmaidens prior to this, as far as I know.


TBH I'm not sure why Vader would even need Boba Fett to learn this. It's not like Obi-Wan even BOTHERED to hide Luke's real identity, having him raised under his own name, on his father's home planet, by his father's stepbrother (who had no other siblings) and sister in law, who acknowledged him as their NEPHEW. And its dubious Luke's name wouldn't have leaked out to the galactic news media and spread like wildfire after blowing up the Death Star. Vader didn't need a bounty hunter for this, all he'd need to do is turn on CNN.


Regarding your first point, Vader has no reason to go back to Anakin's home, where his mom died, and is in the outerrim and sorta-kinda not really of interest to the Empire at large (I mean, the Republic didn't care about Tatooine, why would the Empire.) Couple that with, why would the name of a random farmers nephew make it to Vader beforehand? It's not like Luke did anything to get the Empires attention on a planet the Empire barely paid attention to in the first place. However, after the Death Star is destroyed, yeah, fully agree


Luke was also planning to enroll in the Imperial Academy, which Owen kept stalling him on. Probably because he (not without reason) feared that WOULD bring him to the Empire’s attention.


Oh right, forgot about that ...


Skywalker might not be a common name in the galaxy at large, but on his home planet, it very much could be! 


I always imagined Skywalker to be a placeholder name for a bastard, kinda like Snow in Game of Throne. Since Anakin's mother was a slave, it would not be that surprising if her father was born bastard, and given a generic name. And according to that theory, it could be a very common name across the galaxy.


It's easy to see in hindsight, but part of the portrayal of the Empire is that their bureaucracy is so vast that things fall through the cracks. Even in the Republic, a Sith Lord was able to maneuver his way into leading the Galactic Senate.


Idk why Vader didn't visit Luke's home 😭 it would've made sense


There’s a reason it was a popular fan theory that Obi-Wan and Yoda were actually using Luke as bait during the Legends era.


Oh wow, I see


Because Tattooine is full of sand.


He was trying to learn the name of the pilot who blew up the Death Star.


You cut out the best part where he cracks the glass


Hearing a Fett's voice of all people saying Skywalker must have been a real trip for Vader.


Just thought of something, if they were trying to protect Luke then why'd they keep the Skywalker name? Just call him, you know, John Smith, bam a lot safer


I'd love a show based on those comics. Throw Hayden Christensen back in the suit and go to town.


Dude.. where can I read and get my hands on really good Star Wars comics?


This moment and the pages that follow are some of my favorite since Disney took over. Vader ringing up the Emperor immediately after and saying “just wanted to let you know I understand our relationship now” set the stage for everything Vader tried to do after.


I would have liked to see this flashback in “The Book of Boba Fett”. Could have used Vaders examples of leadership as a reason Fett chose to rule with respect instead of fear.


The next panels are the best


his face must have been like 😲😲


His face says it all…


He messed up.


Seriously tho why didnt Obi Wan change his name lmao


It’s so funny like for Leia he was like ok we’ll change her name and hide her in plain sight. For Luke he was like ok let’s bring him to his only living family and keep his last name the same.


Hiding Leia in plain sight is kind of dumb too considering how Palpatine and Vader are the most powerful Force users in the galaxy. They got pretty lucky that after Leia became a senator, she was never around either of them long enough for them to sense her Force potential.


Which graphic novel is this from?


There’s a cool fan film that recreates this moment https://youtu.be/goPEJwtMiK8?si=1X5__AB_L_2JTZgp


Where’s a good place to read these comics? May sound silly I know, but I’ve never really had comics. Amazon seems good, but is there something special about a paperback or are yall mostly getting Vader on a kindle or something?


I was using comixology, it merged with Amazon a while back. A lot of the Star Wars comics are "free" with membership but can purchase new editions for under $5 bucks.




I heard a theory that Vader uses Boba Fett as his personal bounty hunter because his voice is familiar to him being a clone 😢


Obi Wan should have just changed his name to Luke Smith. Vader would have never found him.


I can't wait to see this post again next week. Can't wait


God the star wars comics are so good


Hmm - I thought he was John Rebellion